Script RTCM Day3

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A very good evening to everyone. I’m Jayani, signing in as your moderator for today’s session.

The IEEE Student branch of Sri Lanka Technological Campus presents Road to Codemania ’22
consecutively for the 2nd time. Road to Codemania is a project that includes four informative
webinars on procedural C programming.
Today we have Dr. Dhammika Elkaduwe as our keynote speaker, senior lecturer at the Department
of Computer Engineering at University of Peradeniya.

So today he’ll be providing us with an informative session on Trees and Graphs.

Before handing over this platform to our keynote speaker, I have some special announcements
about future sessions to make.

The Final day which is Day 04 happening on 08th October will be conducted by Mr. Yohan Pandigama
on Algorithm Design Techniques.

And at the end of the workshop series on the 4 day, we will be conducting a Quiz based on a real-

life scenario using the HackerRank platform and the approved answers with the given workshop
knowledge will be awarded an e- certificate.

Thank you, sir, for your patience, so now I Kindly invite Dr. Dhammika Elkaduwe to conduct the
session on Trees and Graphs. Over to you sir.

Q & A Session Announcement:

I think our participants might have grabbed a whole new knowledge regarding today’s topic. So now
let’s move on to the Q & A session. As for the first question, we have (QUESTION)…..

Um sure that was a great session for all of us, Thankyou Dr. Dhammika Elkaduwe. The session on
Trees and Graphs has been delivered in the most productive way by our speaker as I see.
And I hope all the participants have gained some valuable knowledge on today’s content.

When presenting the TOKEN OF APPRECIATION:

This day would not be very productive without you sir. So, this is the time to pay gratitude.
So please accept this token of appreciation……………… Thank you sir!
So once again I thank you, Dr. Dhammika Elkaduwe for this productive session and for
spending this valuable time here with us today.
Finally, Our next session will be on the 8th of Oct on - Algorithm Design Techniques By Mr.
Yohan Pandigama. Hope to see you all there. Till then Goodnight and have a great day.

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