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1. Any such ordered arrangement of a set of numbers is called ________.

2. Each of the number of a sequence is called a ________ term of the sequence.
3. First term is symbolized by ________.
4. This sequence of values follows a pattern of adding a fixed amount from one term to the next
5. The fixed amount in arithmetic sequence is called the _______.
6. To find the common difference, subtract the ________ from the _______.
7. The formula to find the nth term.
8. The n of the nth term of an arithmetic sequence given by a n = a1 + (n-1) d is a ________ integer.
9. Enumerate the steps in finding the ratio, first term, and nth term of an arithmetic sequence.
10. This sequence of values follows a pattern of multiplying a fixed amount from one term to the
next term.
11. The fixed amount in geometric sequence is called _______.
12. The nth term is defined as ________.
13. The previous term is defined as ______.
14. The common ratio can be found by ______ any term by its previous term.
15. What is the formula in finding the common ratio, r?
16. Who developed Fibonacci sequence?
17. How to get the next number in Fibonacci sequence?
18. The Fibonacci sequence is formed by starting with _____.
19. Give five examples where Fibonacci sequence can be found in nature.
20. Give three examples where Fibonacci sequence can be found in nature: spirals.
21. Give one example of golden ratio, golden rectangle, and golden spiral, respectively.
22. The ratio of 2 successive Fibonacci numbers approach the number _____ called the _________.
23. Numerically, the golden ratio is ____ and is noted by the ratio of _______, is approximately
equal to ________.
24. If the 2 consecutive numbers in Fibonacci sequence are a and b, then the golden ratio is
approximated by: _________.


1. It refers to the ability to analyze information, detect patterns and relationships, and solve
problems on a complex, intangible level.
2. What are the factors to quickly identify patterns in abstract reasoning tests?


1. It is created when a shape or a combination of shapes are repeated over wnd over again
covering a plane without any haps pr overlaps using transformations.
2. It is also called tiling.
3. _______ were first used by the ______ at about 4000 BC to build wall decorations in pattern of
clay tiles.
4. One of the famous tessellation of Islamic architecture.
5. In 1519, who was the first person the complete a study of tessellations after exploring the
hexagonal structures of honeycombs and snowflakes?
6. He is a Russian crystallographer who began the study of tessellations in mathematics.
7. Give five examples of tessellations in nature and manmade tessellations.
8. Enumerate the five stages on the degree of regularity of the shaped used in making a
9. It is a tessellation made of congruent regular polygons or polygons whose sides are all the same
10. It means that the polygons are all the same size and shape.
11. What regular polygons tessellate in the Euclidean plane?
12. What are the properties of semi regular tessellation?
13. Examples of any triangle and any quadrilateral that can be used as a repeating unit with which
to tessellate.
14. One method of tessellations is by _______ the ______ of any side lf the starting shape making
some curved lines.
15. What is the another method of tessellation?
16. He is a world famous graphic artist who can be attributed to the idea of transformation of
shapes to create new, irregular, tessellating shapes.
17. It is a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is
approximately a reduced size of the whole.
18. Fractals are composed of smaller copies of themselves. This characteristic is often referred to as
__________ or __________.
19. T/F. All self-similarity is of a fractal nature.
20. Objects like spirals and nested dolls that are self-similar around a single point are fractals.
21. Natural objects exhibit scaling ________ symmetry but only over a limited range of scales.
22. What are the fractals from mathematical constructions?

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