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1. introduction
Plate tectonics is the central unifying theory for
geology and geophysics and its original definition
has recently been modified to emphasize more
about the theory of global tectonics are
powered by subduction in which the lithosphere is
divided into a mosaic of plates, which move on and
sink into weaker ductile asthenosphere.
1. introduction
It is also introduced the three localized plate
boundaries that forms the global interconnected
networks which explains;
First, the new oceanic plate material that is
created by seafloor spreading at mid-ocean
ridges. Second, the old oceanic lithosphere sinking
at subduction zones. And lastly, the two plates
slide past each other along transform faults.
1. introduction
It is also stated in the article that the present
episodes of plate tectonics shows about the
motion of lithosphere fragments in plate
tectonics is mainly independent of one another,
with new lithosphere forming at mid-ocean ridges
and being consumed in subduction zones.

Therefore, plate movements are primarily driven

by the negative buoyancy of old, dense oceanic
lithosphere, which sinks in subduction zones.
1. introduction
To clearly understand how plate tectonics became
the defining convective style of our planet: the
evolution of plate tectonics, the paper critically
investigates the three related topics;
(i) What was Earth’s tectonic style before the
modern episode of plate tectonics began?
(ii) How did plate tectonics begin?
(iii) When did the modern episode of plate tectonics

1. introduction
These three closely connected topics are
discussed and evaluated in Stern, R.J.'s paper
titled "The Evolution of Plate Tectonics." The
author's analysis of the physical constraints and
the geological evidence that Plate Tectonics,
which began in the Neoproterozoic era, has only
been in operation for about a quarter of Earth's
history, this paper's conclusions, despite having a
fairly robust structure, seem to be very likely to
be open to engage in a discussion.
2. What was Earth’s tectonic
style before plate tectonics?

The research focused on silicate bodies to

compare them to the Earth by
recognizing the tectonically active ones.
based on the study,
We must consider how the lithosphere and Lithosphe
re =
asthenosphere interact. e geothe
Chemical rmal gra
L ith o sp here: Lithosphe dient
The eart
h's prior to undergoing these treatments. composit re =
thermal ional and
reflect p isotopic,
chemical chanical) rolonged
a l (m e isolation
rheologic well-mixe
d asthen from
Rheologic osphere
al (mecha
Lithosphe nical)
re = stre
defining c ngth as i
haracter ts
di d pl at e
3. How
ic s b eg in ?
tecto n

e s e s re g a r d in g
e s s e s a n d hy p oth
r e n u m e r o u s pr o c a n t h in k o f it
The r e a g u n , b u t yo u c
m ay h a v e b e
p la t e t e c t o n ics
o u g h s u b d u c t ion
how a lly s p li t t in g (thr
t h o s p h e r e g r adu t o n ic p la t es
as t h e li n u m b e r of t e c
t in gag r o w in g an
s ) a n d g e n e r a r r e n t ly w o r k c
zone t e t e c t o n ic s cu
e . K n o w in g h o w pla a n ic p la t e s
ove r t im s in k in g of o c e
s tart e d . T h e
e x p la in h o w it is t h e p r im a r y
he lp d u c t io n z ones
o s p h e r e) in s ub e has
(o c e a n ic li t h anic li t ho sp he r
o w a d a y s . O c e
f p la t e m o t io ns n
c a us e o e d s in c e t h e n.
ch a n g
t e

ow di d pl a
3. H

Impacts of large bolides could

nic s b eg in rupture the lithosphere sufficiently

to start a new subduction zone.

Lithosphere could’ve been sufficiently

damaged by a variety of non-plate
tectonic processes such as mantle flow,
g a n d d e n se r
r e u s u a ll y s tron transient subduction and dripping.
c e a n i c p l a t e sa a r e s o m e
h e o , th e r e
A l t h o ug h t e y w er e i n t h e p a s t
Mantle plums that could’ve ruptured
1 % ) t h a n t h d u c t i o n z o n e the lithosphere to cause lithospheric
(b y a r o un d t a llo w n e w sub
o f w e a k n e s s tha o n e s are collapse to create the first subduction
l z o n e s c t u r e z
r e gi o n a f or m f a u lt s a n d fra zone
i s e .T h e s e t r a n s
; it is m o s t likely
to a r p l a t e t e c t o nics
e s p r o d u c e d by d i d n o t e xis t
we a k z o n o s ph e r i c w e a k n e sses
e x t e n d e d l i t h o r e , o t h e r
tha t the s e o n ic s . T her e f
o f p l a te t e c t ion
t h e o n s e t t h e f o r m a t
pr i o r to i sted a n d a s s i st e d in
a y h a v e e x
m e ch a n i s m s m r l i e s t p lat e t e c t o n i cs .
of t h e e a
4. When di
d plate
In order to add
ress this quest
several things. ion, we must ke
(a) The possibil ep in mind
episodes of sta ity that multip
gnant lid and pla le
transpired in E te tectonics m
arth history. ( ay have
balance needed b) When did the
to sustain plat force
(c) Does contin e tectonics firs
ental crust for t exist?
tectonics? (d) mation require
What is the geo plate
do we interpre logical evidence
t it? (e) Other and how
a N e o pr o te r o z phenomena exp
oic start of pla lained by
consider these te tectonics. W
five topics sepa e
rately below.
(a) The possibilities of
multiple tectonic episodes

People assume that before, there was a non-plate tectonic mode

and then suddenly an event occurred and it had ‘switched’ or
changed the mode into the plate tectonics that we have today.
Assuming that the pre-plate tectonics mode had only one
behavioural system doesn’t fit with what we know about the
properties of other bodies in our Solar system. The study provides
evidence from other studies that proves a significant transition
from one single lid behaviour to another and not the beginning of
plate tectonics.

(a) The possibilities of

multiple tectonic episodes

According to the study, there is more evidence of multiple

tectonic episodes in the earth. Old earth previously experienced a
magma ocean stage which possibly evolved into a heat-pipe regime
which has been witnessed previously on one of Jupiter’s moons:
the Io. Heat-pipe or other post-magma ocean stages may have
evolved into a single lid tectonic style. Geoscientists recognize
that the “boring billion” (1.8-1.0 billion years ago) may be another
single lid episode. The characteristics that are present in the
boring billion can be expected from a sluggish single lid episode.
(b)When did the force balance
needed to sustain plate tectonics
first exist?

Plate tectonics could not have begun on Earth until

three conditions were satisfied. It is unlikely that the
oceanic lithosphere has always been as dense and as
strong as it is today. In the past, it is likely to have
been weaker and more buoyant in the past when the
mantle was hotter. Plate tectonics could not have
occurred in the Archaean because of the strength and
density of the oceanic lithosphere of those times.
(b)When did the force balance
needed to sustain plate tectonics
first exist?

This does not mean subduction did not happen, only that
weak, unstable subduction zones were unlikely to persist
long enough to 'infect' the rest of the lithosphere. The
dominant Archaean tectonic regime was a vigorous single lid
style called 'sagduction' in response to density inversions
and thermal weakening due to the emplacement of thick
continental flood basalts onto thin, hot proto continental
crust. conducted two dimensional petrological–
thermomechanical tectonomagmatic numerical experiments.
(c) What is the
geological evidence and
how do we interpret it?

Because plate tectonics produces continental crust today (primarily

above subduction zones at convergent plate boundaries), some
geoscientists believe that the existence of continental crust at any
time suggests that plate tectonic processes must have been active
throughout the formation of such crust. The paper states that it is a
logical fallacy because if it were true, plate tectonics would have
started at least that long ago based on the fact that there is
continental crust older than 3.8 Ga. Since the majority of
geoscientists concur that plate tectonics started considerably after
3.8 Ga, it is suggested to carefully examine the implied connection
between the development of the continental crust and plate tectonics.
(c) What is the
geological evidence and
how do we interpret it?

proof that the formation
There is no factual or scientific
of the continental crust requires plate tectonics. Basalt is
formed when hydrous magmatic circumstances, such as
hydrous mantle melting and/or remelting of hydrous mafic
crust, combine to produce thickened crust with a higher
felsic composition than what is expected for mantle melts.
(d) What is the geological
evidence and how do we
w he n
interpret it?
s h o w s
g i c a l r e c or d
t h e g e ol o
i c s b e g i n s,
s e c t io n , e t e c t on
In t h i s of p l a t or e
u r r e n c e t a r e m
p r e s e n t occ e v i d e n c e tha
the t y p e s of a t u r e s su c h
a r e som e - s c a le f e
th e r e r s . L a r g e r o cks
han o t h e amo r p h i c
u a s i v e t u r e m e t
pers d h i g h - p re ss v i d e n c e s uch Preservation bias can be
o p h i o l i t es an s m a l l - s c a le e us
as e d o v e r n d i g n e o overcome by assessing various
b e p r i o r it iz s e d i m e n t s a
shoul d a t i o s in t r a ted sources of evidence that are
l e m en t r r e co n c e n
r a c e e l o g i e s a
as t g n o s t i c lit h o o d s . F i g u re 4 affected differently by erosion.
k s . T h e s e d ia o u n g e r peri
roc z o i c a n d y l i t h o l o g i es Ophiolites are especially sensitive
e N e o p r otero t r i b u t i o n of Palaeom
in t h n o l o g i c a l d is d u r i n g t he to erosion since they are found as agnetic
t h e chro r o c e s se s potenti evidence
dep i c t s
e c t oni c p the topmost units of nappe stacks al to
y pl a t e t alt be a has the
cr e a t e d b in orogenic belts. Erosion exposes hough i crucial
io d .
t gets constra
z o i c p e r metamorphic rocks such as Critical less re int,
C eno apprais liable w
blueschists and UHP terranes, which for t al of t ith age
The absence of ophiolites, he purp his line .
are difficult to obliterate. oses of of eviden
blueschist, and UHP terranes over is rob unde rs ce

ust wil t anding w
around 800 Ma shows that this was synth l neces hen it
a single lid interval. It is becoming
eses by sitate
investig experts devoted
increasingly clear that the Earth ation is in the
cratons based o field. T
underwent massive tectonic shifts n w h he
moved ether o
throughout the Neoproterozoic (=plate relative r not
tectoni to eac
period. did not c episod h othe
(single li es) and r
d). when th
e x pla ine d
h e no m en a
e. Othe r p rt of
Three additional Earth history

ro zo ic st a
mysteries are explained by
Ne o pr ot
by a
recognizing that the modern

te ct on ics
episode of plate tectonics began in
pla Neoproterozoic (an era of geologic
time from 1 billion to 538.8 million
years ago): the kimberlite record,
Neoproterozoic snowball Earth,
r o c k a n d a r a r e and the acceleration of biological
it e is a n ig n eo u s
e c o r d s - K im b e rl e m ain evolution.
1. Kim b er lit e R kn o w n t o b e t h
m o s t c o m m o n ly

p e rid o t it e. It is ki mb e rlit e s
varian t o f l. a rg u ed t ha t
o n d s. S t e r n e t a
a t r ix f o r dia m zo ic o nw a rd s
host m n t f r o m N e o p r o t e r o
e as in g ly a bu n da o lu m e s of
becam e i n c r e a s in g ly la r g e v
n t o d e liv e r in c r
s u b du c t io n b e g a e n .
beca u se o t h e m a n t l e t h
O 2 de e p in t
water and C

e. Other phenomena explained by

a Neoproterozoic start of plate

2. Neoproterozoic snowball Earth- Stern&Miller 3. The acceleration of biological acceleration-Finally,

argued that the transition to plate tectonics could the start of plate tectonics in Neoproterozoic time
have caused nearly all of the proposed geodynamic provides new insights into the question of why
and oceanographic triggers for Neoproterozoic biological evolution accelerated at that time.
snowball Earth events, and could also have Eukaryotic life experienced a major diversification
contributed to biological triggers. Only approximately 800Ma. Biologists are very interested
extraterrestrial triggers cannot be reconciled with to know what stimulated this burst of diversification.
the hypothesis that the Neoproterozoic climate
crisis was caused by a transition from single lid to
plate tectonics.


t e x p lo d e in t he
d e s - m e t e o r s tha
a c t s o f la r g e boli
1.The imp
a t mo s ph e r e t r a n s ie nt
a n t le flo w a n d
ic pr o c e s s e s : m
n - p la t e t e c t o n
st a blis hm e n t of ic h le a d s t o t he e
n & d r ip p in g wh n ic p la t e s
s ub du c t io n d f o rm t e c t o
o n es c o lla p s e a
g - li v e d w e a k z ic h c a us e d t he
lon r g e r e g io n, w h
s r u p t u red a la
3.Mant le p lu m ps e
h e r e t o c o lla
lithosp p la t e b e n d in g
in f a c ilit atin g
a n ce o fw a t e r
4.The im p o r t

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