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J. Chem.

Thermodynamics 37 (2005) 743–753

The error analysis of the determination of the activity

coefficients via the isopiestic method
Jun Zhou , Qi-Yuan Chen a, Zheng Fang a, Yi-Zeng Liang a,
Shi-Jun Liu a, Yong Zhou b
Institute of Physical Chemistry in the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University, Lushan South Road 154,
Changsha, Hunan 410083, China
Huaihua Radio Administrative Office, Yingfeng Eastern Road 102, Huaihua, Hunan 418000, China

Received 9 May 2004; received in revised form 4 November 2004; accepted 18 November 2004
Available online 22 January 2005


Error analysis is very important to experimental designs. The error analysis of the determination of activity coefficients for a
binary system via the isopiestic method shows that the error sources include not only the experimental errors of the analyzed mol-
alities and the measured osmotic coefficients, but also the deviation of the regressed values from the experimental data when the
regression function is used. It also shows that the accurate chemical analysis of the molality of the test solution is important,
and it is preferable to keep the error of the measured osmotic coefficients changeless in all isopiestic experiments including those
experiments on the very dilute solutions. The isopiestic experiments on the dilute solutions are very important, and the lowest molal-
ity should be low enough so that a theoretical method can be used below the lowest molality. And it is necessary that the isopiestic
experiment should be done on the test solutions of lower than 0.1 mol Æ kg1. For most electrolytes solutions, it is usually preferable
to require the lowest molality to be less than 0.05 mol Æ kg1. Moreover, the experimental molalities of the test solutions should be
firstly arranged by keeping the interval of the logarithms of the molalities nearly constant, and secondly more number of high mol-
alities should be arranged, and we propose to arrange the experimental molalities greater than 1 mol Æ kg1 according to some kind
of the arithmetical progression of the intervals of the molalities. After experiments, the error of the calculated activity coefficients of
the solutes could be calculated from the actually values of the errors of the measured isopiestic molalities and the deviations of the
regressed values from the experimental values with our obtained equations.
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Error analysis; Determination of activity coefficients; Isopiestic method; Experimental designs

1. Introduction determination of activity coefficients via the isopiestic

method so far. As a result, it is not clear that how many
Error analysis is very important to science researches, kinds of error sources there are in isopiestic experiments
especially to experimental researches. It will provide which will finally influence the determined activity coeffi-
much fundamental information for experimental designs. cients of solutes; and what kind of precision should be re-
However, there is almost no error analysis about the quired in isopiestic experiments; and down to what kind
of low molality of test solutions isopiestic experiments
should be done from the high molality of test solutions;
Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 731 8877364 (laboratory); fax:
+86 731 8879616 (college office).
and how to arrange the experimental molalities of test
E-mail addresses:, solutions in isopiestic experiments; and what kind of
(J. Zhou). relationship there is between the error of the determined

0021-9614/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
744 J. Zhou et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 37 (2005) 743–753

activity coefficient and various errors existing in isopiestic experiments. It is easy know that r(ln mi,anal) is relevant
experiments, and so on. The solutions of all these prob- to the chemical analyses of the molalities of test solu-
lems mentioned above are based on the error analysis. Be- tions. However, according to equation (2), we know that
low we will make an error analysis on the determination of r(Umeas) is not only related to the measurements of the
activity coefficients of the solute in a binary system via the activity of the solvent via isopiestic experiments, but also
isopiestic method. related to r(ln mi,anal). Therefore, though the osmotic
coefficients are usually used by many chemists in science
research, for the error analysis it is more suitable to base
2. Determination of activity coefficients via the isopiestic on the experimental quantities of the activities of the sol-
method vents of the test solutions, which are the directly mea-
sured quantities, and of which the errors are
Many activity coefficients of solutes are determined independent to r(ln mi,anal). The errors of the activities
via the isopiestic method. However, the measured quan- of the solvent in the test solution are expressed as
tities for test solutions in isopiestic experiments are the r(ln aS,meas) = d(ln aS,meas  ln aS,accur), where ln aS,accur
osmotic coefficients of test solutions, namely the activities are theoretical accurate values in isopiestic experiments.
of the solvents in the test solutions, and the molalities of It is obvious that r(ln mi,anal) and r(ln aS,meas) are two
test solutions. And the activity coefficients of the solutes important error sources for the calculated activity coef-
in the test solutions are obtained by calculation from the ficients of solute i, which is expressed as ci,cal.
osmotic coefficients according to Gibbs–Duhem equa- As we know, the values of aS,meas are calculated from the
tion. For a binary system of the test solution composed measured values of the molalities of the standard reference
of solvent (S) and solutes (i), the activity coefficients of solution (R), mR,meas, in isopiestic measurements. It is
the solute, ci, is calculated by the following equations: obvious that r(ln aS,meas) should be determined by the error
Z mi of the measured molality of the standard reference solution
 ln ci ¼ ð1  UÞ þ ð1  UÞ  d ln mi ; ð1Þ r(ln mR,meas) in the isopiestic experiment. According to
Gibbs–Duhem equation we have the following equation:
U ¼ ðmS  ln aS Þ=ðmi  mi Þ; ð2Þ mS  d ln aS;meas ¼  ðmR  mR;meas Þ  d lnðcR  mR;meas Þ ¼ 
where U is osmotic coefficients, and mS is the molality of ðmR  mR;meas Þ  ðd ln cR =d ln mR;meas þ 1Þ
solvent S, and mi is the molality of solute i, and mi is the d ln mR;meas ; ð3Þ
number of ions in one formula units of solute i, and aS is
the activity of the solvent in the test solution, which is where mR and cR are analogous to mi and ci, but are the
also equal to the activity of the solvent in the standard values for the standard reference solution. We can then
reference solution (R) in isopiestic equilibrium experi- obtain:
ments. It is clear from equation (1) that isopiestic exper- mS  rðln aS;meas Þ ¼  ðmR  mR;meas Þ  ðd ln cR =d ln mR;meas þ 1Þ
iments must be made down to as low molalities as
rðln mR;meas Þ: ð4Þ
possible and must be spaced closely enough to permit
accurate evaluation of the integral [1]. This equation shows that r(ln mR,meas) is one of impor-
tant error sources which will determine the quantity of
r(ln aS,meas). Moreover, we should keep it in the mind
3. The error sources of the calculated activity coefficients that r(ln mR,meas) comprises not only the experimental
of solutes in isopiestic experiments error in the chemical analysis of the molality of the stan-
dard reference solution but also the experimental error
3.1. The error sources derived from the measurement of in the isopiestic measurement of the solvent activity of
the experimental data the test solution.
In fact r(ln aS,meas) is not only related to r(ln mR,meas)
In isopiestic experiments, the molalities and the os- but also related to the accuracy of the formula used in
motic coefficients for test solutions are experimental the calculation of aS,meas from mR,meas. However, the
quantities. They are expressed as mi,anal and Umeas, accuracies of the used formula are not essential in the er-
where the subscript ‘‘anal’’ indicates the quantities are ror analyses of the isopiestic measurements, and they can
obtained by the chemical analysis method, and the sub- be improved outside of the isopiestic experiments. In
script ‘‘meas’’ indicates that the quantities are obtained addition, for some standard reference solutions the accu-
essentially by isopiestic measurements. Of course, there racies of the formula used in the calculations are usually
are experimental errors existing in them, and these good enough, for example the data given by Clarke and
errors are expressed as r(ln mi,anal) = d(ln mi,anal  ln co-workers [2] and Archer [3]. Therefore, the errors de-
mi,accur) and r(Umeas) = (dUmeas  Uaccur), where mi,accur rived from the formula used in the calculations of aS,meas
and aS,accur are theoretical accurate values in isopiestic from mR,meas are not considered in this paper.
J. Zhou et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 37 (2005) 743–753 745

Though r(ln mi,anal) = d(ln mi,anal  ln mi,accur) and This equation shows that the deviation of the relation-
r(ln aS,meas) = d(ln aS,meas  ln aS,accur) are independent ship of mi,anal and aS,meas from the theoretical relation-
errors, they do not influence the error of the calculated ship, d{ln aS,meas  ln aS(mi,anal)}, comprises both of
activity coefficients, r(ln ci,cal), respectively. According r(ln mi,anal) and r(ln mR,meas) and then should be consid-
to thermodynamic theory, for the test solution system ered as a type of total error source which will finally and
aS should be the theoretical function of mi under the actually influence the calculated values of ci,cal. Since
constant temperature T and pressure p, which is ex- this total error is derived on the basis of the assumption
pressed as follows: that mi,anal be a ‘‘accurate’’ value, this total error is then
ln aS ¼ ln aS ðmi Þ: ð5Þ expressed as rT(ln aS,meas) without the appearance of
mi,anal in it, and of course, there is
And for the theoretical accurate values, aS,accur and
rT ðln aS;meas Þ ¼ dfln aS;meas  ln aS ðmi;anal Þg: ð11Þ
mi,accur, they should satisfy that theoretical function ex-
actly, and there is: Because r(ln mi,anal) and r(ln mR,meas) are random errors,
ln aS;accur ¼ ln aS ðmi;accur Þ: ð6Þ it is not certain whether their values are positive or neg-
ative. Therefore, according to the theory of the propaga-
We should keep it in mind that the factor which will tion of the random errors we can obtain the following
finally and actually influence r(ln ci,cal) is the deviation equation basing on equations (10) and (11):
of the relationship of the experimental values, mi,anal
and aS,meas, from the theoretical relationship, namely m2S  r2T ðln aS;meas Þ ¼ ðmR  mR;meas Þ2  ðd ln cR =d ln mR;meas þ 1Þ2 
from equation (5). It is to say, however great are the r2 ðln mR;meas Þ þ ðmi  mi;anal Þ2 
values of r(ln mi,anal) and r(ln aS,meas), as long as mi,anal
and aS,meas happen to satisfy equation (5), r(ln mi,anal) ðd ln ci =d ln mi;anal þ 1Þ2  r2 ðln mi;anal Þ:
and r(ln aS,meas) will have no influence on the errors of ð12Þ
calculated values of ci,cal. Therefore, r(ln mi,anal) and
We have mentioned before that the reason why
r(ln aS,meas) should be integrated into the deviation of
r(Umeas) is not used in preceding part is because that
the relationship of mi,anal and aS,meas from equation
r(Umeas) is not only related to r(ln aS,meas), but also re-
(5). This deviation can be expressed as d{ln aS,meas 
lated to r(ln mi,anal), and it is not convenient to use
ln aS(mi,anal)}, where ln aS(mi,anal) is the theoretical value
r(Umeas) in error analysis. However, since the total er-
corresponding to mi,anal on basis of equation (5) with the
ror rT(ln aS,meas) is based on the assumption that mi,anal
assumption that mi,anal be an ‘‘accurate’’ value. Accord-
be a ‘‘accurate’’ value, then we can also introduce the
ing to equation (6), this deviation can be expressed as
corresponding total error of the measured osmotic
coefficients for the test solution expressed as rT(Umeas),
dfln aS;meas  ln aS ðmi;anal Þg ¼ which is also based on the assumption that mi,anal be a
dfln aS;meas  ln aS;accur þ ln aS ðmi;accur Þ  ln aS ðmi;anal Þg ¼ ‘‘accurate’’ value. And there are the following
dfln aS;meas  ln aS;accur g  dfln aS ðmi;anal Þ  ln aS ðmi;accur Þg:
ð7Þ rT ðUmeas Þ ¼  mS =ðmi  mi;anal Þ  rT ðln aS;meas Þ ¼ 
mS =ðmi  mi;anal Þ  dflnaS;meas  ln aS ðmi;anal Þg ¼
Moreover, according to Gibbs–Duhem equation, for
a binary system we can obtain the following equations: dfUmeas  Uðmi;anal Þg; ð13Þ
mS  d ln aS ðmi;anal Þ ¼  ðmi  mi;anal Þ  d lnðci  mi;anal Þ ¼  2
r2T ðUmeas Þ ¼fðmR  mR;meas Þ=ðmi  mi;anal Þg 
ðmi  mi;anal Þ  ðd ln ci =d ln mi;anal þ 1Þ 2
ðd ln cR =d ln mR;meas þ 1Þ  r2 ðln mR;meas Þþ
d ln mi;anal : ð8Þ 2
ðd ln ci =d ln mi;anal þ 1Þ  r2 ðln mi;anal Þ: ð14Þ
mS  dfln aS ðmi;anal Þ  ln aS ðmi;accur Þg ¼ 
In equation (13), U(mi,anal) is the theoretical value
ðmi  mi;anal Þ  ðd ln ci =d ln mi;anal þ 1Þ corresponding to mi,anal on basis of equation (5) with
dðln mi;anal  ln mi;accur Þ: ð9Þ the assumption that mi,anal be an ‘‘accurate’’ value. It
is obvious that rT(Umeas) is the deviation of the relation-
By introduction of equations (4) and (9), equation (7)
ship of mi,anal and Umeas from the theoretical relation-
ship which also comprises both of r(ln mi,anal) and
mS  dfln aS;meas  ln aS ðmi;anal Þg ¼  r(ln mR,meas) and should be considered as one of error
sources of the calculated values of ci,cal. In the following
ðmR  mR;meas Þ  ðd ln cR =d ln mR;meas þ 1Þ  rðln mR;meas Þþ
discussion, we will base on the osmotic coefficients of the
ðmi  mi;anal Þ  ðd ln ci =d ln mi;anal þ 1Þ  rðln mi;anal Þ: test solution, which can simplify the expression and can
ð10Þ be more easily understood by the readers.
746 J. Zhou et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 37 (2005) 743–753

We have to emphasize that rT(Umeas) is not a physical 0; mi;anal ð1Þ; . . . ; mi;anal ðkÞ; . . . ; mi;anal ðlÞ
quantity as the normal definition about the error of the
osmotic coefficients. The normal definition of the errors 1; Umeas ð1Þ; . . . ; Umeas ðkÞ; . . . ; Umeas ðlÞ
of the osmotic coefficients is as follows:
0; mR;meas ð1Þ; . . . ; mR;meas ðkÞ; . . . ; mR;meas ðlÞ
2 2 2
r ðUmeas Þ ¼ fmS =ðmi  mi;anal Þg  r ðln aS;meas Þþ According to equation (1), there is
2 2
fðmS  ln aS;meas Þ=ðmi  mi;anal Þg  r ðd ln mi;anal Þ: Z mi;anal ð1Þ
 ln ci;cal ðlÞ ¼ f1  Umeas ðlÞg þ ð1  Umeas Þ
ð15Þ 0
l Z
X mi;anal ðkÞ
d ln mi;anal þ ð1  Umeas Þ
3.2. The error sources derived from the regression of the k¼2 mi;anal ðk1Þ
experimental data
d ln mi;anal : ð16Þ
There is another error source of the calculated activ-
ity coefficients of solute in isopiestic experiments. In 4.1. The analysis on the error of the calculated values of
practice, people usually make use of some kind of func- the activity coefficients caused by rT(Umeas)
tion of mi with unknown parameters to regress the
experimental data of Umeas, and the regressed function Since rT(Umeas) is a type of random error, according
with known parameters is then used to calculate ci,cal. to the theory of the propagation of the random errors
In this case, the deviation of the regressed function from and equation (16), we can obtain the error of the calcu-
the experimental data Umeas will also have influence on lated values of the activity coefficients caused by
the final calculated value of ci,cal, and it is expressed as rT(Umeas), which is expressed as rmeas(ln ci,cal), can be
d{Ureg(mi,anal)  Umeas}, where Ureg(mi,anal) is the re- calculated by the following equation:
gressed value corresponding to mi,anal. If the function
used to regress experimental data is theoretically abso- r2meas flnci;cal ðlÞg ¼ r2T fUmeas ðlÞgþ
lutely rigorous, d{Ureg(mi,anal)  Umeas} will be essen- Z mi;anal ð1Þ 2
tially caused by the random errors of the experimental rT ðUmeas Þ  d lnmi;anal þ
data, rT(Umeas). Therefore, for many experimental data (Z )2
the influence of those deviations, d{Ureg(mi,anal)  X
l mi;anal ðkÞ

Umeas}, on the calculated values of ci,cal will cancel out rT ðUmeas Þ  d lnmi;anal :
k¼2 mi;anal ðk1Þ
each other because of the random characteristics. And
the total influence will be very small. However, in most ð17Þ
cases the used regression function is not absolutely rig-
orous, and d{Ureg(mi,anal)  Umeas} will be not only In fact, the last sub-term in the sum and the first main
caused by the random errors of the experimental data term on the right side of equation (17) are not indepen-
but also caused by the deviation of the used regression dent quantities. However, the dependence between these
function from the theoretically rigorous function. As a two quantities is omitted. When the number of the
result, the error source derived from d{Ureg(mi,anal)  experimental molalities is more than five, this omission
Umeas} is also one of very important error sources for should be acceptable.
the calculated values of ci,cal, and should be take into ac- 1. We first examine the first main term on the right
count in any cases. side of equation (17).
There are also many other error sources in the deter- According to equation (14), there is
mination of activity coefficients via isopiestic experi- r2T fUmeas ðlÞg ¼ fdlni =d ln mi;anal ðlÞ þ 1g2  r2 fln mi;anal ðlÞgþ
ments, such as the purity of the chemical reagent, the
½mR  mR;meas ðlÞ=fmi  mi;anal ðlÞg2 
precision of the temperature control. The discussions
on those factors can be found in Zhou et al. [4], Zhou fd ln mR =d ln mR;meas ðlÞ þ 1g2 
[5], and Chen et al. [6]. r2 fln mR;meas ðlÞg: ð18Þ
It is obvious that rT{Umeas(l)} is determined by
r{ln mi,anal(l)} and r{ln mR,meas(l)}. Some values of
4. The error analysis of the calculation of the activity d ln ci/d ln mi for NaCl and CaCl2 and NaOH solutions
coefficients in isopiestic experiments are listed in table 1.
According to table 1, we can know that the values of
We take there are ‘‘l’’ number of experimental points d ln ci/d ln mi usually approach zero in the range of low
of molality in isopiestic experiments, namely there will molality and begin to change into greater as the molality
be increases in the concentrated range. For most solutions,
J. Zhou et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 37 (2005) 743–753 747

TABLE 1 solution will be greater than those of the test solution in

Some values of d ln ci/d ln mi for NaCl, CaCl2, and NaOH solutions at isopiestic equilibrium, and as a result the values of
T = 298 K
(d ln cR/d ln mR + 1) Æ (mR/mi) will have small deference
m NaCla CaCl2b CaCl2c NaOHd from those of (d ln ci/d ln mi+1). When the values of
0.03 0.0547 0.153 0.1480 0.0627 (d ln cR/d ln mR + 1) are greater than those of the test
0.1 0.0644 0.151 0.1447 0.0787 solution, the situation is similar. It is to say the compar-
0.5 0.0475 0.0252 0.0196 0.0578
0.8 0.0287 0.198 0.198 0.0258
ison magnitudes of the two main terms in the right side
1.0 0.0151 0.329 0.334 0.0007 of equation (18) are mainly determined by the values of
1.2 0.0005 0.472 0.478 0.0269 r{ln mi,anal(l)} and r{ln mR,meas(l)}. According to the
1.5 0.0231 0.702 0.708 0.0729 error theory, if we want to keep r{ln mi,anal(l)} have neg-
2.0 0.0676 1.12 1.11 0.1604 lectable influence on the result, it should be controlled to
3.0 0.177 1.99 1.97 0.370
4.0 0.319 2.83 2.86 0.620
be at least less than 1/3 of r{ln mR,meas(l)}. In practical
5.0 0.502 3.40 0.906 isopiestic experiments, r{ln mR,meas(k)} is usually from
6.0 0.737 3.44 1.224 0.3 percent to 0.1 percent, and the higher molality of
7.0 2.95 1.575 the test solution the higher less value of r{ln mR,meas(k)},
8.0 2.49 1.957 then r{ln mi,anal(l)} maybe required to be less than from
The values are calculated according to the equations given by 0.1 percent to 0.03 percent. Though 0.03 percent is very
Archer [3]. difficult for the chemical analysis of the test solution,
The values are calculated according to the equations given by
Rard et al. [7].
0.05 percent may be still necessary in most cases. It
The values are calculated according to the equations given by shows that the accurate chemical analysis of the molality
Phutela and Pitzer [8]. of the test solution is important to the determination of
The values are calculated according to the equations given by the activity coefficients via isopiestic experiments. When
Simonson et al. [9]. r{ln mi,anal(l)} is always controlled to be less than 1/3 of
r{ln mR,meas(l)}, r{ln mi,anal(l)} could be neglected and
the biggest values of d ln ci/d ln mi are usually less than equation (18) could be changed into
2.5 (the biggest value of 3.5 for CaCl2 is very large in
comparison the most other solutions). And some values r2T fUmeas ðlÞg  ½mR  mR;meas ðlÞ=fmi  mi;anal ðlÞg 
of the several quantities in isopiestic equilibrium for 2
fd ln cR =d ln mR;meas ðlÞ þ 1g 
NaCl and CaCl2 and NaOH solutions are listed in table
2, where NaCl and CaCl2 are reference standard solu- r2 fln mR;meas ðlÞg: ð19Þ
tions, and NaOH is the test solution.
According to table 2, we can find that, in general We have mentioned that for most solutions the values of
speaking when the values of (d ln c/d ln m + 1) of the ref- d ln ci/d ln mi are usually in the range from ±0 to 2.5, and
erence standard solution (R) are smaller than those of the deference between (d ln cR/d ln mR+1) Æ (mR/mi)
the test solution, the molalities of the reference standard and (d ln ci/d ln mi+1) in isopiestic equilibrium is small;

Some values of the several quantities in isopiestic equilibrium for (NaCl and CaCl2) (reference standard solutions) and NaOH (test solution) systema
m(NaOH) (d ln c/d ln m + 1) m(NaCl) (d ln c/d ln m + 1) m(NaCl)/m(NaOH) m(CaCl2) (d ln c/d ln m + 1) 3 Æ m(CaCl2)/{2 Æ m(NaOH)}
(NaOH) (NaCl) (CaCl2)
0.1 0.921 0.1003 0.936 1.003 0.07285 0.842 1.093
1 0.999 1.012 0.986 1.012 0.6637 1.115 0.996
2 1.160 2.046 1.072 1.023 1.218 1.485 0.914
4 1.620 4.216 1.355 1.054 2.197 2.286 0.824
6 2.224 6.548 1.892 1.091 3.140 3.116 0.785
8 2.957 4.116 3.911 0.772

m(NaOH) {(d ln c/d ln m + 1)(NaCl)} Æ [{(d ln c/d ln m + 1)(CaCl2)}Æ3Æm(CaCl2)/{2 Æ m(NaOH)}]/

{m(NaCl)/m(NaOH)}/{(d ln c/d ln m + 1)(NaOH)} [(d ln c/d ln m + 1)(NaOH)]
0.1 1.019 0.999
1 0.999 1.112
2 0.945 1.170
4 0.882 1.163
6 0.928 1.100
8 1.021
The isopiestic molality ratios are calculated basing on the osmotic coefficient equations for NaCl, CaCl2 and NaOH solutions given by Archer
748 J. Zhou et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 37 (2005) 743–753

therefore, the values of (d ln cR/d ln mR+1) Æ (mR/mi) for integral of the second main term in equation (17) be a
most isopiestic measurements would be in the range finite value.
from 1 to 3.5. For some solutions with small values of Since many advanced theoretical method have been
d ln ci/d ln mi, to further simplify the situation, we can established which can be applied in concentrated solu-
even omit the term of [mR Æ mR,meas(l)/{mi Æ mi,anal (l)}]2 Æ tions, some workers begin to incline to pay less and less
{d ln cR/d ln mR,meas(l)+1}2 in equation (19), and equa- attention on the dilute solution in isopiestic experiments.
tion (19) further becomes a more approximate equation However, the calculated values of the osmotic coeffi-
as follows: cients for the low molalities by the theoretical method
just basing on the experimental data for the high molal-
r2T fUmeas ðlÞg  r2 fln mR;meas ðlÞg: ð20Þ
ities will be not reliable, and the experiments on the di-
According to equation (17), the first main term shows lute solution is still necessary to reliably determine the
that rmeas{ln ci,cal(l)} is relevant to rT{Umeas(l)} directly, experimental parameters corresponding to the low mol-
and it further indicates that in all molality range each alities in the theoretical method. Thereafter, the osmotic
rmeas{ln ci,cal(k)} will also relevant to each rT{Umeas(k)}, coefficients at the low molalities can be calculated reli-
respectively. It is to say if the error of one of the mea- ably by the theoretical method.
surements of the osmotic coefficients is much larger than As we know, Debye–Huckel equation is a pure theo-
the others, the error of the corresponding value of retical method which can be only applies to very dilute
rmeas(ln ci,cal)} will also be much larger than the others. solutions, and the extended Debye–Huckel equation
Therefore, if we intend to obtain the calculated values with one experimental parameter will be applied to
of ci,cal with the similar errors in all molality range, it broader range of molalities. For a single electrolyte,
is preferable to keep rT{Umeas(k)} changeless in all isopi- MX, the extended Debye–Huckel equation with one
estic experiments including those experiments on the experimental parameter can be expressed as follows:
very dilute solutions. According to equation (19) we
U  1 ¼  jzM  zX j  AU  I 1=2 =ð1 þ b  I 1=2 Þþ
can then design the values of r{ln mR,meas(k)} before
isopiestic experiments to prevent rT{Umeas(k)} from B  m  ð2  mM  mX =mMX Þ; ð21Þ
changing too much for all different molalities, and
r{ln mR,meas(k)} should be controlled smaller in the ln c ¼  jzM  zX j  AU  fI 1=2 =ð1 þ b  I 1=2 Þþ
range of high molalities than in the range of low molal- 2=b  lnð1 þ b  I 1=2 Þg þ 2  B  m  ð2  mM  mX =mMX Þ;
ities in isopiestic experiments. Moreover, after isopiestic
experiments we can calculate the actual values of
rT{Umeas(k)} from the actual values of r{ln mR,meas(k)} where AU is the Debye–Huckel parameter, and b is a
on the base of equation (19). According to equation universal parameter with the known value, and I is the
(20), in some rough cases, we can simply control ionic strength, and mM and mX are the numbers of cations
r{ln mR,meas(k)} changeless and roughly consider and anions in the formula MX, and zM and zX are the
rT{Umeas(k)} equal to r{ln mR,meas(k)}. charges on ions of M and X, respectively. And B is
2. We then examine the second main term on the right the only experimental parameter which is specific to
side of equation (17). the solute MX, and it can be determined by the experi-
If we assume that rT(Umeas) keep constant during the mental osmotic coefficient of the molality of mi,anal(1).
integrating process from 0 to mi,anal(1), we will find that For most theoretical methods, the extended Debye–
the total error of this term will become infinite however Huckel equation is usually included in and various
small is the value of rT(Umeas). This indicates that: forms of higher order terms of the molality are added
Firstly, the isopiestic experiments on the dilute solutions in. It is obvious that the experimental parameter B is
are very important to the determination of the solute corresponding to the low molalities in most theoretical
activity coefficients. And the isopiestic experiments methods. Therefore, whether equation (21) or equation
should be done not only at as low molalities as possible (22) is valid in the range from 0 to mi,anal(1) with enough
but also with as high precision as possible; Secondly, at precision is a criterion to decide down to what kind of
however low molalities the isopiestic experiments can be low molality the isopiestic experiments should be done
made, it is still necessary to require a theoretical method on the electrolyte solutions in the determination of the
to calculate the osmotic coefficients from 0 mol Æ kg1 to activity coefficient of solution. Moreover, the errors of
the lowest molality mi,anal(1); Thirdly the lowest molality the calculated osmotic coefficients for the molality form
mi,anal(1) should be low enough so that the theoretical to mi,anal(1) by equation (21) basing on the experimental
method can be used and the errors of the calculated os- data may be in reciprocal proportion to the molality.
motic coefficients by that theoretical method from 0 to equations (21) and (22) are in fact equivalent to the
mi,anal(1) will decrease as the molality lower, for example equations proposed by Guggenheim and Turgeon [10].
is in reciprocal proportion to the molality. This kind of As Guggenheim and Turgeons statement their equa-
errors of the osmotic coefficients can ensure that the tions represent the facts with a useful degree of accu-
J. Zhou et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 37 (2005) 743–753 749

racy, at least for uni-univalent, bi-univalent, and uni- of section 4.1, we then naturally deduce that the exper-
bivalent electrolytes up to an ionic strength of about imental molalities of the test solutions should be ar-
0.1 [10,11]. Therefore we consider that it is necessary ranged approximately according to the following rule:
that the isopiestic experiment should be done on the test
ln mi;anal ðkÞ  ln mi;anal ðk  1Þ ¼
solutions of lower than 0.1 mol Æ kg1; and it is prefera-
ble to require as low molalities as less than 0.5 fln mi;anal ðlÞ  ln mi;anal ð1Þg=ðl  1Þ: ð26Þ
mol Æ kg1, up to which we think equation (21) could Namely
be valid with enough accuracy for most electrolyte solu- 1=ðl1Þ
tions, and the higher is the valence of the electrolytes, mi;anal ðkÞ=mi;anal ðk  1Þ ¼ fmi;anal ðlÞ=mi;anal ð1Þg :
the lower is the molality of the test solution. ð27Þ
On the base of equation (21), we can obtain the fol-
lowing equation: This rule shows that the experimental molalities
Z mi;anal ð1Þ should be very closely spaced for the dilute solutions
ðUmeas  1Þ  d ln mi;anal ¼  and very widely spaced for the concentrated solutions.
0 On the basis of equations (26), equations (25) should
jzM  zX j  AU  ð2=bÞ  lnð1 þ b  I 1=2 Þþ forward to become
B  mi;anal ð1Þ  ð2  mM  mX =mMX Þ: ð23Þ (Z )2
Xl mi;anal ðkÞ
rT ðUmeas Þ  d ln mi;anal ¼
Since the first main terms in the right side of equa- k¼2 mi;anal ðk1Þ
tions (21) and (23) are pure theoretical values and will 2
be accurate, the error of the experimental osmotic coef- r2T fUmeas ðkÞg  fln mi;anal ðlÞ  ln mi;anal ð1Þg =ðl  1Þ:
ficient of the molality of mi,anal(1) will only influence the ð28Þ
value of the specific experimental parameter B. There-
According to equations (17) and (28) it is easy to find
fore, basing on equations (21) and (23), we could deduce
that the more number of the experimental molalities is,
that the error of the second main term of equation (17)
the less error of the calculated activity coefficients would
as follows:
be. For a practical example, mi,anal(1) and mi,anal(l) are
Z mi;anal ð1Þ
taken to be 0.03 mol Æ kg and 15 mol Æ kg1, respectively,
rT ðUmeas Þ  d ln mi;anal ¼ and in the same time the values of rT{Umeas(k)} are kept
rfB  mi;anal ð1Þ  ð2  mM  mX =mMX Þg ¼ in nearly changeless for all different molalities in isopies-
tic experiments. If we want to reduce the value of the
rT fUmeas ð1Þg: ð24Þ third main term on the right side of equation (17) and
3. We continue to examine the third main term on the to make it less than 1/10 of the value of the other main
right side of equation (17). terms, according to equations (17) and (24) and (28) the
We assume that rT(Umeas) keep constant and the number of the experimental molalities should be about
same as that at the end point during the integration in 387. And in this case, the error of the calculated activity
each integral term included in the sum in equation coefficient will be approximately related to rT{Umeas(k)}
(17). Then the third main term would be change into only.
the following form:
(Z )2 4.2. The analysis on the error of the calculated values of the
X l mi;anal ðkÞ
activity coefficients caused by d{Ureg(mi,anal)  Umeas}.
rT ðUmeas Þ  d ln mi;anal ¼
k¼2 mi;anal ðk1Þ
Below we will discuss the influence of the deviation of
r2T fUmeas ðkÞg
 fln mi;anal ðkÞ  ln mi;anal ðk  1Þg : the regressed function from the experimental data,
k¼2 namely d{Ureg(mi,anal)  Umeas}. On the base of equation
ð25Þ (16), we can obtain the error of the calculated values of
the activity coefficients caused by d{Ureg(mi,anal) 
It is preferable to require that each term included in the Umeas}, which is expressed as rreg(ln ci,cal), can be calcu-
sum in equation (25) have the equal influence on the cal- lated by the following equation:
culated activity coefficients according to equation (17),
namely rT{Umeas(k)} Æ {ln mi,anal(k)  ln mi,anal(k  1)} rreg fln ci;cal ðlÞg ¼d½Ureg fmi;anal ðlÞg  Umeas ðlÞgþ
Z mi;anal ð1Þ
should be kept equal for each term in the sum. It is obvi-
ous that if one of term is much larger than the others, dfUreg ðmi;anal Þ  Umeas g
the total result will be determined by that term and l Z
X mi;anal ðkÞ
the other terms will be valueless. Since rT{Umeas(k)} d ln mi;anal þ dfUreg ðmi;anal Þ
should be also kept nearly changeless for all different k¼2 mi;anal ðk1Þ

molalities in isopiestic experiments as stated in part 1 Umeas g  d ln mi;anal ð29Þ

750 J. Zhou et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 37 (2005) 743–753

We also assume that d{Ureg(mi,anal)  Umeas} keeps where mi,anal(k0) is the first experimental molality which
constant and the same as that of the end point during is greater than 1 mol Æ kg1. And the experimental mol-
the integration in each integral term included in alities would be spaced more closely than those ar-
the sum in equation (29). Similar to the deduction in ranged according to equation (26) or equation (27).
section 4.1, we can obtain that the relative error In practical experiments, we could first arrange the
of the calculated activity coefficients caused by experimental molalities according to equation (26) or
d{Ureg(mi,anal)  Umeas} can be calculated by the follow- equation (27), and then adjust those experimental mol-
ing equation: alities which are greater than 1 mol Æ kg1 according to
equation (31).
rreg fln ci;cal ðlÞg ¼ d½Ureg fmi;anal ðlÞg  Umeas ðlÞþ
d½Ureg fmi;anal ð1Þg  Umeas ð1Þþ 4.3. The calculation of the error of the calculated activity
X l
coefficients in isopiestic experiments
d½Ureg fmi;anal ðkÞg  Umeas ðkÞ
On the base of equations (17) and (24) and (25), we
fln mi;anal ðkÞ  ln mi;anal ðk  1Þg: ð30Þ can calculate the errors of the activity coefficients
rmeas{ln ci,cal(l)} caused by rT{Umeas(k)} with the follow-
According to the regression theory the magnitude ing equation:
of d{Ureg(mi,anal)  Umeas} will be related to not only
the form of the used function but also related to the
r2meas fln ci;cal ðlÞg ¼
way of the arrangement of the experimental data,
namely the arrangement of the molalities of the test X
r2T fUmeas ðlÞg þ r2T fUmeas ð1Þg þ r2T fUmeas ðkÞg
solutions in isopiestic experiments. In generally speak-
ing, for a linear regression function, d{Ureg(mi,anal)  2
Umeas} will be less in the region where the experimental fln mi;anal ðkÞ  ln mi;anal ðk  1Þg ; ð32Þ
molalities are arranged closely than those in the region
where the experimental molalities are arranged more where rT{Umeas(k)} can be calculated by equation (18)
widely. If we increase the number of the experimental or equation (19) with r{ln mi,anal(k)} and r{ln mR,meas(k)},
molalities in one region, the values of d{Ureg(mi,anal) sometimes can be estimated by equation (20) with
 Umeas} in this region will be reduced. In most cases, r{ln mR,meas(k)}. On the base of equation (30) we can
the used regression function is series power function of also calculate another kind of errors rreg{ln ci,cal(l)}
molality, namely m, m2, m3,. . ., and the unknown caused by d[Ureg{mi,anal(k)}  Umeas(k)]. And the total
parameters are essentially linear coefficients with re- relative error of the determined activity coefficients,
spect to those series power terms of ‘‘m’’. When the rT{ln ci,cal(l)}, which is calculated by the regressed
experimental molalities are arranged according to function corresponding to the molality mi,anal(l), should
equation (26) or equation (27), namely very closely consist of rmeas{ln ci,cal(l)} and rreg{ln ci,cal(l)} and could
for dilute solutions and very widely for concentrated be calculated by the following equation:
solutions with respect to the series power terms of
‘‘m’’, the deviation d[Ureg {mi,anal(k)}  Umeas(k)] r2T fln ci;cal ðlÞg ¼ r2meas fln ci;cal ðlÞg þ r2reg fln ci;cal ðlÞg:
would be much greater in the range of high molalities
than those in the range of low molalities according to
the theory of regression. As a result, the values of the
hind terms included in the sum in equation (30) would According to these equations, we will find that the
be much greater than those of the fore terms and higher is the molality mi,anal(l) the greater is the error
would have much greater influence on the result. If rT{ln ci,cal(l)}.
we want to reduce the influence of the hind terms, Regarding to the errors of calculated activity coeffi-
we should arrange the more number of experimental cients by the regressed function, rT{ln ci,cal(mi)}, corre-
molalities in the range of high molality than that ar- sponding to the molalities mi which are different from
ranged according to equation (26) or equation (27). these experimental molalities mi,anal(l), we can also
According to the practical experience, we proposed calculate them by the following steps. Firstly, we can esti-
to arrange the experimental molalities, mi,anal(k 0 ), mate the total errors of the measured osmotic coefficients
which are greater than 1 mol Æ kg1, according to the corresponding to mi,rT{Umeas(mi)}, by rT{Umeas(l 0  1)}
following rule: and rT{Umeas(l 0 )}, the molalities of which mi,anal(l 0  1)
and mi,anal(l 0 ) are located two sides of mi. Secondly,
we can calculate the errors of the activity coefficients
mi;anal ðk 0 þ 1Þ  mi;anal ðk 0 Þ ¼
caused by the measurements, rmeas{ln ci,cal(mi)}, by the
ðk 0  k 0 þ 1Þ  fmi;anal ðk 0 Þ  mi;anal ðk 0  1Þg; ð31Þ following equation:
J. Zhou et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 37 (2005) 743–753 751

r2meas fln ci;cal ðmi Þg ¼ r2T fUmeas ðmi Þg þ r2T fUmeas ð1Þgþ obtain that rmeas{ln ci,cal(l)} and rreg{ln ci,cal(l)}
l01 should be controlled to be about 2.1/21/2 = 1.5 per-
r2T fUmeas ðkÞg  fln mi;anal ðkÞ cent, respectively.
k¼2 (3) As discussed in part 1 of section 4.1, rT{Umeas(k)} is
2 determined by both of r{ln mi,anal(k)} and
ln mi;anal ðk  1Þg þ r2T fUmeas ðmi Þg
2 r{ln mR,meas(k)} according to equation (18) and
fln mi  ln mi;anal ðl0  1Þg : ð34Þ should be controlled nearly changeless in all isopi-
Thirdly, we can also estimate the regression deviation estic experiments. In practical isopiestic experi-
from measured osmotic coefficients corresponding to mi, ments, r{ln mi,anal(l)} is kept less than 0.05 percent
d{Ureg(mi)  Umeas} by d[Ureg{mi,anal(l 0  1)}  Umeas and therefore would have neglectable influence on
(l 0  1)] and d[Ureg{mi,anal(l 0 )}  Umeas(l 0 )]. Fourthly, rT{Umeas(k)}. If we assume that d ln ci/d ln mi,anal(k)
we can calculate the errors of the activity coefficients for the test solution change from 0 to 2.5, we can
caused by the regression deviation from the experimen- then adjust r{ln mR,meas(k)} between 0.3 percent
tal data, rreg{ln ci,cal(mi)}, by the following equation: to 0.1 percent and the higher molality of the test
solution the higher less value of r{ln mR,meas(k)}
rreg fln ci;cal ðmi Þg ¼ d½Ureg fmi g  Umeas  þ d½Ureg fmi;anal ð1Þg according equation (19) to make rT{Umeas(k)} to
l01 be about 0.5 percent in all molality range.
Umeas ð1Þ þ d½Ureg fmi;anal ðkÞg (4) The discussion in part 3 of section 4.1 shows that
the experimental molalities of the test solutions
Umeas ðkÞ  fln mi;anal ðkÞ should be arranged approximately according to
ln mi;anal ðk  1Þgd½Ureg fmi g  Umeas  equation (26) or equation (27). If we attempt to
fln mi  ln mi;anal ðl0  1Þg: ð35Þ obtain rmeas{ln ci,cal(l)} to be about 1.5 percent,
according to equations (25) and (28) and (32) the
And rT{ln ci,cal(mi)} could be calculated by the fol- number of the experimental molalities could be esti-
lowing equation: mated to be 7, and the experimental molalities
r2T fln ci;cal ðmi Þg ¼ r2meas fln ci;cal ðmi Þg þ r2â fln ci;cal ðmi Þg: could be arranged as table 3.
(5) In order to reduce the deviation of the regression
values of the osmotic coefficients from the experi-
mental values in the range of high molalities, the
4.4. A practical example of the determination of activity experimental molalities greater than 1 mol Æ kg1
coefficients via isopiestic experiments are adjusted according to equation (31) as discussed
in section 4.2. And the experimental molalities are
The electrolyte is taken to be uni-univalent, and the finally arranged as showed in table 4.
total relative error of the determined activity coeffi- (6) After isopiestic experiments, we can calculate actual
cients, namely rT(ln ci,cal), are attempted to be obtained values of rT{Umeas(k)} by equation (19) with the
about 2.1 percent from 0 mol Æ kg1 to 15 mol Æ kg1. actual experimental data of r{ln mR,meas(k)}. Then
we can forward calculate the actual values of
(1) On the base of the analyses in part 2 of section 4.1, rmeas{ln ci,cal(l)} by equation (32). When the exper-
for the uni-univalent electrolyte solutions in the imental osmotic coefficients are regressed by a the-
range of molality below 0.03 mol Æ kg1 the activity oretical model, we can also calculate another kind
coefficients are able to be calculated by the extended of errors rreg{ln ci,cal(l)} caused by the actual values
Debye–Huckel equation with enough accuracy. of d[Ureg{mi,anal(k)  Umeas(k)}] on the base of
Therefore, the isopiestic experiments can be made equation (30). And the total relative error of the
from 0.03 mol Æ kg1 to 15 mol Æ kg1. determined activity coefficients, rT(ln ci,cal), could
(2) If we assume that the error of the activity coefficient be calculated by equation (33).
rmeas{ln ci,cal(l)} caused by rT{Umeas(k)} is equal to
the error rreg{ln ci,cal(l)} caused by d[Ureg The experimental design on the basis of the error
{mi,anal(k)  Umeas(k)}] in equation (33), we can analysis has been applied in our research. The research

The experimental molalities from 0.03 mol Æ kg1 to 15 mol Æ kg1 arranged according to equation (26)
k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
mi(k) 0.03000 0.08452 0.2381 0.6708 1.890 5.324 15.000
ln mi(k) 3.5066 2.4708 1.4350 0.3993 0.6365 1.6723 2.7081
752 J. Zhou et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 37 (2005) 743–753

TABLE 4 r(ln mi,anal) have neglectable influence on the

The experimental molalities from 0.03 mol Æ kg1 to 15 mol Æ kg1 result.If so, rT(Umeas) could be determined only
arranged according to equations (26) and (31)
by r(ln mR,meas) according to equation (19) in most
k mi(k) ln mi(k) mi(k + 1)  mi(k) cases.In more roughly situation, rT(Umeas) could
1 0.03000 3.5066 be considered to equal to r(ln mR,meas) according
2 0.08452 2.4708 to equation(20). In all isopiestic experiments, it is
3 0.2381 1.4350
4 0.6708 0.3993 1.2191
preferable to keep rT(Umeas) changeless including
5 1.890 0.6365 1.2191 those experiments on the very dilute solutions. In
6 3.109 2.438 accordance, r(ln mR,meas) should be controlled
7 5.547 3.657 smaller in the range of high molalities than in
8 9.204 4.876 the range of low molalities in isopiestic
9 14.080 6.095
10 20.176
(3) The isopiestic experiments should be done at as
low molalities as possible. And in any cases it is
is presented in Zhou et al. [12], and the satisfied results still necessary to require a theoretical method to
have been obtained. calculate the osmotic coefficients from 0 to the
lowest molality. The lowest molality should be
low enough so that the theoretical method can
5. Conclusion be used and the errors of the calculated osmotic
coefficients by that theoretical method from 0 to
On the basis of the error analysis of the determina- the lowest molality will decrease as the molality
tion of activity coefficients via the isopiestic method, lower. And it is necessary that the isopiestic
we could conclude the following views: experiment should be done on the test solutions
of lower than 0.1 mol Æ kg1. For most electro-
(1) The experimental error is one of important error lytes solutions, it is usually preferable to require
sources of the determination of the activity coeffi- the lowest molality to be less than 0.05
cients via the isopiestic method.This kind of error mol Æ kg1.
includes the experimental errors of the molalities (4) In all isopiestic experiments, the experimental mol-
and the activities of the solvent for the test alities of the test solutions, mi, should be firstly
solution, namely r(ln mi,anal) and r(ln aS,meas), arranged approximately according to the rule
and r(ln aS,meas) is determined by the error of which is to keep ln mi,anal(k + 1)  ln mi,anal(k)
the measured molality of the standard reference nearly constant, and the more number of the exper-
solution r(ln mR,meas) in the isopiestic experi- imental molalities is, the less error of the calculated
ment. In fact, the factor which will finally and activity coefficients would be. Secondly, to reduce
actually influence r(ln ci,cal) is the deviation of the deviation d[Ureg{mi,anal(k)}  Umeas(k)] in the
the relationship of the experimental values, mi,anal range of high molalities, more number of high mol-
and aS,meas, from the theoretical relationship, alities should be arranged according to practical sit-
d{ln aS,meas  ln aS(mi,anal)}, which comprises both uation. We propose to arrange the experimental
of r(ln mi,anal) and r(ln mR,meas) and could be con- molalities greater than 1 mol Æ kg1 according to
sidered as a type of total error source expressed as mi,anal(k 0 + 1)  mi,anal(k 0 ) = (k 0  k0 + 1) Æ {mi,anal
rT(ln aS,meas). This total error source can be equiv- (k0)  ln mi,anal(k0  1)}, where mi,anal(k0) is the first
alently expressed in the deviation of the relation- experimental molality which is great than 1
ship of mi,anal and Umeas from the theoretical mol Æ kg1.
relationship rT(Umeas) = d{Umeas  U(mi,anal)}, (5) After isopiestic experiments, we can calculate
which is not an error as normal definition.When actual values of rT{Umeas(k)} by equation (19)
a theoretical method is used to regress the exper- with the actual experimental data of
imental data, the deviation of the regression func- r{ln mR,meas(k)}. Then we can forward calculate
tion from the experimental data, d{Ureg the actual values of rmeas{ln ci,cal(l)} by equation
(mi,anal)  Umeas}, is also one of important error (32). When the experimental osmotic coefficients
sources of the determination of the activity coeffi- are regressed by a theoretical model, we can also
cients via the isopiestic method. calculate another kind of errors rreg{ln ci,cal(l)}
(2) The accurate chemical analysis of the molality of caused by the actual values of d[Ureg{mi,anal(k) 
the test solution is important to the determination Umeas(k)}] on the base of equation (30). And the
of the activity coefficients via isopiestic experi- total relative error of the determined activity
ments. In most isopiestic experiments it requires coefficients, rT(ln ci,cal), could be calculated by
r(ln mi,anal) less than 0.05 percent to made equation (33).
J. Zhou et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 37 (2005) 743–753 753

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for their thorough reviews and useful comments. Their sha, P.R.C., 2003, p. 210 (in English).
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version. We should also express our sincere thanks to Ping-Min Zhang, Yong Zhou, A study on the equilibration
processes in the isopiestic experiment, J. Chem. Thermodyn. 37
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