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Manga series that I will be starting this week


So , as I will starting new series this week (because of the completion of my last
report summary), I will be making some changes. I will be looking forward for
Completed Manga Series .The reason for this change is because I have always felt
like that you can truly judge something when it is finished. So incomplete series
were never on my Radar. But I think that I am really nearing my pool of completed
stories , so I will focus on series that interests me or fascinates me , regardless of
completion or not.

Genre (ジャンル):

I don’t have a specific genre in mind. A good story doesn’t need to have a specific
genre or restriction. That being said, my focus has always been towards Horror
(ホラー) and Sub-Genre of Horror (Psychological, Surreal, that kind of stuff). I
was thinking of covering Suspense and Thriller genres. But then I stopped myself
ahead of that, because no offense, but I think Japanese Suspense stories are very
sub-par, at least from my personal opinion.

The Genres that I will NOT be covering this week are as follow:

 Isekai (伊勢海老 ) (X)

 Romantic Comedy (ロマコメ) (X)
 Fantasy (ファンタジー) (X)
 Slice of Life (スライス・オブ・ライフ) (X)

The reason for not covering these topics is that even though I am not
interested in these genres (especially Isekai) , these genres just find their
way in every story , so it becomes a Futile Effort in actually pursuing
these genres.
So , now that I have set the boundaries and limits for what I want to do ,
I will now select the series and my reasoning behind picking that series
Manga series that I will be starting this week


1. Tokyo Yamimushi (東京闇虫)

This is the first series that I have picked for this week
is Tokyo Yamimushi. The reason for picking this up is
quite weird, as I was actually hoping it to be a
“Zombie Manga” from the looks of the cover. But it is
actually a “Crime Manga”. I think the author has
done a little misdirection with the cover, but no
worries. I’ve glanced through the first chapter and it
was actually quite fascinating. It gave me some
knowledge about the loan shark companies in JAPAN,
so I will be checking this series out, maybe a volume or two. The bad thing
about Crime Manga is that it usually can only “retain” its momentum for a
couple of volume and then it fizzles out, but I am willing to give it a try.

Also , the thing to notice is that the first chapter actually sets up a gimmick
trope (clueless guy becomes the leader), so I am hoping that the series does
NOT delve any further into that area. It becomes wish fulfillment quite soon
if the author doesn’t keep their reigns on the story.
Manga series that I will be starting this week



The second series that I will be covering is BLAME! I have never had a fascination
with the science fiction genre in any sort of mediums. So I was never interested in
this one. But someone I knew described this series as “What if Berserk was a Sci-
Fi series and the author was a minimalist?” I consider that big praise, considering
Berserk is one of my favorite series and to be able to get a comparison with that
elevates the compared story as well. So, I will check one volume of this story as

My only gripe that I think I will feel is that since this is a Sci-fi series , it will be
filled with stuff and symbolism that I would have to decipher , so reading this
could take a long time , but since the person mentioned that this story is written
very minimalistic ally , I would see how that fares out
Manga series that I will be starting this week


3. Shokuryou Jinrui (食糧人類)

The premise of this manga fascinated me. In English,

this manga has two names; “Starving Anonymously”
and “Human Race for Food”. Both names have
different context and meaning, but combining the
information from the names and the cover of the first
volume of manga, it does look like some sort of
Dystopian Horror situation. A French person told me
that this manga is quite famous in France (and I don’t
doubt him because France is known for this kind of stuff).

The only thing that I am feeling from the cover is that Red Rope is somehow
“saving” the main character (this is a guess) from the Alien in the background. So
that is fascinating to unravel. (Maybe I am wrong, but let’s find out in case)
Manga series that I will be starting this week


4. Me and the Devil Blues (俺と悪魔のブルーズ)

This is the series I did not want to read before because I know the author of
this story. Akira Hiramoto is the mangaka, who also famously wrote Prison
School and Raw Hero, two of the weirdest stories that I have read. And yet ,
he also wrote this story. It is actually a semi-autobiographical story about a
very famous Blues singer Robert “Singer” Johnson.

The name of Robert Johnson is famous in Supernatural world. Tons of

supernatural stories are written on his life, most famously, his “DEAL” with
the Devil. Well, nobody can prove that these stories are real or not, but to
think that a Japanese Author would go that deep into the life of a American
Blues Singer is really fascinating.

P.S: This is my Personal Opinion, but I have a Controversial Opinion on

Akira Hiramoto (One can call it a Conspiracy) . I believe that the reason
Hiramoto-san ends his works with BAD ENDINGS (both Prison School and
Raw Hero in my personal opinion) is because he hates how this work of his got
discontinued in JAPAN twice , because people were not interested. But public
is more interested when he writes an Ecchi story. (I cannot Prove this , but it
was too Co-incidental how This manga got discontinued , then he writes
Prison School , which becomes famous and then this manga is continued

Regardless, I am happy to read another work of Hiramoto san (which is not

Ecchi )

5. Route End
Manga series that I will be starting this week


This one is a little tricky, because I have read 2 volumes of this series. I recently
found out that this manga has ended, so I wanted to complete it quick, before I
forget about it. This is another one of those stories, whose “premise” is very
interesting, but as it goes further, it becomes only decent. I do agree that I have lost
interest in this story, but I would rather have this story finished in my head as well.

Other than that, I have nothing to say on this Manga. Just that I wish it was more
about what I wanted it to be, which was the Job aspect of the Main character and
less about the mystery elements. ( Just saying that makes me feel like a Selfish
Man , I wanted to clarify that by “I wanted it be” means that I hoped that story
went in one direction ,but it did not go in that particular direction. I think that I am
fair in asking things like that, but I don’t know)

6. The Drifting Classroom (漂流教室)

Manga series that I will be starting this week


A classic old story by Kazuo Umezu. Most Foreign People only know Ito Junji as
the “Class Japanese Horror Writer”, but Kazuo Umezu is also on the same level as
Junji-san , in my opinion.

The reason for starting this series is that I wanted to do it soon, but I kept delaying
it, because it is a little long story than the one I usually read.

I am looking for one more story , and then , those seven will be the final list for
this week. I got this week free , so I figured why not study some stories to not only
understand Kanji better , but also to understand the cultural shifts of Japan (some
stories in this list are from 1970’s , some are very new , and some are between the
old time and the new time.

(I cannot find a good story ) Still searching… I FOUND ONE , But is not Manga

7. Devil’s Editing (악마의 편집)

Again , I hate to do this , but couldn’t find another

manga. I have glanced this manhwa , sounds quite
Manga series that I will be starting this week


interesting. Also , I am a fan of wimpy Main character (there have

been so many stories with really overpowered characters , I kind of
wish the opposite haha)

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