Week 1 Reflection

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Erica Schopp 

Student Teaching 

Week 1 Reflection 


This week I was able to teach my first lesson to the class. I am comfortable in front of the

students. I taught them how to arrange the parts of a story from beginning to the end. I called on

students randomly, so every student had a chance to come up and put an event in order from the

book onto the board. I believe letting the students randomly be called on allowed for everyone to

be able to do the lesson instead of just the more outgoing students. 

One of my biggest weaknesses is class management. At one point in my lesson, the

students were talking in the background while I was talking, and I chose to ignore this behavior

in hopes that they would just stop. They did not stop, and I also used the method of praising

another student who was sitting there behaving appropriately. I panicked and just continued with

my lesson. After discussing this incident with my mentor teacher, she had enlightened me on

other ways that I could discipline the class without having to worry about yelling or being angry.

One thing she suggested was stating that, “I’ll wait.” When the students are getting out of control

or are not being respectful. I like this idea because it is just a waiting time for them to settle

down. I will try this when I do my next lesson to see the effectiveness of this in my everyday


Things that I did that were effective were things like, reading the story in silly voices.

This really seemed to of kept they all the students engaged and most of them paying attention. I

also had the students retell the story at the end of the lesson. I believe this was beneficial because

it helped me see which students were paying attention and that they all understood the point of
the lesson. I learned that whenever we teach anything we must clearly state the objective in the

beginning, make it interesting with the body and clear instruction as well. Also always end your

lesson with something that will show you that students were grasping what you were teaching.  

Overall, this was a great lesson and I’m happy with how it went and the feedback I

received. I believe these observations are beyond beneficial because they are forever teaching us

how we can be better. I think therefore we are observed our whole teaching careers because we

can always improve.  

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