KCGG Application Guide

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Application Notes for

KCGG High Impedance Protection

Application Notes for
KCGG High Impedance Protection

The application of the KCGG Protected
numerical overcurrent relay as
differential protection for machines,
power transformers and busbar Z MA Z MB
installations is based on the high
impedance differential principle,
offering stability for any type of fault
occurring outside the protected zone
and satisfactory operation for faults
within the zone. R RELAY CIRCUIT

A high impedance relay is defined

as a relay or relay circuit whose
voltage setting is not less than the RL RL
calculated maximum voltage which
can appear across its terminals
under the assigned maximum
through fault current condition. Figure 1: Principle of high impedance protection

It can be seen from Figure 1 that

during an external fault the through
fault current should circulate however, result in asymmetric To achieve stability for external
between the current transformer current transformer saturation with faults, the stability voltage for the
secondaries. The only current that all applications. protection (Vs) must be determined
can flow through the relay circuit is in accordance with formula 1.
Calculations based on the above
that due to any difference in the The setting will be dependent upon
extreme case for stability have
current transformer outputs for the the maximum current transformer
become accepted in lieu of
same primary current. Magnetic secondary current for an external
conjunctive scheme testing as being
saturation will reduce the output of a fault (If) and also on the highest
a satisfactory basis for application.
current transformer and the most loop resistance value from the
At one end the current transformer
extreme case for stability will be if relaying point (RCT + 2RL).
can be considered fully saturated,
one current transformer is The stability of the scheme is also
with its magnetising impedance ZMB
completely saturated and the other affected by the characteristics of the
short circuited while the current
unaffected. This condition can be differential relay and the value of K
transformer at the other end, being
approached in busbar installations in the expression takes account of
unaffected, delivers its full current
due to the multiplicity of infeeds and this. One particular characteristic
output. This current will then divide
extremely high fault level. It is less that affects the stability of the
between the relay and the saturated
likely with machines or power scheme is the operating time of the
current transformer. This division will
transformers due to the limitation of differential relay. The slower the
be in the inverse ratio of
through fault level by the protected relay operates the longer the spill
RRELAY CIRCUIT to (RCTB + 2RL) and, if
unit’s impedance, and the fact that current can exceed its setting before
RRELAY CIRCUIT is high compared with
the comparison is made between a operation occurs and the higher the
RCTB + 2RL, the relay will be
limited number of current spill current that can be tolerated.
prevented from undesirable
transformers. Differences in current For the KCGG relay I> element the
operation, as most of the current will
transformer remanent flux can, value of K is 0.5 as shown in
pass through the saturated current
formula 2.

Vs > KIf(RCT + 2RL) (1) The kneepoint voltage of a current Note: The auxiliary powered
transformer marks the upper limit of KCGG ohmic impedance
Vs > 0.5If(RCT + 2RL) (2)
the roughly linear portion of the over the whole setting range
where RCT = current transformer secondary winding excitation is small, 0.06Ω (1A) and
secondary winding characteristic. This is defined exactly 0.006Ω (5A) and so can be
resistance in British practice as that point on ignored. Therefore:
RL = maximum lead the excitation curve where a 10%
resistance from the increase in exciting voltage RST = s (5)
produces a 50% increase in exciting
current transformer to
the relaying point Use of Metrosil
If = maximum secondary The current transformers should be Non-linear Resistors
external fault current of equal ratio, of similar
magnetising characteristics and of When the maximum through fault
K = a constant affected by low reactance construction. In cases current is limited by the protected
the dynamic response where low reactance current circuit impedance, such as in the
of the relay transformers are not available and case of generator differential and
high reactance ones must be used, power transformer restricted earth
Note: When high impedance
it is essential to use the reactance of fault protection, it is generally found
differential protection is
the current transformer in the unnecessary to use non-linear
applied to motors or
calculations for the voltage setting. voltage limiting resistors (Metrosils).
reactors, there is no external
Thus, the current transformer However, when the maximum
fault current. Therefore, the
impedance is expressed as a through fault current is high, such as
locked rotor current or
complex number in the form in busbar protection, it is more
starting current of the motor,
RCT + jXCT. It is also necessary to common to use a non-linear resistor
or reactor inrush current,
ensure that the exciting impedance (Metrosil) across the relay circuit
should be used in place of
of the current transformer is large in (relay and stabilising resistor).
the external fault current.
comparison with its secondary Metrosils are used to limit the peak
To obtain high speed operation for ohmic impedance at the relay voltage developed by the current
internal faults, the knee point setting voltage. transformers, under internal fault
voltage, VK , of the CTs must be conditions, to a value below the
significantly higher than the stability In the case of the high impedance insulation level of the current
voltage, Vs. This is essential so that relay, the operating current is transformers, relay and
the operating current through the adjustable in discrete steps. interconnecting leads, which are
relay is a sufficient multiple of the The primary operating current (Iop) able to withstand 3000V peak.
applied current setting. Ideally a will be a function of the current
transformer ratio, the relay The following formulae should be
ratio of VK ≥5Vs would be
operating current (Ir), the number of used to estimate the peak transient
appropriate, but where this is not
current transformers in parallel with voltage that could be produced for
possible refer to the Advanced
a relay element (n) and the an internal fault. This voltage is a
Application Requirements for
magnetising current of each current function of the current transformer
Through Fault Stability.
transformer (Ie) at the stability kneepoint voltage and the
This describes an alternative method
voltage (Vs). This relationship can be prospective voltage that would be
whereby lower values of Vs may be
expressed as follows: produced for an internal fault if
current transformer saturation did
Typical operating times for different Iop = (CT ratio) x (Ir + nIe) (3) not occur. Note, the internal fault
VK/Vs ratios are shown in the In order to achieve the required level, I'f , can be significantly higher
following table: primary operating current with the than the external fault level, If , on
current transformers that are used, a generators where current can be fed
VK/Vs 12 6 3 2 current setting (Ir) must be selected from the supply system and the
for the high impedance relay, as generator.
Typical detailed above. The setting of the
operating 30 40 50 60 Vp = 2 2VK (Vf – VK) (6)
stabilising resistor (RST) must be
time (ms) calculated in the following manner, Vf = I'f (RCT + 2RL + RST + Rr) (7)
where the setting is a function of the
These times are representative of a relay ohmic impedance at setting where Vp = peak voltage
system X/R ratio of 40 and a fault (Rr), the required stability voltage developed by the CT
level of 5Is to 10Is. Lower values of setting (Vs) and the relay current under internal fault
X/R and higher fault currents will setting (Ir). conditions.
tend to reduce the operating time. Vk = current transformer
Vs knee-point voltage.
RST = – Rr (4)

Vf = maximum voltage that This is due to the fact that the current
would be produced if waveform through the Metrosil is not
CT saturation did not sinusoidal but appreciably distorted.
For satisfactory application of a
I'f = maximum internal non-linear resistor (Metrosil), it’s
secondary fault characteristic should be such that it
current. complies with the following
RCT = current transformer requirements:
secondary winding At the relay voltage setting, the non-
linear resistor (Metrosil) current
RL = maximum lead burden should be as low as possible, but no
from current greater than approximately 30mA
transformer to relay. rms for 1A current transformers and
RST = relay stabilising approximately 100mA rms for 5A
resistor. current transformers.
Rr = Relay ohmic The metrosil units normally
impedance at setting. recommended for use with 1A CTs
When the value of Vp is greater are as follows:
than 3000V peak, non-linear
resistors (Metrosils) should be
applied. These Metrosils are Stability voltage Recommended metrosil type
effectively connected across the Vs (V) rms Single pole Triple pole
relay circuit, or phase to neutral of Up to 125V 600A/S1/S256 600A/S3/I/S802
the ac buswires, and serve the C = 450 C = 450
purpose of shunting the secondary
125-300V 600A/S1/S1088 600A/S3/I/S1195
current output of the current
C = 900 C = 900
transformer from the relay circuit in
order to prevent very high The metrosil units normally
secondary voltages. recommended for use with 5A CTs and
These Metrosils are externally single pole relays are as follows:
mounted and take the form of
annular discs, of 152mm diameter Secondary Recommended metrosil type
and approximately 10mm thickness. internal fault Relay stability voltage, Vs (V) rms
Their operating characteristics Current
follow the expression: (A) rms Up to 200V 250V 275V 300V
V = CI 0.25 (8) 50A 600A/S1/S1213 600A/S1/S1214 600A/S1/S1214 600A/S1/S1223
C = 540/640 C = 670/800 C = 670/800 C = 740/870
where V = Instantaneous voltage
100A 600A/S2/P/S1217 600A/S2/P/S1215 600A/S2/P/S1215 600A/S2/P/S1196
applied to the
C = 470/540 C = 570/670 C = 570/670 C = 620/740
non-linear resistor
150A 600A/S3/P/S1219 600A/S3/P/S1220 600A/S3/P/S1221 600A/S3/P/S1222
C = 430/500 C = 520/620 C = 570/670 C = 620/740
C = constant of the non-
linear resistor The single pole Metrosil units
(Metrosil) recommended for use with 5A CTs
I = instantaneous current can also be used with triple pole
through the non-linear relays and consist of three single
resistor (Metrosil) pole units mounted on the same
central stud but electrically insulated
With a sinusoidal voltage applied from each other. A ‘triple pole’
across the Metrosil, the RMS current Metrosil type and the reference
would be approximately 0.52x the should be specified when ordering.
peak current. This current value can Metrosil units for higher stability
be calculated as follows: voltage settings and fault currents
Vs(rms) x 2 4 can be supplied if required.
I(rms) = 0.52 C

where Vs(rms) = rms value of the

sinusoidal voltage applied across
the Metrosil.

The KCGG masks, t>A, t>B and t>C must also settings can be used for busbar
be assigned to relay RLY3, for fault supervision. When a CT or the
The KCGG142 is a numerical 3 records to be generated. Phase buswires become open circuited the
phase overcurrent and earth fault information will be included in the 3 phase currents will become
relay with 3 stages of phase and fault flags. unbalanced and residual current will
earth fault protection, I>/Io>, I>>/ flow. Hence, the Io> earth fault
Io>> and I>>>/Io>>> which can The Io>>/Io>>>/I>>/I>>>
element should give an alarm for
be used for 3 phase differential elements not being used should be
open circuit conditions but will not
protection or restricted earth fault disabled by setting the phase and
stop a maloperation of the
(REF) protection. The KCGG122 is a earth fault function links PF1, PF2,
differential element if the relay is set
numerical single phase overcurrent EF1 and EF2 to 0.
below rated load. Whenever
and earth fault relay with the same Setting ranges of I>/Io> elements possible the supervision primary
3 stages of phase and earth fault are: operating current should not be
protection, which can be used for more than 25 amps or 10% of the
REF protection only. It is I> 0.08 – 3.2In
smallest circuit rating, whichever is
recommended that the I> element is Io> 0.005 – 0.8In the greater. The earth fault element
used as the main protection element (Io>) should be connected at the
The ohmic impedance (Rr) of the
for 3 phase differential protection star point of the stabilising resistors,
auxiliary powered KCGG over the
and the Io> element for restricted as shown in Figure 9. The time
whole setting range is 0.06Ω for 1A
earth fault applications. This is delay setting for the supervision
relays and 0.006Ω for 5A relays ie.
because the I>/Io> elements have elements (to>) should be at least 3
independent of current. To comply
increased through fault stability seconds to ensure that spurious
with the definition for a high
compared to the I>>/Io>> and operation does not occur during any
impedance relay, it is necessary, in
I>>>/Io>>> elements. The I>/Io> through fault. This earth fault
most applications, to utilise an
elements operate when the Fourier element will operate for an open
externally mounted stabilising
value exceeds the threshold setting circuit CT on any one phase, or two
resistor in series with the relay.
and the positive and negative peak phases, but not necessarily for a
values exceed 90% of the threshold The standard values of the fault on all three when the currents
setting. The I>>/Io>> and I>>>/ stabilising resistors normally may sumate to zero. The supervision
Io>>> elements operate when the supplied with the relay, on request, may be supplemented with a spare
Fourier derived values exceeds the are 220Ω and 47Ω for 1A and 5A phase protection stage (I>>>) set to
threshold setting or where the peak relay ratings respectively. In the same setting as the Io> element
of any half cycle exceeds twice the applications such as busbar or its lowest setting, 0.08In, if the
set threshold. Since the differential protection, where higher values of Io> supervision setting is less than
spill current is likely to contain a dc stabilising resistor are often required 0.08In. Note that the Io current
offset level, the positive and to obtain the desired relay voltage should be checked when the busbar
negative peaks will have different setting, non-standard resistor values is under load. This can be viewed in
amplitudes and so the I>/Io> can be supplied. The standard the Measurements 1 menu in the
element is more stable. The time resistors are wire wound, relay. It is important that the Io>
delay characteristic should be continuously adjustable and have a threshold is set above any standing
selected to be definite time and with continuous rating of 145W. Io unbalance current.
a setting of zero seconds. The supervision element should be
The output relay that is to trip the Applying the KCGG used to energise an auxiliary relay
circuit breakers must be allocated in The recommended relay current with hand reset contacts connected
the relay masks for t>A, t>B and setting for restricted earth fault to short circuit the buswires.
t>C. Any relay allocated in these protection is usually determined by This renders the busbar zone
relay masks will dwell in the closed the minimum fault current available protection inoperative and prevents
state for a minimum of 100 for operation of the relay and thermal damage to the Metrosil.
milliseconds, even if fleeting whenever possible it should not be Contacts may also be required for
operation of the protection should greater than 30% of the minimum busbar supervision alarm purposes.
occur, ensuring positive operation of fault level. For busbar protection, it It is recommended that the dual
the circuit breaker, or trip relay. It is is considered good practice by powered KCEG242 relay is not
not advised that the start outputs some utilities to set the minimum used for differential protection
from I> are used because they do primary operating current in excess because of the start-up time delay
not have this in-built minimum of the rated load. Thus, if one of the when powered from the CTs alone,
contact dwell. current transformers becomes open approximately 200ms. Also, the
Separate output relays may be circuit the high impedance relay minimum setting of the phase
allocated to each phase trip if it is does not maloperate. overcurrent elements, 0.4In, would
required to have phase segregated The Io> earth fault element in the limit its application for differential
outputs. However, the three relay KCGG142 with it’s low current protection.

Figures 3 to 9 show how high Typical Setting Examples Current transformer
impedance relays can be applied in requirements
a number of different situations. Restricted earth fault
To ensure that internal faults are
Advanced application cleared in the shortest possible time
requirements for through fault The correct application of the the knee point voltage of the current
stability KCGG as a high impedance relay transformers should be at least 5
can best be illustrated by taking the times the stability voltage, Vs.
When Vs from formula 2 becomes case of the 11000/415V,
too restrictive for the application, the VK = 5Vs
1000kVA, X = 5%, power
following notes should be transformer shown in Figure 10, for = 5 x 17.6
considered. The information is which restricted earth fault
based on the transient and steady = 88V
protection is required on the LV
state stability limits derived from winding. CT ratio is 100/5A. The exciting current to be drawn by
conjunctive testing of the relay. the current transformers at the relay
Using this information will allow a Stability voltage stability voltage, Vs, will be:
lower stability voltage to be applied
The power transformer full load Is – Ir
to the relay, but the calculations Ie <
current n
become a little more involved.
There are two factors to be 1000 x 103 where Is = relay effective setting
considered that affect the stability of 3 x 415
30 5
= 1391A = x 1391 x
the scheme. The first is saturation of 100 1500
the current transformers caused by Maximum through fault level = 1.4A
the dc transient component of the (ignoring source impedance)
fault current and the second is Ir (Io>) = relay setting
steady state saturation caused by 100 = 1A
= x 1391
the symmetrical ac component of 5
fault current only. n = number of current
= 27820A
transformers in parallel
Transient stability limit Required relay stability voltage with the relay
(assuming one CT saturated)
To ensure through fault stability with = 4
a transient offset in the fault current = 0.5If (RCT + 2RL)
1.4 – 1
the required voltage setting is given = 0.5 x 27820 ∴ Ie @ 17.6V < 4
by: 5
x (0.3 + 0.08) < 0.1A
Vs = 40 + 0.05RST + 1500
0.04If(RCT + 2RL) (10) = 17.6V The time delay setting of the to>
element should be set to 0s.
If this value is lower than that given Stabilising resistor
by formula 2 then it should be used The Io>>/Io>>>/I>>/I>>>
Assuming that the relay effective elements not used should be
setting for a solidly earthed power disabled by setting the phase and
Vs and RST are unknowns in transformer is approximately 30% of earth fault function links PF1, PF2,
equation (10). However, for a relay full load current, we can choose a EF1 and EF2 to 0. Note, the phase
current setting Ir, the value of RST relay current setting, Io> = 20% of overcurrent elements not used for
can be calculated by substituting for 5A ie. 1A. On this basis the restricted earth fault protection could
Vs using equation (5), Vs = Ir RST. required value of stabilising resistor be used to provide normal
RST Ir = 40 + 0.05RST + is: overcurrent protection.
0.04If(RCT+ 2RL) (11) RST = s
Ir Metrosil non-linear resistor
Steady state stability limit requirements
= 17.6
1 If the peak voltage appearing
To ensure through fault stability with
non offset currents: = 17.6 ohms across the relay circuit under
5A rated KCGG relays can be maximum internal fault conditions
(RCT+ 2RL) must not exceed
supplied, on request, with stabilising exceeds 3000V peak then a
(VK + Vs)/If. (12)
resistors that are continuously suitable non-linear resistor
adjustable between 0 and 47Ω. (Metrosil), externally mounted,
Thus, a stabilising resistance of should be connected across the
17.6Ω can be set using the relay and stabilising resistor, in
standard supplied resistor. order to protect the insulation of the
current transformers, relay and
interconnecting leads. In the present

case the peak voltage can be Busbar Protection the differential protection will not
estimated by the formula: maloperate. It is assumed that 30%
A typical 132kV double bus of the minimum fault current is more
Vp = 2 2VK (Vf – VK) generating station is made up of than the full load current of the
two 100MVA generators and largest circuit.
where VK = 88V (In practice this associated step-up transformers,
should be the actual current providing power to the high voltage Full load current
transformer kneepoint voltage, system, by means of four overhead 100 x 103 = 438A
obtained from the current transmission lines, shown in 3 x 132
transformer magnetisation curve). Figure 2. The main and reserve Discriminating zone
busbars are sectionalised with bus
Vf = If(RCT + 2RL RST + Rr) Magnetising current taken by each
section circuit breakers.
5 The application for a high CT at 72V = 0.072A
= 27820 x x
1500 impedance circulating current Maximum number of CTs per
(0.3 + 0.08 + 17.6) scheme having 4 zones and an zone = 5
overall check feature, is as follows:
= 92.7 x 17.98 Relay current setting,
The switchgear rating is 3500MVA, Ir(I>) = 400A = 0.8In
= 1667V
the system voltage is 132kV solidly
Therefore substituting these values earthed and the maximum loop lead Relay primary operating current,
for VK and Vf into the main formula, resistance is 4 ohms. The current Iop = CT ratio x (Ir + nIe)
it can be seen that the peak voltage transformers are of ratio 500/1 = 500 x (0.8 + (5 x 0.072))
developed by the current amp and have a secondary
transformer is: resistance of 0.7 ohms. = 500 x 1.16
= 580A (132% full load
Vp = 2 2VK (Vf – VK) Stability voltage current)
= 2 2 x 88 x (1667 – 88) The stability level of the busbar
protection is governed by the Check zone
= 1054V maximum through fault level which Magnetising current taken by each
This value is well below the is assumed to be the switchgear CT at 72V = 0.072A
maximum of 3000V peak and rating. Using the switchgear rating
Maximum number of circuits = 6
therefore no Metrosils are required allows for any future system
with the relay. If, on the other hand, expansion. Relay current setting, Ir (I>)
the peak voltage VP given by the 3500 x 10 6 = 0.8A
formula had been greater than = = 15300A
3 x 132 x 103 Relay primary operating current,
3000V peak, a non-linear resistor
Required relay stability voltage Iop = 500 x (0.8 + (6 x 0.072))
(Metrosil) would have to be
(assuming one CT is saturated)
connected across the relay and the = 500 x 1.232
stabilising resistor. = 0.5 If (RCT + 2RL)
= 616A
The recommended non-linear
0.5 x 15300 (0.7 + 4) (141% full load current)
resistor type would have to be =
chosen in accordance with the 500 Therefore, by setting Ir (I>) = 0.8A,
maximum secondary internal fault = 72V the primary operating current of the
current and the voltage setting. busbar protection meets the
Current setting
requirements stated earlier.
The primary operating current of
busbar protection is normally set to Stabilising resistor
less than 30% of the minimum fault The required value of the stabilising
level. It is also considered good resistor is:
practice by some utilities to set the
minimum primary operating current RST =
in excess of the rated load. Thus, if
one of the CTs becomes open circuit 72
the high impedance relay does not 0.8
maloperate. = 90Ω
The primary operating current Therefore the standard 220Ω
should be made less than 30% of variable resistor can be used.
the minimum fault current and more
than the full load current of one of
the incomers. Thus, if one of the
incomer CTs becomes open circuit

Current transformer relay and the stabilising resistor. Transient stability limit
requirements The recommended non-linear
Vs = 40 + 0.05 RST + 0.04 x
resistor type would have to be
To ensure that internal faults are 15300/500 (0.7 + 4)
chosen in accordance with the
cleared in the shortest possible time
maximum internal fault current and Vs = 45.753 + 0.05 RST
the knee point voltage of the current
the voltage setting.
transformers should be at least 5 Vs = Ir RST
times the stability voltage, Vs. Busbar supervision The relay current setting, Ir = 0.8In
Vk/Vs = 5 Whenever possible the supervision 0.8 RST = 45.753 + 0.05 RST
Vk = 360V primary operating current should
RST = 61Ω
not be more than 25 amps or 10%
Metrosil non-linear resistor of the smallest circuit, whichever is Vs = 0.8 x 61 = 48.8V
requirements the greater.
Steady state stability limit
If the peak voltage appearing The Io> earth fault element in the
(RCT + 2RL) < (VK + Vs)/IF.
across the relay circuit under KCGG142 with its low current
maximum internal fault conditions settings can be used for busbar Assuming VK = 5 Vs
exceeds 3000V peak then a supervision. (6 x 48.8)
suitable non-linear resistor (0.7 + 4) <
Assuming that 25A is greater than (15300/500)
(Metrosil), externally mounted,
10% of the smallest circuit current. 4.7 < 9.57
should be connected across the
relay and stabilising resistor, in Io> = 25/500 = 0.05In Thus, the steady state stability
order to protect the insulation of the Using the I>>> element for 3 phase requirement is met.
current transformers, relay and busbar supervision
interconnecting leads. In the present VK = 5 Vs = 244V
case the peak voltage can be I>>> = 0.08In (minimum setting) Using the advanced application
estimated by the formula: The time delay setting of the to> and method the knee point voltage
t>>> elements, used for busbar requirement has been reduced to
Vp = 2 2VK (Vf – VK)
supervision, is 3s. 244V compared to the conventional
method where the knee point
where VK = 360V (In practice this The Io>>/Io>>>/I>> elements not
voltage was calculated to be 360V.
should be the actual current used should be disabled by setting
transformer kneepoint voltage, the phase and earth fault function
obtained from the current links PF1, EF1 and EF2 to 0.
transformer magnetisation curve).
Advanced application
Vr = I'f(RCT + 2RL + RST + Rr) requirements for through fault
1 stability
= 15300 x x (0.7 + 4 + 90)
The previous busbar protection
= 30.6 x 94.7 example is used here to demonstrate
= 2898V the use of the advanced application
requirements for through stability.
Therefore substituting these values
for VK and Vf into the main formula, To ensure through fault stability with
it can be seen that the peak voltage a transient offset in the fault current
developed by the current the required voltage setting is given
transformer is: by:
Vs = 40 + 0.05RST +
Vp = 2 2VK (Vf – VK) 0.04IF(RCT+ 2RL)

= 2 2 x 360 x (2898 – 360) If this value is lower than that given

by formula 2 then it should be used
= 2704V instead.
This value is below the maximum of To ensure through fault stability with
3000V peak and therefore no non offset currents:
Metrosils are required with the
relay. If, on the other hand, the peak (RCT+ 2RL) must not exceed
voltage VP given by the formula had (VK + Vs)/If.
been greater than 3000V peak, a
non-linear resistor (Metrosil) would
have to be connected across the

100MVA 15kV

100MVA 132/15kV



Figure 2: Double busbar generating station.

P1 P2 P1 P2
S1 S2 S1 S2


21 R A 23 R B 25 R C
relays 22 v 24 v 26 v
Figure 3: Phase and earth fault differential
protection for generators, motors or R ST R ST R ST

P1 P2
S1 S2

27 28
Figure 4: Restricted earth fault protection for P2 S2 R ST
3 phase, 3 wire system-applicable to
star connected generators or power v
transformer windings.
P1 S1

P1 P2
S1 S2

Figure 5: Balanced or restricted earth fault 27 28

protection for delta winding of a R R ST
power transformer with supply
system earthed.

P2 P1
S2 S1

P2 P1
Figure 6: Restricted earth fault protection for
3 phase, 4 wire system-applicable to S2 S1
star connected generators or power
transformer windings with neutral
earthed at switchgear. 27 28

P2 P1
S2 S1

P2 P1
S2 S1
Figure 7: Restricted earth fault protection for 27 28
3 phase, 4 wire system-applicable to P2 S2 R R ST
star connected generators or power
transformer windings earthed directly v
at the star point. P1 S1

P1 P2 P2 P1
S2 S1 P2 P1
S1 S2 A
S2 S1

Figure 8: Phase and earth fault differential 21 R A 23 R B 25 R C

protection for an auto-transformer
relays 22 v 24 v 26 v
with CTs at the neutral star point.

P1 S1

P2 S2


P2 S2 P2 S2

Figure 9: Busbar protection – simple single P1 S1 P1 S1

zone phase and earth fault scheme.
21 R 23 RB 25 R
Contacts from Protective v v v
buswire relays 22 24 26
supervision R ST R ST R ST
auxiliary relay 27
RN Buswire
28 supervision

415V 1500/5A


Figure 10: Restricted earth fault protection on a

power transformer LV winding. R CT
Data Restricted
Protection: R L = 0.04Ω earth fault
R LC = 0.3Ω protection

Transformer: X = 5% RL

ALSTOM T&D Protection & Control Ltd St Leonards Works, Stafford, ST17 4LX England
Tel: 44 (0) 1785 223251 Fax: 44 (0) 1785 212232 Email: pcs.enquiries@tde.alstom.com Internet: www.alstom.com
©2000 ALSTOM T&D Protection & Control Ltd

Our policy is one of continuous development. Accordingly the design of our products may change at any time. Whilst every effort is made to produce up to date literature, this brochure should
only be regarded as a guide and is intended for information purposes only. Its contents do not constitute an offer for sale or advice on the application of any product referred to in it.
ALSTOM T&D Protection & Control Ltd cannot be held responsible for any reliance on any decisions taken on its contents without specific advice.

Publication R6142B Printed in England.

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