Ge-Us Unit2 (Remulta)

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1. a

2. d

3. b

4. b

5. d

6. a

7. c

8. b

9. a

10. d


Activity 1.

Research title: Biological, Psychological, and Sociocultural Factors Contributing to the Drive for
Muscularity in Weight-Training Men
Authors: Catharina Schneider, Laura Rollitz, Martin Voracek and Kristina Hennig-Fast


1. Research does not have research problems

2. The research study used Sociodemographic Measures and Exercise-Related Variables, Fat-Free Mass
Index, Self-esteem measurements.

3. Respondents stated exercising a mean of 3.96 times per week (SD = 7.37) for 79.87 min per session
(SD = 23.93). The mean of years of exercise was 5.05 (SD = 5.45). Average BMI indicated slight
overweight status (M = 25.57, SD = 2.93); however, body fat percentage (M = 13.36, SD = 3.49) was in
the lower healthy range for men between 20 and 39 years of age (Gallagher et al., 2000). Compared to a
study of the general population of Austria (M = 25.9), this sample had a comparable BMI value (M =
25.57), but a much lower body fat percentage (M = 13.36 vs. M = 22.3; Elmadfa et al., 2012). This shows
that the BMI is only partly useful within a population of highly muscular individuals, and other body
composition measures are needed.

4. This study aimed at further investigating factors associated with drive for muscularity in weight-
training men, using a biopsychosocial model as a frame. Our current findings confirmed most of the
hypothesized factors as being associated with global drive for muscularity and muscularity-related
attitudes and behaviors. Internalization of media body ideals presented the highest predictive value for
drive for muscularity. This indicates that the drive for muscularity, similar to the drive for thinness in
women, seems to be a problem of societies in which highly unrealistic body ideals are advertised and
idealized. As a consequence, education on, and advertisement of, body ideals based on health and well-
being, instead of thinness or leanness and muscularity, should be pursued in order to promote health
instead of appearance.

5. The research study was excellent to the point where their research conducts and findings are very
detailed with the exact data gathered and the aim for the study are well planned that goes with its
6. The study is a bit different from the study that I learned from senior high school, the study was not
separated by chapters although there are subtitles that organize the data but it is still efficient to
separate it with chapters and proper sequence. Lastly, the research study did not mention about
research problems and the benefits of the overall production of research to the public, which is in my
opinion a very significant part of a research study.

Activity 2.

Method of Contraception Advantages Disadvantages

Artificial Methods More accurate, the efficiency The method is kind of risky in
to prevent pregnancy for the reproductive health of
family planning is above level both female and male.
compared to natural Specially pills and other intake
methods. Condom can help contraceptions can damage
prevent STI transmission. and give after effect which is
not good in a long run,
reproductive organs might
acquire disease or physical
damage from these

Natural Methods These methods might be

misleading or have low
Because it is natural it very accuracy level of efficiency in
friend and would not provide some ways except abstinence.
harm to both reproductive These methods donnot apply
and physical health of the all the time because our body
individuals who practice these adapt changes all the time
methods, moreover it is very which become these methods
helpful for cheap way of subjective in a sense that
family planning. checking the vaginal status or
body temperature are
affected by other factors such
as fever or abnormalities body
Activity No. 3- Creative Representation of Enhancing the Physical Image

A. 1.The pituitary gland

2-3. The head, nucleus (genetic material with 23 chromosomes)

4-5.identical twins, Fraternal twins

6. disease

7-8. Depressants, Hallucinogens

9. three to five

10. HIV

B. Student blog

My personal insight

The set of activities as well as the lessions and lectures are kind of long and too much to handle for self
learning, The activities are challenging but fun to do, I took a lot of time to find a good research study to
present and other activities to finish as well. Overall, I am very thankful and happy that I finished this
Unit 2 with all the required activities even if it's a bit hard.

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