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Rebelito S.



Art Appreciation Final Coverage

Unit 1


1. Anton Chekhov

2. Ralph Waldo Emerson

3. Herman Melville

4. James A. Michener

5. Jorge Luis Borges

Learning Activities


• unconquerable soul

• My head is bloody, but unbowed.

• I am the master of my fate,

• I am the captain of my soul.


Invictus is a poem by William Ernest Henley that means "unconquerable" or "undefeated" in Latin.
Henley wrote the poem while in the hospital being treated for bone tuberculosis, often known as Pott's
illness. He'd had the ailment since he was a child, and he'd had his foot amputated not long before
writing the poem. This poem is about facing death with courage and maintaining one's dignity despite
the indignities that life throws at us.

Activity 2.

Title: Into the Night

Like sinking, like melting,

so bright yet so dark,

with feeling of air that's breezing.

The sky where the sun has set and rise,

The hint that day has demise,

Time for idling and close your eyes

Swallows the portion of brightness,

Supply light to opposing places,

It's not magical, hence time variations.


Dear Daddy,

Happy Father’s Day.

I cannot say this in person, and so I am writing this letter. I am so honored and blessed to be born as
your son. You are the strong pillar of our family in the toughest times. Despite the financial crunch, you
filled my childhood with happiness and showered me with the joy of little things in life.

Thank you for giving me such beautiful memories and learnings, which I will pass on to my children. You
have guided me all through my life and helped me achieve what I wanted in my life. You have given me
the freedom to explore things and taught me to be brave.

I am lucky to have you.

Love you

Your son,

Rebelito S. Remulta
Unit 2.

1. Tenor

2. Baritone

3. Alto or contralto

4. Bass

5. soprano

6. Mezzo

7. Sound

8. Pitch

9. Volume

10. Duration

Learning Activity



For they could not love you,

But still your love was true.

And when no hope was left in sight

On that starry, starry night,

You took your life, as lovers often do.

But I could have told you, Vincent,

This world was never meant for one

As beautiful as you.

This is Van Gogh’s tragic predicament. Even though he loved painting, his paintings could never love him

Van Gogh attempted suicide by shooting himself in the chest, which ultimately led to his death two days


The writer suggests that, for all the appreciation expressed for van Gogh's art by modern audiences and
collectors, we still do not fully understand what van Gogh was trying to express through his art. And
perhaps that is the ultimate fate of all art, to be misunderstood.

3. No, Van Gogh was not the most successful painter in his life, some of his contemporaries claimed
both fame and notoriety, and the controversy of whether or not Impressionist artwork could be
considered valuable only added to their reputations.

4. Yes, the song was very relaxing and calming, the lyrics kinda hit hard and hurts when you really listen
well. Overall, I love the way how the music was made it's so relaxing and meaningful.

5. The voice quality of a singer is I think above average, the pitch is not so high and not so low too, If I'm
not mistaken the singer is not new to music because the way he sounds and sang the song, he sounds
like almost at expert level.

Post test.
1. b.

2. a

3. b

4. a

5. b

Unit 3.

1. false

2. true

3. true

4. true

5. true

6. true

7. true

8. true

9. true

10. false

Learning Activities


Viewers and audience must understand the visual elements where art was grounded on and have a
certain levels of awareness to the style, form and content of the said artwork. It's also important to be
knowledgeable about the origin, history, and where or what the art was referenced to, it will help a
viewer to have a better apprehension about the art.


Improvisation in my opinion doesn't contribute much to the distinctive quality of artwork because it is
mostly used in freely practicing art, learning more about artworks and different styles in making a
relatively concepted art from the original one, however it will help it in a way that the artwork was
revised and cultivated in different perspective, that's why sometimes a covered song sounds better from
the original one. Overall, improvisation enhances the essence of art by introducing unexpected
components that make it sound more alive.

3. A person can "appropriate" something if they are in possession of it. The artists who appropriate
images in their art do not steal, plagiarize or claim ownership of these images. They merely use them as
inspiration for their own works.


The arts were created to convey essential ideas and to motivate people to act and think. Art contributes
to the construction of society's culture by shifting people's perspectives and attitudes from one object to
something new, allowing us to obtain information in a creative manner. It involves teaching an artist's
values and translating experiences into many forms of art that may be seen by a large number of people.
By just comprehending and enjoying the artist's work, we are able to feel what they are experiencing.
We may use art to communicate our true selves to others in many ways, and we can also embrace the
culture of other countries through the common media we use today.

Post test

1. Shintoism

2. Japan

3. Campbell's Soup Cans

4. Style

5. elements

6. The content of an artwork

7. Georges Mathieu

8. Chinese and

9. Japanese

10. Porcelain

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