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Functions and Services in Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology 1

Functions and Services in Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology

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Functions and Services in Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology 2

Functions and Services in Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology

As a health official in the division of Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology, our

mission is to promote and improve the health and well-being of mothers and children, and

families at diverse levels including state and local, implement epidemiologic research and

scientific applications to promote maternal and child wellness in our society. Our major role

lies in increasing epidemiologic infrastructure, creating awareness, and promoting scientific

methods in Maternal and Child Care. In this article, we are going to focus on Monitoring

Health Status to Identify and Solve Community Health Problems as one of the key services

delivered in my profession as a Child Health and Maternal Epidemiologist (4).

When it comes to Monitoring Health Status to Identify and Solve Community Health

Problems, invest much of our proficiencies in performing an accurate and periodic

assessment of the health well-being of children and maternity. Application of scientific

methods and technology in analyzing this data is also done to ensure that the medical

information from the assessments is well understood to make viable decisions to promote

Maternal and Child Healthcare. Furthermore, the Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology

unit allows entities within LPHS to collaborate in the development of health benefit plans

using population health registries to assess Maternal and Child Healthcare (8). The service

involved in Monitoring Health Status and Identifying and Solving Community Health

Problems majorly addresses the public health core function of Assessment, as it entails the

study of health status and health needs in the ministry of health (3).

To achieve Monitoring Health Status to Identify and Solve Community Health

Problems among children and maternal, our department works hand in hand with information

technology professionals in the development and application of technological methods and

tools to handle medical data on Child and Maternal Epidemiology, this usually entails the use

invention of data mapping software and equipment. Network engineers play a big role in
Functions and Services in Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology 3

rendering this service by allowing professionals from different locations to communicate and

share data across the world. Since the service employs data collection and manipulation

techniques, statistical analysts and database developers are needed to ensure precise

processing of maternal and child health epidemiological data from collection, organizing,

processing, and analysis to ensure that the department makes decisions basing on facts of


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