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This is the cover we made

The name is inspired by our names, it is the combination of Sarah and Teresa,
that is why it is called Sate.
Apart from the name we have the main title which is '' Life in a pandemic ''.
As the main image we have a woman with a mask (which is my mother) who
lets us see the reality of today, where we all have to live constantly wearing
the mask and with the permanent risk of getting infected. In the same way at
the bottom, we decided to highlight the word hope because in this health
crisis, it is necessary to maintain hope.
On the sides we decided to put the titles of the news that are inside the
magazine such as: the new generation after the pandemic, since I believe
that because of everything that happened this year, the new generations will
have a radical change, for example, Nowadays children have become
hermits, they do not want to go out, they prefer simply to be at home and
they do not have a social life only through social networks.
The other news that we put is: The problems in virtual education because as
a student I see some limitations in the educational area so I think it is
important to talk about that, so that young people know what the problems
they will have to face in virtual education.

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