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Dinglasa, Clyeo Pearl R.


1. Construct a 95 % confidence interval from the following data:

15, 17, 23, 25, 19, 28, 23, 25, 29, 27

1. x=¿ 15+17+ 23+ 25+19+28+23+25+ 29+27=231÷ 10=23.1

√ (15−23.1)2 +(17−23.1)2+(23−23.1)2 +(25−23.1)2+(19−23.1)2 +(28−23.1)2 +(23−23.1)2 +(25−23.1)2

3. Sample size, n=10

V =Degrees of freedom=n−1=10−1=9
t (0.025,9) =2.262

( 23.1−( 2.262 )
√ 10
,23.1+ ( 2.262 ) )
√ 10
=(19.9,26 .3)

2. In two countries C1 and C2, the height of adult women were studied. From country C1, 18 women
were measured and their mean height is 59.0 inches with standard deviation of 2.5 inches, while in C2
20 women were measured and their mean height is 61.5 inches with standard deviation of 4.5 inches. Is
there a reason to believe that the height of women in C1 and C2 differ significantly? Test at α= .05.
Assume variance not equal.

1. Ho: C 1=C 2
Ha: C 1 ≠C 2
2. Tabular value
Df =n 1+n 2−2=18+20−2=36
t (0.05,36) =1.688
3. Computed t

S p=
√ ( 18−1 ) 2.52 +(20−1)4.52

t= =−1.62

1 1
18 20
4. Decision. Reject Ho. Accept Ha
5. The height of women in two countries differ significantly.

3. A survey by the National College Students’ Association showed that students spend 525 pesos a week
on the average. A sample of 150 students from SU shows that they spend with an average of 435 pesos
a week with a standard deviation of 60 pesos. Would you say that the SU students spends less with the
national average? Test at α= .05 level of significance.

1. Ho: M 1=M 2
Ha: M 1< M 2
2. Tabular value ¿ 1.645 at α =0.05
3. Computed z value
z= =−18.37
√ 150
4. Decision. Reject Ho. Accept Ha
5. The SU students spend less than the national average.

4. The following are the ages of the teachers in the mathematics department, 61, 63, 50, 45, 43, 34, 30,
25, 23, 22. Construct a 95 percent confidence interval assuming normal distribution.

1. x=¿ 61+63+50+ 45+ 43+34+30+25+ 23+22=396 ÷ 10=39.6

√ (61−23.1)2+(63−23.1)2 +(50−23.1)2+(45−23.1)2+( 43−23.1)2+(34−23.1)2+(30−23.1)2 +(25−23.1)2

3. Sample size, n=10

V =Degrees of freedom=n−1=10−1=9
t (0.025,9) =2.262

( 39.6−( 2.262 )
√ 10
, 39.6+ ( 2.262 ) )
=(29.29,49 .91)

5. According to NSA Statistics the life expectancy of Filipino women is 71.5 years old. Suppose that a
random sample of 10 women in town B, yield the following data below. Would you say that the life of
expectancy of the women in town B is greater than the national average? Use 0.05 level of significance.
(Assume normal distribution)
77 78 79
75 74 83
68 72 73
71 74 77

1. Ho: M 1=M 2
Ha: M 1> M 2
2. Tabular value
Df =n−1=12−1=11
t (0.05,11)=1.796

3. Computed z value
t= =3.095

2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(77−23.1) +(75−23.1) +(68−23.1) +(71−23.1) +(78−23.1) +(74−23.1) +(72−23.1) +(74−23
4. Decision. Reject Ho. Accept Ha
5. The life expectancy of women in town B is greater than the national average.

6. A group of researchers plan to introduce music to children 3-11 years old when administered with
intravenous (IV) insertion to mitigate the pain. Their research design was to play the music close to the
child three minutes before the IV insertion and during the insertion they record by scale of 1 to 10 the
pain rating that the child demonstrate during insertion. The same child will be observed and rated using
the same scale without any music played. A pain rating of 1 will indicate that the child would not mind
the pain while a pain rating of 10 will indicated that child experienced intense pain during the insertion.
The experiment will be repeated several times to ten children and the average pain rating recorded.
Average Pain
Child Without Music With Music
1 7.6 7.8
2 7.2 7.6
3 7.0 6.4
4 8.0 3.4
5. 6.4 1.1
6. 7.8 1.0
7. 7.6 4.8
8. 5.9 8.3
Would you sat that music will be effective in mitigating pain when IV insertion was administered. Test at
0.05 level of significance.

1. Ho: M 1=M 2
Ha: M 1 ≠ M 2
2. Tabular value
Df =n 1+n 2−2=8+8−2=14
t (0.025,14) =±2.145
3. Computed t

S p=

√ ( 8−1 ) 0.68 2+ ( 8−1 ) 2.772

8+ 8−2

√ 1 1
8 8
4. Decision. Reject Ho. Accept Ha
5. The height of women in two countries differ significantly.

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