Emcee 31st Oct 2022

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Arrival of guests Assalamualaikum wrbt and a very good morning

Before the event starts, I would like to invite the guests to be seated as
the session will begin soon.

Please make sure that all guests have registered at the registration

You may find our ushers are ready to guide you to your seating.

Your cooperation is appreciated.

Thank you.

Introduction All guests may have a seat.

Salutation Bismillahirahmanirrahim.

Greetings to,
All participants from Public Higher Institutions & Private Higher
Institutions (IPTA, IPTS) including Directors, Head of

trainers, staff from AUN QA

1. Prof. Ir. Dr. Shahrir Abdullah (Lead Trainer from Malaysia),

2. Prof. Dr. Wyona C. Patalinghug (Trainer from the Philippines),
3. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evangeline P. Bautista (Trainer from the
4. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamolwan Lueprasert (Trainer from Thailand)

Ms. Ing, Ms. Jan & Ms. Chanya (secretariats of AUN-QA)

Brunei Darussalam National Accreditation Council (BDNAC),

HiED fellow colleagues

Assalamualaikum wbt and a very good morning to all ladies and

gentlemen. My name is Syahirah from Higher Education Department.


by Higher Education Department in collaboration with trainers and staff
from AUN-QA
Gratitude All Praises to Allah SWT, we have been graced by the chance to gather
in this opening session.

Recitation Before we move on, let us begin with the recitation of du’a/ Surah Al-
Fatihah that will be led by Cikgu Haji Abdul Aziz Hj Abd Ghaffar,
education officer of Brunei Darussalam National Accreditation Council

Aamiin Aamiin Aamiin yrb

Thank you to Cikgu Haji Abdul Aziz for the recitation of du’a.

Safety Briefing Please be informed that there is no fire drill planned for today. In the
event of a fire alarm, please remain calm and follow our ushers to the
assembly point. safety officer will be around to assist. Thank you.

Toilet facilities can be found at the backend of the hall.

Opening remarks To begin this morning session, we would like to invite Yang Mulia
Dayang Hajah Anis Faudzulani binti Haji Dzulkiflee, Head of
Department, Higher Education Department (HiED), to deliver her
welcoming remarks and presentation.

Thank you Puan Hajah Anis.

End of the session And now, the opening session has come to its end.

Thank you to our director of HiED, Puan Hajah Anis, trainers and staffs
from AUN-QA and all participants for gracing our morning session with
your presence. We truly appreciate your presence and participation.

We hope this 4 days intensive training will be beneficial in providing you

a better understanding/ insights of AUN QA - Participants were able to
identify the essential elements of a quality assurance ecosystem,
interpret the AUN-QA framework, its criteria and requirements as well as
how to write Self-Assessment Report (SAR) for successful AUNQA
programme assessment.

On behalf of the Higher Education Department as well as Brunei

National Accreditation Council, I would like to apologize if we have
made any mistakes throughout the opening ceremony.

Before we end our event for today, I would like to invite everyone, in front for
group photography session later.
Surah Al-Asr Now, we’d like to invite Cikgu Haji Abdul Aziz again to recite Surah Al-
Asr to end this session.

End With that, I end my duty as master of ceremony for today’s session with
wabillah hitaufik walhidayah.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh.

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