Olheap - Practice Test #6

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1. Do you like 0. Henry's stories? Why or why not?

• Every story O. Henry rendered is awesome. It is because they are full of twist and have an
unpredictable ending that I love them. You won't even know or think that it will end its stories
like this. One thing that does make O. Henry's fascinating stories are that they generally end
up with a twist. A surprise in a plot is when you are not expecting it to happen. Like the Last
Leaf, it was, I can say, a fantastic piece.

• O. Henry wrote stories set in locations where he had lived and featured real life characters and
events. Many of his stories, for example, were set in Texas and New York City, places he lived
for many years.

2. Why do you think some reviewers did not like 0. Henry's work?

They probably weren’t expecting his surprise endings or didn’t literarily understand his writing
style. He was ahead of his time in many ways considering this was the 19th century, short
stories didn’t hit their full stride until the latter half of the 20th century with the increase of
periodical magazines and a better subscription model. Also the academic community came to
accept the short story as a valid literary art form by this time period as well.

3. What do you think of the way the text reviewed 0. Henry's stories?

Henry's stories was in deep vocabulary that readers notice it hard to understand and relate to.
within the history of Yankee Literature, O'Henry is one of the foremost celebrated and well-
known writers. He has an intense writing style.

4. What is the text's point about 0. Henry and New York?

William Sydney Porter lends write the book and named it "O. Henry" to surprise endings signed
officially as Sydney Porter.

5. Was it important to summarize the short stories? Why or why not?

Summarizing is an important skill to master since it helps students learn reading
comprehension and hones writing proficiency. Students need to summarize articles, essays,
events and short stories throughout their academic careers, including college.

6. Does the text explain the craftsmanship behind 0. Henry's work? Is this necessary?

My opinion is No I think because O. Henry's work as craftsmanship are not necessarily educated

7. What do you think of the language used in the text?

O. Henry" is written by the famous writer William Sydney Porter. ... In this story the writing
style that he has adopted is Humorous Language, Surprising Endings and Tearful Smile.

8. What does the text conclude regarding 0. Henry?

He had to make a difficult decision and finally demonstrated his loyalty towards his
profession. All these themes are commonplace too, but O'Henry's skill lies in how he put them
together and brought the story to a plausible end.

9. Did this review satisfy you? Why or why not?

yes,because i'm curious about that review.

10. What do you look for in reviews?

• It offers a gist of the book.

• It offers a detailed analysis of the positives and the negatives.

• It offers a comment on the author's perspective.

• It offers a few of the interesting quotes from the book.

• It offers an observation on what to expect from it.

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