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Esteem software is a total integrated solution computer program that offers the
complete package in reinforced concrete design.
 You can create and edit a model, perform analysis, design, produce calculations
and drawings through a graphic driven interface within Microsoft Windows
2D analysis- cont.’
2D analysis (Floor by floor run) process flow:-
1. Key Plan
To run 2D analysis, user shall create a complete key plan. A complete plan must
include grid lines, beams, slabs (optional) and columns.
2. Verification
The program shall run auto-verification before generating mesh. An error or warning
message will pop up (including a report on source of the error) if any element that
cannot pass the verification. User shall then recheck the key plan and correct the key
plan to satisfy the verification.
3. Mesh Generation
The program shall generate plan mesh after passing the plan verification.
2D analysis- cont.’
4. Analysis
Plan is analyzed after mesh generation.
An error or warning message will pop up if analysis fails.
Base on the message, user shall go back to plan edit the
element causing failure. Re-run the mesh generation
and analysis after this.
On passing the analysis, the default set of result (the
displacement contour) appears on the main display.
2D analysis- cont.’
5. Design
In design stage, user can choose either to design all elements or individual
element types; beam, slab.
“All elements at once” meaning the program will design all same type of element
at once. If user chooses this option, program is able to design in group for beams,
slabs, columns, and foundation for the active floor.
“Selected element” means the program will design the selected element.
“Selected element” are applicable to few elements or a single element. If user
chooses this option, user has to select the element first before executing the
design application.
2D analysis - cont.’
5. Design –cont.’
After the design stage, user will be able to view the result. If user chooses to
design “all elements” then users are able to select element by element for the
result view. If user select to design “Selected element” then user will only read
the result for the elements that user choose to design.
If the elements failed in the design stage, the program will prepare a list of the
failed element. User will able to view the result of the element failed in design. A
report will help the user to identify the cause of design failure.
3D analysis
3D analysis (Overall analysis) process:-
1. Verification
3D analysis will start after 2D analysis. At the start of the 2D analysis, program will run
plan verification. This plan verification will run from floor to floor. If any errors are
discovered in plan verification, a report will be created after the verification process.
2. 2D Analysis
When the plans pass the verification stage, the 2D analysis begins. It will run from
floor to floor.
For each floor, the program will do the following:-
a) Generate 2D mesh.
b) Runs the 2D mesh analysis.
If any floor fails in this analysis stage, program would automatically pop up the
compiled error message after all floors are analyzed.
3D analysis
3. 3D Analysis
After the all floors passed the 2D analysis, the 3D analysis proceeds. The program will do the
a) Generate 3D mesh.
b) Runs 3D mesh analysis.
If any floor fails in 3D analysis, program will automatically give an error report after the analysis.
4. 3D Post Analysis
After the 3D mesh analysis, the program moves into 3D post analysis. Two sets of results are
produced here. They are the "3D contour view" and the "3D loading & result view".
5. Design Stage
After 3D post analysis, program will move into the design stage. User can predefine to design all
elements when running 3D analysis. Otherwise user can choose to design after 3D post analysis
process. User can choose to design all element or selected elements after the 3D analysis.
1. Main menu
topics -groups and
categorized according to the
5. Project Explorer related functions.
Double-clicking – to activate the particular floor
on the Main Display window [3].
2. Tool Bar
Right clicking -additional editing command.
Buttons - carry out certain
commands- Most are
6. Object Viewer
3. Main Display associated with the function
List in the properties of any
Display area for plan, 3D view, in the menu bar
particular element or
general project or floor detailing and more- press F12 4. Status bar The status bar reports
information. to refresh display editing modes and provides general

5. Project Explorer
Double-clicking – to activate the particular floor
on the Main Display window [3].
Right clicking -additional editing command.
You can easily arrange other toolbars by right-
clicking on the toolbar area to select the ones
1. To create a new project
File menu > New Project

Or using an icon on the toolbars

Insert a name into the Project Name textbox

If you check √ Auto Create Directory a new

project folder will be created under the
specified Location. Click on button to
browse for preferred location/directory.
you can rename
each floor to your Number of Key Plans - to define the number of
preferences floors
Insert a name into the Project Name textbox

If you check √ Auto Create Directory a new

project folder will be created under the
specified Location. Click on button to
browse for preferred location/directory.
you can rename
each floor to your Number of Key Plans - to define the number of
preferences floors
1. To specify all the parameters.
2. Changing a parameter after an analysis
and design does not automatically reset
all the results until the project is re-run.
Users are reminded to re-run the project
to have the results reflective of the
changes parameters.
1. Create a New Project and Input Gridlines
1. Gridline input:
i. Multiple Grid input /Advanced
→ gridline in x-direction,
and gridline in y-direction.

ii. Manual grid line input

Gridline input:
i. Multiple Grid input /Advanced input
ii. Manual grid line input

**x=distance yg selari dgn axis x

**y=distance yg selari dgn axis y
2. Input Beams
Use beam Input mode

1. Auto-generate 2. Manually input

click on gridline intersection points to

mark begin and end point for the beam.
2. Input Beams-edit beams

There are some beams that are not used. To edit;

1. Activate beam icon
Click icon beam’s edit (as in no 2 in figure below)
 Click once on that particular beam until red circle comes out and click on grid
intersection to trim the beam.
2. Input Beams
2. Input Beams-Curve Beam
1. Click on the Curve Beam icon

2. Click on grid intersection to mark the first point. Then click again on another grid
intersection to mark the second point. To mark the third point, click until the Outer
Middle Offset and set any specific value.
3. Beams load input
1. With the beam icon still active, you can choose any load types from point
load to general variation load.

2. You can set the load value in Object Viewer panel

3. Beams – end condition
To change beam end
1. click on Beam End
Condition icon .
2. You can change it from
Auto to Fixed or Pin
4. Column input
1. Activate column input mode.
2. For auto generate at all grid intersections- click on Generate Column at
Intersection icon.

3. To delete a column, select a column and press Delete.

4. Column input
4. To set the floor height
Main Menu > Settings > Floor
4. Column input
5. To set the columns’ size
i. still in column input mode
Ii. click on the column and Change the size in object viewer.
To input column which follows beam width dimension,
i. click on Fix to Beam Size - The column size will follow the intersecting beam
width dimension.
4. Slab input
1. Activate icon slab mode.
2. For batch input slab into bounded areas, click Add to Bounded Areas icon.
4. Slab input
3. Edit Slab drop and thickness.
i. Click on the inside of the slab
Ii. Change the slab drop and thickness in Object Viewer panel.
4. Slab input
4. To create another sub-slab bounded
by grids
Click on the slab to select it. Then click
on the new boundary points to create
the new sub-slab bounded by these
4. Slab –load input
In slab input mode
1. Click on slab Point Load
icon - Set the Live Load in
Object Viewer panel- Then
by setting the reference
point from bottom left
corner, set the location of
the point Load.
4. Slab –load input
In slab input mode
1. Slab line load input.

2. Ensure that the Othogonal icon is OFF for incline line load.
4. Slab – cut section
In slab input mode
1. Click on Cut Section icon
2. Click the gridline you want the cut section
parallel to.
3. Next, click at the point of desired location for
cut section.
4. The cut section mark can be re-positioned by
editing the 'Begin Point' or
'End Point' in the Object Viewer
5. Brickwall Input
Input brickwall by user define.
1. click on Brickwall icon and choose User Define icon .

2. Click on the beam which is the location of the brickwall.

3. Specify the starting point and the ending point of the brickwall location.
5. Brickwall Input
Input brickwall on whole beam length
1. Still in brickwall input mode
2. Click On Whole Beam icon to input brick wall on a beam.
3. Then simply click on a beam to input the brick wall on the whole beam length
5. Brickwall on Slab
1. Use the brickwall input User Define icon, together with Othogonal icon and Snap
icon on.

2. In Object Viewer panel, set the brickwall property Index 1(thickness 230mm)
or 2 (thickness 115mm)
5. Brickwall on Slab
3. Simply click on slab to select.
4. Then drag mouse cursor to the
desire grid to mark starting point and
the ending point of the brickwall.
6. 2D Analysis and Design
1. Generate the mesh for plan gb.

i. Click on Generate Mesh icon .

ii. Turn on the View/Hide Node Number icon and View/Hide Eelment Number icon to display the node and
element numbers on the mesh.
6. 2D Analysis and Design
2. Beam moment release mark and Slab moment release mark

i. Zoom into the mesh.

ii. Turn on Beam Moment Release Mark icon and Slab Moment Release Mark icon.
White color circle mark at the end of beam indicate the end nodes of these beams are released
6. 2D Analysis and Design
3 Now analyse the plan. To
3. Plan Analyses
Plan icon .

i. Click on Analyse Plan icon

ii. 2D Contour Result menu-to view the resulting contours.

iii. Displacement icon- To view displacement contour

6. 2D Analysis and Design
3 Now analyse the plan. To
3. Plan Analyses
Plan icon .
iv. Subframe view icon-To display the 2D Sub-frame view for the plan.
6. 2D Analysis and Design
3 Now analyse the plan. To
3. Plan Analyses
Plan icon .

iv. Subframe view icon-To display the 2D Sub-frame view for the plan.
7. Design Slab
1. Slab can be designed after 2D
analysis is completed.
2. Select floor to be active the
Click on Design Slab icon to
design slab.

3. Set the Design Parameters

then the Slab design result
appear automatically.
7. Design Slab
7. Design 2D Beam
1. Click on Beam 2D design icon.
2. Set the Design Parameters then the beam
design results appear automatically.
7. Lateral Load
1. Activate Lateral Input icon to input lateral wind load.
2. Then select Wind Load input icon; In wind load case combo box - select Edit
Case. In Wind Load Manager pop up menu- click on Add button to add wind load
7. Lateral Load
3. Click Wind Load Manager icon.
7. Lateral Load
4. Input Wind load on plan
From Wind load combo box, select the wind load case onto the desire floor
5. In the Object Viewer panel, set the Magnitude.
6. To input the wind load, move cursor to the specific grid and click to confirm
the location of the wind load.
8. Pile List Selection
1. Double click the Pile in Project
Explorer to Open up the Foundation list
2. From the Pile List Selection pop up
menu. Check on Pile Type to choose.

3. User can still change the pile types

for any column by Click on the specific
column on plan and change
the pile type in Object
Viewer panel.
8. 3D Analysis and Design
1. Click on Batch Process icon to
run Batch process. Click OK and
select Full (2D+3D) and check
the following;
• Slab design,
• Beam design,
• Column design,
• Wall design,
• Pad design and Pile design.
9. View Results-Elevation Result
1. The elevation results icon is to
view loadings and results of a
beam or results from
sub-frame analysis of a
Gridline- Click on any
beam to view the
9. View Results-Elevation Result
2. Plan Loading and
Result View- To view all loadings
and results from 2D and 3D
analysis, click on the Plan
Loading and Result view icon.
- Check on any check box
to view the results.
- To view the 3D Analysis
results contour, click on
3D Analysis Display icon
9. View Results-Elevation Result
3. 3D Analysis Display
To view the 3D Analysis
results contour, click on
3D Analysis Display icon
9. View Results-Elevation Result
To display 3D displacements.
From the combo box,
choose 3D
Displacement. Select
Individual Load type
> WL1 to view
displacement due the
acting wind load.
9. View Results-Elevation Result
Click on Wall and Column Reactions icon to view the column and wall panel results.
9. View Results-Design Result
To view the design results from the Main Menu.
1. Click on Design Result
2. Select Multiple Beam to view multiple
results of beams.
3. To view all the beam detailings for respective plan
In Beam Group Detailing left panel,
Check All and click on Refresh button at the
bottom to view all the beam detailings for plan gb.
9. View Results-Design Result

User can select

beams from this list
and export the
drawings to DXF as
well as the design
reports for the
selected beams.
10. Tools
To view the design results from the Main Menu.
1. Click on Design Result
2. Select Multiple Beam to view multiple
results of beams.
3. To view all the beam detailings for respective plan
In Beam Group Detailing left panel,
Check All and click on Refresh button at the
bottom to view all the beam detailings for plan gb.
9. View Results- Tools
Select Tools from Main Menu. (After design process is done)

To see the status of all the processes that PASSED the analysis
and design part--- Choose Project Status or click the icon
9. View Results- Tools
Tools from Main Menu-choose Column Calculator.

Use this tool to redesign column which has FAILED in design. Click DESIGN button for the particular column .
The column size can be changed. To redesign click DESIGN button at the bottom to redesign the column.
9. View Results- Tools
11. Export to DXF File
File from Main Menu and choose Batch Export.
11. Export to DXF File
From the combo box
- Choose Drawings to
export drawings.
- Choose Reports to
export design reports.

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