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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

A Mathematical Scheme Defined On Strictly

Rectangular Complex Matrix Spaces
Involving Frobenius Norm Preservation
under the Possibility of Matrix Rank
Readjustment and Internal Redistribution
of Variance using Spacer Component
Matrices and a Completely Positive
Trace Preserving Transformation
Debopam Ghosh

Abstract:- The Research paper presents a mathematical Notations

framework on strictly rectangular complex matrix  M x y (C ) denotes the complex Matrix space of order
spaces that preserve the Frobenius norm but allow for
possible readjustment of variance contribution per ‘x’ by ‘y’
degrees of freedom as a result of allowed flexibility of the  M ss (C ) denotes the Embedded Matrix Space
rank modification and alteration of the Principal axes.
This is achieved through the utilization of Spacer
 C w denotes the complex coordinate space of order ‘w’
component matrices and matrices generated from them  c  denotes the complex conjugate of the complex
and the use of a specific Completely Positive Trace number ‘ c ’
preserving transformation determined solely based on
the embedding dimension, which is the order of the
embedded square matrix space associated with the
strictly rectangular input matrix space.

 v1  1  1 
v  1  1 
 2    
 v  C , v  .  , v   v1
v2 . . vw  , m   . , n   .  ,
  1w
   
.   .  .
 vw  1  1 
w1 m1 n1

1  1 
1  1 
   
s  m   . , s  n   .
   
 .  .
1  1 
( s  m )1 ( s  n )1

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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 N denotes the set of all Natural numbers
 I ww denotes the Identity matrix of order ‘w’
 AH denotes the Hermitian conjugate of the matrix A
 ( X ww ) 1 denote the Proper Inverse of the Invertible matrix X ww , i.e. ( X ww ) 1 X ww  X ww ( X ww ) 1  I ww
X ww  M ww (C ) , such that X ww is hermitian, positive definite , then ( X ww ) 2  M ww (C ) , ( X ww )
1 1
 2
1 1
 ( X ww )1 , ( X ww ) 2  M ww (C) ,
hermitian, positive definite, such that: ( X ww ) 2 ( X ww ) 2
we also have:
( X ww ) 2 is hermitian, positive definite, such that: ( X ww ) 2 ( X ww ) 2  X ww
1 1 1

  x y denotes the Frobenius norm of the matrix  x y

 max(a, b) denotes the maximum of the two inputs ‘a’ and ‘b’
 a  b denotes the absolute value of the difference between the two inputs ‘a’ and ‘b’
 diag (v1 , v2 ,..., vw ) denotes a diagonal matrix of order ‘w’, whose diagonal elements along the main diagonal, from top to
bottom, are v1 , v2 ,..., vw respectively
 ‘SVD’ is the abbreviation for “ Singular value decomposition ”
  ( x y ) denotes the Singular value spectrum of the matrix  x y

Keywords:- Spacer matrix based generalized matrix definiteness/semi-definiteness, this step is followed by a
multiplication, Spacer matrix components, embedding Completely Positive Trace Preserving
dimension, completely positive trace preserving transformation[1,8,11,12,13,15,16,18] (abbreviated as CPTP
transformations, Kraus operators transformation) uniquely determined through the embedding
dimension which is succeeded by a square root
I. INTRODUCTION transformation preserving the positive definiteness/semi-
definiteness. The last block of the transformation is the
Matrix transformations play a very important role in extraction step, it involves transformation back into the
several problems arising in data sciences, natural and social input strictly rectangular complex matrix space with a
sciences and in solving diverse types of engineering possible difference in the total variation, which is termed as
problems. A particularly interesting study in this context is “Unaccounted Variation” and is used to determine the
to transform matrices from one Matrix space to another, or efficiency of the extraction setup, using the Principal axes
to the same Matrix space, preserving one or more attributes associated with the extracted matrix as the reference axes,
of the numerical matrix array. There exist a diverse number the unaccounted variation is split among the available
of linear transformations in literature that can carry out some
of such tasks. In context of problems pertaining to data degrees of freedom (the rank of the extracted matrix Amn )
analysis, a focus is on those transformations that preserve and using this variance contribution and singular values
the total variation in the numerical data matrix (which is associated with the degrees of freedom and the reference
quantified as squared Frobenius norm of the numerical
matrix) or capturing as much variation as possible while
axes as the bases, the final matrix Aˆmn is thereby
providing dimensionality reduction and ease of data constructed, which possess the same Frobenius norm as the
visualization. It is known that the Frobenius norm is input matrix Amn but in general, possibly with a modified
Unitarily Invariant, but under unitary transformations the rank and redistributed variance per degrees of freedom. It is
variance-partitioning structure of the matrix remains also possible that rank is preserved and there is only
unaltered owing to the fact that unitary transformations variance redistribution involved.
change the Principal axes but do not provide an opportunity
for modification of the matrix rank. The paper presents the mathematical framework and
numerical case studies, involving numerical samples from
The research paper presents a mathematical framework (m=2, n=3) and (m=3, n=4) complex matrix spaces for
that allows for matrix transformation on strictly rectangular demonstration of the mathematical methodology. The
complex matrix spaces ( M mn (C ) , where m  n ) with article concludes with a discussion on the results of the
preservation of the Frobenius norm and a possibility for numerical studies and insights obtained.
matrix rank readjustment. The methodology presented
operates through three distinct transformation blocks:
mapping from the Input complex matrix space to the higher
dimensional, embedded matrix space using the matrices
generated from Spacer Component matrices[3,4,5,6,7] and
associated symmetric transformation to obtain positive

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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 The spacer component matrices Pn s and Qsm are defined as follows:

m  N , n  N , We consider the case where m  n , the expression for the Embedding dimension, denoted by ‘s’ is given as
follows: s  max(m, n)  m  n , under the imposed condition: m  N , n  N and m  n , we have: s  N , s  m and

1 0 . . 0 1n 1n . . 1
0 1 . . 0 1n 1n . . 1 

 1   n

Pns   I nn ( ) n sn   . . . . . . . . . . 
 n  n s  
 . . . . . . . . . . 
0 0 . . 1 1n 1n . . 1 
n  n s

1 0 . . 0 
0 1 . . 0 
 
 . . . . . 
 
 . . . . . 
 I mm  0
  0 . . 1 
Qsm  1  
( ) s  m m   1m 1
m . . 1
 m  s m  1m 1 
1 . .
 m m

 . . . . . 
 . . . . . 
 
 1 m 1
m . . 1 
m  s m

Wsn  ( Pns ) H [( PP H ) 2 ]nn , we then have: W H W  I nn


Gsm  (Qsm )[(QH Q) 2 ]mm , we then have: G H G  I mm


 I ( s 1)( s 1) s  1 ( s 1)1  1

  s s    , we define: ss  ss [(H ) 2 ]ss , we then have:
 01( s 1) 1 
 H    H  I ss

 Amn  M mn (C ) , Amn  0mn , rank( Amn ) = a ,  ( Amn )  {1 ,  2 ,....,  a } , such that:
1   2  ....   a  0
Total Variation = ( Amn F )2   j 2 , we have: Bss  M ss (C ) , where Bss  Gsm Amn (Wsn ) H
j 1

1 1
  ss  ( )( BB H ) ss  ( )( B H B) ss , therefore we have: trace( ss )  ( Bss F )2  ( Amn F )2 ,
2 2
(  ss )   ss ,  ss is Positive semi-definite or Positive definite

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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 The CPTP transformation step:

( )t s
pt  2
1 s
, where: t  1, 2,.., s , therefore we have: pt  0 and p t 1
1 ( ) t 1
ˆ ss   pt [ t ss  ss ( t ss ) H ] , where: t ss   ss ........ ss (‘t’ times) , i.e., 1ss   ss ,  2 ss   ss  ss ,
t 1

 3
s s   ss  ss  ss and so on

Therefore, ( ˆ ss )
 ˆ ss , ˆ ss is Positive semi-definite or Positive definite , trace( ˆ ss )  trace( ss )  ( Amn F )2

 ˆ ss  M ss (C ) , rank( ˆ ss ) = d , SVD of ˆ ss : ˆ ss  Rsd  d d ( Rsd ) H , where we have: R H R  I d d ,
 d d  diag (1 , 2 ,...., d ) , 1  2  ....  d  0
Bˆss  Rsd ( )d d ( Rsd ) H , where: ( )d d  diag ( 1 , 2 ,...., d ) , therefore we have:
1 1
2 2

( Bˆ ss ) 2  trace( ˆ ss )  trace(  ss )  ( Bss F

) 2  ( Amn F ) 2

 Amn  M mn (C ) , rank( Amn ) = b , Amn is defined as follows: Amn  (Gsm ) H BˆssWsn
SVD of Amn : Amn  U mb  bb (Vnb )
, where we have: U U  V V  I bb ,
 bb  diag ( 1 ,  2 ,....,  b ) ,
1   2  ....   b  0 , ( Amn F )2   j 2
j 1

 The percentage Efficiency (  ) is defined as follows:   [1  ] 100
( Amn F )  ( Amn F ) 2

We define Unaccounted Variation (  ) and the Baseline Variation ( ˆ ) as follows:

  ( Amn F ) 2  ( Amn F ) 2 When ( Amn F ) 2  ( Amn F ) 2 and we have:

  ( Amn F ) 2  ( Amn F ) 2 When ( Amn F ) 2  ( Amn F ) 2

When: ( Amn
) 2  ( Amn F
) 2 then Amn itself as the desired output matrix, Amn  Aˆmn in this case.

ˆ   ( / rank ( Amn ))

 Construction of Aˆmn :

Case: ( Amn F
) 2  ( Amn F
ˆ j  [ j 2  ˆ] Where: j  1, 2,...., b

Case: ( Amn
) 2  ( Amn F
ˆ1  [( Amn F ) 2   ] ˆ 2  .....  ˆ b  0

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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
ˆ bb  diag (ˆ1 , ˆ 2 ,...., ˆb ) , Aˆmn is defined as follows: Aˆmn  U mb ˆ bb (Vnb ) H , therefore: ( Aˆmn )2  ˆ j 2
j 1

We have the following conservation relationship:

a b
( Amn F )   j  ( Bss
2 2
)  trace( ss )  trace( ˆ ss )  ( Bˆss ) 2  ( Aˆmn ) 2  ˆ j 2
j 1 j 1

Numerical Case Studies

 The numerical calculations are performed using the Scilab 5.4.1 Computational software

 rank( X mn ) refers to the ‘ numerical rank ’ of the matrix X mn , which is given as the number of singular values of the
matrix X mn greater than the threshold parameter thd , where :
thd  (max(m, n))  ( max ( X mn ))  (( )52 )

 m  2, n  3 , therefore s  4

 
 1 1 0 
1 0 0    4  3 2  3 2  3 
3    
  0 1
  1  2  3 4  3 2  3 
 0
P34 1 0 , Q42    , W43  ( )  ,
 3 1 1 6     
     2 3 2 3 4 3 
0 1  2 2  
0 1
    3 3 3 
3 1 1
 
 2 2

1  2 1  2  1 0 0 1
  0
1 1  2 1  2   1 0 1 8 4 2 1
G42 ( )  ,  44  0 , p1  , p2  , p3  , p4 
2 2 1 1  0 1 1 15 15 15 15
 
  0 0 0 1
1 1 

 0.918643 0.081357 0.081357 0.377964

 0.081357 0.918643 0.081357 0.377964
 44 
 0.081357 0.081357 0.918643 0.377964
 
 0.377964 0.377964 0.377964 0.755929

Example 1:

1 1 1
A23   , therefore: rank( A23 ) = 1 , ( A23 F )  6

1 1 1
 ( A23 ) :   6  2.44949

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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
We have the following set of numerical results:

3 1
 44  ( )   1 1 1 114 , rank ( 44 ) = 1 , trace( 44 ) = 6
2 1
1 41

 1.296585 1.296585 1.296585 0.654935

 1.296585 1.296585 1.296585 0.654935
ˆ 44   , rank( ̂44 ) = 2 , trace( ̂44 ) = 6
 1.296585 1.296585 1.296585 0.654935
 
 0.654935 0.654935 0.654935 2.110246 

0.619619 0.619619 0.619619 

A23    , rank( A23 ) = 1 , ( A23 F )  2.303569

 0.619619 0.619619 0.619619 

 ( A23 ) :   1.51775 ,   55.48%

1 1 1
Aˆ 23   
, rank( Â23 ) = 1 , ( A 23 ) 2  6 ,  ( Aˆ23 ) : ˆ  2.44949
1 1 1 F

Example 2:

 1 1 1
A23    , rank( A23 ) = 1 , ( A23 F )  6

  1 1 1 
 ( A23 ) :   6  2.44949

We have the following set of numerical results:

 2.25 0.75 0.75 0.75

 0.75 2.25 0.75 0.75
 44  , rank( 44 ) = 2 , trace( 44 ) = 6
 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
 
 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75

 2.148292 0.851708 0.648292 0.327468

 0.851708 2.148292 0.648292 0.327468
ˆ 44   , rank( ̂44 ) = 3 , trace( ̂44 ) = 6
 0.648292 0.648292 0.648292 0.327468
 
 0.327468 0.327468 0.327468 1.055123 

 1.304162 0.427888 0.438137 

A23    , rank( A23 ) = 2 , ( A23 )  4.151784

 0.427888 1.304162 0.438137 


 ( A23 ) :  1  1.732051,  2  1.073212 ,   81.79 %

 1.57867 0.402266 0.588202

Aˆ23   
, rank( Â23 ) = 2 , ( A 23 )2  6
 0.402266 1.57867 0.588202 F

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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 ( Aˆ23 ) : ˆ1  1.980936, ˆ 2  1.440796

Example 3:

 1 1 1 
A23   , rank( A23 ) = 2 , ( A23 F )  6

 1 1 1 

 ( A23 ) : 1  2,  2  2  1.414214

We have the following set of numerical results:

 2.162678 0.792664 0.207336 0.525783

 0.792664 2.251994 0.748006 0.237108
 44  , rank( 44 ) = 3 , trace( 44 ) = 6
 0.207336 0.748006 1.251994 0.237108
 
 0.525783 0.237108 0.237108 0.333333

 2.01546 0.863371 0.136629 0.334836

 0.863371 2.257798 0.742202 0.050894
ˆ 44   , rank( ̂44 ) = 4 , trace( ̂44 ) = 6
 0.136629 0.742202 1.257798 0.050894
 
 0.334836 0.050894 0.050894 0.468943 

 1.142414 0.618094 0.405227 

A23    , rank( A23 ) = 2 , ( A23 )  3.498388

 0.495917 1.175274 0.1408  F

 ( A23 ) :  1  1.728967,  2  0.713485 ,   73.66 %

 1.545743 0.53426 0.653768

Aˆ23   
, rank( Â23 ) = 2 , ( A 23 )2  6
 0.389534 1.618976 0.353574 F

 ( Aˆ23 ) : ˆ1  2.059158, ˆ 2  1.3266

 m  3, n  4 , therefore s  5
 
 1 1 0 0 
1 0 0 0  
4 0
  1 0  1 0 0 0 1
  0
0 1 0 0
   1 0 0 1 
 4
  0    0 1
1 
P45 , Q53 0 1 , 55 0 1 0
0    
0 1 0  1  0 0 0 1 1
 4 1 1
   0 1 
1  3 3 3
0 0 0
0 0 0 1 
 4  1 1 1
 
 3 3 3

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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

2  3 5 2 5 2 5 2 5
 
 2 5 23 5 2 5 2 5
1  
W54 ( ) 2 5 2 5 23 5 2
4 5 
5 ,

 2 5 2 5 2 5 23 5 
 2 
 2 2 2 

 32 5 3 5 3  5
 
 3 5 32 5 3  5
1  
G53 ( ) 3 5 3 5 32 5
3 5   ,

 3 3 3 
 
 3 3 3 

 0.926777 0.073223 0.073223 0.073223 0.353553 

 0.073223 0.926777 0.073223 0.073223 0.353553 

55   0.073223 0.073223 0.926777 0.073223 0.353553  ,
 
 0.073223 0.073223 0.073223 0.926777 0.353553 
 0.353553 0.353553 0.353553 0.353553 0.707107 

16 8 4 2 1
p1  , p2  , p3  , p4  , p5 
31 31 31 31 31
Example 1:

1 1 1 1
A34  1 1 1 1  , rank( A34 ) = 1 , ( A34 F )2  12
1 1 1 1 
 ( A34 ) :   12  3.464102

We have the following set of numerical results:

1 
1 
12  
55  ( ) 1  1 1 1 1 1 15 , rank( 55 ) = 1 , trace( 55 ) = 12
5  
1 
1 

 1.829032 1.829032 1.829032 1.829032 1.219355

 1.829032 1.829032 1.829032 1.829032 1.219355

ˆ55   1.829032 1.829032 1.829032 1.829032 1.219355 ,
 
 1.829032 1.829032 1.829032 1.829032 1.219355
 1.219355 1.219355 1.219355 1.219355 4.683871

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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

rank( ̂55 ) = 2 , trace( ̂55 ) =12

0.616382 0.616382 0.616382 0.616382

A34  0.616382 0.616382 0.616382 0.616382 , rank( A34 ) = 1 , ( A34 F ) 2  4.559118 ,
0.616382 0.616382 0.616382 0.616382

  55.06 % ,  ( A34 ) :   2.135209

1 1 1 1
Aˆ34  1 1 1 1  , rank( Â34 ) = 1 , ( Aˆ34 ) 2  12 ,  ( Aˆ34 ) : ˆ  3.464102
1 1 1 1 

Example 2:

 1 1 1 1
A34   1 1 1 1  , rank( A34 ) = 2 , ( A34 F )2  12
 1 1 1 1 

 ( A34 ) : 1  2 2  2.828427,  2  2

 3.110753 0.738979 1.261021 0.122401 0.877599

 0.738979 3.41129 2.58871 1.361201 0.361201

55   1.261021 2.58871 3.41129 0.638799 0.361201 ,
 
 0.122401 1.361201 0.638799 1.533333 0.533333
 0.877599 0.361201 0.361201 0.533333 0.533333 

rank( 55 ) = 4 , trace( 55 ) = 12

 2.661721 0.946398 1.053602 0.410358 0.682885 

 0.946398 3.445484 2.554516 1.314857 0.065009 

ˆ55   1.053602 2.554516 3.445484 0.685143 0.065009  ‘
 
 0.410358 1.314857 0.685143 1.406452 0.270968 
 0.682885 0.065009 0.065009 0.270968 1.04086 

rank( ̂55 ) = 5 , trace( ̂55 ) = 12

 1.293937 0.209364 0.098893 0.057884

A34   0.424403 1.705637 0.843554 0.687426 , rank( A34 )= 3, ( A34 F ) 2  8.946271
 0.069025 0.658384 1.576763 0.131020

  85.42 % ,  ( A34 ) :  1  2.511327,  2  1.281953,  3  0.998051

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Volume 7, Issue 10, October – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 1.642592 0.159876 0.096802 0.126909

Aˆ34   0.409000 1.94716 0.776487 0.854234 , rank( Â34 )= 3, ( Aˆ34 ) 2  12
 0.048967 0.586666 1.881434 0.270410

 ( Aˆ34 ) : ˆ1  2.706413,ˆ 2  1.631353,ˆ3  1.41916

Example 3:

 1 1 1 1
A34   1 1 1 1  , rank( A34 ) = 3 , ( A34 F )2  12 ,  ( A34 ) : 1   2   3  2
 1 1 1 1 

 3.133333 0.133333 0.133333 0.2 0.8 

 0.133333 3.133333 0.866667 0.8 0.8 
 
55   0.133333 0.866667 3.133333 0.8 0.8  ,
 
 0.2 0.8 0.8 1.8 0.8 
 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 

rank( 55 ) = 4 , trace( 55 ) = 12

 2.943011 0.056989 0.056989 0.390323 0.406452 

 0.056989 2.943011 1.056989 0.609677 0.406452 

ˆ55   0.056989 1.056989 2.943011 0.609677 0.406452  ,
 
 0.390323 0.609677 0.609677 1.609677 0.406452 
 0.406452 0.406452 0.406452 0.406452 1.56129 

rank( ̂55 ) = 5 , trace( ̂55 ) = 12

 1.501706 0.093390 0.093390 0.108547

A34   0.217051 1.580497 0.419503 0.479529 ,rank( A34 )= 3, ( A34 F ) 2  8.186373
 0.217051 0.419503 1.580497 0.479529

  81.11 % ,  ( A34 ) :  1  2,  2  1.632993,  3  1.232764

 1.87468 0.063676 0.063676 0.181718

Aˆ34   0.213948 1.903186 0.392725 0.632534 , rank( Â34 ) = 3, ( Aˆ34 ) 2  12
 0.213948 0.392725 1.903186 0.632534

 ( Aˆ34 ) : ˆ1  2.295911,ˆ 2  1.984408,ˆ3  1.670603

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

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