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This year you will have the opportunity to research and create a mission report! You will be completing a written research report as well as
creating a visual representation. See the choice board below with the options you may choose from! Choose ONE type of model.


Create a three-dimensional mini model of your mission! Get Create a Minecraft model that is visually interesting,
creative with what materials you use; remember that this is stimulating, and imparts any valid information to inform your
your project (not an adult’s)! audience about your mission. You will need to include the
● The base of the project guidelines are approximately name of the mission, your name, build your mission using the
12”by 18”. materials and tools within Minecraft, and incorporate
● Kits may not be used, but you may purchase accessories landscaping to enhance the Mission and its qualities.
at the craft store to help you complete the details of
your mission project (trees, mini animals, people, You will be scored on the following items:
building materials, etc.). ● Mission’s Structure & Architecture:
● Suggested materials for building: ○ Were you able to closely match the structure and
○ Flour and water paste the look of your Mission?
○ Clay ● Mission’s Grounds & Buildings: Did you include the
○ Small boxes following?
○ Paper-Mache’ ○ Cemetery
○ Cardboard ○ Fountain
○ Wood ○ Native Americans
○ Styrofoam ○ Bell Tower
○ Lasagna noodles ○ Pasture and Farm
● Other items may be added such as bushes, trees, bells, ○ Church
fountains, and ground coverings. ○ Priests Quarters
● Be creative! Some materials to think about using are ○ Plant Vegetation and Landscape
beans, seeds, small twigs and branches, tiny silk flowers, ○ Animals
noodles, corn, sticks, moss, bells, or toothpicks. ● Mission’s Life
● The name of the mission as well as your name need to ○ Does your mission show evidence of the type of
be displayed. work that was done at your Mission? (ex: farming,
● Don’t forget to label each room of your mission! agriculture, and basket making etc. )
● Special Features
○ Does your Mission showcase special features that
are only at your Mission?

Digital tool: Minecraft



Create a digital presentation that is visually interesting, Create a digital diagram of your mission’s layout. You will also
stimulating, and imparts any valid information to inform your be tasked with creating a digital map of California that shows
audience about your mission. You will need to include the the location of your mission as well as the other twenty!
name of the mission, your name, and various slides highlighting
different aspects of your report. Digital Diagram Requirements:
1. 1. Create a slide representing each paragraph of your ● Main building layout (remember to only draw the
mission report. (This will include four slides with bullet original mission; do NOT include new additions)
point information from that paragraph). ● Mission’s Grounds & Buildings: Did you include the
2. Create a slide representing the layout of the mission following?
(with labels). ○ Cemetery
3. Create a slide featuring a graphic organizer to illustrate ○ Kitchen
some aspect of your mission. ○ Bell Tower
a. The graph can be a circle graph (parts of a ○ Pasture and Farm
whole), a bar graph (comparing one thing to ○ Church
another), or a pictograph (showing the number of ○ Priests Quarters
items) ○ Plant Vegetation and Landscape
b. Ideas for the graph: ○ Stables
i. Various parts of the mission ● Special Features
ii. Population at the mission (ratio of Native ○ Does your Mission showcase special features or
Americans to Priests) rooms that are only at your Mission?
iii. Various jobs on the mission ● Your drawing must be done to scale. Pay attention to
4. Slides of interesting facts of the mission. measurements. See Ms. Patterson for help and to check
5. Extra pictures with captions of the mission. for accuracy!
a. If you are able, visit your mission and take
pictures of your trip! You may also use images Digital California Mission Map Requirements:
from the mission site. ● All 21 missions must be labeled on your map
6. When complete, there will need to be a minimum of 7 ● Indicate which one is yours (be creative!)
slides. The slide show will be presented to the class. ● Don’t forget to include appropriate landforms
(mountains & bodies of water)

Suggested sites/apps: Google slides or Canva Suggested site/app: Procreate

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