The Effect of Number Head Together

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Dian Firdiani1, Muh. Wajdi2, Herliana3

The Effect Of Number Head Together (Nht) Learning Model With Audio Visual
Learning Media Assistance On Learning Outcomes On Biodiversity Materials In Class X Mipa
Sma Negeri 3 Gowa. This study is an experimental study that aims to determine the effect of
using the Number Head Together (NHT) model on the learning outcomes of class X MIPA
SMAN 3 Gowa on biodiversity material with the research design "Pretest Posttest Control
Group Design". The population in this study consisted of 8 class X MIPA. The sample of this
study was 192 students consisting of 24 experimental students and 24 control classes
selected by probability sampling. The variable consists of the independent variable Number
Head Together (NHT) with Audio Visual Learning Media while the dependent variable is
student learning outcomes. Data was collected through the provision of pretest and
posttest. Based on the results of the study, it showed that the average value of the posttest
learning outcomes for the experimental class was 84.04 and the control class was 79.38. In
hypothesis testing through the Independent Sample T-Test with the Statistical Package For
Social Science (SPSS) for windows version 25 program the value significant p= 0.000 < 0.05
There is an effect of the Number Head Together (NHT) learning model on the learning
outcomes of Class X IPA students at SMAN 3 Gowa.

Key Word: Number Head Together, Learning Model, Science

Education is a valuable investment for everyone where this investment will be suitable
to increase human value with quality education. Improvements in the quality of education
have been carried out along with the times. Various ways have been taken to overcome
these problems, among others, by improving classes, increasing the mortal coffers through
training and improving the qualifications of school teachers, acquiring tutoring equipment,
improving installations and structures, improving the operational quality of the academy,
and improving the tutoring system.
The quality of education will be determined by several factors, namely teachers,
students, facilities, infrastructure, methods and the environment. Education is developing
very quickly in accordance with the pace of the economy of a nation whose activities are
greatly increasing both in the fields of agriculture, economy, health and very productive
natural resources.
According to Haniyah (2014) Numbered Head Together is a type of cooperative learning
designed to influence student interaction patterns and as an alternative to traditional
classroom structures. This learning model is expected to motivate students to be smarter in
understanding the material presented by the teacher, with the Numbered Head Together
learning model students can solve the problems given by the teacher because in this
learning model students can discuss with each other or express their opinions between
group members.
Learning is an activity designed by the teacher so that students carry out learning
activities to achieve the expected goals or competencies. In designing this learning activity, a
teacher should understand the characteristics of students, the learning objectives to be
achieved or the competencies that must be mastered by students, the teaching materials to
be presented, and the methods used to package the presentation of the material as well as
the use of the form and type of assessment that will be chosen to conduct the learning
process. measurement of the achievement of learning objectives or competencies
possessed by students (MKDP Development Team, 2013).
According to Prasetio (2016), one of the learning models that can increase students'
motivation and learning outcomes is to use a cooperative learning model. Cooperative
learning model is a learning model that helps students in developing their understanding
and attitudes, so that by working together between groups, they can increase students'
motivation and learning outcomes.
Audio-visual learning media is essentially a representation of the presentation of reality,
especially through visual and auditory sensing which aims to show real educational
experiences to students. This method is considered more appropriate, faster and easier
than through talks, thoughts and stories about educational experiences. Audio-visual media
are teaching aids that can be heard and seen so as to help students in the learning process
whose function is to clarify or simplify and understand the language being studied.
Media or audio-visual tools are tools that mean they can be heard and tools that mean
they can be seen, so that communication becomes effective. Examples of audio-visual tools
are pictures, photos, slides, models, cassette tapes, tape-recorders, sound films, and
television (Sari, 2015).

This type of research is a quasi-experimental study which emphasizes the aspect of
objective measurement of social phenomena. In this study, two classes were used, namely
the experimental and control classes. The population in this study were all students of class
X SMA Negeri 3 Gowa in the odd semester of the academic year 2020/2021 class X SMA
Negeri 3 Gowa, which was 192 students. The sampling technique used in this study is
through probability sampling, a sampling technique that provides equal opportunities for
each element or experimental research or control class taken by random sampling so that a
total sample of 48 students is obtained. To obtain the sample in this study, using 2 classes,
namely class X IPA 1 and X IPA 3. Variable x (Independent Variable): Number Head Together
(NHT) Learning Model with the help of audio-visual media Variable y (dependent variable:
student learning outcomes The following research design is used as follows:

Table 2.1 Pretest-Posttest Experiment Design Model Only Control Design

RO1 X)O2

RO3 (-X)O4

Data collection techniques in this study can be done in several ways, namely: test and
non-test. In this study, the data analysis technique used in this study is a quantitative and
logical descriptive analysis technique that aims to test the research variables using Statistical
Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) solutions.

C. Result
1. Descriptive Statistical Analysis
a. Description of Learning Outcomes (posttest) for Students in Experimental
Class and Control Class
Description of Biological Diversity Learning Outcomes (pretest) for
experimental and control classes. Based on the statistical analysis table above, the
results show that the range of student achievement scores in the experimental
class at SMAN 3 Gowa before the Number Head Together (NHT) learning model
was applied was 53.79 with the lowest score of 43. , and the highest score is 63.
The control class score range is 53.04, the lowest score is 43 points, and the highest
score is 67 points.

Table 3.1 Statistics of Biology Learning Outcomes Experiment Class and

Control Class Before Treatment
Statistic Class
Experimen Control
Sample Size 24 24
Ideal Score 100 100
Maximal Score 63 67
Minimal Score 43 43
Range 53,79 53,04
Standard Deviation 6, 143 6,423
Table 3.2 Statistics of Biology Learning Outcomes The experimental class and the control
class before being given treatment (pretest)

I Experiment Control
Category Frequency Presentation Frequency Presentation
(%) (%)
0-70 Not enough 24 0 24 100
71-80 Enough 0 0 0 0
81-90 Good 0 0 0 0
90-100 Very Good 24 0 0 0
Jumlah 24 100 24 100

3.3 Description of completeness of Biology Learning Outcomes Experiment Class and

Control class before being given treatment (pretest)

Learning Category Experimen t Control

Frequency Presentation Frequency Presentation
(%) (%)
0-69 Not 24 100 24 100
70-100 Finished 0 0 0 0

Jumlah 24 100 24 100

Based on the frequency and percentage distribution data table, it shows that in
the experimental class all students are in the incomplete category or get scores
below the KKM, as well as the entire control class is in the incomplete category.

b. Description of Learning Outcomes (posttest) for Students in Experimental

Class and Control Class
During the research, there was a change in the experimental class students
after the Number Head Together (NHT) learning model was applied combined with
Audio Visual learning media and the control class seen from the learning outcomes.
These changes can be seen in the table
3.4 Statistics of Biology Learning Outcomes for Experimental Class and
Control Class Students (Post Test)

Statistic Experiment Control
Sample Size 24 24
High Score 97 87
Low Score 77 73
Range 84,04 79,38
Standard Deviation 6,118 5,037

3.5 Distribution of Frequency and Percentage of Biology Learning Achievement of

Students in Experiment Class and Control Class
Interval Category Experiment Kontrol
Frequency Presentation Frequency Presentation
(%) (%)
0-70 Not enough 0 0 1 4,16
71-80 Enough 8 33,34 16 66,67
81-90 Good 13 54,16 7 29,17
91-100 Very Good 3 12,5 0 0
Jumlah 24 100 24 100

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