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The books an amazing worlds

Blog -Writting Activity - Sara Sofia Pardo B. 803

One thing that I really love is reading books, they transport

you to a new world where you can find knowledge, love
stories or some that make you cry, you can find anything
you want, I enjoy reading love, drama, mystery and horror
books. I always put some post- it to mark the things I like,
as quotes, general information and beautiful dialogues.
I started to read at 10 years with a book called "Good night stories for
rebellious girls" the authors are Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo, this
book talks about the powerful, beautiful, and strong women of different
epochs, it has a nice quote that I like too much that is - to all the girls of the
world, you are the hope and the strength, don't take steps backward and
everyone will move forward-. Later I started a saga of novels called "The
spell of Grifonia"the author of this amazing saga is Michael Peinkofer, these
books try to make you understand the adventure of Melody with her magic
dragon and the fight against villains, In the same year I start a book of
knowing more about your dreams called "diary of dreams" of Blackie Book, I
passed like a year that I didn't read any book and that was horrible, but in
the pandemic, I start to read again but digitalis book or in some apps but
think that isn't the same as fell the pages and the smell of a new book, is
something I adored of this magic portals with words. This year, I start to buy
the physical book first I read"all this time" by Mikki Daughtry and Rachael
Lippincott, my favorite quote from this book is - is it possible to find love after
losing everything?- I really cry with this Love story. Second I read "Five feet
of you" this tragic story teaches us that we need to be near the people we
loved, as well as, the air we breathe, also asked - Can we love someone we
can't touch?- is my favorite book I love it. Third, I have been reading a book
called "The Boulevard of broken dreams"
Of Flor Salvador, it isn't bad, but I think the plot has a slow development,
they think that the quotes in this book are too beautiful, but my favorite one is
- Can you feel a broken heart through a hug? -. Finally, I have two books to
read in these two months that are "Fault of our stars" by John Green and
"before December" by Jhoana Marcus.

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” -Stephen King-

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