The Visual Dictionary of Sex by Eric J. Trimmer

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THE VISUAL onveyed

red with


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sex, n. Being male or female,

males or . females collectively,
(without distinction of age or s.;
the fair, gentle, softer, weaker, s.,
women; the sterner s., men; the
s.,,wpien). [L sexus]
naplan, see QUAD-
IAN ; S6xag*es
MEDICAL James Hemming
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Educational psychologist, author and
Dr. Eric J. Trimmer broadcaster. Educational Adviser to the
Editor, "British Journal of Sexual World Education Fellowship. Chairman
Medicine” of the Community Development Trust.
John Holland
Human Sexuality Program, School of
Medicine, University of California, San
Francisco, CA.
CONSULTANTS: Russell Jobaris
Dr. E. Chigier Research Associate, Psychohormonal
(Tel Aviv) Research Unit, The Johns Hopkins
University, School of Medicine,
James Hemming Baltimore, MD.
Rodney Karr, PhD.
Dr. Jacqueline Kahn-Nathan Human Sexuality Program, School of
(Paris) Medicine, University of California, San
Dr. Helen Singer Kaplan Francisco, CA.
(New York) John Money
Professor Harold Lief Professor of Medical Psychology,
(Philadelphia) Associate Professor of Pediatrics, The
Johns Hopkins University, School of
Shigemori Nakamura Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
Keith Norcross
Dr. Pierre Simon Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon,
(Paris) Dudley Road Hospital and Royal
Dr. Frits Wafelbakker Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham.
(The Hague) Member of the British Orthopaedic
Professor Gorm Wagner
(Copenhagen) Elliot Philipp
Consultant Obstetrician and
Gynaecologist, City of London
Maternity Hospital and the Royal
Northern Hospital. Chevallier de la
Legion d’Honneur and corresponding
CONTRIBUTORS: member of the French Gynaecology
Martin Cole, PhD. Society.
Institute for Sex Education and Claire Rayner
Research Ltd. Moseley, Birmingham, Journalist and broadcaster.
Dr. Brian A. Richards
Dr. Alan J. Cooper General Practitioner, Deal, Kent,
Medical Director, E. Merck Ltd. Fellow England.
of the Academy of Psychosomatic
Medicine, New York. Member of the Dr. Alan J. Riley
Royal College of Psychiatrists. Medical Director of the Devon Institute
Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, of Human Relations. Member of the
St. Mary’s Hospital, London, England. British Association for Behavioural
Dr. Ivor Felstein
Senior Hospital Medical Officer, Dr. Michael Smith, JP
Department of Geriatrics, Bolton Group Former Chief Medical Officer to the
of Hospitals. Member of the British Family Planning Association. Chairman
Geriatric Society, Geriatric Care of the Hammersmith Juvenile Court,
Association. London, England.
Juliet M. Grindle, DPhil(Oxon) W.F.R. Stewart
Writer. Research Officer, Sexual Problems of the
Disabled, National Council for Research
Dr. Raymond Goodman into Crippling Diseases, London,
General Practitioner and Sex Therapist, England.
Northenden, Manchester, England.
Joseph J. Gutierrez Dr. John A. Whitehead
The Wright Institute, University of Consultant Psychiatrist, Brighton
California, Berkeley, CA. Clinical Area. Member of the Royal
College of Psychiatrists.
Jenni Hall
Rape Counselling and Research Project, Dr. Arthur S. Wigfield
London, England. Formerly Consultant Venereologist,
Newcastle General Hospital. Lecturer in
Marny Hall Venereology, University of Newcastle-
Sex Therapist, Oakland, CA. upon-Tyne, England.



© Trewin Copplestone Publishing-
Ltd. 1977

Published in North America by

A&W Publishers, Inc.,
95 Madison Avenue, New York,
New York 10016.

First published in
Great Britain in
1977 by Triune Books.

Created, edited, designed and

produced by Trewin Copplestone
Publishing Ltd., London.

All rights reserved. No part of this

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Library of Congress Catalog Card

Number: 77-73126
ISBN 0-89479-006-4 (Regular edition)
ISBN 0-89479-01 TO (Deluxe edition)
Introduction 7
1 The Liberators 11
2 A Sexual Gallery 21
3 Body Maps 33
4 Gender 41
5 Sexual Display 49
6 Arousal 61
7 Worry Blocks 81
8 Oral Sex 93
9 Positions 99
10 Orgasm 105
11 Person to Person 113
12 Problem Letters 121
13 Words and Graffiti 125
14 Birth Control 129
15 Health 145
16 Sex for One 157
17 Duo-Plus 163
18 Same-Sex Partners 167
19 Paraphilias 181
20 Growing Up 201
21 Marriage and Sex 215
22 Society and Sex 243
23 Disability and Sex 265
24 Sexploitation 269
In the entries appearing in the
sections listed on this page, there
25 Prostitution 277
are definitions or explanations of
26 In the Sex Store 285
other associated words, printed in
SMALL CAPITALS. Other words, which 27 Clinic 289
are printed in italics with an asterisk*
are to be checked in the Index, which Readers Guide and 307
will refer the reader to the relevant
Alphabetical Index
page for further information.
certain explosives, many of them are

unstable and must be handled carefully.

Bringing them all together in a
dictionary which aims to explain their
meanings coolly and precisely could be a
dangerous job. For one thing, they are an
awkward mixture of scientific terms and
intimate slang. Many of them come from the
medical vocabulary and refer to bodily things in
a clinical way like setting a fracture or treating
TB. Others, sounding just as scientific, have been
compounded in the misty regions of psychology
and psychoanalysis; these often required a
considerable effort on the part of an untrained
person to try and understand to what they refer.
The new procedures of sex therapy have brought
in another jargon that needs translating into
plain English. Then there are all the "naughty”
words, whose origins can be traced in English
speech and literature, from the Middle Ages to
the newest West Coast in-talk.
In spite of enlightenment and permissiveness,
sexual ignorance, often leading to sexual
unhappiness, still exists, and this ignorance
actually thrives on the way that sex-words are
frequently used. For it is as a smoke-screen
rather than out of frankness that some of us—if
we are honest with ourselves—talk about sex.
Many psychoanalytical terms are in circulation,
without their meanings being fully taken in by
the people who use them. And how many times do
we avoid showing ourselves up by not asking
what something really means?
Then there are the sex swear-words—that
extraordinary switch of value when the desirable
object’s name serves to express extreme
contempt. 'That stupid cunt, that prick!' we say,
spitting out the words as if they were literally
dirty. But do we feel that way about the things
named? Saying them sometimes gives a kind of
excitement, and for some people, 'talking dirty’
to a sexual partner can be arousing. Even more
confusing is the meaningless repetition of a four-
letter word in ordinary speech. This is a sort of
ritual, meant to proclaim a don’t-care machismo
and insubordination. A person’s most frequent
adjective may be 'fucking’, but it bears no
relation to his sex-life.
The biggest inhibition of all is when
someone’s own personal sexual security is far
from being what he or she would wish others to
think. One then frequently hears sex-words
being brashly used to give the idea that all’s well.
A sense of shame or inadequacy in sex is very
different to reveal openly and we take refuge in
using sexy language.
Sexual equality of men and women does not
mean sexual sameness, and the presentation of
factual information about the nature of arousal
and orgasm must take into account the
differences of feeling and expectation in men and
women if the book is to be as valid for one as for
the other. The experience of the women’s
liberation movement means that in any
discussion of women’s roles in society different
perspectives must be considered. The acknow-
ledgement of female sexual needs has seen to
that. This undertstanding of what a women feels
about herself, about what she needs from her
sexual partner, is now very different from that
generally accepted prior to Masters’ and
Johnson’s research. Following on from there, the
humane practical work of other leading sex
therapists and physicians of various disciplines
has given us a new picture of female sexuality.
This in turn opens up the whole question of
gender. Traditional assumptions about what
boys and girls are like and wbat people should do
with their lives if they are not happy in their
normal sexual roles, have been challenged con-
structively by research into gender identity. The
difficulties of people who for various reasons do
not fit into conventional male or female patterns
can now often be helped by medical treatment.
Those who choose relationships with their own
sex now do so more openly than ever before. The
discussion of all topics in this book reflects
recent advances in medical and educational
thinking, as much on gender as on homosexual
relationships of all kinds.
The easing up of sexual constraints founded on
ignorance and prejudice, and the greater
personal freedom to choose and to change in
sexual relationships, also give rise to their own
new problems. Instead of feeling the old shame of
sex, people are often scared that their
sexual performance is lower than is
expected of them. The myth of 'super-sex’
finds no support in the facts presented in
this book.
Illustrations relating to sex are no
less varied than sex-words, from immo
art to porno magazines, from goddesses
to gynecology. Some are lyrical dream-
images, some are outra
fantasies or
erotic titillation
Some are
just plain

But whether funny or physical, shocking or
arousing, each one throws light on a facet of
sexual behaviour.
In trying to create the right book, we faced
many difficulties. For we are dealing with a basic,
overwhelming, but puzzling human experience.
Sex is still surrounded by taboos, yet it is
constantly being thrust at our eyes and ears.
'Sexploitation’ describes the way sex is made to
sell a product, however remote the connection.
'Permissiveness’ describes the new public
attitude of non-interference in people’s sex lives.
All this can be cold and unhelpful. Warmth and
sympathy are more liberating than com-
mercialized full-frontalism, and warmth and
sympathy are a major contribution by the
authors and experts who worked on this
The contents are grouped in a number of main
sections which are listed on page 5. Some of them
provide information on hard-edged subjects to do
with our bodies and ways of making love. Others
suggest approaches to an understanding of each
other, and of other people’s sex problems. This
organisation of the contents allows the
dictionary to be used in two ways. The definitions
of words by themselves are found by looking
them up in the Index, where a page reference is
given. On the other hand, the reader can enlarge
on some area of sexual knowledge by turning to
any of the main headings, where all the words
used in connection with it are grouped together
and explained. This is a direct and open book
about things that were once hushed up, and have
lately been over-exposed. A book that thinks that
love needs sex, and vice versa —and that neither
can flourish without a good measure of humour.
Profiles of the major pioneers in
understanding human sex life.

ancient Greece, they make a connec- indecens. Later, the medieval mind,

Sexual Liberation tion with the sexual activity of modern

people. 20th-century sexual ideas and
especially that of the church,
obsessed with sex to an almost hysteri-

practices can be seen not as examples cal degree. Fresh fuel was added to a
This compendium deals primarily with of decadence, but as evidence of a vast cauldron of sexual repression.
the words of the language of sex and sexual renaissance, perhaps over-long The main foundation of modern
their synonyms and derivations, but to delayed. sexual repressiveness was laid in the
exclude the history of certain aspects The Greeks looked upon all sexual mid-19th century. Queen Victoria was
of sexual information would fall short activity in the same way as they did on the throne of Britain and Victorian-
of a true understanding. Unless it is eating and drinking, believing that ism was the name for the public
possible to relate sexual attitudes to the sexual enjoyments were among the morality of the modern world, so far
circumstances of the past as well as of greatest happinesses of mankind. The as sex was concerned. It is difficult to
the present, much will remain unclear. common paraphilias that we choose to be sure how far private sexual be-
The fact that the ancient Egyptians call sexual perversions today, were de- haviour was influenced by Victorian
had different sex taboos to modern man- fined by the Greeks as being parallel to attitudes, but clearly much present-day
kind is interesting but has little direct love. We owe the idea of sexual in- sexual worry, fear and exploitation was
relevance for us, but when we look at decency to the Romans, who called all present at that time. Writers on sex-
the writing of the pioneer thinkers of diseases of the sexual organs, morbus ology saw the whole of life as a

Havelock Ellis Masters Schrenck-Notzing Magnus Hirschfeld Kinsey Wilhelm Reich Pavlov


struggle against sexual temptation. It opened the way for valuable clinical Now perhaps, the climate, both in
was not until the end of the century experiment and practical therapy by Europe and America, is right for a
that sexual researchers, who were also their successors. Their enlightened better knowledge of sex to be promul-
men of science (for example Krafft- studies of the mind revealed associa- gated. This gives new hope for scientific
Ebing, Havelock Ellis and Freud), be- tions that startled even themselves. At observation, and for working at sys-
gan to feel able to look at sexual first, Freud resisted his discovery of the tems of sexual medicine in a healthy
activity logically rather than in a sexuality of children, but went on rather than in a pathological social
purely judgemental way. Freud’s the- courageously to chart the unconscious background. Although not necessarily
ories, although misunderstood and ab- human mind. Women had been warned Freudian in the psychoanalytical
horred at the outset, eventually did off masturbation and had made love in sense, sexologists today can pursue
much to put sex on the map as a proper the ‘missionary’ position for so long their studies, research and practice in
scientific discipline. that it was not surprising that at first, an atmosphere of truth rather than of
These liberators, who stunned soci- female subjects were ignorant of or- folklore and prejudice, thanks to the
ety at the turn of the century with the gasm. Homosexuality was first identi- liberating life’s work of these great
publication of ‘carnal’ knowledge, fied as separate from transvestism by pioneers.
turned an impatient ear to the reac- Hirschfeld as late as 1910. The work of
tions of an outraged public. They were Havelock Ellis was banned in England
persistent explorers and theorizers, and soon after trials of Oscar Wilde.

nson Krafft-Ebing Margaret Sanger Sacher-Masoch de Sade Marie Stopes Freud


He and an accomplice-servant had track-mind’, seen in his most famous

to escape to Sardinia, being condemned literary efforts, that gave Krafft-Ebing
De Sade to death at Aix in their absence. Re- the idea of using the second half of his
turning to France in 1776, Sade had one name to coin the term ‘masochism’.
last long fling before the law closed in Masochism is thus the logical converse
on him. It seems that the innocent if of sadism, and although the two men
uninteresting bourgeoise he had mar- from whom these words derive make a
ried was now wholly corrupted by him. strange pair, the sadist and the maso-
Together, they now organized a series chist are ideal sexual partners.
of‘orgies’ involving numerous children Leopold von Sacher-Masoch was
of both sexes. Sade’s mother-in-law born in 1836 at Lemberg (Lvov) in
finally brought about his arrest in Paris Galicia, then part of the Austro-Hun-
in 1777. The extraordinary period of garian Empire. The origin of his sexual
licence he had known ended in a twelve- desire for pain and humiliation is not
year spell in prison. His wife retreated entirely clear, although there may be a
to a nunnery for the rest of her life. clue in his father being the chief of
After five years of boredom, frustra- police. According to the memoirs of his
tion, rage, and intrigues, Sade began second wife, his fetish for furs and his
writing in earnest to occupy himself. love of punishment had roots in a child-
His first work of note, Dialogue Be- hood passion for his Aunt Zenobia.
tween a Priest and a Dying Man (1782) Hidden among the furs in her wardrobe
made clear his atheism, another grave he watched her and her lover making
defiance of society and its conventions. love and this gave him a profoundly
Sade was transferred to the Bastille. exciting sexual response. His adult
Some 70 years after Sade’s death, his There he wrote The 120 Days of Sodom sexual life seems to have consisted of a
name was used by the Viennese sex- (1785) on a carefully concealed roll of series of liaisons with women who were
ologist Krafft-Ebing to coin a new term paper, 39 feet long. A few days before willing to re-enact this and other pri-
to describe a particular sexual impulse. the Revolution broke out in Paris, this vate dramas by keeping him in bondage
This is found in the person for whom provocative aristocrat shouted (he was their ‘slave’), humiliating him
inflicting pain and degradation on a through the bars to passersby: ‘They (he always insisted they take another
human ‘sex object’ is a satisfying sexual are massacring the prisoners; you must lover so that he could surreptitiously
experience—it is ‘sadism’. come and free them!’ Sade was prompt- observe them making love); and physi-
In fact, Sade has several claims to be ly removed to the lunatic asylum at cally abusing him (corporal punish-
remembered as a sexual liberator. He Charenton, thus missing by only a few ment, especially whipping, was crucial
wrote in exhaustive detail about the days the storming of the Bastille. to his sexual arousal).
sexual tastes for which he is notorious; Released in April 1790, Sade emerged Though his books mainly seem to be
he catalogued every unusual sexual ac- into freedom in the years of the Revolu- celebrations of his own fantasies about
tivity he could think of, and—perhaps tion. He continued his literary pro- cruel women dressed in furs and brand-
most important—he wrote without apol- ductivity with the novels Justine (1791) ishing scourges, Sacher-Masoch had
ogy, furiously defending his right (and and Juliette (1792). During Napoleon’s some literary talent. His success as a
by implication, everyone’s) to his own rule he continued to write but again got journalist and writer allowed him to
instincts. into trouble. He was arrested in 1801 abandon a career in law and at one time
Donatien-Alphonse-Frangois, Mar- and sent back to Charenton. He died he had quite a following, especially in
quis de Sade, was born to a wealthy, there in 1814. France. In the year 1886, his most
aristocratic family in Paris in 1740. He famous and most autobiographical
was not raised by his parents but had a novel, Venus in Furs, was published
somewhat subservient childhood in the
household of a yet wealthier and more
Sacher-Masoch and his fame was at its height. He was
given a grand reception in Paris by Le
aristocratic uncle. Between the ages of Figaro and the Revue des Deux Mondes,
14 and 23 he served in the cavalry, fight- and was made a chevalier of the Legion
ing in the Seven Years’ War. of Honour.
Only a short time after his arranged Sacher-Masoch had a direct and
marriage to a wealthy girl of the middle vivid style but prudishly (or prudently)
class, the first scandal broke. Some he avoided all physical detail in his
prostitutes complained that he had novels, and he also supplied a moral at
forced them into sexual abuses which the end. Severin, the central character
were no part of the bargain, and Sade in Venus in Furs, explains the moral
spent a few weeks in prison. His noto- of his tale of bondage thus: ‘... woman,
riety increased when a whore report- as nature has created her and as man
ed that Sade (now 26) had. after whip- is at present educating her, is his
ping her, wounded her with a pen-knife enemy. She can only be his slave or his
and filled the wounds with hot wax. despot, but never his companion. This
Later still, Sade was accused of trying she can become only when she has the
to poison some prostitutes by feeding same rights as he, and is his equal in
them the supposed aphodisiac Spanish As with the Marquis de Sade, it was education and work.’
Fly, a highly dangerous irritant. Sacher-Masoch’s obsessional ‘one- Although his novels, like Sade’s tend


to be obsessively preoccupied with (Pribor), Moravia (now Czechoslo- built up, consistent patterns began to
his particular sexual preferences, Sac- vakia), but after the failure of his emerge: all his cases of hysteria had
her-Masoch did not (as Sade did) invite father’s textile business, his family sexual causes. Each woman had appar-
social and legal retribution. He did not moved to Vienna when he was four. ently been seduced, molested or fright-
fancy the real-life punishments of ostra- Freud chose medicine for a career part- ened as a child by some perverse adult.
cism and prison, any more than Sade ly at his father’s insistence and partly Just as Freud was beginning to accept
relished the real-life orgies of the guil- in the hope that it would satisfy his one revolutionary idea - that women
lotine. (Modern defenders of sado-maso- already keenly developed curiosity could and did have sexual feelings - he
chism* have claimed not only that its about human nature. In the early part received a terrible shock. He discover-
chief element is play, but also that play- of his career, Freud became a sound ed that many of his patients had been
ing at hurting and being hurt is a way research student. He received intellect- lying to him.
of channelling emotions which can ual stimulus from many sources. He Instead of abandoning his work or
otherwise lead to real-life tyranny.) qualified and began working in neurol- suppressing his discovery, he re-exam-
Krafft-Ebing published the first edi- ogy, the diseases of the brain and spinal ined his theory to see if he could explain
tion of his Psychopathia Sexualis in cord. Only gradually did his energy and why the women had all reported trau-
1886, Sacher-Masoch’s year of greatest ambitions focus on the medical condi- matic sexual experiences from child-
success. In this book, he first defined tion of hysteria. (It was a common belief hood. In 1886, he had married his great
‘sadism’ and ‘masochism’ as two poles from the time of Hippocrates that hyste- love, Martha Bernays, after a long and
of the same phenomenon, often existing ria was confined to women and al- frustrating engagement, and he now
in the same person. This would not have though Freud knew this to be untrue, had several children in whom he took
been news to Sade, and did not escape the vast majority of patients with hys- an intense interest. He began to look to
the notice of Sacher-Masoch himself - terical symptoms were female.) Hypno- them for clues about all these invented
at the climax of Venus in Furs, Severin sis was the newly-established techni- childhood seductions. At the same time,
switches from a masochist attitude to- que for getting through to a patient he turned for answers to the one patient
wards women to a sadistic one. with such ‘hysterical’ symptoms as pa- whom he knew could be consistently
Like Sade, Sacher-Masoch ended his ralysis of a perfectly healthy arm. coerced into telling the truth - himself.
life in a lunatic asylum (whether he was However, Freud found he was inept In the next three years he analyzed him-
mad or just unusual is arguable). He as a hypnotist and, realizing that the self. Recalling his own early sexual
was committed in 1895 and is believed effects of hypnotism stemmed from sug- excitement when he accidentally saw
to have died shortly after. gestion, he was led to develop the ‘talk- his mother dressing, and observing his
ing technique’ as a substitute. The fa- own children, he was confirmed in his
mous couch had been there for hypno- belief that most of the early seductions
sis; he continued to get his patients to ‘remembered’ by his patients were not
Freud lie on it because it helped them to relax, lies but fantasies - events not feared
and he sat behind them largely because but desired. He came to the startling
he was a shy man and could not bear realization that children, too, were
to be stared at all day. By 1896, he had sexual beings.
abandoned hypnosis, having stumbled There was prudery, even puritanism,
upon the use of free association, and in Freud’s many-faceted character and
was using the term psychoanalysis to he resisted the idea of childhood sexu-
describe his ‘talking’ method. ality. Once he had accepted the idea, he
In this procedure, patients relax com- would not let censure by his colleagues
fortably, pick out something of emo- or the horror of society stop him in his
tional significance in their lives (the work.
‘opening emotional elements’) and then Freud now proposed that everything
let their thoughts flow unimpeded in we did which was not in aid of self-
whatever direction they spontaneously preservation was in pursuit of pleasure,
carry them. Freud noticed that patients and that all pleasure-seeking activity
often found their starting material in was, in a wide sense, erotic. He came
dreams* they remembered, and he to call this sexual energy the LIBIDO
Freud’s discovery of the great influence began to develop a first ‘model’ of how and he argued that if sexual energy was
of sexuality on the development of per- the mind works. At this time, he began prevented from finding a direct outlet
sonality revolutionized the study of the to develop his hypothesis that the mind (as society and civilization mostly de-
mind. All subsequent developments in has three parts - or rather, three states manded) it must find some alternative
psychiatry and psychiatric treatment which exist together. It was not for means of expression. With luck the al-
are in some way based on it. His another 30 years (in 1923) that he fully ternative channel would be some kind
courageous insistence on his discovery set out his well-known triad of Id, Ego of creative activity (he called it SUBLI-
at a time when Western society was and Superego. Freud proposed that the MATION). Sexual energy with no other
horrified by it, and the undeniable au- ID is unconscious and instinctual, with- outlet would express itself in distur-
thority with which he established his out moral judgment; that the SUPEREGO bance of the mind or the body or both.
findings, encouraged others working in is partly conscious and represents the All Freud’s work developed from this.
related fields, and opened up our cul- rules instilled by one’s parents and In 1899, he finished The Interpretation
ture to an honest assessment of the society (the voice of guilt); and the EGO of Dreams. In this book, he examined
interrelatedness of sexuality to all as- is the conscious go-between which is the mechanisms by which dreams en-
pects of human development. able to relate and adapt to the outside able the unconscious to cope with facts
Freud was born in 1856 in Freiberg world. As Freud’s clinical experience or events of our lives which our con-


scious minds are too frightened or sim- medical man at that time. Havelock
ply too preoccupied to face. He explain- Ellis also broke new ground in sexual
ed his principle of wish-fulfilment, discussion by considering sexual devi-
showed the enormous effect the life of ations in practice, and their likely ori-
the infant had on conditioning the gins. He wrote about sadism and maso-
human adult and described the OEDIPUS chism, for example, as well as explain-
COMPLEX, relying as he often did on his ing fetishism* and exhibitionism*.
classical and literary education for He campaigned all his life for early
models. sex education for children, for birth
Freud’s influence began to spread. He control, for an end to the concept of
was made a professor in 1902, two years illegitimacy, for experimental unions of
after publishing The Interpretation of couples without marriage, for changes
Dreams. He had by now founded the in divorce laws and for the repeal of
Wednesday Circle which became the criminal laws against homosexual acts
Vienna Psychoanalytical Society (with between consenting adults. His investi-
Alfred Adler among the first partici- gations into every sexual idiosyncracy
pants). Carl-Gustav Jung joined were powered by a moral fervour, as if
Freud’s circle by 1907. The first break he could infect his readers with open-
in Freud’s circle came in 1911 and was myths and inhibitions of the Victorian mindedness. Terms that have become
with Adler (1870-1937). For Adler, not era, making a torment of his youth. He part of everyone’s language, and were
sexuality but will-to-power came to be went to Australia to be a teacher at 16. even adopted by Freud, such as ‘auto-
viewed as the primary driving force of He returned to England aged 19 to eroticism’ and narcissism*, were coin-
the personality. He introduced the con- study medicine at St. Thomas' Hospital ed by him. He believed that love is an
cept of the Inferiority and Superiority in London. Like Freud, he had little art, and that feminine ‘frigidity’ may
Complexes to explain emotional un- interest in being a practising physi- arise from a failure in the art of love
balance. cian; he wanted the respectability of a by the male partner.
Jung (1875-1961), in his turn, dissent- medical degree to prove his scientific Ellis lived out his beliefs in his pri-
ed from Freud’s emphasis on the centra- credentials when he began to write. He vate life. He and Edith decided not to
lity of sex in the development of the remarked in later years that ‘in my own have children and agreed to end sexual
mind. He took the view that libido did medical training, the psychological as- contact with each other, while accept-
not merely encourage the search for pects of sex had no existence whatso- ing each other’s extramarital relation-
pleasure, but was an energy of mind ever’. Only the physical processes of ships - Edith’s were all with women.
that encourages the appetite for food, sex - in the study of women’s diseases, In his sixties, after she died, Ellis
drink and feelings. He came to concen- for example - were considered by his formed the first totally satisfying sex-
trate on the neuroses of people in medical teachers. ual union of his life: he fell in love
middle age in whom the sexual and ag- In 1890 he published The Criminal with Frangoise Delisle, 30 years young-
gressive drives (particularly if they had and The New Spirit, the first of his er than he, and they lived together for
been successful) were less important efforts to introduce criminology and the remaining 20 years of his life with-
than the search for meaning. sexology as sciences. out getting married.
From early in the 1920s, Freud suf- He married Edith Lees in 1891 when By the time of his death in 1939,
fered from cancer of the jaw and under- he was 32, and his personal experiences Ellis was widely admired for his work,
went frequent and painful operations and those of his wife seem to have led his learning, his compassion and his
for the rest of his life. In 1938, after to his writing Man and Woman (1894), calm scepticism.
Hitler’s occupation of Austria, Freud, a book in which he made an early
as a Jew though a non-practicing one, attempt to present a balanced view of
was persuaded to escape to London homosexuality and bisexuality. When Krafft-Ebing
with his daughter, Anna (herself a Sexual In version, volume I of his Stud-
noted child psychiatrist who refined his ies, was published in 1897, only two
work on defence mechanisms). Freud years after the trials of Oscar Wilde, it
continued working on his theories until led to the prolonged court case which
his death in 1939. prevented the publication and accept-
ance of Ellis’ work in England for some
i time, although his books were highly
successful in some circles in America.
Havelock Ellis As he said, his was the first book in
English ‘to set forth the earliest results
A man of wide interests and a prolific reached by Freud’. The Studies de-
writer, Henry Havelock Ellis is chiefly scribed the physical aspects of sexual
remembered for the seven volumes of function alongside less appreciated ele-
his Studies in the Psychology of Sex ments like the significance of touch,
(published between 1896 and 1928) - the smell, sight and hearing in sexual
first of which gained him immediate courtship* and mating. He considered
notoriety, being banned as an obscene eroticism applied to the self, not only
publication. He was born in Croydon, in masturbation but also in the nature Richard von Krafft-Ebing was famous
England in 1859, and his strict family of erotic dreams, and wrote about these in his own day, and is still noted now,
instilled in him many of the sexual in a most enlightened fashion for a for his contributions to the study of


sexual aberrations, chiefly in his book Albert, Freiherr von Schrenck-Notzing

Psychopathia Sexualis, the most mas- (1826-1929) was one of the psychiatric
sively comprehensive collection of case
Magnus Hirschfeld pioneers working at the same time as
studies of psychotic sexual data that Freud and helping to create the climate
had ever been published. in which Freud’s major discoveries
Perhaps because his work as a foren- became acceptable. A striking feature
sic psychiatrist meant that most of his of his work were his attempts to ‘cure’
case-histories were taken from crimi- homosexuality (for which the standard
nals, Krafft-Ebing was firmly at the medical term was the reveahngly
non-permissive end of the spectrum of enough, ‘contrary sexual instinct’)
opinion, and he condemned most, with the help of suggestion under
though not quite all, forms of sexual hypnosis and visits to brothels. He was
activity. His place in the still develop- not the first person to offer homo-
ing history of sexual liberation is due sexuals this kind of refuge from social
not to these emotive attitudes but to persecution, and his book on modifying
his scientist’s approach to his work, sexual orientation (1892) in part fore-
which established the factual study of shadowed Pavlov’s achievements on
sexual aberration as a respectable pur- conditioned reflexes.
suit. Psychopathia Sexualis provided
Freud with data which he used in his Magnus Hirschfeld, whose dates (1868—
Three Contributions to the Theory of
Sex (1905).
1935) fall within Freud’s life-span, was
one of the few genuinely sympathetic
It was Krafft-Ebing who derived German psychiatrists to specialize in
some of the descriptive terms from homosexuality. A brilliant and energe-
names in sexual literature. For exam- tic man, he founded the first scientific
ple, he coined the term ‘sadism’, after journal of sexual pathology in 1899.
the Marquis de Sade, to describe sexual This annual publication was to be a
pleasure derived from inflicting pain on forum for important discussions on the
others. He also coined the term ‘maso- subject of sex, and in it he gave a
chism’, after the stories by Sacher- strongly favourable review of Freud’s
Masoch in which self-affliction brings a crucial and controversial Three Essays
form of sexual relief. Born in 1840, on the Sexual Theory (1905). Hirschfeld
Richard, Freiherr (Baron) von Krafft- coined a number of terms for sexual
Ebing was chairman at the important practices. For example, he used the
Psychiatry and Neurology Convention work ‘ipsation’ when an individual
in 1896 when Freud first presented his actively masturbates and is sexually The work of the Russian experimental
views on the cause of hysteria. Later, gratified without having any associ- psychologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
he was one of the specialists who is ated psychic fantasies. He also used (1849-1936) on the processes of diges-
said to have recommended Freud for a ‘automonosexualism’ to describe men tion had brought him a Nobel prize in
Professorship in Vienna. Krafft-Ebing who are so narcissistic that only their 1904. In the course of this work, using
distinguished himself in research into own bodies give them sexual satisfac- animals for his experiments, he found
the then ill-understood diseases of the tion. He was the first person to make a that once dogs were trained to expect
brain and nervous system. The illness proper distinction between homosexu- dinner at the sound of a bell, they would
known as general paralysis of the in- ality and transvestism (1910) and he salivate when he rang the bell, no
sane (GPI) still puzzled the specialists and others in his journal campaigned matter whether dinner turned up or
in nervous diseases. It presented a mix- for the reform of laws which penalized not. These observations (published
ture of brain changes (claims of grand- homosexuals. from 1910 onwards) established that
eur yet loss of memory) and physical some kinds of behaviour (salivation)
changes (weakness and loss of power in were the result of reflex reactions to a
the limbs). Krafft-Ebing carried out the Schrenck- Notz ing familiar stimulus (dinner) and that
research experiments which confirmed such responses could be manipulated
that GPI is caused by the syphilis by bringing in stimuli that were associ-
organism in the nervous system. ated with the familiar one (bells). Pav-
Krafft-Ebing intended his Psychopa- lov called these responses CONDITIONED
thia Sexualis (first published in German REFLEXES and argued that they play a
in 1886) to be read by doctors only. He significant part in determining human
did his best to ensure this by using as well as animal behaviour.
Latin wherever he had to describe the One application of Pavlov’s work has
details of sexual activities in his cases. been in attempts to ‘recondition’ sexual
The book nevertheless became im- tastes through aversion therapy. His
mensely popular. Improving and ex- findings have been applied in a more
panding the book were major occupa- practical and successful way in varying
tions for the rest of his life and his kinds of sex therapy, notably by
final reworking of it was for the twelfth Masters and Johnson, in overcoming
edition. He died in 1902. Psychopathia reactions in problems like premature
Sexualis makes quaint reading today. ejaculation, impotence and frigidity.


her harrassment gave her won her trol, especially if women had control
themselves, would enable women to
Margaret Sanger support. She founded the American
Birth Control League in 1921, by which enjoy wanted children as well as their
time she had help from many prominent marriage relationship with more per-
people, among them her friend Have- sonal fulfilment and satisfaction. She
lock Ellis* She organized the first continued to publicize her ideas with
World Population Conference in Gen- growing success, despite protest and
eva in 1927 and was elected first presi- public opposition, especially from
dent of the International Planned Par- Catholic groups. She opened the first
enthood Federation (1953). In 1936, the British birth control clinic in north
Comstock Act was reinterpreted to per- London in 1921, and founded the Soci-
mit physicians to prescribe contracep- ety for Constructive Birth Control
tives. Her view of birth control had (precursor of the Family Planning As-
expanded a great deal and she came, sociation) in 1922 to spread informa-
like Marie Stopes, to work for birth tion, especially among poor and ill-
control in overpopulated countries. educated women. The occlusive dia-
She died in 1966 in Tucson, Arizona. phragm which prevents sperm passing
into the neck of the uterus was named
the ‘Stopes cap’.

Marie Stopes She continued to work, lecture and

write for the birth control movement
until her death in 1958.
Margaret Sanger was the founder of the Born in 1880 in Edinburgh, Marie Car-
American birth control movement. Her michael Stopes, who proclaimed every
writings and speeches publicized the
need for birth control - she coined the
women’s right to freedom from unwant-
ed pregnancy, was the first English
Wilhelm Reich
term - and opened up a way of discuss- women liberator in the field of sexual-
ing this formerly taboo subject. Unlike ity, dominated so far by men. She Reich is the most paradoxical of the
her English counterpart, Marie had the advantage of a scientific edu- sexual liberators: anti-authoritarian
Stopes*, who at first thought of fulfill- cation, which allowed her a practical authoritarian, outcast, puritan, crank,
ment within conventional and rather and theoretical basis for her statements prophet - and in all the history of
well-to-do marriages, Margaret Sang- and activities. She lectured at Universi- sexology, perhaps the most single-
er’s lifelong campaign for birth control ty College, London, on palaeobotany, minded believer in the centrality of sex
grew out of direct experience of the the study of extinct or fossil plants, to human lives.
needs of poor families and single particularly in coal seams. Her success He was born in 1897 in Galicia into
mothers. as a scientist at that time showed the a cultured and well-to-do farming fam-
Born Margaret Higgins in Corning, capacity and right of every woman to ily. At 14, his childhood ended abruptly
New York, in 1883, she was herself one have careers in spite of male hostility. with his mother’s suicide, an event to
of 11 children. She married architect Her first marriage was emotionally which he may have contributed by tell-
William Sanger in 1900. (She later di- and sexually unhappy for her, and by ing his father of her affair with the
vorced him and in 1922 remarried, but the time it was annulled in 1916 she family tutor. His father developed tu-
like Marie Stopes she kept the name had become concerned for the personal berculosis and died three years later.
of her first husband for professional and sexual satisfaction of women in Reich was trained in physics applied
reasons.) After the birth of her second marriage. With the encouragement of to living matter, but the First World
child, she went to work as an obstetri- her second husband, Vernon Roe, she War intervened. At 19 he joined the
cal nurse on the lower East Side of wrote Married Love (1918) and its im Austrian army and at 21, the war over,
Manhattan. Here she witnessed results mense success led her to bring out Wise he turned up in Vienna in search of a
of uncontrolled bith rates - high infant Parenthood, which was specifically career and promptly settled on psychia-
and maternal mortality, and appalling about contraception, in the same year. tric medicine.
psychological pressures. After a young She believed that successful birth con- Over the next ten years he seems to
woman had died in her arms from the have been in the mainstream of the
effects of a self-induced abortion, Viennese psychoanalytic group: but
Margaret Sanger determined to eman- around 1927 his path began to diverge
cipate women from unwanted preg- from theirs. In that year, Reich was
nancy. She founded her magazine The refused an analysis by Freud, and it has
Woman Rebel (later called Birth Con- been suggested that this refusal was the
trol Review) in 1914 and began publi- long-term cause of Reich’s extreme
cizing contraception through that and heterodoxy. An active Marxist over the
through her pamphlet Family Limita- next five years, Reich tried hard to
tion. Liable to charges of obscenity establish a political context for his
under the 1873 Comstock Act, she was work. He suggested, for example, that
constantly harrassed by the law (and the death instinct - described by Freud
by Comstock himself while he lived) as the opposite of the pleasure principle
and spent 30 days in jail after opening and sex drive - may in fact derive from
the first US birth control clinic in 1916. the pattern of the capitalist system. In
In the long run, the publicity which 1930, having moved to Berlin, he found-


equivalent to that of the life force - was University on the entomology of the
at large in the universe in vast quanti- gall wasp. He collected, measured and
ties and could be tapped by artificial classified between two and four million
means. To this end he developed var- examples and became recognized as the
ious forms of body-therapy, culmina- world’s leading authority on the insect.
ting in the famous Orgone Box which During his years as a zoologist Kin-
he marketed, claiming that it would sey married. There were four children;
infuse with orgone energy anyone who it was by all accounts a happy marriage
stepped inside it. Among those who did and Kinsey was satisfied with his car-
so were members of the US Food and eer. But the work of his life changed
Drug Administration, and finding it when his university decided to intro-
empty of measurable life-force or any- duce a course in marriage in 1937, and
thing else they proclaimed it to be a Kinsey was put in charge of it. He was
fraud. Reich continued to distribute his distressed to find that there were no
box and in 1956 he was given a two- statistical studies of sexual behaviour
ed the suggestively titled German As- year prison sentence for contempt of and response to validate or support
sociation for Proletarian Sexual Poli- court and violation of the Food, Drug many theories and beliefs then held,
tics, which sought widespread legal re- and Cosmetic Act. He died in prison in and which he was expected to teach.
form on sexual matters. 1957, under psychiatric care. He had to teach facts for his course
In trying to cross Marx with Freud, and, since they did not exist in a scienti-
Reich was of course trying to bridge fically valid form, he decided to collect
the gulf between vastly different atti-
Kinsey them himself. Applying his zoological
tudes to human change and develop- data methods, he began interviewing
ment: Marx’s work was focussed on willing subjects in small numbers and
change from without and Freud’s on slowly shaped his interviewing techni-
change from within. In any case, Reich ques and questions. As he proceeded,
was not orthodox enough for either he found his students and the men and
side. He was expelled in 1933 from the women he was interviewing asking him
Communist Party and in 1934 from the urgent questions. Would premarital in-
Psychoanalytic Association. For the tercourse spoil their chances of happy
rest of his life, Reich was on his own. marriage? Would masturbation drive
It is interesting to note that while them insane or affect their children?
most of Freud’s dissenting colleagues Should they overcome their homosex-
(Adler and Jung, for instance) thought ual desires and if so how? Kinsey
that he emphasized sex to the exclusion packed up his gall-wasp collection and
of other factors in human psychology, donated it to the American Museum
Reich thought he failed to give sex of National History, and spent the rest
anything like its due. As far as Reich of his life collecting the information
was concerned, sex was the potential that might answer these questions.
cure for almost all the ills of civiliza- Alfred Charles Kinsey pioneered a type In 1942, Indiana supported Kinsey’s
tion. of research which was badly needed to establishment of the Institute for Sex-
The catch was that not any old form test the theories of Freud and his im- ual Research at the University. He had
of sex would do: it had to be ‘real’ sex mediate successors. He collected and acquired Clyde E. Martin as an assist-
as defined by Reich himself. ‘Real’ sex analyzed statistical information about ant in 1939; Wardell B. Pomeroy joined
turned out to be a complex and rather the sexual behaviour of thousands of him in 1943 and Dr. Paul Gebbard (who
restrictive activity, confined to hetero- ordinary men and women. As a direct was to continue in charge of the Insti-
sexual couples whose orgasms were not result of his work, people’s knowledge tute after Kinsey’s death) in 1946.
only reached in the course of inter- of their own sexual behaviour has Pomeroy, Martin and other assistants
course alone, but conformed to a vari- grown spectacularly, and a tradition helped analyze and write up the data
ety of requirements (including timing was established that led to the Masters which appeared as the first report of the
and degrees of excitement) which were and Johnson studies and the setting up institute in 1948: Sexual Behavior in
measurable on a graph. Reich stated of sex therapy clinics. the Human Male. This technical study
these theories in his much-revised Born in New Jersey in 1894, his up- became a best-seller, as did its succes-
Function of the Orgasm (originally pub- bringing was strict and as a young child sor, Sexual Behavior in the Human
lished in 1927). he suffered from rheumatic fever and Female (1953).
In 1939, Reich had to flee Europe in rickets. He grew up with a fervent The reports startled many people and
the face of Nazi antagonism. In New interest in the outdoors and with undermined many myths. Based on the
York, he once again showed an interest wholly conventional attitudes towards case histories of over 5000 white males
in his original scientific arena of bio- sex. (When a college friend confessed and over 5000 white females, he re-
physics. However, the stimulus of a new to him his agony over masturbation, ported, for instance, that 96% of men
environment and a receptive new audi- Kinsey persuaded the friend to join him masturbated, as did 85% of all women.
ence encouraged him to reveal a ‘new in prayer for strength to stop.) He Only 4% of American males were ex-
discovery’. Early on in Reich’s solitary began his career as a zoologist after clusively homosexual but 37% had had
journey as a research psychoanalyst, studying at Bowdoin College and get- at least one homosexual experience to
he had put forward the notion that ting a science doctorate at Harvard in the point of orgasm. Among women
‘orgone energy’ - a concept roughly 1920. He worked for 17 years at Indiana 28% had some lesbian experience by the


age of 45. And all this in an age when which the ‘Kinsey reports’ provoked. looking for a job just when Masters
the official version of ‘normal’ sexual In their turn, they have greatly in- advertised for an assistant. Theirs was
behaviour was defined within narrow, creased our knowledge of what happens to be one of the great 20th-century
puritanical limits, the holdovers of in the body during sexual experiences. research partnerships, and nearly
19th-century ideas. Kinsey’s report on Masters was born in comfortable cir- twenty years later they married.
the multiple female orgasm caused con- cumstances in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1915. Of 1273 men and women who volun-
sternation and even disbelief to a de- In 1943, when he was a qualified doctor teered, 694 were accepted after screen-
gree that nothing else in his reports did. with a successful student career behind ing and became participants in labora-
Doctors Edmund Bergler and William him, he decided to research into the tory observations of sexual activity
S. Kroger wrote a book entitled Kin- human physiology of sex. Realizing he over the next 11 years. There were 276
sey’s Myth of Female Sexuality and would have to wait until he was con- married couples plus 106 single women
dismissed the reports of multiple or- sidered mature by others, until he had and 36 single men. The age range was
gasm as ‘fantastic tales which the fe- established a reputation as a research- enormous: 21 to 89 for men, 18 to 78 for
male volunteers told Kinsey’, a strange er in some less controversial subject, women. Interestingly, of 7500 attempts
echo of the common medical belief in and until he could do his studies under on the part of women to reach orgasm -
the 19th century that only ‘perverted’ respectable auspices, he became a gyn- with or without a partner - there were
women had any sexual feelings at all. ecologist. He published many papers, only 118 failures. For men the failure
The report (which was also based on establishing himself particularly in the rate was six times higher.
detailed gynecological examinations field of hormone replacement therapy The report of their work, Human
of 879 women) further noted that the for post-menopausal women. In 1954 he Sexual Response (1966), not only con-
interior of the vagina was an area of embarked upon the research that was firmed objectively some of the contro-
little or no sensitivity in virtually all to carry out work envisaged by Kinsey: versial findings of the Kinsey reports,
women and that only the clitoris and it exploded three more myths. It proved
labia minor played important roles in that a man’s sexual performance is in
stimulation and orgasm, facts later con- no way related to the size of his penis.
firmed by Masters and Johnson’s direct It proved that there is no such thing as
observation. The report even included a vaginal orgasm however the orgasm
the suggestion (a courageous one in is triggered (thus finally unburdening
1953) that women might learn to enjoy women of one of Freud’s most unplea-
orgasm and increase enjoyment in sex sant legacies - his insistance that not
if they practised by masturbating. Stud- only were vaginal and clitoral orgasms
ies were also made of the erotic be- distinct but that the vaginal orgasm
haviour of infants and the Kinsey team alone was ‘mature’ and ‘real’). It
reported that one 11-month old baby proved, too, that women do not neces-
had 14 orgasms in 38 minutes. sarily experience satisfaction or need
Responsible criticism of the reports rest after an orgasm, as men do, but
focussed on possible irregularities in are capable of multiple orgasms.
Kinsey’s sampling. Nevertheless, later By 1959, Masters and Johnson had
studies of all sorts have tended to begun to apply their observations to
confirm the findings and figures of the people’s problems. In ‘sex therapy’
reports. Kinsey himself was concerned clinics for couples they concentrated
that with the best will in the world on treating impotence and frigidity,
respondents could not answer some beginning with an examination of the
kinds of question from experience. The the backing up of subjective case his- sexual history of both partners and
1948 report stated: ‘Erotic arousal is a tories with objective observation. He their interrelationship. They gathered
material phenomenon which involves worked at the School of Medicine in information about sexual dysfunction
an extended series of physical, physio- Washington University, St Louis, until as they went along, and in the first
logic, and psychologic changes. Many private financing enabled him to estab- ten years of their clinic, with follow-ups
of these could be subjected to precise lish the Reproductive Biology Research lasting five years, Masters and Johnson
instrumental measurement if objecti- Foundation in 1964. reported success rates of 97.8% in over-
vity among scientists and public res- Dr Masters began his work with coming premature ejaculation; of
pect for scientific research allowed prostitutes of both sexes, but realized 80.7% with female frigidity; of 73.8% in
such laboratory investigation’. almost immediately that they were un- cases of male impotence which had
At about the time Kinsey died in typical of the ‘average’ American citi- started after some sexual experience;
1956, however, Dr. Masters and his zen in whom he was primarily inter- and of 59.4% in male impotence cases
assistant Mrs Johnson were embarking ested. Setting out to find ‘respectable’ that went back to earliest experiences.
on their work at Washington Univer- volunteers, Masters decided to hire a Many of the techniques that Dr. Mas-
sity at St Louis, Missouri. woman to help interview and screen ters learned from the male and female
them. He found Mrs. Johnson. She was prostitutes he had used as early sub-
born in 1925 in the Missouri Ozarks, jects have found direct application in
Masters & Johnson where she was brought up with a rare therapy of sexual inadequacy. The re-
lack of sexual ignorance and hypocrisy. port of this work, Human Sexual In-
The laboratory work of Dr. William While studying music, she had become adequacy (1970), has become a standard
H. Masters and Virginia E. Johnson interested in sociology and psychology. work for sex therapists and has led to
built upon Kinsey’s work and was Married, with two children, she had the adoption of new treatments for
helped by the change in public opinion separated from her husband and was sexual distress and dysfunction.

Roles and attitudes that people adopt
for their sexual personalities.

functions need to be fulfilled in any dominate there must be ‘good’ and

family: money must be earned; shop- ‘moral’ reasons for it—and not just the
Roles & Attitudes ping, cooking and cleaning must be obvious reason that they are in a posi-
done; children must be looked after. tion to clobber anyone who challenges
Shakespeare said ‘All the world’s a The roles of wage-earner, housekeeper them.
stage’, and people probably act their and child-minder must be filled, some- This is probably the chief reason why
lives out more than they realize. The how, by the adults of the family. The women in the past were often given
scripts are handed down from parents rules about who does what have scarce- rather unnatural character types. Ac-
and grandparents with a certain num- ly begun to relax, and they undoubtedly cording to some, women were innately
ber of rules about who can play which affect our behaviour because they repre- pure, good, gentle, simple, etc., and
parts. In particular, there seems to be sent an unequal division of power: therefore needed protecting. The wo-
one group of ROLES which are for men earning the money (and having the men who tried to live up to this good-
only, and another group which are for once-necessary extra muscle) meant little-girl type of role almost inevitably
women only. If we tresspass and steal became prudes and hypocrites, ap-
each other’s roles, we will not be called parently lacking in sexual feeling, com-
‘manly’ or ‘feminine’—terms of praise mon sense or the capacity for making
for those who perform the roles of their decisions. Another (and quite contra-
own sex successfully—but ‘mannish’ or dictory) line of argument said that wo-
‘effeminite’, derogatory words which men were innately impure, dangerous,
suggest that there is something wrong seductive, scheming, complex, etc. If
with these roles when the wrong people you broke the rules of current sexual
play them. morality and happened to be female,
Among the most time-honoured sex you found yourself cast as the scarlet
roles are those of the woman who acts woman—with all the attendant char-
helpless and the man who acts as if he acterization of someone ruthless, pre-
has someone helpless to look after. The datory, ‘tm wifely’ and ‘tmmotherly’.
woman’s role might include waiting for (Who ever heard of a scarlet man ?—men
the man to open doors and light her who broke the same moral laws had
cigarettes, claiming to be incapable of different parts to play.)
performing simple sums of arithmetic However, women were by no means
and expecting to be paid for. Her the only ones to find themselves limited
clothes and shoes support her in her to playing certain roles. Faced with a
role—they are not meant to be practical problem which affects both him and his
for walking or getting wet in. Clearly, wife equally, as for instance a neigh-
in her behaviour, her ‘costume’, her bour playing rock until 4 am., a man
expectations and attitudes, she is say- can not, according to his script, say
ing ‘I am incapable’. And the man who ‘what are you going to do?’ (that’s her
walks beside her in practical clothes, line). His line is something like ‘leave
opens doors for her, lights her ciga- this to me’ and—whether he feels like it
rettes, displays his knowledge of simple or not—he’s stuck with the role of boss.
arithmetic and pays for her evening’s Probably most sex roles are variants
food and entertainment is saying the on this basic duo of boss and bossed,
same thing—‘that’s right, you’re help- dominant and subordinate. Heterosex-
less (but you don’t have to worry about uals have been given great—and some-
it because I’m here)’. times painful—insight into their sexual
Not all sex roles are so obvious. For behaviour by the imitations which are
example, there is the familiar character enacted by some homosexuals. Pos-
of the Nagging Wife, whose lines go sibly, however, homosexuals will pro-
something like this: ‘don’t forget to call vide the others with new models as
the garage, did you feed the dog, I wish well as with mirror-images. When bi-
you wouldn’t smoke so much, that stair sexuals develop a relationship with
carpet is loose again, your tie needs someone of their own sex they may dis-
straightening’. She is probably part- cover their behaviour seems incon-
nered by the equally familiar character that men had very much more power gruous—is, in fact, play-acting in the
of the Long-Suffering Husband, whose than women, and by and large they wrong place.
message tends to be non-verbal: in still do. There is no reason why we should be
response to her monologue he tightens All kinds of subsidiary roles and totally free of role-playing in life, but
his lips (‘I could say plenty but I’m too attitudes spring up where power is there seems to be no virtue in being
noble’), squares his shoulders (‘listen- concerned: in particular the powerful trapped in roles which merely limit us
ing to you is really a burden’) and seek to justify their position by at- to one stereotyped kind of behaviour—
sighs deeply (‘I suffer more than you tributing it to the characteristics of possibly one which may not even be
can understand’). both themselves and the group which natural to our individual personalities.
It would be unfair to suggest that sex they dominate. We like to think that Shakespeare also said that each man in
roles are always only games or relics we behave according to higher laws his time plays many parts. Perhaps now
of behaviour from an earlier age. There than the laws of the jungle, and if is the time for both men and women to
is no doubt that a number of different those who are physically strongest expand their repertoire.


m-: Dreams
Freud’s brilliant ideas helped to chart
WM the seemingly incomprehensible mor-
mmamm. ass of our dream life. He thought that
: V
' ^ 'A^'°- what a dreamer remembers is merely a
12 •;
• •\A. &:?■*■ facade that hides a dream’s true mean-
Rpl 1 -‘1 ing. He named the memory ‘manifest
content’ and the true meaning ‘latent
«BM content’. The ‘residue’ or events of the
previous day, Freud believed, are some-
times used in dreams to express deep-
seated wishes and perhaps to offer
solutions to problems. Certain pro-
cesses occur which distort dreams’ real
meaning. For instance, in the phenom-
enon of ‘condensation’, parts of a
dream’s true meaning are abridged and
mm appear in the memory. Thus one person
Wkmm from real life may represent several
MMKV people or ideas in dreams. ‘Displace-
ment’ is another dream distortion in
which emotions attached to one thing
or event are linked to something else
which seems to be irrelevant or uncon-
nected. In the process of ‘symbolism’,
ns ;OA'-A

certain symbols or events signify par-
ticular things in all dreams.
jff|§f|t l5£l3&®S;$f|
tmmrnm WiSSSf
Jung found that many symbols oc-
#iv*i«~;-*c' -v -J.?3t/»^ -
\-:; - curring in dreams resembled drawings

PtffMlflltt' pssM
found in caves and elsewhere by an-
cient primitive people. He believed that
iM just as we have vestigial primitive
-,’ sssn
organs in our bodies (for example, the
spsrs appendix, which is used in the bodies
... ■ si
............ of rabbits and other herbivores to
digest cellulose), so we have similar
structures in our minds. He went on to
describe a ‘collective subconscious’
common to all human beings: being so
• r:': V. similar in form and chemistry to our
Si primitive ancestors, it may be that we
share much of our dream life with them.
Freud called dreams the ‘royal road
to the unconscious’ and spent much
time with his patients analysing their
dreams, but modern ideas about the
relevance of dreams have not com-
pletely supported his views about their
importance—especially in regard to hid-
» den or subconscious conflicts which re-
sult in sexual problems or anxiety.
In the 1960s, scientists discovered
that there are two sorts of sleep which
Ifiisl^ alternate during the night and which
have different electrical brain patterns
associated with them. In one type, the
eyes move about rapidly from side to
side, giving it the name Rapid Eye
Wj>s'<:: Movement (REM) sleep. This occurs
Chris Jones

MM , • (,
every ninety minutes or so throughout
the night and is associated with bursts
of brain activity, with dreaming and
male erections during dreams.


ii—■HI—iBiimmniiimiiiiiii|iii|ii prior to marriage. On the negative side, with which prudes have meted out
people who behave promiscuously may punishment to the ‘wicked and sinful’
Promiscuity have difficulties in forming stable lov- seems to support the Marquis de Sade’s
ing relationships and in some ways may aphorism that puritanism is an ally of
This is a label for people who have sex be immature. Promiscuous behaviour the devil.
relations on a casual basis with differ- spreads diseases which are sexually The Victorian era in England was
ent partners over a short period of time. transmitted, and it is recognised that famous both for its prudery and its
Promiscuity doesn’t usually describe such diseases are on the increase world- hypocrisy. William Acton, a prominent
people who form longer term relation- wide {health*). Also, it is now a medi- Victorian physician, was an almost per-
ships with more than one person, al- cally accepted fact that a girl who fect example of his age—he wrote at
though sometimes it includes them as engages in sexual intercourse from a great length in a serious medical
well. Most people seek out things in life young age with multiple partners is fashion on sexual diseases and related
that give them pleasure, and there is no much more likely to develop certain problems, even describing prostitution
doubt that sex is pleasurable. Anyone cancers of the cervix or the womb in at great length from a sociological and
who lives solely for pleasure—which maturity than a girl who has not been statistical point of view. On the other
includes being promiscuous—is called a promiscuous. hand, he actually wrote ‘a modest wo-
HEDONIST, from the Greek word for man seldom desires any sexual gratifi-
pleasure, LIBERTINE or VOLUPTUARY are cation for herself’ and he also cata-
the old-fashioned terms (mostly de-
scribing promiscuous men) for those
Modesty logued the supposed horrific diseases
that would afflict a masturbator.
who take delight in ‘pleasures of the Perhaps the best example of current
flesh’. Labels for sexual activity with Modesty is an adjective usually applied prudish attitudes in Western society is
multiple partners have historically to girls or women which indicates that public sex education* on sexually-trans-
been uncomplimentary, although a DON one’s manner and conduct is retiring or mitted diseases. Such diseases are now
JUAN or a CASANOVA is usually thought bashful or scrupulously chaste. At var- known to constitute a world-wide
of with some envy as being successful ious periods in history and in many epidemic and yet so-called public mor-
sexually and romantically with women. different cultures, a different mode of ality dictates that the topic be handled
Throughout the ages more men then behaviour and plain, unpretentious with discretion and even clinics in
women have had the opportunity, rich- dress were considered the necessary hospitals specializing in such disease
es, power or freedom to indulge in attributes of femininity. Human ideas often have a substitute name such as
promiscuity. But it is interesting that about what constitutes modesty are ‘L-clinic’ rather than a direct name
certain women, when obtaining power very arbitrary. A woman strictly such as ‘sex disease clinic’. Examples of
or social position, behaved with as brought up in the Islamic faith and prudery in the use of words connected
much sexual energy as men in the same used to wearing a veil might modestly with sex are so rampant as to be
position. Messalina, wife of the Roman cover her face rather than her genitals hilarious. ‘Intimacy’ for intercourse or
Emperor Claudius, is one good example if surprised by an outsider while in the ‘private parts’ for genitals are just two
—she is famous for her droves of lovers. nude. The conditioning of a Western examples. This is direct sexual INHIBI-
NYMPHOMANIA traditionally described woman would lead her to cover her TION, the restraint of straight-forward
such exceptionally promiscuous female breasts and her genitals. expression of a natural activity.
behaviour, a sort of frenetic quest for
endless sexual gratification. The word
has generally gone out of favour, since
it is known that all women are capable
of multiple orgasms, not just nympho-
maniacs. The word is not even very A person who is extremely circumspect
popular anymore in describing women in the use of words and behaviour re-
who have a deep psychological or garding sexual matters is a prude. A
physical need for frequent orgasm. In prude’s behaviour disguises any real
recent decades some couples in a quest human sexuality or feelings and emo-
to make their sexual lives more exciting tions about sex. The term is often ap-
have engaged in partner swapping* plied to a woman of affected modesty
(swinging), preferring this to more or one who pretends extreme propriety,
casual promiscuity or adultery. but it can also describe a man. A pru-
There are both positive and negative dent woman might be one who is care-
sides to promiscuity. On the one hand, ful, for example, to use some means of
it enables a man or woman to become contraceptive to prevent an unwanted
familiar with the physical and the emo- pregnancy, but a prudish woman might
tional side of sexual relationships. pretend to such modesty that she would
People often make better lovers and deny any knowledge of contraception.
have happier sex lives if they learn Prudish behaviour often goes
something practical about technique. hand in hand with hypocrisy, a pre-
In some cases, previous promiscuous tence of virtue or goodness, or with an
behaviour may avert a couple’s dis- obsessive but unadmitted interest in
covering after the honeymoon that they sex. Examples of prudishness can be
have made a mistake simply because found in most cultures and in many
they were blinded by sexual attraction different historical times, and the zeal


nil ll


Ml P>3'

times called BALL BREAKERS or ball cause many Mediterranean or Latin-

American males feel they must live up
Dominance busters. These terms also describe wo-
men who do not conform to a stereo- to a popular image of dominant, flam-
typed male idea of sexual femininity. boyant masculinity. Machismo in sex
In many relationships and marriages a On the other hand, some men are tends to imply sexism* or exploitation
struggle for power or dominance goes excited by a woman acting out a domin- of females. However, some women en-
on. Men and women with maturity ant role as a school teacher or gov- joy being sexually dominated, and find
problems or sexual difficulties are often erness (usually dressed up in intimate dominance games, such as being tied up
unable to compromise or give in to a or fantasy clothing) and who chastises before making love or being mildly
partner because they find such a loss of (flagellation*) or otherwise humiliates chastised, stimulating and exciting.
power or control too emotionally threat- them (erotic bondage*). Such activi- Not every person who seeks or enjoys
ening or humiliating. ties may be engaged in by a man a relationship in which one partner is
Dominance in sexual relations can with a prostitute or a call girl, while strongly dominant will be aware of
take many forms ranging from acting with his unsuspecting wife he engages psychological motives which may un-
out sado-masochistic* fantasies to a in a more usual form of love-making. derline their attitude. Provided natural
woman who demands to be wined and Married and other couples engage in unequal partners are emotionally com-
dined before making love, or a man dominance games too as an adjunct or plementary to each other the dominance
who insists that his partner always lies stimulant to love making. ofoneoverthe other is unlikely to cause
on her back during intercourse. MACHISMO is a current word which unhappiness, unless at some time the
Women who demand ideal sexual per- comes from the Spanish macho, mean- submissive one discovers that he or she
formance from men—and show their ing male. It implies a need to express an is no longer willing to be emotionally
contempt for anything less—are some- arrogant style of virility, probably be- exploited.


even while intercourse takes place. At nature. Slaves were used by wealthy

Submission the other extreme, the desire of some

men and women to be humiliated by
citizens of Rome to provide sexual en-
tertainment at orgies. The submission
their partners, to grovel and beg for- of slaves to any sort of sexual indignity
A submissive person characteristically giveness for ‘misbehaviour’ borders on or activity was not unique to Rome;
acts with meekness and a willing obedi- pathology or mental disease. Some men the notion of people as sex objects* has
ence to the wishes and demands of a love women who reject and humiliate flourished throughout the pages of
person or persons in authority. As with them; the more skilled a woman be- history.
dominance*, submission forms a part of comes at such rejection the more de- Today, a sub-culture exists devoted
the sexual climate of many relation- voted her partner becomes. to erotic bondage* and discipline which
ships and marriages. Submissive be- Throughout history, sexual sadism* involves interest in and the practice
haviour, especially where a compulsive and dominance-submission patterns of of submission-dominance behaviour.
element is present, is thought to be behaviour were often linked to the use Magazines giving contact names of
caused by a person’s upbringing and of slaves as objects rather than as people with such interests are pub-
may reflect a deprivation trauma suffer- people with dignity. The Roman Empire lished, and they describe boots, spurs,
ed in childhood. provides a good example of extreme pat- spike heels, chains, whips and other
Between sexual partners, submissive terns of sexual submission. As Rome equipment of a sexually sadistic nature.
behaviour may take many forms. On conquered territories throughout Eu- Such magazines usually contain stories
the one hand, a woman may always rope, North Africa and Asia, thousands about women who administer ‘strict
play a ‘feminine’ role by never taking of slaves were sent back to the capital discipline’ with illustrations depicting
the first steps in any sexual activity to provide public entertainment in the them in erotic ‘B & D’ gear, looking
and by acting a completely passive role arenas of a violent and often sexual suitably cruel and authoritative.

Tomi Ungerer


Sex Object
Any person or thing to which sexual
emotions and activity are directed is
quite literally a sex object. Any ma-
terial thing from a pornographic mag-
azine to a human being which stimu-
lates sexual excitement and arousal
can be a sex object, but the phrase ‘sex
object’ is currently used as a deroga-
tory term, implying sexual exploitation
of women in fact or fantasy by men. It
implies a sexist* attitude in which wo-
men are considered as child bearers and
sexual stimulants, apart from their hu-
man qualities. When slaves were used
to satisfy the sexual proclivities of their
owners with no regard for their own
feelings or dignity, they represented
par excellence the use of other human
beings as sex objects. Throughout his-
tory, animals have also been used for
human sexual purposes. Even today
such practices occur, but are usually
resorted to by the sexually inadequate
or the mentally disturbed.
‘Girlie’ magazines with erotic pic-
tures of all different sizes and shapes
of women are sex objects themselves
as they provide visual stimulation of a
sexual nature. The women depicted are,
of course, sex objects in that they pro-
vide emotional sexual stimulation and
in some cases physical arousal in
readers. There are magazines on the
market in which men are photographed
as sex objects, offering stimulation for
women as well as for homosexual men.
It is a fact of life that the human
female between the ages of puberty and
menopause is sexually stimulating to
the human male. Objections by women
to being sex objects can arise from
feelings of degradation and inequality.
Many women complain that their hus-
bands only want them ‘for one thing’
and as a result they become unrespon-
sive sexually. Often husbands are sur-
prised both by this attitude and their
wives’ lack of response, and much of the
work of sex counselling and marriage
guidance is to reconcile these differ-
ences. In some respects, the different
sexual arousal patterns of men and wo-
men contribute to female resentment
about being sex objects. Men can be as
sensitive as women about being treated
as sex objects rather than worthy
human beings with individual person-


‘Sexism’ describes attitudes and emo-
tions concerning the sexual roles en-
acted by men and women, both historic-
ally and in day-to-day encounters. It
has come to mean the placing of men
and of women into traditional ‘femi-
nine’ and ‘masculine’ roles without
regard for their individual preferences
or abilities.
Sexual liberation for both men and
women has begun to challenge these
deeply-rooted attitudes to the roles of
male and female. The traditional male
role of bread-winner and aggressor
complemented by a female role of
passive acquiescence and support is
part of the psyche of most Western
adults. Emancipation and improved in-
dependence for women seem to threat-
en men who may feel they are losing
their ‘self-image’, their identities. In-
creasing female liberation in many
areas of day-to-day life is seen as
threatening ‘traditional’ male roles.
Sexual liberation, while it is wel-
comed by men as giving them much
more opportunity for sexual expression
with a greater variety of women, is
also detested because it makes women
less ‘feminine’. Many men seem to be
shocked to be on the receiving end of
female instigated sexual attention or
sexual aggression, especially as women
become more direct. A double standard
of behaviour is part of the doctrine of
Biologically, the male’s function is to
chase and impregnate, and if this were
not so the human race would die out. In
the male sex role, the penetration and
thrusting actions of coitus have an ag-
gressive element. At the height of pas-
sion, a male shows a directed energy
which climaxes in ejaculation. Despite
this physical aggressive energy, emo-
tional aggression towards women is
part of sexism. In its extreme form, it
has been called male chauvinism—a
bellicose masculinity which fervently
believes that all females are sex objects*
and should play their traditional role.
Sexist attitudes are exceptionally
widespread and wide-ranging: male fac-
tory workers have gone on strike when
their pay was the same as females; men
murder their wives in a fit of sexual
jealousy and are treated with sympathy
by the courts (homicide is not the
charge, manslaughter usually is). Sex-
ual attacks upon women are a common
occurrence, and sexist attitudes under-
ly most of them.


A tease is usually thought of as fe-

Narcissism Tease male. The roots of this probably lie

in our male-dominated traditions of
seduction. It is the man who instigates
There are degrees of teasing. The low- action. He asks for the first date, moves
cut dress or tight trousers represent a for the first kiss and makes the proposal
‘first degree’—it is not directed at any- of marriage. The female is still not ex-
body in particular and signals a general pected to make passes at the male, so
sexual availability. The ‘second-degree’ she can only inaugurate action by in-
tease is shown by smiles and winks— direct action, by flirting with or teasing
direct personal interaction involving the male. She hopes that he will take up
no physical contact. Physical contact her suggestion, and develop it into
is expressed in the ‘third degree’ tease sexual activity.
when touching and kissing are com- There are some people who enjoy
mon, yet still with no commitment to flirting not because they are really in-
ultimate sexual gratification. viting further sexual play but because
Teasing is a normal part of the devel- they enjoy the power it gives them over
opment of a sexual relationship. It is a willing partner who can be kept dang-
useful when one of the partners is un- ling. In a restricted social group, like
sure of himself or the partner. It is a a small town or a youth club, a girl who
try-on, testing period, when the part- works her way through several part-
ners say to each other, this-is-what- ners without actually having inter-
I - might - be - if - you - are - what -1 - think - course will become known as a 'prick-
you-are. In adolescence it is quite com- tease’ or ‘cock-tease’. More elegantly, a
(From Narkissos, a boy in Greek myth- mon, but it is part of adult courtship, girl who will allow everything short of
ology who fell so in love with his own too. When a relationship never pro- penetration is known by the old-fash-
reflection in a pool that he starved to gresses beyond the tease phase, it may ioned French term DEMI-VIERGE (‘half
death looking at it.) The term is used be a sign of an immature personality. virgin’).
in psychoanalysis to describe a phase
in childhood development, often at
about the age of three, when a child’s
love-object is its own person (sexual
development*). Certain adults with sex-
ual difficulties persist neurotically in
the self-love stage. An example is a
lover who cannot respond sexually
without actually seeing his or her part-
ner getting pleasure during love-mak-
ing. Some pedophiles* are narcissistic
and will kiss their mirror-images on

Femme Fatale
The French term ‘Femme Fatale’ de-
scribes the traditional image of a
woman with a fascination over men,
who are likely to throw away every-
thing for her. The type of the smoulder-
ing VAMP, behaving as if she is irresist-
ible to men, is a familiar character.
(There is usually one at every party.)
Some, in fact, are irresistible—perhaps
because they exude an obvious sexu-
ality (or at least availability) and are
single-minded in their pursuit of sexual
mates. More often, the role is adopted
by certain women whose own insecurity
leads them into an intensively com-
petitive attitude to other women. The
idea that men are drawn to them, like
moths to a candle, also nourishes an
immature attitude to sexual relation-


Courtly Love
Minstrels in the early Middle Ages
composed and performed songs on the
theme of courtly love at the courts of
rulers and the nobility. Courtly love
denotes a special attitude of (conven-
iently) hopeless passion and non-sexual
devotion. Songs of unrequited love
were addressed to a usually married
lady, often of higher social rank than
the ‘lover’, who called her his mistress.
To her he offered his dedicated service,
in exchange for some mere token like
a handkerchief or even a single glance.
Chastity on both sides was taken for
granted, and real sexual success was
the last thing the minstrel pined for.
Most poems of courtly love extol the
mistress’s virtue and graciousness in
elaborate but formalized terms—fol-
lowed by complaints about her scorn
for the suitor. A somewhat masochistic
attitude can be detected in this adora-
tion of a proud, idealized woman.
The phenomenon of courtly love
originated in Provence in the period
just before the first Crusade. The poet-
lovers were known there as trouba-
dours. They were song writers, per-
formers and courtiers rolled into one,
and mostly members of the nobility.
From France courtly love spread to
Spain, Italy and Germany setting a new
tone of romance in personal relations
among the aristocracy.
Two influences may have helped to
foster the early formula for courtly
love. One came from the Greeks and
Romans, who did not view romantic
love as necessary in marriage. Love was
regarded as a disease that unsettled
people and could bring matrimonial
disaster. The other influence came from r BEING IN LOVE WITH ^
the early Christian Church fathers,
who often shuddered over the sexuality TO ME. BEFORE I WAS ONLY
of women. In the second century AD.,
Tertullian described women as ‘temples
built over sewers’, and the temptations
of St. Jerome and St. Anthony tradi-
tionally took the form of erotic fan-
tasies. Together, both influences tend-
ed to separate marriage and sex from
romantic love, which might be culti-
vated as a physically sexless but
ecstatically spiritual relationship.
The courtly love attitude—ecstatic in COMING TO REALISE
words, inhibited in action—degenerated I WAS IN LOVE WITH
in time into the sentimentality ridi- YOU WAS THE THING
culed by Cervantes in Don Quixote.
Many women’s magazines, pulp fiction
and teenage love or romance comics
still portray love and sex in the same
unrealistic but romantic fashion.


The location and action of the genital
organs in both sexes.

Literally the Latin for ‘a little space',
areola is, in sexual terms, the coloured
area around the nipple * Often the ear-
liest sign of the breasts starting to
develop is an enlargement of the areola
—the so-called areola ‘budding’. Once
this has happened, the whole breast
starts to fill out. The areola changes
again during early pregnancy, becom-
ing darker and larger.

One of the major areas of femaleness,
the breast is a mass of fatty tissue that
contains glandular structures, the
function of which is to produce milk.
Breasts vary greatly in size and shape
and are often unequal, but size is no
measure of a woman’s fertility or ‘sexi-
ness’, nor is there any indication that it
has anything to do with breast func-
tion. Breasts develop before a girl starts
to menstruate and at the change of life,
they may shrink a little. Breasts tend to
become tense and sometimes painful
just prior to a period, and firmer during
sexual excitement. Lumps or bumps in
the breast should always be examined
and diagnosed urgently by a doctor.

Cervix means ‘a neck’ in Latin, and in
the gynecological sense it is the neck of
the womb. It is a barrel-shaped organ
about 1-H in (2.5-3.5 cm) in length. Half
of it projects into the vagina and feels
like the tip of the nose. It has a tiny
canal passing through it and thus the
vagina communicates with the womb.
The cervix is often covered with mucus.
Cells scraped from its surface show
changes if examined under the micro-
scope in various conditions. This is the
basis of the cervical smear test for early
cancer. The cervix is capable of expand-
ing enormously prior to child-birth.

Generally accepted as having the same
origin in the embryo as the male penis,
the clitoris lies on the front of the pubic
bone, almost hidden by the labia majora.
Consisting of erectile tissue, and richly
supplied with nerves, it is one of the
most sensitive parts of the vulva. The
whole clitoris is about J in (20 cm) in
length. Most of the body of the clitoris
can only be felt if squeezed against the
pubic bone. Its tip (glans) is visible
under its hood (prepuce). The part that
the clitoris plays in sexual intercourse


is not fully understood, but it seems to

be more involved in female excitement
techniques than actual coitus.

Egg (Ovum)
The female reproductive cell of any
animal or plant. Eggs vary immensely
in size, but basically they are all very
similar structures. The ovum (Latin for
‘egg’) is expelled from the ovary, having
undergone a reduction in the number of
its chromosomes from 46 to 23. (The
superfluous chromosome material stays
inside the cell, apparently function-
less.) Unless fertilized in the Fallopian
tube by the male sperm cell, the egg
dies within a few days.

Fallopian Tubes
These paired structures extend from
the ovaries to the womb, one on either
side. Each is about 4 in (10 cm) in
length, communicating with the womb
at one end and the inside of the abdo-
men (peritoneal cavity) at the other
(Fallopian tube*). The fact that there is
a free way between the vagina, via the
cervical canal, the womb and the Fallo-
pian tube, right into the inside of the
cavity explains how occasionally peri-
tonitis can occur after douching or in-
fection of the vagina.

French for ‘little fork’. This is the rear-
most part of the vaginal opening (in-
troitus), formed by the two labia minora
fusing at this point. It only gets a
special name to describe a skin area
that frequently gets torn during child-
birth and sometimes (together with the
hymen) during the first act of inter-

An incomplete membrane partially
closing the entrance to the vagina.
Usually, there is only one hole in the
hymen through which the menstrual
fluid (menses) can escape, but some-
times there are several holes present, in
which case the hymen gains several
fanciful adjectives like ‘crescentic’ ‘an-
nular’, ‘septate’ and so on. When the
hymen is ruptured or torn, it usually
bleeds a little. As so many things can
tear a hymen, its presence has no neces-
sary relationship to virginity. Child-
birth fragments the hymen into tiny
skin tags called carunculae. (The ori-
ginal Greek word humen means a ‘film’
or ‘membrane’, and by extension it ac-
quired a lot of meanings connected with
the marriage rites.)


Labia Majora
The ‘larger lips’ or skin around the
vaginal opening, with underlying de-
posits of fat in them. Anatomically,
they are the female counterpart of the
scrotum. In the front, they run up to
join together at the mons veneris. At
the back they join to become the peri-
neum. Their outer parts are covered
with hair, their inner surface is smooth
and moistened by the secretions of
various glands and the vaginal secre-
tion. Except when the labia minora
push between them, they remain close
together and close off the entrance to
the vagina. Sweat glands on the labia
majora secrete a sexual scent (odours*).

Labia Minora
The ‘smaller lips’ which lie within the
labia majora. They are soft, and vary
considerably in size from woman to
woman, and thus may project or remain
hidden by the larger lips to the vagina’s
mouth. In the front, the minor lips join
together and give the clitoris its pre-
puce (foreskin) or hood. At the back
they fuse to form the fourchette*. The
specialized skin of the labia minora is
full of blood vessels and this allows
them to become erect or ‘pout’ during
sexual excitement.

Mons Veneris
‘Mount of Venus’ is the name given to
the hair-bearing pubic skin of the
woman, which covers the upper part of
the pubic bone where its two halves join
(the pubic symphysis) and the lower part
of the abdominal muscles. There is a
fatty pad beneath the mons veneris.

This cone-shaped elevation in the cen-
tre of the areola* is larger and more ex-
tensive in women than in men. In both
sexes it can be seen to be erectile either
in sexual excitement or in the cold. It is
an erogenous zone as well as a struc-
ture designed by nature for baby feed-
ing. Milk flows from the nipple and its
areola in the nursing mother, and it
may also do so if she is sexually excited
during the postnatal period.

The Latin word for ‘mouth’ is os (geni-
tive oris) and in the gynecological and
sexual sense, it refers to the mouths of
the cervix, which has one os at each
end. The mouth in the vagina (external
os) is joined to another in the womb (in-


ternal os) by the cervical canal. In anat- modate an erect penis or a vibrator, but mmsmmm
in doing so it probably exceeds its
omy, the Latin os (genitive ossis), which
means 'bone’, is also used, and can be natural function.
confused with the word above.
Urethra Adam’s Apple
Ovary The tube through which the urine The popular name for the prominent
The female sex gland, lying one on passes on its way from the bladder to part of the male larynx (voice box). At
either side of the womb. The paired the outside. In the female, it ends in the puberty and under the influence of
ovaries, If in (3.5 cm) in length and § in vestibule or ‘forecourt’. The sides of male hormones, the larynx grows, the
(2 cm) thick, weigh about. 14-.28 oz (4-8 g) this forecourt are the labia minora. The vocal cords become longer and thus
each, the right one tending to be bigger front is occupied by the clitoris and the change their natural vibration char-
than the left. They are corrugated on back is the hymen or its remnants. acteristics, and the voice changes or
the surface and pale in colour. When breaks. If male hormones are given to
viewed through the laparascope, small Womb (Uterus) women, similar changes occur, but
lumps can be seen on them in a fertile A thick-walled, muscular, hollow organ without the appearance of an Adam’s
woman. These are the developing ova- rather like a pear in shape, the pointed apple.
rian follicles, which contain the ripen- end of which is the cervix. It is about
ingegg cells. The inner part of the ovary 3L3s in (8-9 cm) in length, 2\ in (6 cm) Appendix Testes
is mainly composed of blood vessels, but across in its widest part and about f in A small oval body about the size of a
the outer part stores about half a mil- (4 cm) thick in the thickest part. In rice grain that lies on top of the testes.
lion potential egg cells, about five hun- other words, it is like a pear that some- It is the remnant of a structure related
dred of which are destined to mature body has gently trodden on. The walls to the kidney during the growth of the
during a woman’s life-time. At the age of the womb are about in (1-2 cm) fetus.
of 16 or 17, the first follicle ripens and thick and the length of the internal
then explodes, throwing out an egg cell cavity is about 3-3h in (7.5-8 cm), meas- Corpora Cavernosa
(ovum). It continues to do this once a ured from the external os. The womb Latin for ‘bodies of caverns’. The main
month, roughly, until she is about 45 or has a body and a cervix*. The Fallopian structure of the penis* is formed of a
50 {menopause*). Where an gg cell has tubes* are inserted into it on each side. corpus spongiosum* and two corpora
recently escaped, the surface colour The womb is held in place by several cavernosa, the latter making up most
turns yellowish. ligaments, the most important of which of the shaft. They divide at the base and
run out from the cervix and upper are attached to the pubic bone. The
Perineum vagina like the spokes from the hub of a ‘caverns’ of the penis fill with blood
The less hairy skin area which lies wheel to the rim of the surrounding during sexual excitement (the process
between the vaginal opening and the pelvic structures. called ENGORGEMENT) and produce an
anus. Its length is about f-2 in (2-5 cm). erection.
The perineum is of concern to the ob- Vagina
stetrician, as it is an area prone to Its Latin name, meaning ‘sheath’ or Corpus Spongiosum
damage during childbirth. ‘scabbard’, describes the vagina’s role, The third body of erectile tissue in the
ensheathing the penis during inter- penis*, through which the urethra*
Pubes course. Internally, it is made of modified passes. Even when the penis is erect,
Two meanings exist. It is either the skin which covers an elastic fibomuscu- the corpus spongiosum remains fairly
pubic hair or the area covered by it. It lar structure. It runs backwards from soft and spongy, which allows sperm to
can also refer to the underlying pubic its opening at an angle of 60-70° from pass along the urethra as the man
bone, the os pubis. the horizontal plane. It is not straight ejaculates.
even then, but is bent backwards further
Rectum about half way down its length. Be- Epididymis
(Latin for ‘straight’.) In anatomy, it is cause the cervix ‘points’ into it at the A small structure composed mainly of
in fact the straight last part of the large top, its forward wall is about 31 in (8 cm) a mass of small, convoluted tubes that
intestine before the anal canal leads to in length and its pear wall is about 4 in collect up the semen from the testes*
the anus. The rectum is often free of (10 cm) in length. Measurements are and eventually take it down to the vas
bowel contents. As it is about 5 inches really pointless because, like the deferens*. The epididymis gets its name
(13 cm) in length, it can learly accom- stomach and the womb, the organ is from two Greek words meaning ‘on top
vastly distentable. The vagina under- of the twins’, referring to where it sits,
goes active changes during coitus on and behind each of the twinned
1 Ovary
2 Fallopian Tube (Orgasmic Response*). testicles. It is described as having a
3 Womb (Uterus) head, a body and a tail. Just behind
4 Cervix the head of the epidiymis lies the
5 Vagina Vulva appendix testes*.
6 Clitoris A composite term for the external geni-
7 Labia Majora tals of the female, including the mons Gians
8 Labia Minora veneris, the clitoris, the vestibule, the This is the tip of the penis*. It is an
9 Hymen
urethral opening, the labia, the hymen expansion of the corpus spongiosum*.
10 Fourchette
or its remnants, the fourchette and per- The base of the glans projects out from
11 Perineum
12 Bladder haps for completeness the perineum, the main body of the penis and this
13 Urethra although this is not a truly sexual area. projecting margin is called the corona*.
14 Rectum

»* >>>*


1 Testis
2 Epididymis
3 Vas Deferens or Spermatic Duct
4 Os Pubis
5 Seminal Vesicle
6 Prostate
7 Prostatic Utricle
8 Urethra
9 Meatus
10 Corpora Cavernosa
11 Corpus Spongiosum
12 Gians
13 Prepuce
14 Bladder
15 Perineum
16 Rectum

(left)Adam and Eve by Albrecht Diirer,

The areas of secondary sexual

characteristics* of male and female
bodies are shown as follows:
hair on head and face

body hair (heavier growth on men )

mk v


skeletal and muscular differences


This is the male organ of coitus. It is
made up of the three ‘bodies’ or corpora,
and is covered with skin. It is a very
variable organ as far as size is con-
cerned and ranges in length from
2g-42in (7.25-11.5cm) in the flaccid
state to 4§-8fin (12-21cm) when erect.
The circumference ranges from 3-4^in
(7.5-10.5cm) flaccid to 3§-4fin (8.5-
12cm erect). A new concept of penis size
is the comparative volume index, an
indication of the mass or filling capac-
ity of the penis. This varies in the erect
state from 5.7-28.8in3 (94-423 cm3) in
different men.

The less hairy skin area which lies
between the back of the scrotum and
the anus. A central ridge, called the
median raphe, is plainly evident.

Prepuce (Foreskin)
In the uncircumcised male, the skin of
the penis projects over the glans* and is
reflected back upon itself to run into
and be joined to the neck of the penis.
The skin in this area is thin, and con-
tinuous with the urethral opening.
When the penis is flaccid, the foreskin*
has to be pulled back to show the glans,
but once the penis is erect, the glans
is usually pretty fully exposed (circum-

This gland appears to be a sexual organ,
since in animals which have seasonal
sexuality, the prostate enlarges during
a mating season and then shrinks until
the next. In the adult human male, it is
about l|in (4cm) across at its base and
is the size of a chestnut. The prostate
is composed of muscular and glandular
tissue. Its secretions pass down about
20 small ducts which lead to the section
of the urethra* that pierces the prostate
gland, but their purpose is not yet fully

Scrotal Bag
The scrotum is a sack-like structure
containing the testicles. It is made of
skin, muscle and various planes of con-
nective tissue. The skm of the penis*
blends into the skm of the scrotum in
front. The pouch of the scrotum is
divided into right and left portions, the
left one hanging down lower than the
right. This dividing ridge is continued
forward along the base of the penis and
backwards through the perineum to-
wards the anus. The scrotal skin is


corrugated and can be seen to move,

noticeably in cold weather and during

A mixture of spermatozoa from the

Leonard McCombe/Life © Time Inc. 1977

testes* and secretions from the prostate*
gland, the seminal vesicles* and pos-
sibly from other rudimentary glands as
well. At orgasm in the male, semen is
shot out of the penis* under pressure
0ejaculation*). Usually, after two days
continence .07-.21 fl oz (2-6ml) of se-
men are ejaculated. More frequent
ejaculation diminishes the volume of
semen each time.

Seminal Vesicles
These provide the bulk of fluid in the
semen. There are two of them, placed
on each side between the base of the
bladder and the rectum. Each one is
about 2in (5cm) in length and consists
of a tube coiled upon itself like a
spring, from which bulge several little
chambers or diverticula. The lower end
of this curiously shaped tube becomes
narrow and joins the vas deferens*.
Together they form the ejaculatory
ducts which conduct the semen into the
prostatic urethra and thence, as ejacu-
lation occurs, onwards up the penis*.

Greek for ‘soap’. Smegma is a mixture
of dead skin cells and skin grease and
does look a bit like soap as it hides
under the foreskin. It can, however,
also be found under the prepuce of the
clitoris and in the upper (front) parts of
the labia minora. The presence
smegma denotes a poor standard of per-
of ARE YOU 1
sonal hygiene, and it can be a contri-
butory factor in transmitting disease.
® OF f
Greek for ‘seed’. It is an abbreviation BACKTALK?
of spermatozoon (single) or spermatozoa
(plural), which denotes the male germ SKN HOE FOE
cell capable of penetrating the ovum. HUSBAND UBIRAT1*
Each sperm cell has an oval shaped HARRY DRITTON 5£.i
head, a centre portion and a long tail.
They mature in the tubules of the
testes* and once ejaculated they live
only a few hours in the female reproduc-
tive tract. Many sperm cells seem to
cluster around an egg cell before one
pierces the exterior by means of enzyme
action and penetrates it. Once inside,
the sperm combines with the egg and a
change occurs, hardening the barrier
around the cell to prevent further pene-
tration by other sperms.

Greek for ‘binder’. A term applied to
muscles that run around a body orifice
or internal structure. For example, the
anus has a powerful sphincter muscle,
and so do the bladder and stomach.

(Testis or testicle in the singular.) The
semen-secreting glands of the male. The
testes are fairly uniform in size l§-2in
(4-5cm) in length, lin (2.5cm) in
breadth and l|in (3cm) in width, and
lie in the scrotum, surrounded by var-
ious tough coverings. Inside them are
about 250 glandular lobes. Tiny tubes
collect the spermatozoa and eventually
they enter the epididymus* where a
maturing process usually occurs. At
the tail of the epididymus, the vas
deferens* is formed which, together
with a burden of blood vessels and
nerves, is ensheathed into the sperm-
atic cord. This can be felt in the groin
in the male.

The tube through which the urine
passes on its way from the bladder to
the outside. In the male, it ends at the
top of the penis* and is, in all 8-10in
(20.5-25.5cm) long.

Vas Deferens (Spermatic Duct)

Latin for ‘the vessel that carries away,’
which is exactly what the vas does. One
on each side of the body carries sperm
from the epididymis* up through the
groin in the spermatic cord. Then it
separates from the spermatic cord and
eventually enters the pubic cavity, to
run between the base of the bladder and
the upper end of the seminal vesicle.
As it continues its downward path, it
meets its fellow from the other side and
eventually joins the duct of the seminal
vesicle as it runs into the prostate*
gland. This now becomes called the
EJACULATORY DUCT, which travels on to
the prostatic urethra, near to where the
prostatic ducts enter it. This meeting
place of the three components of the
semen, the sperm, the secretions of the
seminal vesicles* and those of the pros-
tate gland, is called the PROSTATIC
UTRICLE. A utricle is a bag, and this is
a little bag-like cul-de-sac off the main
part of the prostatic urethra. Inter-
estingly, this structure corresponds to
the vagina in the female. During ejacu-
lation, semen is ejected from the utricle
and the prostatic urethra and up into
the penis*.
The influences that determine a
person’s place in the spectrum of sex.

A. FEMALE: physical and psycho- male; sexually attracted only to

Intersex logical identity is completely female;

fertile, with full female gonads; xx
another female; fertile; xx chromo-
Between the type of the completely
B. BISEXUAL FEMALE: physically com- completely female, with female
male and of the completely female
pletely female; sexually attracted to gonads; possibly has an enlarged
person there is a variety of possible
members of both sexes; fertile; xx clitoris, with envy of male role;
physical or psychological anomalies
chromosomes. psychological identity is male or
which occur from time to time. This
neutral; fertile; xx chromosomes.
range of possibilities is known as
identity is female; sexually attracted
place a human being in an intersex DROME: has outward sexual charac-
only to another female; fertile; xx
category can be visualized as pin- teristics of a female (breasts, normal
balls striking the obstacles on a clitoris) but with internal testes and
pin-ball board, before dropping event- D. BUTCH FEMALE HOMOSEXUAL physi- male chromosomes; psychological
ually into a particular slot, as il- cal identity is female; full female identity is female; infertile; XY
lustrated on this page. genitals; psychological identity is chromosomes.

1 Upbringing & conditioning ■

2 Male envy role

3 Masculine imprinting
4 Hostile father
5 Absent father

A B G D E F fl

female with all female sex organs, sex organs, but is deficient in male physical identity is male; male gonads
but very masculine in appearance hormones; feminine appearance (lack and genitals; psychological identity
(facial hair, broad frame); male of facial hair, broad hips); most is female; attracted only to another
secondary sexual characteristics; likely fertile; XY chromosomes. male; fertile; XY chromosomes.
most likely fertile; xx chromosomes.
H. TURNER'S SYNDROME: outward male, with male gonads and small and psychological identity is male;
appearance and psychological ident- penis; has envy of female role; sexually attracted only to another
ity more or less female, but with psychological identity is female or male; fertile; XY chromosomes.
internal testes; Y-typical congenital neutral; probably fertile; XY chromo-
malformation (shortness of stature, somes. O. BISEXUAL MALE: physically com-
webbing of neck); infertile; xo pletely male; sexually attracted to
chromosomes. L. TRANSVESTITE MALE: physically members of both sexes; fertile; XY
completely male, but enjoys adopting chromosomes.
a female role by wearing women’s
appearance male; penis and gonads P. MALE: physical and psychological
clothes; fertile; XY chromosomes.
small, and tendency to obesity; identity is male; male gonads and
infertile; XXY chromosomes. genitals; fertile; XY chromosomes.

1 Upbringing & conditioning
2 Female role envy
3 Feminine imprinting
4 Hostile father
5 Feminine clothes envy
6 Possessive mother
7 Weak father and/or
hostile mother

■ 0


Transsexual: Male to Female

Transvestite (opposite page) Transsexual:

Female to Male


penis, which is incongruous with the more than one’s native language, com-
external genitals expected for females. pletely there at birth. In the postnatal
Gender Identity It is not possible for a hermaphrodite phase of one’s life, it almost invariably
to have both a fully functional penis follows and agrees with the sex of as-
The term ‘gender’, as in gender role or and fully functional vagina simultan- signment and rearing. Judiciously sex-
gender identity, was borrowed from eously. assigning a baby born with a defect of
ordinary grammar and introduced into ANDROGYNY is a word used to refer to the sex organs can be very satisfactory
sexological writing in the 1950s. This sexual ambiguity of body build. In a indeed to his/her ultimate develop-
was done to try and bypass some of the new and fashionable usage, it means ment. As an adult, the person can live
confusion due to the multiple meanings sharing gender roles (especially voca- in good health and with a sense of
of the term ‘sex’ itself, especially when tional roles) regardless of procreation- psychosexual well-being.
dealing with hermaphroditism. The sex al functioning—in the fashion world, it A TRANSSEXUAL is a person who ap-
of the sex organs is not inevitably the means the same as unisex. Androgyny pears without question a male or a fe-
same as a person’s sexuality of sex role may or may not include erotic BI- male when the genitals are examined,
in the erotic sense, and one’s ‘mascu- SEXUALITY (or ambisexuality) which and is in a majority of instances re-
line’ or ‘feminine’ erotic sex role is not traditionally means the ability to swi- productively fertile, but who experi-
inevitably identical with the overall tch to being either male or female and ences a gender identity that is in
social behaviour in which one is arbi- back again. More popularly, it refers to opposition to his or her bodily sex, and
trarily placed because of one’s physical the experience of being attracted to and who has an obsessive need for sex
sex organs. performing erotically with a partner of reassignment. It is impossible for an
Gender identity is a sameness, a unity either sex. The bisexual ratio may be ordinary person to be propelled into the
and a persistence of one’s individuality 50 : 50, 1 : 99, or somewhere in between. condition of transsexualism, as it has
which can be male, female or ambi- The term EPICENE means either sharing nothing to do with free will or volun-
valent (i.e., both at once). Gender role the traits of both sexes, or being in- tary choice. The process of sex reas-
is everything a person says or does to completely of either sex. Often it is used signment that can be undergone by a
indicate to others, or to oneself, the to suggest effeminacy in a male. transsexual includes hormonal, surgi-
degree to which one is male, female or In a colloquial and limited usage, SEX cal, social and legal steps. The person
ambivalent. It includes (but is not CHANGE refers to genital surgery, the may ultimately achieve the social sta-
limited to) a person’s sexual arousal so-called sex-change operation of trans- tus and the cosmetic appearance of a
and response. Gender role is the public sexuals. In the strict and literal sense, member of the sex of reassignment,
expression of one’s gender identity. it is not possible to change a person’s minus of course fertility.
It is possible for a newborn baby to sex, whereas it is possible to ‘rean- Male-to-female transsexuals take
have the sex chromosomes and internal nounce’ or ‘reassign’ it and sexologists estrogenic hormones which induce all
reproductive organs of a female, but the prefer the more precise term, ‘sex reas- or some of the following: breast growth,
external genitals of a male, except that signment’. softening of the skin, decreased muscle
there are no testes. If reared as a male, It is only common sense to use the strength, increase and redistribution of
this baby will ‘grow’ a boy’s gender appearance of the genitals as the cri- subcutaneous body fat, and lessened
identity/role, despite the fact that the terion of sex determination, because in body hair growth. Breast and hip size
chromosomes and gonads are really a majority of individuals the shape can be augmented by surgically im-
female. Near puberty, this boy might of the genitals (morphologic sex) agrees planting silicone inserts. Hair on the
find himself developing breasts and with their chromosomal, gonadal and face, arms and legs may be permanently
menstruating through his penis. His hormonal sex, and, as it subsequently removed by electrolysis. Although nei-
conception of himself as a male would develops, with their gender identity/ ther voice pitch nor the size of the
then be totally incompatible with the role. Adam’s apple is affected by estrogen,
pubertal feminization that was actually If there are defects of the sex organs most male-to-female transsexuals man-
happening to him. But a boy in this case at birth (such as the hermaphroditism age to speak habitually with a more
does not usually consider ‘reassigning’ referred to above, and agenesis or non- feminine pitch, without relapsing to a
himself as a female. He will probably formation of the penis) the morphology deeper one. Some even have their vocal
choose to undergo surgery to remove of the genitals cannot be used as the cords surgically shortened to raise the
the newly developed breasts and female criterion of sex as declared on a birth voice, and the Adam’s apple reduced in
sex organs. It is wrong to say that this certificate. Some medical practitioners size by surgery.
person is a female. He has the chromo- turn, therefore, to the criterion of Female genitals are achieved surgi-
somal and gonadal sex of a female, yet chromosomal or gonadal sex. Neither cally by removing the testes and using
the gender identity/role of a male. Put by itself alone is adequate, however, the scrotal skin to form the labia
like this, we make distinctions between for neither permits an exact prediction majora. The inside of the penis is re-
the sex of his sex organs, his sexual of what the hormonal sex will become moved and its skin used as the lining
role in using them, and his overall role at puberty, or the adequacy of the of a surgically created vagina. Skin
in society as a male. genitals (even allowing for surgical re- from the inner thigh may be used to
In the foregoing example, the person pair) for copulation in adulthood. The help augment the penile skin. The out-
described was an illustration of what is best thing to do in all such cases is come of this genital surgery is variable,
known as hermaphroditism or inter- therefore to assign the baby to that sex but in most cases it looks and works
sexuality. A HERMAPHRODITE is a person in which it is going to be possible later satisfactorily and the person enjoys
for whom at least one variable or fea- on for the adult (after being treated by erotic sensitivity.
ture of sex is incongruous with the hormones and surgery) to have inter- Female to male transsexuals take an-
others. The boy is considered herma- course as a man or woman. drogen, the male hormone, which in-
phroditic because of the fully formed One’s gender identity/role is not, any duces in varying degrees the following


changes: increased muscle strength,

increased body hair growth, cessation
of menstruation, redistribution and re-
duction of body fat, permanent lower-
ing of vocal pitch, increased libido, and
enlargement of the clitoris. The breasts
are surgically removed, as are the in-
ternal female reproductive organs (hys-
It is not yet possible for plastic surg-
ery to create a normal looking, func-
tioning penis. However, some female-
to-male transsexuals do undergo parti-
ally masculinizing surgery, which re-
sults in a tube of skin (possibly
reinforced with muscle tissue), which
hangs down in the male position,
resembling a penis. One surgical tech-
nique permits the insertion of various
implants into the tube for sufficient
firmness to permit insertion into the
vagina of the partner in copulation.
The clitoris is left intact, so that the
female-to-male transsexual easily at-
tains orgasm. The urethra remains in
the female position. Surgical attempts
to construct a phallus complete with
urethra have not been satisfactory.
Many female-to-male transsexuals pre-
fer to skip these complicated proce-
dures of genital reconstruction, and use
a dildo instead.
Partners of reassigned transsexuals
may themselves be bisexual, but not
necessarily so. The partner responds to
the reassigned person’s resulting be-
haviour and appearance, not to the sex
of the body as it was born.
In every day usage, MASCULINE and
FEMININE are adjectives derived from
the terms ‘male’ and ‘female’ respec-
tively. In the recent literature on trans-
sexualism, however, some writers have
related the terms ‘male’ and ‘female’ to
biological sex and the terms ‘masculine’
or ‘feminine’ to social or psychological
sex (which they erroneously define as
synonymous with gender). This split-
ting up of ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ seems to
perpetuate the age-old division of body
and mind. Sex is as much in the brain
as in the pelvis. The two are intimately
connected and, whether in human re-
lations or in scientific studies, they
should not be separated.


- -n Calitorow,
Renee in California, Richard in ^

Tennis doctofsd^mma
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the Dewar Cup tennis

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Dress (and undressing) as self-
expression, since before the fig-leaf.

■nnnBnnnnni Swinging Hellenes let it all hang out.

Fashion Walking to work, they slung a see-

through business coat over their
shoulders, covering everything down
to the navel. For important activities,
like leaning on a pole or picking up a
crate of houmous, they eased off such
constricting gear in favour of an Attic
tan. Hence the expression “Red
Figure Wear’’. (Later in the holiday
season, as all classical scholars know,
they were into “Black Figure Wear’’.)


But only once was it ever high mode

for men to - shall we say - take a
public stand, put their meat on the
table, show the hard with the
smooth. For all of a hundred years,
the stylish gallant walked to Church,
visited his mother-in-law and dined
out wearing ten inches of padded
taffeta poking out of his flies.
After the good Lord had smitten Adam
and Eve with embarrassment about
It is a common misconception that if a
their external sex organs, they
man sports a plume in his hat, frilly
immediately proceeded to invent
silk knickers, sparkles on his pumps
sexually arousing fashion. Adam wore
his fig leaf on a low-slung hipster and coloured suitings that cross the

line, to show off his good bottom, spectrum, he must be some kind of
fag in drag. Take a look at the
while Eve shattered Eden with the
first topless bikini. Gratitude? Three Musketeers, then! How’s that
for all-male mustachioed
braggadoccio in full fairy fig? In those
days, men rode, swore, whored and
Reach-me-down furs were the best a
crossed swords in costumes that make
cave-man’s girl-friend could hope for.
Liberace look like the
(Licences being filled out in those
days on chipped rocks in triplicate,
most couples found marriage a drag,
and kept their liaisons dangereuses.)
All the rage were sensible things that
kept the wet out and the grease in.
The trend may be back with us any
day now.
David English

The Ages of Faith (sometimes spelt

“Fath’’) were a costumier’s paradise.
Pell-mell went the fashion changes
from Lindisfarne to the Holy Land.
The Robber Baron look (steel knitteds
and warm rust for the inner seams)
was hardly in before Minstrel Pants
(such savers with their non-match
legs) were all the rage. But for macho
appeal who can beat slim-line
Crusaders? (Well, Saracens could, but
then we always loved baggy pants.)

If fashion trends for women show one

thing more than any other through
the whole of history (until right now,
of course) it is that dress designers
have just never been satisfied with the
actual female shape as it really is. Hollywood invented the sweater girl
From the “'pregnant wife” look in time to give the Second World
(immortalized by Flemish artists like War its peace aims: cokes, smokes
van der Weyden) onwards, women and pokes for all, regardless of age,
have been clothed as walking colour or physical condition. The
caricatures of some line or other. flavour of that era of uplift bras and
Above all, of hip lines and buttock pencil-skirts is still nostalgically
lines. Padding and paniers gave an preserved for us by the artists who
impression of monstrous fat thighs, cater for the dreams of fladge and
bustles added bulges to existing bondage fans in picture or those
bottoms, and crinolines enveloped the dominant whiplash ladies who seem to
whole below-waist zone in a quivering have walked straight out of the
dome under which the secrets of a 1940s.
lady’s true physique were entombed.

The Adam are back in town.

Pulsating with the primal wails of
orgasm and birth, the group finger
their erectile guitars with a rhythmic
grasp that recalls the earlier Wank to
which some of them used to belong.
Slipping their dark glasses down from
time to time, to reveal the hollow
sockets of optics long ago blinded by
heavy agents of their one-time
manager Chronos, with whom they
are currently litigating for the return
of their deep-frozen eyeballs from a
vault in Nevada. The Adam have that
mastery of the catatonic mode that
single out the fantabulous from the
merely frenzied. This is where fashion
ends, not with a style but an

People began to show through their

clothes after the First World War in
history had cracked the complacency
of society. Hair was bobbed, short and
workmanlike. Boobs that had been
sculptured bulges became lifelike
little tits. The word sex was
discovered to mean more than the
difference between pink and blue.
Men and women worked hard to
unleash the fiery tigers of virility and
voluptuousness that they felt were
caged within their decently clothed
selves. Often, all they got were
hangovers and creditors, but life had
never been like this before.


BMW), the full kit is topped off with a

Leather Scene black military-style leather cap, decor-

ated with chains and/or a club insignia.
A tee-shirt or leather shirt may be
In certain circles, such as the leather worn under the jacket, but if the The prime purpose of wearing clothes
fraternity, the meaning of the terms weather permits, skin is preferred. Un- has always been to protect the human
S/M or S & M has altered from the derwear is not worn except for jock- body from the discomforts of the en-
original ‘Sado-Mascochism’ to SLAVE/ straps or devices such as leather vironment. The second reason is to
MASTER, in keeping with erotic bond- pouches, some of which separate the show off the body with a view to at-
age* and flagellation* patterns of be- testicles from the penis, or hold the tracting a mate. Throughout the ani-
haviour. Costume plays a major part in penis in some kind of restraint. A cock- mal kingdom there are examples of
the leather scene and homosexual dress ring may be worn instead. A ‘master- sexual display in which some physical
codes are at their most sophisticated harness’ is sometimes worn beneath the feature of an animal is exaggerated,
here. Leather and Levi’s are mandatory jacket; this is a series of straps in perhaps in shape or colour, to attract
whatever the sexual role, but the black leather designed in a variety of the attention of a potential mate. Not
Master usually prefers black leather configurations across the torso, but surprisingly, men and women have
from top to toe, while the Slave may usually with a cock-ring through which adapted this natural phenomenon into
the idea of using clothing as a means
of attracting a mate. At different times
and in different places, people have
worn a number of different styles of
clothing to maintain an everchanging
and renewed level of excitement. This is
the fundamental reason for the very
existence of what is regarded as fashion
in dress ... or undress.
There are several means of using
fashion to enhance sexual appeal. First,
there is novelty. A man or woman who
has the courage and fashion sense to
be different draws attention at once. In
the Regency period when men wore
elaborate and brightly coloured bro-
cades and silks, Beau Brummel stood
out by wearing plain black and white.
Fashion followed him. Today, a man
who wears casual clothing to a formal
occasion may attract opprobrium, but
he certainly stands out from the crowd.
Novelties which have become fashion-
able because of their sexual attractive-
ness are such things as bikinis, mini
skirts, see-through clothes, ankle brace-
lets, long boots, earrings and pendants
for men and crotch-hugging trousers.
There is nothing new about these fash-
ion gimmicks, but their rediscovery has
been a novelty to Western society.
Fashion also uses concealment to
suggest sex appeal. There is an aspect
wear ripped, worn Levi’s (in private, the flaccid penis is fitted, and a series of human imagination that is stimu-
and in some bars, the Slave’s jeans of buckles on the chest. The nipples lated by the sheer visual absence of
may be almost disintegrating). are left free so that clamps may be the things it would like to see. So a
The Master will wear a leather applied. Studded belts and wristbands totally naked body is usually less pro-
motorbike jacket embellished with are the nearest thing to jewellery. The vocative than a partly-clad one. The
studs and removable functional chains. wristband is worn on the left for the technique of exposing large areas of the
A sleeveless denim overjacket, decor- Master, who also has the belt buckled body while completely hiding a part
ated with the insignia of the wearer’s to the left. Handcuffs are sometimes with primary sex appeal can be very
bike or leather club, is often worn on suspended from the left rear. Slaves effective. A long skirt slashed to the
top. Pants are either black leather, may be dressed similarly but usually hips, which casually displays the out-
worn Levi’s or black leather chaps they will wear a bike jacket with Levi’s. side of the thigh but keeps the inside
worn in public over Levi’s, but in A Slave harness may also be worn hidden, can be tantalizing. So is swath-
private with a variety of other leather under the clothing. This usually has ing the body virtually from the neck to
jockstrap-type devices. Bike or engine- more restraint attachments fitted to it the feet with garments that makes its
er boots are the normal footwear. When and its lower straps are designed to shape almost indistinguishable. In the
not riding his bike (preferably a large leave the anus free. 1920s, for example, the high fashion for


women was to look as if they had no the nipples. Necklines eventually drop- worn penis sheaths of wood or leather
breasts at all. ped to below the nipples. The topless to attract female eyes to the decorated
Sex appeal can be suggested by exag- craze of recent years is a close parallel. organ. Today, skin-tight levis or jeans
geration, a technique of selecting some In order to expose the breasts, women are a similar exaggerated male fashion.
particular part of the body for attention wear nothing at all above the waist. For The buttocks exert a powerful sexual
and using everything fashion can in- a while this caught on in higher society attraction, and they too have been sub-
vent to focus attraction on it. Beauty circles and among the daring, but the jected to fashionable exaggeration. The
spots stuck on the face near an attrac- fashion has remained only in some bars bustle worn at the end of the last
tive dimple or the lips or near a nipple and other places of entertainment century was a supported truss of ma-
were popular at times. The decollete where dancers and waitresses are paid terial poised over the area. This drew
neckline has gone in and out of fashion; to go topless. In medieval times, the the onlooker’s eyes because it moved
at times there has been competition as exaggerated and decorated codpiece provocatively from side to side when a
to how low women’s gowns could be cut drew attention to the male genital area. woman was walking, thus exaggerating
to display the breasts without revealing In Africa and Asia some tribes have not only the shape but the movement
of the buttocks. A bustle worn with a
wasp waist, a form of brutal corset that
pulled the waist into perhaps a mere
16in, displayed a sharp contrast be-
tween narrowness and opulent bulges
and attracted the men of the times. The
waist nipper or elasticated wide belt,
the basque or longline bra and corset
combination and other forms of laced-
in foundation garments have been fash-
ionable at many different times and
even in recent decades.
A fourth technique of using fashion
in aid of sex appeal is deliberate
exposure. To be effective, the exposure
is usually of parts previously hidden
by fashion—this was the case when
thighs and panties were exposed by
mini skirts. Striptease or sexily un-
dressing as a form of quasi-dancing
entertainment depends upon provoca-
tive exposure. A strip-tease performer
usually begins the act fully clothed
and slowly reveals parts of the body in
time to music (Sex Shows*).
Finally, there are the accessories of
fashion which are a form of enhancing
sexual display. Any additional decora-
tion to clothing or to the body such as
jewellery, scarfs, hats, gloves, ties,
belts, garters and so on can be both
fashionable and attractive. Wigs, male
and female, and changes in natural hair
styles with the addition of curls, colour-
ing and so forth are powerful sexual
stimulants. Even hair pieces for the
pubic region have had a limited ap-
peal—in 17th century England pubic
wigs were called MERKINS and later
known as BOWSERS. In 16th century
France, it was considered elegant in
high society for a woman to pomade
her pubic hair to encourage its growth
and then to decorate the pubic hair
with coloured silk bows or ribbons.
Recently there has been a brief fashion
for shaving pubic hair into various
shapes -heart-shaped pubic hair was a
cheerful and popularly appealing joke
in the late 1960s.





This is the name of a movement that

originated at the beginning of the cen-
tury in Germany and gained popularity
elsewhere during the 1930s. Naturists
enjoy sporting and other social activ-
ities without wearing clothes, usually
in organized, members-only clubs and
NUDISM was the original name for
this cult, but as the word had unwel-
come sexual associations and the so-
called nudists proclaimed themselves
less interested in sex than in the
healthy and beneficial effects of sun,
light and air on the naked body, na-
turism was generally adopted by the
1960s. Naturist groups are often called
sun clubs or open air clubs.
In the 1960s and 1970s, topless and
even nude sunbathing became more
widespread, especially in the Mediter-
ranean areas and on the Pacific Coast.
Attire on other beaches throughout the
world became briefer and nudity gener-
ally occasioned less public censure. So
although the novelty of naturist groups
has worn off, there is still a small
proportion of dedicated followers. The
groups have often been subjected to
vigorous campaigns by self-appointed
moralists who disapprove of exposure
of the naked human body, and therefore
there has been careful selection arid
strict rules of acceptance for members
of naturist groups in order to avoid
allegations of sexual activities or voy-
eurism*. Naturism encourages families
to participate in their group or club
Some people at naturist gatherings
retain a measure of shyness and keep
their genitals covered. During sporting
activities, men sometimes wear a tiny
athletic support for comfort and protec-
tive restraint. Its French name is le
Undoubtedly the naked human body
is sexually attractive and also a source
of aesthetic inspiration to poets, sculp-
tors and artists. However idealized
nude portraits and sculptures are, it is
not possible to deny that the inspira-
tion and attraction of even great works
of art is basically sexual, when the
nude human figure is displayed. Simi-
larly, the naturist way of life has un-
doubted advantages and benefits (sun,
light and heat are health giving), but
that the movement has a strong sexual
undercurrent is undeniable, although
this constitutes no grounds for objec-


Cosmetic Deformities
While the use of decorative adornments
and provocative clothing is a normal
and accepted method of enhancing
sexual attraction in Western society,
actually adapting the body physically
is less well known. There is evidence,
however, that some so-called cosmetic
deformities or deliberate bodily modi-
fications for the purposes of increasing
sexuality and sexual appeal are becom-
ing more widespread. Cosmetic de-
formities can be maj or physical changes
such as PLASTIC SURGERY to change the
shape of breasts, buttocks, legs, faces
and so on to minor deformities such
as piercing the ears. These two types of
deformity specially imposed on the
body are perhaps the best known in
20th century society.
One well-known although not so
widely practiced technique of cosmetic
deformation is TATTOOING. In the West
there are masculine associations with
male symbols tattooed over arm mus-
cles, the back and the chest (anchors,
snakes, daggers and so forth). Some
tattooing is flagrantly sexual—color-
ing the penis itself in grotesque pat-
terns or designs. A sense of protection
and domination is achieved when some
women are tattooed, often in intimate
places, with a man’s name.
Some primitive tribes cover their
bodies with large-scale geometric pat-
terns. This tattooing is often accom-
panied by purposeful SCARIFICATION.
Faces, arms and chests are often
blemished in traditional patterns. In
Western society, there are sado-maso-
chistic associations with the deliberate
scarring of buttocks, breasts or other
areas, and such sights are inflam-
matory to the passions of some de-
viants. There are other kinds of scar-
ring which have sexual overtones, usu-
ally because of their association with
either images of masculinity or femi-
ninity. A sword slash scar across one
cheek was a mark of manliness among
Prussian noblemen who were trained in
the martial arts and duelling.
The extreme and unexpected nudity
of normally hair-covered portions of
the body may, to some extent, explain
the phenomena of DEPILATION, or the
removal of body hair. Many women re-
move hair under the armpits, on the
legs and even on the arms. The PU-
DENDA (the entire genital, groin and
anal areas) are sometimes shaved. San-
skrit manuscripts show Indian women
with shaved pudenda.


and perineum, even the head of the communities, and is usually intended
penis itself are erotically exciting to to restrict sexual intercourse. The
Body Piercing some people. Psychologically, a Sado- edges of the foreskin or of the labia are
Masochistic motivation surely lies be- pierced and kept permanently clipped
Rods or discs of wood or metal inserted hind such practices, but little research together. Female infibulation in such
into the lips, and bone or metal inserted has been done in this area. Perhaps cases seems to combine the idea of a
through the nasal septum, are well- only half of the people who begin to wife as property with a puritanical
known examples of ornamental pierc- have piercings done enjoy dominance* view of the enjoyment of sex. Among
ing in men and women of Asian, or bondage* encounters as well. For Western body-piercers, another kind of
African, North and South American many, the physical feeling of the inser- infibulation is practised, in which part-
and Oceanic cultures. Many Hindu wo- tions is sufficiently satisfying on its ners put a padlock through the fore-
men wear nose rings of precious metals own. Among the apadrauyas or penis- skin or the labia, and keep the keys
or gemstones in the nostrils. Pierced enhancers described in the Kama with each other’s consent, thus allow-
ears for pendants are a popular per- Sutra, there is specific mention of per- ing for a variety of dominance situa-
sonal decoration in Western society forating the male organ ‘as for ear- tions.
and may unconsciously symbolize the rings’, and inserting various hard ob-
possibility of other concealed orna- jects to improve the pleasure of inter-
ments of a more sexual kind. course.
The operation is a quick one, and
must be carried out under 100 per cent
hygienic conditions, with a local freez-
ing agent to numb the pain. Once
healed, the piercing does not need to
have a ring kept in it permanently. In
penile piercing, urine has no harmful
effect on the healing process. For some,
the operation itself can be exciting,
and sometimes, a person will remove
A 'Prince Albert'
the sleeper before healing and have it
done all over again. Body hair on areas
of piercing is in some cases removed
by electrolysis.
Some men claim that their nipples
gave them no sexual pleasure before
they were pierced. A ring through the
glans itself is claimed to increase sensi-
tivity during intercourse, and is known
as the PRINCE ALBERT or dressing ring.
Rings and studs piercing almost any This type, according to tradition, was
part of the skin—including the nipples used in Victorian times to secure the
of both sexes, the labia, the hood of penis in the right or left trouser leg. A
the clitoris, the male foreskin, scrotum DYDO is a stud through the rim of the
glans, usually inserted in groups. It
consists of a gold, silver or stainless
steel rod with a screw-on ball at each
end. A GUICHE is a ring piercing the
perineum* and is said to have been in-
spired by South Pacific customs. Light
pressure on the guiche is claimed to
increase arousal, and gently tugging
on it at the climax to prolong orgasm.
The secret knowledge that one is
sexually adorned with rings and studs
can itself give satisfaction. Generally, Dydoes with (left) an ampallang
the ornamentation starts in a small
way, but grows more extravagant with
time as the wearer discovers its com-
pelling nature and learns new possi-
bilities from fellow-piercers or from see-
ing photographs. The craving for more
and more holes is often combined with
an interest in tattooing. Very few clubs
exist for pierced people of either sex,
but groups tend to form spontaneously.
INFIBULATION is a form of body pierc-
ing that is found among a few primitive A guiche

The how, when and why of being
turned on.

thereby turning the other partner on.

SEDUCTION plays an important role in
Turned on both male and female sexual behaviour.
It is normally a continuous process
Sexual arousal is the process by which from initial non-sexual contact through
the male and female bodies become a phase of platonic friendship to event-
capable of uniting in the act of sexual ual sexual consummation. Through-
intercourse. In modern slang, the state out this process there are almost pre-
of sexual arousal is often described as determined moves, each one calculated
being ‘turned on’. This involves com- to arouse sexual interest and desire in
plex changes throughout the body. The the partner. Whether the male or fe-
most obvious change in the turned on male makes the first move, foreplay
male is erection of the penis which en- involves increasing degrees of physical
ables it to be inserted into the vagina and emotional contact between the
of the female partner. To facilitate this, partners, progressing from holding
glands at the entrance of the vagina hands to genital stimulation. During
and the lining of the vagina itself pro- foreplay verbal communication with
duce a lubricating fluid (lubrication*) the whispering of endearments and
as the female becomes turned on. The communication with the eyes form im-
external female genital organs swell portant erotic stimuli.
and the clitoris becomes erect with its Foreplay is conventionally divided
tip (the glans clitoris) exposed between into two phases, NECKING refers to love
the folds of the labia. play during which all areas of the body
Either sex can be turned on without above the waist are stimulated. This,
direct physical contact. Sexual arousal of course, includes kissing*. And there
frequently results from erotic mental is PETTING which refers to any love play
images or fantasies. The sight of an that is beyond the limits of necking but
erotic situation involving the opposite which falls short of sexual intercourse.
sex often turns people on. Some people In normal love making there is a grad-
can be sexually aroused by hearing a ual transition between the two phases,
particular melody or by the smell of a though the length of time spent neck-
particular odour. It is obviously impos- ing compared to petting varies from
sible for every episode of sexual arousal couple to couple and from time to time
to be concluded in sexual intercourse. for the same couple.
When someone is turned on and inter- As a couple become more turned on
course is inappropiate at the time, sex- during the early stages of necking, the
ual tension may be relieved by mastur- extent of the physical contact between
bation*, either solitarily or mutually them becomes greater and more inti-
with one’s sexual partner. If the tension mate. At first, contact will be confined
is neglected altogether, the effects of to those areas of the body that are
being turned on will normally subside. readily exposed while dressed—the
During love making the sight of the hands, face, neck, ears and legs partic-
loved one and the knowledge that sex- ularly. The hands will wander over the
ual advances may be reciprocated partner’s clothed body. The breasts will
usually provides a stimulus towards be caressed by the male, while the fe-
sexual arousal. Between this and the male partner’s hands may find and
release from sexual tension which stroke the bulge in the trousers pro-
occurs at orgasm, intensification of duced by the erect penis.
sexual arousal is brought about by the After a time, exploratory excursions
mutual stimulation of all the senses of the hands pass under the clothing.
and body areas (body maps*). Sexual The couple may undress completely if
contact between partners which pro- the situation is suitable, or they may
duces mutual stimulation before the undo sufficient garments to allow more
penis is actually inserted into the va- intimate HEAVY PETTING, or stimulation
gina is known as FOREPLAY. of the genital areas. When a person in
Who should make the initiatives or a potentially sexual situation allows
the first moves? At many different their partner to touch those areas of the
times in history, it has been con- body that are normally out of bounds
sidered improper for a female to initiate it implies that the person will allow
foreplay. In fact it was often considered further and more intense love play,
improper for her to reciprocate at all though it does not always mean the
in sexual activity. Now that women are person wishes sexual intercourse.
accepted as sexual beings in their own TOUCHING is sexually arousing for
right with sexual desires and feelings, each partner. The fingers are extremely
it is acceptable for either partner to sensitive parts of the body. Those areas
make the first move to initiate foreplay of the body that give most sexual


pleasure and stimulation when touched

are called erogenous zones*. They vary
slightly from person to person. The
form of touch which provides maximum
stimulation varies widely—some people
find that a very light stroking touch is
highly erotic whereas others are left
cold by this and desire a heavier ap-
proach. Frequently, as a person be-
comes more turned on, a heavier and
more forceful touch is desired, though
this is not always the case.
Touching normally stimulates the
nerve endings in the skin. Many people
find that they are more intensely stim-
ulated by vigorous handling of the body
involving rubbing and kneading the
deeper tissues beneath the skin, such as
the muscles. This type of activity is
known as MASSAGE. It can be used in
nonsexual situations to stimulate the
muscles and joints after illness or in-
jury, or to relax tension, but it can also
have highly erotic connotations and
may be incorporated into sexual fore-
play. Many people find that they can
intensify the sensations of touching
if they gently massage a body lotion
into their lover’s body.
During foreplay, touching extends
from the secondary erogenous zones to
the genital areas. A woman usually
rubs the penis along its shaft with a
pump-like action and fondles the scro-
tum containing the testes. The male
rhythmically rubs the external female
sexual organs. Many women find direct
rubbing of the exposed part of the
clitoris uncomfortable and even pain-
ful, especially if the area is not lubri-
cated, and prefer to be stimulated fur-
ther up its shaft. During genital stimu-
lation the male may insert one or two
fingers into the vagina and move them
in and out simulating the movement of
the penis in the vagina during inter-
course. This often stimulates the va-
ginal walls to produce more lubricating
fluid. Few women find stimulation
pleasurable if there is vaginal dryness.
Genital stimulation in both sexes may
also be produced during foreplay by the
mouth and tongue (oral sex*). The male
sucks, licks or kisses the vulva area and
may insert his tongue into the entrance
of the vagina. The female licks and
sucks her lover’s penis.
Although the main biological pur-
pose of foreplay is sexual arousal (turn-
ing each partner on in readiness for
sexual intercourse), foreplay may be
extremely pleasurable even when it is
not possible or desirable to go any
further. Heavy petting may continue
until each partner has achieved orgasm
and relief from sexual tension.


Sarsaparilla Hops

Aphrodisiac The natives of South America regarded Tea made from hops has long been used
concoctions made from various parts of as a general tonic and remedy for head-
the sarsaparilla plant as valuable ache and gastric disorders. Pillows fill-
The term aphrodisiac describes any- aphrodisiacs. It is used as a general ed with hops are claimed to induce
thing that is capable of increasing tonic and has been shown to contain sleep. Hops have been shown to contain
sexual desire or performance. The word hormones. very small quantities of female sex hor-
itself is derived from Aphrodite, the mone so there may be some basis for the
goddess of love in Greek mythology. Gypsy belief that hops beneficially af-
Usually aphrodisiac refers to drugs or fect female sexual functioning.
love potions containing stimulating
herbal concoctions, but erotic films and
books, for example, are also regarded
as aphrodisiacs. Liquorice has many medicinal prop-
Throughout the ages there has been erties. Liquorice water, which can be
a continuous search for an ideal, safe made by mixing a teaspoonful of pow-
aphrodisiac—a preparation that has dered liquorice in a glass of soda water,
specific and reliable stimulating effects is well established in France as an
on sexual desire and activity without aphrodisiac for women. The powdered
any other effects on the body. The ideal root is a constituent of several com-
has not yet been discovered, but there mercially available preparations. Li-
are numerous preparations derived quorice has been found to contain
from plants and animals that have been chemicals similar in structure to the
reputed to have aphrodisiac properties. sex hormones.
The ideal aphrodisiac may well be dis-
covered in the coming years as medical
scientists find out more about the in- From ancient times fennel has been
Asafetida considered to have aphrodisiac prop-
tricate chemical changes that occur in
the parts of the brain where sexual This is a resin with a very pungent erties. Fennel tea is prepared from the
desire is initiated. odour derived from an Asian plant. A dried leaves or by simmering the
At the time of writing, orthodox tonic made from asafetida has been crushed seeds in water. Crushed seeds
medical opinion is sceptical about the used as an aphrodisiac in the East and of fennel are included in commercially
actual properties of the so-called aphro- there is some evidence that it does have available aphrodisiac preparations.
disiac preparations that are currently stimulant properties.
available without prescription from
herbalists, health food and sex aid
Ginseng which has been used for thou-
shops. Many of these preparations or
sands of years by the Chinese has be-
their constituents have been used as
come popular in the West in recent
aphrodisiacs for centuries and in all
years and is readily available in many
four corners of the earth. No doubt they
forms. Its root is shaped like that of
will continue to be used until science
the mandrake, and the plant is grown
somes up with something better.
in large quantities in the Appalachian
While the search for drugs to stimu-
mountain region in the U.S. Ginseng is
late sexual desire and performance goes
considered to be an effective general
on, research effort is also being devoted
tonic for both physical and emotional
to finding drugs that will suppress sex-
debility, and is claimed by many to en-
ual desire. Such drugs, collectively
hance sexual desire and performance.
called AN APHRODISIACS, are required to
control excessive sexual desire, partic-
ularly when it leads to antisocial be-
haviour and conflict with the law. In
some countries men who have been Pollen
committed to prison on account of Pollen as a source of energy and vitality
sexual offences are sometimes paroled has been known since antiquity. It has
on the agreement that they will take, a reputation for maintaining male sex
or have administered by injection, drugs drive and sexual performance and has
that will suppress their sex drive (see been used in the treatment of prostate
also drugs and sex*). disorders in males and menopausal
problems in females. Pollen can be pur-
chased in various forms from health
food shops. Scientific analysis of pollen
has revealed that it contains very small
amounts of testosterone and other
hormones affecting sexual functions,
It HW* PHAftttftfttmi CO.LTt
SEOUL, KOREA so there may be a basis for its medicinal
Contents; 3gxlQ packets


Hydrocotyle Asiatica Vitamin E

This is a plant that grows in the This vitamin has received much public-
tropical jungles of the East. It is re- ity in recent years, although its exact
garded as a superb rejuvenator and has role in human sexual activity is not
been found to contain chemicals that known. There is a general agreement
can have stimulating effects on the sex that this vitamin is essential for normal
glands. sexual behaviour and fertility. The
chemical name of the vitamin is alpha
Yohimbine tocopherol and there is evidence that it
This is a chemical derived from the may prevent the arteries from becom-
bark of the yohimbine tree which grows ing furred up. It is taken by a very large
in Africa. It probably exerts its aphro- number of people routinely in the hope
disiac action by increasing the blood that it will help maintain youth and
flow to the genital organs, thereby giv- vitality. There is no evidence that it is
ing the sensation of sexual arousal and an aphrodisiac in humans.
aiding the changes that occur when a become so erect that it fails to return
person is turned on*. Yohimbine is in- to a flaccid state—this continuous erec-
tion is called priapism* and often re-
corporated in a preparation that many
quires surgical treatment. Spanish fly
doctors prescribe for patients with loss
of sexual desire and ability. should never be used by humans as
death from convulsions can result. The
Mandrake Root dosage which causes sexual arousal
also kills.
The root obtained from the mandragora
plant was considered to have aphro-
Rhinoceros Horn
disiac properties. The root bears a like-
Powdered rhinoceros horn was widely
ness to the human body. In Medieval
times the roots were employed as an favoured by the Chinese as an aphro-

amulet* tied around the waist in the disiac. It may be that the Chinese
belief that mandrake root would pre- thought along the lines of ‘like breeds
vent or cure impotence. like’, and hoped that by taking pow-
dered horn their penises would become
perpetually hard.

Throughout the ages various foods

have been considered to have aphro-
disiac properties. Beef, eggs, partic-
ularly egg yolks, onions and oysters,
just to mention a few, have all been
eaten in large quantities in the quest
for a sexual stimulant. ‘Prairie oysters’
mentioned in Victorian literature are
bull’s testicles which were regarded as
possessing aphrodisiac properties.
They do contain male sex hormone and
therefore could possibly work, but they
would have to be eaten raw and it is
likely that the hormones would be de-
stroyed in the stomach during diges-

Spanish Fly
Of all reputed aphrodisiacs, Spanish Testosterone
fly is perhaps the most commonly This is the most important male sex
thought of, but it is lethal. The ‘flies’, hormone produced in the human body.
in fact, are small, shiny blister beetles, In males and females sexual desire is
native to France and Spain, called Lytta dependent upon this hormone; in the
vesicatoria. They are killed, dried and male, testosterone is essential for sex-
pulverized and a chemical, cantharidin, ual functioning. It is often prescribed to
is extracted. When swallowed, it passes increase sexual desire and perform-
through the kidneys and into the blad- ance, if a patient is lacking in produc-
der from where it is passed with the tion of the hormone. It may be given to
urine. Cantharidin is a powerful irrit- women to stimulate sexual desire, but
ant to the body; it specifically irritates only for short periods as it causes wo-
the bladder which stimulates the sexual men to develop masculine features such
organs causing very high degrees of as a deep voice and beard. Testosterone
sexual arousal. In fact, the penis can is only obtainable on prescription.


Erogenous Zones
Erogenous zones are particular areas
of the body which become very sensi-
tive during sexual arousal. Stimulation
of these areas by touching or kissing
produces increased sexual excitement
and may lead to orgasm under certain
circumstances. During sexual foreplay*
when wandering hands explore a part-
ner’s body, an increase in sexual res-
ponse follows the touching of erogen-
ous zones.
The first zones normally to be dis-
covered in early stages of love play are
the lips, the back and sides of the neck
and the ears in both sexes and the base
of the spine in men. These areas are
not being directly connected with the
sex organs. The inner surfaces of the
thighs are very sensitive to stimulation
and stroking them can produce marked
sexual arousal. Breasts are another
secondary erogenous zone; caressing
them gives pleasure to the male partner
as well as the female. The nipples of
both men and women are very sensitive
to stimulation by either the hand or
mouth and respond by stiffening into
firm points. The sensitivity of second-
ary erogenous zones varies much from
one person to another. Some people are
highly stimulated by a lover running
fingers lightly up and down the spine
or back, others are turned on by their
partners stroking the lower part of
their abdomens.
More intense foreplay leads to the
recognition of the PRIMARY EROGENOUS
ZONES. In men, the penis*, scrotum* and
perineum* are prime erogenous zones.
In the female, it is the external genital
organs, collectively known as the
vulva*. In particular, the skin over the
pubic bone which is covered with hair
(mons veneris) and the outer lips of the
vulva are very sensitive to stimulation,
as is the area between the anus and
the vulva (the female perineum). The
most sensitive part of the female sex
organs and the base of orgasmic re-
sponse is the clitoris*, situated at the
front of the vulva between a fold of
the inner lips called the hood. The
clitoris is capable of erection like the
penis. In either sex, the area around the
anus is sensitive and is capable of
producing sexual arousal.
A lover tries not only to discover the
zones which produce arousal but also
what type of stimulation—light or
heavy touch, kiss or lick—of various
places produces response.


the development of male features if depression of the brain. Impairment of

taken over long periods of time. sexual performance has also been re-
Drugs and Sex If a drug is taken that prevents andro- ported as a side effect of antabuse, used
gens from stimulating the sex centre, in the treatment of alcoholism. Some
Various aspects of sexual behaviour sex desire diminishes and may be com- preparations used to reduce appetite
and sexual response may be affected by pletely abolished. One such drug (cypro- also reduce libido, but one such drug
drugs. Some drugs act on the part of the terone acetate) has been used to sup- sometimes increases sex desire in
brain that controls sexual desire there- press the sexual desire of male sex of- women.
by modifying libido*. Other drugs act fenders. Cyproterone acetate blocks the Not only the sex centre of the brain
on either the nerve pathways between action of androgen directly. Other but also the genital organs are stimu-
the brain and the sexual organs, or on drugs may interfere with the stimula- lated by male sex hormones. In the ab-
the blood supply to the sexual organs ting effect of androgens by reducing the sence of adequate androgen the penis
which influences their response to sex- body’s own production of them. Such fails to grow and the secondary male
ual stimulation. It is difficult to say drugs are the female sex hormones or sexual characteristics such as the
exactly what sexual effects various estrogens, cortisone derivatives (used beard and deep voice do not develop.
drugs have. The actual effects of a drug in the treatment of allergic and inflam- If androgens are administered to fe-
depend upon several factors such as the matory conditions), and spironolactone males they develop these male charac-
dose taken (whether once or long-term) (used in the treatment of high blood teristics and the clitoris enlarges. Fe-
and the health and condition of the pressure and water retention). male sex hormone (estrogen) is respon-
patient before the drug is taken. Drugs such as the amphetamines and sible for the development and main-
Sexual effects of drugs may occur as cocaine stimulate the brain and may tenance of the secondary female sexual
side effects when a drug is being used to enhance sexual desire when taken in- characteristics. After the menopause*
treat a specific illness. Some men, for termittently, but prolonged usage de- when the production of estrogen is
instance, complain of impotence when creases sexual desire and impairs sex- greatly reduced, the female sexual or-
they are being treated for high blood ual functioning. The hallucinogens gans get smaller, the lining of the
pressure, because many of the drugs (LSD and marihuana are prime exam- vagina gets thinner and lubrication
used in its treatment interfere with the ples) sometimes enhance sexual desire fails. Taking estrogen at this time of
nerve pathways responsible for and sexual functioning, but more fre- life helps to maintain the female genital
erection and ejaculation. Sometimes quently have the reverse or no effect organs in adequate functional order.
a drug is prescribed for its sexual ef- on sexuality. Sexual functioning involves three
fects. Clomipramine, used in the treat- A new drug (L-Dopa) that is now phases: EXCITEMENT, with erection of
ment of depression and other psychia- being used in the treatment of Parkin- the penis in the male and LUBRICA-
tric conditions, can delay ejaculation son’s disease has been reported to in- TION and swelling of the vulval area
or cause impotence; it is sometimes crease libido. This drug works by inter- and organs in the female; EJACULATION
used to treat severe cases of premature fering with the mechanism which con- in the male and, finally, ORGASM in both
ejaculation*. trols the influence of one part of the sexes. Each of these phases is under
The effects of drugs on sex are better brain on another part. Another still different nervous control and may be
understood in men than in women be- experimental preparation works in a impaired by different drugs. Prepara-
cause male sexual functioning is easier similar way and may eventually prove tions that block the parasympathetic
to study. Drugs that act on the brain to be an effective aphrodisiac. It is autonomic nervous system like atro-
are called centrally acting drugs and called parachlorophenylanine (PCPA pine and propantheline (the latter is
those that act on the nerve or blood for short). In tests on animals it has used frequently in the treatment of
supply of the genital organs are called been shown to increase sex desire. peptic ulcer) may cause a failure of
peripherally acting drugs. Centrally Stress and depression* and anxiety erection. Drugs that block the sym-
acting drugs may affect both sexual may have inhibiting effects both on pathetic autonomic nervous system
desire and sexual performance, where- sexual desire and performance, but ad- such as guanethidine (used in the treat-
as peripherally acting drugs usually ministration of psychotherapeutic ment of high blood pressure) may inhi-
only affect sexual performance. drugs may restore normal sexual func- bit or delay ejaculation. (The use of
The SEX CENTRE, or part of the brain tioning. It is doubtful whether such drugs that have this property in the
that is responsible for sexual desire and drugs have any direct central effect on treatment of patients with premature
which initiates sexual functioning, sexuality, though many do alter the sex ejaculation has been mentioned.)
may be stimulated causing an increase hormone production of the body. In Strychnine, a poison which used to be
in sexual desire or it may be depressed fact, some of these drugs can cause a incorporated in small doses in tonics
reducing sexual desire. The search for a male to develop breasts that actually but is now rarely employed in medical
drug that will selectively stimulate the produce a fluid similar to that produced practice, has the property of facilita-
sex centre without affecting other parts by female breasts in the early stages of ting the passage of nerve impulses in
of the brain (a true aphrodisiac*) has lactation. Many of the drugs used in the the spinal cord and can accelerate the
so far been unsuccessful. treatment of depression, anxiety and reflexes involved in sexual excitement
The sex centre of the brain is sensi- other psychiatric conditions affect the and orgasm. It is currently incorporat-
tive to the male sex hormone (andro- passage of nerve impulses to the genital ed in a preparation known as Potensan
gen). The administration of androgens organs and can cause disturbances in Forte which is marketed, on prescrip-
may enhance sex desire in both men ejaculation. tion only, for the stimulation of libido
and women, and either natural or syn- Sedatives such as the barbiturates and sexual response. Amyl nitrite, a
thetic androgens are sometimes pre- and narcotics such as heroin and mor- drug that is used for the relief of angina
scribed for this effect. Androgens are phine reduce sex desire and may impair is reputed to enhance orgasm—but it
not without side effects and will cause, sexual functioning by causing general produces a distressing headache as well.


ence of excessive alcohol consumption,

Alcohol and Sex the ability to achieve and maintain an

erection is impaired and ejaculation
Dancing and Sex
may be severely delayed or abolished.
Alcohol is not a sexual stimulant. It It is not uncommon for a man who fails In different human cultures around the
can, however, have an indirect aphro- in sexual intercourse while under the world, dancing has deep sexual signifi-
disiac* action. In small quantities al- influence of alcohol to develop a con- cance. In our own society dancing has
cohol produces relief from stress, anxi- tinuing sexual inadequacy because of two roles. It may form an important
ety and fear. For a large number of his fear of sexual failure long after the part of courtship and foreplay*, but it
people sex is shrouded in fears and direct effects of drink have worn off. may also be devoid of obvious sexual
anxieties which inhibit their sexual Thus even an occasional binge could significance and be a social recreation-
performance and may even cause sex- decrease a man’s sexual ability. one of the few occasions where close
ual inadequacies such as impotence Chronic over-indulgence of alcohol body contact is permissible in an essen-
and the avoidance of sexual inter- may lead to disruption of both sexual tially non-sexual activity.
course. By reducing anxieties, alcohol desire and sexual functioning even be- Many of the older forms of dances
removes the inhibitions that may pre- fore the stage of true alcoholism is such as the waltz and the foxtrot and
clude normal sexual functioning. Be- reached. Prolonged heavy drinking the modern ‘smooch’ or cheek-to-cheek
cause anxieties are relieved, small produces several medical complica- dancing involve very close body con-
doses of alcohol often cause a tempor- tions which themselves may cause fail- tact with the more sexually sensitive
ary enhancement of sexual desire and ure of sexual ability. An alcoholic zones of the body being pressed closely
may greatly assist a couple’s sexual ad- frequently neglects to eat a balanced against the partner. The faces are close
justment. Some doctors recommend a diet and early on may become de- together allowing freedom to kiss both
glass or two of wine or a measure or two ficient in vitamins (it is known that the lips and the neck. The body contact
of spirits to be taken before attempted adequate vitamin intake is essential extends to the genital areas of each
intercourse for all manner of sexual for satisfactory sexual functioning). partner which are pressed firmly to-
difficulties, but now that there is a The combination of the direct toxic gether.
better understanding of the causes and effect of alcohol and vitamin deficiency Some modern popular dancing is
treatment of sexual problems, there is in a chronic alcoholic will cause such more or less devoid of body contact
little in favour of this line of treatment. illness as cirrhosis (degeneration of the between the partners. The sexual stim-
The effect of alcohol in relaxing in- liver) and peripheral neuropathy (de- ulating aspects of these types of dances
hibitions is widely used by men as an generation of the nerve tracts), both of are the movements which frequently
aid to seduction. Many a sexually eager which are detrimental to sexual perfor- mimic the body movements that occur
male has coerced a female into sub- mance. Frequently, impaired sexual ac- during sexual intercourse. Such danc-
mitting to his sexual demands by plying tivity does not improve when the alco- ing is accentuated by clothes in current
her with alcohol—it is surprising how holism is treated. In fact, one drug fashion which show the outline of the
much some women will unwittingly used in the management of alcoholism, dancers’ genital organs and erogenous
drink while engaged in romantic con- disulfiram (antabuse), has been report- zones*. The rhythm of the music* adds
versation. While in a carefree, inebri- ed to occasionally cause impotence*. further eroticism to the dancing.
ated frame of mind produced by alcohol,
a girl or woman might take chances
that she would not otherwise take. She
might forget to take contraceptive pre-
cautions, and if she was using oral
contraception she might not remember
to take a pill while under the influence
of alcohol. Many unwanted pregnancies
are started while women are under the
influence of alcohol.
When alcohol in larger doses is tak-
en, there is a general depression of be-
haviour, including depression of sexual
desire. The reflexes of the body become
retarded with the result that capac-
ity for normal sexual function is di-
minished and is eventually abolished
altogether. As Shakespeare wrote in
Macbeth, drink ‘provokes the desire but
it takes away the performance’. Al-
cohol appears to affect the sexual per-
formance of men more than it does
women. This is because when a male
fails to achieve an erection the act of
sexual intercourse is impossible. When
a woman’s sexual functioning is dis- 3
organized, with few exceptions, inter- CD
course is still possible. Under the influ-


his sexual activity is not, as far as we

Biological Rhythms know, determined by a biological cycle.

This is not true of all male animals.
Although a human woman is capable
Life is strangely and strongly rhyth- of copulating at any time, the rhyth-
mical. This applies to plants and to mical, approximate monthly cycle of
animals at all stages of evolution— menstruation means that she is fertile
from the most primitive single-celled on some days of the month and infertile
organism to the complex human being. on others (Rhythm Method*).
Many of the rhythms of life are deter- These changes result from the fluctu-
mined and controlled from within the ations in the amount of various hor-
organism by so-called ‘biological mones circulating in a woman’s blood.
clocks’. Other rhythms are controlled There have been many studies car-
by factors in the outside environment ried out to see whether women become
such as the moon, tides and changes sexier at one time of the monthly cycle
in light and temperature. rather than another, but the results are
In humans there are numerous bio- not convincing one way or another. A
logical or life rhythms all going on at large number of women become emo-
the same time, each at its own rate. tionally depressed or tense during the
There is the rhythm of the heart week or so before the bleeding period
muscle, contracting and relaxing at an and this is known as pre-menstrual
average rate of seventy-two beats per tension. There is usually a small gain
minute. Slower than this is the breath- in weight during the cycle. The com-
ing cycle, about sixteen times a minute bination of pre-menstrual tension and
(this rhythm can be easily overruled weight gain makes some women feel
by voluntary effort). There is the daily unsexy around the time of their period,
(or circadian) cycle of activity and while others report greater desire.
sleep, and from puberty until meno- Unlike women who usually release
pause the monthly female cycle of only one egg each month, men con-
about 28 days of egg production. tinuously produce sperm. Many re-
Recently there has been more and search workers have looked for cyclical
more scientific research into what are patterns in a male’s reproductive func-
call BIORHYTHMS—these are three in- tion, but none have been found. How-
ternal cycles which influence human ever, male sex hormones which can be
beings from birth to death. The physical measured in urine samples fluctuate on
cycle concerns high and low points in a fairly regular monthly basis (in fact,
physical health and activity and takes a twenty-eight day cycle) and industrial
twenty-three days to complete. The psychologists have studied regular fluc-
emotional cycle which governs all of tuations in men’s emotional patterns
the processes of mind and imagination and a twenty-eight day cycle has also 1
tv - - V: £&
takes twenty-eight days to complete. been discovered. In both sexes there is
There is some evidence to suggest that a daily cycle of changes in hormone
the sex of children may in some way production. The steroid hormones, for
be determined by conception taking example, which include the male sex
place at different phases of the emo- hormones, are produced in greater
tional cycle. Then there is the thirty- quantities in the morning (usually be-
three day intellectual cycle which tween seven and nine o’clock) than at
governs memory and knowledge and any other time of the day. There is,
the logical functions of the mind. Study therefore, some reason to suggest that
of biorhythms has tried to assess how people’s sex drive might be more active
people function at peak and at low in the morning than at other times of
cyclical periods and also how they fail the day.
to function when cycles are at a ‘crit- An interesting biorhythm exists in
ical period’ or change from high to low. men during sleep. The penis becomes
In a large majority of animals, sexual intermittently erect and flaccid. This is
activity in both sexes is controlled by caused by changes in the activity of a
biological rhythms which may be in- particular portion of the brain. The
fluenced by environmental factors. A periods of erection are associated with
bitch will only accept a male dog during rapid movements of the eyes which
the period of heat (estrus) as it is called. gives this particular phase of sleep the
This is the time, which occurs about name REM (rapid eye movement) sleep.
twice a year, when an egg is being Since most people wake up during a
expelled from the ovary. The male dog phase of REM sleep, this probably ac-
is rather like man (and woman) in that counts for the fact that a majority of
he is capable of copulating at any time— men awake with an erection (dreams*).


fruit, vegetables and wholemeal bread. pelvis, at the outlet of the bladder.

Fitness Deficiency of vital trace elements may

quickly and insidiously reduce fitness,
Imagine that you have just started to
pass urine and must stop the stream
causing loss of sexual desire and im- tighten up these muscles very hard and
An engine that is not serviced regularly pairment of sexual ability. While on the hold the tension for six seconds or
and kept ‘tuned up’ does not function subject of diet, drinking of alcohol* more, then relax. Both these exercises,
as well as it might. Similarly, we can should be mentioned. Alcohol in lim- repeated about six times in succession,
only expect to get the best performance ited quantity tends to increase sexual should be performed as often as you can
out of our bodies if we keep them in desire, but may reduce sexual perfor- remember to do them.
tune. Athletes know this. To perform mance. Heavier drinking seriously af- Good general hygiene is, of course,
well in sports events, athletes have to fects physical fitness and eventually very important in keeping fit. One
be really fit physically and fully pre- destroys sexuality. ‘must’ is regular dental attention to
pared for physical exertion. This is Regular exercise is essential in both avoid, among other things, gum disease
equally true of sexual response and per- controlling obesity and maintaining fit- and bad breath—an obvious ‘turn off
formance. Although love making ness of heart and body. Muscles soon during love making. Clean skin and
should not be regarded as an athletic get soft and flabby if they are not vig- hair and a daily bath or shower are
contest, at a physiological level the orously used. Without exercise a per- very important in keeping fit and
difference between sexual and athletic son will be OFF-FORM more than on form healthy. Short, smooth, clean finger
exertion is not very great. We cannot in sexual performance. ‘Keep fit’ exer- nails and toe nails are other necessities
hope to obtain optimum sexual perfor- cises are widely publicized and any pro- for the successful lover.
mance unless we keep our bodies fit and gram to keep fit should be selected to Men and women who are physically
healthy. exercise the whole body, fully flexing healthy and fit often have a more re-
Acute illness and chronic ill health joints and spine. Exercise should be laxed frame of mind—a great aid to love
often result in loss of interest followed as a regular routine, and med- making—than those who are off-form.
in sex and impairment of sexual ical advice should be sought if there is
functioning. In rare cases of high fever any history of illness or general debility
there may be an increase in sexual de-
sire, but no enhancement of perfor-
to begin with. Particular attention
should be paid to breathing exercises,
mance. Psychiatric disturbances are aimed at developing breathing from the
frequently also accompanied by altered diaphragm so that vigorous love mak- During periods of intense sexual desire
sexual responsiveness. Even mild de- ing will not be hindered by shortness a person is described as being randy
pression may result in loss of sexual of breath. Smoking tobacco in any of or sometimes RAUNCHY. Interest in sex
interest and is a frequent cause of fe- its forms can also cause shortness of and the desire for relief from sexual
male inability to reach orgasm. breath as well as general ill health. tension are biological phenomena. The
The act of sexual intercourse for the Although in the past, smoking had so-called sex drive which directs a per-
male, and to a lesser extent for the some reputation as a sexy thing to son to seek a sexual partner and ulti-
female, involves the expenditure of a do—it isn’t. The resulting bad breath, mately to obtain sexual satisfaction is
considerable amount of energy. There coughing, spluttering and serious very powerful. The sex drive is initiated
are various conditions which may make threat to health do not aid sexual per- in certain areas of the brain under
a person physically unfit to perform at formance or attraction. hormone stimulation (drugs and sex*).
their best or even to enjoy sex. Over- Sexual pleasure can often be en- The basic sex drive in humans is modi-
weight and obese people may not enjoy hanced by developing various muscles fied and restrained by social circum-
sex to the full or may not perform to that play a specific part in love making. stances.
their satisfaction. The more overweight One way of doing this is to carry out In the majority of animals sexual
a man is, for example, the more quickly regular exercises that develop, tone activity is confined, by cyclical varia-
he will tire and the more rapidly he and strengthen the pelvic muscles tions in hormone production, to those
will get out of breath. He will thus (these are known as Kegel or pelvic- times, known as the estrus or oestrus,
find it difficult to prolong intercourse floor exercises after the doctor who when the female animal is ON HEAT,
to a satisfactory conclusion. Some very first invented them). Not only will such that is to say, when she is fertile. In
fat men have been known to avoid exercises tone up these muscles but this way copulation (the animal equiva-
sexual intercourse because they are very frequently they will help make a lent of sexual intercourse) is restricted
just too unfit to complete the act with- person more aware of the sensations to a biological role of producing off-
out distress even though the desire is that can be developed in the pelvic area spring. Humans are, in general, differ-
present. Obesity may cause other phys- during intercourse (muscle conscious- ent. The majority of healthy, normal
ical problems which themselves may ness*). Many doctors give patients who men and women have almost continu-
impair sexual performance—high blood complain of loss of sexual feeling these ous sexual desire and are physically
pressure and disease of the arteries are simple exercises to do: capable of having sexual intercourse at
just two examples. First, tighten the muscles that con- any time. At certain times, however,
The need to control obesity leads on trol the anus. This can be helped by the desire may be stronger than at
to the importance of diet in healthy imagining that you are gripping a thin others making a person more lustful
sexuality. To keep fit it is essential to object such as a pencil in the back and more amorous. Medical research-
go easy on carbohydrates, particularly passage. Grip it as tight as you can in ers have tried to relate changes in a
white sugar and white flour. But even imagination, then hold that tension for woman’s sexual interest and respon-
a strict reducing diet must include an six seconds or more and then relax— siveness to different stages in the
abundance of vitamins and mineral tighten again, hold and relax. Next, menstrual cycle, but the results have
salts, such as are provided by fresh exercise the muscles in the front of the not been convincing.

Yvette Santiago Banek


Sign Language

Almost every species of animal has its

own system of non-verbal communi-
cation which is employed during court-
ship* and foreplay*. Sign language has
evolved in human sexuality too. The
partners in every relationship spontan-
eously develop their own system of
sexually significant signs and gestures
(which are usually completely incom-
prehensible to a third person) so that
their emotions, desires, likes and dis-
likes can be conveyed between them
without the utterance of a single word.
BODY LANGUAGE is a fairly recent
phrase for bodily gestures and motions
which communicate feelings and emo-
tions, both sexual and non-sexual.
There are other gestures of sexual
significance which are more widely re-
cognized-even between people who do
not speak the same language. The two
finger ‘V’ sign with its vulgar connota-
tions is well recognized. Non-verbal
requests for sexual intercourse are the
movement of the tongue gently along
the margin of the upper lip and some-
times making a circular movement on
the palm of a partner’s hand with a
finger while holding hands. A simple
gesture is squeezing a loved one’s hand
three times in succession to indicate
the three syllables of ‘I-love-you’.
There is another aspect of sexual sign
language which is much more subtle.
We mimic features of sexual arousal in
our everyday life which are, unknow-
ingly, aimed at inviting interest from
the opposite sex. The use of eye shadow
and other facial cosmetics artificially
makes the face appear as it does during
sexual arousal*—with flushed skin and
lips and accentuated eyes. The adver-
tising* business exploits this to a very
great extent, employing sexual sign
language to entice prospective buyers,
just as a person in search of a sexual
partner does.
Opposite page SM and gay codes
for sexual preferences and roles:

1, 3 passive role. 2, 4 active role (Khaki) 19 military type, 20 likes

(Red) fist-fucker: 5 active, 6 passive. military type. (Green) 21 hustler
(Blue) anal sex: 7 active, 8 passive. selling, 22 trick buying. (Black)
(Light blue) oral sex: 9 active, 10 flagellation: 23 active, 24 passive.
passive. (Yellow) urolagnia: 11 (Gray) bondage: 25 active, 26
active, 12 passive. (Brown) passive. 27 SM Slave (left shoulder:
coprophilia (‘scat’): 13 active, SM Master). 28 SM Master (right
14 passive. (Mustard) 15 needs big side: SM Slave). 29 SM Master.
penis, 16 has 8 in.-plus. (Orange) 30 SM Slave. 31 SM Slave. 32 SM
17 anything anytime, 18 nothing now. passive role. 33 SM active role.


Hanging from the belt:

Coloured handkerchiefs in back pocket:

Rings and chains:


Gay Costume Signs

Homosexuality having been so long a
taboo subject, a rich costume language
has developed, particularly in the USA,
which allows one gay person not only
to recognise another, but to ascertain
what form of sex he or she prefers.
A gold ring is often worn on the
little finger but, as a reaction to the
effeminate caricature of homosexuals,
there is a tendency to ‘dress down’. For
men, this has resulted, perhaps in over-
reaction, in the lumberjack, back-
woodsman, or Sierra Club look. Limp
wrists are a thing of the past. Muscles,
somewhat over-developed in the chest,
are worked for.
Levi’s are worn with Fry boots, hik-
ing or construction-worker boots, plaid
shirts, leather flying jackets, or battle-
jacket-styled tops in some other ma-
terial. There is a generally faded, worn-
out look to everything. Jackets end at
the waist and some indication of a bulge

Tom of Finland
at the crotch is usual. Underwear is
not worn.
In warmer weather, the jacket and
shirt are replaced by a tee-shirt or,
whenever possible, nothing, and the
jeans by cut-off Levi's. A handkerchief
can be worn in the back pocket, fol-
lowing a recognized sign language*.
However, the construction-worker or
hiking boots are retained and worn
with white cycle socks with brightly
striped tops. This fashion, and the
handkerchief in the back pocket, has
caught on in the heterosexual world,
and some confusion has resulted about
individual preferences.
This costuming is a manifestation of
the homosexual’s struggle to rid him-
self of the stereotyped image of limp-
wristed effeminacy. It is, of course, a
form of cult behaviour, which has been
taken to extremes by the leather club
members, who often go butch to a
sinister degree.


every day fasting the yolks of eggs, little bread, and he may be certain that
Cupid in the Kitchen without the white part, will find in this
aliment an energetic stimulant towards
for the whole night his member will not
give him any rest.’
coitus. The same is the case with the Visual associations with the sexual
Men have always hoped to find food man who during three days eats of the organs have often earned a sexy reputa-
which will increase their virility, and same mixture with onions. tion for certain foods, but there is no
almost every edible substance has, at ‘He who boils asparagus, and then proof of their efficacy, except perhaps in
some time or other, been considered an fries them in fat, and then pours upon stimulating erotic ideas in the eaters.
aphrodisiac*. There is however, no them the yolks of eggs with pounded Asparagus, carrots and bananas have a
scientific evidence that suggests that condiments, and eats every day of this phallic* shape. The succulent, bright
delicacies like oysters, asparagus, truf- dish, will grow very strong for the red tomato was originally known as a
fles or particular herbs and spices do coitus, and find in it a stimulant for ‘love apple’, and the small, round, ripe
any such thing. On the other hand, the his amorous desires. cherry has long since passed into sexual
link between sexuality and food is ‘He who peels onions, puts them into slang. ‘To take or eat a cherry’ means
obvious. Few people doubt that eating a a saucepan, with condiments and aro- to deflower a virgin. The banana split
delicious meal can be a sensual experi- matic substances, and fries the mixture has an obvious sexual appearance. A
ence, especially when accompanied by with oil and yolks of eggs, will acquire split-open phallic symbol supports two
good wine. a surpassing and invaluable vigour for round breast-like scoops of ice cream,
Honey has had associations with sex the coitus, if he will partake of this dish topped off with, of course, a cherry. Sea
since ancient times, perhaps because for several days. food has a reputation for enhancing
pollen contains minute quantities of ‘Camels’ milk mixed with honey and sexual desire, possibly because of assoc-
sex hormones. Ovid in The Art of Love taken regularly develops a vigour for iations with the love goddess Aphrodite
advises lovers to try a diet of ‘white copulation which is unaccountable and who rose from he sea. It is also obvious
onions, green vegetables, eggs, honey causes the virile member to be on the that oysters and bearded clams resemble
and the nuts of the pine tree’. Onions alert night and day. the moist appearance of aroused female
and garlic were considered aphrodisiacs ‘He who for several days makes his genitals.
—their smell resembles human sexual meals upon eggs boiled with myrrh, Red, and especially raw, meat (‘steak
odours*. The 4th-century Greek play- coarse cinnamon, and pepper, will find tartare puts hair on your chest’) is sup-
wright, Diphilus, said the onion was his vigour with respect to coition and posedly sexy. There is a psychological
‘undoubtedly capable of stimulating erections greatly increased. He will connection between flesh and blood and
sexual desire’. Truffles, too, had a re- have a feeling as though his member the sexual functions.
putation for arousing passion. The would never return to a state of repose. The maintenance of virility, how-
classic French gastronome, Brillat- ‘A man who wishes to copulate dur- ever, depends on a healthy, well-bal-
Savarin, said (somewhat elaborately) ing a whole night, and whose desire, anced diet, not on particular foods or
that they awaken ‘erotic and gastrono- having come on suddenly, will not particular meals. Fitness* is more like-
mic ideas both in the sex wearing petti- allow him to prepare himself and follow ly to make men and women naturally
coats and in the bearded portion of the regimen just mentioned, may have passionate. Most people get sufficient
humanity’. Eggs have always been used recourse to the following recipe. He nutrients and vitamins in their daily
to provoke desire and they are symbolic must get a great number of eggs, so that diet but it should be pointed out that
of procreation. Byron mentioned them, he may eat to surfeit, and fry them with Vitamin E (or the lack of it) can mar-
along with oysters, in Don Juan; and fresh fat and butter; when done he im- ginally affect one’s vitality. It is con-
Shaykh Nefzawi extols their virtues in merses them in honey, working the tained in wheat germ, which can be
The Perfumed Garden: whole mass well together. He must then obtained in powdered or capsule form.
‘He who makes it a practice to eat eat of them as much as possible with a


Tongue Mouth Kiss

The tongue is a sensitive organ, especi- The mouth is an important feature in Smacking the lips in contact with an-
ally at the tip, and plays a part in human sexual behaviour, both for giv- other person’s skin is, in many cultures
love-making in various ways. Licking ing and receiving pleasure. The lips (including our own), an expression of
erogenous zones can be extremely stim- can be used in closed mouth kissing, respect and endearment, but also of
ulating, and licking the head of the but more passionate and arousing is passion. Russian leaders hug and kiss
penis or the external female sex organs the open mouth or FRENCH KISS, partic- their honoured guests, and Frenchmen
(the clitoris in particular) is highly ularly when the tongue is used. The never receive a medal without the for-
erotic. The tongue can be inserted into mouth can take in parts of the loved mality of kisses on the cheeks. Kisses
various orifices of a loved one’s body. one’s body—nipples, penis, ear lobes— range in intensity from a peck on the
In the FRENCH KISS the contact between and even putting fingers into the part- cheek to deep, erotic mouth-to-mouth
the lining of the mouth, the teeth and ner’s mouth during love-making can be contact. Kissing parts of the body other
the lover’s exploring tongue is partic- arousing. The pleasure of oral contact than the mouth, such as the ears, neck
ularly arousing for both partners. Put- can be enhanced by sucking. Both and breasts or a partner’s genital or-
ting the tongue into the ear or the vigorous sucking, that hurts pleasur- gans (oral sex*) can be extremely
vagina is also common during love- ably, and LOVE BITES, can be extremely arousing and stimulating for both part-
making. stimulating. ners in a sexual relationship.

teria, frustration and anguish.

Odours Music Music can express many moods and,

depending on what we expect can induce
moods ranging from the gently sen-
The sense of smell is intimately related Music is not inherently a sexual stim- suous-soft music and low lights, as a
to sexual function. Odour is used as a ulus because it can also have a soporific prelude to making love—to the nearly
means of alluring and arousing mem- or a spiritually uplifting effect, but in orgasmic. In the prosecution of the
bers of the opposite sex in a large all cultures it has associations with undergound magazine OZ, one phase
number of animal species. Even with emotion and sensuality. Music can of the trial turned on a review that had
the sophistication of modern man and stimulate the body to movements which commented: ‘I’d love to meet a chick
woman odour still features prominent- celebrate its beauty, health and energy who could fuck like Led Zepplin One
ly in sexual behaviour, although the and this is bound to be linked to but she’d wear me out in a week.’ As
sense of smell now probably ranks sexuality in its broadest sense. Since it part of the scene at huge festivals and
second to that of vision. In many primi- depends on rhythm, it can easily sug- concerts, current rock and folk and jazz
tive civilisations, animal and vegetable gest sexual intercourse. In modern rock can take on the power of one more drug
concoctions were applied to the human music, with its Afro rhythms, this has and help stimulate audience frenzy that
body to accentuate and fortify natural led to a tradition of sexual mimicry on- is obviously sexual in energy. But
body odours. Custom has changed and
it is difficult to assess the significance
of natural body odours in present-day
human sexuality.
Nowadays, natural body odours tend
to cause varying degrees of repulsion
between people who are not sexually
involved with each other, but they can
be sexually stimulating between lovers,
especially after the process of sexual
arousal has been initiated. Every per-
son has a characteristic body odour. It
is known that sexually mature women
produce, in a cyclical pattern, the same
odourous chemicals, called PHERO-
MONES, that female monkeys produce
to attract their male mates, but it is
doubtful that the human male is re-
sponsive to pheromones in the same
way as monkeys.
The pendulum has swung from ac-
centuating body odours to taking mea-
sures to disguise or even suppress their
formation altogether. The market place
has become flooded with all manner of
toiletries and preparations to prevent
the occurrence or detection of SMELLS
from all parts of the body. There are
deodorant and other BODY SPRAYS, per-
fumed lotions, scented talcs and both
pungent and subtle perfumes. Tissues
pre-saturated with deodorant and per-
fume are widely advertised to prevent stage which is often reflected in audi- Richard Strauss already portrayed
'vaginal odours’. Since the source of ence responses; both seem to grow from lovemaking musically in the prelude to
one constituent of many perfumes— the music. The sadistic, pouting and Der Rosenkavalier, and Ravel’s orches-
musk oil—is the sex glands of an animal, sometimes savage Rolling Stones act tral piece Bolero exactly depicts the
it seems unnatural to substitute an centred on Mick Jagger, the bi-sexual rhythm of sexual intercourse, begin-
animal sex smell for a natural human pseudo-decadent act of David Bowie, ning at a low point in arousal and
smell. However, it is said that the fra- and most of the celebrated stage acts building to a climax. Stravinsky’s Rite
grance of musk oil closely resembles of modern rock and pop stars are not so of Spring caused riots at its Paris
the odour of the human body, and much supported by their music as aptly premiere in 1911. Music-induced frenzy
many people find it highly erotic. Ad- expressive of its content. However dif- is no new thing, even in what are called
vertising* stresses the sexual implica- ferent the idiom of the music, this sexu- ‘classical’ forms. At its more primitive,
tion and attractions of perfumes, after- ally frank response to it is related to the the rhythmic power of music supports
shave lotions and other toiletries, but use Mozart (who is noted for sublimity fertility rites and dances, while in its
scientific evidence that such scents can and cool classicism) could make of most sophisticated forms its direct emo-
cause sexual arousal is not convincing. music: as, for instance, Donna Anna’s tionality can be blatant. Passion comes
The attraction of such scents is prob- two great arias in Don Giovanni, in over at its most stirring and memorable
ably cultural rather than natural. which the music portrays sexual hys- when allied to music.


/ / t>
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Anxieties and phobias that can turn

people off.

these illnesses is becoming sexually regulates our behaviour towards others

turned off. The illness type of depres- and society in general. Unfortunately
Stress & Depression sion may not in itself be related to sex the development of an individual’s
and when it has been successfully conscience can and does result in the
Many things can turn people off. The treated, sexual activity should return production of a variety of sexual hang-
male clothed only in his socks appears to normal. On the other hand, sexual ups. When people talk of morals they
to have this effect on most women. problems can themselves produce de- usually mean matters sexual. Morals
There are a great variety of things like pression in this technical sense. It is of are about much more, yet because of
that, many of them personal to the course important that the sexual prob- indoctrination, sex is over-emphasized,
individual. Beards, lack of beards, lems be dealt with. made dirty and so people are pushed
smells pleasant and unpleasant, pick- The most common cause of sexual into guilt and hang ups. These hang-
ing the nose or clicking the teeth, difficulties is GUILT. One may be aware ups benefit no one and are the product
can all affect some people. The variety of one’s guilt, or it can work in the of the hang-ups of the individual’s
of things, actions, and places that have unconscious. Sadly, most people are parents and other adult figures in their
this sorry effect are almost limitless. still afflicted with some degree of guilt early life. The hang-ups are carried on
Their significance can be important or about sex. Children are still taught to from one generation to the next, but
they can be easily corrected. There is feel guilty about their sexual organs can fortunately be dealt with at any
always, if not an answer, a remedy. time, so finally breaking the chain
Stress and depression are rather dif- reaction.
ferent, since they cannot be dealt with Another group of causes of being
by simply taking off the socks, avoiding turned off are related to false concepts
the partner’s own special hang-ups, or of self and false concepts of normality.
simply sorting it out. Stress is a word on For a number of different reasons,
everyone’s lips. It would appear that all some people feel inferior to their fel-
of us are constantly under stress. This lows. This feeling of inferiority, some-
in one sense is true, so some amount of times described as an INFERIORITY COM-
stress must be looked upon as normal. PLEX, can affect sexual ability. ‘I am no
(This is using the word normal in the good’, tends to make a person no good.
statistical sense, which means that nor- It is not that you are no good, but the
mal is what most people are.) thought is making itself come true. One
Assuming that most people are under may not have any great feelings of
some degree of stress does not mean inferiority, but still develop them about
that stress is always normal. Abnormal sexual skill and pleasure. Bragging
stress is either abnormal because of its friends and stories of sexual athletes
amount, or because it is present with- can quickly make us believe that we are
out any apparent good cause. Thus, not very good at the game. Most of
some people worry much more about these stories are of course untrue and
their jobs than others and some are anyway there is quite a wide range of
tense and anxious in situations most of normal sexual ability. We all have our
us would find relaxing. Abnormal stress own level, but expecting much more
can have many causes; some causes are tends to diminish it. Great expectations
sexual, many are not. that are not realized may block and
Stress, anxiety and worry may in turn one off. Thus, the man who finds
themselves turn one off. Stress, anxiety he cannot manage it more than twice
and worry may not be related to sex, an evening may feel inferior and fail
but may be due to other causes. How- to manage it at all next time. The wo-
ever, if stress not related to sex is pre- man expecting an unbelievable experi-
sent and as a result interferes with sex- ence when reaching a climax and per-
ual activity, an association then does and feelings. The association between haps expecting this very many times
arise. The anxious man who finds him- these organs and the equally innocuous during one love making, can be sadly
self impotent becomes anxious about orifices of elimination, connects sex disappointed. This disappointment
this and is even more likely to be impo- with dirtiness. makes the next time more disappoint-
tent the next time he tries. The worried Guilt and feelings of ‘dirtiness’, are ing, even though the first time was,
girl fails to make it to an orgasm, and the great inhibitors of sexual pleasure. in fact, a great experience.
next time may be even more turned off. INHIBITION is really another word for Anxiety, fear, worry, depression—all
It must be emphasized that stress, an- being turned off from sex generally, or can turn people off, often for reasons
xiety and depression, while being from particular aspects of it. Sometimes unconnected with sex. Failure due to
causes of impotence or frigidity, are not the indoctrination is quite open and guilt, or feelings of inferiority, or false
the commonest causes in themselves. remembered. More commonly it is not expectations, can do the same damage
This will be discussed later. remembered and appears in the mind as and as a result make one more anxious,
DEPRESSION has a general usage and a muddled-up mixture of early mem- worried and depressed. In the first case,
also a technical psychiatric meaning. ories and ideas of morality, CONSCIENCE treatment is needed for the anxiety or
To most people, being depressed, is the describes the product of this mixture depression, while in the second case it
same as being fed-up or ‘feeling blue’. of early indoctrination and moral will be advisable to discuss the sexual
Psychiatrists use the word to describe teachings. The development of a con- hang-ups with a professional coun-
emotional illnesses. One symptom of science is obviously important, since it sellor or therapist.




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tremely unpleasant and rejects it—this tred men usually fail to arouse their
is the most severe degree of primary partners to orgasm, but this does not
Frigidity frigidity. A dislike or rejection of all make a woman frigid. The sexual act is
sexual contact, and even physical con- a mutual, physical and emotional ex-
Frigidity describes a woman who is tact, can occur in secondary frigidity perience and failure to achieve the
sexually unresponsive or who fails to or SECONDARY ORGASMIC DYSFUNCTION. desired degree of sexual responsiveness
reach orgasm. Some men use the word This describes a situation in which a is not something in which the ‘blame
frigid as a term of abuse: ‘She’s a frigid woman has experienced orgasm and game’ can be played.
bitch’—which usually means a woman then subsequehtly fails to do so. Anti-sex indoctrination of children
has failed to respond to a male in the Most commonly, orgasm has followed takes many forms—and may substan-
desired sexual way. There are, in gener- masturbation but does not occur during tially contribute to frigidity in women
al, two types of frigidity: primary and penetration. Recent studies suggest and its friend-in-misery, impotence*, in
secondary. Primary frigidity, some- that a failure to orgasm during pene- men. Because anti-sex indoctrination
times called PRIMARY ORGASMIC DYS- tration is not unusual in females, and has been so widespread, it is surprising
FUNCTION is used for a situation in it probably is not a sexual dysfunction. that such sexual difficulties are not
which a woman has never been able to It is important to consider a man’s more common. Some children are
achieve orgasmic release by any means. role in the arousal of a female to or- brought up in a ‘no touch’ atmosphere,
Masturbation*, or manual stimulation gasm. A quick grab and fumble, fol- and therefore some women (and men)
of the genitals, and sexual intercourse lowed by a lightning sexual encounter have never been used to physical con-
in whatever position or situation, all is not likely to turn on many women, tact of any kind. Parents, because of
fail to produce orgasm*. Sometimes a let alone help them to reach a climax. their own inhibitions and hang-ups,
woman finds all sexual contact ex- Inexperienced, nervous and self-cen- may not only have failed to fondle and


cuddle their children, but also may centred partners, loss of interest in and impotence ... it may not be a
have actively discouraged caressing, one’s usual sexual partner, fear of preg- cause in itself, but certainly makes
fondling and cuddling by anyone, under nancy and fear of sexually-transmitted problems worse and prevents both self
any circumstances. Usually such par- disease are just some of the causes, and mutual help.
ents have also discouraged, by punish- singly or in combination. Emotional Help and treatment for primary or
ment, a child’s tendency to touch its hang-ups of many varieties, as well as secondary frigidity depend upon the
own genitals or to engage in mastur- stress and depression* can contribute cause or causes. Sometimes simple ad-
bation. Not surprisingly, such child- to frigidity. Everyday distractions such vice about sexual techniques—for both
ren may grow up with a dislike for and as rearing a young family and even the male and female partners—may be
feeling of uneasiness about physical unsuitable surroundings for sexual all that is necessary. In some cases,
contact. With touching, which has any activities can cause periods of sexual sex therapy* is required, which may
sexual overtones, dislike and uneasi- unresponsiveness. When both partners take a variety of different forms, from
ness may change to abhorrence or have sexual difficulties, a complex emo- guidance counselling to contraceptive
repulsion. Religious taboos, cultural tional interaction may be set up in information to surrogate therapy*. It is
ideas and beliefs about purity, sin, and which each blames the other for their almost always possible to help anyone
right and wrong, as well as sheer failure in love making. A more usual who is frigid.
ignorance about the facts of life and situation is one of non-communication.
all sexual matters, play their part in Sexual problems are never discussed so
primary orgasmic dysfunction. that both partners shrink into a world
Secondary frigidity can be caused in of sexual inhibition and irritation and
a number of different ways, too. Poor frustration. Failure to talk about sex
sexual techniques, unhelpful and self- is an important factor in both frigidity

normal concern about the sexual or- mary impotence is a catastrophic ‘first
gans (particularly the penis), fear of try’. In this case, a man may have some
Impotence women and guilt are causes. or none of the problems mentioned,
There are many similarities in the although he is likely to be a little shy
This is the inability of a man to achieve origins of impotence and female failure and unsure of himself. Because of
an adequate erection to make penetra- to reach orgasm. A family that raises anxiety, tinged with guilt about the
tion of the female vagina, followed by children with the ‘no-touching’ outlook whole business, the first time he tries
ejaculation, possible. There are varying are liable to produce both inhibited he fails. It may be a very miserable
degrees of impotence, conventionally girls and impotent boys. Indoctrination failure indeed. If his partner is sym-
classified by doctors into primary and with the belief that sex is dirty, im- pathetic and understanding, there may
secondary impotence. The man who has moral, ungodly and everything nasty be hope for the next time, but if she is
never been able to have intercourse too often works. Other factors may scathing, annoyed or acts out her own
because of failure to obtain an erection reinforce or produce the problem: lack feelings of rejection, his next attempt
suffers from PRIMARY IMPOTENCE, SEC- of contact with girls in adolescence, will be even worse. This has been de-
ONDARY IMPOTENCE is the condition in ignorance of what sex is about, coupled scribed as the ‘fear of fear phenom-
which a man has previously performed with belief in bizarre tales about sex, enon’. It also operates in cases of
adequately before failure occurs. Sec- can all hinder subsequent performance. secondary impotence.
ondary impotence is much more com- Some men are afraid of women and In the past, the treatment of primary
mon than primary impotence. others believe that their sex organs, impotence has not been particularly
The victim of primary impotence has particularly the penis, are inadequate. successful. One problem was that most
never been able to perform sexual in- A man’s belief that he has a ‘mini’ men with this problem tended not to
tercourse. He may have, and usually penis, which will not satisfy a woman, have a sexual partner. Thus the only
has, achieved erection and ejaculation blocks his ability to have sexual inter- treatment considered possible was psy-
by masturbation, but fails with a sexual course almost before he even thinks chotherapy and/or drugs. The use of
partner. There are many possible about trying. female sex partners in surrogate
causes for this. Excessive shyness, ab- An important factor in producing pri- therapy* has changed this situation and

has helped sufferers to become sexually Consistent sexual success does not de- dispelled. If she is not understanding,
potent. stroy it. The married man ‘having it or if the next attempt is made with
Secondary impotence is a much more off with someone else, the rekindling someone else, the sober attempt may be
prevalent problem than the primary of childhood memories, a smell, a tune, as bad as the first alcoholic failure.
variety. It particularly affects the mid- a sound, a place can all rejuvenate Like the catastrophic first failure of
dle-aged and the elderly, but young guilt. A man can become fed up with primary impotence, the first failure in
men are not exempt. Guilt, anxiety his partner and as a result become im- secondary impotence can be equally
and misuse of alcohol are common potent. He fails with her, perhaps re- catastrophic.
causes. Needless anticipation of wan- peatedly, tries someone else and fails Impotence is not always an emotion-
ing sexual ability also plays its part. again, perhaps because of guilt, cer- al problem. There are physical causes,
A man becomes anxious and depressed tainly because of the ‘fear of fear’. although they are rare. Alcohol is a
because of work, failure, an unhappy Alcohol can play nasty tricks on men. physical cause, so are certain drugs,
relationship or something else. Be- Obviously, alcohol does not always particularly the so-called major tran-
cause of this depression, with or with- take away the mechanism, but it is quilizers, some anti-depressants, and
out anxiety, he becomes impotent. Hav- very likely to do so. For example, a man drugs for treating high blood pressure.
ing failed once, the ‘fear of fear’ gets a little drunk, becomes very Diabetes may also cause impotence. It
reaction begins. He fails again and amorous and then fails. Particularly is particularly difficult when tranqui-
again and since he then expects to fail, if he knows about the possible effects llizers and anti-depressants cause impo-
he does. To add a little confusion it of alcohol, the next time he tries, if he is tence, since they are used in the treat-
may be that having failed the first time sober, he will probably succeed. How- ment of anxiety and depression, both
for another reason such as a rekindling ever, if he is not aware of the effects of of which can themselves cause impo-
of guilt or hostility toward his partner, alcohol, ‘fear of fear’ comes into play. tence. These conflicting effects can be
he becomes depressed and anxious be- Of course there is always the partner, sorted out and dealt with by a sym-
cause of this. who suffers as much as the impotent pathetic doctor or therapist.
Guilt is always lingering around the male. If she is his usual partner and
corner when sexual problems exist. understands the ‘fear of fear’ it may be

acquired skill as a lover, is usually an operation on a ‘sexual’ gland, a

better able to provide his sexual part- man who finds himself impotent may
Aging ner with a climax than a young man. believe this is a permanent effect of
There is little doubt that once hang- the operation. If he is told this is only
Aging is used as an excuse and an ex- ups, inhibitions and false expectations temporary and is encouraged to go on
planation for all sorts of things that are thrown out, the older man is sexu- trying to be sexually active, sexual
have no real relationship to the aging ally favoured. It is equally true that the activity usually returns. Women are
process. At whatever your age, a whole older woman is also favoured, provided similarly affected by operations on
variety of problems are dismissed with, she can rid herself of indoctrination, their sexual organs. Removal of the
‘It is due to your age!’ Babies, children, old wive’s tales and her own sexual womb or the repair of a vaginal pro-
adolescents, young adults, the middle- inhibitions. lapse* is often followed by an inability
aged and the elderly are all included. It Successful, mutually satisfying sex- to reach orgasm, which can become
would be foolish, however, to suggest ual activity can and should continue more or less a permanent condition.
that age is of no significance. from adolescence to the grave. This This can be prevented by explaining
There are many myths about the happy situation is disturbed by many that this temporary phenomenom will
effect of aging on sex. A sixteen-year- things. Women who do not reach go away in time. If she has no serious
old may believe that anyone over orgasm may disguise this from their sexual hang-ups and is fortunate
twenty-five has dropped out of the partners until they become middle- enough to have an understanding part-
game. A thirty-year-old, viewing a six- aged. Once they have passed a certain ner, sexual enjoyment is soon restored.
teen-year-old as naive and inexperi- age then they feel they can reveal this, Other physical things that make the
enced, may also view the over-forties but explain it away as an effect of myth of loss of sexual activity with
as sexless dinosaurs. The view that sex aging. A man harassed by many sexual age come true include a whole variety
is dirty influences some of this think- hang-ups also gives in when he becomes of drugs used in the treatment of ill-
ing: sex may be all right if you are nesses that affect older people. Tran-
young, but not once you are old and quillizers, anti-depressants and drugs
respectable. Such attitudes about sex used for the treatment of high blood
and age affect individuals as they get pressure can all affect sexual activity
older. The young man proud of his sex- (drugs and sex*). These effects are
ual athleticism will later become a usually temporary and depend upon the
middle-aged man and then an old man continued use of the drug. It is import-
well past it. Expecting a deterioration ant that people are aware of these
in sexual ability can make it happen. effects, know that they are almost al-
Sexual enjoyment is available to ways temporary and discuss the prob-
everyone. Aging should not and need lem openly with their doctor. If a per-
not take away this joy. Since sexual son is aware that impotence, for ex-
activity usually involves two people, ample, may be a consequence of some
two people’s prejudices, superstitions medicines taken in the short term, sex
and ideas of right and wrong are in- life into old age should not be too
volved. Thus couples reinforce each seriously affected.
other’s misconceived prejudices about Aging does tend to reduce the
aging and sex. Both men and women pleasurable frequency of sexual activ-
can continue to enjoy, and perhaps ity. This should not mean that age takes
enjoy even more, a full sex life up to the away the joys of sex. Free of worry
time they finally die. Rather sadly, this middle-aged, because now he has an blocks and hang-ups, it is usually
is not usually the case. Many people explanation and excuse for any prob- possible for men and women to con-
withdraw from sex once they view lems. Loss of sexual interest and per- tinue to enjoy a full sexual life until
themselves as middle-aged. Aging is one formance is much more likely to be the this life ends.
of the great sexual worry blocks. The result of sexual hang-ups than the
aging process does affect sexual acti- aging process.
vity, but the emotional response of in- Age can and does reduce the fre-
dividuals and society to aging is the quency of sexual activity, but should
major problem. never take it away. Never perhaps is a
A young man is able to produce a little strong, since there are age-
more upstanding erection than an dependent afflictions and problems that
elderly man. There is no doubt that the do interfere with sexual activity. These
angle between the erect penis and the in themselves do not usually take away
abdomen is influenced by age. This in sexual desire or ability to perform for-
itself does, but should not, influence a ever, but do interfere. For example,
person’s reaction to sexual activity. many middle-aged and elderly men
Aging also delays the establishment of have to have their prostate gland re-
a full erection. Again this is not necess- moved because it interferes with the
arily a disadvantage or evidence of elimination of urine. An operation to
decay. In fact, older men are usually remove this gland may be followed by The plum blossom against a
able to maintain an erection and delay a period of impotence. This should background of cracked ice, decora ting
emission more effectively than younger always be a temporary phase, but too this Chinese vase, symbolizes sexual
men. An older man, because of his often becomes permanent. Having had content in old age.


For example, the wet dream may result within a reasonably short time, helped

Premature from a sexual dream which may appear

very perverted to the individual having
by a sympathetic and sexually-stimula-
ting partner, often results in ‘second

Ejaculation it. Again this is not necessarily ab-

normal in any way, but can cause the
time lucky’. If this is repeated the man
becomes progressively more confident.
individual considerable anxiety and be- Surrogate therapy* has proved helpful.
Ejaculation which occurs too quickly cause of this may warrant him seeking The other method, which is the one
and too early in sexual activity is called professional advice. most therapists recommend, is describ-
premature ejaculation, and sometimes Some complicated theories have been ed as the ‘squeeze’ method. The couple
referred to by its medical name in Latin, evolved to explain premature ejacula- first has to discuss, understand and
ejaculatio praecox. It is one of the most tion which may or may not be true. accept the existence of a problem. The
common male sexual problems. For Understanding them and accepting woman then has to play an active role
some, ejaculation occurs before pene- them does not really help the victim, in stimulating the man’s penis. In the
tration is even attempted. Thoughts, of neither apparently does psychotherapy normal course of events, premature
course, can produce sexual arousal and of whatever type. Some doctors advo- ejaculation would usually follow, but if
some men find that by continuing their cate the use of either one of the major at this stage she applies firm pressure
erotic thoughts, erection is followed by tranquillizers, technically known as (lasting for three to four seconds) to the
ejaculation, without any manual or thioridazine, or one of a group of anti- penis at the point of the corona’s ridge
other stimulation of the penis. Others depressants described as monoamine with the thumb beneath the penis and
may ejaculate, or come, too quickly oxidase inhibitors. These drugs can two fingers on the upper side, ejacula-
after a short period of sexual fore- tion will be prevented. Further stimu-
play; some ejaculate just before, dur- lation can then occur, followed by a
ing, or immediately after penetration, further period of pressure. This can be
managing one or two thrusts before continued until the couple gain con-
ejaculation occurs. Thus, intercourse fidence in controlling the ejaculatory
may take place in a technical sense in response. Finally, penetration and in-
spite of premature ejaculation. The tercourse takes place to the couple’s
possibility of pregnancy occurring is mutual satisfaction. Sometimes it is
real. Ejaculation near, or very near, necessary to withdraw the penis during
and just inside the vagina can and does intercourse and again to apply pressure
result in fertilization and pregnancy. if ejaculation is about to occur pre-
Ejaculation, at whatever stage in maturely. It appears important that the
sexual activity, produces pleasurable pressure is applied by the partner, for
release in a man. The problem with if the man applies it himself, it does not
premature ejaculation is that this seem to work.
pleasurable release is mingled with
feelings of inadequacy, failure and
anxiety. Premature ejaculation can be Castration Anxiety
as traumatic as impotence.
The nervous and chemical mecha-
nisms involved in producing ejacula- Castration, or removal of a male’s
tion are not fully understood. However, testicles, has been used in the past as
everyone knows that ejaculation can a punishment, as a method of prevent-
occur without physical stimulation of ing boys’ voices from deepening at
the penis either in or out of the vagina. puberty and to ensure that harem
Most men have had WET DREAMS or guards did not seduce their charges
noctural emissions at some time in delay ejaculation and hence make ('eunuchs and castrati*). It is now used
their lives. This is common in adoles- intercourse successful. However, they in rare cases as a treatment for habitual
cence or any other time in life if a man only work, if they work, while they sex offenders.
neither masturbates nor has sexual in- are being taken. Once a man stops The idea that boys and men may
tercourse. Wet dreams are simply a taking them, premature ejaculation re- suffer from castration anxiety was pop-
method of some release of sexual ten- turns. They also produce side effects ularised by Sigmund Freud*. His
sion. The young, or not-so-young male, and carry certain dangers. This applies theory was that towards the end of his
who does not have regular intercourse, particularly to the monoamide oxidase third year a boy became interested in
for whatever reason, and refrains from inhibitors. his penis which gave rise to feelings of
masturbation, will have a wet dream There are two much more effective sexual attraction towards the mother
sooner or later. There is nothing ab- and successful methods for dealing and feelings of jealousy or resentment
normal about this, any more than there with this problem. Both depend upon of the father (the well-known OEDIPUS
is anything abnormal about masturbat- an understanding and helpful partner. COMPLEX). Freud claimed that castra-
ing. One method known to many women, tion anxiety arose because the boy
A wet dream may occur as part of a probably since the beginning of human imagined that his illicit desires might
sexual dream, or one may occur during existence, is simply accepting the first be punished by his father castrating
sleep without an individual being able failure by the man and then going on him. This may be the origin of some
to remember any kind of dream, sexual to stimulate and encourage him to try men’s anxiety over possible loss of the
or otherwise. Sometimes a dream is again. Having had a premature ejacula- genitals. Certainly the fear can block
odd, bizarre, or sexually disturbing. tion and then attempting intercourse satisfactory sexual activity.


Sex Aids

Anybody who is suffering from disin-

clination for sex need not despite the
numerous aids offered for sale by sex
stores and mail order advertisements.
The principle types of sex aids on the
market are described in section 26,
under ‘In the Sex Store’. Experiment-
ing with some of these may in itself
precipitate a revival of sexual interest
that a person thought had died away.
From the point of view of a sexual
mate, showing that the other partner is
bothering to do something about his or
her difficulty can also stimulate that
mutual warmth of feeling that can help
to regenerate dormant sexual respon-
If more sex aids seem to be for male
than for female use, it is due partly to
the commercial reason that most cus-
tomers who are likely to enter a sex
store are men. However, mail order
services are available and there is no
reason for women to find it more difficult
than men to obtain the articles which
they think might help themselves or
their partners.

A key to the various items (right)

appears on page 286




H I i



down anxiety and anti-depressants, teach someone to play the piano with-
which, as the name suggests, counter outeven seeing the instrument. Masters
Sex Therapy depression which may affect sexual and Johnson*, and Martin Cole in
response and performance. There is Great Britain, are perhaps the best-
There is a number of ways of treating little scientific evidence to suggest that known practitioners of practical, phys-
and helping people with sexual prob- claims made for specific drugs to treat ical sexual therapy, a type of treatment
lems and disorders. These include treat- actual sexual dysfunction (for example, which grew out of the psychological
ment with drugs, psychotherapy, med- impotence*) have much effect. It is also treatment called behaviour therapy. In
ical and lay counselling, surrogate doubtful if any drug therapy really can this it is assumed that all behaviour is
therapy* and self-help discussion groups ‘cure’ sexual problems unless there is simply learned and can be unlearned
and workshops where men and women an underlying mental illness such as and replaced by more satisfactory be-
explore together the whole area of depression. Psychotherapy may help haviour. In essence, this kind of ther-
human sexual consciousness. Sex ther- some people to understand their sexual apy for sexual dysfunction consists of a
apy as a field of expertise is in its problems and thus help them to help two-week programme (usually) in
which a patient is helped to develop a
sexual relationship with another per-
son in slow stages which culminate in
a mutually satisfying sexual success.
The obvious choice of sex therapist may
appear to be a patient’s natural part-
ner, married or otherwise, but this is
not always the case. Surrogate therapy*
is then employed in which a surrogate,
or substitute, sexual partner helps the
patient to achieve a satisfying sexual
performance. Sex therapy of a physical
nature is reported to be the most
successful of all forms of treatment for
sexual dysfunction.
The need for sex therapy has seen,
especially in the USA, a burgeoning of
techniques which help people with
psychosexual problems. Many groups
and organizations specialize in various
forms of sex education* and generally
explore human sexuality as a form of
therapy. There are special groups in-
terested in touching and body sensiti-
vity, in play and family therapy, in
Gestalt therapy, in sexual attitude re-
structuring and so on. All these are,
fundamentally, self-help groups.
Today, many general hospitals and
colleges and universities have special
sex therapy units or clinics which treat
singles or couples. The Human Sexu-
ality Program at the University of Cali-
fornia School of Medicine (San Fran-
cisco), for example, is currently study-
ing the whole field of sex therapy,
engaging in widespread research and
trying experimental techniques. Slow-
ly, the general public is becoming
aware of new sex therapy techniques
as the media reports on the wrork of
infancy and new techniques of helping themselves, but the process takes a long scientists and researchers and the
in cases of sexual dysfunction are being time and may not work in practice. setting up of new clinics and work-
discovered all the time. Counselling* is a less intensive process shops dealing with problems of sexu-
Until fairly recently the three most of talking about one’s particular prob- ality. The advantage of such clinics is
popular forms of sex therapy were coun- lems; as with psychotherapy it may that a whole range of specialists is
selling (medical and lay), psychother- help some people to see their problems available for treating sexual dysfunc-
apy and the prescription of drugs. in a new light and thus help them help tion, from therapists and psychiatrists
Drugs used by the medical profession themselves. to gynecologists and surgeons. Consul-
for various sexual problems (drugs and Sex therapy, which does not include tations on sex problems are backed up
sex*) include tranquillizers and seda- doing anything of a physically sexual by expert and readily available medical
tives which are normally used to damp nature, has been likened to trying to help.

Mouth and tongue caresses that bring
the closest loving partnership.

application of saliva on the clitoris vagina. Additionally, a man’s flexible,

produces a slippery, sliding friction muscular tongue tip can seek out sensi-
Oral Sex which raises the level of stimulation. tive areas for stimulation that would
Perhaps individually or perhaps to- be inaccessible to the blunt probings of
This means quite simply the use of the gether, there is a working of the mouth his penis, and his lips can suck at the
lips, the tongue and the mouth and and lips around the aromatic and visu- clitoris. A woman’s mouth can offer the
cavity of the throat in love making. ally aroused genitals of the partner subtleties of what can be thought of
Oral sex is one of the most intimate (<erogenous zones*). Skilful oral sex can as a ‘mobile’, active kind of vagina to
of all the physical acts possible in a lead to orgasm in both partners. the penetrating penis. It can also pro-
human relationship. In spite of the Not infrequently a person will prefer duce suction, a technique that is possi-
amount of publicity that has been given oral sex to any other kind of sexual ble but rarely achieved with vaginal
to oral sex in recent years, there is in activity. More often than not, the pref- muscles (muscle consciousness*).
fact nothing new about it. It has been erence is for receiving rather than Clearly, in oral sex there is a need
known and practiced throughout the giving pleasure orally. Although a for immaculate hygiene. Washing with
ages. man’s tongue is narrower and far soap and water before beginning love
The mouth and tongue are exceeding- shorter than a penis, and although a making is not only a courtesy to one’s
ly sensitive organs. The tip of the woman’s mouth is not as deep as the partner, but also decreases the likeli-
tongue is one of the most sensitive vagina, there is a compensation in the hood of spreading any bacteria which
parts of the body. A small child re- vastly greater muscular strength and may be present on the genitals from
peatedly puts things in its mouth, not dexterity of the mouth and tongue. Not previous urination or bowel movement.
in order to taste them but to ‘feel’ them only can the lips feel and be felt in Soap and water will not destroy any
with its tongue. Furthermore, the their movements, but the mouth orifice natural, pleasant odours arising from
mouth is a body orifice or opening, and can be tightened far more than the the genitals during sexual stimulation.
as such it features strongly in pleasur-
able sensations, particularly those of a
sexual nature. The shape of the mouth
is profoundly attractive because of
this—which is one reason why women
emphasize the area with lipstick or
gloss. That the mouth bears some re-
semblance to the vaginal opening may
be partly responsible for its powers of
attraction. However, women are at-
tracted by a masculine mouth or by
mobile and smiling lips—so there is a
satisfying emotional appeal in seeing
lips, too.
The sensitivity of the mouth area and
its flexibility has brought the kiss* into
prominence. As people grow up already
aware of the great enjoyment that the
giving and receiving of oral contact in
the form of sucking and kissing can
yield, it is a normal sequence that in
love play which is abandoned and un-
restricted, there will come a time when
it will seem quite natural to kiss a
partner’s body and genital organs.
Lovers moving together in the chang-
ing embraces of their sexual play will
clearly be attracted to the penis or the
vagina. Both feel unusual to the touch,
are interesting to look at and pleasant
to caress. They have an arousing
odour* which appeals to the sense of
smell. Sooner or later, kissing the part-
ner’s sexual organs becomes irresisti-
bly attractive and almost inevitable.
Perhaps hesitantly to start with, but
later with increasing fervour, kisses
lead to more voluptuous licking and
Robert Stanley

sucking movements. The penis is taken

into the mouth by the female; the lips
of the vulva are parted by the male who
explores the labia with his tongue and
inserts it into the vagina. The free


unable to breathe!). For acrobatic All in all, fellatio is a special method

Fellatio couples who can overcome the obvious

difficulties, deep throat may have an
of achieving male arousal, as well as
an exciting way to avert sexual bore-
exciting novelty value. dom between regular partners, and a
Fellatio (from the Latin fellare, ‘to There is little danger in fellatio, un- useful technique when intercourse is
suck’) is the sexual activity in which less a woman bites the sensitive male not desired. Obviously, fellatio should
a woman takes a man’s penis into her genitals too hard, causing him pain. not take place if one or the other
mouth and stimulates it by licking or Semen ejaculated into the mouth or partner has any symptoms of sexually-
sucking or kissing to produce male even swallowed is harmless; it has a transmitted disease or feels that there
sexual arousal and orgasm. Fellatio is faintly salty, pungent taste. Breathing is any likelihood that exposure to such
also known, especially in American it into the larynx or lungs may be a infection may have occurred. Remem-
slang, as sucking off, giving head or, potential danger, as would breathing in ber that sexually-transmitted diseases
more popularly, as a blow job (in spite any foreign substance, but this does such as gonorrhea* can incubate rapid-
of this term, the penis should never not ever seem to have been described. ly in the throat.
have air blown into it).
Fellatio follows on naturally from
other kinds of foreplay *; it can be used
initially to stimulate a male erection
and arousal prior to full intercourse,
or to produce arousal and orgasm or,
without intercourse taking place, to
stimulate the male when his erection
has subsided after prolonged foreplay
and concentration on stimulating his
female partner or, after orgasm and a
suitable resting time has elapsed, to
restimulate a man for further sexual
activity and possible orgasm.
The method of fellatio will vary ac-
cording to the techniques and the de-
sires of both partners. Certain broad
categories of fellatio are generally
recognized. Kissing and licking of the
glans, the penis itself and testicles is
known as PENILINGUS. The lips and
mouth may be used in a light, sensitive
fashion to stimulate the surface of the
male genitals (which are made sensitive
by the hairs that grow on the genital
skin covering). Alternatively, kissing
and licking may be accompanied by

Mario Tauzin
nibbling movements of the lips and
teeth (used gently) moving around the
glans and up and down the shaft of
the penis, over the scrotum and around
the perineum.
Another method is IRRUMATIO, in
which the penis makes in-and-out pene-
tration movements into a woman’s
mouth, similar to those of vaginal inter-
course. A woman’s mouth may remain
still while the penis moves, or may exert
suction, or she can move her head in
rhythm with the penis which simulates
the active movements of two bodies in
intercourse. A variation on this method
is called DEEP THROAT. A few women
are able to overcome the reflex reaction
to vomit when something is thrust into
the throat passage, and can thus accept
partial penis penetration. This spec-
ialized fellatio technique is rare be-
cause of the physical structure of the
male and female bodies (a woman’s nose

may be so closely pressed against a

man’s pubic hair and bone that she is


comfortable, perhaps supported by a

pillow. Her partner can then sit on the
Cunnilingus floor and nuzzle her deeply and still be
comfortable. Should she be standing
(From the Latin cunnus, vulva and up, it is much harder for the male to
lingere, to lick). reach her with his tongue or do any-
Oral stimulation of the female geni- thing more than kiss the most forward
tals is called cunnilingus. It is some- parts. If a woman prefers cunnilingus
times called cunnilinctus or cunnilinc- in a standing position, it is best for her
tio and generally includes kissing or to stand with her legs far astride and
licking of the anal region which is almost over his head. He can sit and
known as ANILINCTUS. lean back on his hands facing up
The vulval odour, the so-called cas- toward her. As he is using his hands
solette, contains chemicals that have for support, it helps for her to part her
the power to unleash in men a tremen- vaginal lips for him.
dous sexual response. For this reason, One of the best positions of all is for
although sensible hygiene is required, a woman to lie flat on her back with
a woman should never wash away all her partner kneeling astride her head
her natural scent with perfumed soaps and facing her feet. He pulls up her
and vaginal deodorants immediately thighs and parts them by keeping his
prior to sex. Providing he is not in- elbows behind and between her knees.
hibited (by himself or his partner), a This position lays the entire perineal
man will thus be drawn towards the area open. He can easily press his
vagina and will attempt to put himself tongue flat on the vulva, moving it
in a position to become aware of the gently for small distances in all direc-
scent. There is also a strong visual tions. Broad, sweeping licks across the
voyeur appeal in being able to see the area are stimulating too. According to
female genitals close up. As part of the request of his partner or their
foreplay*, body kisses lead steadily and mutual experience, he can use licking
naturally toward the genital area. movements of the tongue-tip or nib-
When a man is stimulating his part- bling lip movements all over the area
ner by oral sex, and his head is buried and especially around the clitoris,
in the vulval area, some practical prob- while as a woman becomes sexually
lems can arise. The first is difficulty in aroused he can gently suck on the area
breathing. When his tongue is thrust of the clitoris increasing the sucking
into the vagina, his nose is pressed movements as her orgasm approaches.
against his partner’s skin or into her Many men will have experienced
pubic hair. A woman’s thighs should their partner not being particularly
be well parted as cunnilingus takes aroused by cunnilingus. Various rea-
place in order not to make her part- sons for non-arousal by such a highly
ner’s efforts to stimulate her more erotic technique (if performed by a
physically difficult. If a woman acci- skilled lover) include the fact that most
dentally grips a man’s head too tightly of the sensation of a saliva-coated lick-
between her thighs, it can be painful. ing tongue will be lost as a woman’s
Some men wear glasses, and, at the own natural lubrication increases. Al-
risk of appearing comical, they may so a thrusting and licking tongue may
prefer to keep them on during love- not sufficiently stimulate the clitoris to
making as seeing the actual physical bring a woman to orgasm. Sucking
arousal of a partner’s genitals can be technique can skilfully bring on or-
very exciting. gasm as a woman’s lover will discover
A common position for a woman to with practice. Probing movements of
enjoy cunnilingus is by kneeling a- the tongue as far up and down the
stride her partner’s head and facing vagina as possible is another tech-
his feet. The effect of this position is nique to be used, as is hard side to
almost as if she were kissing his lips side pressure of the tongue against the
with her vulval lips. This is fine, but walls of the vagina.
cannot be prolonged, as a man will
soon get a stiff neck from the effort of
holding his head erect enough to partic-
ipate actively while in this difficult
physical position.
A good position is for a woman to
lounge back on a chair or bed, with
her thighs widely separated and her
vulval area extended well out over the
edge, while making sure her back is


Robert Stanley



simultaneous orgasm: couples wish to Gentle ‘69’, with the couple lying on
give pleasure to each other, receive their sides facing each other, works
Soixante-Neuf pleasure themselves and achieve or- best when both people are of much the
gasm at the same time. As a change same height. More vigorous play, es-
This is French for the number 69. The from more routine sexual practices, en- pecially where they have markedly dif-
numerals symbolically represent two joying the sight, flavour and aroma of ferent physiques, becomes more diffi-
people lying curled together head to the genitals while achieving orgasm is cult except for the very agile. Despite
toe—a position that allows mutual oral very exciting. some limitations, mutual oral sex can
sex. The widespread practice of ‘69' is Not all partners find it easy to en- be a enjoyable part of love play, and
an extension of the much sought-after gage in oral sex at the same time. can lead to intense mutual orgasm.

Change and variation within the
scope of average partners.

of pressure and pulling can stimulate

the nerves which arouse the clitoris,
Positions and eventually bring on a woman’s or-
gasm, while the suction of the vagina
Humans are the only ‘higher animals’ on the penis provides stimulation to or-
to make love face-to-face habitually, gasm for a man. To increase female
but that is not the only possible way. pleasure further during intercourse,
Human anatomy is such that the body one or other partner may reach down
can be twisted into a considerable num- and draw the clitoral hood back. As the
ber of positions for any physical ac- woman approaches orgasm the man can
tivity, including sex. Furthermore, support himself by his feet and hands
people’s curiosity, adventurous im- and gently rub his pubic bone region
pulses and desire for variation encour- over the area of the clitoral shaft which
age experiment. At many other times greatly increases stimulation for both.
and places, men and women have There are other advantages of face-
favoured different positions for sex- to-face intercourse. The breasts and
face-to-face sex has not always been the nipples (of both partners) are available
choice. for stimulation. Heads are close for
There are hundreds of books which intimate conversations, although vis-
dwell at length on the pros and cons ion tends to be limited and with
of different sexual positions. One of the couples to whom this is important it is
most famous is the KAMA SUTRA, an better to move a little further apart.
ancient Indian treatise on the arts of If a man gets up onto his knees and
civilized living, including love. There spreads a woman’s legs apart, her
have been claims that there are far in genital odour* can be appreciated. A
excess of a hundred different positions pillow or two under the woman’s head
possible, but many of these are so com- and shoulders gives her a better view
plicated as to be hardly worth trying. too. One placed under her hips or the
Others are frankly uncomfortable or small of her back varies the angle of
downright dangerous for people with her pelvis and thus the direction of
delicate limbs, arthritic joints and so penetration. The man, too, can make
on. A large proportion of the variations his penis touch different areas of the
in position only differ from each other vagina by angling his hips. He can also
very slightly, depending on the placing grasp the root of his penis by hand and
of fingertips or direction of the lover’s direct its pressure.
gaze. The alternative position with the wo-
Whereas a few couples may seek man on top, while still facing her part-
repeated new ways to have intercourse, ner, may be welcome if a man is very
the vast majority are contented with heavy or after surgery or illness if deep
one or two positions with only oc- penetration is unwelcome. Also, when a
casional departures to more exotic woman is on top she has control of
techniques. The important thing is to timing and depth of penetration. She
try different positions and discover can also position her clitoris in the
which ones both partners enjoy most. most advantageous spot to achieve or-
The two most widely known positions gasm and control rubbing of the clitoral
for sexual intercourse are: the familiar area. Additionally, a woman can stim-
so-called ‘missionary’ or face-to-face ulate her own clitoris at the same time,
position and the rear entry position. or the man can do so while penetration
Either can be performed with the male is taking place. The man is able to
or female on top. Face-to-face inter- reach around and caress her buttocks,
course with the woman supine or lying as well. Many women are only able to
on her back is a popular choice for a achieve orgasm in sexual intercourse
large maj ority of people. One reason for while on top because of the angle of
this is conditioning ... it is what they stimulation of the clitoral shaft and
are used to, it feels right, natural and hood. This is not unusual.
safe in its familiarity. The alternative to face-to-face inter-
Just as important is that in this posi- course is known as FLANQUETTE. In-
tion the hard ridge of pubic bone across stead of the man’s legs being between
the male abdomen above the root of the the woman’s, they are astride one of
penis presses against the area sur- them. Correspondingly hers must be
rounding the clitoris. The wiry male astride one of his. One apparent benefit
pubic hair is crushed against the female of this position, apart from novelty, is
pubic region. In and out movements of that different areas of skin, in partic-
the penis alternatively pull and relax ular the inner surfaces of the thighs,
the labia maj ora and with them the come into contact with the partner’s
hood of the clitoris. This combination skin, and partners are able to caress


and stimulate different body areas. The skin surfaces can be touched and cares-
angle of entry into the vagina is also sed.
different. Other far more exotic positions exist.
The other main group of intercourse There are positions in which the stand-
positions involve entry from the rear. ing man supports his partner with her
These positions are called CROUPADE. legs around his waist. She may lean
Rear entry of the penis into the vagina over a bed or lie on her side or they can
can be effected with the woman stand- both sit in a chair. He can vary the
ing, touching her toes, kneeling, lying angle of penetration and the positions
or the man sitting astride her. The of his limbs. However novel these posi-
male should bear in mind certain es- tions may seem, they are only vari-
sentials in each instance. If a standing ations on the main face-to-face or rear
position is used, a woman will need entry positions, and not basically dif-
steadying so she does not fall; if ferent ways of having intercourse.
touching her toes she is even more There are, of course, some special vari-
likely to overbalance. While kneeling, ations on intercourse positions which
it is a temptation for a man to rest his are both enjoyable and helpful for those
weight on her, which could be uncom- who have some illness or disability
fortable or hurt if her back is not (disability and sex*).
strong. There is no English equivalent for
A rear entry position is the nearest the French word POSTILLIONAGE mean-
human method to the copulation of ing to insert the finger in one’s part-
many animals in nature. A man can ner’s anus during love play or inter-
watch the actions of his penis while course, or on one’s own while mastur-
intercourse takes place, which can be bating. The practice is common to both
highly arousing, and he is also able to men and women. To a lot of women,
fondle her breasts easily. The degree of it is powerfully erotic immediately be-
penetration is perhaps greatest of all in fore or during orgasm. In some cases
a rear entry position—but it is wise for just the tip of the finger is inserted,
a male to be careful, as overdeep pene- though true postillionage implies in
tration can hurt a woman, especially if and out movements and rotating the
the angle of thrust is not straight and slightly curved finger well inside the
the penis presses on one or the other of sphincter, and friction on the sensitive
the ovaries. Also the jarring effect of interior walls. Though fewer men than
deep thrusting can reduce a woman’s women find postillionage particularly
excitement level as she approaches exciting, if a finger is inserted far
orgasm even while increasing a man’s. enough into the male rectum it can
For a woman, the rear entry presents press forwards against the prostate
certain drawbacks besides the support- gland. This is usually a more stimulat-
ing of a man’s body weight. The clitoral ing process and can cause ejaculation.
area is not stimulated, but her partner If a woman expresses a wish for
can redress this by gently massaging postillionage, and this is unacceptable
her during intercourse. She, in turn, to the partner, she can do it for herself.
can reach back between her own legs Alternatively a small vibrator can be
and fondle his testicles. used, or, it may be found that firm
Rear entry can be effected with the pressure just in front of the anus will
man flat on his back and his partner suffice. Finger nails should clearly be
lying on her back on top of him. Depth smooth and short, but even so they will
of penetration is limited, and thrusting become contaminated by feces and
movements of the penis are almost im- thorough scrubbing afterwards is es-
possible, but a woman can contract and sential.
release her vaginal muscles to stimu-
late his penis. As a woman reaches a
higher level of excitement and arches
her back, his penis can easily slip out of
her vagina. However, the position is
warm and intimate for lovers, as the
male can put his arms around her whole
torso or fondle her breasts and genitals
with ease.
An alternative rear entry position is
called CUISSADE. The difference is that
the man is astride the partner’s thighs
instead of being between or astride
them both. Again, the penis enters the
vagina at a different angle and different



should invariable lie on his left side, When a man and a woman support
and cause the woman to lie on her right themselves on each other’s bodies, or
Kama Sutra side, and this rule is to be observed in on a wall, or pillar, and thus while
lying down with all kinds of women. standing engage in congress, it is called
The most famous—and earliest—classi- When, after congress has begun in the ‘supported congress'.
fied description of coital variations is the clasping position, the women When a man supports himself against
contained in the Sanskrit classic called presses her lover with her thighs, it is a wall, and the woman, sitting on his
the KAMA SUTRA (‘Love-Doctrine’), called the ‘pressing position . hands joined together and held under-
dating from some time in the first five When the woman places one of her neath her, throws her arms round his
centuries AD and based on still older thighs across the thigh of her lover it neck, and putting her thighs alongside
writings. Much of the text deals with is called the ‘twining position'. his waist, moves herself by her feet,
advice on general social conduct and When a woman forcibly holds in her which are touching the wall against
marriage, but its title has become yoni the lingam after it is in, it is called which the man is leaning, it is called
synonymous with ‘positions’. The part the ‘mare’s position'. This is learnt by the ‘suspended congress'.
that deals with sexual practices dis- practice only, and is chiefly found When a woman stands on her hands
cusses the size of genitals, touching, among women of the Andhra country. and feet like a quadruped, and her lover
kissing, scratching, hitting and sounds, The above are the different ways of mounts her like a bull, it is called the
as well as how to vary positions. The lying down, mentioned by Babhravya. ‘congress of a cow'. At this time every-
central passages dealing with the latter Suvarnanabha, however, gives the fol- thing that is ordinarily done on the
are reproduced here, in the translation lowing in addition: bosom should be done on the back.
by Sir Richard Burton (1821-1890): When the female raises both of her In the same way can be carried on
thighs straight up, it is called the the congress of a dog, the congress of a
Man is divided into three classes, viz. ‘rising position'. goat, the congress of a deer, the forcible
the hare man, the bull man, and the When she raises both of her legs, and mounting of an ass, the congress of a
horse man, according to the size of his places them on her lover’s shoulders, cat, the jump of a tiger, the pressing of
lingam. Woman also, according to the it is called the ‘yawning position). an elephant, the rubbing of a boar, and
depth of her yoni, is either a female When the legs are contracted, and the mounting of a horse. And in all
deer, a mare, or a female elephant. thus held by the lover before his bosom, these cases the characteristics of these
There are thus three equal unions it is called the ‘yawning position ’. different animals should be manifested
between persons of corresponding When only one of her legs is stretched by acting like them.
dimensions, and there are six unequal out, it is called the ‘half pressed When a man enjoys two women at the
unions, when the dimensions do not position . same time, both of whom love him
correspond, or nine in all. When the woman places one of her equally, it is called the ‘united con-
The Deer-woman has the following legs on her lover’s shoulder, and gress'.
three ways of lying down: stretches the other out, and then places When a man enjoys many women
The widely opened position the latter on his shoulder, and stretches altogether, it is called the ‘congress of
The yawning position out the other, and continues to do so a herd of cows'.
The position of the wife of Indra alternately, it is called the ‘splitting of
(Indrani) a bamboo'.
When she lowers her head and raises When one of her legs is placed on the
her middle parts, it is called the head, and the other is stretched out, it
‘widely opened position’. At such a time is called the ‘fixing of a nail'. This is
the man should apply some unguent, so learnt by practice only.
as to make the entrance easy. When both the legs of the woman
When she raises her thighs and keeps are contracted, and placed on her
them wide apart and engages in con- stomach, it is called the ‘crab's posi-
gress, it is called the ‘yawning position’. tion .
When she places her thighs with her When the thighs are raised and
legs doubled on them upon her sides, placed one upon the other, it is called
and thus engages in congress, it is the ‘packed position'.
called the position of Indrani and this When the shanks are placed one upon
is learnt only by practice. The position the other, it is called the ‘lotus-like
is also useful in the case of the ‘highest position'.
congress’. When a man, during congress, turns
The clasping position is used in ‘low round, and enjoys the woman without
congress’, and in the ‘lowest congress’, leaving her, while she embraces him
together with the ‘pressing position’, round the back all the time, it is called
the ‘twining position’, and the ‘mare’s the ‘turningposition and is learnt only
position’. by practice.
When the legs of both the male and Thus, says Suvarnanabha, these dif-
female are stretched straight out over ferent ways of lying down, sitting, and
each other, it is called the ‘clasping standing should be practised in water,
position'. It is of two kinds, the side because it is easy to do so therein. But
position and the supine position, ac- Vatsyayana is of opinion that congress
cording to the way in which they lie in water is improper, because it is pro-
down. In the side position the male hibited by the religious law.

The phases of male and female
climax explained by recent research.

course in such a way as to reduce it to phragm. Nivea cream is effective, but

the animal level. The man feels inter- can soil clothing. K-Y jelly is water-
Intercourse course is his regular need and right. based and very suitable, although it
The woman feels it is a comfortless tends to dry after a few minutes’ appli-
The physical, act of two bodies being duty. If there is no attempt made by cation. Abolene cream or birth-control
joined together by the genital organs is the partners to look nice, to develop a foams, creams and jellies are also good
called intercourse or coitus. In human pleasing style, or to explore the many lubricants.
beings, it has two main objectives possibilities of a warm sexual relation-
which may exist together or singly: ship then the act of intercourse be-
starting a pregnancy and for purposes comes a mechanical process lacking
warmth or reward (boredom*).
Muscle Consciousness
of enjoyment. There are a number of
stages to the act, but they may all The anticipation of sexual inter-
be included in the statement that there course can be a stimulating source of Around the opening of the vagina is a
is a steady increase of emotional and emotional strength. It can even provide complex network of muscles. Within
physical excitement during which the a secure foundation upon which to cope the vagina are the pelvic floor muscles
sexual organs become physically pre- with the day’s business. The warmth which support a woman’s internal or-
pared for intercourse, followed by a and comfort of a deeply involved epi- gans below her rib cage. The vaginal
period of actual contact, during which sode of love making and sexual inter- muscles contract spontaneously
the male sperms enter the female repro- course have no equal. If it is to be so, around a penis or a finger and also
ductive system. there are two intrinsic rules to follow. during sexual excitement. A woman
The basic process of intercourse is a The first is to aim to please your partner can learn to contract and release her
simple one. Increased blood supply to as much as youself. Learn what he or vaginal muscles consciously, KEGEL (OR
the penis makes it rigid and larger than she likes best. Does she like slow, deep PELVIC FLOOR) EXERCISES were devel-
before. At the required moment, the thrusts of the penis or short, fast ones? oped by Dr. Alfred Kegel, a California
woman positions herself conveniently Does he like it best when he is on his physician, as a training programme in
and makes the opening of the vagina back or doing it from behind on his muscle consciousness. The exercises in-
available. The penis is inserted into the knees? Try to tell each other the best volve the same muscle movements as
vaginal cavity. There is then a period of things and encourage them. The second are made when one starts or stops
friction, at the end of which small con- rule is to do what you like but not what urinating, but are practised until con-
tainers of semen in the male body con- you do not like, where possible. Clearly tractions are stronger and can be kept
tract and, with the aid of muscles, one partner may do some things that going for longer periods of time. They
are forced out of the penis and into are not stimulating to himself or her- can help prepare for childbirth, reduce
the vagina. Intercourse is then finished, self, just to give pleasure to the other incontinence, resist prolapse* of the
the couple separates and the sexual or- partner, and in that way may get to like womb and strengthen female orgasm.
gans return to their normal condition. the same things together. Male pleasure is increased as well, by
This uncomplicated, fundamental phys- firmly gripping the penis as orgasm
ical act is, however, made much more begins. Instruction in pelvic floor exer-
complex by the atmosphere of emo- cises can be obtained from childbirth
tional enjoyment surrounding it. Lubrication groups or clinics. Masturbation with
When animals have intercourse, we vaginal balls* can aid muscle control.
tend to think of it as a simple procedure Within seconds of starting sexual ex-
and often use the word COPULATION. citement, the vaginal walls begin se-
Even in animals, however, there is creting a liquid which acts as a natural
often some apparent show of pleasure lubricant to the movement of the penis,
and enthusiasm. Certainly, there is converting a rough, uneven rubbing
often a great deal of preparatory court- into a sliding, smooth penetration. Some people make love in silence,
ship and love play. With humans, the Some women may not lubricate natu- others make a great deal of noise.
latter are vastly increased. Not only are rally because of hormonal changes Making love involves doing things
there the primitive sexual urges opera- during and after the menopause or that, in other circumstances, would be
ting, but the act of intercourse and while they are on a contraceptive pill thought of as unacceptable behaviour.
everything leading up to it, feels—or or because of a lack of sexual excite- Part of this sex-induced release from
should feel—pleasant. Indeed, if sexual ment or because the penis has been inhibitions may be making various
play and sexual intercourse do not seem inserted before excitement has been sounds and noises and the use of cer-
pleasant to a person, then something is enhanced by foreplay. Lack of lubrica- tain words and phrases. Love sounds
most surely wrong somewhere. All too tion makes sexual enjoyment almost often have a primitive or animal-like
often, the trouble with sex in a relation- impossible for both partners, and if quality—grunts, gasps, moans or
ship comes from its sense of unadven- more prolonged and effective love play groans. Words used may range from
turous sameness. As with any enjoy- does not help, a substitute lubricant sweet talk to taboo* words. Sounds
able sensation, people will naturally should be applied to the penis or and words can be a great encourage-
develop preferences for certain parts or outer and inner vaginal areas. Saliva ment, and are a subtle expression of
aspects of the sexual act. For the most is the simplest kind to apply, but it can pleasure or preferences in a partner’s
part, however, couples develop a fairly increase the chances of a yeast infec- sexual techniques. However, extran-
routine sexual process and this may tion or moniliasis*. Vaseline or petro- eous sounds, such as voices on a radio
well rob the occasion of any sense of leum jelly is good but messy, but, as it or television, or those produced by a
thrill or importance. deteriorates rubber, should never be squeaky bed do not usually enhance
Couples frequently restrict inter- used with a rubber condom or a dia- love making.


exhilarated but tired. After-sex satis- existence of love.

Satisfaction faction can offer lovers such an un-

equalled phase of real peace and relaxa-
Even comparative strangers can ex-
perience a feeling of satisfaction. They
tion that they may sink immediately may be able to talk and get to know
The successful completion of sexual into a sound sleep without more ado. one another better during the after
intercourse gives each partner a feeling However, they may often experience glow phase when so many human
of relaxation and pleasure that adds up what is sometimes called the AFTER barriers, personal and social, have just
to an overall sense of satisfaction. The GLOW. This is a stage of physical and been lowered. Casual lovers may not
deliberately encouraged arousal* of emotional warmth and love. The tired experience the magical depth of satis-
sexual emotions and tensions reaches bodies lie together, perhaps just touch- faction that comes to two people who
a peak and is then thoroughly satisfied ing hands, perhaps still locked in the have a long standing love and friend-
by intercourse resulting in orgasm. last fierce position of orgasm. The body ship for each other, but they certainly
Then, for a time, the ever-present pres- processes subside. The breathing stills, experience the after glow of warmth,
sure induced by the sex urge is in the heart slows down, the penis and relaxation and pleasure which follows
naturally after orgasm.
Immediately after the completion of
sexual intercourse, most people go
through a stage of total disinterest in
sex. When a man has experienced or-
gasm he will undergo a totally non-
reactive phase when nothing stimu-
lates him sexually. In rare cases, it
may even be painful to touch the penis
at this time. This stage lasts in a young
man on average about 15-30 min. After
that, re-arousal is much easier, es-
pecially if the woman is a skilled lover.
Very few men can proceed to a second
orgasm very quickly after the first.
Perhaps a quarter of all young men can
do so, but almost none over the age of
around forty or forty-five years. Satis-
faction from sexual intercourse is more
profound for an older man in the first
Women, conversely, in greater pro-
portion can experience double, treble
or multiple orgasms. In this phenom-
enon there is not such a non-reactive
phase as in men, and as the excitement
level of orgasm subsides to the PLATEAU
PHASE just prior to orgasm, a woman
can be brought to a new orgasmic peak
if she is stimulated. For some women,
it is irritating or even painful to have
the clitoris stimulated immediately
after orgasm.
No man should feel diminished by his
female partner’s natural ability to have
repeated orgasms. He should not feel
that he needs to compete because physi-
cally he is not equipped for rapid multi-
ple erection and ejaculation. On the
other hand, no one should regard a
abeyance. Much of a person’s day-to- the vagina relax. A couple may talk, woman as a nymphomaniac because
day feelings of competition, aggression perhaps reminiscing or, if married, dis- she enjoys multiple orgasm. The es-
and even routine effort are in fact cussing family matters. Sometimes they sence of a contented relationship is for
thinly disguised sexual tensions. After may discuss their recent love making. partners to please themselves and each
a deep and rewarding period of sex They may laugh and joke or they may other to the best of their natural
play and intercourse these are, for a say nothing and just enjoy lying to- abilities. Sometimes the needs, abili-
time, reduced in intensity. The physical gether thinking their own thoughts and ties, and even the techniques will coin-
efforts of sexual intercourse are con- hearing the gentle breathing of the cide. It is additionally satisfactory if
siderable. The entire body—the circula- loved one beside them. The after glow they do. If not, it is a reflection of
tion, respiration, nervous system and brings a feeling of being in tune with their love and understanding to effect
muscles—has been at a high energy one another, and perhaps this aspect of a compromise. It is all a question of
output level, and it therefore becomes the joining of human bodies marks the balance. (Person to Person*.)


They may actually reduce a little.

During this phase, couples who are ex-
Female Orgasm perienced may separate and re-join in a
variety of different positions, or may
The female orgasm is in many ways alternate periods of oral sex, hand and
similar to that of the male. It is usually, tongue caressing and so on. This is a
but not always, centred in and around phase which most people find the most
the genital organs. Women can achieve rewarding. With practice, it can be pro-
orgasm from stimulation of various longed for as long as is wished, but
parts of the body especially the nipples there is nonetheless a strong instinc-
and the mouth. Even so, most report tive tendency to rush forward to the
that they also have sensation in the next phase. While this may be good on
vagina, and can masturbate at the same some occasions, it is not to be compared
time—if not with the hands, then by in general with the rewards of long and
pressing the thighs together, contract- skilled plateau-phase love making. It is
ing the muscles in that area and harder for the male, although he, too,
moving. can contribute. Success depends on be-
In the female, four quite distinct coming familiar with the approach to
phases are involved in the process of the next phase and developing tech-
orgasm. (They also exist, but are less niques of holding back.
distinct, in the male.) The phases are Eventually, the next stage arrives.
excitement, plateau, climax and resolu- This is the orgasm itself or CLIMAX
tion. The EXCITEMENT phase, as the phase. Quite suddenly, all control is
name suggests, is that of a steadily lost and the process becomes involun-
mounting sexual awareness. The geni- tary. The muscles in the genital area
tals are being prepared for subsequent contract powerfully and usually in a
stages. A series of nerve impulses from series of jerking convulsions. Other
the highly sensitive tissues in the geni- body muscles, especially in tiO ab-
tals enter the nervous system and pass dominal wall, do the same. TheieA§ a
up through the spinal cord to the brain. peak experience of emotional thrill, the
The brain, where all bodily sensations breath is held and often the face is con-
are assessed, in return records an torted. This phase coincides in feeling
emotional feeling and directs a re- but not necessarily in time with ejacula-
sponse. Gradually an extra amount of tion* in the male, and is popularly refer-
blood is pumped into the walls of the red to as ‘coming’.
vagina, into the vaginal lips, inner and Finally, there is the RESOLUTION
outer, and especially into the clitoris. PHASE when excitement and blood en-
These all become swollen and tend to gorgement steadily reduces. Common-
bulge and become pinker in colour and ly, too, there is a relaxed and languid
warmer to the touch. In this condition period when feelings of affection and
they become still more sensitive to stim- companionship tend to supersede the
ulation. At the same time, other bodily sexual longings. At this stage, many
functions react. There is faster breath- women can be re-excited to start the
ing, an increased pulse rate, a reduced cycle again. Most women can experi-
awareness of other stimuli like noise, ence more than one orgasm; it is mostly
disturbance, cold or uncomfortable sur- a matter of motivation and practice.
roundings. The entire action of the There is no truth in the idea prevalent
body becomes engrossed in and obsess- among men that at orgasm women also
ed with the sexual approach to or- ejaculate ‘juices’. There is a lubricant*
gasm. Involuntary movements, writh- that is secreted from the walls of the
ing limbs, jerking muscles, gasps, vagina, however, and sometimes this is
grunts, groans are all to be found in enough to be noticeable to a male
some women. This phase corresponds to partner.
erection and mounting excitement in Much confusing nonsense has been
the male. talked about a supposed difference be-
Usually what is called a PLATEAU tween vaginal and clitoral orgasm. The
phase is then reached. In this there is distinction is pointless, as most women
little, if any, increase in excitement. do not notice a difference. Occasion-
The women has reached a level at ally, a woman has a preference for
which, for a while, she remains. She is orgasm centred around vaginal stimu-
largely oblivious to her surroundings lation or conversely around clitoral.
and is closely, and indeed perhaps
totally, involved with her sexual emo- 1. Normal 2. Excitement Phase
tions and little else. Involuntary move- 3. Plateau Phase 4. Orgasm
ments continue but respiration and 5. Resolution
pulse rates do not go on increasing. —► expanding or contracting


■ '

erect penis into it and up the vagina talizing and thrilling stage.
proper known as INTROMISSION. Eventually, however, if the tension is
Erection There is a concern and interest allowed to mount, the man reaches a
among men—and sometimes women— point of no return and reflex takes over.
In a sexual sense, erection is the con- about the entire matter of penis size. (A reflex is a body response controlled
version of the penis from its normal Somehow or other, a large penis is sup- by nerves from the spinal cord, instead
condition to one of readiness for sexual posed to mean a greater sexual capacity of from the brain; as such, it is auto-
intercourse. In the absence of sexual and ability to satisfy women. This is a matic and not under the control of the
arousal, the penis is in a state of soft- total fallacy. Undoubtedly there are will.) From the moment the reflex
ness and relaxation that is called FLAC- women who find a large penis attractive starts, the whole of the subsequent
CID. Then it is small and drawn back and some probably obtain a greater de- action is programmed and the man
close to the body in the groove between gree of sexual pleasure from being pene- cannot interrupt it. Suddenly, the en-
the tops of the thighs. There, together trated by a large penis. The main appeal tire musculature of the area around the
with the testicles, the penis lies in a would obviously be visual, as there are base of penis starts to undergo waves of
partly protective hollow. It is able to few if any women who could actually contraction. Excitement, physical and
move freely as the body moves and is distinguish between a six-inch long and emotional, reaches its apex. There is an
not cumbersome or vulnerable to in- a seven-inch long penis when it was overwhelming feeling of approaching
jury. In its flaccid condition, the penis inside of them. Still, many men ir- climax. All feelings like discomfort,
is unable to penetrate into the vagina respective of the size of their penis guilt, shame and other possible un-
as it is not firm enough to thrust aside would wish it larger, but that is a pleasant associations are blotted out
the lips and walls of the vagina, and is matter of competition between males from the mind. There is an over-power-
also not usually long enough for inser- rather than actual satisfaction of wo- ing and ever-increasing concentration
tion. In very cold conditions the flaccid men. Methods of enlarging the penis on sexual involvement, thrusting, jerk-
penis may shrink to little more than a are almost always unsuccessful. Drugs ing and convulsively pushing the penis
wrinkled tassle of skin not much more have proved a complete failure. forward and upward into the vagina.
than an inch long. An average size Progress becomes a breathless rush.
would be about to 3in. Again, completely by reflex, the mus-
Erection is the stage of sexual a- cles around the urethra contract in a
rousal in the male which corresponds
Ejaculation series of about six or so violent spasms.
to the EXCITEMENT PHASE in the female The semen pooled in the urethra is
(female orgasm*). Under the influence At the peak of sexual excitement, subjected to these spasms like a number
of increased sexual and physical arou- called orgasm, the adult male usually of sudden, grasping pressures. It is
sal, the blood supply to the penis in- effects the sudden discharge or emiss- forced, rushing up the urethra to its
creases. There are three areas of tissue ion of semen from his penis. This is opening, to be spurted out as white
in the shaft of the penis that rather the phenomenon of ejaculation. droplets or a tiny stream. The mixed
resemble a sponge. These always con- During the mounting sexual pleasure feelings of pleasure, of the hot semen
tain some blood, but as erection takes of intercourse, the penis doubles in size gushing up and out, the repeated con-
place more and more blood is pump- and is converted into a strong, bone- tractions of the inner muscles and the
ed in. The holes in the spongey tissue like projection, rigid and swollen, and overall feelings of intense excitement,
become engorged with blood and swell capable of considerable thrusting, even constitute the orgasm, culminating in
up to double their normal size or more. if necessary, into an unyielding vagina. the ejaculation of semen.
This increased blood content also has In the days and hours preceding inter- The time needed for ejaculation to
the effect of stiffening the shaft so that course sperm produced in the testicles be reached is variable. Under extremes
the penis eventually becomes one long have passed along tubes to be stored in of excitement, or when there is only a
and rigid shaft standing out from the special sperm sacks called seminal poor degree of control, ejaculation can
body. At the same time the glans, the vesicles*, near the base of the bladder. easily be accomplished within thirty
pink-coloured head of the penis, is also The sack walls produce extra fluid seconds. At other times, when skill is
increased in size. Along with the great- which, added to the sperm, constitutes used or excitement levels are low, it
er blood supply into the penis, some of semen. While sex play is going on, the can be postponed until the end of a
its vessels contract so that blood can- sensations from the stroking of the half-hour session. Theoretically, there
not easily flow out of the penis and penis added to emotional arousal and is no reason why it should not be de:
back into the body. The result is full the other sexual sensations from the layed even longer. In fact, the really
erection and readiness for sexual con- different parts of the body, induce a long sexual sessions that have been
tact. number of things to happen. bragged about are surely the product of
Once the penis has reached its full Semen from the sacks is steadily forc- a vivid imagination: soreness of the
size the couple can position themselves ed into the innermost end of the pipe penis and the uncomfortable slight
for the penis to be pushed into the (urethra) through the penis. This quan- swelling of the testicles tends to result
vagina. The penis will be long enough tity balloons the urethral wall out per- in a bout of sexual activity being
to span any gap between them. Initial- haps to double or treble its usual dimen- limited to within an hour. The amount
ly, as intercourse begins, the penis sions. The feeling produced by the of semen ejaculated is usually between
parts the outer and inner vaginal lips stretching walls is intensely enjoyable. .07 and .21 fl oz (2-6 ml). (.20 fl oz or
(the labia majora and minora) and Throughout this phase, the experi- 5 ml is a teaspoonful). Subsequently
dilates the muscles that surround the enced lover is in absolute control. He ejaculations are of much smaller quan-
orifice of the vagina. The very opening will be able to press on to an uninter- tities. The subsiding of the penis after
of the vagina is known medically as rupted swift climax, or retard the sen- erection back to its resting or flaccid
the INTROITUS and the insertion of the sations in order to prolong this tan- state is known as DETUMESCENCE.


urement. Myths and legends abound- assembled that could be inserted into
ed. Did orgasm cause fatigue and weak- the vagina. They could film the wall of
Orgasmic Response ness? How many times could or should the organ and also the opening in the
people experience it? How do people neck of the womb during orgasm. Other
Orgasm, the peak excitement of the reach orgasm? Is it the same mecha- instruments could measure the amount
sexual act, is also probably the most nism for men as for women? How do of fluid produced as lubrication by the
extreme form of associated emotional orgasmic faults lead to sexual problems countless tiny glands in the vagina.
and physical elation known to human- and vice versa? What are the pros and Everything was tested, from the best
ity. It has always held a unique fas- cons of simultaneous orgasm? What ways to increase the lubrication to the
cination. Sadly, until the last two happens to the body chemistry during actual chemical composition of the
decades, public discussion of the topic orgasm? How can problems be over- fluids. All other body functions were
was almost impossible. Even in learned come and sex lives improved? In other monitored, often by instruments wired
and scientific circles some subjects words there was no apparent limit to on to the body.
were taboo. Today it is still difficult for the study field of orgasmic response, Brain waves, heart beats, pulse,
many people to be frank about sex. so sparse was the scientific knowledge blood pressure, breathing rates, tem-
It is essential for the advance of on this subject. perature and the blood chemistry were
learning that sex should be studied in Research teams began by conducting continuously recorded through vary-
detail. Yetfor anyone, even a dedicated in-depth interviews about sexual hab- ing periods of sexual activity. Even the
doctor, to be involved in such studies, its, but there was a weak spot. In sex- things that cause attraction and the
is often to attract professional and ual discussions, more perhaps than in start of excitement were tested. Mini-
public disapproval. Some courageous anything else, people tend to conceal aturized telemetry instruments con-




pioneers, like Kinsey, and the sex study what they think are disagreeable firmed the somewhat cruder findings of
team of Masters and Johnson, have truths. They are likely to brag about Masters and Johnson. Cheesecake and
dared to run the risk. their abilities and to indulge in wishful beefcake pictures, pornographic stories
One of the things that needed to be thinking. So results when put down on and films, ways of giving and receiving
studied in extreme detail is what is paper were far less than 100 per cent sexual stimulation and so on were
known as orgasmic response. This is reliable. Next came the process of studied. Outside factors were dis-
the precise way in which the various watching people in their sexual activi- covered, like the way unnoticed smells
bodily processes and systems react ties, at first while they masturbated of the sexual organs, when introduced
to sexual stimulation, and join the themselves, then each other, and even- into the atmosphere in tiny quantities,
crescendo of excitement that culmin- tually during sexual intercourse. Pho- can initiate the phases of orgasm. Al-
ates in orgasm. Much was already tographs and films were made using in- ready we know there are basic pro-
known about it, but they were individ- frared lighting of which the experi- cesses in orgasmic response. Certain
ual observations. No one really knew mental subjects were unaware. Real phases and sequences are common to
whether his or her particular responses knowledge about sex and orgasmic most people, but, as with almost every-
were unique, similar to, or identical response at last began to be collected. thing else, there are aspects of detail
with, anyone else’s. Not only could they Subsequent stages of investigation in which the orgasmic response experi-
not talk about it, but there was no meant the construction of highly spec- enced by each one of us is very
known method of assessment or meas- ialized equipment. Tiny cameras were individual.

Needs from the emotional side of
a physical relationship.

from the start is a rare bonus. off. The humour of lovers should always
COMMUNICATION between partners is be light-hearted—laughing with, not
Tenderness basic to generating good love relation- laughing at. Humour and ridicule are
ships and the development of mutual very different things; the former builds
The most rewarding form of any human compatibility. Many people however, trust, the latter destroys it.
activity is one that draws on the whole find it extremely difficult to discuss If it might be said that passion is the
of the human personality. Human their love life with partners. This is to flowering of love, then tenderness, car-
loving is a total personal experience, some extent a hang-over from the sex- ing, affection and trust are its base and
evoked and enriched by the need to ual inhibition of earlier times, but it is nutrients. Passion comes and goes,
share, and by the quality of the sharing. also the outcome of shyness over the person-to-person warmth and com-
The longing to share nearness and intimacy of sex. This shyness is exacer- munication grow stronger when the
tenderness, to be close, to see the bated by the widespread anxieties con- relationship is right.
wanted one if only for a minute—these cerning sexual performance. Partners
are the universal yearnings of lovers, are afraid that any comment about the
celebrated equally by Shakespeare and other’s loving will be interpreted as a Facing Facts
pop lyrics. Gentleness is one of the criticism of skill, or a charge of ignor-
sexiest of qualities; it carries proof of ance. Small irritations can be left un-
Human loving hovers on the border
how precious the other is. For the same resolved and may, in time, grow into
between fantasy and reality. Dreams of
reason, each partner seeks to give, and big frustrations. Postponement of dis-
being, or finding, the perfect lover con-
to receive, tokens of affection: a kind cussion is always a risk to future re-
flict with the realities of human imper-
thought, a touch, a gift, a kiss. Every lationships because, sooner or later,
fection. Conversely, shaky confidence
sign of kindness and caring is treasur- one of the partners is likely to protest
and dreads about personal inadequacy
ed, and every evidence of their lack is about a long-standing frustration, to
can vanish in the mutual warmth of
experienced as a hurtful rebuff. the horror of the other partner, who
understanding love. There are no per-
Tenderness in loving is not senti- may feel diminished and angry by the
thought of the back-log of displeasure. fect bodies, no super-lovers. What cer-
mentality. It is deeply rooted biologi-
tainly exists is the need to give and to
cally. Animals frequently show great No one ‘knows it all’ where sex is
concerned. What delights one partner receive love. These are real needs,
tenderness towards one another. They
may fail to stir another. The only way which can be answered in reality. The
will snuggle close, nuzzle, touch,
to find out what pleases, and what does quest for sexual fulfilment is really the
cuddle and carefully groom one anoth-
not, is to talk about it, or gently to search for a relationship in which
er. Some animals and birds pine for
steer hands to where caresses are de- fantasy can be replaced by delight in
absent mates and go into ecstasies of
delight upon reunion. In human beings sired. Such simple requests as ‘You one another as each actually is.

these propensities are, of course, more must tell me what you like’ and ‘If I do
highly developed, manifesting them- anything you don’t enjoy, just tell me’
selves with greater sensitivity, aware-
ness and imagination.
are a great help in ironing out uncer-
tainties. The reply may well be ‘I love
In our society, there is still to be everything you do’, but the way is
found a fear of feeling, ‘a taboo on opened for an occasional word that can The achievement of a satisfying orgasm
tenderness’. Inhibition of feeling is a do so much to maximize physical re- by both partners whenever they make
serious obstruction to happy love. lationships. love is so over-emphasized today that it
Consequently, lovers have to find out Communication out of bed is also can lead to one or the other making a
how to enter each other’s inner worlds important. When feelings, attitudes or charade of having been more fulfilled—
so that feelings can be fully shared and, ideas are definitely affronted by some- complete with sound and action—than
if necessary, adjusted to each other’s. thing the partner does or says, the is actually true. ‘Faking it’ can be
This is obviously possible only in a matter should be raised at once, or meant kindly, but it involves risks.
context of trust. People will not reveal quite soon after. Feelings may be a little Sexual relationships should be frank.
themselves fully to those in whom they hurt but nothing like as much as if the Once pretence enters in, it can lead to
lack trust. Trust and love are very issue is allowed to fester. Some people snags. Vitality and virility, and even
closely related. are inclined to nurse a grievance desire, fluctuate. Failure to achieve
COMPATIBILITY is the temperamental against their partners rather than to orgasm or even erection on a particu-
capacity to live and grow together. A share it with them. Such behaviour lar occasion is of no real consequence.
person may feel attracted to another in can deeply impair a relationship. Lovers need to accept the ups and
an absorbing and exciting way, but a But communication is not only for downs of sexual performance.
short period of living together may negative issues. Appreciation is the
hiving out incompatibilities that gradu- nourishment of love. ‘What a gorgeous
ally weaken and, finally, sever the meal!’ ‘You look lovely!’ ‘Thank you
bond. Compatible partners battle it out for calling me today’ and a hundred
and come to a better understanding of other remarks guard against any
one another as a result. Incompatible feeling of being taken for granted.
partners bicker endlessly and grow HUMOUR is both an enhancement of
steadily further apart. Compatibility the love relationship, and a safeguard
also has a physical dimension, but to- against embarrassment. Human loving
day serious physical incompatibility is should always be treated as significant,
likely to be discovered prior to mar- but should not be solemn. On the other
riage. Absolute physical compatibility hand, anything flippant can turn people



unconscious ways of expressing hostil- their aggression on it by attacking, or

ity and may produce neurotic symp- ouraging, society in a variety of ways.
Aggression toms. The pet lover who declares that Modern urban societies are very likely
people who are unkind to animals to frustrate young males by denial of
should be flogged without mercy is a personally fulfilling objectives and out-
If human beings did not have the urge
to express themselves, we would be a classic example of this. A child crushed lets. Thwarted young men turn to col-
race of nonentities. We have to attack by a dominant parent may turn into a lective acts of violence.
life boldly if we are to make any ground well-behaved child who gives away his Juvenile vandals or football hooli-
at all. Inevitably this brings us, at tensions by biting his nails ferociously. gans ease their everyday sense of frus-
times, up against others and up against FRUSTRATION is particularly likely to tration at the expense of the environ-
situations. To help us deal with such produce an aggressive response. A curi- ment or of innocent bystanders in
conflicts we have in our brains what ous propensity of frustration is that random violence. Others who band to-
might be called an area of aggression. If it often leads to transferred aggression. gether like the HELL’S ANGELS, prefer
we feel challenged, threatened, block- A man who has had a bad day at the to ritualize their violence, but are often
not so sinister as they try to look. Their
sado-masochistic paraphernalia of
black leather and chains may be less of
a threat to society than a protective
covering for the wearers’ sense of in-
The cult of group rape* or a GANG
BANG appeals to Hell’s Angels and
similar male cliques because most of
the members are insecure adolescents,
who are actually rather frightened of
women. They can support each other in
ravishing their victim, whom they may
select because she is too frail to
threaten their self-esteem. Their attack
upon their victim may be a measure of
their frustration at their own inade-
quacy or ineffectiveness, and also an
act of hostility against women in
general because they feel that women
represent a threat to them.
Aggresion also has a positive role
in sex and love. Equality of the sexes
does not take away the urge of men to
capture and conquer, or the need of
women to feel possessed. Part of the
role of a woman is to stimulate and
provoke her lover into the passionate
response she needs for her own fulfil-
ment. A woman can, and should, play
an active part in love-making, yet the
male is the one who enters and the
woman is the one who is entered, so
that a certain primal element of ‘male
dominance’ will still be present, how-
ever understanding and reciprocal lov-
ing becomes. The mixture of domin-
ance, acceptance and reciprocity in all
this will depend on the individual
ed, or belittled by others, or if circum- office may take it out on his wife and natures of the lovers, and their sensiti-
stances or people frustrate us, then children when he gets home. Or the vity to one another’s needs.
this button is touched, arousing hos- arrival of annoying news in the mail Accepting, and dealing sensibly with
tility and anger. This is nature’s way of may make a person bad-tempered. If it one’s own and others’ aggressive feel-
bringing us to a pitch when we can act is not possible to attack the source of ings and behaviour is a crucial aspect
against what is obstructing us, or the frustration directly, anyone or any- of good relationships, including good
threatening us. The antithesis is the thing near at hand may bear the brunt love relationships. This negotiation
flight response—to get out of range of instead. Should he decide to write a will often happen gently but may be-
the threat. strong letter as a riposte to the un- come quite robust. Lovers sometimes
We should accept our feelings of welcome news, the bad temper may have furious quarrels which can clear
hostility and anger without guilt. To clear away immediately. the air whereas repressing bitter feel-
repress aggression because we are Some members of society feel frus- ings can lead to accumulating resent-
ashamed of it may lead to devious, trated by society itself, and release ment and finally, hurtful anger.




Jealousy indicates an inability to share

the loved person, or any aspect of the
loved person, with anyone else. It is,
therefore, closely related to POSSES-

SIVENESS. If a person feels very pos-

sessive about a partner, or a child, any
sign that the wanted individual is not
entirely theirs is sensed as a hurtful
rejection. Jealousy and possessiveness
are highly self-centred. Behind both of
them lie insecurity and lack of self-
confidence which are likely to have
their roots in early experiences and
Everyone has twinges of jealousy at
times but, at its most intense, jealousy
can dominate a personality. In this
form it works against its own goals
because the object of jealousy is likely
to resent the claims upon him or her
and the limitations imposed by the
jealousy on his or her freedom. Jea-
lousy, which aims to bind, may drive
the loved one away.
The best way to deal with jealousy
is to accept it, admit it, but to guard
against its becoming dominant, that is
to seek to keep it in reasonable
bounds. If it grows dark and deep and
persistent and gets out of control—as in
Shakespeare’s Othello—then there is
likely to be some acute inferiority or
lack of perspective in the personality
concerned. To reduce this to an accept-
able level may call for professional
assistance, but frankness and discus-
sion between partners in a relationship
can also help to get jealousy into
Jealousy involves unreal expecta-
tions about another person and is often
particularly acute in association with
infatuation. This is a compulsive com-
mitment not so much to another person
as to what that person is imagined to
be. The loved one then becomes a
symbol for all that is wonderful and
desirable, and to share any part of him,
or her, with another or others, seems
an unendurable loss.
In recent years the attitude to jeal-
ousy has changed somewhat. It has
always been recognized as a powerful,
and sometimes dangerous emotion, but
whereas jealousy was formerly regard-
ed as an inevitable aspect of a loving
relationship—even its protector—the
modern approach is that jealousy re-
veals a psychological immaturity in a
person’s emotional response which
should be outgrown as far as possible.



In small communities, where everyone

is involved in closely knit groups, lone-
liness is rare, but in a mass society it
is one of the commonest sources of un-
happiness at any age.
Situational loneliness is the outcome
of circumstances: the only child living
in isolated conditions; the divorced wo-
man with young children who has no
opportunity for social life; the elderly
person living alone; and many other
cases. Psychological loneliness arises
from personality traits or conflicts. For
example, very egocentric people are un-
likely to keep friends easily; aggres-
sive, dominant life styles and excessive
affectation tend to drive people away;
or an individual may find his interests
and attitudes make him the odd man
out -for instance, the sensitive, intro-
verted child—or wife—in a tough-
minded, extroverted family.
The antidote to feelings of loneliness
is always the same—to develop stronger
links with society. This may involve
doing something positive about one’s
circumstances, reexamining one’s life
style, or seeking out activities with
people of similar outlook and interests.
This is easier said than done, but lone-
liness should be treated as a problem
to be solved rather than as a hopeless
Sexual loneliness—lacking a close,
warm friendship with a person of the
opposite sex or, in the case of homo-
sexuality of the same sex—is a special
case of loneliness. Marriage bureaus
and various contact services, including
‘lonely hearts’ advertisements, exist to
help bridge the gap. Alert entrepre-
neurs, aware of how many sexually
lonely people are around in the big
cities, have created the ‘singles’ bar’
which profitably provides opportuni-
ties for customers to get together with-
out any responsibility on the part of the
SHYNESS can be appealing if it is the
outcome of genuine modesty but, if at
all acute, it becomes painful to the
sufferer and an embarrassment to the
person subjected to it. It may be the
outcome of a profound sense of personal
imperfection as compared to others; it
may also be the result of a general
inhibition about interpersonal rela-
tionships or physical contact. Volun-
tary techniques of social training, like
group therapy, can help individuals
with social problems towards more out-
going relations with others.

writer George Sand, and later by ish inhibitions and restrictive laws,
George Bernard Shaw, H. G. Wells and cannot be treated casually without de-
Permissiveness Bertrand Russell. stroying its potential for fulfillment
Before the liberation of love life and happiness. An intermediate posi-
The ideal of sexual permissiveness rests could occur it was necessary that tion is that sex is, among other things,
on the conviction that the sexual im- women should enjoy equal status with a form of recreation which can and
pulse is natural and good, and that it men, and the drive for the emacipation should bring happiness and pleasure to
would raise the quality of sexual exper- of woman has always been a part of people without necessarily involving
ience if men and women were free to the movement towards greater sexual deep commitments. This is FUN SEX,

make love as they fancied, with no permissiveness. Since the Second light-hearted but not depersonalized,
controls other than human values and World War, progress towards sexual since pleasure is clearly not possible
good sense. It is opposed to the regu- liberation has been rapid. It has partial without one partner being turned on*
lation of sex life by religious sanctions social acceptance in the form of legis- by the presence of the other.
or restrictive laws. lative changes; the legalization of abor- As people vary greatly in their sexual
There is a Ion g history behind today’s tion, of homosexuality between con- needs, capacities and attitudes, there
relative permissiveness (mainly in the senting adults, and easier divorce. can be no universal ‘right way’ govern-
advanced western countries) and at dif- The current difficulty is how the at- ing sexual behaviour. Nevertheless
ferent periods sexual repressiveness tained degree of permissiveness is to be some general principles such as con-
has been less heavy than at others. used. At one extreme is the attitude cern for one another, mutual respect,
‘Free Love’ began to be discussed and that anything goes—the more sex of any and care for the future generation are
defended by intelligent writers and kind the better. At the other—that sex needed if misunderstandings, exploita-
educationalists during the 19th cen- is a profound human experience which, tion and unhappiness are to be avoided.
tury, notably by the French feminist although it should be freed from prud-
Write-ins and phone-ins as ways of
helping people solve their problems.

ment. Journalists cannot do that, and journalist, so her medical background

readers know it. obviously colours her replies.
Problem Letters So, that is why many of the letters Yet despite this, the ‘sob sisters’
are written. But what is written? A are in remarkable sympathy with each
Each year, hundreds of thousands of large group of readers want help on sex- other. All of them are friendly and
people write letters to advice columnists ual matters. Despite attempts made in unshockable, don’t make moral judg-
in newspapers and magazines, seeking recent years to offer sex education* in ments or push a particular religious or
for help with personal problems. No schools, there are still vast areas of political point of view. All of them will
one has ever actually counted how ignorance which cause people much pass readers in need of individual coun-
many people in the world seek guidance anxiety. For example, what sort of sex- selling or medical care to the right sort
of this sort via the media, but it is ual behaviour is normal? What does of counsellor. All of them recommend
obviously an awe-inspiring total, if the masturbation do to you? Can love bites the same sort of books for those
experience of the best-known writers in or hickeys cause cancer? Is circum- needing to ‘cure’ sexual ignorance,
this field is a guide. cision necessary? Why is my penis this mention the same helping organiza-
Why are such pleas for help made to size and shape? Why have I grown tions, offer the same commonsense
these writers—most of whom are fe- little ‘flaps’ on my crotch? Why don’t approach. All of them have access to
male? After all, in the social services my breasts look like the ones in maga- specialists in all sorts of subjects,
of all advanced countries there is zine pictures? What sort of contracep- medical, psychological, sexual, legal,
plenty of help available. A person in tive do I need? Why can’t I get preg- and social to make sure they get the
trouble can turn to doctors, school nant? What can I do about my homo- best sort of up-to-date information that
counselling services, family planning sexuality, transvestism, fetishism, and is available.
organizations, marriage counsellors so on. Many people have questioned, over
(available to anyone who seeks their Closely tied up with these searches the years, whether the ‘sob sisters’
help, whether they be married or single, for information and reassurance is do a necessary job or not. Some have
young or old, male or female), the what could be called the health edu- suggested that the reason they get so
various telephone befriending services, cation aspect. People want to know many letters is not that people can’t
and so on. why their periods aren’t as regular or find answers anywhere else, but that
There are many reasons, one of which comfortable as they should be, what to newspaper editors and publishers have
may sound like a contradiction. The do about VD, pubic lice, assorted aches a cynical awareness of the selling value
people who write these columns are and pains which seem to be coming of other people’s sexual problems. But,
both very, very familiar, and yet totally from the sex organs, guidance and in fact, this accusation can be denied.
anonymous. Their photographs appear advice on pregnancy and childbirth, on While it is true that a page of sexual
over their columns, and they may children’s development and on healthy and emotional questions and answers
appear on television or on radio so the sex education for the young. The list is will be very popular with readers, and
reader feels that this is someone they considerable. a well known and trusted advice
know intimately. Yet, at the same time, Who writes these letters? It used to columnist attracts new readers, the fact
this person does not know the reader be thought that only ‘working-class’ or is that every newspaper and magazine
personally. A letter describing the most ‘ignorant’ people would write to the which takes its advice column seriously
intimate details could be written to one ‘sob sisters’. That ‘middle class’ intelli- (and fortunately the majority of them
of these women one day, and the writer gent people had no need of such help. seem to do so) invests far more in time
could come face to face with her the In fact this is not true. The letters come and money in offering a backup service
next day and not be recognized. from every class, every age group, both to the readers than they every make in
That is why so many people feel they sexes. Doctors’ wives and lawyers’ return.
can confide in these columnists. It is children seek guidance just as much as Another accusation hurled at prob-
often easier, especially for the young, labourers’ sons and cleaning women’s lem pages is that they encourage people
to tell a familiar stranger about mastur- husbands. Men write fewer letters than to be voyeurs* and find pleasure and
bation anxieties, say, than to face their women, but more and more are turning kicks in reading about others’ prob-
own doctor across his desk and look to them. On average between a quarter lems. Suppose that were true? It does
him in the eye while talking about it. and a third of the letters come from no harm to the readers—and some of
Everyone knows that people ought the male of the species, and the figures them may, and almost certainly do, ob-
not to be embarrassed with their doc- are rising. tain considerable help and advice for
tors. We all know there is no need to be How are they answered? That is an their own problems by reading those of
ashamed of any aspect of human need important question, and difficult to others. And if there are people who
or behaviour—but knowledge doesn’t answer with total accuracy, as the per- need advice columns as a sort of fetish
alter emotions—and the fact is many sonalities of the columnists vary, and object—well, what harm is done to
people still feel that way. obviously must affect their points of anyone if it is provided for them?
Another reason for journalists being view. One of the best known ones Finally, one important point must be
chosen to give help on sexual matters has herself been psychoanalyzed and made. Even newspapers and magazines
is that so many of them make it clear so will have a psychoanalytical atti- which do not run advice columns as
they are unshockable, they do not make tude which affects her work. Another such still get letters asking for informa-
judgments and they offer their help used to write for a very outspoken tion, help and advice. Ever since maga-
unconditionally and never, never pry magazine which specialized in rather zines were first printed, several hun-
or try to force anyone to do anything way-out sexual problems and her ap- dred years ago, this has been the case,
they don’t want to do. A doctor may proach is therefore affected by this and it is because the letters come in that
tell an individual to go to a hospital or experience. Yet another was a trained editors find it necessary to publish the
try to insist on uncomfortable treat- nurse and midwife before becoming a pages at all.

child <jnv1>hrt,K0f OUr third
ticket. to vullmwbOUgh‘ me
Ireland. But wh?jTfamiIyin
rang and told me natJnved h«
problem from a 1I «m.* b'ca
a°meone a*«an#
else hei ’2 met
7 an,ei C°rae
ansW magarme ■ to divorce him I „^ *d we
Q Can you “ a/vour magaxine i CaJn
to try and sort thi ® back
boy wh»« sist" "r,t interested in me I’m up again.t a mt** °U*’ ^*ut
i I’ve had several* d in them, but I’ve tried eve * thin0"? WaU-
l , been inte because of to 8av
and I’ve them out because ol °ur warriac ®
•hart from 1O4M lS2’ ??"* Q Do you guardian’s
have never take h^ ^ how to lean get the P;««*‘hdolgo about .Uf
Roitian CafitAij ^ I in a :an get tue P>“ do j go at
my problem
V with gifh as believe in divorce"TM°n'* consent, and^h
TamTus. as - friendly ^Va'very cloS e
1* Plain and thou oS rf/S v°mi“ but the
don’t want to as limit.
much m.n.y m .n.Ld°" ' h*« age into
■“** b
1 not afratd
not'kno'v how oto TherC
‘ eined U ^ ^
y* ,*v._to-mouth doctor concerned »■ e(her or not the
feminine advice^n h** * bit of when deciding has hecn much
mY batk ° h W to win

pill is for Von- Tbe w thc desirability

hissing and its S ^ '
Your husband qmmri speculation ng girls on the P'^

;r.Xm set on what !^ds pretty

d 01 g and
of putting ver^ , \ menstrual Pat
traU;-a,,^-^-rhe momen,< P doubt if the Dan™ , u I before then reg Whatever your ag ’
Veils tvouJd ^vVl:^ Sev®n
ln lus hasestablished usd • u planning
present state
tsScome,l*-'-be;r;uh nether n d VOU can go to yon' > f „ thc telephone
«?.'<. win Wm b° crb v boY°U
enticing because Vou £"?. '"nlC l,h
, don directory)hm
t°r mediate and confident,al
know (or von L aid)t
knplei-butbothshould V ^ tcaspoontu\ ot why it was he straved V expert advtc*^
r c know what’e strayed- you
.pouting as if t° ^ f tasting the ^ps 'he marriage l7n”Tg in Pregnancy Spoiled^?
phoney. Tongues arc (eelh (sltghtb chance to put’it r!Sh^°S ^Ve a
s°. that’s a n
I am twenty-one years old, have been
Ground the inner e<«. geu,ly he -V But even
'end you have to per^Mde*?9" married for three years and have a
Cttht. . and nr "h and rhe other
one-and-a-half-year-old son. My hus-
inside of the othc , rtouttomeettr lo
Ck« ~uh,m band and I engage in oral sex as well
\ongue that will pm‘ • p, but, honestly,«
™°ry Council Jt*M*?Sii^d' as regular intercourse. Before we were
hhe pace of hissing p
-‘problem page ■
married and six months after mar-
, he risk of sounding like a P is ebir,og“e°ynouS^' mi9h'be riage I climaxed every time we would
mouth a «M^ knn«»hatm
^ )ad, won’tt you,. d %„
?really nice, 'hroughlhis worrvT^,e,SUppor' have sex. But after 1 became pregnant
”ce' before the big gamc to look after vou/hf? -lme and
some practice m it became harder and harder to climax.
with regardytn ^b tlnferests
y Ur chlldrer We’ve tried different forms of sex
and your future. ° *
and positions. We have even regis-
tered in different hotels under as-
sumed names, and he would then
Complains of Size pick me up as a date. He bought me a
I am twenty-five and when my wife vibrator. The problem is I can climax
and I start intercourse my penis is r within two minutes if I use the vibra-
been„ ToaelW
tog ^ v >°> tor or if I masturbate, but not with
about five and one half inches long. & pOSftlu^-,-
my husband. Should I see my doctor
My wife doesn’t have any trouble M Mv rnar'ria' \ tea\W
y 03fS and vvaots rt i'm on about this? My husband is vtry con-
taking me but the longer we go the be ♦hat vM^en ^e\\
bigger my penis gets until it’s a full anv \N aV siderate towards me and takes his
MV P' ^ V *0*/ £,*$**■*$ time and concentrates on helping me
nine-and-a-half inches. Then my wife
climax, but with no luck.
can’t stand it any longer and I have 'aSCaMvhen
^enVT ^e tQ^"ake'tbe ^ ^gvePoS'abpa
°a"sex ^
do srjav Since you have no trouble climaxing
to withdraw. Is there anything I can ca
° there anv
do about the size of my penis because
it’s ruining our sex life. It’s also em-
%en Hi during masturbation, and had no trouble
prior to your pregnancy, the difficulty
dea, may lie in your feelings either about
barrassing when I wear tight pants or iX°°'-
’Si"°n Dy weight pregnancy or about your relationship to
go swimming. Please give me some
your husband. Sit down with your hus-
kind of advice.
band and examine your feelings about
That s a switch. Most men write in ing
nrted on usually e your first pregnancy and childbirth and
wanting what you're complaining about. s upPorte the P " ^hich
" nd forth B<oh9 *n. * any possible secret fears you may have
Our urologist consultant says that once k 3 d0
sMe bf°*°„d 90[f % a„ onnawel about repeating rhe experience. Ask
a penis is erect it doesn t grow any more
yourself how you feel about your hus-
and humorously wanted to know if your
bands role in child-rearing and his re-
nose also grew four inches when you
sponse to you during your pregnancy.
wrote this letter.'1 Assuming some ex-
a 1 S, Try to separate the issue of sex from rhe
SS^ra^on in your figures, you and your y“o ^ ^ ^ ana/
feet y°u . . you neeu c0U,a vy issue of pregnancy. Evaluate your pres-
wife may ^ still have legitimate difficul-
ent method of birth control with an eye
ties with the size of your penis during
to determining if you feel safe and secure
intercourse. There are positions during
in this method. It is not at all unusual
intercourse that would make your size ing y°u'Z planted o
^ kneerSould become for women to have some unexplored fears
less uncomfortable for her. If she is on Ie9s ’“"Looted °n_^ 0ns oof,
'itions -- we(e ben1
en about the pain of childbirth or the physi-
top and straddling you, she can better P „ such aS
cal changes caused by pregnancy, and
control the depth of vour thrusting. If]
you both face each other on your sides ■tt°° t
n far
, u,s toes m a u
*en"e lliese^will often surfc afters firsr child
£he thrusting will be limited toward h'S ^ advtsa_*
S'vour man

ACME Sex-Related Diseases

403 South Hawthorne Road, New York City Health Dept
Useful Addresses Winston-Salem Tel: (212) 269-5300 (hotline)
NC 27103.
General Sex Information Homosexuality/Bisexuality
and Counselling Resource Center for Gay Community Service Center,
SFSI (San Francisco Sex Information) Human Relations, 1213 N. Highland,
Box 99054, Oakland, CA Los Angeles
San Francisco, CA 94109, Tel: (405) 653-8901 CA 90017
Tel: 665-7300 Tel: (213) 464-7485
(hotline 3-9 pta, M to F) Birth Control, Pregnancy,
Abortion, etc. Gay Parents Legal and Research
CSI (Community Sex Information Inc) Family Planning Services, Group
380 Second Avenue BCHF Health Services Box 82,
New York, NY 10019 Administration, Mountain Terrace
Tel: (212) 982-0052 (hotline) DHEW, WA 98043
CSI MD 20852 Gay Switchboard
Box 47 5 Caledonian Road,
Waban Planned Parenthood Federation London W.l
Mass. 02168 of America Inc. Tel: 01-837 7324 (hotline)
Tel: (617) 232-2335 810 Seventh Ave.,
(hotline 11 am-8 pm, M to F) New York, NY 10019 (head office) Friend
Tel: (212) 541-7800. 47 Church St.
Sex Information Service Program London N.W.l
Newport National Women’s Health Coalition, Tel: 01-359 7371
Rhode Island 222 East 35th Street, (hotline, 7.30-10.00 pm)
Tel: (401) 849-2304 (hotline) New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 986-3880/685-0981 Rape
United Hospitals of Newark Rape Crisis Center,
New Jersey National Women’s Health Coalition, Bay Area
Tel: (201) 484-8000 Ext. 581 1627 Pontius Avenue Women Against Rape
(hotline 11 am-8 pm, M to F) West Los Angeles, PO Box 240,
CA 90025 Berkeley, CA 94701
Tel: (213) 826-0818 Tel: (415) 845-RAPE (hotline)
Grapevine Institute of Psychosexual Medicine
296 Holloway Road, Women Against Rape
c/o Family Planning Association
London N.7 150 Amsterdam Avenue
27-35 Mortimer St
Tel: 01-607-0935 New York, NY
London W.l
Tel: (212) 877-8700
Tel: 01-636 7866
Help Advisory Centre,
10 South Wharf Road, London Youth Advisory Centre,
London W.2 31 Nottingham Place London Pregnancy Advisory Service
Tel: 01-402 5233 London W.l 40 Margaret St
(hotline, 11 am-7 pm, M to F) Tel: 01-935 1219/8870 London W.l
Tel: 01-409 0281/4
Gentle Ghost Help, Birth Control, Pregnancy,
Advice & Information Abortion etc Sex Related Diseases
33 Norland Road, Family Planning Association NHS Information Service
London W.U 27-35 Mortimer St. Tel: 01-246 8072
Tel: 01-602 8983 London W.l (Clinics listed under Venereal
(hotline, 10 am-6 pm, M to S) Tel: 01-636 7866 Diseases, London Telephone
National Marriage Guidance Council Brook Advisory Centres
Herbert Grey College 233 Tottenham Court Road, Rape Advice Centre
Little Church St London W.l (Head Office), Box 42
Rugby Tel: 01-580 3424 London N6
Tel: 0788 72341 Tel: 01-340-6913
British Pregnancy Advisory Service (hotline, 01-340-6145)
The Association of Sexual Second Floor
and Marital Therapists 58 Petty France
79 Harley St. London S.W.l
London W.l Tel: 01-222 0985
Tel: 01-935 0616

The other language of sex: everyday
bawdy, and the scribbling on the wall.
. -



Bawdy to have some on the side, Condoms: rubbers, French
to sly poke, to two-time, letters, cum bag. Caps! Dutch
, - •. • , • ■ ........... . ... ... -

to have a back door affair, cap. Coitus interruptus!

Sexual encounters sometimes involve
to run around, to play around, Vatican roulette. Rhythm
the temporary breaking down of social
barriers. During sexual arousal, many to put the horns on (her method: papal prerogative

people like to say words and phrases husband), to have a slice,

that they might not use in their every- to yard, to horse, to cuckold COPROPHILIA
day language. This use of so-called (the husband) pound cake

‘dirty’ language, called COPROLALIA,

can be pleasurable and a substantial
buggering, bumming, to fuck, to screw, to hump, to
release of inhibitions, providing one’s
butt-fucking/butt-hanging, lay, to stuff, to have a bunk
partner is not offended.
arse/ass-fucking, up, to shaft, to make, to
Drawing or writing offensive mate-
corn-balling, corn-holing, poke, to service, to root, to
rials in public places is called
back scuttling, Greek culture, ball, to bang, to shag, to
COPROGRAPHY and is often another form
bending some ham, goosing, roger, to charva, to pump, to
of releasing inhibitions. It verges also
browning it, fist-fucking, have it up/off/away, to knock,
on sexual provocation, since secretly,
bottling, moon shot, to score, to swive, to do
most graffiti artists are hoping to draw
stern job, one up the bum it/me, to know, to jump, to
attention to themselves and their sex-
ual needs without the risk of losing rut, to get one’s leg over, to
their anonymity. Some of the more dip the wick, to have a bit of
humorous obscene graffiti seen in pub- the other, to roll in the
lic toilets seem, however, to be the clover/hay, to get it off/on/
cleaning up the kitchen,
result of sheer inspiration sparked off yours
blowing some arse/ass,
by something that has been written smearing somebody’s tuna,
there previously. COPULATION
taking a trip to the moon,
beef injection, nookie
rim shot, ring job,
tongue sandwich
cunt sucking, Frenching,
eating/out, going down, eating
arse/ass, arsehole, back door,
at the Y, muff diving, clam
brownie, bum, bumhole, bung
diving, tonguing, plating,
hole, butt, shitter, crapper,
licking, blowing, pussy
ditch, back passage, manhole,
nibbling, box lunch, head job,
mustard pot, nooky, Khyber,
breakfast in bed
duff, old dirt road
cake eater, cat lapper

AC/DC, two-way, ambi,
bi-lingual (oral sex),
cuming (coming), dropping a
bi-minded, double-gaited,
load, shooting, making it,
getting your rocks off,
shooting one’s wad, dumping
the ashes, shooting the juice,
boobs, bosom, bust, cans,
spending, coming off, shooting
chabooms, chest, knockers,
one’s load, spunking
tits, Bristols, Manchesters,
norks, melons, brown eyes,
headlights, grapefruits,
hard on, stand, horn, rise,
hammocks, muffins, Vaticans,
lead in the pencil, upper,
lungs, jugs, udders
rod, big brother, bone on,
at full strength
rump, arse/ass, rear, cheeks,
bum, butt, can, prat,
cock sucking, blow job, BJ,
haunches, buns, backyard
head job, deep throat, sucking
off, doing down on, nob job,
Frenching, plating, basket
clit, button, bud, goalie
lunch, copping a joint, Derby
<2 picnic, Hoover
blow-job artist

HOMOSEXUAL FEMALE Seducer of MINORS, Pubic lice: crabs, social
dyke, lesbian, bull dyke, cherry picker, cradle snatcher/ dandruff, love bugs, crotch-
butch dyke, deisel, radish, robber, chicken farmer bunnies/ c r i eke t s , beattie and
sapphist, gay, femme, babs
Amy-John, bull dagger/bitch ORGY Genital herpes: cold sores
group grope, daisy chain, gang Chancroid: soft sore
HOMOSEXUAL MALE bang, gang shay, love-in, Candidiasis: thrush
faggot, fag, queen (closet, circus, cluster fuck Scabies: the itch
drag, wrinkle, chicken),
fairy, fruit, pouve, nancy, PENIS SEXUAL POSITIONS &
poof, poofter, radish, daisy, cock, prick, dick, dong, VARIATIONS
queer, auntie, Nellie, fern, prong, pecker, willy, will, dog style, boating, 99, 66,
belle, swish, latent, bender, Peter, pistol, Percy, tool, 69, wall job, riding St
woofter, brown-hat te'r, pansy rocket, rod, joy stick, meat, George, numbers game, one-man
a<lj . : gay, bent, camp machine, gun, hot dog, pud, band, Roman position, wheel-
shaft, stick, sweet meat, barrow job, knee trembler
IMPOTENT wand, wanger, wee wee, wiener,
limp, droopy, at half mast, Johnny, John Thomas, organ,
with no money in the purse, one-eyed trouser snake, TESTES/TESTICLES
balls, bollocks, knackers,
with brewer's droop bishop, skin flute, Hampton
marbles, bags, family jewels,
Wick, poker, pole, canary,
basket, groceries, lunch,
to LUST AFTER dingus, hammer, Mickey,
orchids, jumbucks, pills,
to fancy, to be horny for, to member, one-eyed monster,
goolies, nuts, cobblers
lech after, to be randy for, putz, winkle, old man,
to cream one’s jeans over, to plonker, nob
be in/on heat for, to be hot
TV, drag queen, paint queen
to trot for PREGNANT
in the club, up the duff,
LUST knocked up, (has) a bun in the
oven, (has) broken an ankle, TS, Swedish number
charge, hot pants, hot nuts
up the spout
to wank, to jerk off, to beat PROMISCUOUS PERSON golden showers, Boston Tea
off, to toss off, to beat the easy lay, easy make, scrubber, Party
meat, to choke the chipmunk, swinger, dead cert, walk in,
to diddle/flog the poodle, to old banger, anybody’s VIRGIN
jerk the gherkin, to knock canned goods, cherry
oneself off, to wack off, to tobe PROMISCUOUS
to put out, to have a rabbit
bash/beat the bishop, to milk, to deflower a VIRGIN
to jill off, to play habit to punch the ticket, to take
solitaire, to pound the pud, the cherry, to blaze the
to pull the pudding, to do it PUBIC HAIR trail, to christen
yourself, to punish Percy in fuzz, bush, fur, thatch,

the palm, to have one off the thicket, short and curlies, to lose one’s VIRGINITY
wrist, to touch oneself up muff, pubes, beaver, jungle, to fall off the apple tree
pussy feathers, cotton, Fort
finger job, pocket pool, hand cunt, slit, crack, hole,
jive, hand shandy, wrist job SEMEN pee-hole, coozy, pussy, twat,
J. Arthur Rank, Jodrell Bank, spunk, juice, cum (come), bearded clam, fanny, quim,
load, seed, cookies, goo, wad, box, doughnut, snatch, beard,
MENSTRUAL PERIOD cream, oats, baby food, jism beaver, brownie, cherry pie,
curse, rags on, dog days, red cooch, fern, fur-burger/ pie/
sails in the sunset, (to have) sandwich, gash, muff, poon
the painters in, flying bravo, tang, tail, nook/nooky, happy
Syphilis: pox, siff, jungle
holy week, blob, jam sandwich, valley, trench, snapping
rot, old Joe
wrong week, (to be) on turtle, Y, minge, money-box,
Gonorrhea: clap, dose, Cupid’s
mousetrap, jelly roll, garden,
itch, Venus’s curse, morning
MINORS, ~ hatch, promised land, rattle
dew, head cold, red light
chicken, jail-bait, San snake canyon, scratch,
Quentin quail, quail
peep freaks

Censorship Graffiti

Censorship has been studied intensive-

ly in the Presidential Report of the
Commission on Obscenity and Pornog-
raphy (1970) and in the British Arts
Council Report (1969), and both found
that censorship for adults could not be
justified logically or socially. The Arts
Council Report has been ignored, with
the result that in Britain ‘there is no
more effective censor than uncertain
law’. In the USA, President Nixon con-
demned the Commission's Report for
‘its morally bankrupt conclusions’. Ar-
guing a familiar non sequitur, he said
that if it were true ‘that the prolifera-
tion of filthy books and plays has no
lasting harmful effect on a man’s char- \ 11/ \ f \ I \ 'v /
acter ... it must also be true that
great books, great paintings and great VOTRE TRANSISTOR AU REGIME VVONDEI
plays have no ennobling effect on a
man’s conduct. Centuries of civiliza-
tion and ten minutes of common sense
tell us otherwise . . . American mora-
lity is not to be trifled with'. Cam-
paigns by Motorede, Morality in Media
and Citizens for Decency through Law
groups in America and by Lord Long-
ford, Mrs Mary Whitehouse and fol-
lowers of the Festival of Light in
Britain voice concern at possible harm
for a ‘permissive’ society. However, in
the words of a 1966 report by the Danish
Forensic Medicine Council concerning
pornography under Denmark’s penal
code: ‘asfar as the Council is aware, no
scientific experiments exist which can
lay a basis for the assumption that
...“obscene” pictures and films contri-
bute to the committing of sexual offen-
ces by normal adults or young people’.
Firm evidence of unchallengeable ob-
jectivity of the harmful influence of
pornography would be widely publi-
cized, perhaps resulting in more explicit
censorship than even the decency cam-
paigners demand. But compared with
the harm that imposed censorship can
do to people’s self-respect and the pro-
cess of personal maturing, the imagined
risks to children from the free circula-
tion of pornography among adults seem
negligible. In his book The End of Ob-
scenity, Charles Rembar remarks: ‘The
true censor has objectives beyond the
masking of the erotic and the indecent.
The end in view is an established prin-
ciple of suppression, available any-
where in the world of the mind’.
Paradoxically, censorship creates a
black market in the banned material,
and there is no stronger stimulant of
sex than the effort to suppress it.

All the means available for freeing
sex from conception.

best. Research into new methods is be- pregnancies end in abortion* or ter-

Contraception ing carried out continuously and in the

next decade advances might include a
mination which can be emotionally up-
setting for a woman and, as with any
pill for men. Other products for women operation, a shock to the system. Pre-
Contraception, or birth control, has being researched or tested include a vention is better than cure and it is
been used throughout the world for surgical implant of capsules placed exceptionally important that birth con-
centuries. In ancient Egypt, for ex- under the skin containing hormones trol be universally available.
ample, primitive methods such as camel which are released throughout the Family planning or planned parent-
dung pessaries* were used and the con- year; a form of IUD* which releases hood are other phrases for birth control
dom* or FRENCH LETTER has been in use a hormone throughout the year; a or contraception, although family plan-
since the 18th century. In the last fifty ‘stick-on pill’ releasing hormones for ning associations and clinics deal with
years, a revolution has taken place absorption through the skin; and an the whole range of sexual matters and
both in the variety of contraceptive injection to suppress ovulation which associated problems, not just birth con-
methods available and in the number of is effective against conception for trol. These include sub-fertility and in-
people wishing and able to control their nearly three months. All these will fertility, psychosexual counselling,
own fertility. Contraception is essenti- widen the table of choices and help testing for cervical and breast disorders
ally the prevention of fertilization of make contraception an even more ac- and generally checking a woman’s
the ovum by sperm, in the Fallopian cepted part of modern living. health and well-being.
tubes (which connect the ovaries to the Today, it is generally considered a People wanting to know where their
womb). With each male ejaculation sign of responsibility to accept and use nearest clinic is should look in their
roughly 40 to 300 million sperm are contraceptives and irresponsible to local telephone directories or call a
released into the vagina, of which conceive an unwanted pregnancy. Yet local government health or welfare de-
millions will reach the entrance of the in spite of this, there are thousands partment. Your local GP will be able to
womb, and thousands the Fallopian of‘accidental’ pregnancies every year. advise on contraceptives and doctors
tubes. Contraception can work by pre- Some of these fortunately end up as are listed in telephone directories too.
senting a barrier to the sperm (dia- wanted and loved children; others are A young person might prefer a family
phragm or condom), by killing them not so fortunate and become a burden planning clinic as being more anony-
(spermicides), preventing ovulation for their single parent or parents. Some mous than the family doctor.
(the contraceptive pill), or a combina-
tion of these methods (Table of
The first birth control clinics were
Method Type Available from Effectiveness
opened in the US in 1916 and in Great
Britain in 1921; there was initially
Oral contraceptive Medical
much hostility to family planning.
Pill (combination) Family planning Virtually
Changes in society, a greater say for
clinic/GP 100%
women, the work of pioneering organ-
izations and sex education* programs
have all helped spread information on Oral Progestogen Medical Family planning 98%
(Progestin) clinic/GP
birth control. However, the young still
do not receive all the information or
services required and this is partially IUD Medical Family planning 98%
due to the laws, medical practices and clinic/GP
school policies as well as patterns of
public morality which often refuse to Diaphragm & Medical Family planning 96%
accept the facts of human sexuality. Spermicide clinic/GP
The methods of contraception avail- (barrier)
able in the table of choices can be split
into two categories—medical and non- Condom & Spermicide Non-medical Family planning clinic 96%
medical. The medical methods need (barrier) across the counter
prescription and supervision by a doc-
tor and/or a nurse, while the non-
Spermicide Non-medical Family planning clinic 60-90%*
medical methods can often be bought (foams, gels) across the counter (not
over the counter from a variety of re- recommended
tail outlets. In general, the medical for use on
their own
methods are considered to be more ef-
fective, but with regular and practised
use the effectiveness of other methods Rhythm Method Non-medical 75%
is high. (calendar)
The vast majority of people find a
Coitus Interruptus Non-medical
method of contraception that suits
them and their partner and stick to it Sterilization
until such time as they wish to have a female Medical Hospital Virtually
baby. Some are not quite so lucky and 100%
may have to try several methods be- male Medical Family planning clinic/ Virtually
GP/Hospital 100%
fore finding the one that suits them



Most containers of pills have the days a pelvic and breast examination and
marked on the back as a memory aid. If take a pap smear to make sure every-
The Pill the pill is forgotten it is best to con- thing is all right.
sult your doctor as soon as possible. If a doctor prescribes antibiotics for
The pill, or oral contraceptive, is the Some pills can be taken up to 12 an illness, it is advisable to remind him
most effective known method of con- hours after the usual time, but caution or her that the contraceptive pill is
traception. Its introduction to the pub- is needed in the case of the newer low- also being taken regularly. This is be-
lic in the 1960s revolutionized contra- dose pills and a doctor should be con- cause it has been found that the drug
ception. Contraceptive pills are now sulted if you are in doubt. If sickness interaction of some antibiotics with the
used by more than 50 million women or diarrhea occurs within two hours of pill may cause a decrease in the pill’s
throughout the world. taking a pill, it is wise to take other effectiveness. It is usually only neces-
The COMBINATION PILL, which is the contraceptive precautions as well for sary to use an added form of contra-
commonest type, is composed of two the next two weeks or until the next ception if the antibiotic treatment is to
synthetic female hormones, estrogen menstrual period. is to be taken over a long period; a few
and progesterone. By taking the pill in There are women who cannot take days is probably not enough to alter the
28-day cycles (21 or 22 pills followed the pill for medical reasons, which may pill’s effectiveness.
by seven or six pill-free days, respec- include diabetes, liver complaints, high If after taking the pill for a while a
tively), these hormones induce a phys- blood pressure, a history of thrombosis woman decides to try to become preg-
ical state mildly similar to pregnancy. or bad migraine attacks. There are wo- nant she can stop taking the pill. Most
The combined pill inhibits ovulation, men who, having started the pill, find women will be able to conceive lmmedi-
alters the lining of the womb so that it does not suit them as its side effects tely. For a few, however, it might take
implantation of the eggs is prevented, can cause depression, headaches, a while for their system to become read-
and keeps the mucus plug at the en- weight gain, vaginal discharge and justed to producing eggs regularly and
trance to the cervix or neck of the sometimes a lessening of sex drive. as a result of this, they will not have
womb dry and stiff, making it difficult These symptoms can sometimes be their usual monthly periods. This is
for sperm to pass through. As a result helped by changing to another type of called post-pill AMENORRHEA. For the
of these changes in the body, the pill pill. Women who wear contact lenses majority of these women a few months
provides almost 100 per cent protection may, in some cases, need their lenses will be long enough for them to readjust
from unwanted pregnancy. The com- refitted. This is because, in some wo- but they should, in any case, consult
bination pill (which comes in low dose, men, the pill alters the balance in the their doctor.
medium dose or high dose forms) has retention of fluid which may also affect
to be taken every day at about the the amount of liquid present at the
same time. A woman just beginning to front of the eye. The most dangerous
take the pill must also use some other side effects of the pill are thrombosis
form of contraception for the first 14 and raised blood pressure, which are
days to allow her body to adapt to the uncommon. However, if a woman ex-
hormones and the pill to build up its periences pain or a changed sensation
protection. Thereafter, at the end of in her legs or arms she should consult
each pack of pills she will take a break her doctor. Women over the age of forty
for either six or seven days (depending are at a higher risk of the serious side
on the pill). During this time she will effects of taking the pill such as blood
experience withdrawal bleeding sim- clots—and more so if they smoke.
ilar to a menstrual period. For most women, however, the pill—
The synthetic progesterone-only pill apart from being a reliable method of
does not contain the hormone estrogen. contraception—improves their health
This pill, which is taken continuously, and well-being in other ways. Heavy
acts on the body in a different way. It periods and the associated discomfort
may or may not prevent ovulation, disappear, skin complaints are often
depending upon the woman, but its helped, the pre-menstrual problems of
main action is to alter the balance in irritability and tiredness are lessened
the secretions found in the cervix. This and it has also been suggested that the
pill does not carry the risk of throm- pill may protect women from breast
bosis associated with the combination tumors. Many women feel an increase
pill. Doctors will often prescribe it for in their sex drive once the fear of
mothers who are breast-feeding as the pregnancy has been removed.
estrogen content in the combination As with all medical methods of con-
pill dries up the mother’s milk and for traception, to get the pill you have to Opposite page
those who may be at risk from throm- see a doctor. Either Planned Parent- Different types of pill. The pack
bosis (blood clots) or who have had a hood or family planning clinics or a GP containing 42pills (top, left) is a
previous thrombosis but want an oral will be able to advise a woman as to progesterone-only pill and is taken
contraceptive. what pill is likely to be best for her. A continuously. The two other brands
It is important not to forget to take doctor or clinic will usually prescribe (right and top, right) are combination
the pill as this interrupts the build-up three or six months’ supply at a time. pills taken for 21 or 22 days followed
pattern of the hormones and may, apart When the woman returns for a fresh by respectively seven or six pill-free
from being the cause of accidental preg- supply the doctor will probably check days. They contain both estrogen and
nancy, cause unexpected bleeding. her weight and blood pressure, give her progesterone.



The condom should be gripped and re- climate of sexual arousal.

moved from the vagina along with the The main advantage of the sheath
Condom penis. A new condom must be used for lies in its easy availability. Handy
every act of intercourse. pocket or wallet-sized packs can be
The sheath is one of the oldest and The use of a spermicide with a con- bought over the counter from pharma-
most used forms of contraception and dom is advisable as an added precau- cists, barbers and other shops as well
the only reliable male method except tion and is recommended in case any as being available from coin-operated
vasectomy* or male sterilization. Con- sperm escape or in the event of a con- machines. They do not need medical
doms are now manufactured in dif- dom tearing or splitting. A spermicide supervision or much preparation and
ferent colours and shapes; some are also helps to prevent soreness in the have no side effects unless a person is
specially textured for ‘extra sensitiv- woman’s vagina from friction with the particularly unfortunate and is allergic
ity’. These changes are a far cry from rubber, even though most sheaths are to rubber.
Casanova’s era when a sheath made already lubricated. Condoms have the advantage of giv-
of sheep gut, often tied with ribbon, Careful attention must be taken in ing some degree of protection against
was a popular form of condom. the rolling on of the sheath so as not sexually-transmitted diseases. Some
If used properly, and preferably ac- to damage it—for instance, ragged clinics issue them to patients now as
companied by a spermicide*, a condom fingernails are a definite hazard. Vase- an added safety measure.
is a very reliable contraceptive with a line or grease should never be used to Due to the popularity and easy
96 per cent effectiveness. Regular and lubricate a sheath as petroleum-based availability of condoms several gim-
practiced use with this method im- products like these can damage the micky brands are now marketed. Two
proves its efficiency as both man and rubber. Condoms kept in their original types on the market which are not
woman adjust to the routine. packaging in normal dry indoor condi- satisfactory go under the names of
It is essential for a man to put on a tions will keep for up to two or three AMERICAN TIPS and GRECIAN TOPS.
condom before there is any sexual con- years, but it is not wise to use condoms These do not cover the whole of the
tact with his partner as even the moist- much older than this or where the age penis, just the tip, and could be left
ure on the tip of an erect penis can is unknown. There may be a date mark- behind in the vagina on withdrawal,
carry sperm. A condom should be rolled ed on the packet telling you a date after thus leading to an unwanted preg-
on gently over the tip of the penis and which the condom should not be used. nancy. Another device which is being
right down the shaft leaving the last The disadvantage some people find sold via the columns of men’s mag-
half inch (or teat if there is one) free. when using condoms is that they can azines is known as a GAMIC GENETIC

In this way the end of the condom reduce physical sensation and sexual APPLIANCE. Although repeated re-
catches and contains the sperm after enjoyment by putting a barrier between quests from the medical profession
ejaculation. Great care must be taken the penis and vagina. Manufacturers have been made to the manufacturers,
when withdrawing the penis from the are now using thinner rubber to combat no evidence of safety or reliability has
vagina (while the penis is still firm) so this. Another disadvantage is that it been forthcoming and this product is
as to be sure not to spill any sperm. interrupts the mounting emotional definitely not recommended.


Spermicides are agents introduced into
the vagina before sexual intercourse
takes place to kill the sperm after ejacu-
lation before they can reach the ov-
aries. Spermicides come in many forms:
pessaries* (or suppositories), foaming
sprays, creams, and gels which are in-
serted by a syringe and a product called
C-film, which is a spermicide-impreg-
nated sheet of film that dissolves at
body temperature. It is inserted high in
the vagina by the woman or put over
the top of the penis by the man before
penetration of the vagina.
Spermicides, including C-Film,
should not be used alone as a con-
traceptive method. However, they are
effective in combination with other
barrier methods such as a diaphragm or

Spermicides, in the form of foams,

creams or jellies, can be squirted into
the vagina by means of a plastic
applicator (left and above). Foaming
tablets (top left) which can be pushed
into the vagina with the finger, are
slightly quicker and easier to use


The diaphragm is also known as a cap.
It is called a diaphragm because when
it is in position it mimics the barrier
or support below the lungs and the rib
cage. It gained the name of cap because
it sits over the cervix at the entrance
of the womb.
There are three different types of
diaphragms. The true diaphragm, some-
times called the DUTCH CAP (1), is the
most frequently used and consists of a
rubber dome fixed onto a supple steel
rim. The CERVICAL CAP (3) is designed to
fit right over the neck of the womb
(cervix) and because of its smaller size
is more acceptable to some women. If a
young woman has no previous sexual
experience, the second type of dia-
phragm is easier for a doctor to fit. It
is more difficult to learn the technique
of insertion of a cervical cap, but
patience and perseverence pay off. The
VAULT or DUMAS CAP (2) is larger and
bowl-shaped. It fits across the top of the
vagina covering the cervix and is held
in place by suction. A plastic variety
is available for women who are allergic
to rubber. All three kinds of diaphragm,
when in position, form a barrier be-
tween the womb and the sperm. To com-
plete this barrier effectively, a woman
must put spermicidal cream or jelly
(spermicide*) along the sides of the cap
before insertion.
If fitted and inserted properly a cap
will not usually be felt. At the first
visit to the GP or clinic, a doctor or
nurse will not only measure and fit the
cap but will usually give the woman a
practice cap. She will be advised to
practise putting it in, wearing it and
removing it for about a week. The
practice cap cannot be relied on for full
contraceptive efficiency and so if sexual
relations are going to take place during
this time, a man should also use a con-
dom. Medical staff will advise a woman
who uses a cap for contraception to
come back every six months for a
check-up and to be remeasured for fit.
All three types of diaphragm need an
initial measurement and fitting to be
carried out by a doctor or nurse. As-
sessing the right size for the cap is very
important and if the woman, having
been fitted with a cap, gains or loses
weight she must go back for another
fitting. This also applies if she has
recently had a baby and wants to start
using a diaphragm again as her regular
method of birth control.
The cap is inserted through the


vagina by pushing the rim with a finger. be rinsed in warm water using only mild icidal pessaries or suppositories which
It is pushed right to the top of the soap. Strong soaps and detergents must are used in conjunction with another
vagina and put into position across the be avoided as these damage the rubber; ‘barrier’ form of contraception. For
cervix. The patient will be taught to so do vaseline or grease of any kind. instance, used with a condom* or dia-
feel her own cervix (which feels like a Preserving powder can be dusted over phragm* , pessaries complete the bar-
knob at the top of the vagina) and to the cap after cleaning. No cap should rier against invading sperm. For great-
make sure the cap is in the right posi- ever be stretched over sharp fingernails est protection against an unwanted
tion. Some women prefer to use a mech- for obvious reasons. pregnancy spermicidal pessaries
anical inserter which is a fork-like Some women worry if their periods should not be used on their own. Pes-
piece of plastic, rather than the fingers. start while their cap is in position. saries are not only used for contracep-
Although a diaphragm can be put in There is no need for concern as the tive purposes but to treat various
anytime before making love, if this is blood will collect in the cap and may vaginal disorders and infections, al-
eventually run over if menstrual flow is though these will not contain a sperm-
heavy. The cap can be safely removed icide but another active ingredient to
at any time and the usual cleaning pro- treat the disorder.
cedure followed. Inserting a pessary is a simple pro-
Some people do not like the cap be- cedure, just like using a tampon. By
cause they feel it interferes with the using the tip of a finger, the pessary
spontaneity of sexual intercourse, but it can be pushed up to the top of the
has the advantage of having no medical vagina. Once in the vagina, a pessary
side-effects. Used properly with sperm- dissolves; some produce a foaming sub-
icides, it is a very reliable method of stance. A pessary should always be put
contraception and with regular and in three to five minutes before sexual
practiced use its effectiveness is second intercourse to allow it to dissolve com-
only to the pill*. pletely. As pessaries melt so easily, they
should be kept in a cool place before
use—and in the refrigerator in partic-
ularly hot weather.
Some people may prefer to use pes-
saries (along with a barrier method of
(From the Greek, pessos, a pebble or contraception) because they are easy to
smooth stone.) The pessary is a long obtain—they can be bought along with
established form of contraception and condoms from any pharmacist.
dates back to ancient Egypt. Women Most women who start on the con-
have long been aware that inserting traceptive pill* for the first time will be
some kind of obstruction to sperm into advised to use condoms and pessaries
the vagina might prevent an unwanted for a two-week period to act as a back-
pregnancy. Some pessaries were so up method of contraception; this is be-
primitive that their success was severe- cause the pill takes 14 days (in the first
ly limited, but today we have sperm- cycle) before it becomes fully effective.

more than three hours before, extra

spermicide should be put into the
vagina without removing the cap. This
spermicide could be a pessary, cream or
jelly. The cap should not be removed
for at least six hours after the last inter-
course. It can be left in longer, but not
for more than 24 hours without taking
it out and cleaning it. Great care must
be taken to ensure that the diaphragm
is properly cleaned or the rubber will
rot and develop holes in it. A cap should


man has her period on the average of on the calendar find the shortest num-
ber of days between day one and the
Rhythm Method every 28 days she will probably be safe
from the beginning of her period until start of the next period. Let us say
10 days later and from the eighteenth this is 26. Subtract 19 from 26 which
The rhythm method is the only method day after her period until her next leaves seven. Then count seven days
of contraception which is approved by period. Between the tenth and the from day one of the last period. Day
the Roman Catholic Church. Their eighteenth day is the most likely time seven is then the first unsafe day. Then
main opposition to contraceptive meth- for a baby to be conceived. The later from the record find the longest number
ods is that these artificially interfere time in the cycle is safer than the of days from day one of the period, let
with the natural course of procreation. earlier. us say this is 30. Subtract ten from 30,
Hence this method’s other name is Menstrual cycles should always be leaving 20. Then count 20days from day
‘natural birth control’. It has been in counted from the first day of one period one of the last period. In this example,
use since the early 1930s when it was to the first day of the next. Two ways day 20 is the last unsafe day. After
known as KNAUS’S METHOD. in which to calculate an individual this the calendar can be marked for
The rhythm method essentially con- woman’s safe period are known as the each month, circling the first day of
sists of determining the time of ovula- calendar method (A) and the tempera- bleeding and then crossing out the un-
tion in a woman’s cycle and abstaining ture method (C). With the calendar safe days when making love must be
from intercourse during the fertile days method it is essential that a regular and avoided.
before and after. Generally a woman accurate check is kept of the menstrual The temperature method of gauging
produces one egg per month in the cycle. To do this the first day of every the safe period is more reliable. A
middle of her menstrual cycle. This egg period should be circled on a calendar women’s temperature usually drops
can survive once inside the womb for and then an accurate record kept of the slightly at the time of ovulation (when
at least two days. The male’s sperm number of days between each cycle. the eggs are produced), which normally
may also survive, once inside the womb, This must be done for at least six occurs about 14 days before the next
for up to three or five days. To allow months and preferably a year, before period is due. The temperature rises
for individual variations, several days the method can be used properly. to a high level immediately afterwards.
in the middle of the woman's cycle There is a simple formula to work When the temperature has stayed at
must be counted as unsafe. If a wo- out the safe periods. From the record this higher level for at least three days,

y first likely fertile day
recorded cycle 8
123 25' 26

[4 1 3 | 2 1 days before next cycle

longest y last likely fertile day

recorded cycle

likely fertile days

in advance


safe days likely fertile days

A dry days
A menstrual bleeding ♦ sticky mucus days of likely survival of sperms
• likely days of O day of likely
egg release survival of egg f peak symptom mucus


the egg cell is beginning to disintegrate since it usually takes three or four discharge. The secretions will then be-
and is unlikely to be fertilized. To keep months for periods to return to normal. come white or cloudy yellow and be
a check on this method the woman For women who are going through slightly sticky in consistency. At ovula-
should take her temperature every mor- menopause or change of life the ir- tion the discharge increases in quantity
ning and mark it on a special chart. It is regularity of their periods may make and has an egg-white type of con-
fairly safe to make love on the fourth this method unsafe although at this sistency. Following ovulation the mu-
day after the temperature has risen and time their fertility is low. Those on a cus decreases and again becomes
remained at the higher level. This diet or taking drugs or pills of any kind cloudy and sticky. At the time before
method is more trouble than the calen- likely to upset the delicate hormonal a period the secretions become clear
dar method but it is probably more balance which controls the egg release and watery. This safe period is meant
reliable. Special charts for both of these system (ovulation), or those under to be the dry days after a period and
methods are available from family plan- stress, would be safer using another the clear watery phase which comes in
ning clinics and from doctors. method. the pre-menstrual stage.
It is difficult to be certain of the safe As the rhythm method is a natural With all rhythm methods it is import-
period to have intercourse since ovula- form of birth control, it is understand- ant to stress that calculations or assess-
tion can occur at different times in the able that many researchers have de- ments must be accurately carried out
month if the woman is ill, upset, has voted their studies to finding more and recorded to gain maximum ef-
moved to a different climate, or for a accurate means of assessment. One fectiveness, which even then is not too
variety of other reasons, which could such method which is presently being high. Due to the fact that bodies are
mean that all the calculations become investigated is known as BILLINGS OVU- not fully automated and regulated, the
invalid. It also means that love making LATION METHOD (B). This method relies rhythm method which is based on one
is limited to very few days each month on the woman coming to understand the of the natural biological rhythms* is
which may prove unsatisfactory for the character of her own cervical mucus unreliable. As famous population ex-
couple concerned. or discharge. During different times of pert, Dr. Paul Ehrlich, once said,
The rhythm method cannot be looked the month the secretions (discharge) ‘People who use the rhythm method are
on as reliable for women who have ir- will vary between ‘wetness’ and ‘dry- commonly known as parents’.
regular periods. Neither is it reliable ness’. In the first few days of a wo-
for women who have just had a baby, man’s cycle she will produce a dry

avoid sex
wait 4 days first day
y first day of period y of period

these days



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device depends a lot on the skill and The advantage of the IUD as opposed
practice of the inserter. When a preg- to other methods of contraception is
I.U.D. nancy is desired, or a change of con- that it is not sex-event related—a wo-
traceptive wanted, the doctor can man does not have to remember to put
The abbreviated and most-used term for easily remove the device and fertility it in or on before intercourse, and once
the intra-uterine device, a contraceptive will be regained. The IUD should not be inserted it can be more or less for-
device which is inserted into the womb removed by a woman herself, but gotten. In contraceptive efficiency, the
and remains there for a period of time she can check that the device is in IUD, with an approximate 98 per cent
which varies according to the particu- by feeling for the strings which are success rate, is second only to the pill.
lar device used. The most common types attached to it—these fall just into the The medical profession is not entirely
in use are known as the LOOP (Lippes top of the vagina. The doctor usually sure how the IUD works—whether it
loop), the COIL (Saf-T-coil), COPPER 7, checks an IUD once or twice a year. causes the production of substances
and COPPER T. The copper devices have Doctors will not normally fit an IUD which affect sperm or whether it pre-
made it possible for women who have in women who suffer from heavy per- vents the fertilized egg from implanting
not had a previous pregnancy to use an iods as it may increase this discomfort. itself in the womb is not known for cer-
IUD, as they are smaller than other de- Some women find that their body re- tain. As the IUD is now used by some
vices. There is a new T-shaped IUD jects and expels an IUD, but this is very clinics as a form of morning-after con-
available called PROGESTASERT which rare once the device has remained in traception, the latter theory would
contains and releases a hormone, pro- place for three months. Some women seem to be more acceptable. An IUD is
gestogen (progestin). find IUDS uncomfortable or painful—if sometimes fitted not as a contraceptive
An IUD should be fitted by a specially- this occurs a doctor should be con- device but as a support of the womb in
trained doctor since the efficiency of the sulted at once. cases of prolapse*.


Withdrawal is a commonly used meth-
od of contraception, but one that is
rarely recommended. This is because its
failure rate in preventing an unwanted
pregnancy is high and it can prove
extremely frustrating for both part-
ners. Because of its worldwide popu-
larity, withdrawal has acquired a vari-
ety of names, COITUS INTERRUPTUS is
its formal title and means just that-
interrupted sex. However, the method
is probably better known as being care-
ful, taking care of the woman or throw
outs. Other terms are coitus reservatus
(withholding ejaculation), coitus in-
complete (incomplete intercourse) and
coitus saxonicus.
In this method when a man feels
ejaculation is about to take place, he
withdraws his penis and ejaculates out-
side the vagina. This requires a degree
of will power and control not always
possible. It is difficult to be sure of the
moment of ejaculation and it is im-
portant that no drop should be spilled
before the man withdraws. Quite often
couples may use this method and not let
the penis enter the vagina at all, but
ejaculate between the woman’s thighs.
This is very risky as sperm deposited
outside the vagina are able to swim up
into the womb without the penis being
inserted. Also, it is possible for sperm
to be released in the fluid lubricating
the penis, so that when a man’s penis
enters the vagina the sperm are already
there before he ejaculates.
For some people, using withdrawal
as a regular method of contraception
may be psychologically damaging. If a
person is emotionally insecure or the
relationship is in difficulties the stress
caused by using this method may prove
too great. It can also induce frigidity*
in a woman and impotence* in a man
due to lack of sexual pleasure and

Far left: common type of IUDs.

Lippes loop and Saf-T-coil lie below
the long, thin introducer. Copper 7
and Copper T lie above it. The IUD,
which is fitted by a doctor, is stretched
out into the thin introducer to pass
through the cervical canal into the
womb. Once there, it regains its
original shape. The insertion of an
IUD takes about five to ten minutes.
Left: Lippes loop (above) and Copper 7
(below) in position.


concerned. This technique has been re-

placing D & c, which is short for
Vaginal Douche Abortion DILATION AND CURETTAGE. Otherwise
known as a ‘scrape’, in this method of
Douching or ‘washing out’ the vagina Abortion is not a method of contra- abortion, the vaginal canal is dilated
has always been more popular in the ception* in the true sense of preventing and the contents and lining of the womb
US and on the Continent than in conception but it is a method of birth are removed (below). It is often used not
Great Britain. As a contraceptive or control. It is often the last resort for only as a method of abortion but as a
birth control method it is not effective, women who have accidentally con- treatment for women who have suffered
and is not recommended. The theory is ceived either through contraceptive from problems with their periods.
that douching washes out sperm from failure or their failure to use a birth Early abortion does not necessarily
the vagina after sexual intercourse, but control method correctly or in some require an overnight stay in the hos-
in practice it may be used too late or cases the failure to accept that a preg- pital but after abortion at 12 or 13
may even help the sperm to reach the nancy ‘could happen to them’. weeks hospitalization will be required
womb. Abortion is now a safe and relatively sometimes for only a day, sometimes
A variety of anti-sperm agents in- simple procedure if a woman gets help for two or three days, depending on
cluding vinegar (gonorrhea*), alum, during the early stages of an unwanted the stage of pregnancy. Abortions car-
salt, soap and even Coca Cola have pregnancy. The first step is to make ried out after 13 weeks are more
been put in vaginal syringes, sprays or sure that there is a pregnancy by taking difficult and carry a greater health risk.
douching bags, but it is best not to use a simple pregnancy test which is car- They have to be done under a general
any substance or preparation in the ried out 14 days after a missed men- anesthetic and involve the injection of
vagina unless it is recommended by a strual period. This can be done through compounds (called abortifacients) into
doctor. most Planned Parenthood or family the uterus which induce contractions
planning clinics, by pharmacists or and thus expulsion of the fetus.
your own doctor. A new, easier and safer method for
During the very early days of preg- very early abortion is undergoing
Morning-After Pill nancy a process called MENSTRUAL EX- clinical trials now. Called prostaglan-
TRACTION can be carried out. The term din gel, it comes in the form of a
Morning-after contraception is pre- is usually used when pregnancy has pessary which is inserted by the woman
scribed in emergencies by a doctor only just occurred and has not necess- herself about four times every hour for
when sexual intercourse has taken arily been confirmed. By suction, the a specified period. This brings about
place without any precautions against contents of the womb including the womb contractions and induces an
pregnancy. It might be prescribed when fertilized egg are removed, SUCTION abortion, but can only be used in the
a woman has been raped, or when her METHOD can be used up to the thir- very early stages of pregnancy. The
health might be endangered by preg- teenth week of pregnancy, and include morning-after pill* and the morning-
nancy and she is aware that a condom vacuum aspiration and the Karmen after coil (IUD*) which induce a men-
or diaphragm has failed. This pill con- cannula method. Suction operations strual-like bleeding are not normally
sists of a high dose of estrogen, one are performed under either a local or considered to be methods of abortion,
of the hormones used in the combined general anesthetic depending on the since they prevent the implantation of
contraceptive pill, which induces a length of the pregnancy and the woman an egg in the womb’s lining.
menstrual-like bleeding and thus pre-
vents the implantation of a fertilized
egg in the womb’s lining.
Side effects from the morning-after
pill include severe nausea and vomit-
ing; they are not pleasant and this
pill is not recommended as a contra-
ceptive. An alternative to the morning-
after pill which is now on trial is the
MORNING-AFTER COIL. Insertion of an
IUD* after unprotected intercourse
has taken place brings on a menstrual
period straight away without unpleas-
ant side effects.


ABORTION BY VACUUM 1. Sac of amniotic fluid in which the

ASPIRATION fetus is developing

2. Enlarged womb

3. Cervix

4. Vagina

5. Tube attached to vacuum pump

6. Womb shrinks to normal size

7. Abortion completed


Both male and female sterilization are
permanent methods of fertility control
rather than just a means of preventing
birth. Although reversal operations
can be attempted, there is no guarantee
of success. Before performing such an
operation, a doctor will probably ex-
pect to obtain the consent of the
patient’s partner and will probably talk
to the couple and explain in detail
exactly what the operation involves.
There is no legal requirement for the
spouse’s consent, but some doctors will
not sterilize a woman if her husband
objects. If any woman experiences dif-
ficulty in obtaining sterilization be-
cause of this problem, then she would
be advised to seek the help of another
doctor or a women’s rights group.
Male sterilization, known as VASEC-
TOMY, is a much simpler operation than
female sterilization. Vasectomy can be
carried out under local anesthetic and
does not involve a stay in hospital. It
is often carried out in family planning
clinics. The technique involves a small
incision in each testicle and the cutting
and tying of the tubes (vas deferens)
which carry the sperm. Neither the sex
drive is affected nor the ability to have
a full erection after vasectomy. After
the operation, another method of con-
traception will have to be used until
the man’s sperm count drops to a safe
level. A doctor will advise when a man
is to have check-ups to determine the
sperm level after an operation.
Female sterilization is a more compli-
cated operation because a woman’s
reproductive system is inside her body.
The operation called TUBAL LIGATION
involves cutting and tying the Fallo-
pian tubes which carry eggs to the
womb. In some cases, the tubes will be
completely removed. Access to these
tubes is sometimes gained through the
vagina, although usually a small inci-
sion is made in the abdomen, which will
leave a small scar. As this operation
is carried out under a general anes-
thetic and is a more complicated opera-
tion than vasectomy, it will mean a
short stay in the hospital, normally up
to ten days. However, LAPAROSCOPY
(female sterilization through a tube or
‘scope’ inserted into the abdomen) may
not require a stay in the hospital of
more than forty-eight hours.
When a woman has a hysterectomy*
or removal of her womb and reproduc-
tive organs, the result is complete steri-
lization too.

Defences against and treatments for
the sex-related infections.

Very many people who are faithful to exploited and cheapened by commerce.
one sex partner become infected be- Alcohol* removes self control and more
Sex-Related Diseases cause the partner has ‘slept around’. alcohol is drunk today than a genera-
Those who approve of changing sex tion ago, and by people at a younger
In recent years, the word ‘sex’ has come partners should take note of this. Every age. Additionally, prostitutes are pro-
to mean sexual intercourse, rather than case of VD means another case, and miscuous by profession. Many male ho-
gender (male or female). So sex-related another, and so on. That is why tracing mosexuals lead promiscuous lives. The
diseases are those acquired through sex contacts is so important. The cause sex lives of both these groups has added
sexual intercourse, not diseases which of all these diseases becoming wide- greatly to the amount of sex-transmit-
are peculiar to the sex of the individual. spread is sexual promiscuity*. A pro- ted disease.
There are a dozen or so diseases caught miscuous person, even while incubat- In the United Kingdom, special clin-
from having sex with an infected per- ing a disease and before symptoms ics exist for the free and confidential
son. Many people do not know they develop, can infect many others who examination of all who think they may
are infected and only find out after only have very occasional sex away have become infected (often more than
developing serious complications or from their regular partners. In some one disease is present). In the United
after infecting others. The numbers of cases of group sex* there may be no dis- States there are local VD clinics under
people with SEXUALLY-TRANSMITTED ease until one person introduces it from each state’s Department of Health and
DISEASES increase every year and result outside. Then they all catch it. a national VD ‘hotline’ telephone num-
in a huge public health problem While probably the majority of ber (Operation Venus—1-800-272-2577,
throughout the world. people believe in a ‘one man/one which is toll free) will give advice on
Some countries, such as China and woman’ permanent relationship within symptoms and where to find a local
Cuba, claim to be rid of the sex-related marriage, attitudes and behaviour in clinic. Tests are often free. Some clinics
diseases. Other countries report a rise modern society have changed very will respect the confidentiality of mi-
in sex-related diseases. About 16,000,000 much in recent decades. The changes nors who do not want their parents to
cases of gonorrhea* are reported to amount to a SEXUAL REVOLUTION. receive a bill or to know they may have
occur each year throughout the world. Newspapers, magazines, films and disease. Planned Parenthood centres in
(Since a large proportion of gonorrhea radio bring a greater awareness of sex the US will also give aid. No one drug
infections show no symptoms, the to everybody. Younger people are more will cure all the sex-related diseases.
figure may be very much higher in fact.) and more involved. Many are physi- There are no vaccines against syphilis
These include over 750,000 teenagers in cally but not emotionally ready for sex and gonorrhea nor any early-warning
the US. In Great Britain since World or its possible consequences. The in- blood tests by which to diagnose them.
War II, gonorrhea has increased about fluence of church, school and parents All sex contacts of known cases should
175 per cent in males and almost is weaker than it used to be. People be traced if possible, but even this is
500 per cent in females. It affects about travel further from home; tens of thou- not enough.
one in 1,000 of the population every sands of men cross the seas as im- Public HEALTH EDUCATION in matters
year. migrants or as military personnel, leav- of sex concentrates mainly on contra-
Gonorrhea and almost all the other ing their women at home. The two ception* and venereal disease. It should
sex-related diseases are curable, especi- sexes come into closer contact in fac- warn that the contraceptive pill pro-
ally if treated early. It seems strange tories, offices, schools and colleges. Sex vides no protection against disease
that the better and more widely avail- before marriage, including some part- whereas the rubber sheath or condom*
able treatment is, the more numbers of ner-change, is now accepted by much may protect both partners. Responsible
cases continue to rise. However, this is of society. But people do not accept teaching about sex-related diseases
because controlling VD or VENEREAL unfaithfulness in marriage so easily should include telling people of all the
DISEASE is a social problem and con- and unmarried couples ‘going steady’ dangers that go with irresponsible sex
cerns sexual behaviour. tend to keep their ‘affairs’ with other activity—but should not scare them off
Venus was the Roman goddess of people secret. The PERMISSIVE SOCIETY, sex altogether. It should include advice
love. Venereal diseases are caught however, is ending the double standard on simple hygiene like urinating and
through ‘venery’ or love making. Syphi- where sex is OK for men only. Greater washing after intercourse with strange
lis*, gonorrhea and chancroid* are sexual freedom exists for females as a partners. It should warn against sex
almost always acquired this way (not result of safe and inexpensive contra- with a second person too soon after the
from toilet seats). Many other diseases ception. A girl with several sexual first. This is to allow time for symptoms
follow sexual relations, close contact partners is no longer thought of as a to develop following a risk. It is better
without sex or are caught from lavato- whore. But permissiveness has brought not to wait for these but to go for a test.
ries, infected towels, and so on. Because muddled thinking and much distress, There may, of course, be no symptoms
‘having VD’ has caused so much em- especially to adolescents, over the dif- at all.
barrassment, shame or disgrace for so ference between liberation and libera- The ultimate control of these dis-
long, these other diseases are called lity, between freedom of choice and eases will only come with a change in
‘sexually transmitted’ or, more cor- license in sexual behaviour. sexual behaviour. For this to happen
rectly, ‘transmissible’. They affect one Because the sex urge is very power- there must be more sex education
in two hundred of the population. The ful, boys go as far as they dare or are which deals with personal relation-
usage of terms like VD depends upon allowed. Girls, seeking love, often have ships and making responsible de-
attitudes to sex. Sexually enlightened sex to make up for an unhappy home; cisions. Really successful sex does not
people are content with the word ‘ven- or because they fear losing their boy lie in immediate satisfaction wherever
ereal’, while many others prefer to friends; or because pressure from their it may be found, but in a loving and
change the language rather than their girl friends and the mass media suggest lasting commitment to one person. In
opinions. that sex is expected of them. Sex is this way lies sexual health too.


good time girl, enthusiastic

business man at conference

wife infected: goes

to divorce court


eyes as it passes through the cervical mation occurring in various glands

Gonorrhea canal, producing a condition known as

opthalmia neonatorum. Until recently
opening into or near the urethra (Ty-
son’s, Littre’s or Cowper’s glands), and
gonorrhea was a cause of blindness also in the prostate gland or the epidi-
Gonorrhea is an extremely contagious in newly-born babies. dymis situated in the scrotum behind
sexually-transmitted disease. It has The disease mainly involves the geni- the testicle). This, if it occurs on both
been known since biblical times and tal and urinary passages which become sides of the scrotum, may result in steri-
occurs throughout the world; no race inflamed and discharge a yellowish- lity. Chronic inflammation may also
is immune. The disease’s prevalence white pus. In males the discharge from lead to a stricture or severe narrowing
differs from time to time and from the penis may be heavy and cause dis- of the urethra. In the female, gonococci
country to country according to sexual comfort on urinating. Symptoms devel- often invade the back passage, even
customs. Numerically speaking, gonor- op within about three to eight days of without rectal coitus having taken
rhea is possibly mankind’s greatest exposure to infection, but the incuba- place. Abscess on the external sexual
pestilence; it is more common than tion period may extend even to three parts or acute inflammation of Bartho-
cases of measles in children. Statistics weeks. A number of males may remain lin’s glands is not infrequent. The most
show that at least about 56,000 people without symptoms (an estimate of from frequent and serious complication
in Great Britain are infected with gono- five to 20 per cent is current), and which affects twenty per cent of females
rrhea annually and about 3,000,000 or these asymptomatic individuals, as with gonorrhea is acute salpingitis (in-
more in the US. Gonorrhea is spread- they are called, include those who are flammation of the Fallopian tubes
ing at an alarming rate among all ages in the process of developing the disease. which lead from the ovaries to the
and all social classes. In law, gonor- If sexually promiscuous during the uterus). Then there is lower abdominal
rhea is a disease which must be re- symptomless incubation period, infect- pain, which can often be severe; con-
ported to the health authorities, but ed people can unwittingly transmit the stitutional disturbance like fever and
there are serious doubts as to whether disease to others, and doubtless much headache occurs. Peritonitis (a com-
this legal requirement accounts for gonorrhea is spread in this way. mon complication of appendicitis)—an
even a majority of cases, as the disease Females with symptoms usually com- inflammation of the lining of the in-
often shows no symptoms. Many coun- plain of vaginal discharge which may terior abdominal cavity—may follow
tries do not provide statistics. appear yellowish or discomfort and with possible fatal results. The Fallo-
From health reports, such as they pain when urinating. This has account- pian tubes can get partially or com-
are, gonorrhea affects people in the ed in the past for some cases of so- pletely blocked. Ectopic pregnancy (the
sixteen to forty-year-old age groups called honeymoon cystitis, an inflam- baby developing outside the womb) is a
mostly, with a maximum incidence in mation of the bladder (cystitis*). Some complication of blocked tubes. The
males aged around twenty-two and in 60 to 80 per cent of female cases re- patient may then become sterile or sub-
females of about nineteen. Statisti- main symptonless, unless complica- ject to chronic miscarriage. Pelvic ab-
cally, males outnumber females by tions develop. This is because the fe- scesses may also develop leading to
three to two, but only about 20 per cent male cervical canal is a part of the body anemia and chronic ill health. Surgical
of women show symptoms of the dis- that is insensitive. The very short fe- operations are often necessary to help
ease. The increase in recorded female male urethra does not seem to harbour such patients.
infections since World War II greatly infection either. When inflamed, these The more general complications of
exceeds that in males. Nearly one in areas cause little or no discomfort. The gonorrhea involve tissues outside the
five females are wives infected by their amount of discharge in women with reproductive system—these are rare
husbands. Only two per cent of male gonorrhea is relatively slight; when and result from invasion of the blood
cases are infected by their wives. present it may go unnoticed in the stream by the bacteria. The heart and
The cause of gonorrhea is a bacte- existing vaginal and vulva moisture. nervous system, but more especially the
rium, the gonococcus (Neisseria gonor- Symptomless females, if promiscuous, eyes may be affected. Feverish illness
rhoeae). To remain alive it needs will infect others and may not realize with skin rashes, joint pains and some-
warmth, moisture, darkness, an atmos- they should attend a doctor or a clinic times septic arthritis are becoming
phere short of oxygen and the right unless an infected partner convinces more common, possibly related to un-
sort of tissue upon which to multiply; them they were the source of gonor- diagnosed and therefore chronic throat
it soon dies outside the human body. rhea or a member of the public health infection.
Suitable tissue is found in the urinary or welfare service contacts them, as a The diagnosis of gonorrhea is first
passage (the urethra) of both sexes and result of being informed of the sexual made by finding the gonococci under a
in the female cervical canal which runs contacts of a known gonorrhea victim. high-powered microscope in stained
between the vagina and the uterus. The Males or females with throat or rectal smears (called the gram stain) taken
disease may also commence in the gonorrhea will also infect partners. from the male urethra and the female
rectum following rectal intercourse or It is not known how many untreated urethra and cervix. Other sites of in-
as a result of vaginal discharge reach- cases of gonorrhea go on to a sponta- fection such as the opening of various
ing the rectum. The throat but not the neous cure. Though this undoubtedly glands (Skene’s tubules, Bartholin’s
mouth, may also be infected following exists, it is foolish and dangerous to ducts) or the rectum and the throat
oral sex*. Although gonorrhea is sel- assume that this has occurred in any may be swabbed and the resulting dis-
dom acquired by any other means than particular case. Complications all too charge or small bits of tissue put into
sexual contact, in rare cases a female often follow such a decision. These a special culture media and grown
infant may be contaminated by an in- complications may be local or general, under laboratory conditions for up to
fected adult who is careless in personal and can be disabling. Local compli- two days to determine if the gonococcus
hygiene. An untreated mother may pass cations of gonorrhea in the male come is present. The culture test is consider-
the infection to her newly-born baby’s in the form of acute or chronic inflam- ed to be very important in female cases


of gonorrhea and in asymptomatic A tropical and sub-tropical contagious

men in whom the bacteria may be
difficult to find. It is also used with
Lymphogranuloma disease, rare in other climates, which
is possibly sexually transmitted. The sex
married partners where absolutely no
room for doubt must exist in the diag-
Venereum partner of an infected person often does
not acquire the disease. It is caused by
nosis of gonorrhea. tiny organisms called Donovan bodies
Most antibiotics destroy the gono- (Donovania granulomatis). After an in-
occus, but penicillin remains the best cubation period of several weeks, pain-
treatment when prescribed in the right less pimples or blisters appear on or
dosage. Increasing dosage has become near the sex organs. These turn into
necessary over the years in order to chronic, sometimes painful ulcers
maintain a near 100 per cent cure rate. which bleed and spread extensively to
The percentage of strains of gonococci the abdomen, groin, buttocks, crotch
which are partially or wholly resistant or up into the vagina. In extreme cases,
to penicillin varies between about the penis may ulcerate away complete-
20 and 75 in different parts of the world. ly. Spread of the infection also occurs
Of deep concern is the appearance in underthe skin, causing ‘pseudo-buboes’
1976 of gonococci which manufacture (or false lymph gland abscesses). Treat-
an enzyme called penicillinase that de- ment with streptomycin or tetracycline
stroys penicillin and some other anti- is effective but may not prevent recur-
biotics. These bacteria are completely rences months or even years later.
resistant to penicillin, but other effec-
tive preparations are fortunately avail- A sexually-acquired tropical and sub-
Infection with gonorrhea provides
tropical disease, caused by a virus-like Molluscum
organism called chlamydia. After in-
no immunity against further infection fection, there is a short incubation Contagiosum
at a later date. Many persons suffer period before a small painless genital
repeated attacks of the disease. There sore appears. (This is rarely seen in
is no vaccine against gonorrhea nor is women, because it is hidden internally.)
there any reliable special blood test, Painfully inflamed lymph glands, or
but the search for these continues. ‘buboes’, develop in the groin soon
Risk of infection from gonorrhea after. These may become abscesses and
can be reduced by the male sexual discharge through the skin. If un-
partner wearing a condom*, for vaginal treated, the infection spreads exten-
or for rectal intercourse. Spermidical sively into the pelvic area, causing
creams, foams and jellies can also be a swelling of the sex organs. Ulceration
deterrent to infection. Lorophyn va- of various internal organs can occur
ginal suppositories are of some help in and sometimes the rectum becomes
preventing infection. A preparation blocked. These late stages can cause
called Progonasyl was developed as a much suffering. Diagnosis is confirmed
treatment to prevent sexually-transmit- by blood and skin tests. Sulphonamide
ted disease and is available on pre- drugs and also antibiotics are used in
scription—it is an antiseptic oil used in treatment.
the vagina. Hygiene will help in pre-
vention of infection. Men should wash
with soap and water carefully around
their genitals, pulling back the foreskin
Granuloma Inguinale
to wash the glans area. This does not A contagious skin disease, caused by a
help women much in prevention of in- virus, which can be acquired sexually.
fection, but a douche* of a tablespoon After an incubation period of three
of vinegar in a quart or about two pints weeks to several months, hemispheri-
of warm water may help. There is a cal pearly-white or pink pimples with
‘morning-after’ pill containing a mild depressed centres from which cheesy
dose of penicillin which will help pre- matter can be squeezed are produced.
vent infection if taken within eight These ‘umbilicated papules’, as they are
hours of exposure; it will not cure an sometimes called, vary in size from a
established case of infection, and is pinhead to a lentil or larger. They
available on prescription only. There is occur sparsely or in clusters, anywhere
some evidence that the contraceptive on the body. When sexually transmit-
pill can increase the likelihood of con- ted, they occur on the penis, scrotum,
tracting disease. vulva, thighs or lower abdomen and
(after anal intercourse) on the but-
tocks. The pimples cause no special
symptoms unless they turn septic. To
cure them, each little lesion has to be
pressed out and cauterized separately.


fectious. An exception to these general no symptoms develop tertiary syphilis.

rules is maternal syphilis. An untreated In some people in this stage, as the
Syphilis pregnant woman can infect her unborn defences slacken off, a few of the spiral
baby even several years following her shaped germs land up in one or another
Syphilis is a sexually contagious dis- own infection. part of the body. The resulting ‘inflam-
ease occurring throughout the world Early syphilis is diagnosed by ob- matory tumours’ may be small or very
that is seldom acquired by any other serving under a microscope germs in large. They are called ‘gummas’ and
means than intercourse. It is chronic the discharge from a sore. Two or three may cause much damage and disfigure-
and can affect any part of the body. At weeks after a chancre (or sore) has ment and occasionally death. In some
times it may mimic almost any other developed, the germs will have entered infected people the brain and/or spinal
disease. For months or years it lies dor- the infected person’s blood stream, so cord may be involved in Neurosyphilis
mant and seldom, except in certain late a blood test will show infection at all (General Paralysis of the Insane or GPI,
stages, makes a person feel ill. It can stages of syphilis. as it is called) or a disease known as
pass via the blood from mother to fetus After an incubation period of ap- Tabes Dorsalis. These severe late
resulting in ‘congenital’ syphilis. Un- proximately two to three weeks (the stages often cripple and may eventually
treated individuals may sometimes re- outside limits are ten to ninety days) a kill the patient. Though death from
cover by themselves; or they may suffer red spot appears on the skin where the syphilis is rare today, it will become
mild or severe but mostly non-fatal late germs entered. This becomes a hard common again if people stop taking the
effects. About 20 per cent of syphilis- painless sore, oozing blood serum but disease seriously. Only the ignorant or
infected individuals may die from dis- not bleeding readily. It is about |-Hin. stupid laugh it off as ‘just a touch of VD.’
ease of the blood vessels and heart or (l-3cm) across. This is the syphilis chan- In Great Britain and the USA, con-
the brain and spinal cord. cre (‘shanker’). Together with enlarged genital syphilis has been almost wiped
The cause of syphilis is a spiral lymph glands in the groin, the condi- out. Nearly all pregnant women under-
shaped microbe called treponema palli- tion is now called primary syphilis go routine blood tests and if these are
dum or spirochoeta pallida, meaning (fig- 1)- 95 per cent of chancres are on positive for syphilis, treatment is given
‘pale corkscrew’, which soon dies out- or near the genitals. They may (fig. 2) in time to protect the child before birth.
side the human body. Provided patients occur inside the vagina or inside the Untreated syphilitic women may give
cooperate in treatment with doctors, anus in homosexual men. Many pati- birth to a dead baby, a heavily infected
early syphilis is curable. Syphilis germs ents are unaware of these sores and infant that usually dies, an infant who
are extremely sensitive to penicillin, to infect others without knowing it. appears well but develops severe illness
tetracycline and some other anti- During the primary stage the germs early in life, one that develops mild or
biotics. Injections are given over ten or spread all through the body but especi- serious trouble such as blindness, deaf-
twenty days. Occasionally second or ally to the skin. After a few weeks to ness or even GPI in childhood or ado-
third courses of treatment are necess- a few months, a widespread rash occurs lescence or one who shows nothing but
ary. Proper follow-up is essential, but which does not itch. It may resemble a harmless positive blood test for life.
this need not be for life. many other skin diseases. (Figures 3, 4 Yet others have tell-tale signs of their
Syphilis spread rapidly through Eu- and 5 show the development of a rash infection before birth (stigmata) but do
rope about five hundred years ago, and which starts as rosy spots, spreading not otherwise suffer.
since that time people have feared round the body and turning into pim- Early syphilis can be cured in nearly
catching the disease and have always ples and then, six to eight weeks after every case. Infection can be rooted out
scorned those who do. After penicillin infection, to pustules.) in most late cases, but in many of these
was introduced in 1943, syphilis was Moist and highly infectious broad some damage is beyond repair. Unless
held in check in countries which had flat warts (condylomata lata) may also treated very early, blood tests (or some
effective venereal disease services. But appear around the genitals (fig. 6). Shal- of them) will remain positive for many
presently, new cases of syphilis are in low ulcers in the throat (‘snail-track years. Only specialists in venereal
large numbers in most countries, par- ulcers’) may occur which make the diseases are able to decide whether a
ticularly among homosexual men. saliva infectious (fig. 7). Other symp- positive test is dangerous or not. When
Syphilis germs enter the human body toms may be present such as enlarged a patient is inadequately treated, as
through cracks in the skin, however lymph glands and thinning of the hair when he stops going for injections, he
small, or through the soft lining of the (syphilitic alopoecia). This stage is may be left uncured and defenceless. In
body openings which are involved in called secondary syphilis, and it lasts this case he is liable to very serious
sexual activity (the penis, vulva, va- many months. and dangerous relapse. Congenital
gina, rectum or mouth). Syphilis is not After the appearance of the chancre, syphilis is an entirely preventable
caught from toilet seats but from a number of protective antibodies disease.
open sores on the infected person in develop in the blood. These reach their Syphilis can be caught a second time,
the early or primary and secondary maximum in the secondary stage of the but this only happens when a first at-
stages or from relapsing sores during disease. As a result of these natural tack is treated while the chancre is
the first year of infection. Hence doc- defences, which only develop in in- developing. In these cases, treatment
tors speak of‘early infectious syphilis’. fected persons but never occur of their has killed off the germs before defensive
Washing with soap and water will pro- own accord, some 50 per cent of all antibodies have had time to appear in
tect doctors and nurses who accident- untreated syphilis cases cure them- the blood. When one sex partner is
ally touch syphilis infectious matter selves. These antibodies also make treated and the other is not, syphilis
with their bare hands. In the latest possible various blood tests by which can be passed back and forth from one
period which follows ‘early infectious syphilis is diagnosed. to the other alternately. This is called
syphilis’ and during the late ‘tertiary’ The other, less fortunate half of ping-pong syphilis.
stages the disease is no longer in- syphilis sufferers, after many years of


Serological tests for Syphilis (STS)

All these tests have to be interpreted by doctors.
They are NOT simple YES/NO tests. ~ NSU
Screening Tests Non-specific urethritis (NSU) is a dis-
C.W.R. (Cardio-lipin Wasserman R.P.C.F.T. (Reiter Protein ease almost entirely confined to males.
Reaction) Complement Fiscation Test). More properly called NON-GONOCOCCAL
URETHRITIS (NGU), it was originally
V.D.R.L: (Venereal Diseases A test for anti-spirochaetal antibody.
labeled ‘non-specific’ because the cause
Reference Laboratory) Reacts against syphilitic anti-body
could not be identified. Some cases were
and originally reacted against
Kahn Test later attributed to bacteria which are
non-syphilitic spinal organisms. Is
These, and others like them, are tests now known to be normal, non-disease
now almost specific for the former,
for non-specific antibodies found in producing germs that live in the male
ie., positive means syphilis.
syphilis and various other conditions. urinary opening. Today the cause is
Hence the BFP (Biological False definitely known, in a few cases, for
Positive) reaction. example, trichomoniasis*. NSU also
follows infection higher up the urinary
Any of the above, if positive, suggest syphilis and lead on to verification tests
tract. Allergy to vaginal secretions
used to be offered as an explanation
Verification Tests for NSU, but this idea has fallen from
T.P.I. (Treponema Pallidum Immobilizing test). favour. Since the disease usually fol-
lows sexual intercourse, with an incuba-
F.T.A./ABS (Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody - “Absorbed”).
tion period of from three to six weeks, it
The above are tests for specific immobilizing antibody. is accepted as being a sexually-trans-
mitted infection, more so as most cases
T.P.H.A. (Treponema Pallidum Haemagglutinatium Assay). A test for specific
respond to antibiotics.
agglutinating antibody.
Opinions differ concerning the role of
If two out of three of the above tests are positive it really means syphilis now germs called ‘mycoplasmas’. These or-
or in the past - but all screening and verification tests are or may be positive ganisms are often found in the genital
in the disease yaws as well. tract of both sexes, even when healthy.
Most people now accept that the cause
of NSU in perhaps the majority of cases
if a virus-like organism belonging to a
group known as the ‘chlamydia’
(known as the ‘trie-agent’). Growing
these organisms on culture plates is
difficult and is seldom attempted out-
side a few research centres.
More cases of NGU, which is on the
increase, are recorded annually than
are male gonorrhea* cases. Many of
these NGU infections are relapses from
previous infections. Unlike gonorrhea,
which the disease otherwise resembles,
it may relapse several times, causing
: % •
. A?:.’ ■'v'i.yL-
A; 0

. r'V-.
much distress to the patient. There is
-■•v-:- :• ■ • i\v
$ mild irritation in the urethra, some dis-
comfort on urinating and a variable
■■■•■A -w amount of penile discharge which is
.• ■■m--- ’ y-:

more watery or mucoid and sticky than

the discharge of gonorrhea because it
has less pus in it.
Local complications are similar to
those of gonorrhea hut milder. Chronic
inflammation of the prostate gland can
follow NGU. A few patients also develop
skin rashes like psoriasis.
Patients get better by themselves in
six weeks to three months, hut treat-
ment with pain-relievers and antibio-
tics help. Treatment of NGU is less
satisfactory than with gonorrhea as the
relapses and complications show. Peni-
cilin is useless. Tetracycline, if given
over several days (10 21) usually sup-
presses an attack permanently.


toms develop about a month after mites droppings cause intense irritation. This
is always worse when the body is warm,
Scabies infest the body. The burrows appear as
tiny black or white lines with a minute especially in bed. As the rash spreads,
blister at one end where the mite is to be the itching may become unbearable.
A very common, world-wide skin dis- found. The burrows are surrounded by Scratching which makes the spots
ease which is caused by a mite (sarcop- inflamed skin forming oblong red spots. bleed, and they soon become infected
tes scabiei). The ‘itch’, as it is also They occur chiefly on the webs of the with germs from the finger nails and
called, is found chiefly among poor, fingers, the wrists, elbows, armpits and turn septic. Second attacks of scabies
over-crowded families that do not wash side of the body, the breasts in women develop more quickly than first attacks.
often enough. It is a contagious disease and the buttocks in children. In many This is because the skin has been made
and is spread by dirty clothing, towels cases the body is covered with spots all very sensitive to the mites by the first
or bed linen and by close bodily contact. over except for the head. The area of attack.
Many cases, therefore, follow sexual in- skin between the shoulder blades often A less common variety of scabies is
tercourse. escapes, because this area cannot be ‘Norwegian itch' (scabies Norwegica).
The scabies mite below, magnified 56 reached by the hands which carry the The rash is more widespread and may
times, is also called an ‘acarus’. It is less mites from one part of the body to involve the whole of the body some-
than half a millimetre in length and is another. The genitals are frequently times including the face and scalp. The
almost round in shape. It lives and feeds covered with the inflammation, es- nails may become misshapen or de-
by burrowing into the outer layers of pecially in the male. Sometimes, if the stroyed. The sores are crusted with
the skin. The female also lays its eggs in disease has been acquired sexually, dried-up pus and scaly skm. There may
these burrows and when they hatch the only the genitals have been affected be as many as two million mites in a
young mites start fresh burrows. So the when the patient first goes to a doctor. case of Norwegian itch compared with
disease spreads over the body. Symp- The saliva from the mites and their 500 in an ordinary case. Norwegian itch
Crown Copyright Reserved


is possibly due to neglect of an ordinary by a virus (herpes simplex) and it is

case. In this respect it
‘mange’ in cats, dogs, horses and other
resembles much more common than many types of
sexual diseases including syphilis*.
Genital Warts
animals. Many cases of herpes follow oral sex,
The mite and its eggs can be removed but some sexual partners are not in-
from its burrow by means of a needle. fected. The incubation period is less
Although mites can be seen under a than a week. Irritating spots and
microscope, a doctor can often make a blisters develop into typical shallow
diagnosis of scabies from the appear- painful ulcers of varying size. These
ance of the rash. There are various may turn septic, but usually heal up
applications for the treatment of within 14 days, although relapses
scabies (benzyl benzoate or gamma ben- are common. The first attacks are the
zene hexachloride lotions). Patients worst. Careful attention to hygiene is
have a warm bath and scrub all over necessary, as no anti-viral drug exists
with soap using a soft brush to open for treatment of herpes. Herpes has not
the burrows. After drying, the lotion is been proved to be a cause of cancer
applied all over the body from the neck of the cervix, but both conditions are
downwards. This can be done by a nurse statistically known to increase with
or by a member of the family at home. teenage sex and promiscuity.
Fresh underclothing is then worn. The
lotion is applied each night for three
nights. A further bath is then taken and
another change of clothing is made.
Warts on the genitals or in the vagina
Second or third treatments may be are known as condylomata acuminata,
necessary at weekly intervals. All or more simply as condyloma, vulval
underclothing, towelling and bed linen warts or ano-genital warts. They are
must be laundered. Members of the painless, cauliflower-like growths,
family and sexual partners have to be caused by a virus, and vary in size
examined and treated if necessary. from a pinhead to a grape. They look
All adult patients infected with like common skin warts, but are softer,
scabies, especially if sexually active, and may appear much larger when
should have blood tests for syphilis*. there are several of them close to-
This is not only because the two dis- gether. They have no connection with
eases can, and often do, exist at the cancer.
same time, but because the rash of
secondary syphilis may resemble
scabies (apart from the fact that it does
not itch). If syphilis were mistaken for
scabies, the consequences could be very

Genital Herpes Chancroid, also called soft sores or

ulcus molle, is a tropical and sub-
tropical disease, little seen in Western
Europe or North America. It mostly
affects males; women rarely show the
symptoms. In European sea ports it can
be caught from prostitutes who may
have no symptoms. The responsible
germ (haemophilus ducreyi) is difficult
to identify under the microscope. Two
to eight days after exposure to infection
a soft, tender and inflamed ulcer, which
bleeds easily, appears on the sex or- The wart virus can be passed from
gans. A succession of fresh ulcers often one person to another by sexual con-
follow this first sore. These join up and tact, or it can be spread locally by the
may spread extensively, causing des- fingers to the anus. Warts take several
truction of flesh. The head of the penis weeks to grow, and although they are
and the foreskin may ulcerate away. not a serious medical problem, they can
Neighbouring glands in the groin often be troublesome for they often recur.
develop abscesses, called buboes. Treat- Treatment is by application of a chemi-
ment is successful with streptomycin cal wart paint or by cauterization.
This is a sexually-acquired infection and sulphonamides. Chancroid should Condylomata lata is the name of a
resulting in ulcers, resembling cold not be confused with CHANCRE, the separate kind of genital wart, which is
sores, on the sex organs. It is caused name for the first lesion in syphilis*. syphilitic in origin {syphilis*).


applied to external surfaces. Tablets causes of honeymoon cystitis*. In

Candidiasis are taken by mouth for bowel infec-

tions. Men should apply the cream ex-
males, the organism lives under the
foreskin or prepuce of the penis, in the
ternally. Candidiasis is made worse by urethra or in the prostate gland.
Candidiasis or CANDIDOSIS (also called wearing close-fitting nylon panties or Trichomoniasis is easily cured by
THRUSH or MONILIASIS) is a sexually tights. Clean, white cotton pants only taking oral Flagyl or Naxogin tablets.
transmissible infection due to a yeast should be worn. Personal cleanliness is Sex partners are best treated together
or fungus called Candida (or Monilia) essential and the genitals should be so as to prevent reinfection, which is
Albicans, which consists of tiny threads washed in soap and water after urina- common. Double infections with other
and yeast-like cells or spores. It is easily tion or a bowel movement. Sex part- sexually-acquired diseases are also
identified under the microscope. Can- ners, if infected, should be treated at common. Gonorrhea is found in about
dida is mostly found in the vagina the same time. 40 per cent of all female patients with
where it may cause no trouble unless a trichomoniasis seen in VD clinics, but
woman suffers ill health or is emotion- in only about five per cent attending
ally upset. More often it causes moder-
ate to severe inflammation of the va-
Trichomoniasis other hospital departments or doctor’s
gina and vulva (when it is called vulvo-
vaginitis). It occasionally causes TRICHOMONAL VAGINITIS (‘TV’) Or tricho-
‘thursh’ in the mouths of babies or ser-
iously ill people. Very rarely it invades
moniasis (‘trie’) is a sexually-transmitt-
able infection. It is found in women
the blood stream. more often than in men at a ratio of ten
With vulval and vaginal YEAST IN- to one; possibly 20 per cent of all Inflammation and infection of the blad-
FECTION there may be slight discomfort women are infected at some time. It der is called cystitis. Diagnosis is
and irritation or intense soreness, causes a few cases of non-gonococcal clinched by growing the germs which
burning and ulceration. These symp- urethritis (NSU*) and is the common- cause the infection from a urine speci-
toms do not depend on the amount of est cause of VAGINITIS or inflammation men and also by seeing scavenger or
discharge, which varies greatly from of the vagina in women. pus cells under a microscope. The blad-
watery to thick yellow. Cheesy-white It is not known how many men and der is very resistant to infection. When
patches appear on the inflamed sur- women carry the germs without devel- such infection does occur, it usually
faces which may bleed when they oping symptoms, but they can infect comes from elsewhere—higher up the
are removed. The buttocks, crotch each other without either showing urinary tract in the kidneys (pyelitis) or
and thighs are sometimes affected. Be- signs of disease. Women may also be- lower down in the urethra (NSU*).
cause the anus is close to the vagina, come infected from splashings from Infection may result from obstruction
many infections come from the bowel toilets or from borrowed towels, and to the flow of urine. Causes of obstruc-
where Candida also lives. Infection can female babies can be infected at birth tion include certain malformations, a
also come from borrowed towels or while passing through the vaginal stone in the kidney or ureter (leading
other intimate garments. Women very canal. These ‘asexual’ infections are to the bladder) or in the bladder itself,
often are infected from having sexual very rare, however. pregnancy in women and an enlarged
intercourse and men who are infected The cause of ‘trie’ is a germ called prostate gland or a narrowing of the
nearly always have had sexual inter- trichomonas vaginalis, which consists pipe in men. In rare cases, cancerous
course with an already infected person. of a single cell and has four little or other growths inside the bladder,
Re-infections can keep occurring be- whip-like hairs or flagellae and an un- tuberculosis and some tropical diseases
tween married couples, known as a dulating membrane like the back of a may all cause cystitis.
‘ping-pong’ infection. newt. The diagnosis of trichomoniasis Cystitis causes a necessity for fre-
In men the fungus gets under the fore- is made by seeing the germ under the quent passage of urine, pain on urina-
skin. There may be nothing more than microscope where it jerks about in a ting (dysuria) and sometimes blood is
irritation each time after intercourse sample of fresh discharge taken from a noticed in the urine. Additionally the
with an infected woman, but the end patient. urine is usually cloudy with pus. Treat-
of the penis and the foreskin become Symptoms follow from a few days to ment of the infection is with antibio-
inflamed and discharge offensive mat- several weeks after intercourse—often tics. Drinking ample water or barley
ter (balanoposthitis). The foreskin may after a girl’s first experience of sex water and simple alkaline medicines
become too swollen to pull back, which (trichomoniasis is seldom found in vir- are helpful and alcohol is best avoided.
is known as phimosis*. gins). Some women have only a slight Chronic cases and acute cases which do
Younger women are more liable to vaginal discharge with TV; others have not get better in a few weeks need
infection when they are pregnant or a heavy white, yellow or greenish dis- full investigation. Surgical operations
taking a contraceptive pill. Older wo- charge which is sometimes frothy and are rarely necessary to remove the
men and men are more susceptible if may smell of musty hay. There may also basic cause.
they have diabetes or severe anemia. be soreness and itching of the area be- The bladder is very sensitive to out-
Some drugs make people susceptible. tween the thighs. Intercourse while in- side influences for instance, irritation
Tetracycline, for example, kills off nor- fection is present can be painful (dys- near the genitals also causes frequent
mal microbes that hold the Candida pareunia*) and may cause difficulties urination and dysuria. Therefore, cysti-
fungus in check allowing it to spread between sex partners—one may accuse tis can be mistakenly diagnosed when
freely. the other of ‘catching VD’. In both sexes no infection exists. In women, so-called
Vaginal candidiasis is treated by sup- trichomoniasis may involve the cystitis cases occur four times as often
positories (Nystatin, Amphotericin B) bladder, causing discomfort and fre- as the real thing, but these are just as
inserted at night. Similar cream is quency of urinating, TV is one of the distressing and sometimes harder to


cure. Often these cystitis-like cases are moving slowly about. The nits can also careless about keeping clean.
called the urethral syndrome. Vaginal be seen, but a microscope is necessary Treatment of lice of any kind is by
discharges are a possible cause and for detailed inspection. lotions, ointments and shampoos con-
easy to treat, but irritation of the vulya Although ‘crab’ lice are usually taining lice-killing substances (gamma
(pruritus) may have no obvious cause. caught through sexual intercourse, benzene hexachloride). Most modern
Many cases of ‘cystitis’ occur after a other lice which infest the body preparations are perfumed. For the
woman’s first experience of sexual in- (pediculosis corporis) or the scalp body, DDT powder may be used. There
tercourse—this used to be called HONEY- (pediculosis capitas) can also be is seldom any need to shave off the hair,
MOON CYSTITIS because it often followed caught the same way. The head vari- although this is a quick way to get rid
the honeymoon* period. Poor vaginal ety is mostly found in people who are of pubic infections.
lubrication or excessive fondling of the
genitals with perhaps not-too-clean
hands may cause cystitis after inter-
course at any age. This creates much
anxiety about general health and inter-
feres with sexual pleasure. Anxiety
itself is known to cause bladder distur-
bances. Thus a vicious circle of anxiety-
cystitis-anxiety is created. Treatment
of so-called cystitis involves dealing
with both physical or psychological
causes. Some people have many at-
tacks, but get better quickly without

Pubic Lice
Pubic lice resemble crabs, as the slang
names ‘crabs’ or ‘crab lice’ imply. They
are blood-sucking wingless insects
(phthiruspubis), about the size of a pin-
head, which infest the pubic hair. The
condition is known medically as pedicu-
losis pubis. If a person is very hairy,
‘crabs’ are found elsewhere near the
genitals, around the buttocks, the
crotch, the upper thighs and the lower
abdomen. They may sometimes reach
the armpits, eyebrows and eyelashes,
but not the scalp. They pass from per-
son to person during sexual inter-
course, but may also be caught from
infested clothing, towels or bedding.
The number of cases is increasing each
year, along with other sexually-trans-
mitted diseases. More teenage girls
than boys catch ‘crabs’, but after the
age of twenty, men are more likely to
have pubic lice.
‘Crab’ lice clasp hairs with their hind
claws, making it difficult to pick them
off. They bite into skin in order to
feed on blood. This causes itching
which results in scratching. Sometimes
the bite and scratch marks go septic,
Crown Copyright Reserved

causing inflammation of the skin or

Female lice lay about eight eggs
(nits) a day and cement them to the
root of the hairs. Nits hatch out in
about one week. It takes only a few
crabs to cause widespread infestation.
Patients become aware of crabs by the
itching, but they may also see them


A bidet (from the French, for a small
horse, pronounced bee-day) is an oval
basin plumbed for hot and cold running
water. A person sits astride it to wash
the genitals and anus after sexual inter-
course or defecating. Some bidets have
a central spray to aid in douching* the
vagina. Douching will wash away se-
men and vaginal discharge but must
not be relied on to prevent sexually-
transmitted disease.
Bidets are popular equipment in
bathrooms in continental Europe, but
are more rare elsewhere. Where sexual
attitudes are puritanical, bidets are
often a cause of embarrassment or
laughter. Bidets can be used for urina-
tion, but not for defecation.

Achieving release from sexual
tensions without having intercourse.

slowly becoming more mature in ap- Learning different ways to manipul-

pearance. Exploring the genitals and ate the penis, the clitoris and the
Masturbation becoming familiar with their sensa- erogenous zones* to achieve orgasm can
tions is all part of human sex education help overcome many sexual problems
of an informal kind. In time, it is hoped for either a man or a woman. A woman
From shortly after birth, human beings that adolescents will become adjusted who lias a low arousal rate or who is
begin to derive pleasure from their own adults with mature and successful love unable to attain orgasm can commonly
bodies. Masturbation, in some degree, lives. The practice of becoming familiar improve the situation by masturbating,
starts as soon as a baby becomes aware with and at ease with one’s own sex especially in front of a mirror. She can
of the pleasant sensations that are organs can allay much embarrassment learn the movements and the areas of
generated in the genital area by gentle and ignorance about one’s own sexual her genitals which produce sexual
rubbing (perhaps when being bathed) processes and arousal patterns when arousal and can concentrate on deve-
and by touching their own genitals the time comes to engage in sex with a loping this. For a man, too, if he has
(when first beginning to explore the partner. trouble with reaching his orgasm too
body). From accidental genital stimula- Masturbation continues in the adult soon {premature ejaculation*) he can
tion, children graduate to deliberate years, as part of a loving relationship practise masturbation as a means of
manipulation of their genitals, which between couples and also alone. There achieving more control.
continues intermittently throughout does not need to be a ‘reason’ for For a couple to watch each other
life. masturbating beyond achieving sexual masturbate is a wonderful way of learn-
After a more intense phase of mastur- pleasure, but there is medical evidence ing the sexual needs and wishes of a
bation in early childhood, children that masturbation can make an adult a partner. Noticing the movements used
seem to grow less interested, and there more relaxed, happy, amenable person, while masturbating, the timing and
may be a gap of many years when there better able to cope with the stress of pressure of stroking and other move-
is no apparent interest in sex in general everyday life. This can be particularly ments and so on can all be put to good
and masturbation in particular. A re- so if there is no sex partner readily use in mutual masturbation during
vived interest in masturbation occurs available, during separations from a foreplay*.
at around the start of puberty (age 11 regular or marital partner, during ill- People often ask many questions
and up), especially with boys, when ness or pregnancy perhaps, when there about masturbation: Is it harmful? Do
maturing adolescents start to develop is any unwelcome, enforced lack of all people do it? Is it immature? How
more serious sexual interests and sexual relations. There is no evidence often do people do it? A few short
needs. At this time boys often mas- that long periods of sexual abstinence answers will put aside any uncertain-
turbate in groups and girls explore the do any physical good or are character ties or fears. Masturbation is not harm-
developing genitals often with a friend. forming. ful if a few simple precautions are
Masturbation is a kind of prepara- Masturbation may be especially help- taken. Violently pulling the foreskin
tion for adult sexuality. Young people ful if a couple have different sexual can injure the penis, so can squeezing
learn the feel, the smell and the phys- appetites- the one who has a greater its end too hard to bending an erect
ical sensations of their sexual organs. sex drive can help redress the balance penis suddenly or too far in the wrong
They see them changing and growing, in a relationship by masturbating. direction. There is an occasional ten-

Tom Wesselman


dency for a man or woman to force too

many fingers or other objects into the
vagina, but using dildos*, vaginal
balls*, or other softish articles is safe
and pleasurable. (Never ever put any-
thing into the vagina which cannot be
extracted or any glass object which
might break.) People should mastur-
bate together or alone with clean hands
and fingernails—germs can cause infec-
tions in the sensitive genital areas.
Most people do masturbate some-
time, somewhere, somehow (Kinsey*
found out in the 1950s that almost 100
per cent of men had masturbated to
orgasm some time in their life and a
large proportion of women had too.)
Some people may masturbate once a
year, once a month, once a week, once
or three times a day—how often is a
question of personal pleasure and pre-
ference. Masturbation isn’t just a child-
ish act; it is a mature sexual pleasure
There are so many old wives’ tales
about the dangers and evils of mastur-
bation that they would fill almost a
whole book. Actually, anti-masturba-
tion stories should be called ‘old doc-
tors’ tales’ because a long line of dis-
tinguished medical men (notable was
the Victorian, William Acton) have
scared the wits out of generations of
people by suggesting horrible results
from ‘touching yourself’ (dementia,
blindness, baldness, growing hair on
your palms, etc.). It has even been
suggested that masturbation is forbid-
den by the Bible because of the story
of Onan who spilled his seed on the
ground. Hence, the term onanism came
into use for masturbation. However,
this Biblical story is more likely a refer-
ence to coitus interruptus or the with-
drawal* method of birth control.
Masturbation has been called SELF-
ABUSE, but this is without either logical
or medical foundation. The terms AUTO-
accurate and better describe masturba-
tion. Giving oneself sexual pleasure
should be recognized as part of the
whole spectrum of enjoyable human
sexuality. Masturbation is natural, it is
wholesome, it is even instructive and
helpful in reducing sexual tensions.
‘Know thyself’ is one of the important
philosophical truths of Western cul-
ture. What better way to get to know
oneself than through exploring one’s
own body.


The ultimate in satisfaction for the man
who has no sexual partner is provided
by life-size, inflatable rubber dolls.
These vary in sophistication according
to price, but all offer an artificial
vagina and anus, and sometimes a
mouth for oral penetration as well. The
dolls have female faces, usually with
wigs, and large breasts. The arms end
in hands but the legs usually have no
feet. These masturbatory dummies offer
relief mainly to men who are either too
shy to seek real-life contacts (loneli-
ness*) or who are handicapped by a
physical disability*. An elementary
version exists in the form of a portable
rubber vagina, known rather obviously
as a ‘sailor’s sweetheart’. For women,
the equivalent is an inflatable male
torso equipped with an erect penis that
is stiffened by pumping air into it.
Female and male sex dolls have one
advantage over human partners: they
neither talk nor criticize their lovers’


Though often marketed as a device for
general muscle massage, a small vi-
brator is generally used for sexual
purposes, as a dildo* or clitoral stimu-
lator. It is enjoyable for women to use
while masturbating. In foreplay, a vi-
brator can be both stimulating and re-
laxing when it is used to massage the
erogenous zones* and various other
parts of the body, such as the cheeks,
neck, wrists, armpits or knees.
An ordinary vibrator is a plastic cy-
linder about 6 to 7in (160-180 cm) long
and about Hin (3.5 cm) in diameter.
It is usually tapered at one end and
flat at the opposite end. Inside the
barrel is a tiny electric motor powered
by batteries which effects an up-and-
down or gentle side-to-side whirring
motion. Some vibrators can be plugged
into a main electric current source in
the wall.
Vibrators are available in different
colours and sizes. Some are equipped
with a variety of exchangeable heads—
small 3in ones for rectal use (only a
small size vibrator should ever be used
in the rectum) and larger ones up to
lOin around for vaginal use, clitoral
and general body massage. Electric vi-
brating dildos can be partially filled
with a warm liquid to imitate ejacu-
lation. All vibrators should be washed
in soap and water after use, and there
is no danger of electric shock in bat-
tery-operated types.
Vibrators generate a warm, pleasant
sensation when turned on and pressed
against the skin. They can be gently
stroked against the glans or shaft of the
penis or against the vulval lips or inside
the vagina or rectum. They can also be
held in place against the genitals and
simply left to vibrate. If pressed against
the clitoris they can stimulate an or-
gasm. Vibrators can be used simulta-
neously, one in the vagina and one in
the rectum, but they should not be in-
serted too roughly or pushed in too far
by oneself or one’s sexual partner.


Vaginal Balls
The most common kind of vaginal balls
are hollow plastic spheres about Hin
(3 cm) in diameter attached to a nylon
cord, which is joined to a waist belt
front and back. The one or more spheres
are put high up in the vagina (or
sometimes into the rectum), or drawn
up, by means of the cord, firmly between
the vaginal lips. Weights inside the
spheres make them move back and
forth to provide a pleasurable sensation
inside as a woman walks about or sits
in a chair rocking back and forth. In
masturbation, if the balls are with-
drawn just as orgasm approaches, the
sensation of pleasure may be intensely
increased. Balls containing mercury as
the quivering weight inside should
never be used. Mercuric salts are high-
ly poisonous and dangerous injury can
Various names are given to vaginal
balls: Geisha Balls, Ben-Wa, Thailand
Beads, Rin-no-Tama. They reflect a
probable origin in Eastern Asia, where
refined erotic aids made a much earlier
appearance than in the West.

Sharing and multiplying one
couple’s experience with others.

erotic appeal to be derived from an enough imagination, but an example

ORGY, an occasion when several people might be: a woman lies on her back and
Group Sex or even a large group engage in licen- a man has intercourse with her; at the
tious and lewd sexual practices with a same time she sucks the penis of an-
Traditionally sex is a personal and succession of available partners. Clear- other man who is engaged in oral sex
private matter. There is no theoretical ly, voyeurism* plays a strong part in an with another woman; this latter wo-
reason why more than two people orgy’s appeal. man is masturbating another woman
should not be involved in sexual en- Group sex is not necessarily the same who is fellating yet another man . . . and
counters, putting aside moral, medical thing as partner-swapping* (which so on and on. CHAIN SEX is another word
and emotional reasons or objections. tends to mean two couples exchanging for daisy chain, but is sometimes inter-
Without doubt, for some people, there partners on a mutually agreed occa- preted as people having sex with one
is a lot of enjoyment to be had from sion). For two couples to have sex in partner after another in a regular or
group sex. Certainly the practice of sex each other’s company, in a simple ex- random sequence.
in company has increased in the past change of regular partners, is rather a The so-called GANG BANG is different
decade. different thing. It can be a warm aspect in that it involves a number of persons
Much of the fascination of what is of friendship, and both couples may find of one sex (usually men) having inter-

called group sex lies in its novelty and it a highly instructive process to watch course one after another with a single
‘naughtiness’ which add a sense of and to be watched, as well as to discuss partner. When coercion and even vio-
thrill. There is also the attraction of different aspects of love making. Fur- lence are involved, a gang bang is a
seeing other people naked and of being thermore, the sexual excitement of see- particularly horrible kind of multiple
able to make love to them without the ing others having intercourse, or of rape*. At other times, with the full
danger of a relationship breaking up having them see you, is a sensation that agreement of everyone, a woman may
or the divorce court looming. In gen- has to be experienced to be appreciated. permit serial intercourse with one gang
eral, group sex appeals more to men In the frantic search for novelty that member after another.
than to women. Thus its practice can goes on in the sex lives of some people, Quite different is group therapy*, oc-
be a dividing influence between a a group sex activity called the DAISY casionally used by some psychiatric
couple if a woman goes along with it CHAIN has been invented. In this, with units in the treatment of sexual and
with some reluctance, either to please some physical difficulty, unlimited num- communication problems. Some psychi-
her partner or for fear of losing him or bers of people can have sexual con- atrists consider that sexual activities
appearing dull and unadventurous. tact at the same time. The actual in group surroundings help reduce sex-
Nonetheless, there is a great deal of sequences are available to anyone with ual dysfunction.




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transmitted. If one infected woman is or in stable relations. Also, although

present in a group sex scene, by the people may start group sex with a
Group Sex end of the episode several people will ‘liberal’ mind, when they actually see
have acquired a share of her germs. their usual partner in a frenzy of sexual
Group sex, in general, can cause a Without knowing they are infected, excitement with someone else, deep
number of problems. Foremost is the they may go on to participate in other jealousies can surface which may cause
question of sexually-transmitted dis- group sex, thus spreading infection real problems in a relationship. Many
ease. Infections like Candidiasis* or even further. Men are commonly im- people’s inhibitions are more real than
other vaginitis*, are common condi- potent when they first join group sex they thought. To sum up, group sex has
tions, especially in females, which are scenes. The problem of impotence is little to offer an adjusted couple with a
spread by sexual contact. Gonorrhea* that once begun, it can become more good relationship, except as an oc-
in females is frequently present with no and more severe, even occurring in casional diversion. Whether any risks
obvious symptoms and is sexually ordinary person-to-person encounters are worth taking is up to the couple.

Vern Kent

Man/man and woman/woman
relationships in the era of Gay
David Hockney (detail)


mal and socially acceptable. In the re- In America, the Kinsey studies

Homosexual maining 36 per cent, there was evidence

to suggest that even in these more rigid
undermined one popular myth—that
homosexuality is an obscure phenom-
societies, homosexual practices took enon. Kinsey’s data suggested that
In its broadest generic sense, 'homosex- place in secret. A study of 195 world only about one-half of the adult popu-
ual' describes any group comprising cultures by Hoch and Zubin showed lation in the United States is exclusive-
members of the same sex, including ath- that only 14 per cent rejected male ly heterosexual in behaviour. Using his
letic teams, religious orders or a mother homosexuality and only 11 per cent re- statistics, 37 % of the adult male popu-
and daughter. (The term has nothing to jected female homosexuality. Studies lation and at least 13 % of the adult fe-
do with the Latin work homo, meaning by anthropologists George Devereux male population have some overt homo-
‘man’, but derives from the combina- and Ruth Benedict only begin to de- sexual experience to the point of or-
tion of the Greek word homo-, meaning scribe the elaborate and often ritua- gasm between adolescence and old age.
‘same’ and the Latin-based word lized incorporation of homosexuality An additional 13 per cent of the males
‘sex’.) into many of the Indian tribes of North and 8 per cent of the females react
In contemporary usage ‘homosexual’ America, such as the Mohave, Zuni and erotically to members of the same sex
has been loosely and misleadingly Chukchee. Among some tribes, the sha- without having an overt experience.
applied to individuals who experience mans, credited with supernatural Contrary to the frequently held
same-sex behaviours—loosely, because powers, were often homosexual and re- notion that all homosexuals are alike,
this usage defines a person purely in ferred to as ‘men-women’ (for example, they are, in fact, very diverse. It is more
terms of his or her sexual orientation, the Berdache of the Pacific Northwest accurate to speak of a variety of homo-
and misleadingly, because most persons and the Mujerados of New Mexico). sexualities that range from homosexual
who have had sexual relations with, or They were accorded high prestige and celibates to homosexual communities,
felt a sexual attraction to, others of festivals were given in their honour. from committed and long-term mono-
their own sex, have also experienced For the half century or more, from gamous couples (sometimes in a solem-
sex with or been sexually attracted to the 1860s to 1934, Germany had been nized ‘gay marriage’) to brief multi-
persons of the opposite six. the centre of an early and vigorous partnerships, from the anonymous en-
Homosexual behaviour, then, is de- homosexual rights campaign. Dr. Ban- counter (or trick) to romantic and pro-
fined as sexual activity involving per- kert, a Hungarian, called for a rational longed courtships. The Kinsey report
sons of the same sex. It can consist of approach to homosexuality and himself emphasized that homosexuality, like
simple touching, kissing, petting, fric- devised the term ‘homosexual’ in 1869. other natural propensities, exists as a
tation (TRIBADISM, THE PRINCETON OR Karl Heinrich Ulrichs coined the continuum—a matter not of either/or
OXFORD RUB), stroking the genitals, quaint term ‘urnings’ (based on Uran- but of degree—that unorthodox sexual
mouth-genital contact, anal stimula- ismus) for homosexuals. He derived it practices were not confined to homo-
tion and anal intercourse (for the male, from the Greek word ouranios, meaning sexuals but involved heterosexual indi-
also called SODOMY and BUGGERY). Psy- ‘spiritual’, and intended it to embody viduals and married couples as well. In
chological homosexual reactions con- the notion that homosexuals were a fact, many persons involved in homo-
sist of an awareness of sexual arousal ‘third sex’, a woman’s mind in a man’s sexual behaviour are also in hetero-
by seeing, hearing, or thinking about body, and vice versa for women. sexual marriages and/or parents of
persons of the same sex. Magnus Hirschfeld* who founded the traditional families.
It is difficult for those who are not first homophile liberation organization The Kinsey Report, with its massive
acquainted with cultures other than in 1897, the Scientific Humanitarian data and its affiliation with a major
those directly under the influence of the Committee, also began the Institute for university, plus its unprecedented cir-
Judaeo-Christian tradition to under- Sexual Science in 1919, as a repository culation among the lay public, for the
stand fully how inhibited and rigid is for biological, anthropological, statis- first time put into the hands of the
this tradition as it has now evolved tical and ethnological data and docu- homosexual a weapon with which to
when it comes to sex. Looking at our mentation relating to sexology. Hirsch- launch the battle for equality (Gay
Western tradition, anthropologists tell feld travelled extensively and support- Liberation*).
us that we are almost unique in the ing branches of his homophile group Many of the myths surrounding
proscriptions, the anxieties and the sprang up throughout Europe, includ- homosexuality are falling away, as sex
rigidities which we have developed in ing Russia. He even visited China to education and sounder research pro-
this area. proclaim the rights of homophiles ceed. The illness myth of homosexuals
Homosexuality is found in virtually everywhere. In the United States, this is no longer tenable, and the stereo-
all species, in all strata of human early movement had its first public types of effeminacy (for males) and the
society, and in all parts of the world. support from the revolutionary, Emma swaggering ‘butch’ (for females) are
It is as old as humanity itself and Goldman, who through her writings being left behind as it is realized that
examples of homosexuality have been and speeches became the first major most often there are no ‘identifying’
recorded from the earliest times and figure in the USA to carry the issue characteristics. One of the last myths
noted among a great range of peoples. of homosexual love to the broader to go is that the homosexual is likely to
The fact that it occurs among primitive public. In May 1933, the books, photo- be a child molester, or at least a cor-
peoples as well as in advanced cultures graphs and documents of Hirschfeld’s rupting influence on the young. The
indicates that it is not the result of Institute were publicly burned by the facts do not warrant such fears. Child
cultural decay or degeneration, as some Nazis. The prudery of Stalinism and molestation occurs with much greater
people like to believe. In a study of 76 fascism, and the ravages of the Second frequency between an adult heterosex-
societies, Ford and Beach noted that in World War, wiped out virtually all ual male and an under age female than
64 per cent of them some form of homo- public traces of the first wave of homo- between an adult homosexual male and
sexual activities was considered nor- sexual liberation. an underage male.


Male Homosexuality
Kinsey’s Sexual Behavior in the Hu-
man Male, although published thirty
years ago, is still the classic scientific
study in its area. For white males in
the American population, the incidence
of homosexual behaviour was given as
1 37 per cent had at least one overt
homosexual experience between the on-
set of adolescence and old age.
2 10 per cent were predominantly
homosexual for at least three years
between the ages of 16 and 55.
3 4 per cent were solely homosexual
after the onset of adolescence.
4 18 per cent of all males have as much
homosexual as heterosexual experi-
ence in their development.
A distinction between heterosexu-
ality and homosexuality is arbitrary,
at best. Kinsey’s research demonstrates
that humans engage in different kinds
of sexual activity at different times and
in different situations. Therefore we
should allow for many phases in the
continuum between exclusive hetero-
sexuality and exclusive homosexuality.
Modern theorists, like Evelyn Hooker,
hold that humans are born sexually
malleable and that they have a general
sexual predisposition rather than a
specifically heterosexual, homosexual
or bisexual one. The kind of sexual
learning the individual experiences
will determine the choice of sexual
object. The sexual drive is instinctive;
the object of that drive is learned.
Kinsey’s finding that 37 per cent of the
total white male population had had at
least some overt homosexual experi-
ence to the point of orgasm supports
this idea.
Evidence that homosexuality is not
merely a substitute for heterosexuality
has been found in the behaviour of male
primates. They respond readily to
homosexual stimuli. Mutual grooming,
genital examination, mounting, inver-
sion of sexual role, anal penetration,
mutual masturbation, erotogenic play,
homosexual orgasm and even oral-
genital explorations have been report-
ed, even when heterosexual opportuni-
ties existed. Another group of theories
is based on the belief that homosexual-
ity develops through severely patho-
logical life experiences. Most of these
theories are biased by certain a priori
assumptions, especially that homosex-
uality is a symptom of some pervasive
disturbance within the total personal-
ity and that homosexual interests can


only develop in a context of mental These include their own social and
sickness. This bias is supported by political organizations, community
theories and perceptions which have centres in larger cities, student unions,
developed in a clinical setting, from a interest groups, free universities, coun-
population of homosexuals who have selling services and health service
already defined themselves as sick, or centres. A major goal of the gay move-
been defined as criminal by society. ment is to provide alternatives to the
In the learning process, a living or- bars, steam baths, parks and other pub-
ganism tends to repeat those experi- lic areas which an oppressive culture
ences which are pleasurable and avoid has designated as a gay ghetto where
those experiences which are painful. homosexual contacts are made.
Yet for a taboo* activity in our society, Anal sex is an important sexual
homosexual behaviour occurs at least option which many, though not all,
once in 37 per cent of the white male gay men enjoy. It is a myth that the
population. Homosexuality (like het- partner who receives his partner’s
erosexuality) satisfies many social, sex- penis anally is passive and effeminate
ual nd emotional needs. Many individ- and takes a woman’s role in the rela-
uals like, enjoy and love persons of their tionship. Masculinity does not exclude
own sex, and are homosexual not be- enjoying the receipt of anal pleasure,
cause of hating or fearing members of and many partners take turns in giving
the opposite sex. Kinsey’s statistics and receiving it. Anal intercourse is not
show that people move in and out of the harmful if engaged in a knowledgeable
gay lifestyle, marry persons of the and sensitive way, with proper lubrica-
opposite sex, have children, and at the tion, and anal massage with the fingers
same time relate in different degrees before entering. Known by its old Eng-
with members of their own sex. lish name BUGGERY, or its Biblical
There is no coherent male homo- equivalent, SODOMY, this kind of inter-
sexual community, but rather a diver- course is a criminal offence in many
sity of subcultures. There are cliques countries and states—even between a
composed of long-term monogamous man and a woman.
couples who have been together for Anal entry with the whole hand is
many decades and do not associate with known as FIST-FUCKING, while stimula-
single individuals. There are cliques of tion of the anus with the tongue or lips
upper-income businessmen who do not is RIMMING or ANILINGUS. The predom-
go to public gay places like bars, steam inant forms of genital sex engaged in by
baths and restaurants, but stay in their gay men are fellatio and mutual mas-
‘closets’ by only associating with other turbation. FRICTATION is when two men
similarly closeted persons, CLOSET rub against each other face to face, and
QUEEN or CLOSET CASE describe the is also called (depending on one’s
state of mind of a person who hides his nationality) the OXFORD RUB or the
or her homosexuality, COMING OUT of PRINCETON RUB.
the closet is a process involving self- A gay man looking for a one-time
acceptance and, if warranted, dis- sexual encounter (trick or number) is
closure to others. said to be cruising. A men’s room which
There is diversity in the nature of gay is popular for making sex contacts is
relationships. Some homosexual men called a tea room. Holes made in the
prefer anonymous or one-time sexual partitions between men’s toilets,
encounters, and steam baths and bars through which a man can put his penis
provide the opportunity or such con- for fellatio are called glory holes or suck
tacts. Steam baths are rather like holes. A man who prefers underage
hotels in which a person can rent a partners is a CHICKEN QUEEN.
small room. People wander about in The older style of somewhat effemin-
towels, take showers, go in the steam ate homosexual is an auntie. The
rooms, pools, or orgy areas, and have younger generation of self-affirming
sex in pairs or in groups. Individuals gays, with greater inner confidence,
may ask others to their room. who live in a less oppressive climate,
Gay bars are a centre for gay men may no longer employ the sarcastic wit
meeting each other in most larger cities that is recognizable by gesture and in-
and towns. These bars are similar to tonation as CAMP. They may call them-
heterosexual singles’ bars, but many selves produly by the old terms of
emphasize social rather than purely abuse, like FAGGOT or QUEER. A more
sexual contact. liberating term that has been adopted
Currently, the gay movement in in place of either ‘gay’ or ‘homosexual’
America is trying to provide alterna- is HOMOPHILE.
tive and more personal ways for gay A long-lasting relationship between
men to meet and relate to each other. two gays is gay marriage.


Homo-erotic Art

Most commonly used in the context of

homo-erotic art, this term means the
same as homosexual, but is more logic-
ally constructed from two Greek words.
Homo-erotic art is for gays what pin-
ups are for straights. Fine nude phys-
iques, butch faces and well-hung geni-
tals are as standard here as the tit-and-
bum and beaver formulas in hetero-
sexual pin-ups.
Popular homo-erotic art has escaped
from the hypocritical imitation of class-
ical art which once enabled its themes
to be publicly accepted. Photographic
studies of nude Neapolitan boys and the
slickly erotic neo-classical nudes of
Alma-Tadema and Val Prinsep, glorified
an ‘artistic’ ideal. With the frankly
homosexual expressiveness of the Ari-
zona cowboys drawn by the American
artist known as Quaintance, the pre-
tence could be dropped. The style came
up to date in jeans, and had a late, live
flowering in the Elvis Presley image.
Quaintance’s rather sentimental west-
ern boys were supplanted by the bike-
club style exemplified by the equally
pseudonymous Tom of Finland (rumor-

Tom of Finland
ed to be a resident of Sweden). Tom did
for gay sex-symbols what Varga had
done for girlies, treating the arousing
features of male muscle, buttocks and
crotches with the same baroque over-
emphasis that advertisers give to fe-
male bottoms and breasts. More tradi-
tionally American in taste, and perhaps
a little less erotic, are the drawings of
Rip Colt, whose academic draughts-
manship does not inhibit him from
hanging his nudes with those dispro-
portionately large genitals that are a
‘must’ in homo-erotic pin-ups and
Jean Cocteau



encounter or a secret second life. For one lover, and who do not question
their status in their culture. There are
Female some who were not self-defined as
homosexuals, but who hung around gay lesbians who tell friends but not work
colleagues about their identities.
Homosexuality bars or with gay people, there were the
scurrilous names FRUIT FLY or FAG HAG. The closeness generated between
In the early 1950s in America, when previously heterosexual (usually
In contrast to the research designed economic, legal and social sanctions young) women in the women’s move-
to assess male homosexuals, psycholog- still kept the majority of the lesbian ment has created a new type of lesbian-
ical research on lesbian populations population invisible, Del Martin and women who, ‘came out’ through the
has been scarce. In 1942, Abraham Phyllis Lyon formed the Daughters of women’s movement, amid the support of
Maslow administered a questionnaire Bilitis (DOB), a group organized to their sisters, and with a positive ration-
to 139 women about feelings of self- serve the social, cultural and political ale for lesbianism. Kinsey’s figures of a
esteem and dominance. The ten women needs of lesbians. Their publication, one to three per cent lesbian population
scoring highest on measures of self- The Ladder, first edited in the early have probably been outdated by the
esteem and dominance all reported days in the movement by Barbara Git- number of women who have realized
either homosexual fantasies or experi- tings, was for American and British their own lesbianism within the con-
ences. None of the ten lowest-scoring lesbians, justifiably afraid of dis- text of the women’s movement. Les-
women reported either homosexual fan- closure, the only link with an under- bians are now more likely to use the
tasy or experience. In 1969, Hopkins ground with which they could identify. courts to challenge discrimination, and
administered a personality inventory Until the late 1960s, even in metro- although court decisions frequently re-
to fifty lesbians and a control group of politan areas, lesbians met in covert flect a heterosexual bias, some land-
heterosexual women. She found that ways, at bars, perhaps at DOB meet- mark decisions have awarded openly
lesbians were more independent, re- ings, or by enduring months of testing, lesbian mothers custody of their chil-
served, dominant, unconventional, self- veiled allusions if they met in a non- dren and forced employers to make
sufficient and composed than the lesbian setting and could not be sure. restitution.
heterosexual controls. In the 1970s, The risk was discovery and could mean The women’s movement has also af-
Oberstone and Adelman in two separ- then, as it often does now, loss of job, fected lesbian self-images, styles of
ate studies administered the MMPI to impugned character, loss of children, living and relating. DYKE, long a de-
separate groups of lesbian and hetero- career destruction, ostracism by rogatory word to describe ultra-male-
sexual women. Differences, where they friends and family, perhaps hospital dressing females, has been embraced as
existed, were insignificant. treatment and jail. With this there went their own name by some lesbian femin-
Spokeswomen for the lesbian-femin- depression, anxiety, damaged self- ists. Playing BUTCH (the partner who
ist movement explain their lesbianism esteem and self-destructive behaviour. acts out a masculine role) and FEM
as a choice: an emotional and cognitive In the 1960s, the women’s movement (the passive, feminine role), done ele-
rejection of the ‘patriarchy’s’ exploita- provided, on a grand scale, a context in gantly with monocles and tuxedos in
tion and devaluation of women, as well which lesbians could begin to form Paris in the 1920s, and less elegantly
as the reclaiming and affirming of positive ideas about their status in by less affluent counterparts in earlier
women’s strength and beauty and the society. They saw their oppression as and later generations, has been sup-
creation of a culture which emphasizes women, and specifically as women who planted among feminists by a more
cooperation, conservation and the chose not to collaborate with their egalitarian, sharing, androgynous way
values of the spirit. oppressors. At this point, splits occur- of looking and behaving. Lesbians af-
Traditional views seek the causes of red between gay men and women who fected by the women’s movement are
lesbianism in psychoanalytic, hor- had previously seen their fates linked now less likely to look for a life-long
monal/genetic, or behaviour/social by the common oppression of homo- monogamous commitment. Viewing
learning theories, but Dr. Evelyn sexuality. In consciousness-raising ses- lovers and partners in non-possessive
Hooker, in her National Institute of sions, study groups, ‘rap’ sessions, in ways, having open relationships or
Mental Health Task Force report in National Organization of Women living and relating intimately to more
1972, wrote: ‘diverse forms of adult (NOW) and other feminist organiza- than one woman, is often the preferred
homosexuality are produced by many tions, lesbians began to find each other, model.
combinations of variables including to work with heterosexual women for Lesbians of today are as diverse as
biological, cultural, psychodynamic, common political goals, to see them- the pluralistic societies to which they
structural and situational. No single selves no longer as either immoral, belong. They may be radical or con-
class of determinants, whether psycho- sinful or neurotic, and to ‘come out’ servative, black or white, rich or poor.
dynamic, cultural or biological, ac- both inside and outside the movement. The may choose motherhood or non-
counts for all or even one of these They formed their own interest groups, parenthood. They may conceal their
diverse forms’. and emerged often with an identity sexual identities or be open. They may
Lesbianism as an openly displayed separate from heterosexual women’s have many partners, one partner or
life style occurred only where women groups and from gay men’s groups. none. They may be celibate. Their
had resources to remain financially in- In larger metropolitan areas, les- appearance and behaviour may be
dependent of men, whether thanks to bians who defined themselves as radical masculine, feminine or androgynous.
family money, to an independently separatists formed living and working They may be content, productive or dis-
practiced skill or to a social environ- collectives. These analyzed their op- satisfied. They may be gifted or quite
ment (for example, in countries where pression in economic terms, and ordinary. What these women share is
welfare benefits are relatively high and attempted to live by socialist prin- diversity of values, attitudes, experi-
accessible). For less fortunate women, ciples. There are lesbians who share ence and economic status, and diversity
it could mean the occasional furtive their identity with no one, or only with of reaction to cultural stigma.



of other oppressed peoples in the world a lesbian sued the United States Navy

Gav Liberation and welcome the demise of capitalism.

Other gay people began to tackle dis-
and won. Another milestone was the
meeting of homosexual rights leaders
crimination from inside the system- at the White House in March, 1977,
The first concerted and successful ef- campaigning as openly gay, and some- with Ms. Margaret Costanza, assistant
forts to organize homosexual people times being elected to public office. to the President in public affairs.
occurred in America in the 1950s. Gay people since the 1960s have been The action of the American Psychia-
The Matachine Society, an organiza- less likely to ignore discrimination, and tric Association in dropping homo-
tion for education and fellowship of have taken civil rights cases to court. sexuality from its list of mental ill-
gay men was formed in Los Angeles, Gay liberation is for most gay people nesses is a positive step towards
and the Daughters of Bilitis, a parallel the growing awareness that second- changing attitudes and, eventually, the
organization for lesbians was formed in class citizenship is not a necessary law. The American Psychological As-
San Francisco. The social climate in corollary of minority sexual orienta- sociation’s position that homosex-
which these organizations could flour- tion. For a smaller number of gay uality does not in itself imply any im-
ish had been created in part by the people, gay liberation is an active pairment in judgment, stability or
publication of Kinsey’s data and by struggle against discrimination both general social or vocational capabili-
Cory’s book The Homosexual in Amer- within and outside the law. ties supports the new attitude. In the
ica, which defined homosexuality as a Paul Hardman, an American attor- words of the eminent physician, Dr.
different sexual orientation rather ney and Chairman of the Board of the Harry Benjamin, in the American
than a disease to be cured. Pride Foundation, a national educa- Journal of Psychotherapy. ‘If adjust-
In the next twenty years, almost 200 tional and legal aid group for homo- ment is necessary, it should be made
homophile organizations sprang up in sexuals, cites recent events (1977) as primarily with regard to the position
the USA. A similar proliferation oc- signs of what is to come in the gay the homosexual occupies in present day
curred at the same time in Europe. The liberation movement. For the first time society, and society should more often
average group had about thirty active in the history of the US legal system, be treated than the homosexual’.
members and rarely existed outside the
large cities. Members gave lectures to
educate others, and engaged in protests
against the hostile treatment of homo-
sexuals in education, business and the
media. Counselling for gays was pro-
vided, with referral to sympathetic pro-
fessionals. Money for court cases was
collected. Members lobbied against dis-
criminatory laws and the unfavourable
categories commonly applied to homo-
sexuals in psychiatric diagnosis.
In the late 1960s, gay people began
to link their struggle to other civil
rights movements in the USA, particu-
larly the black and feminist move-
ments. The catalyst for this self-
definition as an oppressed group occur-
red in June, 1969, in New York City.
A gay bar, The Stonewall, on Christo-
pher Street in New York, was raided by
police. Instead of a routine and docile
dispersal of the patrons, the gay people
gathered outside the bar. A paddy
wagon appeared, scuffles occurred, ar-
rests were made. The crowd, charging
police harrassment, fought the police.
Clashes between gays and police con-
tinued for several days. During the
week several gay men and women form-
ed the Gay Liberation Front whose
slogan was ‘Out of the closets and into
the streets’. This incident is celebrated
annually in larger US cities with a ‘gay
pride’ parade.
During the next seven years a num-
ber of gay groups, announcing goals of
revolutionary political change, formed
in America and Europe. The gay move-
ment today contains significant num-
bers who see their fate linked to that



The old theatrical slang word ‘drag’ is
often used by heterosexual people when
they mean to describe any man dressed
in women’s clothes—whether a female
impersonator on stage or a transvestite*.
Strictly speaking, however, drag de-
notes (apart from the original vaude-
ville impersonation sense) homosexual
men dressing up in spectacular female
garments for a ‘drag ball’ or similar
social occasion. In this instance, they
are not endeavouring to ‘pass’ as wo-
men, as transvestites do when they go in
for one of their periodic bouts of cross-
dressing. Gay men in drag are deliber-
ately smudging the border line between
male and female life-styles. They are
even trying to outdo women in the
colourfulness and fantasy of their party
clothing. A drag ball presents an oppor-
tunity for gay men both to satirize
female fashions and to indulge in out-
rageous creations of their own. Thus
there are in drag elements of envy as
well as of contempt for women.


women. Some research suggests that bi-

sexuals put less psychological invest-
Homophobia Bisexual ment into their sexual activities and
relationships. The differences between
A shortened version of homoerotopho- As currently used, bisexual means an men and women in body shape and
bia, the term homophobia describes a individual who loves both sexes and personality seem to mean little to them
fear of homosexuals, homosexual be- usually acts upon this ‘both-sex’ orien- as elements of arousal. A partner’s
haviour or thoughts, and also a fear of tation for sexual relationships and out- congeniality and readiness to cooper-
being homosexual oneself. It was coin- lets. In biology, the term describes ate mean much more. Other researches
ed by Wainwright Churchill in Homo- structures, individuals or aggregates of think that the source of a person’s
sexual Behaviour Among Males (1967) individuals that possess the anatomy or bisexuality may be found in their
and used by George Weinberg in Society functions of both male and female response to personal qualities in
and the Healthy Homosexual (1972). sexes. Another older use of the word others, rather than to their appearance
Kinsey and his colleagues remarked: implied that a person has both mascu- as males or females. The principle
‘There are practically no other Euro- line and feminine qualities within their that ‘ opposites attract ’ is not necessary
pean groups, unless it be in England, single bodies. ‘In some ways it is un- for sexual stimulation with most bi-
and few if any other cultures elsewhere fortunate’, said Kinsey, ‘that another sexuals.
in the world, which have become as dis-
turbed over male homosexuality as we
have here in the United States’.
A Harris Poll in 1969 found that
63 per cent of the American population
believed homosexuality is ‘harmful to
American life’. A Gallup Poll, reported
in Hyde (1970), measured attitudes held
by the public at large about homo-
sexuality. Ninety-three per cent of the
populace who were questioned regard-
ed homosexuality as a disease. Sim-
mons (1969) in a representative sample
of 134 subjects found that 72 per cent
thought homosexual persons to be
‘sexually abnormal’, 52 per cent
thought them ‘perverted’, 42 per cent
thought them both ‘mentally ill’, and
‘maladjusted’, 29 per cent thought them
Research indicates that people’s per-
ceptions are biased in the direction of
what they anticipate that they will see.
Researchers Kitsuse (1967), Farina
(1971), Simmons (1969), and Winslow
(1972) have investigated the nature of
the homosexual stereotype and a per-
son’s reactions to individuals so label-
led. The tendency to react to stereo-
types seemed to be the general charac-
teristic of certain respondents rather
than a response triggered by particular
behaviour. Simmons found that the
people most likely to think in stereo- adjective for sexual behaviour is now Advocates of bisexuality go beyond
types tended to have less education, used as a noun to describe individuals’. sexual behaviour to claim that feeling
and that there was an association He pointed out that his research re- intellectually, emotionally and physi-
between intolerance toward ethnic vealed that 46 per cent of the US popu- cally comfortable with both men and
minorities and the tendency to devalue lation has engaged in overt sex as women can be a broader and better
individuals. adults with both men and women. The attitude to life. It diffuses the polariza-
Simmons’ subjects felt more socially rest of the population related to only tion of Men and Women and challenges
distant from homosexuals of both sexes one of the sexes: four per cent homo- those assumptions of Western culture
than from any of 13 other groups, sexual, and 50 per cent solely hetero- that appear to be limiting to both men
including former mental patients, ex- sexual in orientation or experience. and women, such as competitive action,
convicts, political radicals, and Overt sexual activity with both male double standards of morality and rigid
alcoholics. and female partners may occur once or sex-role stereotyping and relationship
A person who physically assaults at separate periods in the lifetime of styles, such as monogamy. Indeed in
men he suspects of being homosexuals bisexual individuals. More closely de- other cultures and civilizations overt
is thought by some to be motivated by fined, it means that sexual relations are sexuality with both males and females is
his own hidden homosexual feelings. actively chosen with both men and common and often highly prized.


The varied fetishes and fantasies of
the sex impulse.

viously, include ordinary intercourse.

Deviant Discussion is made more difficult by

the fact that a person’s own sexual pref- It’s Your Body!
erences may feel quite normal, while
Words like deviant, deviation and per-
version are emotionally loaded and
something another person does may
seem odd, unpleasant or even revolt-
It’s Your
difficult to define. Literally, to deviate ing. Equally, many people who do odd
means to stray or be sidetracked from
the established course. In sexual mat-
things feel there is something the mat-
ter with them and seek medical help,
ters, the term is used to describe some-
thing that is different from what is
only to discover they are not freaks.
No deviation has yet been recorded ToTake Care Of It!
generally considered normal. If one is that is unique to one person, rare
dealing with a measurable condition, though some of them may be. However
like normal body temperature, it is easy peculiar, nobody’s particular sexual
enough to decide what is abnormal. The preference is unique, and it could be
problem with human behaviour, espe- found somewhere in a list barely reach-
cially sexual behaviour, is that what is ing 100 known possibilities. No one
normal for one person may be not at ever need feel alone with their feelings,
all normal for another. Another dif- and so long as what they do causes no
ficulty is that what is normal in one harm to another person, such varia-
time and place is not so elsewhere or tions should be regarded as natural
at a different period. aspects of the libido*.
If normal means the accepted prac- The mechanisms which produce one
tice of a large part of the population or other kind of preference in a person
at any given time, one could try to are described—as far as they are yet
define normal sex for modern Western understood -in the articles under the
society on the basis of what happens various headings that follow. In gen-
most frequently. It would consist of eral, it is worth remembering that many
mutual attraction, various forms of functions of the human body are closely
foreplay all the way from holding hands wired together through the central
to fondling the genitals, and culmina- nervous system, having in many cases
ting in sexual intercourse, probably in evolved from a common node in the
a face-to-face position with the man on embryo. As a result, parts of the body
top. Some slightly less frequent prac- are often more closely connected with
tices, like the rear-entry position, mas- each other in our responses than we
turbation or oral sex, could be listed realize, and in some individuals more
among the normal ones (though in sensitively than in others.
Victorian times even these would have For example, the anus is not a sexual
been denounced as sinful). Anything organ, but it shares a network of
else would have to be classed as a responses with the genitals, and in
deviation. Since, however, there is a some people it becomes a focus of in-
much wider spectrum of sexual expres- tense erotic excitement. Similarly, the
sion than this, it is more reasonable to pleasure that comes from being stroked
describe its many forms as variations and caressed can be heightened, as the
or by the medical term PARAPHILIAS climax approaches, by being scratched
(meaning alternative ways of loving), or bitten; from this it is a short step to
rather than attempt to define a stan- receiving pleasure from painful blows
dard of normal or abnormal behaviour or stripes of a whip in association
in sexual contacts. with feelings of orgasm. These are a
Sometimes, however, people enjoy few clues to the roots of anal and
sexual variations which do not culmin- sado-masochistic ‘perversions’.
ate in the form of intercourse as Occasionally, a person may wish to
nature intends it to be, that is to say, be ‘cured’ of a particular sexual prefer-
orgasm with the penis in the vagina. If ence. Such treatment faces the diffi-
couples who masturbate each other or culty that motivation for a real change
have a mutual oral climax also alter- in the patient’s behaviour is seldom
nate this with full intercourse, one can high enough—something more radical
still speak of variations. But if a person is involved than swallowing a drug or
never has ordinary intercourse and being listened to by an understanding
only climaxes with children or animals, physician. One method now offered is
or by being whipped and humiliated, DESENSITIZATION, based on the ideas of
the term PERVERSION will be used by behavioural psychology. This involves
psychologists. An exception to this dis- excessive exposure to such preferences,
tinction is now increasingly made in or associating the exposure with un-
favour of homosexual people, whose pleasant experiences like electric
range of sexual expression cannot, ob- shock or induced vomiting.


'If you are considering engaging in sado-masochistic sexual activity, the information that follows will be of use:
• 'The labels people use in describing themselves make clear who will be in control and what kinds of activities are
likely to take place: sadist, masochist, dominant, submissive, top person, bottom person, master, slave.
• 'Activities that could take place during an S/M encounter include: verbal abuse, scolding, humiliation, discipline,
bondage, restraints, suspension, blind-folding, caging, whipping, caning, birching, fist and/or arm fucking, spanking,
branding, the use of hot wax, pissing (also known as watersports and the golden shower), pinching, wrestling, boxing,
suffocation bv various methods, house cleaning (usually bathrooms), wearing costumes and uniforms (especially
boots and leather), wearing rubber, and acts of worship.
• 'Equipment that might be used in an S/M encounter include: ropes, chains, handcuffs, belts, rawhide, hot and
cold water, uniforms, dirty underwear, paddles, dildoes, enema bags, hot wax, branding irons, razors, knives, pins,
and sandpaper. Custom made equipment is expensive. People in the scene find that best buys can be found in hardware
stores. Those that are handy often build their own.
• 'We suggest that beginners experiment with trusted friends. You might very well find that S/M activities are
more fun to talk about and to fantasize about than to do. However, there are possible benefits to be reaped even if you
don’t think of yourself as an S/M person. It can be a way to enact the battle of the sexes in a stylized manner. It provides
an opportunity to act out symbolic fantasies. It offers a form through which feelings of guilt over experiencing
pleasure can be relieved.
• 'To begin with, you should know what you want to happen and what you don’t want to happen. A good way to start
is to read some S/M porno books to see what fantasies (if any) turn you on. Write down your fantasies. Make lists of
activities that turn you on and activities that turn you off. Exchange this information in advance with your partner(s).
• 'Discuss the details with your partner(s) before actually beginning any scene. Determine in advance how you will
let your partner(s) know when you want to stop. We suggest a key word or phrase or an obvious body movement or
• 'Above all, remember that it’s your body. It’s your responsibility to take care of it. Know your limits, and let your
partner(s) know your limits. Know how to operate all equipment before using it on a partner. If you are using ropes or
other restraints, be extra careful of cutting off blood and/or air for too long a period of time.
• 'Don’t be talked into something you can’t get out of.’

This advice was compiled by San Francisco Sex Information as a guide for volunteers answering calls relating to S/M.



SADISM, coined by Krafft-Ehing* from
the name of the Marquis de Sade*, is
the emotional condition in which
pleasure is derived from inflicting pain
of other people. It is not restricted
solely to sexual acts though sex tends to
feature prominently in sadistic be-
haviour. It is with sexual sadism that
we are concerned here.
From time immemorial there have
appeared stories of individuals or
groups of invading armies committing
the most atrocious cruelties. There is
ample evidence that they tended to
enter into the spirit of the thing with
immense bloodlust and so thoroughly
revelled in it . . .
The universal nature of this thirst
for cruelty is difficult is explain. Some
see it as a progress of the natural rules
of competition that exist in all living
creatures. To fight, overcome and domi-
nate a cometitor gives the winner bet-
ter supplies of food, more territory,
greater access to desirable females and
so on. As humans were capable of
intelligence perhaps they not only com-
peted in every way but also took pleas-
ure in competing. This may in part
explain the enjoyment of seeing the
loser suffer. Being the ‘topman’ infers
a capability of inflicting pain even if
that ‘pain’ is merely psychological
Whatever the reasons behind sadism,
practically everyone at some stage or
qther gets a kick out of giving pain.
Small children sometimes, torment, tor-
ture and kill dumb animals. Gouging
out the eyes of frogs, pulling the legs
from flies, or daddy-longlegs, pushing
pins into pets and the wanton ill use
of other animals all fill the records of
animal protection societies. Some of it
is curiosity. Most of it though is an
expression of a built-in desire to be
cruel and powerful.
While extremes of sadism are un-
thinkable to some people under ordin-
ary conditions, there is in everyone a
sneaking feeling of sadistic enjoyment.
People like reading about sadism. War
films, murder, death and horror are
sure box office successes. So it is under-
standable that people get pleasure from
a little harmless expression of sadism
in their sex play, LOVE-BITES and backs
that are deeply scratched in passionate
frenzy are minor examples. These can
bring fun and pleasure to love making.
It must never be taken too far or serious
dangers can result.


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Whereas sadism* is enjoying giving
pain to others, masochism describes the
enjoyment of pain received. Both phe-
nomena may be grouped together under
the one word that means the deriving
of pleasure from the processes of pain,
ALGOLAGNIA. Commonly, sadism and
masochism operate together and the
joint practice of both may be superfi-
cially difficult to distinguish. They are
then known as sado-masochism (some-
times abbreviated as S/M).
It is difficult to explain the origins of
this phenomenon. One theory is that it
is an extension into adult life of in-
fantile experiences. The largest part of
a small child’s world revolves around
its relationships with its mother and
father. They provide the warmth, the
food and the reliability that, to the
child represents comfort and security.
At the same time, they are authority.
Their orders are the law. Their punish-
ment becomes familiar. The association
of security and discipline is thus closely
forged. The parents also do things that
are pleasant. Mother washes the geni-
tals. Father playfully cuffs and slaps or
hoists the child to dangerous heights on
his shoulders. Again, the connection
between danger and possible pain is
forged with a strong protector to save
one from that pain. If school discipline
is very strong, acceptance of discipline
becomes a thoroughly ingrained way of
life. As an adult, a person reaches the
point when he is subjected to little in
the way of external discipline. He finds
he is giving rather than receiving the
orders. And he misses the element of
being subject to the security of disci-
These are the men (and the great
majority are men) who seek to have
sadistic practices carried out on them.
They have learned that these and only
these practices can enable them to
reach sexual fulfilment and orgasm.
Regrettably this whole area of behav-
iour is much misinterpreted. Due to
lack of comprehension, a man’s wife,
used to an ambitious and effective hus-
band in ordinary life, does not under-
stand his hankering to be dominated in
sex. She declines to cooperate. Her
partner feels sexually deprived. Some-
times he will go to expensive prosti-
tutes and brothels who offer the exclu-
sive services he requires. This presents
a great danger in itself—possibly of
blackmail, a situation which may be
even more seductive to the masochist’s mi in ■ ■ min mil n i


temperament. Scandals in business and

political circles which have masochism
as their core, are common enough.
Masochism is not entirely confined to
men, but it is male masochism that
quickly and easily becomes extreme. A
man may start by merely seeking a
dominant mistress, but the more she re-
presents a cruel and demanding
mother/schoolmistress the better. He
will offer to be her slave. He will go on
to dress in uncomfortable clothing,
chains, straps, household aprons or the
clothes of a domestic help. He will per-
form the most menial tasks. The more
degrading the work and the more he is
humiliated, the better he likes it. To
clean the toilet bowl with his tongue,
to polish his mistress’s shoes, to wash
her feet, are a source of delight. She
may then ‘permit’ him to clean the
riding crop with which she will beat
him after his naked body is fastened
by the wrists to a ring in the wall.
Ingenious gadgets like chains, leath-
er thongs and wooden screw-blocks are
sometimes wound painfully around the
testicles and penis. The manacled and
helpless victim is walked over by a girl
wearing stiletto heels, and so on.
The most serious risks are run by
people who, lacking willing or paid
helpers, carry out their own masochis-
tic rituals. Tying themselves up, burn-
ing and mutilating their own bodies,
and attempted partial strangulations
are only some of the personal techni-
ques that so easily go wrong and result
in permanent damage or accidental
death. A woman may get harmless
pleasure from being blindfolded, tied to
the bed and tantalizingly masturbated,
but for her to subject herself alone to
restricting bonds, to the application of
painful stimuli to her body, or to devise
some apparatus that restricts her
breathing, is lunacy.
The man who fastens his throat to
the lavatory chain while he mastur-
bates is clearly in danger. Likewise,
the person who, living alone, mails a
key to himself then uses a padlock and
chain to fix himself inside his own front
door, so that he can hardly move and
must lie perhaps in bitter cold and in his
own ordue until the key that can give
him release falls through the letter box,
is taking absurd risks. Such practices
have been recorded and are so danger-
ous that they should not be carried out.
A person who has wishes of this type
and to this degree is emotionally dis-
turbed and needs experienced psychia-
tric help.


Once flagellation was defined as scour-
ging or otherwise inflicting pain on
oneself, or sometimes others, as part of
a religious discipline to ‘subdue the de-
sires of the flesh’. Now it generally
means the sexually-motivated practice
of whipping or flogging. This change in
definition may at first seem strange,
but it is not really, for there has always
been a close association between re-
ligious fervour and the giving or receiv-
ing of pain and sexual gratification.
From about the 11th to the 14th centur-
ies, the Christian church approved of
the use of the whip or scourge as a form
of penance. Indeed the idea became so
popular that large scale public flagel-
lations were commonplace where part-
ly-clad Christians scourged each other
with great gusto. The consolation they
derived was interpreted in a religious
sense, but there is little doubt that
much of it was, in fact, sexual. The
acceptance of punishment, especially of
a physical type, is closely bound up
with sadism* and masochism*.
Corrective treatment of a person’s
behaviour by being whipped or other-
wise hurt physically derives from the
fundamental human idea that pain re-
ceived equates with the forgiveness of
sins. The guilty willingly accept pain
as punishment. This appears as an
apology, and so forgiveness results. As
a religious concept this has long had its
attractions and so has the administra-
tion of corporal punishment to trans-
gressors of all kinds. Children in
school have always been spanked or
thrashed for infractions of school disci-
pline or other misbehaviour. This type
of punishment often attracted teachers
guilty of DIPPOLDISM which is the beat-
ing of children for sexual gratification.
There is little doubt today that austere
ideals of the benefits of physical correc-
tion and religious mortification of the
flesh have only been covers for flagel-
lation’s true appeal—which is sexual.
Known as ‘fladge’, beatings of various
kinds, often in combination with erotic
bondage*, are provided as a service by
many prostitutes. This form of sexual
release is not uncommon, particularly
among the wealthier classes. A well-
known example is the English poet
Swinburne, who celebrated the delights
of the whipping-block in some of his
verse and, reportedly, in the anonymous
Whippingham Papers. Fladge services
are frequently advertised by means of
euphemisms like ‘Discipline’, etc.


out. They savour their secret and relish

the idea of what they will do when
Erotic Bondage they get home.
Some bondage fans carry things
The complex connections between pain further and fix up elaborate harnesses
and restraint on the one hand and for each other, perhaps like the halter
erotic pleasure on the other, and be- and bridle of a horse, or perhaps with
tween the two sides of the dominance*/ realistic looking manacles screwed to
submission* coin, are illustrated in the the walls of a room or a bed. The idea
elaborate sex games known as erotic of TRAINING arises frequently. Some-
bondage. The basic motives are at least times it is the man who becomes the
present in everyone, but for those who horse which must be broken in, or
take it up, a special fantasy can be he may be led around by a cock-leash,
acted out, with real props, as if they with his hands pinioned behind his
were truly living in a world of slavery, back. Sometimes it is the woman who is
dungeons and torture. gagged with a mask that resembles the
Erotic bondage is available to both medieval ‘scold’s bridle’ or BRANK, thus
heterosexual and homosexual couples, satisfying a common male desire to
and is frequently offered as a service silence and punish the woman who
by prostitutes. A considerable litera- knows how to wound his ego with
ture of pornographic comics and novels words.
is devoted to the subject, and a re- When the time comes, one partner
cognizable style of graphics is culti- may passively accede to the demands of
vated, which highlights the various the other and meekly accept being
fetishes employed in the game. Men bound as the dominant partner
I. However realistically played out,
who take up erotic bondage often tend chooses, and where, when and in what-
bondage must only be with the consent of
to be somewhat passive in their sexual both partners. ever position. Alternatively, the game
attitudes, and enjoy the chance it gives 2. Never fasten anything around the neck. may be a struggle to escape domination
them to play out aggressive roles. 3. Never restrict breathing in any way. before being finally overcome and
Physically, many items which mass- 4. Stick to knots that are easy to unfasten. forced to accept the mock degradations
age, or provide pressure and constraint 5. Never leave a tied-up person without planned. The details are all a matter of
can be erotically stimulating to the imaginative personal choice.
6. Never play bondage games except when
wearer. Belts, lacings, wrist straps and you are 100% sober. Although various materials can be
neck bands which press against the 7. Agree beforehand to an instant release used, many, while looking good, are
body act as gentle reminders of sexual signal which is always honoured without unsuitable because they ca”n rub and
interest, and may be seen by others as hesitation. hurt or because they are difficult to
sensual symbols. Erotic bondage undo in a hurry. Ideal is a length of
develops this tendency with the use of soft 3/8" terylene rope supplied by boat
full-scale equipment consisting of chandlers. It is impossible to break but
leather, chains, and ropes. Erotic bond- does not chafe. Once the victim is
age, then, is restraint for purposes of in- helpless, he or she, is subjected to
ducing sexual excitement. There is no teasing, stroking, brushing and sexual
limit to the ingenuity that can be exploitation. The writhing limbs add to
displayed, but it must never become the thrill, as can such things as blind-
serious, and certain rules need to be folding. The victim can be brought
obeyed by both sides. tantalizingly close to orgasm and re-
The actual tying-up process can start peatedly tormented in every imagin-
at several levels. For those to whom able way before climax is permitted, or
the bondage is a regular and important even deliberately withheld. Numerous
part of their love play, permanent ar- ideas are used with personal variations.
rangements are sometimes made. They The victim is obliged to accept what is
may already have taken up body pierc- handed out but the partner must know
ing*. By this method, rings can be how far to go. The dominant partner
attached to the nipples, the foreskin, will do all the things the tied-up partner
the vaginal lips and so on. To the rings is known to enjoy. Sometimes the
various symbolic buckles or padlocks denial of such things may be the ulti-
are attached. Another touch of sym- mate thrill. Dildos, gentle spanking, oil
bolism comes in the elaborate tat- massage, talcum powder massage, sex
tooing* often in intimate parts of the of all kinds, are perpetrated at the
body. Leather clothes and boots, often whim of the dominant partner. Then
with tight restrictive laces and straps, they may change places on another
are worn and create images of being occasion.
tied or strapped for subjugation like a For those who want to use bondage
slave. Some people take a delight in techniques the boxed rules above
concealing the restraining objects must be followed under all circum-
under another garment and then going stances.



can deflate the man if she refuses to be is practically impossible to mark.

afraid or ignores him. Ridicule is even The use of visible objects of sexual
Exhibitionism more successful. It is difficult in the cir- attraction is encountered throughout
cumstances to say ‘ Yuk! What a horrid nature. Sexual display is one of the
Self-display is a normal and important little thing you’ve got’ or ‘Be careful most common techniques whereby a
part of sexual activity for both men and you don’t catch cold’ but it is utterly creature can secure the attentions of a
women. It can mean anything from demoralising and discouraging to the potential mate (it is, for example, the
wearing mildly sexy clothing to the flasher. reason why a peacock has such a fan-
mutual undressing of partners during There is a certain amount of evidence tastic tail). Among human beings there
foreplay. Varying degrees of body ex- that some women subconsciously seek has always been immense care taken to
posure have been allowed by fashion at out the flasher by habitually walking make the body attractive to the eyes of
different periods, for example, bare nip- alone in out of the way places, for the opposite sex (fashion*)—that is
ples or the codpiece*. ‘Exhibiting’ and often one woman will report several why men cultivate beards and why
‘looking’ are part of the processes of such technical assaults on her person. women wear lipstick and erotic cloth-
arousal. In the narrow sense, however, A man who shows himself naked at a ing.
exhibitionism means deliberate expo- window in public view can also find The sexual attraction of watching
sure of the genitals in public for the himself charged with indecent expo- the unclad human body in a clandestine
purpose of sexual gratification, and sure, depending on the circumstances. way is obvious too. To be able to hide
constitutes a legal offence. This is somewhere and watch members of the
termed INDECENT EXPOSURE and fre- opposite sex undressing is a pheno-
quently lands the exhibitionist before menon encountered in elementary and
the Courts. It is almost invariably a primary schools. Slightly older young-
male practice, but some women do de- sters often go out in groups looking for
liberately expose themselves, although courting couples to spy on. The visual
they usually restrict their activities to excitement is often coupled with a
seemingly accidental indiscretions, desire to know exactly what goes on-
like the unbuttoned blouse or the children will be unlikely to have had
hitched-up skirt. much sex experience themselves.
Human society, largely under the in- The all-time popularity of the strip
fluence of religion, has surrounded the tease* show is another form of voy-
body, and in particular the genitals, eurism—the skilful removing of clothes
with an aura of privacy and shame, so before an audience is calculated to
that a man who shows himself in a create sexual arousal. There are both
natural way is guilty of breaking the male and female strippers and also dual
law. In spite of this, it is a common strip tease acts which frequently simu-
practice, and the exhibitionist has be- late intercourse. Topless bar waitres-
come familiarly known as a flasher, a ses, go-go dancers and massage girls
term of patient tolerance and even also pander to voyeurism. So do the
amusement. Most women have, at some multiplicity of sexy magazines and
stage in their lives, had an experience books, especially those using mostly
with a flasher. erotic and suggestive photographs of
Most men who expose themselves are male and female bodies.
sexually timid. They are shy, with- Sometimes a person derives such in-
drawn individuals who have great tense thrills from the secret watching
difficulties in developing any sort of of unsuspecting people that he (or
relationship with other people. They rarely she) will creep into the gardens
are unsuccessful in attracting partners or yards of houses in order to peep
or, having attracted them, are unable to into windows. This is the so-called
make love to them satisfactorily, and PEEPING TOM carrying out the practice
many are impotent under normal sexual of SCOPOPHILIA which is deriving pleas-
conditions. Their purpose in exposing ure from watched human acts. Sco-
themselves is to produce a reaction of pophilia is an extreme form of voyeur-
dismay, horror or fear in the unfortun-
Voyeurism ism and often brothels offer special
ate women to whom the exposure is viewing facilities such as one-way see-
made, usually when she is alone and in A voyeur is someone who derives sex- through windows so that customers can
circumstances where there is little she ual pleasure from watching activities watch sex acts being performed.
can do to avoid him. It is this reaction associated with sex. Voyeurism can Sometimes women allow their voyeur
which gives him the thrill and can exist at many levels—a voyeur, male or husbands to watch them having inter-
result in an erection or even an ejacula- female, may enjoy watching someone course with other men, or vice versa.
tion on the spot. In the classic situation undress for bed or may enjoy watching For most couples there is a natural
the man, often dressed in a long rain- very explicit sex shows. Voyeurism can amount of mutual voyeurism in their
coat and rubber boots (to hide the fact be both open and surreptitious. It is a sexual relationship. This is restricted
that he wears no trousers), accosts the difficult phenomenon to assess because to displaying themselves in sexy cloth-
woman and suddenly holds his coat at one extreme it is universal and ing or in the nude as a prelude to and
open, aggressively thrusting his geni- natural, while at the other it can be a during love making.
tals into view. A woman so confronted perversion {deviant*). The dividing line


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Fetishism Rubber & Leather

Fetishism is attaching an important
sexual significance to an object which
is not necessarily sexual itself. Fetish The sexual interest in these materials—
objects may be part of the human body generally black and shiny—has not
like feet or breasts, or they may be been satisfactorily explained. The cult
articles of clothing like shiny boots or of studded leather gear implies male
women’s panties. Most people have aggressiveness, with strongly homo-
decided preferences in tastes, colours, erotic overtones. On the other hand,
music and so on, and it is natural that rubber fetishes display fetal tenden-
they should have sexual preferences cies, with the emphasis on cuddling up
that excite them, but where a prefer- in a dark, moist bag, reminiscent of
ence becomes a fetish it is hard to say. the womb. Possibly, infant memories of
More men than women seem to have rubber sheets and protective pants
fetishes and some men may be practi- contribute to associating rubber with
cally impotent except when associating physical pleasure and affection. Elab-
a fetish (for example, a special shoe) orate gear is marketed for these inter-
with the sex act. In general, the stimu- ests, such as form-fitting helmets, suits,
lation derived from a fetish adds depth corsets and tights, with numerous lace-
to sexual pleasure. ups. The devoted rubber fetishist de-
lights in dressing up or dressing a part-
ner in them. The smell of the material
is also important. Leather and rubber
fetishism is usually partnered by boot
fetishism,* and has obviously close con-
nections with dominance*, erotic
bondage* and sado-masochism*.


Deformity Fetishism Boot & Shoe

While concern is growing for the sexual
rights of the disabled, there can also
be a perverted sexual interest in physi-
cally disadvantaged people. Amputated
limbs strongly attract some men and,
much less commonly, women. A man
who feels drawn to an amputee may be
compensating for a sense of personal
inadequacy, or may get a kick out of
the physical superiority he feels he has.
Another may find it an opportunity for
enjoying female dominance*—a fantasy
of being beaten with a crutch or arti-
ficial limb. Very ugly, disfigured or
deformed men fascinate some women.
A mothering impulse probably com-
bines with the myth of excessive
potency in dwarfs and cripples, and
compensation may again play a part.
These sexual relationships do not ex-
clude real affection and mutual help
between people whose needs are bal-
anced in this way (see also Disability
and Sex*).

Foot Fetishism
Footwear has developed even stronger
Babies’ feet are almost as sensitive as sexual connotations than feet them-
their hands, and apes use hands and selves. In mild forms, most people re-
feet with about equal dexterity. An cognize its fetishistic appeal. The jack-
acute foot-consciousness is preserved boot has an aura of dominating male-
by many people into adult life. Feelings ness. Conversely, there is a female
of sexual excitement can be aroused by dominance* theme in women’s high-
having the feet stroked, or by stroking heeled boots (neatly expressed in
another person’s. Tingling in the feet Nancy Sinatra’s song ‘These Boots are
can accompany orgasm. It is not sur- Made for Walking . . .’). A sensual,
prising that just the sight or thought of ‘undressed’ impression is made by fe-
a foot, associated with so many plea- male shoes with peep-toes or sling-
surable sensations, can be erotic. The backs. For male fetishists, a shoe is
Song of Solomon hints at their import- partly symbolic of a vulva (as the foot
ance: ‘How beautiful are thy feet with is of a penis), and some masturbate
shoes’. In old China, the daintiness of with a shoe, or expose themselves in
women’s feet was exaggerated unnatur- front of women’s footwear displays in
ally in the cosmetic deformity* of foot- shop windows.
binding. Feet are also directly involved
in sexual play, as when the penis and
testicles are massaged between the
partner’s feet, or a man’s toe is inserted
into his partner’s vagina.


also familiar in their every day work

with the handling of farm animals and
Bestiality animal waste. Commonly young cows,
Obscene Phone Calls
donkeys, pigs and sheep are used and
This is the illegal act of human sexual less often bitches, mares and goats. One of the most common of all sexual
contact with other animals, male or The other group of ‘animal-lovers’ nuisances is that of the deliberately
female. More precisely, a morbid sexual is to be found among the upper strata offensive, or obscene, telephone call.
attraction for animals is also known of society, and are mostly women. The Some are made by youngsters of both
as ZOOPHILIA. It is well known that practice of bestiality at this level is by sexes simply playing a practical joke,
such contacts have taken place from women who use small dogs trained to but true, sexually-motivated phone
time immemorial. At various times perform for oral sex purposes mainly calls are nearly always made by men.
there has even been a belief that copu- directed at the human vagina. Large Receiving such calls can be both dis-
lation with animals conferred some male dogs, particularly Alsatians and turbing and frightening, but callers
magical power. At other times, besti- retrievers, are trained to have vaginal rarely make any other contact with
ality was held to be an abomination. intercourse with their mistresses. their victims.
It was also regarded as a rare phenom- Whereas one might expect these exer- Many men lack the courage to speak
enon, but this is not the case. It is now cises to be dangerous, in fact they freely to women, either because they
known to be far more common than is rarely are. Some animals might claw or feel inadequate or because they cannot
generally realized. bite during orgasm, but as a rule they attract a desirable woman into normal
In general, bestiality takes two appear to be gentle ‘lovers’. Infection conversation. A caller may telephone a
forms. In the first instance, there is the is almost unknown. particular woman who is sexually at-
rural practice of men having inter- Watching human and animal sexual tractive to him, often a girl who works
course with farm animals. This occurs contact can be exciting to a voyeur*. in the same office or someone they see
among farm workers, for whom there Magazines exist on the subject and frequently such as a neighbour. At
may be a restricted availability of wo- cater especially for those with this other times, if there is no particular
men as sex partners. Unskilled, un- particular taste. So-called ‘dog films’ woman to whom they attach their fan-
educated labourers have low personal and other films of animal sex are tasies, callers will phone women’s or-
or cultural resistance to such practices produced by commerical pornograph- ganisations who are likely to have wo-
as copulation with animals. They are ers. men answering the phone.
Frequently the object of a call is to
frighten the listening woman which
provides a sexual thrill for the deviant.
The so-called HEAVY BREATHER will gasp
and puff and pant into the receiver . . .
perhaps mimicking a state of sexual
excitement. Sometimes callers are phys-
ically aroused by telephoning, and a
fair proportion of men actually mastur-
bate while phoning, sometimes even
ejaculating into the telephone mouth-
piece. Other men get a satisfactory
thrill from saying what they hope will
be offensive remarks. They may ask the
colour of a woman’s underwear or some
intimate question about her bust size or
the smell of her vagina. Given the
chance, callers will often describe in
great detail what they would like to do
to the listener. (This is a good reason
for hanging up the receiver immediate-
ly upon receipt of an obscene call.) They
may actually threaten to visit the
listener there and then. This threat is
seldom carried out, even if there is a
positive invitation, as most obscene
callers are afraid of women.
If a person is commonly troubled by
receiving such calls, telephone engi-
neers will arrange to monitor and trace
all incoming calls to a specific number.
One idea for discouraging obscene calls
is to keep a referee’s whistle near the
phone—a powerful blast on this can
give a painful surprise to the offender’s


gested by some authorities that at least

Water Games Urolagnia part of the reason for burning bodies

or burying them deeply or in solid
granite and marble tombs was to pre-
This is a sexual deviation in which vent their violation in this way. Some
there is an attraction for the urine and societies have taken great pains to pre-
urinary processes of the sex partner. As serve bodies intact for a long time after
with most deviations, its practice death and there is evidence to suggest
ranges from mild to extreme forms. The that sexual rituals with those bodies
attraction may in part stem from the once occurred.
fact that urination involves the geni- It is believed that a necrophiliac
tals and is usually a private act. Thus likes tenderly dressing the (usually fe-
a sexual partner’s urination may be male) corpse’s hair, washing the body
titillating. There may also be a more and caressing it in a familiar manner.
primitive bio-chemical basis. If an ani- Sometimes the corpse is dressed and un-
mal urinates at certain spots around dressed. Vaginal and anal intercourse
its ‘territory’, the smell of certain and oral sex may take place. In extreme
chemicals in the urine (or perhaps cases of necrophilia, a person may be-
voided with it) warns off other animals come almost totally indiscreet in the
or helps attract mates. search for dead ‘partners’ (some necro-
Children play games that involve philiacs have even attempted to keep
urine: boys may urinate together or the death of a family member secret).
even hold competitions as to who can Such extremes are known as NECRO-
pee highest or farthest. Interestingly, MANIA and usually bring the practition-
women and girls seldom urinate in each er into conflict with the law. Some
Sexual pleasure can be obtained from other’s company. Other childhood carry out deliberate assaults on the
water in two ways. One is the sensual games involve peeping at others urina- bodies, subjecting them to considerable
feel of soapy or oiled and scented water ting or arranging to be where the indignities. Occasionally, wanton mu-
massaged over bodies, specially the sound of it can be heard. tilations are perpetrated on dead bodies
genital and anal areas, during love play. In adult life, people who are stimu- as part of a sex act; this is known as
Apopularimageofthiskindof water sex lated by urine may also contrive to be NECROSADISM.

is of lovers bathing together beneath a present or at least close by when some-

tropical waterfall. The other kind is the one is urinating. They may attempt to
internal douching of body openings. obtain some urine or even clothing
There is a cult among both men and dampened or scented with it. These
women for the mutual enjoyment of articles are usually sniffed while mas-
water sensations in the rectum or the turbating. Greater extremes of uro- It is not unknown for a person to have
vagina by means of ENEMA or CLYSTER lagnia involve persuading one’s part- a morbid attraction for excrement—
treatment. The medical term HIGH CO- ner to urinate in such a position that usually, but not always, for human
LONIC IRRIGATION is often used as a they can be closely watched. There rather than for animal fecal matter.
euphemism in advertisements. Massage may even be a desire to urinate on The explanation for this practice, as
parlours sometimes cater for both forms (CUNT PISSING) or to be urinated upon with so many sexual deviations, is un-
of water game, including massage lead- (GOLDEN SHOWERS or RAIN), or to drink certain. In part, it probably derives
ing to orgasm during masturbation. the urine of the sexual partner. Healthy from the fact that the anus is one of
Special magazines exist for people urine is sterile and there is no harm in the main body orifices, is very close
whose main sexual interest is in the consuming small amounts. (Drinking to the genitals and so is sexually at-
enema cult. The literature harps on some urine has helped people to survive tractive. By association, the product of
infantile features like wet diapers. in deserts in the absence of water.) the anus becomes attractive. Another
Many pornographic films contain uro- explanation may start from the fact
lagnic sequences. that to most people feces of all kinds
are considered filthy, and cleaning
areas where people defecate and so on,
is thought by many to be the concern
Necrophilia of inferior people. As an extension of
this reasoning, those who seek degrada-
It often comes as a surprise to people tion as a sexual favour (masochism*)
to discover that there really are persons may become obsessed with feces. To
who are sexually attracted to corpses. clean away or to handle or smear the
Sexual interest in dead bodies is called body with human waste therefore pro-
necrophilia. A necrophiliac may well vides an opportunity to n*e a person
have normal sexual relations as well. feel inferior and debased.^1
Most, but not all, necrophiliacs are Carried to the extreme, some people
male. will actually consume and swallow the
The bizarre practice of having sexual feces of a sexually-revered person, a
intercourse with the dead has been practice called COPROPHAGIA. These de-
known throughout history. It is sug- viant practices are frankly dangerous.


belonging to the opposite sex. Accord- The most common cases of transves-
ingly, tran ) ob- tism are heterosexual men leading
Transvestite literate all ..but otherwise conventional sex lives, often
transvestit such married and with children. Such men
lengths and n sical find that a short period of wearing
(From the Latin trans, across, and vestis, aspect of maleness (for example, body women’s clothes from time to time
clothes). This is a compulsion, found in hair" fully reli e A on. Some encounter
some men (but hardly ever encountered dressed and made-up as women. problems with wives who find this sort
among women), to dress in the clothes ^ A transvestite’s situation is often not of behaviour difficult to accept, though
of the opposite sex. There are many static; there can be momentum to- somi i blind eye for the
degrees of CROSS-DRESSING (as trans- ward with sake hildren. The causes of trans-
vestism is also called), and it occurs in the oppt men vestism are not known, but hormone
varying forms among people whose start by ment anomalies which can occur in the early
sense of gender identity* gives rise to from co and stage as well as psy-
problems. An extreme example is the make-up. chological factors due to early upbring-
man or woman who lives completely as a Once they have taken up cross- ing, ponsible.
person of the opposite sex and would dressing, they great pleasure in The term drag* is often used careless-
undoubtedly be transsexual*. The varia- being able to mix as a ‘woman’ with ly as if it were a synonym for trans-
tions are not only difficult to define but other transvestites or with real women. vesti however, it
are often confusing even to the individ- In adopting their pseudo-feminine role, meat g by fe-
uals concerned. The fundamental differ- transvestites usually choose a male male impersonators, or the spectacular
ence between a transsexual and a trans- name which they feel is appropriate to female garments worn by homosexual
vestite is that the latter, when cross- go with their other self—and may call men ocial
dressed, still knows he is a man, whereas their- cross-dressed selves their own func^
the former has the distinct feeling of sister;

sult from initiation by an adult. Pre- severe penalties. The majority of cases
cocious children display a large meas- that come before the law are those of
Pedophilia ure of sexual curiousity. Often they feel adult men committing offences against
little of the sexual shame that can both sexes. Frequently the child is a
(From the Greek words meaning ‘love restrain an adult. Thus they can tempt member of the offender’s immediate
of a boy’.) Sexual desire with children an older person and even flagrantly family, when incest* is also involved.
as its object. The children involved can lead them. This is particularly true of Cases of women having relations with
be either male or female. The desire to children of both sexes around five to six children (mostly boys) are less often
use children for sexual purposes has a years old, when sex games of the ‘play- encountered but are, in fact, more com-
number of possible explanations. To ing doctor’ sort start. Also, girls of mon than is generally realized. Again,
have intercourse or perform other sex around 12 to 14, at the so-called ‘Lolita’ such a relationship may be incestuous.
acts with infants or juveniles may be stage, feel the first awakening of sexual A small boy may be invited into a
felt to have some power of rejuvena- change in their bodies and are excited mother’s bed, ostensibly for company,
tion. The deflowering of a virgin has by their newly-found power to attract comfort or warmth. Masturbation, oral
been believed, as a sort of mythology, attention without necessarily being sex or intercourse may then take place.
to help restore an aging man’s youth
(or even to cure VD), all the more so if
the virgin were very young. Indeed, this
idea is by no means totally forsaken
today. A small child is something both
innocent and helpless; its sheer weak-
ness makes it pliable and vulnerable.
Therefore, it is all too easy for an
adult to force, or subtly trick, a child
into taking part in sexual acts. A child
will not have the same conception of
right and wrong as an adult would and
will usually comply with the will of an
older person. The seducer clearly feels
a sense of power and domination over
the child. Adults have the will to
decline sex, but children who know
little about it seldom have such will.
Freedom from the hazard of one’s
sex partner getting pregnant has been
offered as one reason why some men
prefer child sex partners. Another
strong explanation for pedophiliac ac-
tivity is the absence of any fear of
comparison. A sexually over-anxious

adult may entertain deep doubts about

his or her sexual performance, for an

Graham Ovenden (detail)

experienced partner is able to draw
comparisons which may be unfavour-
able. A child has had little or no ex-
perience and the adult thus feels corre-
spondingly secure. Additionally, there
is a measure of appeal in novelty and
also in the newness and unspoiled
quality of a child. There are, therefore,
many ways in which a pedophile may
regard a child as a potential lover. aware of all the consequences. Children who has been sexually as-
Some adults report that they are Pedophilia often involves actual sex- saulted should never be subjected to
sexually attracted to children because ual contact and penetration of children intense interrogations or to expres-
of their comparative unisexuality—the as well as masturbation and general sions or adult outrage, or even to
differences between the sexes before fondling, handling, dressing up and excessive physical examination to de-
puberty are slight. Both are hairless other sex ‘games’. Not all pedophilia in- termine the extent of the assault. This
and have childish, sexless-sounding volves direct sexual contact; in some can obviously make children see them-
voices. There are no prominent sex societies it is sufficient to have child selves as injured, polluted, debased or
characteristics to threaten an anxious slaves, who may well be sexually train- naughty and guilty. Children should be
adult. Boys’ genitals are insignificant ed to play with each other and provide gently discouraged from ever taking
and girls do not have developed breasts. visual entertainment of a sexual rides or any sort of food from strangers,
An adult pedophile will often enjoy nature. and they should be made to feel secure
sexual relations with either a male or Having sexual relations with chil- enough to report sexual attentions
female child. dren below the legal age of consent con- from any adult, even from someone
By no means does all pedophilia re- stitutes a legal offence and can result in fairly well known to them.

The psychology of sex at all stages
of human development.

Psycho - Sexual Sexual Development

The psychology of human sex life is a The sexual development of an indi-
widely-ranging study, embracing ‘nor- vidual starts with the young child’s
mal’ development, and also deviations initiation into sensual feelings, con-
and difficulties, and the relationship sciousness of his body, interaction with
between the sexual impulse and other others, and the sharing of pleasure.
aspects of human expression, such as Thereafter comes the period of child-
creativity and aggression. hood when sexual feelings become com-
A central issue in the study of sex paratively quiescent because the child
is sexual variation. Maleness and fe- is deeply engaged in coming to terms
maleness are not unique and mutually with the world at large, and exploring
exclusive entities in personality, but his own potentialities for action and
come in various mixtures in different achievement.
individuals. Exactly how much of this A happy and healthy ten-year-old is
variation is due to genetic inheritance an extremely competent and integrated
and how much to social conditioning young person, aware of his or her sex
it is impossible to say. but not much under the sway of sexual
The most common form of inter- impulse. Then puberty arrives with all
personal sexual expression is the het- its changes and challenges. This can
erosexual relationship, but Kinsey’s quickly fragment the self-assurance
work established that the homosexual* even of the well-adjusted prepubertal
relationship is far more common than child. If the child is not well-adjusted,
was at one time supposed. From his the impact of puberty can be more un-
large male sample, 37% recorded at settling still.
least one homosexual experience in Psychologically, the period between
their lives and a small proportion (4%) the onset of puberty and the attainment
recorded that they were exclusively of fulfilled sexual relationships is one
homosexual. Between the consistently of continuous search, growth and ad-
heterosexual and the completely homo- justment. The individual is faced with
sexual comes an ill-defined group who the task of discovering not only per-
enjoy, or have at some time enjoyed, sonal identity as a young adult, but also
relationships both with their own and sexual identity. Each young adult has
the other sex. Some of this group have to learn how to share this more mature
a clearly-defined sexual preference; personality with others, and how to re-
others not. According to Kinsey, female late to the other sex through the vari-
homosexuality was much less common ous stages of friendship and intimacy.
than male homosexuality. A small num- All this can be the source of a great
ber of individuals are transsexual*— deal of doubt and uncertainty, partic-
physically of one sex but feeling, psy- ularly among those who are acutely
chologically, that they are the other. aware of not being attractive physic-
Any individual’s precise pattern of ally. Many young people worry intense-
sexuality will be unique. Relating to ly about whether or not they have what
one’s own sexuality and to that of it takes to be desirable and to be suc-
others is never entirely easy and may cessful lovers. Lack of social self-con-
lead to doubts and conflicts. These will fidence can be especially obstructive at
tend to be greater in a rigid, inhibited this stage because it inhibits those very
social climate and less in a flexible one. relationships through which a secure
With children, care must be given at sense of personal and sexual identity
every stage to foster sexual develop- are granted.
ment appropriately, and to ensure that If all goes reasonably well during the
they grow up free from unnecessary exploratory period of sexual develop-
blocks, guilt and inhibitions. ment, young people gradually gain per-
Children vary from the start in both spective on themselves, and others, as
gender and temperament. Boys, in gen- sexual beings and win through to self-
ral, seem to be more assertive and confidence and sensitivity in relating
competitive than girls, who are more to the other sex. But many young
sensitive socially, and more inter- people get caught up in difficulties they
ested in caring roles from an early age. cannot handle and need the support
Some people regard these differences and reassurance of good counselling.
as culturally conditioned rather than Ideally, both mother and father should
inherited. In practice, the origin of these provide this, but often such difficulties
differences is less important than the arise because of some kind of parental
fact they exist. deprivation. Teachers can also help.


Infantile Sexuality

The baby’s introduction to the world

is highly sensual, since his or her first
contacts with life come through the
senses—sight,sound, touch, taste. All
these are, among other things, compon-
ents of sexual response. Furthermore,
the infant’s experiences are very much
concentrated on exploring his or her
body. This is intensified by the pleas-
ures of feeding, interest in the process
of excretion and the fascination of
playing with the genitals,
Psychoanalytical theory emphasizes
the oral, anal and genital phases of de-
velopment as crucial to growth and
influential in shaping the personality.
There are, however, other aspects.
From the beginning of life the baby
experiences interaction with another
person—the mother or mother-substi-
tute. About the same time he begins to
be aware of other people too. Relation-
ships with these are also important to
his psychosexual growth. Research
has shown that animals and birds rear-
ed in isolation may grow up socially in-
competent. Right from the start, a child
is learning to be sensual through the
experience of his own body, and learn-
ing the pleasure of interacting with
others—the essence of sexuality. When
Freud broached the issue of infantile
sexuality the response was one of
shock. But now we realize that it is
natural that the origins of adult sexu-
ality should be present in infancy.
ation of infantile sexuality in a less
intense form. As the young child be-
comes mobile and verbal, such a rich
and varied world of possibility opens
up to him that his body becomes only
one of many interesting things and less
central to his attention. But, through-
out childhood, sexual interest and curi-
osity continue to be lively. Sex play,
either with friends and siblings or
alone, is common.
During the infantile and childhood
phases of sexual development it is
vitally important that a child should
be given a good feeling about his body
and its functions and should be so treat-
ed that no sense of guilt is generated
by his sexual curiosity, fantasies and
pleasure in sensation. Potty training
should be matter-of-fact and cheerful.
To make a child feel he is ‘dirty’ or ‘had’
because of his natural functions and
interests in various kinds of sex play
is to sow the seeds of sexual difficulties
later on.



In spite of trends towards shared par-
enthood, the mother remains central in
the personal and sexual development
of children. At the start of life she is
the source of food, comfort, love and
that subtle sharing of intimacy and
feeling that has only recently been re-
ceiving close attention. From the moth-
er particularly the young child picks
up the assurance of self-value, personal
confidence and trust in intimacy that
lay the foundations for happy, relaxed,
guilt-free sexuality in adulthood. When
the natural mother is not available, a
loving mother-substitute can play the
same role.
The mother’s place inevitably gives
rise to conflicts within the family. The
infant boy may sense that he is the
rival of the father for the love and
attention of the mother. Young child-
ren can be very possessive! Freud call-
ed this rivalry the OEDIPUS COMPLEX.
Thus, family life generates tensions
and jealousies as well as cooperation
and affection. The mother is in the
centre of it all. The children compete
for her attention and love, and the
father expects his share, so that suc-
cessful mothering depends on balanc-
ing one claim against another and, as
far as possible, meeting the emotional
needs of everyone—a highly skilled
At the adolescent stage, acute rivalry
may develop between mother and
daughter. The girl, becoming ever more
aware of herself as a young woman,
may challenge her mother for the ap-
proval and attention of her father. At
the same time the mother finds herself
sharing the home with a young woman
who may be in the full bloom of desir-
able youth when the mother feels her
own attractions to be waning.
Conflict between mother and ado-
lescent boy can also arise, because the
young man wants his mother’s ap-
proval, but resents the fact that she has
the power of a parent over him. The
boy may then display a disconcerting
mixture of affectionate concern and
dominant aggression. The resolution of
family conflicts has a valuable part to
play in the maturation of children.
The natural dependence of children
on their mothers may become over-
dependence, especially if the mother is
too dominating and managing. This
can lead to MOTHER-FIXATION—the per-
manent, excessive dependence of the
child on the mother.


A father is a person; he is also the model
of masculinity within the home. This
remains true even though the sex roles
are not as clearly defined as they once
were. In the first instance, the boy finds
out what it means to be a man by
watching his father. This can have
long-range influence on a boy’s concept
of his masculine role. If the father
combines strength with warmth and
gentleness in his bearing, the boy will
grow up seeing manhood in those
terms. If, however, the father is afraid
of showing feeling, the boy may come
to regard tenderness and strength as in-
compatible, which can cause difficulties
when the time comes for him to be a
For the girl too, the father is her
initial model of a man. She may begin
to experiment with her femininity by
flirting with him in little ways at quite
an early age. This gives the father great
power over his daughter’s self-assur-
ance as a young female. Lack of ap-
preciation at any age will undermine
her self-confidence and any harsh
criticism, particularly of her physical
appearance, may do long-lasting dam-
age. The special intimacy that can de-
velop between father and daughter may
result in the girl’s resenting her moth-
er’s presence (ELECTRA COMPLEX). This
is not an absolute but an ambivalent
attitude: the girl both depends on her
mother, loves her and resents her
sexual and emotional intimacy with the
In addition to his role as a model man,
the father has an important role as a
friendly, encouraging companion who
leads children into new experiences.
During adolescence, the father may
find himself embroiled with both son
and daughter over issues of indepen-
dence. This can be particularly compli-
cated with the daughter who wants to
be admired by him as a young woman
but, to her annoyance, is still subject to
his authority. Tension can also arise
because the father feels that no one is
good enough for his daughter. The
father may also resent the greater sex-
ual freedom that his children enjoy.
Just as children may become over-
identified with their mother, so they
may become over-identified with their
father. This FATHER FIXATION can ob-
struct growth towards independence of
personality and the development of
mature relationships with members of
the other sex.


Sexual maturity brings not only phys-
ical changes but glandular changes
also. The two together generate a
strong SEX DRIVE which, sometime dur-
ing the adolescent years—say 13 to 20—
is likely to culminate in complete sex-
ual relations. In early adolescence,
however, the main outlet for boys is
masturbation, often accompanied by
sex fantasies. Studies indicate that
masturbation among mature males is
virtually 100%. The reported figure for
mature females is lower. The usual rea-
son given for this is that girls are sub-
ject to less immediate and intense sex-
ual pressure, and seek to be loved as
individuals rather than to find op-
portunities for sexual release. What-
ever part masturbation plays, adolesc-
ents are spontaneously interested in,
and excited by, the thought of complete
sexual experience. What proportion at-
tain it during the teenage years is un-
certain, but much experimentation
takes place. There is also a good deal
of anxiety about physical desirability
and sexual capacity.
During adolescence, mental and
emotional growth are just as marked
as physical development. Emotions be-
come more intense and more extensive.
The combination of physical drives,
surgent feelings and self-doubt ac-
counts for much of the sensitivity and
moodiness characteristic of adolesc-
ence. The mood swings, in their turn,
lead to uncertainty about personal
identity at the very time when the
young adult is making a strong bid for
independence, which itself often leads
to conflicts with parents and the feeling
of being unloved and misunderstood.
As a part of the struggle for inde-
pendence, adolescents turn to their
peers for friendship and support. This
puts their social skills to the test and
may lead to happy group life or to a
greater or lesser degree of isolation. To
be alone and friendless is particularly
painful for an adolescent. Adolescents
have many other tasks to face such as
getting a start in a career and arriving
at a set of values by which to live.
In the midst of this turmoil of change
and development, to be in love can be
an integrating and transforming ex-
perience, but brings with it the peril of
things going wrong and the resulting
devastation of spirit. It is not surpris-
ing, then, that psychosexual problems,
and problems of relationship are com-
mon during the adolescent years.


First Intercourse
First intercourse is a considerable
event for both young men and young
women. Unfortunately it may be a dis-
appointing one, partly because the
glamorization of sex makes expecta-
tions unrealistically high; partly be-
cause a fully rewarding sexual ex-
change is the outcome of experience.
Furthermore, the circumstances of first
intercourse may be far from ideal and
the act may be secretive and hurried.
Some girls feel let down by their first
experience of intercourse, and may
wonder why so much fuss is made
about it.
Young men are often apprehensive
of failure and may have difficulty in
maintaining an erection or in control-
ling ejaculation. ‘First night nerves’
usually clear up but can be very em-
barrassing at the time. Even if things
are difficult, however, a boy is likely to
gain a sense of pride and satisfaction
at having had relationships with a girl
regardless of the result.
By no means are all first experiences
between young men and young women.
Kinsey reported visits to prostitutes by
boys as young as 14. He found that at
least one such visit has been made by
40% of his overall sample before the age
of 20. Kinsey’s figures show an almost
desperate striving of young males to
prove their manhood. He reported at-
tempts at intercourse by boys as young
as 12. By 15, about 40% of boys had at
least tried to have intercourse; a pro-
portion increasing to 70% by 19. The
better educated tend to reach the stage
of intercourse later. For girls, accord-
ing to Kinsey, attempts at intercourse
are ‘less often and later’ than for boys.
(Kinsey’s statistics have probably
been outdated today.)
Sometimes a more experienced per-
son may initiate a young man or wo-
man. When this is the result of a kind
and loving relationship, the experience
for the beginner may be more satis-
factory than when two beginners are in-
volved. In some countries, initiation of
young men by older women is a socially
recognized part of sex education*.
To make first intercourse happy
rather than frustrating, it is important
that both young men and women
should be prepared for making love.
This is an aspect of education more
often catered for in primitive societies
than in technologically advanced ones.


group of friends. Special friendships

Virginity Learning to Love come and go. As a boy and girl get to
know one another better they may find
that they are not all that well suited
The entrance to the vagina is partly Love is the personal element in sex. after all. Special friendships may come
closed in the young girl by a membrane Girls, in general, are interested in love to an end, often to be replaced quite
of skin, the hymen*. Before intercourse, earlier than boys. This is partly be- quickly by another one, even though
the opening in the hymen is only about cause they mature earlier so that a the break-up, at the time, may seem like
large enough for a finger to go through. thirteen-year-old girl may be, in both the end of the world.
At first intercourse this opening is physique and bearing, a young woman, All this experience leads to the gain-
stretched to admit the erect penis while her male comtemporaries are still ing of insight about one another and
(DEFLORATION). AS well as stretching, mainly taken up with boyish pursuits. the gradual replacement of fantasy
the hymen may tear slightly, with the Young hoydens who try to outboy the criteria by reality criteria as the basis
loss of a few drops of blood. If the man boys are usually late developers who of selecting partners. Not all, of course,
is gentle there is no pain at all, or only are over-compensating for a sense of learn from their experiences. Some
slight pain. The opening in the hymen disadvantage by a display of toughness. people make ineffective fantasy choices
may also be enlarged by masturbation, The first stage of learning to love is, of love partners all the way through
during washing, as a result of vigorous consequently, rather confused. Soon their lives.
exercise or by a doctor. after puberty, or even before it, girls As time goes by and each sex becomes
In the past, evidence of virginity at find themselves seeking to express their more aware of what they value most
marriage—an intact hymen—was highly incipient, passionate feelings, although in the other, longer-lasting relation-
prized for religious and social reasons. there are no suitable partners avail- ships are likely to develop. From these,
Masculine vanity also came into this; able, nor are they yet ready to commit sooner or later, an extra-special friend-
the defloration of a virgin at first inter- themselves in deep personal relation- ship may deepen into a new kind of
course was glamorized as a highly satis- ships. This is the stage when their love, a love based not on hopes and
fying masculine achievement. Proof of developing feelings are directed to any imaginings but on a deep feeling of
virginity at marriage was sometimes available objects; among them pop fondness for a particular partner, cen-
taken to absurd lengths, including stars, pets, boon companions, admired tred upon what he, or she, actually is.
scrutinizing the bridal sheets for spots older friends. ‘Crushes’ on older people If the friendship continues to grow in
of blood as proof that the bride was may be directed to members of their strength, instead of fading as time
virgo Intacta. Such evidence was proof own or the other sex. Boys also pass passes, then it may well lead on to
of the bridegroom’s brutality rather through the hero-worshiping stage, engagement and marriage.
than the bride’s virginity, as stretching but things are easier for them. When Learning to love is a highly personal
the opening of the hymen does not they are ready for pairing relation- matter. No individual goes neatly
necessarily lead to tearing it, while ships, potential partners are available. through a precise series of develop-
enlargement may occur from other Another feature of this generalized mental stages. Some jump phases; some
causes than sexual relationship. need to find an object for love is Toving- get stuck; some lack the self-confidence
During the past quarter of a century, from-afar’. Those who run advice col- to start at all. Yet, overall, adolescence
and more or less in step with the in- umns in periodicals are used to such provides the experiences that lay the
creased emancipation of women, vir- problem letters* as: ‘I know a boy who foundation for mature loving. Further-
ginity is less prized by women and works in a shop near us. He comes to more, adolescent love can be profound
less demanded by men. Indeed, the the house sometimes to bring things. I and passionate. It should always be
situation has today somewhat reversed love him very much. How can I get to respected and never made light of or
so that young men and young women know him better?’ In her fantasies, the ridiculed.
may value a certain amount of experi- girl has endowed the young man with The sincerity of adolescent love is not
ence in their partners. every virtue. Such distant adulation invalidated by the impression adoles-
Enlarging the hymen during first can be the starting point of a long cents often give of being hard-baked,
intercourse is not difficult and is process in which a fantasy of love even cynical. Most young people are,
achieved by a firm, gentle thrust with gradually develops into a loving rela- at first, tentative in their relationships
the erect penis when the opposition of tionship between real people. with the other sex, the more so because
the membrane checks penetration. At the same time as both boy and girl of the pressures of commercialized sex
There may be a little pain, especially if are expressing their aspirations in and the expectation of high perform-
the woman is tense or anxious. If pene- fantasy, they are also making everyday ance that it engenders. The brashness
tration should prove difficult owing to relationships with one another. This is and ostentation of adolescents are, for
the hymen being exceptionally thick, or the stage of early pairing-off between the most part, defences. Tenderness and
because nervousness reduces the rigid- girls and boys of about the same age, idealism are just below the surface.
ity of the man’s penis, the doctor can of going around together but as yet free
open the hymen without difficulty or from deep commitment.
pain to the woman. This initial stage leads on to special
‘Virginity ’ in a man is sometimes spok- friendships when young people not only
en of, but generally in the sense of his do things together, but talk together a
lacking sexual experience. Since even great deal and cuddle and pet together
the opening of a female’s hymen does not and learn to share one another’s feel-
necessarily mean she has already had ings. During this period, a boy may
intercourse, the word has even less have several girl friends, and vice
meaning when applied to a man. versa. Couples may join up to form a


Puberty is the period when the sex
organs become mature. The process
takes about two years, and the age of
attaining maturity varies. For girls,
the normal range is from 10 to 16, with
13 as the commonest age. In Western
society over 75 per cent of girls have
their first period between 12 and 14.
Boys, on average, reach maturity about
a year later than girls. The average age
for MENARCHE has been decreasing
steadily in European countries for
more than 100 years. Norwegian re-
cords give 17 years and one month as
the average for 1840. The chief changes
occurring during puberty are:
Physical growth. Puberty is a period
of rapid physical growth in both height
and weight. During this GROWTH SPURT
boys may gain about 5in (12cm) in
height in a single year. Skeletal
changes include the broadening of the
shoulders in boys; the equivalent for
girls is broadening of the hips. The
girl’s limbs and body become more
rounded. Accelerated development of the
sex organs. This is most noticeable in
boys. Penis, testicles and scrotum all
grow rapidly. The testicles descend
deeper into the scrotum. This completes
the descent of the testicles, which be-
gins in early life. Development of secon-
dary sex characteristics. In both sexes,
hair grows under the armpits and a-
round the genital organs and, to some
extent, on the limbs and body surface.
Among boys facial hair also grows. The
girl’s breasts usually develop rapidly,
although there are great personal vari-
ations. Whereas all breasts begin as a
mere bud, about 38 per cent end up
small, 34 per cent of medium size, and
28 per cent large. Shape also varies.
About 20 percent are flat, 60 per cent
rounded and 20 per cent conical. The
voice deepens for both sexes. During
puberty a boy’s voice usually drops by
as much as an octave. Sometimes a
boy’s voice changes suddenly or
‘breaks’. First ejaculation (hoys) or first
menstruation (girls). If physical matu-
ration and the growth spurt are de-
layed, adolescents may feel at a dis-
advantage. This feeling passes as
puberty progresses.


ent bleeding more frightening still. should not be treated as such, although
This apprehension should clear away a little cosseting, if the girl is nervous
First Menstruation after a few periods, when she comes to and worried, can help her get adjusted.
realize that the bleeding does stop, and Well before the onset of the first
A girl approaches her first menstrua- that the total amount of blood lost is period, a girl should be fully informed
tion with a mixture of pride and trepida- often quite small. about what will happen physically, and
tion. If her mother has prepared her for Nevertheless, the beginning of the taught the use of sanitary towels or
it and has encouraged her to look for- reproductive cycle is a considerable tampons. She should also be prepared
ward to it as natural evidence of attain- physical change which can lead to for the fact that she may feel tense
ing womanhood, the pride will predom- temporary difficulties. Digestive up- and irritable, or depressed, for two or
inate. If, on the other hand, the parents’ sets, with or without nausea and vomit- three days before her period begins.
attitude has been clouded with inhibi- ing, may be experienced. Excessive Until she gets used to having periods,
tion, apprehension and anxiety, this is tiredness and listlessness may also a girl may be embarrassed about other
likely to sow fear, and perhaps shame occur. Anything thought to be ab- people noticing her condition, or fear
in the girl’s mind. But, in the best normal should be referred to the doctor, that her clothes may get stained with-
of circumstances, the girl is likely to whose treatment, or assurance that out her knowing, or that the odour of
experience a certain amount of shock nothing is wrong, should ease the symp- menstruation may be obtrusive. Care-
at her first menstruation because blood toms and dispel the anxieties. Men- ful hygiene and the mother’s reassur-
is frightening, and apparently persist- struation of itself is not an illness and ance help to overcome these anxieties.


Penis Envy Libido Sublimation

According to Freud, small girls may The Freudian term for energy directed Sublimation is one of the Freudian
resent the fact that boys have penises, to sexual gratification is the Latin word ‘defence mechanisms’ by means of
and may have unconscious fantasies libido (meaning ‘desire’). Since, in which unacceptable instinctual im-
about having been robbed of this sym- Freudian theory, all creative drive is pulses are seen as becoming trans-
bol of masculinity. Freud believed that sexual in origin, libido is also used to formed into socially approved activ-
he could trace feelings of inferiority in describe the dynamic force of the per- ities. A classical example of this is the
some of his neurotic women patients to sonality. Jung regarded the creative sexually inhibited spinster who de-
early penis envy. Alternatively, Adler, impulses of man as existing in their votes herself to animal welfare. The
regarded inferiority feelings as univer- own right and not only as the second- need for the concept arises directly
sal but pointed out that women were ary effects of sexuality. In Jungian from Freud’s insistence that sexual
actually in a socially inferior situation theory, therefore, libido is the sum- drive or aggression he behind all hu-
which could provoke them to great total of psychic energy. In its turn, this man activities. Freud’s critics believe
efforts to escape from their submissive is related to Adler’s concept of man as that human beings have a considerable
role. This ‘masculine protest’ could ceaselessly striving to make his unique autonomous power of decision and
take either a socially useful or a mark in life. Libido varies from person regard man as creative from his own
neurotic form. Presumably, as women to person and with age and state of potentialities and not merely subject to
gain equality of status, ‘penis envy’ will health. libidinal and aggressive drives.

The excessive persistence of an idea or
feeling is an obsession. We all experi-
ence minor obsessions, as when a tune
runs on and on in our heads. Such
small quirks of the mind are not to be
confused with pathological obsession,
a condition in which a single idea may
completely dominate the mind. What is
called SEXUAL OBSESSION IS usually a
misnomer. Sex is fascinating, and it is
natural that a wide range of stimuli
should touch off sexual interest. How-
ever, people who never talk about any
thing else are showing signs of obses-
sion. Such behaviour is often related to
feelings of guilt or inadequacy.

As used in psychiatry, repression refers
to the tendency of the mind to push
out of consciousness thoughts or feel-
ings that cause pain or embarrassment
to the conscious personality. It follows
that, in a sexually inhibited society,
sexual impulses will often be repressed.
There are, however, many other causes
for repression. For example, it may be
more expedient to repress dislike of a
superior than to show it. What is
repressed does not disappear. It will
find some roundabout mode of expres-
sion, sometimes in neurosis. The best
answer to repression is to accept our
less respectable impulses as normal.
Acceptance, not repression, is the basis
for control.


overwhelmed by the demands of a rigid Freud because he could accept neither

Sexual Neuroses Superego, neurosis may result.
The neurosis itself is, according to
Freud’s total emphasis on sex, nor his
description of the unconscious mental
Freud, associated with the repression processes. Jung held that the depths of
A NEUROSIS is a badly adapted response of the conflict into unconsciousness. It the psyche are rich with potential
to life. It is usually associated with is, however, still active, and seeks to creativity. He believed that neurosis
repressed motives, thoughts and feel- express itself in devious ways, such as occurred when the further development
ings which are rejected from conscious- anxiety. Cure is sought by gradually of the SELF towards complete integra-
ness because they are unacceptable to uncovering the repressed material and tion was blocked in some way.
the personality. Difficulties with social helping the individual to understand The variety of theories may seem con-
and sexual relationships are also a fea- and accept it. fusing until one remembers the com-
ture of neurosis. Neuroses are usually Freud described the Ego as using plexities of the area being explored, and
classified according to dominant symp- various defence mechanisms in its the difficulty of identifying precisely
toms, among which are anxiety states, negotiations with primitive impulses what has the curative effect. Since the
depression and obsessive-compulsive and the demands of reality. The effect classical days of Freud, Adler and Jung,
reactions. A simple example of neurotic of these mechanisms is to give the Ego there have been many modifications,
maladjustment is that of a person who support in maintaining self-esteem. expansions, amalgamations and addi-
feels compelled to wash every few REPRESSION is one of these defences—it tions to the theory and practice of
minutes. A possible interpretation of rids the conscious mind of the embar- psychiatry. Some therapists prefer to
this would be that the individual is rassment of thoughts, desires and feel- work in groups rather than with in-
attempting to erase by his symbolic ings that are unacceptable to it. Or the dividuals; or individual and group
behaviour an acute, unconscious sense Ego may bolster itself by identifying treatment may be combined. The use of
of sexual guilt perhaps generated dur- with someone else. Or it may off-load tranquilizers, anti-depressants and
ing a prudish upbringing. Such a com- the sense of shame from its own unde- other drugs has grown enormously in
pulsion is not only a great nuisance, sirable impulses by condemning them recent years. Another fairly recent
but it will also disturb social and in others. addition to the psychiatrist’s armoury
sexual relationships. Yet another device of the Ego is is behaviour therapy, a technique for
A different example of neurotic be- regression to an earlier stage of life, reconditioning responses as, for ex-
haviour is that of an individual who when things were easier and more ample, in gradually freeing a patient
is driven to compensate for an extreme pleasant. Little boys, put out by the from an irrational fear. Social therapy
sense of inferiority, established in early arrival of a baby, may revert to infant and sex therapy* are now independent
years, by striving to make himself, or behaviour in an unconscious attempt fields of study and treatment.
herself, the constant centre of atten- to recapture lost love and attention. Apart from full-scale neuroses, neu-
tion. Such a life style, if taken to ex- Adults also may take flight from reality rotic trends may affect sexual relation-
cess, is likely to irritate friends, lead by regression. ships in a variety of ways. Owing to
to difficulties at work, and inhibit re- Freud’s method of uncovering the re- a hangover from past relationships, or
laxed mutuality which is the founda- pressed content and elucidating the experiences, an individual may be too
tion for happy sexual relationships. Ego-defence system was to encourage dominant, or too submissive, to build a
These two cases exemplify what has the patient to verbalize everything that good relationship with a partner. Or
been a source of argument since the he thought or felt. He also carefully the choice of a partner may be unduly
beginning of modern psychiatry. analyzed the patient’s dreams* and fan- influenced by the unconscious desire to
Freud believed that psychic energy tasies in which he expected to find the find someone who resembles a parent
is sexual in origin. Consequently, his unacceptable desires, motives and fears or other especially loved person. Ex-
system, PSYCHOANALYSIS, placed sexual expressing themselves symbolically. cessive shyness may inhibit social
disorientation at the centre of neurosis. Psychoanalysis deals with the rela- and sexual relationships. Deep insecur-
Freud described the human psyche as tional aspect of a neurosis by encour- ity may make a man vulnerable to sex-
organized in three functional levels. At aging the patient to work out on the ual failure. Fear of losing her identity
the fundamental unconscious level (the analyst the hostility, dependence, or may prevent a woman from letting her-
ID) are the powerful instinctive drives other emotions, that have obstructed, self respond fully in passionate ex-
of our animal natures. These seek im- or are still obstructing, the patient’s changes of love. Minor difficulties can
mediate gratification. Society, how- growth towards maturity. be worked through—they are part of the
ever, cannot exist amid a chaos of un- Alternative explanations of human normal human situation—major dif-
controlled impulse. Consequently the neurosis appeared in parallel with the ficulties may be too deep-seated or
EGO developed, to shape, guide and development of psychoanalysis, and obstinate to be cleared by experience
coordinate the basic drives into social- others have emerged since. Alfred and may require counselling, psycho-
ly acceptable patterns of behaviour. Adler was originally a member of therapy or psychiatry.
The struggle between Id and Ego gave Freud’s circle but broke away because The study of the relationship be-
rise to values and principles of conduct. he saw neurosis as arising mainly from tween neurosis and SEXUAL DYSFUNC-
These are encountered by children in social relationships, or other influ- TION brings out strongly the import-
the matrix of family relationships and ences, which undermine self-esteem, ac- ance of providing children with the
are absorbed into the mind as the centuate the normal sense of inferior- love, acceptance, stimulation and en-
SUPEREGO. Thus the Ego holds the ity, and force the individual to adopt a couragement that assure for them a
middle ground between the primitive life style which impairs, or ruins, the sense of self-value, and lead to a con-
energies of the Id and the moral force individual’s capacity to deal with the fident relationship with others, and to a
of the Superego. If the Ego is too much major tasks of life: friendship, love, and liberated, though responsible, attitude
threatened by the instinctual drives, or work. C. G. Jung also separated from to sexual behaviour.


weddings (one in five brides are already though perhaps mystified by, their own
pregnant on their wedding day, one in basic sexual urges which have probably
Sex Education three if they are under 20), divorce rates led them to masturbation or possibly
and the hidden distress caused by sexual premature hetero- or homosexual ex-
All people have a sex education of one ignorance in many marriages or in the periences. They suddenly find, in a state
kind or another, if not from parents or lives of the sexually unstable. All these of comparative ignorance, that the
school, then more commonly from com- demand an awakening of the public in adult population is concerned with re-
panions in their own age group. How- general and educators in particular to productive sex only in so far as it relates
ever inaccurate or inadequate the gain- the need for teaching people how to to the size of a family. It is otherwise pre-
ing of knowledge about sexual inter- enjoy their sexuality responsibly. occupied with, if not totally committed
course and ‘where babies come from’ So much ignorance and myth remain to, love-sex and fun-sex as regular and
may be, people learn some basic facts concerning conception, pregnancy, necessary functions of adulthood. Love-
of life in childhood and adolescence. childbirth, contraception, disease, mas- sex is considered re-creative, while fun-
Ideally, sex education should involve turbation, abortion, perversions and sex is recreational. Double meanings
a wide-ranging understanding of all aberrations that sex becomes what it and double standards abound and have
human sexuality. In actual practice should never be, a problem. Sexual to be personally debated by each indivi-
many people do not receive the kind of maturity triggers off difficulties which dual, often without guidance from more
mature and experienced persons.
Attempts to adjust to mature sex-
uality may eventually lead to satisfying
and disciplined sexual fulfillment in a
warm relationship, but failure to adjust
may lead to an over liberal and selfish
hedonism, to a guilty and shame ridden
denial of sexuality, or to frustration.
Intelligent and responsible sex educa-
tion should lead to the former, and
happier, sexuality.
Sex education is not synonymous
with teaching the immature and inno-
cent the mechanics of adult coitus
(although this forms part of a good sex
education) or scaring them about ‘the
consequences of any sex activity if they
are too young. However, sex education
is all too commonly thought of as in-
forming children about ‘the birds and
the bees’, of describing copulation and
pregnancy in biology classes, of warn-
ing about VD, of teaching contracep-
tion, demography and population dyn-
amics, and even as an extension of
family planning propaganda.
Good sex education in a human con-
text must deal with major problems in
society today, many of which are sex-
ually related. Few will deny that there
has been a sexual revolution character-
ized by the sexual emancipation of
women, an ever more youthful involve-
ment in sexual activity and a wide-
spread confusion between liberation
and liberality, between freedom and
sex education which ensures that ‘hu- amount in many young people to psy- licence. There is clearly a need for more
man beings may be aided toward re- chological trauma. Private behaviour education concerning the traditional as
sponsible use of the sexual faculty and and public expectation are seen to be well as the emerging role of sex today.
toward assimilation of sex into their two different things. Personal sex All people should keep in mind the
individual life patterns as a creative and drives, ignorance and peer group pres- influence of new forces affecting human
re-creative force’ the stated purpose sures compete with prejudice, taboos sexuality when educating their children
of SIECUS, the Sex Information and and intolerance. or when expanding their own sexual
Education Council of the US. Young people may be taught about consciousness. There is a marked de-
The consequences of sexual ignor- the purpose of the sex act, the sanctity cline in the need for coitus to be pri-
ance and lack of good sex education are of marriage, the dangers of promiscuity marily concerned with procreation;
well known: world-wide venereal and disease and of the unplanned preg- sexual intercoursefor love and pleasure
disease rates, abortions, illegitimate nancy (wrongly labelled ‘the unwanted and the release of tension can be as-
births, single parent families, shot-gun child’). Yet they are fully aware of, sociated with spiritual values.

Love solves many things, but rose
tinted glasses do not help much.

and the incidence of venereal disease flutter about in the vicinity of attrac-
but these statistics obviously represent tive males. In canine affairs, the bitch is
Pre-Marital Sex only a fraction of what is actually going only sexually available for about a
on. Even Gallup type polls must be sus- week, twice a year. The approach of
Until the late fifties or early sixties pre- pect because this area of human ac- her season is announced to the neigh-
martial sex, sex before marriage, was tivity is fraught with psychological sen- bouring dogs by a powerful and pre-
an absolute taboo in normal society, in sitivity. People often lie in their res- sumably attractive odour. They re-
the media anyway, if not in life. It ponses, answering what they think spond by anxious attendance on her
seemed to be an absolute moral precept, they should answer. doorstep.
based on our Judeo-Christian culture, Although pre-marital sex is wide- This sexual wooing process is in-
that every girl should go to the altar a spread there are always biological risks fluenced and controlled by chemical
virgin. (Men, of course were different, and psychological dangers. A full sex- body messengers, the hormones, and by
but they didn’t do it with the kind of ual relationship involves the whole inbuilt nerve processes, the reflexes.
girl they would marry.) person and few adolescents are psycho- In animals, the courtship phase serves
The ethic of pre-marital purity has logically mature enough to cope with to distinguish those members of the
developed over the centuries through such a relationship. There is little species who are sexually aware and
biological and economic necessity. doubt that young adolescents—say ready and, simultaneously allows the
Virginity was a guarantee of freedom those under 16—are incapable of a male and female members of the pair to
from disease, and that any immediate mature union and that sex without love synchronize their mating activity. This
offspring would be legitimate. Nowa- is not much fun really. If they start too helps to ensure a successful conception
days, a blood test can reveal these young or too promiscuously they may and the continuation of the species
factors. become sexually cynical before their through that pair bond. Aggression is
A prime cause of the increase in pre- time and never be able to experience a used to determine territorial rights for
marital sex must be the decline in full and pleasant marital relationship. the potential pairing and to ward off
religion. Once Christian ethics were Yet pre-marital sex with a potential other competitors for—usually—the fe-
not taken for granted young people felt spouse surely clarifies at least one male partner.
free to make their own moral decisions aspect of marital harmony (or dishar- The cultural, religious, ethnic, edu-
about basic things like sex before mony). It thus leaves the way clear for cational and individual personality fea-
marriage. Once efficient contraceptives the exploration of the more mundane tures of the human animal when enter-
had been developed and venereal dis- but equally important aspects of the ing the courtship phase make direct
ease was controllable what harm could shared life. comparisons with animals difficult.
there possibly be in such a pleasurable For adults, pre-marital sex is now The human female is sexually avail-
activity? Female emancipation and the considered normal. Few hotels bother able not for a limited season but at
acknowledgement of female sexuality about the marital status of their room- any time for some twenty or thirty
must also have played a part. Advo- sharing residents. There is little social years. Human courtship processes are
cates of women’s liberation, such as stigma attached to cohabitation. The more prolonged, though not really any
Germaine Greer and Kate Millet, media, the barometer of opinion, talk less ritualized. Aggressive behaviour
stressed the active role that women cheerfully about filmstars’ ‘compan- towards rivals, in the open fashion of
could play in sexual relationships of ions’ or ‘partners’ without dwelling on animals, is not normally evident, al-
all kinds. their marital status or otherwise. though some human courtship relation-
Statistics are only partially reveal- ships follow a stormy course.
ing. In 1953 Kinsey reported that about The constructive aim of human
50% of boys had had full sexual inter- courtship appears to be that of ‘giving
course at least once before marriage
Courtship to receive’. This may involve giving
but that only 3% of girls had (which presents, money, rings, food or enter-
may raise some eyebrows: were the 3% Courtship in nature can be defined as tainment, or giving less tangible ele-
girls responsible for the comforts of the the process which takes place between ments like promises, praise, approval
50% of boys, or was there widespread meeting and mating. In the human and the expression of love. The received
immorality amongst married ladies?). species we should say it is the process portion may be equally material—a
In 1973 R. C. Sorensen surveyed the between meeting and marriage, since home, presents, rings—as well as
same age-group and discovered that the end of human courtship is not physical—social contact, sexual con-
male sexual knowledge was about the simply mating but living together. tact, companionship—and intangible-
same but that by then about 30% of girls The phenomenon of courtship has love, warmth and affection. The more
had had sexual fulfilment. In another been studied in many species and has romantic and non-arranged the court-
1973 study J. Kanter, reporting on over many variations and elements. These ship pattern, the more the mutual
4000 teenagers, showed that the inci- include sensual attraction through exploitation aspect is played down, and
dence of pre-marital sex rose from one sight, smell, sound and colour, and the more altruism and thoughtfulness
in seven at 15 years to almost one out of varied behaviour rituals and responses. for the other are emphasized.
two at 19 years old. In the same year in Both active and passive roles might be In primitive societies, the initial
the United Kingdom, the Opinion Re- combined during the courtship. selection of a potential mate went to
search Centre poll showed that about In various species courtship takes the tribal leader or group chief; subse-
55% of the population studied thought different forms. At the appropriate quently it passed to the parents in more
thatsex before marriage was acceptable season a male bird will show bright new developed societies. The parents’
if the couple were engaged. We can plumage, change its tune and cavort choice for their child was sometimes
glean information by looking at the about in attractive postures. The fe- influenced by an intermediary—even a
rates for abortions, unmarried mothers male bird may start to build a nest and professional matchmaker. In close-knit


ethnic groups and orthodox religious

societies, the intermediary could gener-
ally be relied upon to match up families
accurately and effectively. In those
societies where matches still tend to be
arranged, and in Europe and America
until the beginning of this century, the
young couple would meet and interact
only in the company of a protector or
chaperon. The presence of the chaperon
was essentially meant to ensure that
virginity was preserved. As the couple
developed their relationship, they made
contact with each other’s social net-
work. This included visiting and meet-
ing their families and friends, but in a
setting which still precluded ‘being
alone’ together. After a suitable period,
agreed by the parents, a formal cere-
mony of promise in marriage—the
BETROTHAL—may have taken place. This
was blessed by a family or religious
ceremony, and included the ritual ex-
change of documents, gifts or symbolic
jewellery. The betrothal was followed
by busy activity between the families,
planning the arrangements which cul-
minated in the wedding.
In contemporary Western countries,
and increasingly in other societies, the
choice of mates for courtship is largely
open and determined by the young
couple themselves. Various degrees of
physical contact can be made, some-
times casually, sometimes purposely,
as the couple find out about each other,
and approve of each other as physical
and emotional partners. Restrictions
on their being alone together scarcely
exist today. Some courtships can there-
fore proceed from simple contact,
through embracing, kissing and pet-
ting, to actual pre-marital sexual inter-
course. The description of dating goes
from ‘casual’, to ‘going out’, to ‘going
steady’, and finally to engagement al-
though formal engagements seem to be
going out of fashion.
Meanwhile the same pattern of get-
ting to know each other’s social net-
work proceeds. An engagement will
probably involve nothing more specific
than a party, or it may simply be an-
nounced informally or through a news-
paper insertion. To confirm their en-
gagement, the couple may exchange
gifts or a symbolic item such as an en-
gagement ring for the girl. Today the
process may be broken off without
social stigma and family outrage as was
formerly the case. The ups and downs
of human relationships are an accepted
part of courtship, and it can be inter-
rupted until reconciliation between the
couple, or brought to an end entirely
with the return of gifts.


ELAINE SEEKS HER PROFESSOR PRETTY French lady wishes marriage with
Matrimonial i HIGGINS
Young woman, intelligent, introspective,
gentleman. Secure status, 50-58. Box S174.

slightly neurotic, spending too much time AT 23

alone, needs close friendship with older
Advertisements man 50-60 to bring back some purpose to
my life.
10 years ago, I did not have large
detached (empty?) house, pressures of
own expanding business plus increasingly
expensive tastes AND A GAP IN MY
•SERBO-C ROATandJAPANESE^kS LIFE! Who will accept me for what I am
It is an adolescent, romantic dream girls sought by English graduate, 29, today? Forceful/soft, sophisticated/
for friendship and help with languages, casual, shrewed/clueless, sensitive/
that a future marriage partner will turn ox J133. indifferent, perceptive/thick, abrasive/
up naturally in one or other area of vulnerable. BUT THE REAL ME prefers
•IMPECUNIOUS MALE philosopher/ to be home loving, feminine, giving,
normal life-at work, in the discothe- clavichordist/watercolourist, 23, seeks relaxed and affectionate who only warms
discerning young lady for quiet con- to a strong positive, tall, high powered
que, on holiday, at school or college, or versation etc. Box H994, probably self employed 35/40 year old
guy with above average ability for living/
through a family connection. But for tACTIVE FEMALE MBA 28 loving. Unafraid to commit himself with
many, it does not happen so easily. The Being a ‘high-powered’ woman is fun, a covetable tall slim 30ish young lady
except for the distinct shortage of ‘high- who is bored with socialising and meeting
very shy, the intensely career-minded, powered’ men. I’m young, attractive and dummies and civil servants. PS My
successful, looking for a man of equally attractive friend suggests a four-
may not succeed in meeting a likely some to meet over a casual drink. Tell
IDENTICAL qualities who doesn’t smoke
partner, and chances diminish as their If you really think you can dampen my your best Pal!
ego, please drop me a line.
social peers and workmates themselves PRESENTABLE BACHELOR^lat^^-S®
member two professional institutes Interests
marry. Others who have problems meet- na sm
la< y ' y°ga- rambling. Seeks attractive
ing potential partners are the widowed, * ; Possibly own home. Friendly
ICEE. 29, seeks friendship perhaps lasting ^htfi^namaee^oxe538^
the divorced and the unmarried [relationship. Any nationally. Photo
"2rpciate^j086^ ATTRACTIV^BRUNE^^?
mother. For them, the solution may be Divorced, disillusioned, educated,
J INTELLIGENT LADY, 40, well BuTTLA [warm, loyal, own home, desires to
to seek a potential partner by placing [separated, independent teenage son, own
[home and excellent business, requires Imeet tall, sincere, business/profes-
an advertisement in personal columns mature male partner, 45/50, with capital, Isional or intelligent D.I.Y. gentle-
or in ‘pen pal’ sections of newspapers business acumen and drive. Must drive car man of good appearance, free to
and have no commitments, must also be dog
or magazines. lover, a happy and secure future together Is Istart new life. Leos, Sagittarians,
envisaged, so nutcases, scroungers, and IGeminians especially welcome, re-
Apart from the overt self-description affair seekers, please refrain. Must be
willing to put into life that which he expects plies guaranteed. Box 9391. JPCE
of the advertiser, much of his or her real Box
self may be unintentionally revealed by |TENNIS/SAILING. Man (active 47) seeks
[companion (f) for Club Med holiday August
the way the desired partner’s physique [(share expenses). Possibility permanent part-
|nership, particularly if pianist. Box 7958.
counterpart Sfi t<Jv easant to m
eet woman
and personality are described. Another hoursoTC;..^ l°r. companionship during
'•JOHN NO Adonis!! bi^overweight, 30s,
method is to go to a matrimonial j«TALi. M.iin ATTRACTIVE girl desig- fairly successful in music business has
agency or ‘marriage bureau’, which ner seeks single man of similar descrip- home, wheels, etc. Love to meet smallish
tion, 25-30 to eniov cinema, snorts younger lady, into music, cosv chats
makes the introductions and acts in [country walks and conversation Photo | view marriage. |M
some degree as a watchdog. Among ordrawingapreciated. .T082.
Chnstian (anthroposophical) upbrineinc
orthodox Jewish communities, the old- I^^RAN^DIRECTDR^SSJlJ^uflraTm- musica /mathematic3! talents, adores *
I nrf?8. Jong-legged girlfriend
fashioned marriage broker still has a P^erably with young children. under 35 ’
Free flat I music (baroque/classical), art, architec-
A^ ^ iBtcr* rent p&ld now if remiirori ture (particularly Chartres), travelling:
role to play, especially for less affluent
L^eaeCBox (7i8^hlWfU^roaiTl**e- London] l?kT,b stlrnuIant
V]™ c°untryside, quiet life
: dis- g’
families who have traditional ideas I ,s.> noise, soulless people-
l fmrloi Sd?Crere’ ^in^’ understanding male
about property and matrimony. Asian I ?lTEiM'TI 5ft. 2in., petite, seeks genuine
Iship FnHesf deUuil^^P e n e n d ed friend-
S Since e
communities with similar traditions 135*5(? Vntc reiu
^ - *allish gentleman,
interests, records, dancing, motoring
Fa, ,
ph hone
make unembarrassed use of the adver- f i nndnlf ’ nearby
^London, °L°' ?. number appreciated
['Male 32, seeks slim, young lady
tising columns of newspapers in the :IYQLISHWAN of Irish descent, now I with healthy habits (non-smoker) to
search for a ‘good match’. On the other farming in the West of Ireland. Age 46
hand, the recent crop of contact maga-
[certain amount of capital and regular in- ReB'onxte5^rllfestyle (Co
Icome from well stocked farm. Previous
zines in the USA serves more explicitly I marriage annulled by Catholic Church. No
[children. Interested in hearing from •AUTHORESS/NATURAL THER mP®
(36). Interests: theatre, travel, ancient
sexual purposes. Although phrased like ! genuine girl with a view friendship and
ciass c
[Perhaos, later marriage. Apply Box No’ n (
beeks physically
! al and
sensitive manoriental),
genuine appeals for companionship, a r e p
| 1 °^° ^ nrInline
the majority of such advertisements IRUNETTST^^TTY, STTTTTr home-1....^,
llady, no ties, 46, seeks gentleman, widower
■preferred, tali, 46-55, home lover suburbs, GENTLEMAN, nandicapped Tn IeTT—arm;
has been found, following an investiga- lv s
fiendshlp/marrlage. Box 9691. JPEE lo« ,t automatic car, wishes to meet ladv,
tion by a leading feminist magazine, to I ■■IMII friendship/marriage. Box 9392!
•SKINNY, boyish, urchin-typ^ADY
be a cover for various forms of com- for just nice) SOUGHT bv romantic man
mercial sexploitation. firing randomly on all cylinders Interests IwJShSQUE’ intelligent girlfriend
more aesthetic than economic. 28 non- L™d by caring male graduate, 31
Computer dating should in theory be smoker, just solvent, rather alone. Box stnnV S?°rad°reS big girls 0ver twelve
able to avoid misuse, but reports from Box H966 t0 appreciated- returned.
•CHINESE MALE, 30ish, of education
users indicate that the systems are not (Oxbridge), personality, civilised quiet- | ctiarnnlriK natural women? Young- 50 5ft
ude, and semi-impecuniosity, seeks attrac- braln
rigorously enough programmed or mon- 'Aiyejernaje^hoto appreciated. Box J045. einc»Ki ’ Physics O.K. Likes reading,
i sensible conversations, witty humour, music'
I choking, outdoor and homellfe, to share
itored to provide, as yet, a truly ‘ clean ’
^^®W^HHTI^SENSUAL, BALD ISUSh*™n <*. (hopefully) intelligent paS^er
and accurate introductions service to ING TAUREAN DIVORCEE, young 50s °w income. Important. Mutuaicare
professional, secure, high IQ interests’ land understanding, compatible? Please write
their customers. home making arts, sport, seeks tall, °*n photo H possible. Shall be
good looking lady under 45 intelligent 1^^4981 >U1 letters
answered. Confidential.
and caring to love and cherish Own
“ 'jagdhouse. Details with photos.
educated R45A>!nnc?, ian
' busi
•32 YEAR OLD woman panl^elreated I seeks fri nds ly
’ unselfish- dependable,
to country with kids finas aproaching tnf^a
Itured ^ hiP. companionship,
charming, wealthy ladv with ma
anv n/o
winter bleak. Not slim/glamorous but V eW m rrlage
warm/witty. Prone to reeling, writhing Port'rtn
”r| Ln t*’ T
Leo, o - Investment
Sagittarious. Aries unim
fainting in coils, seeks Gryphon or Jhf/MpE Leo, Sagittarius. Aries’ best
Mock Turtle perhaps? Photo? Rnv J472. | matched Box 959P •


share his porridge with Goldilocks. Box 22, 5’ 5”, WITH A KIND GENEROUS MALAYSIAN CHINESE
j;i34. PERSONALITY AND A SENSE OF speaking lady required by interna-
HUMOUR WISHES TO MEET PRETTY tional executive, 36, kind, sincere,
CHOPPED LIVER LOVER ATTRACTIVE GIRL, 16-26, LIVELY, | affectionate, financially secure,
30-year-old male into photography, food TIONATE, ROMANTIC, SINCERE, many assets, 5ft lOin, slim build,
travel, music, Marx (Groucho, not Karl), GENUINE. VIEW FRIENDSHIP, POSS- ; photograph, telephone number ap-
movies and maybe even some of the IBLEJMARRIAGE, REPLY GUARANTEE! preciated, View friendslhliip/marriage.
things that interest you. Willing to try? | All replies answered. Box 9567.
If you are female, 20-30 and can read DOES HE EXIST? JPDF
and write do the latter and wait with That elusive guy in his 30s who is
baited breath for my reply. intelligent, affluent, affectionate and fun, • ARE YOU A STRONG PRAUTIC AL~
Box J004. enjoying London’s cultural offerings MAN who likes femininity and a loving
as well as football, travel and good nature, family and social life, good food,
IGENUINE GUY, 30, ex-spaceman look- conversation, and who would like to boks and cinema? Please write to un-
ing for a nice girl, slim, under 25, share form a loving, lasting relationship conventional, tall, slender blonde (40)
Irock concerts, cinema, walking, talking, (perhaps marriage) with that similar and who has two school-age sons, job, house
leups of coffee and maybe a happy equally elusive girl. SHE is 29, sing'e, and a need to share life again. Box
attractive and intelligent, sharing the _J_449.
^I^Tj^^ogether^o^OT^^^^^^^ same interests, and is a successful career
•LONELY Asian male, 19, 5’ 10”, thin, bird who has decided it’s time to have WARM, intelligent, attractive woman, 35T
student, digs Hawkwind, Zeppelin, Floyd, her wings clipped. If he does exist, 45, unencumbered, sought by fairly person-
then she is waiting to hear from him at able man, graduate, self employed, non
slightly leftist ideology, serious minded, smoker, to share life, and country home.
smoker, non-drinker, DESIRES the com- Bo)^46^
pany and friendship of any FEMALE ■■iaWiifa
under 25. Oh PLEASE don’t pass me by! , -7 SRE a male orfemal^UJOtsT •CINDERELLA seeks Prince Charming.
Box who would like to form a friendship to Is there a single, solvent, independent,
visit theatre, concerts etc occasionally attractive male, 30ish. with zest for life
I Fsatrrfa^and45^^orkir>g class Please contact bored divorcee, 43. Box who could get to like equally indepen-
lady, two children, boy 4 years, H963. dent female, 25, fond classical music,
travel, food, plonk, photo please. Box
I girl 18 years seeks kind, oonsider- BIG BACHELOR, 38. seeks plump, loving | J465.
late understanding gentleman, aged lady, friendship, marriage, any age, area. 1
(between 43-54. Photo appreciated. Have own house, car. Enjoy gardening, | FROM Continent with lovel T^idy 45,
mechanJcs^^^^^ng. Box 9340. divorcee — no dependents, attractive, i
INo affair seekers. All letters ans- intelligent, happy personality wishes to meet
|wered:__&ox_No. 9506. JPDD YEARS GOING FAST!
businessman who. is really lonely, good
looking and smart for sincere friend-
0^70 JPTDF
^^W^^^SEDHEAD^BW Continental man, 30s, initially shy but
FEMALE’ 36, separated, very humorous later intensive lovely closed intimate,
and intelligent, seeks AQUARIAN, a bit introvert with tender longing for •PROFESSIONAL ENGLISHMAN,
GEMINI, or Aries male, 35-42. Photo women, unrich, still unsettled. Not high intellectual job, sometime Univ. lec., tall,
)lease (returned). Box__J068^ educational background. Loving freedom extremely personable, late 40’s, div.,
and unconventionalism. Looking share seeking very attractive, shapely lady, slim|
HOME needs that fernirune^oTicT^ his solitude with basically shy girl, but solidly built, not slender, repeat not
demanding, easy-going bachelor, 38. South idealistic, from working class type, warm, slender, not Twiggy, not petite, tallish
East London, own maisonette and car, good tender, leftist undestanding the difficulty preferred. Up to mid-40’s, non-smoker;
salary, general interests, seeks young lady, would enjoy company of mature real
25-38. for friendship / marriage, single or for speaking this language by a foreigner.
All letters answered. Photo can help but woman with intelligence, independence
unmarried mum, 1 child welcome. Box
9616. IARC. not essential. Genuine Advert. and warmth for liberated and loving
relationship. Companionship/marriage.
Box J038.

135 years, brunette, green eyes, slim, I well-educated, sense of humour, many [forties, single, home on extended leave from
I Africa, Interested the arts, travel, walking,
5ft.' 5in., divorced, 2 children, in-1 interests including classical music, I tennis, wishes to meet compatible lady for
telligent, affectionate, loyal, many] theatre, cinema, seeks tall, slim, caring, [companionship and perhaps more. Box 7951.
interests, seeks tall, affluent, pro-| intelligent male for friendship. Photo
apreciated but not essential (will be ■ffffl
fessional / businessman, 34 / 46| leturned). Box J072. slim, enjoys music, driving and most good|
years, attractive, loving, sincert things in life. Divorced with 10-year-old|
| friendship /■ marriage, photogaph.. LOOKINf IAN? son., wishes to meet gentleman aged*
1 between 35-45 who can accept that the lad>
ilease, I’m a reasonably attractive man, 34, 6’, Ismokts. All letters answered. Photo/phone,
12^st, with all my own hair. I’d like to Iplease. Beds/Herts area. Box 9695.
meet an intelligent and attractive woman/
I WISH to meet a kind, attractive oady
I (slender nurse, under 35 years with girl/Ms say 24-34 who must be capable
of seeing the funny side. If you’ve read ICALIFORNIAN, fair hair. 5ft. 8in.. would'
particular interest in the Orient). I’m 39., [like to correspond with young lady. 21-26.
6ft, 150, considerate live in Sweden and'' this far and are still interested don’t [who likes sports, dancing and wishes to visit
have sense of humour. Photo appreciated. delay—write today, you never know you Hawaii. Friendship only. Must enclose
may find that we have more in common jhotograpluBox930jL^^^^^^^^^^JPBl
than a liking for Time Out ads.
MATE/MOTHER sought by divorced father/ ATTRACTIVE SINGLE YOUNG LADY, 30.
4 teenagers. Expertise in English, French, [•Friendly Jewishirian740, divorced, Pleasing personality, nicely dressed. Loves:
German, Spanish, history, mathematics,
tennis, music, sailing, skiing, life etc handy.
slim, 5' 7", homemaker, good career, horse-riding, sewing, cooking, motor-racing,
Box 7937, I interested in communal work, music, theatre, films, music, dancing, dining out
I fresh air, seeks sincere, affectionate, (American company). Appreciate intro, pojite,
All WOMAN my good for- lunmaterialistic, attractive, female partnei educated gentleman, 30-45, SOUJML position.
tune is to have a satisfying professional life, Ifor caring, sharing relationship. Photo Friendship/marriage. Ref. A9986.
yet this palls for present lack of a caring lappreciated. Reply guarantee^ Box H962.
relationship which encourages and delights. GOOD" LOOKINi^ENGINEER, 27. Fine
My hope is of response from one who HAJLAt Memon male, young 30’s, 5ft 81n., physique, 6ft. 3in., casual masculine. Interests:
understands and sympathises. He is likely to educated, seeks attractive, slim educated i Vintage cars, dining out, theatre, records, films,
be around 50, tolerant, reflective, alive to sincere, unattached similar female. View travel, socialising, home, animals, reading
nature and the creative arts, and with a marriage. Phone/Photo esssential, returned, countryside. Car owner. Love intro, sincere,
capacity for joy. Manchester and environs. confidence
nano respected. All letter answered
Box 8019. | Box modern girl, happy disposition, intelligent
gregarious, well spoken. Friendship/marriage
•ARIVEI) FROM RIO? Slim, attractive •CLEAN CUT SEkvu.T,MAI\ 29 has RefiXl0003
airhostess, 34, seeks unattached, cultured good personality and humour also car WORKING MAN, active, healthy widower, 1
gentleman for friendship/marriage. I owner seeks warm attractive female young 60s, still working, slim. 5ft. 6in..[
Box J447. Ifor lasting friendship. Box J454, smart appearance, non smoker, sense of |
humour, animal lover, car. own bungalow,
I •JOHN. 25^easonable looker, oncp [COMPUTER PROGRAMMER, 25. Single, 6ft., sincere, genuine. Yorkshire, seeks smart.
homely lady. Box 9636. __JPEE|
married and fed-up with the usual bov [well dressed/mannered, loyal, kind, good
I meets eirl charades. Honourable inten- (income. Fond countryside, music, watching
sions! Interests include Buddhism, movies, (motor-racing, reading, travel, home life. Own Commissioned, now company direc-
lmusic, garden and sDeedwav. If vou’re Ihouse/car. Desires meet sincere, pleasant, middle
Ifemale (non-smoker), possibly shv and (class, sensible girl up to 28, shapely, slim figure. tor, divorced, 5ft. 10in., well groom-
Islim and need a chum, please write. 'uTendshi^/marriag^^e^^9983t ed, youthful and good looking, 54,
tBox ,T084L i educated major public school, ex-
JEWISH UNATTACHEDS! MENSA, beautiful home and 2 cars,
PS: Everybody replying to this ad will ittractive, educated people choose widely travelled, many interests,
receive free of charge and without obli- fjheir ideal partner from thousands seeks attractive, well educated lady
gation a full specification of the adver- >f successful, eligible members.
tizer. With Pictures.
Contacts in Europe, Israel and (30-45), and chic (prefer high heels
land stockings to slacks and flatties),
CEYLONESE BUDDHIST, divorce lady, no
LS.A. We give free advice on re- (friendship initially. London / South
children, holding a high position in N.3J lationship problems. Details with England, photo please, will return.
seeks a proffiionally quallbed partner in late [s.a.e. «Hedi Fisher Bureau (LW), 14 I Box 9635. JAEE
30s, all detail in first letter. Box 9681.

ally never out of each other’s sight from

betrothal to wedding day. Both ex-
Trial Marriage Wedding Customs tremes emphasize in different ways the
importance of the period of prepara-
Marriage has no guarantee of being There are as many different wedding tion. The Judaic code advises the bride
inherently successful, yet many people customs as there are different tradi- and groom to fast for a period up to
believe that it can and should work tions in the world. Every culture has the moment of drinking the wine and
out well, and feel that when they even- developed its own ceremonies, but receiving the blessing. Some carefully
tually marry it should last for the rest nearly all wedding customs have one circumscribed opportunities for phys-
of their lives. They would rather go thing in common: a symbolic expres- ical contact, without sex, are allowed
through a trial period together than go sion of the union of mankind and earth to the betrothed couple. Known in some
through a divorce. In fact, they take and the general fertility hoped for from northern European countries as TOBIAS
advantage of the present sexually toler- the union. NIGHT or JOSEPH’S NIGHT, they recall the
ant social climate to attempt to achieve The ceremony is surrounded by sym- chaste behaviour of those Old Testa-
a marriage which will ultimately be as bols of fertility. Whether the place is a ment worthies. They are euphemisms
permanent as the uncritically idealized church, synagogue or temple, it is for sharing a bed without taking one’s
marriage had to be in sexually repres- usually decorated with flowers. The pants off. Similarly, BUNDLING allows
sive times. bride carries flowers and the men sport contact while separated by blankets.
A trial marriage is more than simple flowers in their buttonholes. After the
co-habitation. The couple who share wedding, there is always a feast. In
the same domestic arrangements and some ceremonies the bride and groom
the same bed may describe themselves share wine, and afterwards cut a cake Wedding Depression
as ‘living together’. Their cynical together.
friends may say they have ‘shacked up’ The symbolic message is that the man
A prospective bride or bridegroom may
together. But their parents or the elders is the tiller of the land, the sower of
begin to feel gloomy, dejected, inactive
of their society would be happier to the seed. The woman is the fertile and
or even restless as plans for the cere-
describe them as having a ‘trial inactive earth. She is intrinsically his
mony progress. It is not unnatural to
marriage’. It denotes a serious mode of possession. In most ceremonies the man
feel apprehensive about breaking famil-
behaviour which is in keeping with is the active partner and the woman
iar ties, the loss of freedom and the
modern marriage and divorce. passive. She is packaged in a special
taking on of financial responsibility as
In the trial period, the couple are to virginity-promising gown that she may
the prospect of an entirely new life
all intents and purposes married. They never wear again. She is brought to the
dawns. Some people feel so depressed
may keep separate bank accounts and church veiled, by her father who ‘gives
that they fail to appear at the appointed
they probably will not take out a joint her away’ to the groom. In some Asiatic
time for the wedding. Medical or other
mortgage, but in all non-financial ways countries, the veiled bride is sent from
professional advice should be sought if
they share everything. Their intention her father’s home on horseback, while
a depressed mood or if symptoms such
is, if at all possible, to live together the groom sets out at the same time
as weight loss, poor appetite or diffi-
for the rest of their lives. The trial on his own horse. He ‘captures’ her and
culty in sleeping become obvious. In
marriage period can indicate where carries her back to his own home. The
societies where pre-marital sex is ab-
their difficulties will lie and whether woman is veiled for complex reasons,
solutely taboo, this state of mind and
they can cope with them. One partner she is unknown and a dark quantity,
body can put the newly weds in the
may turn out to be compulsively tidy she is passive. Once he has become her
worst possible shape for the sensitive
while the other is pathologically un- husband the groom unveils her. He can
beginning of sexual relations.
tidy. In the courtship period this may release her potential fertility to the
not have seemed a serious problem, eyes of the world. He claims her as
each admiring the other for not being his wife by putting a ring on her finger.
beset by his or her own problem, but, On the one hand this expresses her
once married, a difference like that bondage; on the other hand it has a
could easily lead to continual and in- phallic symbolism analogous with the
creasing battles. This is the kind of act of procreation. The word honeymoon describes a vaca-
incompatability which can be faced in a When the couple leave after the wed- tion or holiday taken by a newly-
trial marriage, but not all problems can ding ceremony, the onlookers may married couple following the wedding.
be resolved. A couple will not want to shower them with rice, sugared al- Traditionally, a honeymoon away from
have children until they are formally monds or paper confetti. This is a fertil- parents, relatives, friends and familiar
married when the production of a ity rite which reminds us once again surroundings allowed a couple to begin
family brings along a whole new set of that the husband will sow his seed in their sexual life in privacy. With in-
problems. These will test the couple’s the wife. She throws her bouquet to the creasing pre-marital sex in contempor-
characters in ways that even the trial crowd, offering the hope that one of ary Western society, this purpose has
period may not have prepared them for. them, too, will achieve a fertile union. declined. (So-called HONEYMOON CYS-
Time will show whether trial mar- Pre-nuptial customs vary just as TITIS often occurs at times remote from
riages reduce the divorce rate. Indeed, widely, with just the same underlying the honeymoon period.) ‘Honeymoon
they may at least reduce the proportion similarities of meaning. Some very period’ is a figurative expression for
of marriages which are at present stat- traditional cultures forbid the bride the early months of marriage when the
istically likely to break up within the and groom to meet at all before the partners hold a romantic view of each
first four and a half years. actual ceremony, while in contem- other as the desired and perfect
porary American custom they are virtu- partner.


Latin description jus primae noctis or that the Lord of the Manor had a power

Droit de Seigneur the right of the first night. In theory

the Lord of the Manor or his equivalent
which enabled him to levy a sort of
marriage tax on his vassals. He would
in a local community could demand demand money or tithes from them on
This is a French term which means that a vassal surrender his bride after their marriage, on the understanding
literally ‘the right of the feudal lord’. the wedding ceremony and before con- that if they didn’t pay up then he would
It is an historical term of sexual in- summation. The Lord could exercise his exercise his rights.
nuendo and describes the right of a power or right to establish the purity of The ritual defloration of a bride by
social superior to DEFLOWER the bride the bride, to set his blessing on the someone other than her bridegroom
of his inferior. The concept is familiar union and to give them the chance of a exists also in some primitive tribes and
in Western Europe. In France it is also ‘superior’ offspring or merely for the is known as the NASAMONIAN CUSTOM
described with the term JAMBAGE which fun of it. In practice it is debatable because the Greek historian Herodotus
means downstroke; in Italy the word whether such a right was commonly if first described it among the Nasamon-
CAZZAGIO is used which means applying at all exercised. Medieval historians ians in the 5th century BC. Various
a military rod. Obviously the idea of suggest that it existed really as a threat forms of this ritual have taken place at
droit de seigneur has been established to hang over the heads of the unfortu- various times and in various cultures
for centuries as a sexual giggle. nate vassals and as a demonstration of perhaps as a way of sharing the deflora-
Legally and technically such a right their absolute inferiority to their lord. tion of a virgin which had religious
existed from feudal times under the The practical result of this right was taboos associated with it.

Photo: Paul Levin


Pillow Book
Bedside books, usually containing il-
lustrations of sexual postures, are
found in many cultures. In the Far
East, the Japanese BRIDAL ROLL was in-
tended to instruct the bashful newly-
wed. Japanese erotic prints and paint-
ings are outstandingly explicit and can
be studied with advantage by Wester-
ners who are interested in improving
their sexual techniques. Pillow books
have thus had an educative purpose
apart from titillating the reader, for
only in the last 100 years has there
been any kind of formal education in
biology and sexual matters. Until then,
sexual techniques were learned by
word of mouth or gleaned from bawdy
The most famous book of this kind is
the Hindu classic, the Kama Sutra,
written by Vatsyayana in about the
4th century AD and incorporating
traditions from much earlier times. It
is, in fact, a handbook of civilized man-
ners which treats sexual relations in a
quite uninhibited way. There were
many Greek and Roman treatises on
lovemaking, the best-known probably
being Ovid’s Art of Love. The Renaiss-
ance saw the publication of Aretino’s
sixteen sonnets describing the classic
sexual positions, illustrated by his con-
temporary, the painter Giulio Romano.
In the Islamic world, there is the Arabic
compilation known as the Perfumed
Garden of Shaikh Nefzawi.
Any erotic books can be pillow books
if they have the right effect on the
reader, but the more descriptive they
are the more helpful they will be. If such
works had been more freely available in
the past in Western countries, much of
the unhappiness caused by the tradi-
tional trial and error process of sexual
activity at the beginning of a mar-
riage might have been avoided.
In 1886, the first serious sex manual
was published—Dr. Albutt’s The Wife’s
Handbook. The first truly modern hand-
book was Marie Stope’s Married Love,
published in 1918 and, in spite of its
seriousness, it was considered scandal-
ous at the time. Men and women today
have an extensive range of arousing
and informative illustrated books to
choose from (Reader’s Guide*).


: ihrWZ Z*




A matriarchal society is one in which

the mother is the head and ruler of the
family group or clan. It is known to
have existed in very early times in the
Mediterranean and the Near East and
is probably associated with the ancient
religious cults of mother-goddesses
which flourished in that area long after
matriarchal societies had been re-
placed by patriarchal ones. In some
ways, matriarchal patterns remain
strong even in male-dominated soci-
eties, where the mother or grandmother
often exerts a powerful influence over
basic family affairs and the bringing up
of children in a traditional mould. A
modern writer, Gordon Rattray Taylor,
has detected a pervasive attitude of
sexual tolerance and romanticism in
those periods of history when society
was woman-oriented—possibly a heri-
tage from earlier matriarchal societies.
He calls these ‘matrist’ periods. Jung
suggested that matriarchy was a neces-
sary stage in the psychological develop-
ment of mankind, parallelling the
phase of individual development when
the mother dominates a young child’s
Descent through the female line, or
the tracing of one’s family lineage
through the female ancestors, can also
be a feature of matriarchy, but the
two are not necessarily found together.

Nuclear Family

A nuclear family is firstly a biological

group—a male and a female who form
a sexual and emotional bond, mate and
produce offspring. In the advanced
Western industrial societies, it means
the closely-knit, basic family group,
consisting of a wife/mother, husband/
father and immature children, which is
set apart from the rest of the commun-
ity in which it lives and is not in close
day-to-day contact with other relatives.
This is a comparatively recent by-
Nina Leen/Life © Time Inc. 1977

product of modern technology and its

resultant mobility. Since the nuclear
family does not usually operate in a
wider kinship group, its on-going sta-
bility and strength depend on a high
degree of personal fulfilment being
found within it. It needs continued
mutual love as well as social and sexual
satisfaction for both husband and wife.


' Vj $ Patriarchy

Absolute authority vested in the male

head of a family group or clan is called
a patriarchy. Patriarchal societies
were the norm for human life until
quite recently. Buttressed by the
Biblical and clerical traditions of the
Church, the ‘natural’ superiority of the
male in all social patterns seemed al-
most unquestionable. The maleness of
God and of the Jewish and Christian
priesthoods, the stories of the Old
Testament patriarchs, the legends and
history of the classical world all point-
ed to man as the head and leader. The
law gave a man wide rights as head of
the family and made his wife and her
possessions his property, in varying de-
grees. The attitudes prevailing when
the male orientation of society is at its
strongest—called a ‘patrist’ period by
Rattray Taylor—are usually restrictive,
frowning on gaiety and tending to sex-
ual hypocrisy. Now that the physical
strength of a man is no longer import-
ant for family survival, and Christian
values of male superiority no longer
have much force, the traditional dis-
crimination in favour of men is both
out of date and unfair. The role of
the husband and father is being
examined and new patterns of family
relations are being tried out.

Extended Family

In a simple form, an extended family

exists when ‘three generations live
under one roof’—a husband, wife, chil-
dren and grandparents. An extended
family features not only a common
family or tribal name, but may also
share a dwelling, common social activ-
ities, common family interests and
family ownership of a business or prop-
erty. A nuclear family* tends to be part
of or subordinate to an extended family
when there is a strong dynasty or link
between successive generations, or ad-
ditionally when there is a strong link
between brothers, sisters, cousins,
aunts, uncles and even adoptive rela-
tions and relations-in-law.


orders, that will look after an illegiti-

mate child in much the same way as
Illegitimacy they look after an orphan child. Illegi-
timate babies also provide subjects for
Any child born to an unmarried mother adoption by married couples who are Harems go with the practice of polyg-
is described as illegitimate. Developed unable to conceive themselves and who amy (or more precisely, polygyny*). A
societies have traditionally taken the wish to complete their family. harem is the part of a polygamist’s
view that conception and procreation is In Western societies, the illegitimate house where the wives and female ser-
only ‘legal’ when it takes place within child and his unmarried mother act as vants live. The word itself is Arabic,
a marital unit that has been formally each other’s legal heirs. The mother meaning ‘reserved’ or ‘not to be
declared lawful in a civil or religious can approach the courts to try and touched’. Entrance and exit depended
ceremony. This can create later and prove who the father of the illegitimate solely on the will of its patron. Its
continuing problems for the child who child is, so that she can claim financial inhabitants would never normally be
is born out of wedlock, for he or she may support. However, because of the way permitted to see another potent male.
grow up never actually learning who blood tests are presently administered, Secluded quarters for wives have
the father is. For some people this it is far easier to prove that a man existed in Jewish, Siamese, Babylonian
creates a deep-seated psychological gap could not have fathered a particular and Peruvian societies, and in India
in their development. Sometimes the child than to prove definite paternity. {purdah). In Islam it is a long estab-
child becomes aware of the social Looked at historically, the fact of lished institution. The Koran permits a
stigma that surrounds illegitimacy being born illegitimate often appears to man to have up to four legal wives. This
even in the most liberal societies. have had an effect on the drive, am- is seen as protecting the marriage
The term bastard—a quite respectable, bition and initiative of the individual. against the possibility of the husband
formal description of an illegitimate Determination to ‘wipe out the strain’ resorting to a prostitute for alternative
person may be used in its common and of the background of being born out of sex. It is also a means of protecting
insulting sense against him. In more wedlock may account for the rise to the vulnerable spinster in the Arab
general language, a bastard object is fame, sometimes fortune and sometimes communities, by finding her a place-
something inferior, spurious, incom- to notoriety, of many individuals down among someone’s wives. The Islamic
pleted, awkward. Naturally a bastard through the centuries. The success of tradition recognizes that a man’s sex-
may so come to regard himself in a the sex bombshell Marilyn Monroe ual interests may vary from one year to
similar lowly fashion. was not only national but global. She another, that a woman’s response
In all major developed countries, and shed the tawdry background and varies from one time to another, and
most developing countries, a child is colourless, immature personality of that some men have a greater sexual
registered at birth with the names of Norma Jean Baker, whose mother was need than others. The taking of a con-
his or her parents on some form of birth a film studio process worker and whose cubine* , in addition to the legal wives,
certificate. When the illegitimate child father was ‘unknown’, to become a star is not actively discouraged. Concu-
subsequently is required to present his in her own right. Another very success- bines provide a sexual outlet for the
birth certificate the absence of a ful ‘bastard’, who is often at pains to custodian owner to enjoy his sexual
paternal name is obvious, and the draw attention to his beginnings, is the needs untrammelled by the worries that
stigma of illegitimacy is made public. successful if controversial critic, pro- a wife might care to place before him
Some countries have adopted a stan- ducer and author, Kenneth Tynan. during his sexual attentions. If he can
dard ‘shorter form’ birth certificate Still in the world of entertainment, a afford to, a Muslim may enlarge his
which registers birth day, place and European example of a foundling who collection of concubines. Hierarchical
name but omits the parents. rose above the bleakness of her back- problems sometimes arose between the
Even in tribal and more primitive ground was Edith Piaf. This tiny older and newer members of a harem,
social groups, where the practice of pre- woman sang her way from the slums as well as those who were more popular
marital sexual relationships is not into the hearts of all Frenchmen as sexual companions than others.
looked at askance, the conception and between the two World Wars, and sub- Over the centuries, Islamic potentates
birth of a child by an unwed mother sequently into international musical like the Turkish sultans, who were not
is considered to be somewhat odious acclaim. And, of course, history is not nomadic, would build themselves suit-
and undesirable. The principle appears without famous claimants who were able palaces with appropriate space for
to be that society wishes to know that illegitimate. William the Bastard, Duke the feminine members of their house-
when a child is born there is a paired, of Normandy, transformed his title in hold who were known collectively as
responsible unit of husband and wife to the history books to William the Con- ‘the harem’.
ensure its safety, succour and support. queror, King of England, as a result The consummate harem was devel-
Clearly it is realized that fatherless of pressing his claims and winning the oped by the Turkish sultans. The sultan
children may in growing up have to be Battle of Hastings. was allowed seven waves, each of whom
provided for by society to some extent. he gave her own apartment, gardens
Developed societies recognize, how- and bath. She also had female and
ever, that whatever the official or social castrated male servants. The wives led
proscription on illegitimacy may be, lives of absolute idleness. Always avail-
unmarried women will still expose able to the sultan, their only other pre-
themselves to the risks of pregnancy occupations were gossip and intrigue.
and unwed motherhood. Therefore, al- They were not known by their names
most all developed countries have car- but as kadin (‘lady’) number one, two,
ing institutions, originally based on and so on. Though the sultan had the
charitable endowments or religious right to have pleasure with any of the


female slaves (known as odalisques), only see him once in her life. As only Middle East, the tendency to multiple
etiquette allowed him to enjoy only the mother, sister or daughter of the marriages is high, and the harem prin-
those who were chosen for him by his sultan could acquire the regal status ciple may still be in evidence even
mother or presented to him by state and power of sultan, the main concern when an actual residential harem is not
officials. Once the sultan had favoured of the ladies of the harem was the pro- possible. Marital contracts are unusual
an odalisque she was relieved of her duction of the sultan’s heir. It did not for nomadic men until later on in life,
duties and given her own apartments in matter who was the mother, and it so it may be more difficult to distinguish
the harem. She could never, however, could even be an odalisque, if the 'wife' from ‘concubine’ in a nomadic
make any demands on the sultan, and kadins were not able to forestall it. harem compared with the urban harem.
it was quite possible that she would Even among nomadic groups in the


Partner Swapping
Exchanging married partners for sex is
known as ‘partner-swapping’, ‘mate-
trading’, or less fairly but more often
as ‘wife-swapping’. It is, in fact, con-
doned mutual adultery.
Partner-swapping emerged on a wid-
er social scale with the growing afflu-
ence of Western society after the Sec-
ond World War. First described in the
USA, it then came to public attention
in Britain and other European coun-
tries. Post-war swapping may have be-
gun as ‘erotic games’ at high-spirited
parties where inhibitions were loos-
ened by social familiarity and alcohol.
Choosing partners occurs in various
ways. For example, men throw house
keys or car keys into a pile on the floor,
and wives choose a partner by selecting
a key ring at random. This activity
developed on a more regular and so-
phisticated basis. Two or more married
couples might rendezvous at an agreed
home or meeting place such as a bar or
hotel. After a period of general socializ-
ing, the couples would then re-group,
not in a casual or chance fashion, but
in a pre-arranged selective swap. The
rearranged twosomes then retired to
somewhere suitable. Couples who swap
may know or recognize one another,
but a tacit rule is to use first names
In the United States, regular swap-
ping became known popularly by the
euphemism SWINGING, but is now com-
monly called swapping. It is not just
for fringe or experimental group sex*
devotees, but has become a feature of
some otherwise ‘respectable’ middle
class marriages in many communities.
Swingers’ or swappers’ clubs can be
formed through personal introductions
or carefully worded press advertise-
ments usually in special magazines.
Kinsey’s sex studies first suggested
that the thirties are the years when
women’s sexual tensions and needs are
likely to be highest. The female partner
of the American swapping couple tends
to be in her late twenties or early
thirties. The male swapper comes from
a much wider age range.
Partner exchange activities rarely
come to light unless marriage dishar-
mony, mental breakdown or sexually-
transmitted infections cause problems.
Then swingers may turn to a marriage
guidance counsellor, a family doctor or
some other medical or social guidance



Common LawWife Polygamy

A couple who wish to live together and The practice of a member of one sex
enjoy regular sexual relations are usu- being mated or legally contracted to
ally encouraged by society to seek a two or more members of the opposite
regular monogamous union through a sex is known as polygamy. The word
religious or civil marriage ceremony. broadly covers the different kinds of
They are then contracted to one an- multiple or plural marriages, such as
other with specific legal obligations. polyandry* and polygyny*. In tribal soc-
The couple may, however, decide sim- ieties and loosely-knit communities in
ply to set up house together and enjoy some developing countries, marriages
sexual relations without the legality of may appear to be polygamous, but are
a marital contract; and may then stay in fact centred on a father or mother
together indefinitely. The woman may figure around whom social and sexual
even change her name to that of her activities revolve. In the societies of
male partner Tor convenience’. She developed countries, which historically
becomes known to neighbours and have a Christian background and prac-
others as ‘Mrs’. English, Scottish and tice monogamy*, polygamy is usually
American law recognize her after a regarded as irreligious and is generally
time (usually seven years) as a Common illegal. Problems arising from immi-
Law Wife and accord her certain limit- grant families coming from societies
ed rights. (especially Islamic ones) where poly-
gamy is normal, have still to be solved.

Bigamy (from the Greek for ‘two
spouses’) is different from polygamy* A concubine is a woman who cohabits
in that only one of the marriages (lives and has sex) with a man to whom
contracted for is legal. It means that she is not legally contracted in mar-
one or the other partner has gone riage. In societies which practice poly-
through a form of marriage ceremony gyny*, a concubine ranks as a second-
while still legally married to someone ary wife, and having a concubine does
else. Men tend to indulge in bigamy as not preclude a man from having sexual
an unlawful act more often than women relations with his wife. Unlike the wife,
in Western society. There are excep- a concubine can be discarded when her
tions to the definition of bigamy which sexual attractiveness has worn off.
allow for the following situations. Concubinage has a long history and is
When a partner is missing from home or mentioned in the Old Testament. Gen-
after a major accident, and is either erally speaking, keeping a concubine
presumed or legally pronounced dead, has been the prerogative of men whose
the surviving spouse may remarry after wealth or high social position allowed
a certain number of years without them this extra luxury.
being in a bigamous state. The same
holds true where the previous marriage
was terminated by a legally approved
divorce action. Again, if the previous
marriage was declared null or invalid
for some reason, the partners may re- The version of polygamy* (plural mar-
marry without either being open to riage) in which one woman lives with
accusations of bigamy. The problem two or more men in a self-contained
can arise that—because of religious or setting. The practice appears to be
civil laws—the country of remarriage comparatively rare in the world, where-
does not recognize the earlier divorce as its opposite, polygyny* is fairly fre-
in another country as legal. In that case quent in both primitive and more de-
the remarrying spouse might be open to veloped societies. The sexual frictions
a charge of bigamy. and tensions possible within a poly-
When divorce was difficult and cost- androus union can be anticipated, as
ly, bigamy offered some husbands an they can be in a polygynous situation.
escape from an unsuccessful marriage, Partner-swapping* is not a form of poly-
though the risks of detection and sub- andry, since the sexual liaisons are
sequent imprisonment were particu- usually temporary and remain on a
larly high. one-to-one basis.


One form of polygamy* (plural marri-

age) is polygyny, which literally means
that one man is married legally to two
or more women. In the Islamic world,
celibacy is not considered a state of
grace and the Koran permits a man to
have up to four wives. (This helped to
spare women the vulnerability of being
spinsters in a male-dominated world.)
Islam apart, mainstream global reli-
gions (sects like the Mormons except-
ed) do not countenance polygyny,
though in less developed societies it is
not unusual. When the women whom a
man marries are sisters, the practice is

- :


marriage is used to mean full sexual

freedom for the partners. This still in-
Menage a Trois Open Marriage volves trust, but it also involves con-
doned extra-marital sex. This may take
Usually, a menage a trois, or ‘house- This is a fairly new concept—as a the form of partner swapping* where
hold of three’, consists of a married logical development of marriage in the married couples come together for the
couple who add a third person to their light of modern sexual freedoms. Part- purpose with the full knowledge of all
relationship. The third person may be a ners who marry nowadays do so concerned, or the partners may allow
lover of either or both of them, and it through choice and not through necess- each other complete and private affairs,
may be a person of either sex. ity. Society no longer demands a mar- recognizing that each has sexual and
Male extra-marital sex for husbands riage licence before people begin living emotional needs that cannot be satis-
has always been recognized as a poss- together. Couples in an open marriage fied by an exclusive relationship.
ible occurrence away from home and recognize that their behaviour is a mat- In this time, when pre-marital sex is
sexual guilt about the relationship ter of mutual consent rather than for- normal, contraception fairly efficient,
could be suitably insulated—the reverse mal rules. Open marriage implies total and venereal disease fairly control-
applied to wives until the present cen- mutual trust. A wife, for example, lable, it may not be a bad thing to
tury. might go out with her friends for an bring new ideas into the concept of
Menage a trois is still a household to evening, leaving her husband at home, marriage which, after all, is an institu-
be enjoyed by the fringes of society. or one of the partners might go on holi- tion which can grow and change with
Something akin to it was however ac- day alone. In Victorian times, a lady the times. Open marriage at its best re-
cepted as a formal arrangement in the could never spent the night alone in a presents a relationship based on truth-
rich society families of Italy from the house with a man other than her hus- fulness and understanding. It does
17th to the 19th century. When a wife, band. Nowadays it can happen without away with sordid furtiveness, but it
for whatever reason, found the atten- the immediate assumption of adultery. must be a true mutual understanding,
tions of her husband to be inadequate, In an open marriage, a wife seeing her and each of the partners must equally
she would seek out an official lover from husband with another lady, would ap- desire it. If one of them is the leader
among her own social class. The prac- proach and introduce herself. No dark and the other the less willing partner,
tice was called CICISBEISM and the lover suspicion would cloud her thoughts. domestic disruption and distress might
was a cisisbeo or cavaliere servente. But more and more the term open result.
The husband was generally aware of
his existence.
Nowadays, a menage a trois is under-
stood to imply the knowledge and con-
sent of all the partners. The wife may
still love her husband but need some
other outlet for her sexual feelings, or
either the husband or the wife may be
bisexual* and want a lover of the same
sex, in addition to the spouse.
One form of menage a trois is one in
which a husband’s unmarried close
male friend becomes attracted to the
wife. She may or may not be disatis-
fied with her husband, but the flattering
attentions of the best friend of her hus-
band will make her feel romantic. Find-
ing she is still sexually attractive to
men apart from her husband stimulates
her. The result may be a menage a
trois, in which the husband continues
to receive his wife’s sexual favours but
she also has regular sexual relations
with the best friend.
Whatever the cause or the arrange-
ment, the partners can only find mutual
happiness and satisfaction in a menage
a trois if it is done freely. They will
presumably be more liberal in their out-
look than the average monogamous
couple, and whenever the arrangement
fails to work they will feel free to o>
change it without bitter disputes. Its G
successful maintenance demands a §
depth of personal understanding which G
lies outside normal cultural and social O
conditioning. W


where it was not the norm. Greek and marriage. With the easing of the

Monogamy Roman myths depict polygamous gods;

the Jews practised polygamy* (David
divorce laws, more and more people
divorce and remarry. Society accepts
and Solomon had many wives); even in that it is possible to love more than
Having only one marriage partner at nearly modern America, the Mormons one mate; it is only taboo to love them
any time is called monogamy. Although approved of polygamy for members of simultaneously.
strictly the word means ‘one wife’, it their church. The dominance of monog- The choice of partner in a monoga-
describes an exclusive relationship be- amy may perhaps be ascribed to cul- mous relationship may be made either
tween one man and one woman. Mo- tural conditioning rather than to basic from within the individual’s own social,
nogamy is enforced in Western civiliza- human nature. Fairy stories invari- cultural or ethnic group, or from out-
tion by legal and religious authorities, ably culminate in monogamous unions. side personally familiar groups. The
and is accepted as the basis of a stable Mythical lovers go in couples (Romeo former is called endogamy and the lat-
family unit, which in turn determines and Juliet, Hero and Leander, Jack and ter exogamy. When marriages were in-
the healthy rearing of children and the Jill, etc) and we associate a third person variably arranged by the leader of the
control of moral standards. in a relationship with threat and disas- tribe, the feudal lord, or the parents,
Some people attempt to justify the ter. then the monogamous marriage was
predominance of monogamy in our We find no difficulty in accepting the invariably an example of endogamy. In
society by looking at it in terms of notion that a parent can equally love contemporary developed societies, the
human evolution. Desmond Morris several children and we expect children social and territorial mobility of young
points out that the pair bond relation- to accept this shared status without people combines with personal freedom
ship in human beings is derived from a undue sibling rivalry. Yet we do not in choosing a marriage partner. This
courtship process which is generally easily assimilate the idea that a man or makes a modern monogamous marriage
more prolonged than in other animal a woman can simultaneously love more almost as likely to be in the form of
species. This strengthens the pair bond than one mate. Society does accept the exogamy as of endogamy. This is a
and encourages monogamy. concept of SERIAL MONOGAMY, that is to comparatively recent development.
Monogamy does not seem to be an say, a sequence of one-to-one relation-
instinctive behavioural pattern in ships, one after another. Most people
human behaviour, and there have been
instances of sophisticated societies
have had several consecutive relation-
ships before they settle into orthodox
In primitive and undeveloped societies,
there was no question of equality of
legal or any other kind of rights for
husband and wife. In fact, the wife was
invariably regarded as being ‘owned’
by the husband in the manner of an
object or chattel. Her fixed role was
that of worker, child breeder and care-
taker of the family’s daily needs. She
had no property of her own and was
entirely dependent on her husband.
In contemporary developed societies,
the idea that both husband and wife
should be sexually and legally equal in
terms of rights and opportunities is a
fundamental part of the on-going sex
ual revolution. There have been pro-
found changes in women’s sexual roles,
in their identity and even in their
personalities as a result of the demand
for equality with males. This is bound
to be more far reaching in the future,
and will have an influence on the
character of the marriage relationship.
As the roles of men and women under-
go changes, with increasing equality
for women, legal rights, better pay for
work and recognition of their achieve-
ments, traditional patterns of submis-
sion and dominance, of breadwinner
and homemaker and of sexual aggres-
sion and reception will result in both
man and woman undertaking marriage
as an equal, mutually responsible team
which shares all the work and rewards
mmfc- of the marital and family relationship.



Childlessness may be voluntary by the
use of contraception* or abortion*. In-
voluntary childlessness is also called
sterility*, INFERTILITY or sometimes
BARRENNESS. Involutionary childless-
ness results from a failure of function
in the husband in about one-third of
couples, a failure in the wife in about
one-third and a combination of minor
factors to be found in both partners in
the remaining third. About 15 per cent
of all marriages are infertile.
In the male there may be psycho-
logical reasons making intercourse dif-
ficult or impossible, or breaks in the
control of the sexual function by ac-
cidental injury such as a fractured
spine. Intercourse for men requires con-
scious active behaviour under control
of the will, just as drinking a glass of
water does. This controlled behaviour
is later followed by ejaculation which,
once a certain stage of excitement has
been reached, is no longer under the
conscious will and is therefore called
a reflex.
To be fertile, a man has to be able to
have an erection of his penis, main-
tain the erection and ejaculate healthy
sperm inside his female partner.
Female fertility depends on the abil-
ity of the woman’s ovaries to pro-
duce at least one egg suitable for fertil-
ization in most months of the year, and
on healthy internal genital organs.
Sometimes there are several com-
bined factors contributing to childless-
ness. For example, a fertile husband
may not have intercourse with his wife
on the correct days when an egg can
be expected to be available for ferti-
lization. These factors usually cause
childlessness when the fertility of one
or the other (or both) partners is weak.
Without help from a doctor who can
calculate accurately, with the aid of the
woman’s temperature records and
other tests, intercourse may always oc-
cur on days unlikely to produce a baby.
Furthermore, the degree of acidity in
the vagina or cervix (the neck of the
womb) may prevent the sperms passing
through on their way to the egg. Some-
times the position the couple adopt for
intercourse may militate against suc-
cessful fertilization. Sometimes ejacu-
lation occurs too low down in the
vagina, so that most of the seminal
Sam Haskins

fluid is lost. These faults are easily

corrected with expert advice. About 60
per cent of all childless couples can be
helped by experts to have children.


When artificial insemination from a lips of the vulva. A small screw tap
donor is carried out this is usually done
Artificial in a doctor’s office under conditions of
slides over the tubing. An ordinary
syringe can be fitted on to the end of
the greatest possible confidentiality. A
Insemination donor is selected with as close a phys-
the tubing. The husband ejaculates into
a plastic container and the seminal
ical resemblance to the husband as fluid is then drawn up into the syringe.
Sowing seeds is called insemination. possible, so that when the child is born The syringe is applied to the end of the
The normal way for human beings to no one will suspect that it has not tubing and the tap is opened and the
reproduce is for a man to sow his seed been fathered by the husband. Usually seminal fluid injected through the tub-
or introduce his semen into a woman only the doctor performing the proce- ing into the cap which has been fitted
by intercourse. The fusion of the nu- dure and one nurse or trusted secretary on to the cervix. The tap is then closed.
cleus in the head of one of his seeds knows the details. It is rare indeed for The cervix adaptor, as it is called, is left
or sperm with the nucleus in her egg the mother-to-be to be told who donated in position for about eight hours. By
constitutes fertilization. Though nor- the semen with which she has been this means one can be sure that the
mal intercourse is the standard way for fertilized. Doctors feel it would be un- cervix is bathed in the husband’s sem-
reproduction to occur, it is not always ethical for her to know, because once inal fluid for all of this time and the
successful. There may be a need to having the child she may be so grateful, chances of insemination are greatly in-
resort to artificial insemination in or- that she might wish to meet the donor creased, particularly when the husband
der to achieve fertilization of a female and perhaps acquire a closer relation- produces only small quantities of se-
egg- ship. For this reason all doctors carry- men or the vagina is lax or there are
Artificial insemination may be perform- ing out artificial insemination using bars to normal intercourse.
ed using the husband’s semen (AIH, or donor’s sperm keep secret from the According to the laws of most coun-
Artificial Insemination by the Hus- recipients the identity of the donor. tries, every child born in wedlock is
band). This need may arise when a hus- During artificial insemination the presumed to be a natural child of the
band has some psychological inability sperm is drawn out of the container husband. It is obvious that a child born
to have intercourse successfully. A in which it has been collected, and a as the result of insemination with a
typical case would be where the hus- small amount placed with a special donor’s semen is really a natural child
band ejaculates prematurely before en- syringe on the outside surface of the of the donor and not of the husband.
tering his wife’s vagina, but where it cervix and perhaps a droplet just inside This is true in spite of the fact that the
is known by testing with the micro- the cervix. The semen is not placed in- donor has never had intercourse with
scope that his semen can produce side the womb, because spermatozoa the mother of the child. The child must
pregnancy. Most cases of premature have to pass through the cervix under inherit features from the donor in the
ejaculation* can now be cured, but it their own power in order to become same way as it would from a natural
may take time and the couple may be capable of fertilizing eggs. Further- father. In view of this, the greatest care
in a hurry to start a pregnancy. An- more, fluid placed inside the womb is must be taken in making a decision for
other typical cause may be where the quite often rejected, especially if it is or against artificial insemination from
man produces a small quantity of fertile placed there forcibly under pressure. a donor. It is not surprising, therefore,
semen but not enough to bathe the The timing of artificial insemination that those doctors who carry out the
cervix sufficiently to ensure penetra- from the husband or from a donor has, procedure have become quite expert in
tion by live healthy spermatozoa. Oc- of course, to coincide with the date on counselling couples as to the likely
casionally when the vagina is very which the patient is expected to be ovu- reactions to pregnancy and as to the
capacious, as when the woman has al- lating. Any other time will be useless. legal position of the child. There is no
ready had many children, the semen When the husband’s semen is used doubt at all that artificial insemination
may not be retained but flows out. for artificial insemination, the same from a donor is a perfectly legal pro-
There are some women who just cannot technique as for a donor may be used, cedure. If it is carried out with the
relax adequately to permit normal but the same need for the procedure consent of the husband, it can not be
intercourse. Such women may accept a to be carried out in the doctor’s office considered as adultery in the eyes of
small syringe introduced into the va- is not present as a couple can learn the law and it can not be a reason
gina so that the semen can be placed relatively easily how to perform arti- for the husband seeking a divorce in
on or near the cervix where it should ficial insemination at home. Also hus- the future.
be to start the whole process of having bands may find it difficult to mastur- In a large majority of cases the child
a baby in the normal way. bate at a definite hour of the day in is accepted by husband and wife equally
If, however, donor’s semen is used, the rather clinical atmosphere of a as their own child and the manner in
the procedure is known as Artificial doctor’s office, so this arrangement which the child was conceived is nearly
Insemination by Donor (AID). This is works well. Artificial insemination at always forgotten. In many ways the
necessary when the difficulty in having home can be carried out by the couple procedure is preferable to adoption,
a baby arises from absence of sperma- at their own convenience using a partly because the child is the natural
tozoa in the husband’s semen or he has specially invented cap that fits over the child of one of the parents and partly
such a low sperm count that it is un- cervix and which has a plastic tube because today there is a shortage of
likely that he will ever fertilize his wife. passing through its centre. The cap babies put up for adoption.
A few doctors use mixed specimens is made of plastic and is fairly rigid, There is one small snag common to
of the husband’s and a donor’s semen and so long as the right size is chosen both adoption and artificial insemina-
for artificial insemination so that no- a woman can be taught by her doctor tion from a donor, and that is the
body can be 100 per cent certain that fairly quickly how to apply it over her tendency for some parents to blame the
it is the donor and not the husband that own cervix. The tubing hangs down true father of the child for any faults in
has fertilized the wife. into the vagina and out through the behaviour found in the child.


Due to more liberal abortion laws ‘in care’ and who would benefit by adop-
and attitudes towards illegitimacy- tion by mature parents. There are, of
Adoption many unmarried women now choose to course, added problems in adopting a
have children and 60 per cent of all un- child who is no longer an infant.
The adoption of a child is a choice on married mothers keep their babies. It is Children who may have spent several
the part of the new parents and the presently very difficult to find babies for years in an institution as part of a
change of relationship means that a adoption. There are, however, older larger group may find it very difficult
child becomes for all legal purposes the children in need of care such as multi- to adjust to the emotional climate of a
child of its adopting rather than its racial children who have been placed small family group.
natural parents. The adopting couple
assumes all the normal responsibilities
and rewards of being father and mother
for the chosen adopted child.
In theory, adoption is simple. A
mother who may be married, but often
is not, gives birth to a child she can-
not keep. More or less reluctantly she
gives it for adoption by a couple who
often, but not necessarily, cannot have
a child themselves for medical reasons.
The mother usually does not know to
whom the child has gone and the adopt-
ing parents usually do not know the
identity of the natural mother.
In practice the reactions of the adop-
ted child are as important as those of
the adopting parents, and the ability to
predict the future success of a particu-
lar adoption requires skills that have
until now not always been recognized.
Social and welfare workers have long
been involved in the specialized work
of arranging adoptions, which for
choice should nearly always be through
a recognized adoption agency, al-
though so-called ‘third party’ adoptions
can still be arranged. Such recognized
agencies comprise both voluntary or
charitable societies and many local
government agencies who handle adop-
tions. They receive applications from
prospective parents and information
from social workers working in matern-
ity hospitals and in homes for children
who have had to be put ‘into care’, and
who thus get to know of babies who
will be offered for adoption. Some adop-
tion agencies specialize in trying to im-
prove adoption opportunities for chil-
dren with special needs—those with
physical or mental handicaps, dis-
turbed children and children over six
years of age.
Prospective parents are urged to ex-
amine their reasons for adopting most
carefully. One unsatisfactory reason is
to help bolster an unstable or unhappy
marriage. It is very important that both
partners want to adopt—no one should
agree to adoption or simply go along
with it just to please their spouse. An-
other poor reason is to patronizingly
give a home to a child in need. The new
relationship must be such that mutual
love can develop between the child and
the new parents.


of the family (often the bride’s parents). a vaginal examination on her.

Non-Consumation This adds to their shyness with one

another and the embarrassment that the
The sexual history-taking also in-
volves quite lengthy enquiry into the
sounds they make in intercourse may past sexual attitudes of the couple.
A marriage is consummated when the be heard in the next room. Once both partners have been given an
husband’s penis enters into the wife’s The problem, incidentally, is far more opportunity to talk out their feelings
vagina. By law, even partial penetra- common than most people imagine. A about sex, marriage and religious atti-
tion of the vagina constitutes consum- proportion of all married patients who tudes to intercourse, as well as the
mation of the marriage. If the wife is a attend infertility clinics have failed to education received at home, training to
virgin, the hymen must be torn or have children because of nonconsuma- overcome the spasm which is almost
stretched sufficiently for at least part of tion of the marriage. always the cause of the non-consum-
the penis to pass through it. For full Masters and Johnson devote 15 pages mation of the marriage can be started.
intercourse to take place, virtually the in Human Sexual Inadequacy to vagin- Different doctors use different tech-
whole length of the penis has to be ismus to show with very good diagrams niques. Masters and Johnson from the
introduced into the vagina. how tightening of the muscles at the outset obtain the collaboration of the
Even today, evidence of consumma- entrance to the vagina can make inter- husband and demonstrate to him how
tion in many societies is derived from course impossible. They emphasize that the muscles at the entry to the vagina
finding blood on the underwear or the teaching of the anatomy of the are in spasm. With this demonstration
sheets after the first act of intercourse. organs, and especially of the muscula- the wife, too, learns the cause of the
This is not a sensible test for previous ture, is one of the first essentials in husband’s failure to be able to pene-
virginity. It is only a crude indication of their treatment. They also show that trate. Other experts such as doctors de
whether the hymen has been torn at the sexual history taken from the wife Senarclens and Pasini in Geneva who
intercourse. Today, few courts would is very important indeed because it is have made a special study of this sub-
accept failure to find blood as evidence not only virgins who suffer from vir- ject, teach the woman to examine her-
of non-virginity on the part of the wife. ginismus. Women who have previously self first and encourage her to become
This is because many virginal women had intercourse normally and then acquainted with her body and to stretch
wear internal tampons which stretch suffered the results of an awful episode her vagina. Often they show her with
the hymen. such as rape or even gang rape may the aid of a mirror what she is doing
Failure of consummation is almost subsequently be unable to consum- to herself. Most people agree that once
always a failure by both husband and mate. They emphasize, too, that in the woman is able to stretch her vagina
wife. It is seldom that either partner is many cases the man is unable to main- either with her own fingers or with a
entirely responsible, although the man tain his erection and they show in their glass dilator, the next step is for her to
must of course be anatomically able to book ways in which he can be helped to allow her husband to do the same, for
function and the wife anatomically able do this. this gives him self-confidence, without
to relax sufficiently to allow him to It is emphasized by Masters and having to prove himself.
function. Johnson and by most other sex thera- Everybody, according to de Senar-
A man must be able to have a dur- pists that a very strict upbringing is clens and Pasini, should first be at ease
able erection of his penis, and maintain one of the causes of failure to be able with himself or herself in order to ob-
that erection for long enough to pene- to achieve pleasure in intercourse. tain good relationships with others.
trate his wife in order for the marriage Time and time again sexologists re- This is why, unlike Masters and John-
to be consummated. Rarely is there a port that the doctor’s role is to give the son, they concentrate first on teaching
structural, anatomical fault in the patient ‘permission’ to enjoy sex, ‘per- the woman how to explore herself.
penis serious enough to prevent erec- mission’ which was felt to have been Most doctors believe that once a
tion, but an erection may easily be lost refused by the attitude of the parents woman has overcome the spasm at the
if the husband is frightened of hurting when educating their children. entry to her vagina, it is helpful if the
his wife or if he becomes so rapidly All are now agreed that for the first attempts at intercourse are carried
excited that he has an ejaculation successful treatment of non-consum- out with the wife in the superior
before penetrating. Failure to achieve mation the doctor’s help must be sought position. She squats over her husband
an erection is nearly always psycholo- and he in turn must have the co- and lowers herself gently on to his
gical in origin. operation of the husband as well as the erect penis. If necessary the penis is
When the wife is primarily respon- wife. In almost all cases the first step lubricated with an ointment such as
sible, as is in the condition known is to take a general medical history K-Y jelly.
as vaginismus*, the commonest reason very carefully from each partner. This A few psychiatrists feel that psy-
for non-consummation of marriage, the medical history involves enquiry as to chological treatment is indicated be-
causes stem often from fears that she menstrual function, age of sexual devel- fore the physical treatment is attempt-
will be hurt, damaged or split. Lack of opment of the breasts and other second- ed. Certainly in some cases psycho-
experience, clumsiness and, above all, ary sex characteristics, and details of therapy may be essential in order for
repeated failure, with the inevitable previous illnesses which may be rel- full appreciation and handling of prob-
subsequent ‘self-watching’ all contri- evant. Then a full physical examination lems that are interfering with the en-
bute to make things worse. is carried out to confirm that non- joyment of sex. One of the worst fears in
The situation is not helped if the sexual physical development is normal nonconsummation cases is that the wo-
couple have no true privacy. Some of and this is followed by a careful and man may feel that she is either not a
the worst cases of failure of consum- very gentle examination of the genital true woman or not worthy to be woman.
mation occur in those marriages where organs to ascertain their state of nor- It may require quite a lot of skill by a
the couple have been given a bedroom mality or otherwise. No experienced psychiatrist to improve such patients’
next to that occupied by other members doctor will hurt a patient by forcing estimation of themselves.


ever, it is obvious to the patient, if not graded sizes which will help her to relax
the vaginal muscles. At a later stage
Surrogate Therapy to anyone else, that he is caught in a
vicious circle. He needs a partner to her partner will then be able to begin,
help him gain confidence and sufficient in stages, to insert his penis. However,
The word surrogate simply means sub- self-esteem to escape from his fear of if a woman hasn’t got a regular partner,
stitute. However, since Masters and failure. But he cannot risk finding a or has opted out as a result of a history
Johnson*, the American sex research- partner because of his fear that he of failures, or has a partner who has
ers, used the word to describe the might fail and so he opts out in order become impotent as can happen to
SUBSTITUTE SEX PARTNERS they used in to avoid the humiliation of failing and husbands or boyfriends of women with
treating male patients with sexual making a fool of himself. Indeed, he vaginismus, then the help of a surro-
problems, it is in this special context may opt out of forming relationships gate male is often the only way she
that the word is now most often used. altogether for several years, even for a can gain enough confidence to dispel
The fact that substitute, replacement lifetime, for want of a sympathetic her anxieties about her inability to
or surrogate sex partners in sex ther- partner. By offering him something be- participate in intercourse.
apy* programmes are helpful in treat- sides a prescription for a tranquillizer The use of surrogates for patients
ing certain problems should be self- or giving him a pep talk, by providing who are married or have steady re-
evident but it is not. There is an a substitute, sympathetic sex partner, lationships perhaps needs some further
enormous and often quite irrational at least half, if not more, of the patients justification. The fact is that many
resistance to the use of surrogates in with a fear of sexual failure can become married couples simply cannot help
the treatment of sex problems. Prob- satisfactory and satisfied lovers. each other when sexual problems affect
ably the most frequent objection is There is no magic in the sex surro- their relationship. Indeed they ask for
that unless sex takes place within the gate method. In the first place, the pa- the cooperation of a surrogate to help
context of a loving relationship it be- tient is aware that his surrogate part- either one or the other or both with
comes devalued and is worthless. Of ner knows about ‘the problem’, and so their problems. On reflection this is not
course, if one believes this to be so he does not have to go through the surprising because many sex disorders,
without exception, then one is unlikely agony of deciding whether or not to particularly premature ejaculation* in
to have much faith in surrogate ther- tell her. Because he knows that she the male and so-called frigidity* in the
apy. Those who oppose the use of knows, half the battle is won and a female, where she fails to become
surrogates on these grounds are ex- load of anxiety is immediately lifted turned on sexually, are problems which
pressing a personal point of view and from his mind. Secondly, in surrogate very often arise because of the relation-
one which does not necessarily accord sex therapy the patient and surrogate ship. By directing attention to an in-
with the facts of human sexuality. do not jump into bed at the first dividual’s specific problems instead of
Moreover, such opinions are normally meeting. Normally patient and partner concentrating on the personal relation-
only held by those who do not have meet socially on two or three occasions ships, one can significantly increase
serious sexual problems themselves, at or even for longer, if necessary, until the chances of successfully helping the
least of the type which are curable. they feel relaxed with each other. And person in question. A happy, sexually
However, many thousands of patients then stage by stage, usually at weekly confident individual is much more
and potential patients feel intuitively intervals, they will talk about the rele- likely to be able to relate to a marital
that surrogate sex therapy is their only vant sex problem and progress through partner or other person and to transfer
hope. Why should they feel this way? the early stages of sex play, the surro- satisfaction from the initial success
Take, for example, a young man in gate determining how fast they should with a surrogate to a marital partner
his mid-twenties who, having attempt- proceed from the response of her part- or other future partners.
ed intercourse on a number of oc- ner, ensuring above all that each meet- One of the most important reasons
casions, discovers that he is impotent, ing ends on a point of success. For why surrogate sex therapy is successful
that he is unable to achieve a suffi- example, she would not begin to un- is that it necessarily bypasses the
ciently hard erection to penetrate the dress him completely until he was suf- ‘burden of a loving relationship’ which
female vagina. Counselling*, psycho- ficiently relaxed to be able to enjoy so often can be sexually counter-pro-
analysis or psychotherapy (talk ther- such activity without feeling anxious ductive. Without such a burden, fears
apy) are unable to help this patient. about what comes next. Nor would she of humiliation, rejection or loss of face
No doubt the patient can obtain a proud normally attempt to stimulate his penis are reduced. Moreover, the newness of
erection when he masturbates alone directly until he became sexually the patient-surrogate relationship will
but that is of little consequence if he aroused as a result of her stimulating be more arousing sexually and the
cannot perform when he is with his him elsewhere on his body. Naturally, freshness and novelty implicit in these
chosen sex partner. penetration and intercourse would not short-term therapeutic relationships
Surrogate sex therapy involves prac- begin until the stage was reached can restore confidence and a sense of
tical intervention where a patient has where he was able to get good erections sexual well being to a patient that
the active and sympathetic cooperation and hold them for some time. would be otherwise unobtainable.
of a partner to help overcome fear of A female sexual problem which may There is, of course, no guarantee that
sexual failure. The cure lies in learning occasionally require the help of a male such improvement can be automati-
how to become both relaxed and surrogate is known as vaginismus*. cally transferred to a martial relation-
aroused in a sexual situation. Clearly This is a condition where the vagina ship, although subsequently it very
one cannot just talk a patient into that fails to dilate sufficiently to allow the often is. Often each partner begins to
frame of mind. Very often a doctor will penis to enter. Usually this can be grow and understand themselves and
tell a male patient to go away and get treated by the woman herself either by their needs and with that added insight
himself a girlfriend and then instruct learning muscle consciousness*, by can then make more mature judgments.
them to come back together later. How- using her fingers or special dilators of


there in order to provide his wife with boredom with the marital partner.
the evidence of his unfaithfulness as One of the reasons that prostitution*
Extra-Marital Sex shown by the hotel bill or being caught tends to flourish is because some men
by a private detective inflagrante de- need constant reassurance of being
Different civilizations and different licto (in the act of committing an of- able to perform sexually whenever they
cultures look at extra-marital sex in fence, in this case adultery). Today want to without any risk of being
totally different ways. In Judeo-Chris- such an act of adultery would not refused—by their wives or more per-
tian cultures the Biblical command- constitute sufficient grounds for div- manent partners. Prostitutes, by the
ment stated, ‘Neither shalt thou com- orce, which has become much easier nature of their function, do not refuse
mit adultery’ and people who did so to obtain anyway. Divorce by mutual a man.
were ostracized from society or severe- consent after obvious breakdown of the In all adulterous relationships, it is
ly punished. On the other hand, adul- marriage is slowly becoming common- claimed someone almost inevitably
tery by men was often overlooked by place—a much more logical and intel- suffers. If a man goes with a prostitute
society as long as it was carried on ligent view than a single adulterous he can pick up a sexually-transmitted
without general public knowledge, act. disease and then transfer it to his wife.
hence the popularity of the secret Adultery seems to be on the increase. The unmarried mistress of an older man
AFFAIR. Partner swapping* and ‘swinging’, may suffer, if only because in the end
A culturally interesting form of where groups of couples come together she may well be deprived of the chance
extra-martial sex occurred among for parties which lead to sexual inter- of having a completely fulfilled life—the
black women from the West Indies, course with one another’s spouses, are times of seeing her lover may well be
even when living away from their becoming more commonplace too. restricted, any necessary secrecy in the
homeland. They tended to have quite These activities do nothing to improve relationship may grow tiresome and she
large families of children by different marriage. On the contrary, they usual- may miss the chance of having a mar-
men before finally settling down with ly harm it for a degree of marital riage and family of her own if she
one partner in marriage toward the end fidelity is still the normal and accept- wants this. When a wife realizes she
of their active reproductive lives. The able behaviour. has been deceived she suffers, because
historical background for this behavi- In middle-aged men, adultery quite few people enjoy feeling that they have
our lies in the extended family* develop- often starts as an affair with a younger been fooled or cheated or that their
ed in the West Indies when slavery woman. Sometimes this occurs if some- husband is shared with another wo-
existed. Slave owners there and in thing at work arises to lessen self- man. A wife’s pride may be even more
other cultures, including the American confidence, such as someone else being hurt if her husband’s relationship with
South, treated their female slaves as promoted over the head of the older a mistress is an open one—this adds
breeders of high-class slave stock, and man. He then seeks to reassure him- insult to injury. It is sometimes the
encouraged mating with different self that he is still as ‘good a man’ as only way a man can force his wife into
males in order to ‘improve the stock’. he ever was by what is considered the getting a divorce, especially if she is
The older women, grandmothers and ultimate test of virility—the seducing dead set against getting one whether
aunts, looked after the children when of a younger woman. Some younger he feels their marriage is a failure or
the mother went out to work in the women are flattered by the attention of not. If a man in turn suffers, it is
fields or the slave-owner’s house. There an older man, and so an affair starts. often from the strain of keeping up two
was much warmth in these large family Older women, too, may succumb to the separate relationships which, as he
relationships and the men, even if not flattery of seduction by younger men, ages, becomes more and more tedious to
permanently linked in marriage with but these affairs often die out fairly maintain. Adultery can be financially
their sexual partners, did have homes quickly. The reasons for anybody start- draining on a man, and it can be emo-
to turn to. Marriage was recognized for ing such an affair are quite often not tionally exhausting to ‘lead a double
companionship toward the end of life clear cut. Many ‘just happen’ and the life’.
and once married, the husband and couple find themselves in a situation If a wife takes a lover and is found
wife stayed reasonably constant to from which it is difficult to extract out, the husband is almost inevitably
each other. This social pattern of extra- themselves. Even today many girls find hurt, at least his pride is hurt. For most
marital sex persists even today, but themselves pregnant by men they married couples, the marriage partner
there are more disadvantages than ad- thought they were engaged to, but who is not only a partner but a most pre-
vantages. The extended family system finally turn out to be already married cious possession; and adultery is seen
is not usually in operation in the last or about to marry someone else. often as nothing but robbery. It may not
quarter of our century and all that There are, of course, more perman- be a very attractive fact that most
remains is the unfaithfulness, the lack ent, moderately stable extra-marital couples regard the marital partner as
of security and the necessity of baby- relationships. The secretary with her an object and specially a sex object* to
minders to take over the care of the married boss is a common example. His be possessed, but it is an emotional fact,
children while mothers go out to work. wife may or may not know about the and people can be driven to extremes
Today in most of the Western world, relationship. Sometimes there is a fine of jealousy when confronted with a
adultery or extra-marital sex is viewed degree of mutual connivance. Wives, of partner’s extra-marital sexual life.
somewhat more lightly than a few years course, may have relationships with In an age where ‘sex appeal’ is con-
back. Until the recent past, a single other men while their husbands are at sidered to be wholly admirable, a man
act of adultery was considered ade- work or away from home on business. or woman who can attract other part-
quate grounds for divorce, but this is Sometimes it is argued that these rela- ners inside or outside of marriage may
no longer so. Even in the 1960s a tionships help a marriage—initially temporarily achieve some form of ad-
husband would blatantly take a strange they may take some built-up tensions miration because of his or her prowess.
woman to a hotel and stay the night away or they may provide relief from But in the end, extra-marital sexual


relationships often turn out to be less make it very difficult to break off the someone is hurt-for jealousy, remorse
fulfilling and less pleasurable than they relationship once it becomes boring. An and very often feelings of guilt remove
seemed likely to when the affair or impossible situation sometimes arises and dull the pleasure of the adventure.
affairs started. There is an excitement when either the wife or mistress says, For every adultery that turns out to be
in a new extra-marital sexual relation- ‘You have to choose between us’. The a worthwhile and rewarding experi-
ship which often fascinates those tak- choice is often difficult, especially if ence in the fullness of time, there are
ing part in it. This excitement comes the man is sensitive and really in the many more that end in disappointment,
about partly from a feeling of success end wishes to hurt no one. However, disillusion and mutal disgust. Al-
at sexual conquest and partly from the once any affair is started this is pure though free-thinking tends to include
stimulus of meeting a new challenge male wishful thinking—and his desire free-love, even modern men and women
and knowing a new person in an inti- not to hurt anyone often leads to every- seem unable in most cases to cope with
mate way, emotionally and sexually. one getting more and more hurt. its inherent problems, although no-
The emotional involvement, how- The main trouble with most extra- table exceptions clearly exist.
ever, with the new partner may often marital sex is that almost inevitably

it might appear, although frequently he The feelings experienced by many

or she might be used as a scapegoat for people after divorce are often similar to
Divorce the hostile feelings of the deserted those accompanying a bereavement-
spouse, as well as providing one or feelings of loss and disorientation, as
Divorce is the legal dissolution of a other partner with the impetus to leave well as of bitterness and anger. Such
marriage. Since one in four of the an already crumbling marriage. feelings may take months or even years
marriages contracted each year is Negotiations over access and cus- to resolve. The status of newly divorced
likely to end in divorce, it must now be tody, when young children are invol- people can also be confusing to them-
considered as a normal facet of human ved, are notoriously prone to bitterness selves and to those around them. Their
life. and hostility. Children are frequently presence can be a source of unease to
There are two types of divorce: those used as pawns in battles between the other couples who may view them as a
where children are involved and those parents. Although the courts may re- threat to their own marital security. An
where there are none. The former is solve such struggles at a legal level, individual who is no longer part of a
vastly more complicated than the lat- their solutions cannot work satisfac- safe couple may be unwelcome to any-
ter. The actual divorce may be the final torily without the couple’s mutual co- one who suspects that their own mar-
act in a long process of increasing operation. Counselling* may be needed riage is shaky. Divorced women with
bitterness and disillusion which has to achieve this. The manner in which a young children are particularly vul-
extended over many years, during marriage is dissolved and the degree nerable and they may feel themselves
which the couple have lived together to which each partner is aware of his ‘trapped’. They find that, despite the
in an empty shell of a marriage, strug- personal responsibility for its break- great social changes in the post war
gling to find ways of improving the down, is of enormous importance to any years, they still face great difficulties—
relationship and unwilling to take the children of the marriage. If possible, financial, social, and sexual—in adjust-
final step. The possible ‘other’ man or their loyalties must not be harmfully ing to their new status.
woman in many cases is not as signifi- split and both parents must help them
cant in the break-up of the marriage as to come to terms with the situation.

Tomi Ungerer


Women’s Liberation

The women’s liberation movement

really began in the latter half of the
19th century and in both the USA and
Britain was closely associated with the
struggle for female suffrage. This was
achieved in the USA in 1919 and in
Britain in 1928, thanks largely to the
efforts of such feminists as Elizabeth
Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony and
Emmeline Pankhurst, who were addi-
tionally concerned with fundamental
rights like equal pay, co-education and
college education for girls, women’s
rights over children and to property
and wages. From such beginnings the
struggle broadened to include birth
control and equality in professional
life. In the 1960s, a new dimension
appeared: sexual equality. With the
publication of Germaine Greer’s The
Female Eunuch and Kate Millet’s Sex-
ual Politics the new wave of women’s
liberation began. The Women’s Libera-
tion movement challenged the notion
that men have a superior role in life. Its
purpose in doing this was not to under-
mine the male ego but to rescue the
female ego. This was, and is, a necessary
operation. The women’s movement
tries to change stereotyped ideas about
what women are capable of doing and
how they should behave to fulfil their
potential as individual people with in-
dividual talents and with particular
sexual needs.
The movement has opponents: people
of both sexes who fear that liberation
means neglected child-rearing and un-
stable marriages (or even no marriages
at all); and men who do not want to
compete with women for money, jobs or
power. Many of these opponents do not
realize (or do not believe) that the
movement cuts two ways; if women are
free to choose their own roles, be it as
mother and housewife or breadwinner
(or a combination of both), so are men.
Men who are tired of shouldering the
responsibility, earning the money,
never seeing the children, acting ag-
gressive, and generally inviting ulcers
and/or heart attacks, will benefit from
a spreading of each sex’s traditional
load. This important and practical
aspect of the women’s rights movement
has led to the opening of job opportun-
ities for both sexes, because of the
breakdown of stereotypes and tradi-
tional roles. There are now, for example,
more male telephone operators and
secretaries; more female truckers,
mechanics and fire-fighters.


the general rule were not extended to Defecating in the street is offensive or
the people at large. indecent and we forbid it. But nowa-
Age of Consent The scientific reason for endorsing days the word indecency is used mainly
the ban on intercourse between blood for sexual matters, causing great con-
Ordinary legal maturity now comes at relations is the danger that a baby may fusion.
the age of 18 for both sexes. Below this be born suffering from a serious in- The commonest of the indecent of-
age, a person is referred to as a MINOR, herited disease. Many such diseases fences before the courts is indecent
and the years of growing up are a affect only the person who inherits the exposure*, sometimes called ‘flashing’.
person’s minority. In sexual matters, trait or gene from both parents. These This is a man’s wilful exposure of his
however, a minor is one below the age are recessive diseases and cystic fib- sex organs to passing females. The
of consent. Until she is 16, a girl may rosis is an example. Some genes for distress some of the girls or women
not legally consent to intercourse, and such recessive disorders occur in all feel is largely a result of our suppres-
a male (whether adult or minor) having families, so the chance that two will sive and secretive traditions. Any kind
intercourse with an under-age girl is come together is higher if blood rela- of sexual approach to a partner who is
guilty of child violation, which can be tives mate. unwilling or is below the age of consent
regarded as rape. (In Britain, inter- If, on the other hand, a gene is potent can be called ‘indecent assault’.
course between consenting male adults enough to affect the individual, al- ‘Gross indecency’ is anal intercourse
has been legal since 1967, but for this though he receives it only from one or sodomy. The law prescribes heavy
the age of consent is 21.) However, a parent, it is called a dominant gene. sentences for this act even between
male minor may legally have sexual Natural selection quickly weeds out married couples. However, it will not
relations with any female over 16. With from the population the dominant now prosecute consenting adult homo-
the average age of puberty in girls genes that cause grave disease, but this sexual men for it provided the act takes
falling to around 13 today, they are does not apply to recessive genes which place in private.
becoming mature long before child- can hide in healthy people for genera- Shows or published photographs that
bearing is acceptable. Consequently, it tions. A majority of the serious in- are sexually stimulating may be judged
is not surprising that pregnancies in herited diseases are therefore reces- indecent. Publishers of girlie and por-
girls below 16 have risen. sive, and the mating of close blood nographic magazines need constant
Sexual activity with and between relatives is then much more likely to legal advice on such matters to avoid
children is an emotive subject. A long produce seriously diseased offspring prosecution which is essentially errat-
tradition makes us pretend that child- than to create children who are to be ic, irrational and believed by many to
ren do not have or feel, sexual attrac- in some way better than average. be ridiculous.
tion. Yet a boy just after puberty has It might be expected that babies born
the strongest sexuality of his entire to two intelligent parents would be
lifetime. If two children have sexual brighter than either one of them. It does
intercourse, the law will generally not not seem to work that way. The chil-
be involved, and before puberty such dren will tend to be not as much above
experiences are best treated as part of average as the parents are. Certain Feticide, or abortion as it is commonly
childhood play. Although sexual ad- characteristics are inherited, not by a called, is the premature ending of a
vances by an adult rarely injure a child single gene-pair from father and mother pregnancy, by natural or artificial
physically, psychological damage may —several pairs are involved. This seems causes, before a baby has been fully
result, perhaps much later in life. Far to be true for the inherited part of formed. A baby is theoretically able
more upsetting to a child can be the intelligence. If family ambitions are to live independently at about 28 weeks
police inquiries and legal proceedings. high, disappointment is frequent. after conception. Probably 20 per cent
How much incest actually occurs of all pregnancies end spontaneously
within families cannot be known, but it by abortion. This is often nature’s
seems to be found more often in socially
Incest disadvantaged groups or among people
way of getting rid of faulty embryos.
The word MISCARRIAGE is widely used
of below-average intelligence. If prov- when there is a natural failure of a
In almost all societies, sexual inter- en, it is a serious criminal offence, but pregnancy.
course has been forbidden between even if not discovered publicly, incest About eight weeks after conception,
close blood relatives (brothers and must carry a grave threat to the the developing embryo begins to look a
sisters, parents and their children) and happiness of a family. It probably plays bit like a baby. It is then called a
in some it may be condemned among a large role in male and female sub- ‘fetus’. The word FETICIDE means the
all the several hundred members of a conscious desires, and at this level, wilful termination of a pregnancy dur-
clan. Breaking this prohibition is term- incestuous feelings between children ing this period. Some physical illness
ed incest. Understanding of genetic in- and parents form a significant element is caused in about four per cent of all
heritance is very recent, but almost all in Freud’s theory of the working of the abortions and there is also a risk of
societies must have long since found Oedipus complex. about five per cent that subsequent
out by painful experience that human pregnancies will be unsuccessful. The
inbreeding tends to disaster. In rare dangers are smallest when the opera-
cases, ancient traditions approved— tion is performed early before the
Lot’s daughters had to start two new
Indecency twelfth week, and by experuenced doc-
families without husbands to make tors. Then it carries a risk of only two
them pregnant, and the pharaohs of Really this means what you want it to per hundred thousand.
Egypt were required to intermarry for mean. It implies that our sense of Abortion is now a fairly safe and,
religious reasons—but these breaches of propriety or acceptability is offended. indeed, routine aspect of medical prac-


tice, but it is nonetheless never pleas-

ant. Added to which, evidence is grow-
ing that frequent abortion may lead to
subsequent problems of fertility. Pro-
viding abortion facilities as a nation-
wide service (as in Britain since the
1967 Abortion Act) is also costly, and

POUR NOUS it puts many gynecologists and nursing

staff in a dilemma if they have relig-
ious scruples. For all these reasons, it
should never be regarded as a first line
of defence against pregnancy. It should
be seen as a reserve to be used only
when serious attempts at family plan-
ning by more routine contraceptive
methods have failed, particularly for
married women whose families are al-
ready as large as they can manage.
Internationally, terminating preg-
nancy so as to prevent the birth of a
child is a matter of enormous public
concern. In the modern period, it has
AVORTLMtNT been treated by law as a serious crime,
the reason being that the baby forming

CONTRKCEPT in the womb was considered to be al-

ready a human being. It is therefore
surprising to discover that abortion
was not prohibited until fairly recently.
UBRPS C CRM In Britain, termination before quick-
ening was legal until 1803. In America
LiM" it was Connecticut that was the first
state to outlaw it in 1921. Even then
the proscription applied only to abor-
tion after quickening.
In 1929, it was enacted in Britain that
abortion could be undertaken in good
faith to preserve the mother’s life. In
1938, a British gynecologist was tried
for aborting the pregnancy in a girl of
fourteen who had been raped. The trial
judge established more lenient princi-
ples which allow consideration of the
woman’s health to influence the de-
cision. In the 1967 Abortion Act, the
effect of further childbirth on the
health of the mother or on existing
children, and her environment, could
also be considered.
Vociferous pressure groups cam-
paign against legalized abortion. They
claim that the fetus should be protected
by the sanctity of human life. In weigh-
ing this argument, it is useful to get
some idea how the people who use it
have approached the questions of the
death penalty and pacifism. Abortion,
unlike execution and war, relieves
rather than causes human anguish and
degradation. Humane people will also
consider the risk of serious unhappi-
ness for a child born to a mother who
does not welcome it.
The moral and legal aspects of abor-
tion have yet to be really solved. (See
also the medical article abortion* under



Anything that is associated with or dreams, any vertical object can be a

looks like a penis (Latin for ‘tail’) or phallic symbol, and one can end up by
phallus (from phallos, Greek for ‘swel- reading too much meaning into the
led) is described as phallic. Because motives of the builders of church
the penis is of such importance for the steeples or skyscrapers. More immedi-
regeneration of life, symbols for it play ate in their erotic associations are
a conspicuous part in magic and reli- objects that can be put into the mouth
gion. It might seem that widespread and suggest fellatio—bananas, fat
display of phallic objects indicated a cigars, chocolate bars, lipstick, aspara-
sense of male dominance in society. In gus, lollipops, and the like. The shape
fact, they are found far more commonly and explosive power of a handgun
in connection with old fertility cults, in has strong phallic symbolism, especi-
which women play a significant and ally when worn close to the genitals
more or less equal part as priestesses, or fired from the hip. A rock guitar
vestals, oracles or witches (with im- is almost always played at an angle
portant female deities standing for the from the thigh, as if it were a giant,
complementary life-bearing female artificial penis.
principle), than they do in male-dom- Wearing penis substitutes openly—
inated or patrist societies, which tend such as the primitive penis sheath or
to a certain stern prudishness on these the European cod piece—denotes a
matters in public. society that accepts sex without any
As Freud realized in his studies of sense of guilt.


itmu* d



At the dawn of civilization, humans

imagined a male heaven fertilizing a
female earth or vice versa. In many
different ways, the processes of nature
(rain, seasonal floods, plant growth,
etc) seemed to them to parallel sex, con-
ception and birth. Nature spirits were
assumed to be revelling in sex all
around them, setting the right example
for nature. Much of primitive fertility
magic consists of rituals meant to
imitate the infinitely more powerful
actions of the spirits. In Hinduism, the
stone or metal model of a penis or
lingam, representing the life-giving
power of Shiva, is a central cult object,
found in many homes. The lingam is
usually set in a socket that represents
the vulva or yoni, of the female
principle. Ancient Egyptian religion
recognized an earth-god Geb (who was
shown in coitus with the sky-goddess),
an orgiastic god Bes, not unlike
Bacchus, and a fertility god Min, in
whose guise, complete with a huge
erection, the reigning pharaoh would
often be depicted. The ancient Greeks
pictured the fertility gods Hermes and
Priapos, and the mythical male wood-
land creatures known as satyrs and
silenoi, as all having conspicuous erec-
tions. Described as ITHYPHALIC, these
images were touched on the genitals
for good luck and hung with garlands
on holidays. The high spot of the Greek
festival of Dionysus, the phallophoria,
was carrying the gigantic model of an
erect penis in procession. On the whole,
ithyphallic deities seemed to have
rather jolly natures.
Among less advanced prehistoric cul-
tures, standing stones had a phallic
meaning along with various other prac-
tical or symbolic uses. In modern prim-
itive cultures, such stones or wooden
posts are often carved explicitly in the
shape of a penis. The semi-sacred
reputation of the oak tree may be
partly due to the phallic form of
acorns, which are shaped like a glans
emerging from the foreskin.

(Top, left) phallic post outside a

Mongol monastery, deterring female
demons. (Top, right) oro-genital joke
in a Roman drinking-howl. (Centre)
female devotee carrying the great
phallus in the Dionysia festival.
(Right) earth and sky as ithyphallic
Egyptian gods.


Closely linked with phallic symbolism
is its female counterpart, vulvic sym-
bolism (from vulva*, the general term
for a woman’s external sex organs). On
cult figures made of bone, clay or stone,
the ‘divine triangle’ of the mother-
goddess was prominently marked with
lines and filled with dots to represent
the pubic hair, or the vulva itself was
shown as a vertical incision. These
figurines seem to be universal at partic-
ular stages of human development: in
Europe they date from the old Stone
Age, in the Near East from about 4,000
BC, in the Aegean from about 3,000 BC,

in Japan up to the 4th centure AD,

and in most primitive cultures today

they are still current. The most widely
worshipped goddess in the ancient
Near East, known as Ishtar (Babylon)
or Astarte (Syria), was depicted like
this. No wonder the Old Testament
denounces the goddess of fertility and
love as the ‘abomination of Ashtaroth’.
The central cult object in most forms
of Hinduism is the lingam (the male
principle of Shiva, shown as a symbolic
penis) set in a socket to represent the
YONI, the female principle, shown as a

vulva. In the many forms of Hinduism,

the female genitals are depicted as
powerful images. Sometimes, as in the
erotic sculptures on the temple at
Konarak, they are seen on the statues
of the heavenly consorts (apsarases);
sometimes they are a formalized design
like an ikon; sometimes, as in Tantric
practices, they are shown as a source
of supernatural energy, symbolized by
a snake emerging from the vagina. In
Hindu paintings and statues of the
ecstatic union of a god and his shakti
or female counterpart in coitus, the
depiction of the act is vivid, physical
and give emphasis to the female role.

(Top, left) vulva-worship on a Tantric

icon. (Top, right) gold pendant of
Astarte, 1600 BC. (Left) creative
energy (the snake) emerging from the
vulva of a female yogi.







same idea, consists of clasping or stitch-

Circumcision ing the labia together. To the end of the

late 19th century, this practice was
common in European brothels to create
A fold of skin, with a membrane lining the semblance of virginity in young
it, covers the sensitive glans, or head of prostitutes. Pharaonic mutilation
the penis. This is the foreskin or pre- creates a scar which wholly prevents
puce* , and after puberty, it usually be- vaginal entry, and further cruel in-
comes slack enough to be rolled back cisions are necessary for marriage and
easily. During erection, this happens again to permit childbirth.
spontaneously. Cutting away the fore- Instruments employed for male and
skin, known as male circumcision, with female circumcision vary from the
the result that the glans of the penis is human fingernail or prehistoric flint
permanently exposed, is carried out for knife to exclusively shaped steel blades.
one or both of two reasons—one medi- The male operation often involves the
cal, the other cultural. use of a pierced disc or board through
The medical reason is hygienic, for which the foreskin can be drawn and
the simple removal of the piece of skin cut off without danger of the glans on
and membrane reduces opportunities the other side. The amount of bleeding
for infection due to uncleanliness and is normally small. There is recent evid-
accretion of smegma* underneath the ence that the incidence of cancer of the
base of the foreskin, round the corona cervix is lower among wives of ortho-
of the glans. Medical circumcision is dox Jewish husbands than in the rest of
now carried out generally on infants the population, which suggests that a
(especially in the USA), but until re- health advantage accompanies cultural
cently it was uncommon except in cases circumcision in Western countries.
of adults suffering from phimosis*.
The cultural reasons are deeply
rooted in traditions and religions. In
Judaism and Islam, circumcision has
the sanction of religious law. The
custom is found among the ancient
Egyptians and in pre-Columbian Amer-
ica, as well as in present day Africa,
Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania.
Sometimes circumcision is part of an
initiation rite of adolescent youths into
manhood, when the pain of the opera-
tion forms a severe test of their cour-
age. Elsewhere, there is a remote con-
nection between betrothal ceremonies
and circumcision of the bridegroom.
Interestingly, the Hebrew word for
‘circumcizer’, mohel, is thought to have
an archaic meaning that refers to
‘father-in-law’. A slit in the foreskin
suffices for circumcision among some
peoples, while some Australian abor-
igines cut into the passage of the
urethra (SUBINCISION) and leave it open
from the scrotum to the opening
(meatus) in the glans.
Mutilation of the external sex organs
is also performed on girls in some cul-
tures, involving cutting off the clitoris
(FEMALE CIRCUMCISION) or, more rarely,
the labia minora (NYMPHECTOMY), and
even the brutal ripping of the vulva
tion is to reduce the sexual responsive-
ness of women thus making them safer
wives. Although it does not have much Circumcision in the Portuguese
direct effect on their responsiveness, synagogue in the 18th century (right).
the operation is proof of the degraded The ladies are non-Jewish spectators.
position of women in such societies. The mohel is equipped with bartzel
Infibulation*, a milder version of the (i), knife (2) and basin of sand (3).



Religion and
Sexual Behaviour
Religions are systems of ideas which
guide vast groups of people in their
personal lives—down to minute details
of cleanliness, in many cases. Sex, as a
major factor in life, has occupied a
place in the moral teaching of all
religions, sometimes in an antagonistic
and sometimes in a receptive manner.
At the roots of all the world’s re-
ligions we can recognize fertility cults*
and the awe felt by primitive humans
for the forces of nature. Important rules
controlling people’s behaviour were
worked out and imposed on them, as it
was felt that the regenerative powers
of nature—and especially the fecundity
of crops and livestock—could be influ-
enced by human actions. The primary
duty of religious systems ever since,
though tempered and enriched by the
growth of philosophic ideas and moral
speculations, has been to lay down un-
shakeable laws for its followers to obey.
Edicts by the deity are the cornerstone
of the Jewish, Christian and Muslim
faiths, and they all bring human sex
life within their scope.
The systems which display the least
conflict with the natural world are the
ones which are the least obsessed with
sex as a moral issue: in Hinduism and
Taoism (both reaching back very far
towards prehistory), sexuality is actu-
ally structured into the religious life;
in Buddhism (the most extremely spir-
itual of world religions) it is brushed
aside as just one of the many forms of
‘illusion’ that enslave the spirit in the
material world; in Jewish ethical
teaching, the concern is more with
regulating sex within a family setting
than with dogmatically condemning it
as an enemy of the spiritual life; in
Christianity, sex acquired a phobic as-
sociation with sin and has always pre-
sented theologians with the fine prob-
lem of differentiating between love
and sex, agape and eros, caritas and
amor. Sects like the dualistic Cathars
and the Shakers went to the length
of banning even procreation among
their followers.
Humanity has always been taught
that its sex-life has a meaning in a
divine scheme of things. Thus the pre-
dominance of a faith with an anti-
sexual bias is favourable to the develop-
ment of sexual inhibitions and phobias
among the people of that time or place.
We see this, for example, in 16th and


17th century Europe and New England, The strength of prohibitions can be may now consider that we have come
(especially wherever the Puritan ethic greater than freedom of choice. The a long way from the primitive farmer
had a hold on the authorities) in the self-punishing streak in human nature who perhaps whips a phallic field-
cruel epidemic of witch-hunting. Sal- easily responds to a call for sacrifice— marker in the belief that it will make
em’s monstrous persecution of 1692 was especially in physical mortification. Re- the grain sprout for certain. The dig-
parallelled in Catholic Europe by the nunciation of the world and its tempta- nity and sublimity of the religious
events among the hysterical nuns at tions has been the mark of many noble framework we have inherited (but al-
Loudun in 1634 and their aftermath on natures, yet it requires only a little ready left behind) appears to have been
the scaffold. Christianity has had a distortion, a bit too much zeal, for these a higher stage in human progress. Then
long tradition of sexual repressiveness, values to lose their basis in love and we should look at other civilizations
but although St. Paul’s writings seem become a dogmatic hatred of all the and consider the violent sexual ecstasy
to have set the church early on that joyful eroticism of life. It is significant of the divine figures in tantric Bud-
course, it has been realized by recent
scholarship that antisexual ideas were
already current in the later period of
classical culture. The Greeks had
sought refuge from the destructiveness
of erotic passions in philosophy and
refined pederasty, while the Romans
were half-heartedly hoping to recap-
ture the bygone austerity of republican
times. In the end, the early church
fathers hammered out a doctrine of sex
which eradicated freedom and joy from
physical love—perhaps the only major
religious teachers to do so successfully.
Chastity became so precious that it was
the mark of the Latin priesthood, and
some women attained sanctity by refus-
ing their husbands’ advances. Celibate
monks and nuns seemed to be closer
to heaven than ordinary mankind.
Many influences combined to pre-
vent medieval Christendom from de-
veloping thus into an asexual paradise
—not least among them, the human
nature of priests and popes themselves
—but the imprint of centuries of sexual
guilt is stamped heavily on modern
Europeans. It is only some seventy
years—one generation—since enlight-
enment about sex and understanding
of humanity’s sexual nature made its
appearance in the writings of Freud
and Havelock Ellis. The preceding
Victorian era had reinforced the deep
traditional guilts ever wider areas of a
fast multiplying population. That pe-
riod and that outlook are still not so
far away from us as we usually suppose.
Most restrictive European and Amer-
ican attitudes towards sex draw their
strength from inherited Christian pre-
cepts, even though the people who hold
them may not think of themselves as that extreme political ideologies tend dhism-making their coitus resemble a
religious. The law of many countries to call on the same anti-permissive, storm of cosmic energy—or the almost
still enshrines, on the subjects of mar- self-denying traits in their dedicated infinite variations of human sexual
riage, divorce, abortion and homosex- followers as used to be demanded from intercourse that writhe around the
uality, moral values which derive from Christians by their preachers. Hindu shrines of Konarak and Kha-
a Christian past. Individuals today The secularization of human thought juraho, and ask ourselves whether we
often find themselves in conflict with now permits a modern person to make have missed out something in our ideas
the law and the state over actions moral decisions without consulting a of what is holy and good. As pious men
which they, and society generally, re- religious guide. It also puts all re- have pointed out before, a zeal for
gard as proper and acceptable. This is ligions, cults and moral systems on an purification can be an excuse for per-
one of the ways in which religion still equal footing, so that they can be secution, and purity itself can be a
affects a non-religious society. compared on their merits. A Westerner disguise for dryness of spirit.


Religious Eroticism
Many sincere people find it hard to
accept that there could be an erotic
content in much Christian iconog-
raphy, and would regard the idea as
being offensive to their religious sensi-
bilities. They might regard the display
of sexual feeling as a sign of ‘paganism’,
yet some of the most powerful state-
ments of Christian spirituality use un-
mistakably erotic images, especially
the ‘pietist’ hymns and certain mystical
writings. St. Teresa of Avila gives the
most direct example of this in her Life
(1565), where she describes her mystical
union with Christ in terms that could
be used to describe an orgasm: ‘the pain
was so great that I screamed aloud; but
simultaneously I felt such infinite
sweetness that I wished the pain to last
eternally. It was not bodily, but
psychical pain, although it affected to a
certain extent also the body. It was
sweetest caressing of the soul by God.’
The vivid sculpture portraying this
episode (in Sta. Maria della Vittoria,
Rome, 1645-52) is considered to be
Bernini’s masterpiece. The swooning
ecstasy of the saint in marble is
parallelled by ancient Greek portrayals
of ecstatic female devotees of Dionysus,
called the Maenads or Bacchae, who
became ‘possessed’ by their god. The
same orgasmic response can be seen:
heads thrown back, eyes unfocussed,
mouths open in a moan. Eroticism
strongly tinged with sadism frequently
appears in pictures of the sufferings of
Christian martyrs and of the torments
of the damned, particularly those guilty
of carnal sins.


Incubus. Succubus
In European demonology, incubus
(Latin for ‘nightmare’, from a verb
meaning ‘to lie upon’) and succubus
(medieval Latin, from succuba, a prosti-
tute) were the names for evil spirits
which were supposed to have inter-
course with people in their sleep. These
delusions of sexual activity with ghosts
or spectres are known as SPECTRO-

PHILIA. While confessions of inter-

course with such creatures were com-
monly extracted under torture in witch-
craft inquiries, many other people gen-
uinely had delusions of sex with de-
mons. Spectrophilia tended to be re-
ported in celibate communities of
monks or nuns. Such delusions are the
emotional fantasies of people suffering
from extreme sexual repression, and
probably from feelings of guilt about
masturbation as well. In some cases,
the belief could be played on to explain
away an illegitimate pregnancy. Com-
parable legends are found in many
cultures, especially in Japan.

Self - Mutilation
also starring
Paramount Pictures Presents

Mia Farrow John Cassavetes

People are led to mutilate their own
In a William Castle Production bodies by various kinds of mental pres-
Ruth Gordon
sure. Even psychosomatic illness can
Rosemary’s Sidney Blackmer be seen as self-mutilation, whether sub-
Baby Maurice Evans conscious or (as with the malingerer
who can create an ulcer) deliberate.
and Ralph Bellamy
Visible mutilations are sometimes used
for sexual display (Cosmetic Defor-
mity*), and self-flagellation*, especially
as a public penance, is a known form
of religious excess. In its most acute
manifestation, the deep psychological
link between sex and religious practice
can be seen in the recorded instances of
self-castration. The priests of Attis
(consort of the goddess Cybele) per-
formed a ritual self-emasculation and
buried their genitals. The idea that a
mediator with the gods would be better
for being a sexless individual (a trans-
sexual* or a eunuch*) is found not only
in the ancient Near East, but also in the
ambiguously sexed medicine-men of
Asia and North America. Voluntary
sacrificial gelding, took place in an-
cient Egypt and, as an ascetic practice,
among some dervish sects. The most
famous Christian example is Origen,
the 3rd-century Alexandrian church
father. Members of a Russian sect, the
Skoptzy, revived castration in the 18th


Fertility Cult
From earliest times people needed des-
perately to ensure the fertility of the
earth. They believed that the sexual
union of human beings would magi-
cally increase nature’s bounty. Fertil-
ity rituals and orgies were organized,
as in the worship of Dionysus. The
spring ceremony of raising the maypole
was accompanied in medieval times by
sexual promiscuity. Phallic symbols
appear on field workers or on religious
shrines. Women were made to labour
in the fields, partly because they were
themselves the fertile sex. To stimulate
their fertility they were sometimes

whipped, especially on the genitalia, a

custom also applied to statues.
Primitive people tried by magic and
sacrifice to guarantee the regular
course of nature’s seasonal changes of
death and rebirth. Some tribes ritually
killed their kings to replace them by
strong young men. In the worship of
Cybele, her devotees cut off their geni-
talia, which were ritually buried.
Temple prostitution developed in the
service of fertility gods, and was itself
a kind of religious fertility ritual.
When fees were paid, at least part went
as a sacrifice to the treasury of the
temple. Another idea was that the
bleeding caused by defloration was
dangerous and taboo, similar to the
‘barren’ blood of menstruation. Strang-
ers, or such magically protected men
as priests, were therefore called upon
for the service of taking the bride’s
virginity before the husband did.


(Far left) A bowl painted with a rain- (Left) A humorous Greek view of
making dance ofHopi Indian men the fertility images called herms, with
wearing artificialphalluses their prominent carved stone phalluses
(Opposite page, below) Two Celtic (Below) Garlanding the genitals on a
carvings of a woman displaying her herm was one way in which the Greeks Originally this Polynesian word re-
vulva, called Shelagh-na-gig figures, paid their respects to the powers of ferred to some action that must not be
surviving on English parish churches growth in nature performed, otherwise the whole com-
munity would be punished by the super-
natural powers. Now it is used to mean
something we avoid for fear of offend-
ing public opinion.
Frazer, in The Golden Bough, gives
many instances of taboo in the literal
meaning. The Ainus of Sakhalin forbid
a pregnant woman to twist ropes, as
this would save her baby from twisting
in the womb. Menstruating Aborigine
women in Australia were utterly for-
bidden to touch anything used by men.
The long and hypocritical tradition
that people should be virgin at the time
of marriage made it taboo for bride-
grooms to admit sexual competence. A
pretended clumsiness must have dis-
tressed many brides.
COUVADE may be a curious instance
of taboo. This is a custom by which a
husband pretends to be pregnant in-
stead of his wife. The ‘expectant’ father
takes to his bed and receives the good
wishes of friends. His wife, poor wo-
man, tries to pretend she is not affected.
This rigmarole was probably a super-
stitious attempt to draw evil influences
away from the wife and baby.
Body contact can promptly arouse
sexual excitement, as most people
know, and this probably led to the re-
markable taboo Anglo-American soc-
iety placed upon touching between
strangers. Carried over into much of
ordinary life, the no-touching taboo has
a lot to answer for in the growth of
sexual inhibitions.
Even doctors can hardly use taboo
words when talking of sex or excretion
to their patients. On the other hand,
the mechanical repetition of a taboo
word like ‘fucking’ betrays a feeling
that the word possesses a kind of ‘big
medicine’, which endows the speaker
with the power of outrageous daring.
Taboos may sometimes provide a use-
ful conservatism, adapting the speed of
change in society to a tolerable level.
Margaret Mead reported that some
children developed neurotic traits
when parents suddenly abandoned the
old taboo against nakedness. The chil-
dren were startled by the difference
between their own bodies and their
parents! Because they had not lived in
a society where nakedness was widely
accepted, they did not see other chil-
dish or adolescent bodies going through
the stages of growing up.


Eunuchs & Castrati

Men’s external reproductive organs are
sometimes removed by CASTRATION or
EMASCULATION either to make the vic-
tims useful in specific ways or as a form
of humiliating punishment. They are
then known as EUNUCHS, from a Greek
word meaning ‘keeper of the bed-
chamber’, recalling the principal ser-
vice to which castrated males have been
Sterility is inevitable if both testes are
removed, but other effects are variable,
depending in part on the cause of the
emasculation and whether it was per-
formed before or after puberty. Desire
and potency may be lost, but this is not
inevitable, and many such men retain
libido and ejaculation. For servicemen
suffering castration by war wounds, the
support of a loving sex partner has
sometimes permitted the recovery of
some sexual function. Some are also
helped by administration of the male
sex hormone testosterone. A boy cas-
trated before puberty will fail to develop
the primary and secondary sexual char-
acteristics of a normal male that would
otherwise be stimulated by hormones
produced by the testes. He retains his
small penis and high voice and the
softer tissues and rounder body outline
of a child or woman. The usual purposes
for which eunuchs were made were
partly domestic and partly sexual. Their
chief use was as servants or slaves who
could safely be made responsible for the
women of a household. Their girlish
attributes made them, in addition,
desirable sexual objects to their owners.
In some circumstances, a eunuch could
also perform without risk as a sexual
partner in the harem. In despotic or
oriental societies, eunuchs often be-
came trusted functionaries and achiev-
ed high social position, even exercizing
political power in the state.
Castration as a punishment or in
vengeance has sometimes followed a
sexual liaison, the best-known case in
history being that of Peter Abelard, the
controversial philosopher who taught
at Paris in the early 12th century.
The vocal qualities of men whose
voices remained unbroken as a result
of being castrated before puberty
(‘strange, sexless, superhuman, uncan-
ny’ in one description) have long been
recognized. The CASTRATI male so-
pranos of Italian opera were famous in
the 17th and 18th centuries, a few
lingering on into the 19th century (the
last of them died in 1922).


Since sexologists tell us there is no such
thing as ‘too much sex’, the idea of
erotomania may seem meaningless to
the modern reader. But when we con-
sider the idea more closely, it turns out
that the ‘sex maniac’ is always after
something other than lots of sex. In
fact, the most innocent kind of sex
maniac is the man or woman who wants
very little sex with lots of people.
Darker types are the compulsive Peep-
ing Tom or voyeur*, the flasher, the
rapist and even the murderer—men who
like their audiences, partners and vic-
tims to be involuntary. (The female of
the species, known as nymphomaniacs,
seem to be free of these particular
The carefree seducer and the wife-
murderer are images that have had a
powerful appeal in most cultures at
most times and doubtless represent
many unconscious—or at least un-
spoken-wishes or fantasies. The Blue-
beard myth—the husband who murders
a succession of wives—is common to
European, African and Eastern folk-
tales, but most Western versions (they
now include Bartok’s opera Bluebeard’s
Castle and Chaplin’s film Monsieur
Verdoux) stem from Perrault’s Tales of
Mother Goose (1697).
The Don Juan story is in a lighter
vein. Tirso de Molina, author of the
first widely known play on the theme
(1630), is said to have been inspired by
a notorious Spanish seducer who ended
his days as a devout abbot. The figure
became a popular one in theatricals and
puppet shows all over Europe. The
rehearsals of the first production of
Don Giovanni in Prague in 1787 were
assisted by a living ‘Don Juan’, the
aging Casanova (1725-1798). Lord
TOP thri
Byron, author of the great 19th-century

I made
Georges Simenon has
made the astonishing
claim: “|’ve made love hfe-to know which one Is poetical version of Don Juan, comes
to 10,000 women.” LS
k on U
rte W011 an
i up
all dressed ’ the one
and weais
close to capturing the zestful, anarchic
diamonds, or the one who

love to
Simenon—wealthy crea- S™1”1 a certain moment
tor of the French detective without knowing it. and unrepentant spirit displayed by
Matgret—says that his life That is the key to a woman
of womanising began t intend that you know a Casanova, who titillated Europe with
when he was thirteen. He ssffi
ept with h after
with" her. you
I wanted to

is now seventy-four. know women - i wanted to
d to his erotic adventures.
learn the truth.
liZhLrTlnn _,who s°ld 350 mil- I do not know those 10 000 SIMENON: Truth seeker
career U^ft^iooo? women any longer. I have Whatever secret feelings these myths
forgotten them all. But I am permit me to
beginning to know A naked,” he said.
newspaper: ou woman. ^
the true woman betray- perhaps a latent hatred and

Simenon s life stvie has
<0 L?.eeand
de om
n n * I" also
,en Physic-
hnH « one-Ume" reporter ha? ’t
im n a thf n m rama
the ffamily-manticimage
contrast to
of the fear of the opposite sex—society must
need for communication' brinC a n?aiTIages behind him° tlfnoCtlve who made his for-
tune—pipe-smokmg Maigret
Whenever I see a beautiful cjuce coldb°h°n
once told how k
he mem
°K used°iTS
to ppt
he ultimately contain them within the
rSt thou ht People drunk at hk home ®
' &ow" ,r,he F & caSheeouf^r.rf^owbh^
hfi o.ces durin
,' „h’„ .
,1 ic expression on
S orgasm ? ”
I chased after that all my takef things^easy l° rei"e
social framework, and most Bluebeard
He ha
diz^S, '-e and Don Juan tales focus on the failure
and/or punishment of the hero (in both
Moliere’s play and Mozart’s opera he is
Hogarth ridicules an operatic dragged off to hell). Yet the fascination
castrato's ungainly physique (top, left). Casanova caricatured from the life of these figures lies in what they get
A Chinese victim of the 'clean sweep', (top) and his modern competitor away with: a glorious freedom from the
with a tube to permit urination (left). (above). constraints of monogamy.


coherent account. sexual history (apart from previous re-

lationship with the defendant) except
Rape Any rape can possibly result in preg-
nancy and sex-related disease. Sym- at the judge’s discretion. The raped
pathetic and immediate medical at- woman and the accused have the right
Legally, the crime of rape is committed tention and the availability of preg- to anonymity in Britain and some US
when a man has sexual intercourse, nancy prevention are what is needed. states. Prosecution styles vary, but the
with a woman, without her consent, by Raped women, especially when they defence’s attacks on the woman’s char-
force and/or fear of significant bodily meet with anger and hostility from acter are hardly even rebutted. She will
harm. In British law, to have sexual those closest to them, need a great find her whole life, morality and credi-
intercourse with a woman without her deal of emotional support as well as bility on trial. It is his word against
consent, by fraud, also constitutes rape. legal and medical information. Rape hers, and the whole weight of the anti-
Rape must be by penis in the vagina, crisis centres have been set up on a female myth (‘she provoked it’) will be
and evidence of penetration only (with- self-help basis to provide this support. stacked against her. The accused’s
out ejaculation) is enough to bring a Rape counselling, which lets a woman previous record will not be made known
charge of rape. This applies in Britain explore her feelings in safety, soon to the jury and, since sexual experience
and the USA, although tests of corrobo- after the rape, can help to prevent tends to enhance rather than malign a
ation and consent vary. An alleged serious problems of a psychosexual, man’s character, there is no defence
rapist who uses the common defence of psychological and emotional kind from mileage to be gained from this type of
consent is basically saying that the developing. questioning. Where there is no evi-
woman voluntarily agreed, is now By far the most damaging experience dence of bodily damage, he stands a
lying, and has some malicious purpose for a raped woman is not to be believed good chance of getting off, even though
in bringing the charge. Only four per- and to be treated as a ‘victim’, rather he may have used a knife to threaten
cent of rape allegations are considered than a person who needs to regain the woman.
by the police to be false when the com- control of her life through her own Perhaps the severest blow for a
plaint is made—no higher than false efforts. woman is when ‘twelve good men and
allegations for any other crime. Reporting rape to the police is never true’ acquit the accused. She knows
Wives cannot be raped by their hus- easy, but if a woman wants to, then that not only has she been raped she
bands in the eyes of the law, and there there are certain actions she must take. has also been found guilty by impli-
is pressure on both sides of the Atlantic She should tell someone of the attack cation of being a promiscuous, mali-
to change this. Boys under a certain as soon as possible, so that they can cious liar. Acquitted rapists are re-
age may be too young to have ‘criminal bear witness to her emotional state and assured that society, from prejudice or
intent’ and this will affect the degree early complaint. She must try to re- by default, condones their behaviour.
of punishment. Any sexual intercourse member the sequence of events, impor- Recent British studies show that 14%
with a minor, or a mentally defective tant details, and whether there may of men acquitted of rape are later con-
woman, is illegal and gives rise to the have been witnesses. On no account victed for sexual offences.
charge of ‘statutory rape’ or ‘unlawful must she wash, take a bath, or change There are numerous reforms, current
sexual intercourse’. The use of drugs to her appearance. In doing so, she may and proposed, which go some way to
render a victim unconscious or imper- destroy valuable forensic evidence. She satisfying both the feminist and civil
sonation of a husband also constitutes should avoid taking drugs or alcohol, liberties lobbies. Some states have
rape. On the other hand, forced anal and report to the police quickly. She changed rape to a form of sexual crim-
and oral penetration, the use of bottles, should take a change of clothes with inal assault which takes into account
fingers, broom handles, knives and her, since those she is wearing may be the degrees of damage done to the
guns, and spitting, urinating or defecat- taken for evidence. The raped woman woman when sentencing.
ing on the victim, humiliation and can expect to spend several hours with Reform does not stop rape, and dam-
forced imprisonment are not covered by the police being interrogated, being aging male myths need to be countered.
the law of rape in Britain, but are in examined internally and externally, Seventy percent of rapists plan their
some US states. making a statement, identifying the attacks and ninety percent of these are
The commonest place where rape rapist if caught, or looking through gang rapes. Less than four percent of
occurs is in a woman’s own home. After mug shots. Police treatment varies and convicted rapists are found to be in
this, in decreasing frequency, in cars, it is always best to take someone along need of psychiatric help, and many
hospitals, parks and drinking places. for support. The woman may be in for make the same score on aggression and
About half the number of rapists are a heavy time. attitude-to-women tests as ‘normal’
already known to their victims, and Not all allegations of rape lead to men.
may be from her family. convictions. In Britain, about 50% of all In a society were man is seen as
A raped woman will react in many reported rapes reach trial, and only initiator and woman as consentor, as
different ways, and whatever reaction 60% of these resulted in convictions. predator and prey, wolf and chick, ag-
it is, is it right for her. She is expected Rape is notoriously under-reported and gressive and passive, rape is the ex-
to become hysterical and uncontrolled, even assuming reporting to be as high treme logical end of the spectrum of
but roughly half will appear calm, as 25%, this would mean that 90% of male-female sexual relationships. But
controlled and subdued, which may rapists get off. rape brutally opposes a woman’s right
only mean that they will have greater Several months later, the case will be to sexual self-determination. It is not
difficulty in getting people to believe tried by jury. For many women this is just a violent form of sex, rather it is a
them. A woman in hysterics is likely to the worst part of the ordeal. In Britain physical assault, using the penis as a
be told to pull herself together, and for and some states of the USA, women weapon, and causing degradation, pain
her the difficulty may be in giving a cannot be questioned on their past and humiliation.

Physical obstacles that handicapped
lovers can learn to overcome.

tions accompany sexual excitement, It is seldom that postural difficulty or

where bones are brittle or (more rarely) bodily deformity totally prevents sex in
Disability when epileptic convulsions are trig- one position or another. Intercourse is
gered by intercourse. possible while lying, sitting, standing
Disabled people are people first and Handicaps in hearing or sight may or kneeling, with the man in front of
foremost, with all the sexual urges and carry special problems. For the deaf, or behind the woman, above or below
needs of people everywhere. Yet the communication with most people is dif- her. Techniques also exist of which
disabled or deformed person, regardless ficult and there is not even an official some disabled people are unaware.
of other physical attractiveness or per- sign language for sexual concepts at Methods of intercourse when the penis
sonal charm, is too often written off as present. Blind people often depend on is not fully rigid and means for extra
a non-sexual being by society. Indeed, others for social contact and not being stimulation of both the penis and
many handicapped people, adopting the able to read the facial expression of clitoris are important examples. Such
outlook of those around them, hold this others is itself a sexual handicap. More- knowledge could be significant for
negative view of themselves, although over, young deaf and blind people are many disabled people and can now be
their sexual capability may be equal to specially hampered in sex education, obtained from organizations concerned
other people’s. which is still in its infancy for these with the problem.
Certainly, sexual problems can often groups. Physical problems may be ag- Artificial aids—either extemporized
arise for the handicapped: research has gravated by mental or emotional ones, (such as use of a pillow or cushion to
shown that most disabled people meet or the latter may arise independently. adjust bodily position or restrain a
with them at some time or another. But recalcitrant limb) or manufactured aids
the first obstacle which they must over- available— can be immensely useful.
come is that of prejudice. Once past this Aids vary from small devices for main-
obstacle, their problems can usually be taining or hardening erection to an
solved, or at least reduced. ‘Sex in a artificial penis or vagina.
wheelchair’ is by no means an im- Where intercourse is impossible, the
possibility. caressing of the genitals of one partner
The front part of the brain and the by the other, or both together, can be
central nervous system (the brain itself almost equally pleasurable. This can be
and the cord of nerves which runs from done either with hands or orally. There
it down through the spine) control the are many techniques for this kind of
physical changes which take place im- lovemaking which are easily learned
mediately before and during sexual ac- and put into practice (oral sex*).
tivity (erection in the man, enlarge- Many people whose disability has
ment of the clitoris and vagina in the caused a total loss of feeling in the main
woman, etc.) ‘Messages’ are carried sexual area find that their sensitivity
from the base of the spine through the in other parts of body—even those not
nerve fibres that run to the sexual usually recognized as sexual areas
organs. Thus, interruption of the spinal (erogenous zones*)—increases. Caress-
cord—if it is damaged (as with para- ing or stroking of these parts can give
plegics) or if it does not develop intense pleasure. Even people who are
properly (as in spina bifida)—will pre- virtually incapable of movement and
vent the messages getting through. De- have little or no feeling in their body
pending upon the completeness and report far more than usual sexual
position of the nerve-break, function pleasure and satisfaction simply from
and/or feeling in the sexual organs being held close to their partner.
(among other parts) may be lost, re- The time may not be far ahead when
duced or interfered with. A similar com- disabled people automatically receive
plete or partial effect may result from The poor view of themselves held by information or advice on the sexual
damage to the nerves leading from the some disabled people—and it can some- elements of their disorders in the
spinal cord to the sexual parts. times be extreme—may get in the way course of treatment and rehabilitation.
Other problems, less directly con- of sexual relationships. This does not alter the fact that there
nected with sexual function, can arise. Since sexual ignorance and inhibi- are many thousands of the handicapped
Paralysis may have little effect on the tions are still fairly wide spread, many who have never received such advice.
sexual organs, but can make certain disabled people are prevented from find- For these, organizations have been set
sexual positions or movement impos- ing their own solutions to the problems up to deal with the problems involved.
sible. Discomfort or pain can reduce they may meet. Until recently, only But the first obstacle remains, and it
these or bar them altogether. Rheu- a minority was able to obtain advice can be reduced only by radical change
matism and arthritis are examples in or counsel about them. Until the last in the social outlook on disability. Dis-
this connection. Unintentional con- few years, little attention was paid to abled people are capable of love, sex
tractions of muscles causing jerking or the sexual aspects of disability, or to and sexual or marital partnership.
rigid limbs (as in cerebral palsy or the solutions which exist in sexual Sometimes, they need assistance—but
muscular dystrophy) may raise ob- problems which may arise for the such assistance is worthwhile if it leads
stacles to sexual intercourse. Real handicapped. Happily, there is now in- to a full and satisfying sexual life for
problems of physical danger may arise creasing interest and action on their two people.
where severe breathlessness or palpita- behalf.


Victor Hancox

Trade-boosting titillation techniques
that put sex into everything.

(From the Greek, porne, prostitute and
graphein, to write). Strictly this means
‘writing about prostitutes’. We use it
to refer to material which is meant to
produce strong sexual arousal. It may
be written as some sort of story, gener-
ally with illustrations. It may be photo-
graphs, drawings, a film or a recording.
Unfortunately, because of the long
tradition of sexual repression, the word
has come to imply something con-
temptible or even criminal. Human
needs have created a large market for
such products. This is particularly true
for very repressive societies and
A whole range of pornographic pub-
lications exist, ranging from the slight-
est sexual allusions to the most frank
expression of intense erotic excitement,
activity or fantasy. Much is available
on open display which, in the present
climate of opinion, is unlikely to be
prosecuted successfully. This is SOFT
PORNOGRAPHY. ‘Girlie’ magazines gen-
erally provide excellent examples. Pop-
ular newspapers use sexy pictures and
articles to titillate their readers. This
was known in journalism as ‘cheese-
cake’ or ‘tit pictures’.
hard-core porn) is so candid that prose-
cution is always a great risk. Some
security is gained by selling it dis-
creetly. This is an administrative
protection rather than a legal one. It
reduces the chance that the material
will fall into the hands of children,
which appears important to the author-
ities. A great deal lies between these
two categories. Any clear-cut distinc-
tions are really misleading. The con-
tents of magazines and books selling
freely overlap considerably with the
wares to be purchased in ‘adults only’
book shops.
Pornography deals with the whole
range of sexual responses. For the
ordinary heterosexual person there are
albums of nudes. These may be simple
bosom and bottom shots (or ‘tit and
In the further stages of frankness
‘beaver’ and ‘split beaver’ shots show
the hairy vulva, reminiscent of that
furry animal. Publications of this type
are sold generally in plastic wrappings
so that the contents are available only
after purchase. Books illustrating sex-
ual penetration, even of the vagina,
are generally reserved for controlled


Sexual responses range, of course, A scatter of men undoubtedly buy por-

far beyond the acknowledged sequence
from attraction to kissing and embrac-
nography to provide an extra filip in
their marriage. Though women do res-
Books & Magazines
ing to intercourse. A whole variety of pond, pronography sales are almost
stimuli can lead to a variety of re- entirely made to men. While books of erotica (Reader’s
sponses. Many people are wholly or The difficulty we have in being honest Guide*) have been produced and circu-
partly homosexual and youths are and charitable about the realities of lated almost since writing was inven-
specifically attractive to some homo- sex is the main reason for our difficulty ted, it is a recent development for
sexuals. The thought of cruelty can be in dealing properly with pornography. magazines to be published with a 100
exciting to a minority and some articles To a large extent, one’s erotic reac- per cent sexual content, apart from
of clothing may be very important to tions are contrary to one’s aesthetic medical manuals. This is in part be-
those addicted to fetish responses. sense, and even more they tend to cause it is easier to stock and sell a
Similarly rubber* and leather fetishes* deflate one’s self-importance. Unless a ‘naughty’ book discreetly than it is to
exist. particular item of pornography mat- handle and display pornographic maga-
The mechanisms in the human brain ches the customer’s personality and zines. Fetishistic magazines—usually of
causing sexual responses are closely mood it may be very displeasing. Some a very poor quality—specially catering
associated with those dealing with vio- people may be upset by sexual provo- for a readership interested in flagella-
lence. Sadism and masochism are com- cation because the frustration it pro- tion, etc., have been around for a
mon, though usually as mild and cer- duces irritates them. Others have been hundred years or more, but it is the so-
tainly not universal traits in our char- so brought up that they cannot joyfully called sexual revolution that has made
acters. Magazines with such names as accept their own impulses. Such people possible the arrival of the all-round sex
are especially likely to be aggressive magazine.
and interfering prudes*, as anxious Where ‘Playboy’ (picking up the trail
therefore to punish others as to protect from the pre-war ‘Esquire’) discussed
themselves from anxiety. sexual topics openly and coolly in com-
Pornography is condemned on the bination with other features on general
ground that it may lead to harmful topics, the 1960s arrivals like ‘Forum’
consequences. During the last ten years had a single-minded dedication to the
or so considerable research has failed subject of sex. This must have been
to give evidence of such harm. There is what the public was waiting for. The
some evidence that persons who are boom took off with titles like ‘Pent-
disturbed sexually have had less than house’, ‘Playgirl’, ‘Viva’ and many
average experience of pornography, others, to be followed by ‘Screw’, a
especially in childhood. The rapist send-up of sex magazines which out-
seems to use pornography as a safety rageously broke all previous existing
valve to reduce his unacceptable im- taboos in printed matter.
pulses. If we condemn the fantasy
literature of sadistic sex we should
also condemn our children’s books of
history and entertainment. Goldstein
and Kant (who contributed to the 1970
Presidential Commission on Obscenity)
found that a strong response to porn-
ography is associated with qualities
that are encouraged by education. They
Spankers cater for this tendency. report that adults using pornography
Flagellation* is widely represented in seem to have a compulsion to compen-
pornography because it can be so ex- sate for sexual disappointment. G. L.
citing erotically. Simons emphasises that censorship has
Sexual penetration, so tenderly de- largely prevented the development of a
scribed as the ‘merging’ of the partners, commendable literature of eroticism.
may be vaginal, or it may be in the Novels and plays help us in other parts
mouth or in the anus. Some porn- of human understanding; similarly we
ography will portray and revel in all need good pornography to help us to
these many types of sexual experience. adjust properly to ourselves and to
For some people the playful dominance each other in this most sensitive and
and submission which is part of inter- vulnerable part of human relation-
course expresses itself in bondage or ships. This is particularly true for sado-
humiliation. All are natural to some masochism.
people—amusing and harmless if the The law as it stands leads to con-
partners care for each other. fusion and shame. Jurymen require un-
To a considerable extent the buyers usual honesty and courage to take the
are men, sadly discontented with the side of people accused of obscene publi-
type or quantity of sex life has to cation. Pornography, like sex, is for
offer them. These are often called un- private use.
kindly ‘the dirty macintosh brigade’.


The advertising industry’s purpose is
not only to inform the public about new
and available goods and services, but
also to persuade the public to buy, re-
gardless of need. Human sexual respon-
siveness, both conscious and uncon-
scious, is used for these purposes. Two
main theories about human sexuality
which were proposed by Freud* are
used over and over again in advertise-
ments—the idea that if the LIBIDO or
sexual energy is prevented from finding
a direct outlet, then it finds an alterna-
tive means of expression; and that the
alternative channel is some kind of
creative expression called SUBLIMA-
TION. So, buying a powerful car may
be a ‘creative’ way of expressing aggres-
sive masculinity.
Advertising uses LIBIDO and SUBLIMA-
TION in combination with traditional
male and female role-playing (sexism.*)
to persuade people to buy—anything
from a lawn mower to the latest body
deodoriser. Advertisements exploit hu-
man ideas about sex and sex roles by
insinuating in words and pictures that
if you buy something you don’t really
need it will help you to achieve a
desired psychosexual identity*.
The use of human sexuality in ad-
vertising can be amusing and harmless,
but it can also be extremely harmful.
Advertising has given a generation of
women a ‘complex’ about supposed
vaginal odour*; it has promoted an
image of smoking and of drinking al-
cohol as social activities which enhance
sex appeal and make one feel at ease
in sexual situations. The use of sexual
themes plays upon readers, or viewers,
self-confidence in dealing with the op-
posite sex. While adults may be more
immune to advertising, adolescents,
searching for a grown-up sexual iden-
tity, are conditioned by advertisements
to believe in the glamourization of sex.
This misleadingly engenders both ‘high
performance’ sex expectations as well
as the idea that sexuality equals rom-
ance—which can lead to severe disap-
ointment in real life and a feeling that
‘something must be wrong with me’.
Sexploitation in advertisements seeks
to tell the public that the problems of
human sexuality are easily solved by the
purchase of manufactured goods.

C loth for Men BY PORMEUII

ArLUl 1 A i 1UIN


Skin Flicks
A skin-flick (that is to say, a film show-
ing nakedness) or blue movie is the cin-
ema’s equivalent of the erotic picture
book, but with the added advantage of
movement. There are two main outlets
for this kind of product: packaged one-
reelers for private projection, and the
X-rated showing at commercial sex
theatres. One other minor use, but a
valuable one, is as a prelude to arousal
during sex therapy*.
The pornographic content being all-
important, blue movie makers usually
take little trouble over plot-line, char-
acterisation or technique. They may
even, in some cases, serve their viewers
very short on really erotic scenes, since
prospective customers cannot run
through the cassettes before purchase,
or demand their money back from the
box office if dissatisfied. However, cut-
throat competition combined with a
more lenient interpretation of the law

in many countries can be expected to

put a premium on increased quality in
new productions. Unless they just fol-
low a trend towards sadism and exces-
sive shock, blue movie makers may
come to see their chances of survival
and success in a technically better
product than they have got away with
until now. The arrival of the ‘art movie’
in soft porn—for example the ‘Em-
manuelle’ series—may be a pointer in
this direction. Perhaps the institution
of an Oscar for the best hard porn movie
of the year might give the producers an
incentive to quit conning their public.
Most of the production is concen-
trated in a few small companies, which
market their reels internationally un-
der various names—often in order to
circumvent postal censorship prob-
lems. Some of the directors may also be
involved in straight work for television
commercials, while others are dedi-
cated to underground activities, both
pornographic and avant-garde. Profits
are reputedly high, and often evade
taxation, but stability in the business
is low.




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Sex Shows
The basic stimulus to sexual excite-
ment is the provocative display of the
human body. This can vary from simple
titillation to candid protrayal of inter-
course or of erotic fantasies. Extreme
frankness probably occurs only at pri-
vate parties. The danger of prosecution
greatly restricts the entertainment
available for purchase.
Can-can dancing from France, with
frilly knickers and bottom shows, high
kicks to show thighs and panties of the
music hall dancing troupes, belly dan-
cers of the Mediterranean countries
delight millions of men. Night clubs
and restaurants may use waitresses
whose clothing emphasises and partly
reveals their sexual attributes. Bunny-
girl uniforms, see-through cat suits—
all find a place in the sex show. Un-
dress is of course not essential to sexi-
ness. The contortions of male pop
singers with their microphones often
mimic the movements of coitus.

Striptease dancers progressively re-

move their clothes as the act proceeds.
Then they ogle the audience with naked
body. Simple stage tricks may suggest
intercourse. Lesbian love-making is
portrayed, but seldom homosexual
male activity or heterosexual inter-
course. The legal dangers have placed
striptease as an activity on the fringe
of the underworld. This makes them
scarce, expensive and occasionally dis-
Many men react to such shows with
growing warmth, amused light-hearted-
ness, a sense of beauty and gladness
more marked than eroticism.


The workers whose job it is to
provide pleasure-for a price.

can comfortably earn as much as a

senior business executive does in a
Prostitution week.
2 The better class of prostitute may
Sex has been for sale throughout the meet interesting, intelligent and even
ages and, despite the fact that more and prominent men. Her life is, therefore,
more people are marrying, persists. The likely to be more exciting and glam-
human sex drive is fundamentally pro- orous than that of the average girl
miscuous. Marriage and family life, going out to work.
with all the attendant advantages, mod-
ify and reduce the sex drive somewhat,
but do not abolish it. Whatever one’s
moral .view, it is almost certainly true
that the majority of males is interested
in sexual variety, and for a number of
reasons may pursue this outside marri-
age. Prostitutes cater to all tastes,
ranging from straight intercourse to
non-coital, sado-masochistic rituals, or
role-playing games. The customer gets
what he pays for, without emotional
hang-ups or commitment. Prostitution
is thus a consequence of male erotic
desire and not the instigator of it.
Advocates also argue that in a pri-
marily monogamous culture, prostitu-
tion may be expected to reduce illegiti-
macy, abortions, adultery and divorce,
rape and attacks on children. Whether
or not this is the case has not yet been
The so-called ‘pro’ or ‘professional’
makes her living by being ON THE GAME.

She may be relatively high class, deal-

ing with just a few regulars, usually
by appointment, or be a common street-
walker plying her trade to all comers.
New tougher legislation in recent years
has cracked down hard on street girls.
Of course, prostitution did not dis-
appear, it was simply pushed under-
ground, and the era of the call girls,
masseuses, models, escorts and other
euphemistic titles was born.
The non-professional prostitute is
often employed and/or married. She
offers sex as a means of augmenting her
income, although occasionally, her be-
haviour may be at least in part, a means
of combating boredom. These acts of
amateur prostitution may be fairly
regular, or a single experience to meet
an immediate financial need. It has
been observed that the amateurs seem
to be increasing their numbers at the 3 Surprisingly, some male clients be-
expense of the professionals. The num- come emotionally attached to prosti-
ber of all girls ‘on the game’ and the tutes and there is the ultimate prospect
relative proportion of ‘amateur’ to ‘pro- of getting married to such a man.
fessional’ reflect both male demand and 4 Addiction to drugs, supporting a
the level of official repression. family, or meeting some other major
The motives for anyone becoming a financial obligation.
prostitute may be diverse and confused, 5 Satisfaction of various drives like
but the following can often be found: self-punishment, punishment of others,
1 Rewards are far higher than those in hostility towards males, etc.
most female occupations. A high-class 6 A few girls are so highly sexed they
call girl working for herself in a big city actually enjoy most of their contacts.


For them, prostitution is the best way

to combine business with pleasure.
7 There are some girls so inadequate,
lazy or dull that they drift into prosti-
tution as the only way they can earn a
Nothing has been established about
the characteristics of the men who use
prostitutes, and it would seem that they
come from all walks of life and repre-
sent all levels of intelligence. Certain
men, however, may have special rea-
sons, of which the most typical are:
1 They require a variety of sexual
activity unavailable from any other
2 They are too shy, physically handi-
capped or too old to find a sexual
partner any other way.
3 They may be seeking satisfaction of
a deviated sex urge, such as sado-
masochism, fetishism, etc.
Over the years, the attitude of the
law makers towards prostitution has
been capricious and even hypocritical.
Nowhere is this more the case than in
the USA, where for all practical pur-
poses, prostitution is illegal. The num-
erous brothels which operate illicitly in
most big cities are often forced to buy
immunity from law enforcement agen-
cies, politicians or gangsters. Tradi-
tionally, the last, especially the Mafia,
has organized and profited from
prostitution. In Britain prostitution as
such is not illegal, but soliciting for the
purpose is, and so is living on immoral
earnings, or procuring, or taking part
in the management of a brothel, or
knowingly committing premises to be
used either as a brothel or for the pur-
poses of habitual prostitution. Most
other European countries have out-
lawed brothels and the girls, driven
underground, may suffer harassment of
varying degrees from their ‘exploiters’,
be they the police or the pimps.
The attitude of the Christian church
towards prostitution has been confused
and arbitrary, although it has never
actually condoned it. In the middle
ages, the church condemned prostitu-
tion as ‘original sin’: sex was meant
only for procreation; pleasure, even in
the marriage bed, was denounced. Laws
at the time were savagely punitive, and
prostitutes could even be put to death.
Venereal diseases became wide-
spread in Europe after 1492 and an
epidemic of syphilis was rightly attrib-
uted to the brothels. Following this
scourge, medical examinations and reg-
istration gradually became common-
place, and in some countries prostitutes
were segregated into ‘red light’ dis-


in expensive hotels, or night clubs,

Demi-Monde Call Girl providing their ‘entertainment’ in a

client’s own bedroom or suite. Call girls
may work for a madam or a pimp or
(From the French, demi meaning ‘half’ A higher class of discriminating prosti- rely on a contact woman with whom
and monde, ‘society’) This is an old- tute who supplies sex to comparatively they split their earnings.
fashioned term for the ‘half world’ in few males, usually on the basis of an All types of sexual activities may be
which glamorous women of doubtful appointment made by telephone call, is catered for. A call girl may be taken
morals anu no social standing lived. known as a call girl. They do not out for an evening on the town before
Such women were known as demi- solicit clients on the street or in bars, servicing her escort’s needs. In addition
mondaines and included actresses, but deal with businessmen, politicians to her professional fee, she may expect
music hall and vaudeville performers, and society figures who can afford high- and be given presents. Call girls some-
courtesans and other good-time girls er fees and who pass on the girls’ times accompany their clients on holi-
names to friends and associates. days or business trips, and they may be
Aubrey Beardsley

Call girls often live alone in taste- kept as mistresses for several months
fully furnished apartments suitable for until one or the other party tires of the
entertaining their clients. Some work arrangement.

who frequented cafes and theatres at a

time when ‘nice’ women did not dine
out in public or go to the theatre. The
term was popular in the ‘gay nineties’
and until the first World War when
aristocrats and other men of breeding
and social standing thought it exciting
to frequent places of entertainment
with women of loose reputation. These
women living in a half or twilight world
of petty criminals often became com-
mon prostitutes when they had lost
their youth and looks.

(The masculine form of the French term
gigole, a dance hall woman.) A pro-
fessional male companion or escort for
females who is paid for his company,
for sexual favours or for his role as a
confidant. A gigolo is usually hetero-
sexual but occasionally bisexual or
even homosexual. Characteristically, a
gigolo is young and physically attrac-
tive and tends to ply his trade in
fashionable circles of society in big
Jane Fonda in ‘ Klute

cities and resort areas. A gigolo may be

employed on a semistable basis by a
middle-aged or elderly woman of means
and accompany his patron while she
travels. Gigolo was originally another
name for a pimp or even a paid dancing


These were the higher class of prosti-
tute or courtesan in ancient Greece.
Rather like the Japanese geisha*,
hetaerae were skilled in the art of con-
versation and especially of argument,
a talent prized by Athenians. Their
sexual skills are illustrated in a number
of vase paintings, but entertainment by
music and dancing was usually left to a
class of performer called auletrides or
Heterae paid taxes to the state ac-
cording to their commercial success,
and were far from being despised like
the common prostitutes or porma (from
which the word 'pornography’ is de-
rived). In fact, they were envied for
their freedom and accomplishments,
especially by married women whose
lives were a tedious round of domestic
duties within their own households.
The base from which a hetaera operated
could be a recognized brothel or equally
a temple like that to Aphrodite Pande-
mos, which was identified with extra-
marital sex. Prostitutes whose trade
was closely connected with temple ser-
vice were a different class. They were
known as 'sacred servants’ or hiero-

A geisha is a traditional Japanese
entertainer and hostess who has been
trained in all the social graces and
arts to provide complete entertainment
for men. For a fee she acts as com-
panion for an evening’s sophisticated
pleasure, and is skilled at conversation,
singing, dancing, playing musical in-
struments, performing a traditional tea
ritual, serving food and often in sexual
activities, although not always. A com-
mon question of Westerners is: ‘Is a
geisha a prostitute?’ In the sense that
they are paid for their services and that
these may include sex, the answer is
yes; but the profession of geisha is
highly respected in Japan. It has a long
and honourable history and many
geishas have risen high in the social


by unscrupulous parents, or by a pro-

curer, to submit to adult clients with
Child Prostitution the taste for sexual experience with
children {pedophilia*). The most com-
The reason that children go into prosti- mon sexual services provided by either The role of a pimp (also known as a
tution is more often the need for money boys or girls are masturbation and PONCE or PIMP) is to manage a female
after running away from home than any fellatio. Actual intercourse is less fre- or male prostitute and live off the
precocious or abnormal sexuality. In- quent but may be part of the repertoire earnings, which is a criminal offence.
creasing numbers of children below the of more physically mature children. Pimps often supply emotional support,
age of consent* leave home as part of Some younger children whose sexual as well as physical protection from
a rebellion against parental or social experiences belie their years spend perverted or sadistic clients. Pimps may
values and end up penniless in a big their earnings on chocolates, comics, run the household, taking care of every-
city. soft drinks or movie tickets, while day chores, like paying bills. They may
However, not all child prostitutes harder and more worldly-wise juvenile also, but not always, act for clients as
are runaways some operate from a prostitutes have been known to black- procurers of prostitutes.
home base unknown to their parents. mail their clients, for the law takes a A pimp may get part of his sexual
A small number, especially in dis- serious view of sexual interference with gratification from his ‘charge’ (some
advantaged families, may be compelled children. pimps are married to their prostitutes),
which does not prevent many pimps
from being physically violent towards
them. This can be a way of scaring
an unwilling woman into continuing
with a profession that (unlike the
pimp’s) is in itself not illegal, or to
ensure that she hands over her hard-
earned money. Despite being ill-treated
in this way, few prostitutes make
official complaints to the police against
pimps—partly out of fear of reprisals
and partly because law enforcers are
not over-sympathetic to anyone ‘on the
Few pimps limit their criminal ac-
tivities to the exploitation of prosti-
tutes. Because of their contacts with

the underworld and intimate know-

ledge of the illicit sex scene, they are
frequently involved in pedalling drugs
or pornography, in obtaining illegal
abortions, and may even blackmail
their prostitutes’ clients. Pimps with a
reputation as police informers are often
despised by other criminals and law
enforcers alike. If convicted of ‘living
off immoral earnings’ and imprisoned,
they may be badly treated at the hands
of fellow inmates.
Recently, pimps trafficking in teen-
age male prostitutes have become in-
creasingly prevalent. The young boys
who go into prostitution are often run-
aways. A pimp will introduce such a
boy to the drug scene and, once he is
hooked, the pimp can ensure that he
stays ‘on the game’ to get money for


Brothel Massage Parlour

Colloquially, a brothel refers to any A massage parlour or clinic can rarely
premises in which sex services may be be found to offer body massage and
bought, whether there are one or nothing more. In many cases, it is a
twenty prostitutes working there. In euphemism for a brothel* or at least a
law, a brothel is defined as: premises in place where various non-coital sexual
which two or more women offer their favours may be bought, or an initial
bodies for lewd hire, so a prostitute or introduction effected in which the
a call girl cannot be prosecuted for ‘masseuse’ and client contract to ren-
keeping a brothel if they are working dezvous later for agreed sexual ser-
on their own. vices. Massage parlours generally ad-
The word brothel comes from an Old vertise sauna, massage and ‘assisted’
English word which simply meant a showers. Most proprietors, who are
worthless man or woman. Brothels only too familiar with the law, vehe-
have a long history and come in all mently deny they are in the business
shapes and sizes. In Europe and North of procuring or prostitution, or that
America most brothels (or bawdy they are acting as pimps. These estab-
houses) have now been outlawed. How- lishments, however, have proliferated
ever, there has been a corresponding simply because the services offered are
rise in massage clinics, ESCORT SER - so ambiguous, and thus may appear to
VICES and call girl* rings. be perfectly legal.
The origin of organized brothels is When a masseuse is in conversation
strangely entangled with ideas of with her would-be client she uses a
temple-service to the gods of fertility in form of verbal shorthand to assess his
ancient times. In India, the deva-dasi level of interest and sexual require-
operated from temples, as did the ments. She may ask innocently, ‘Do you
hierodules in ancient Greece (religious have an all-over, Sir?’ (meaning mastur-
and sexual behaviour*). By Roman bation) and if he answers affirmatively
times, the religious connection had she will casually mention that such a
grown much weaker, and with the com- service is additional—in other words, it
ing of Christianity it disappeared alto- costs more than the advertised fee for
gether. In the Middle Ages, the public massage. In other cases, if the ‘vibra-
bath-houses usually functioned as tions’ are right, she will dispense with
brothels—hence Shakespeare’s name the pretence and simply detail her
for a bawdy-house was ‘the stews’. sexual repertoire or ask the client out-
Brothels were traditionally managed right what he wants.
by a brothel-keeper called a MADAM ; she Most massage parlours, in fact, offer
was often an older prostitute with a massage and masturbation—known as
good head for business, and looked relief massage—although more elabor-
after all aspects of the girls’ welfare. ate forms of stimulation, soft porn-
This included regular health inspec- ography and even coitus may be avail-
tions, for a house which got a reputa- able on the premises, if requested.
tion for diseased girls would not stay Naturally, these extras inflate the
in business very long. As well as nego- price, which in any case tends to be
tiating the best possible terms, a high. Some parlours offer high colonic
madam would also act as a sort of public irrigation or enemas* and various types
relations officer ensuring as far as poss- of vibrator experience. Massage is such
ible that all parties got a square deal. an ambiguous description that it lends
The importance of the brothel and its itself to cynical exploitation of clients
madam in prostitution, at least in West- seeking sex activity. Many operatives
ern Europe, declined as the law be- con their clients into parting with high
came more moralistic and prohibitive. fees for little more than a ‘slap and
Despite this, brothels are not totally tickle’. When a hoped-for sexual service
extinct—they are found in many West- fails to materialize, the place becomes
ern countries in so-called red light known as a ‘clip joint’.
districts, where the prostitutes’ tradi- The introduction of the Finnish
tional sign, a lighted lamp with a red SAUNA now provides a similar cover for
shade, indicates ‘business as usual’. sexual services, so that what is in its
A modern version of the brothel- land of origin a normal and purely
keeper of yesteryear is the CONTACT social facility has suffered early corrup-
WOMAN who instead of running a house tion when transplanted to other coun-
runs a ‘string of fillies’ or call girls by tries, although it might have become a
means of the telephone. welcome health pursuit.

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Merchandise that spices humdrum
sex- so why not, if it helps?
1. Sex Packet
2. Sailor’s Sweetheart
3. Penile Splints
4. Harness Dildo
5. Pocket Tingler
6. Underwear
7. Finger Tinglers
8. Phallic Candle
9. Black Vibrator
10. Rintintin Vibrator
11. Arab Strap
12. Double Delight
13. Vaginal Balls
14. Extension Sheath
15. Love Ring
16. Special Condoms
17. Rejuvenating Tablets
18. Clitoral Stimulator

looking like a coarse nailbrush. A stim-

ulator (or LOVE RING) is placed so that
Underwear it is squeezed between the area at the
base of the penis and the clitoris, thus
The erotic function of underclothes increasing a woman’s sexual arousal. It
might seem too flimsy a subject (like the also exaggerates the friction of male
garments themselves) to merit discus- pubic hair against the woman’s corres-
ion, but it is a matter that has inter- ponding area.
estingly contradictory connotations. In Many kinds of fancifully shaped
the first place, erotic underwear works rubber devices, called FRENCH TICK-
one way for men and another for women. LERS, can be placed over or around the
It is generally confirmed by women that penis or made as part of special con-
while men can be excited by the sight doms. They are intended to stimulate
(real or imagined) of female undies, even the vagina during intercourse, but, as
when these are not being worn by any- Masters and Johnson discovered, the
body, women are not excited by actually upper two-thirds of the vagina is almost
wearing them, but rather by the re- insensitive to any touch.
sponse they create in their male sex
partners. It is on these grounds that
most women dress sexily, even where it
cannot normally be seen. Vice versa, Penile Splint
men who wear ‘athletic’ briefs usually
enjoy a minor but constant stimulation
as a result of the cupping support which A penile splint is a cylinder of soft
these give to the male genitals, while rubber with one or two thin curved
women’s erotic interest is mainly stimu- plastic plates embedded in it. Its pur-
lated by just this heightened response pose is to keep a soft or impotent
in men. penis sufficiently rigid for penetration.
When in position, the plates in the
splint hold the penis out from the body.
With careful handling and lubrication*,
Dildo the penis can be inserted into the
vagina even without having an erec-
An object that can be used as a substi- tion. The glans or sensitive tip of the
tute penis for intercourse or mastur- penis is not covered and gaps in the
bation is called a dildo, or many other sides of the splint also permit intimate
names. Manufactured ones resembling contact. It is a useful male sex aid.
a real male penis (sometimes complete There is medical evidence that assis-
with testicles) are on sale in many tance like this can reduce anxiety and
shapes, sizes, materials and colours. eventually encourage a return to a
Various embellishments can make the natural state of erection (impotence*).
shaft of the dildo a lot more interesting
in size and texture than many speci-
mens of the real thing. There are hollow
types that can be filled with warm Pills, Creams, Sprays
water, oil or milk and squeezed to
‘ejaculate’. Some are fitted with electri-
All products sold as exciters, improvers
cal vibrating devices (vibrator*). Elas-
or prolongers of sexual performance
tic waist belts with straps are some-
are a confidence trick (aphrodisiac*).
times attached to dildos so that a female
Vitamin pills can help but only as part
can play a male role in homosexual
of a general improvement in health
intercourse. Nothing should be used
(fitness*). Tranquiliser pills can assist
which has to be forced into the vagina
in sex problems by relaxing the mind
or rectum, and all dildos should be
and body, but only doctors should re-
kept scrupulously clean.
commend or prescribe these. Anesthe-
tic creams and sprays can reduce sensa-
tion in the genital area and have some

Clitoral Stimulator slight effect on premature ejaculation*,

but a doctor’s advice should be sought
before use. Creams which are supposed
This is a ring, usually made of latex to increase sexual potency are useless
rubber, which fits around the base of an and may contain irritating substances.
erect penis. Attached to the ring is some Mild irritants (such as a pinch of
kind of stimulating surface it may be cayenne pepper in butter) offer slight
a pad or air cushion with a stippled help but can also burn and blister the
surface, or bare soft rubber projections, sensitive genitals.

Checking up for signs of things that
may go wrong.

swabs can be sent for laboratory ex- anesthetic. Similar operations are car-
amination. If gonorrhea* is suspected, ried out to terminate a pregnancy
Gynecology a special swab is taken from around (therapeutic abortion*).
the urethra and will often allow an At times it is necessary to see inside
Gynecology is one of the most recent accurate diagnosis to be made. a patient’s pelvis to make an accurate
specialities in medicine. Although min- Inspection of the inside of the vagina diagnosis. In the past, the only way a
or gynecological operations had long can disclose signs of syphilis, abnor- gynecologist could do this was to
been performed, gynecology was really malities of the cervix, prolapses, hor- make an incision (cut) into the lower
an American invention. It was develop- mone deficiency and various abnormal abdomen and have a look round (a
ed as a special skill by a handful of positions of the uterus which cause the LAPAROTOMY operation). Gradually,
backwoods obstetricians, delivering cervix to ‘point’ in an unusual direc- however, instruments were devised
babies in Virginia, Kentucky, Ver- tion. By means of the two-handed (bi- that contained optical systems to allow
mont and Pennsylvania in the early manual) examination, the size and posi- an internal view without the necessity
19th century. Most of them had re- tioning of the internal gynecological of making large cuts in the skin. This
ceived their training as ‘man-midwives’ structures can allow a diagnosis of led, first of all, to an instrument that
in Scotland at Edinburgh University ovarian cyst, fibroid or other enlarge- was pushed through the vaginal wall
and hospitals. At that time, the practice ments of the uterus and certain abnor- (a CULDOSCOPE), giving a limited view
of gynecology was, for most doctors, malities of the Fallopian tubes to be of the pelvic organs. More recently the
confined to examining the vagina by
means of a primitive SPECULUM, proto-
types of which had been around for
centuries. A speculum is an expanding
hollow instrument that opens the
vagina, allows air to enter it (normally
the vagina is closed, with no space be-
tween its walls) and thus allows the
doctor to see inside. He can also visu-
ally inspect the neck of the womb
(cervix*). This makes it possible to diag-
nose a little more accurately various
vaginal discharges, diseases in the cer-
vix and get an idea of the common
womb prolapses* and displacements

Tomi Ungerer
that trouble many patients.
Today, a routine gynecological ex-
amination includes an examination of
the lower abdomen (palpation), and of
the external sex organs, including the
clitoris, the vulva and the perineum. made. Examination of the external sex LAPAROSCOPE was developed. This in-
Then the physician examines the inte- organs will also find evidence of pro- strument is pushed through a small
rior of the vagina with his fingers, and lapse, swelling of Bartholin’s glands, incision near to the patient’s navel. At
can also feel and examine the womb varicose veins, tumors and various dis- the same time, C20 gas is introduced
(uterus), and if possible the Fallopian eases of the sexual skin. into the abdomen to produce a bal-
tubes* and ovaries*. Often at this time Sometimes it is necessary to proceed looning effect. Very good visualization
his other hand will be pressing gently to other tests to reach an accurate diag- is then possible through the laparo-
on the woman’s lower abdomen. In this nosis. The doctor may want to know the scope, through which minor operations
way, the various organs within the pel- condition of the inside lining of the can be also performed. This technique
vis can be carefully examined. Finally, womb, in which case he will dilate has revolutionized gynecological di-
the doctor will pass a speculum into (open up) the CERVICAL CANAL, the agnosis since the mid-1960s.
the vagina and make a visual examin- central opening of the neck of the
ation of that and the cervix. Sometimes womb, and either suck out a specimen
he will also take a smear test from the through a flexible tube called a CAN-
cervix or the vagina and also from NULA, or scrape off some of the womb’s
around the opening of the urethra* internal lining with a spoon-like instru-
(urine tube). ment called a CURETTE. In the latter
This simple routine examination pro- case, this little operation of ‘dilation
duces a wealth of information, and in and curettage’ (D & c) is done under an
most cases no further investigations
are necessary to clinch a diagnosis.
Most cases of vaginal discharge can be
diagnosed in this way. The very copious
trichomonia* (a smelly, greenish dis- 1. Speculum 2. inserted into vagina Dilation and Curettage (D&C):
charge) can be differentiated from the and opened 3. Cervix 4. Bladder 11. Vagina 12. Dilator inserted into
itchy, cheesy, candidiasis* (thrush) dis- 5. Womb 6. Rectum 7. Anus cervix 13. Dilators in increasing
charge that sticks to the vaginal walls 8. Spatula 9. scrapes surface cells sizes 14. Curette 15. scraping the
and may bleed when removed. In doubt, from cervix 10. Opening into womb womb lining


William Smellie, an eminent Scottish
obstetrician, wrote a book on female
anatomy in the middle of the 18th cen-
tury. It did not endear him to his doctor
colleagues, who called it ‘the most
bawdy indecent and shameful book the
press has ever brought into the world’,
but it was the start of sex hygiene as
we understand it. In a general medical
sense, hygiene got going in Germany
with a Bavarian doctor called Max von
Pettenkofer (1818-1901). His advances
in controlling cholera and typhoid by
devising good house and city drainage
and proper ventilation systems, and by
popularizing healthier clothing, set a
new standard for the world.
Hygiene means health, from Hygeia,
the Greek goddess of health. A hygienic
or healthy approach towards sex is still
far from being universal. Women are
still at a disadvantage, it seems, due
partly to a degree of female ‘modesty’
that persists despite emancipation. The
existence of successful advice columns
in magazines the world over, phone-ins
and self-help organizations demon-
strates the need for more knowledge
on sex hygiene—knowledge that does
not seem to be readily available from
the medical profession. The rules of sex
hygiene for women are simple. Always
see a doctor if an unusual lump, change
of shape, bleeding or discharge devel-
ops. Do not ignore any change in your
menstrual pattern unless your doctor
has examined you. Finally, undergo
smear tests every three years at least.
About 16,000 women in Britain and
50,000 in the USA develop breast cancer
each year. Modesty encourages late
diagnosis, so the overall survival rate is
less than 35 percent. Only about 20 per-
cent of all womb cancers are diagnosed
early enough to be cured, whereas if
really early diagnosis occurs, a cure
rate of 80 percent seems likely. Most
womb cancers occur on the cervix, and
regular smear tests and early investiga-
tion of gynecological problems would
prevent most of them from becoming
One famous expert in gynecology
from Columbia University is on record
as saying that if everyone—patient, di-
agnostician and therapist—were to act
in a perfect manner, cancer of the
cervix would disappear as a problem.
The hygiene of sex-related diseases
and vaginal discharges are discussed in
the section on health*.


today, women talk about their ‘month- Mosaic law states that the menstruat-

Menstrual Cycle lies’ as an alternative to ‘periods’.

Other terms like ‘the curse’, ‘my friend’
ing woman should be ‘put apart’ for
seven days and that ‘whosoever touch-
or ‘unwell’ all have interesting psycho- eth her shall be unclean’. Hebrew com-
Woman is the only creature that has logical overtones. Often in primitive munities built bath-houses, usually
evolved a menstrual cycle. ‘Menstrual’ communities there is a concept of ‘un- close to the synagogue, where women
and ‘menses’ come from Latin words for cleanness’ associated with menstrua- could wash away this uncleanness.
‘monthly’ and clearly our forefathers tion and there are religious interdic- Even in modern times medical folk-
connected menstruation with the wax- tions with regard to the menstrual lore, often regrettably supported by
ing and waning of the moon. Even cycle that are widely observed today. doctors, added to the ‘unclean’ myth


Estrogen increasing

/Estrogen yProgestero
decreasg'in the blood1

ill Repair of endometrium/ v

Thickening of endometrium

Clear mucus

Thick mucus

Estrogen reaches higfcf level in the blood, causing
e of the egg fr/m the ovary J

Corpus Luteum ■■
Egg passes down
the Fallopian Tub.

DAY 14



of menstruation. Even in the 19th cen- 28.4 days long. That is to say, a period not be real menses, but hormone-
tury, the eminent British Medical followed its predecessor by 28 days and induced bleeds which solve no problems
Journal declared that hams were spoil- 6 hours. It also showed that the average and create new dilemmas.
ed when handled by menstruating woman must expect one-third of all her MENORRHAGIA {heavy periods, hyper
women, and in this century two Ameri- cycles to depart by more than two days menorrhea): This means regular per-
can gynecologists supported the idea from her normal cycle. Variations from iods in which the woman looses more
that flowers wilted excessively fast if two to seven weeks in the time between blood than usual. These can be short
touched by one, and they proceeded to cycles occur commonly in all age but heavy menorrhagia or long periods
describe what they called a ‘meno- groups. The length of the actual period with a lighter daily loss. Menorrhagia
toxin’, thought to bring about this varies, too. In a series of 800 menstrual is common at the beginning and end of
amazing effect. Not too long ago, cycles in 76 healthy women, the a woman’s menstrual life. The causes
mothers advised girls not to bathe or average period lasted 4.6 days. The nor- are various and include physiological
wash their hair if they had a period mal range is from three to six days causes (see above), fibroids, polyps,
and, of course, sexual intercourse with during each cycle. About one to five blood diseases, upsets in hormone
a menstruating woman (always taboo ounces of blood are lost during each levels, and the so-called idiopathic, or
in Jewish law) was widely and erro- period. unknown causes. An older term for
neously thought to bring to the male DYSMENORRHEA {painful periods): menorrhagia was an issue of blood or
many venereal diseases. Not washing Girls have painless periods until after a flux.
oneself at this time only induces the about 20 cycles, when ovulation occurs METRORRHAGIA {metrostasis): Is a
somewhat antisocial menstrual odour. in regular association with the men- term used to describe periods or bleed-
Yet many women who rightly wash, strual cycle. This occurs about 14 days ing from the womb which is irregular
shower or bath daily, including periods, before the appearance of each men- (not cyclical). It can be continuous or
feel bound to use a vaginal deodorizer strual period. Once ovulation happens, intermittent. It occurs in abnormal
as well in the interests of sex hygiene*, the adolescent girl becomes a fertile pregnancy states {abortion*, ectopic
so sure are they of a state of ‘unclean- woman. (Very occasionally ovulation pregnancy*) or as a result of a ‘surface
ness’ at this natural time. occurs before the periods show them- bleed’ in the reproductive tract. In the
The menses appear during the body selves. The absence of period pains can- interests of health, it needs prompt
changes known as puberty (from the not be relied upon as a practical con- investigation by a gynecologist.
Latin word for ‘maturity’) and this is traceptive.) Thus, painful periods, if POLYMENORRHEA (epimenorrhea):
known as the MENARCHE. After the they are to be a problem, commonly This is regular (cyclical) bleeding
pelvis starts to widen in girls (7-11) the arise between the age of 15 and 18. which is normal in amount, but which
breasts begin to develop (9-10). Then At one time gynecologists believed occurs too frequently (perhaps a period
hair starts to grow over the pubis. The dysmenorrhea was caused by ‘an un- of four days occurring every 20 days).
skin on the external sex glands and satisfied sexual appetite’, while a more Usually in such cases the womb is nor-
sometimes around the eye, mouth and modern view is that it occurs in ‘highly mal, but there is a disturbance of the
nipples, tends to darken and then men- sensitive, apprehensive, self-centred complicated relationship that exists be-
struation soon appears. Later, under- girls who are sexually rather im- tween the pituitary* gland and the
arm (axillary) hair develops. The first mature’. Neither view is tenable. Apart ovaries. Treatment can be with hor-
period arrives usually between the age from a few girls whose painful periods mones.
of 10 and 16 (average 13.0 years in are due to some abnormality (and be- EPIMENORRHAGIA {polymenorrhagia):
Britain, 12.5 years in North America). cause of this, all dysmenorrhea suf- This implies regular (cyclical) bleeding
In more underdeveloped countries, a ferers should be examined by a doctor), which is both too frequent and in
later menarche occurs (India: 13.5 the basic cause is unknown. A healthy excess of normal amounts, for example
years). In Britain this has dropped from life with plenty of regular exercise and a period pattern of eight days loss every
17 to 13 years in the last 100 years and no restrictions on activities during 21 days. Usually it means that both the
still appears to be dropping at the rate menstruation seems to lessen both the ovaries and the womb are disturbed in
of about four months every 10 years. incidence of painful periods and the function. Often the internal sex organs
Before a girl first menstruates, she severity of the condition. A few cases become temporarily overfilled with
often has a white vaginal discharge. need more than simple pain killers, and fluids. It is also seen in anxiety states
She undergoes profound psychological modern treatment, including oral con- and in pelvic inflammation.
changesin most cases and changes from traceptives that inhibit ovulation, is PREMENSTRUAL TENSION: About 20-
a self-conscious or tomboyish creature very effective. 30 percent of all women experience pre-
into a more mature woman. The sexual AMENORRHEA {stopped or missed menstrual tension (or blues). Usually,
urge is often homosexual at this time, periods): Doctors talk of‘physiological’ they are said to be ultra-feminine and
a phase to be replaced sooner or later amenorrhea (pregnancy, the meno- have well developed breasts and nip-
by heterosexual influences. After the pause, after childbirth, the amenorrhea ples, but this does not always apply.
first period has passed, everybody anxi- of the young menstruant) and ‘patho- The three characteristics of pre-men-
ously awaits the next. It may be some logical’ amenorrhea. The commonest strual tension may be summarized as
time in arriving, for the regularity of causes of the latter are anxiety and a triad of irritability, depression and
a girl’s periods usually takes about 30 stress, malnutrition, obesity, chronic lethargy. If it is making life difficult
cycles to establish itself. intoxication (lead poisoning, addic- for a woman, medical treatment with
Although the menses are related to tions), the pill and certain illnesses hormones, tranquilizers, etc., is suc-
the calendar, they do not ever appear (tuberculosis, anemia, cancer). Amen- cessful.
on an exactly regular basis. One analy- orrhea always needs to be investigated
sis of 17,000 menstrual cycles in 1,265 by a doctor. Periods should not be
women showed the average cycle to be ‘brought on’ by hormones, as these will


expressed from the nipple. At the same

Pregnancy Tests time, the baby (fetus), which started as

a ZYGOTE (the cell resulting from ferti-
Fallopian Tube
lization of the two cells of sexual re-
A large amount of the chorionic gona- production, the sperm and the egg), is Gabriele Fallopio, a 16th-century ana-
dotrophic hormone starts circulating now enlarging the womb greatly and is tomist, discovered and described,
in the blood and urine of a recently felt as a hard abdominal mass which among other things, the ovaries and
pregnant woman. The first reliable contracts from time to time. Later it the paired tubes (oviducts) that trans-
pregnancy test, called the Ascheim- will be felt to move, its heart beats can port eggs from the ovary down towards
Zondek test (first described in 1927) in- be heard and a single dark line, the the womb. If intercourse takes place at
volved injecting immature female mice linea nigra, will appear, running down the favourable time (between the
with the urine to be tested and examin- the centre of the abdomen, together eighth and the eighteenth day of a 28-
ing their ovaries for egg-ripening with stretch marks both there and per- day cycle), then an egg (ovum) will
changes 100 hours later. This was wide- haps on the thighs. probably be in the middle third of the
ly superseded by the Hogben test, At an early stage in pregnancy it is 4in (10cm) long tube of aTertile woman,
which used to make the xenopus toad necessary for a woman to be examined the only place where fertilization can
lay an egg and give a quicker result. by a doctor. As well as a gynecological take place. The fertilized egg then will
Modern tests do not use animals but and general examination, various immediately start to develop as it floats
chemicals, and can be ‘read’ with ac- blood tests will be carried out. These downwards towards the womb, where
curacy within seconds. Few tests can will avoid many pregnancy hazards it implants itself into the lining of the
exclude pregnancy with a high degree and give advanced warning of others, womb and starts to grow into a baby.
of accuracy until 10 days after a wo- and will at least include a blood group The Fallopian tube has several parts.
man’s period has been missed. X-rays and anemia testing, a test against At its farthest end from the womb it
can show the body of a developing syphilis and tests for ‘Rh’ (Rhesus) lies very close to the ovary, and is
fetus within 9-12 weeks of pregnancy. grouping. shaped rather like the ‘bell’ of a trum-
An experienced doctor can diagnose RHESUS FACTOR testing is most neces- pet. The rim is covered with little
pregnancy by means of an internal sary. It gets its name from the little tentacle-like structures that wind
examination at about 8-12 weeks. Rhesus monkeys used in the experi- themselves around the ovary and pick
Early pregnancy is characterized by mental work that produced important up the newly-produced egg from its
one or more of the following symptoms: new knowledge in the management of surface. The wide end of the tube
1. stopping of periods (amenorrhea); pregnancy and the health of the new- gradually tapers down to a very narrow
2. morning sickness, unexplained nau- born baby. By far the larger number of portion (isthmus), where the chances
sea or appetite changes; 3. pain and people are Rhesus -positive, but there is of sperm meeting egg are high. Finally,
tenderness in the breasts; 4. an increase a racial variation—White Europeans the ‘near end’ of the Fallopian tube
in the frequency of passing urine. There and Americans are 85 per cent positive, dives through the wall of the womb
are also other early signs of pregnancy. Negros are 90 per cent positive and and opens into its internal cavity. The
From the sixth to the eighth week of the Mongoloid races are 100 per cent posi- cells lining the inside of the wider half
pregnancy, the surface veins on the tive. If a woman is Rhesus-negative, a of the Fallopian tubes have tiny hair-
breasts appear more obvious, the nipple problem exists if she had previously like cilia on their surface. These waft
and its surrounding areola darkens and been sensitized to the more common the egg gently down towards the middle
small enlarged lumps (Montgomery’s Rhesus-positive blood, which can hap- of the tube to meet the upward-swim-
tubercles) appear. The doctor will also pen if she has carried a Rhesus-positive ming sperm cells.
note that the vagina inside looks blue baby in her womb, or has had an injec- Nature does not often make mis-
rather than pink, and when it is ex- tion or transfusion with Rhesus-posi- takes, but when she does even small
amined with a speculum, enlarged ar- tive blood. If, once sensitized, she again ones can be devastating. If an egg
teries are visible, pulsating high up in falls pregnant with a Rhesus-positive cell is fertilized and for some reason
the vagina. Also, the cervix may feel baby, antibodies caused by her own instead of passing down into the womb
softer than usual. Soon the womb be- prior sensitization can pass through it chooses to develop in the Fallopian
gins to feel softer too. It may also be the placenta and enter the developing tube, or much more rarely floats back
felt to contract and is larger than would fetus and cause damage to its blood into the abdomen, trouble occurs. Such
be expected in the non-pregnant state. cells. (This does not happen when a Rh- an out-of-place pregnancy is called an
Between the eighth and twelfth week, it negative woman is pregnant for the ectopic pregnancy*.
is possible to demonstrate Hegar’s sign: first time.) The Fallopian tubes can also become
the doctor places his left hand firmly In the past, the so-called Rh-incom- infected, in which case the condition is
on the patient’s lower abdomen while patability disease often caused severely called SALPINGITIS. (Gonorrhea* may
examining her internally with the right jaundiced and anemic babies to be cause salpingitis.) Most troubles in the
hand: if she is pregnant, the doctor born. Their blood sometimes had to be Fallopian tubes can be diagnosed by a
can by gentle pressure feel the fingers exchanged by transfusion at birth, and vaginal and abdominal examination.
of both hands virtually meeting, be- many babies died. Now, in hospitals, The LAPAROSCOPE is used to help diag-
cause the enlarged womb has already all Rhesus-negative mothers are given nose difficult cases.
started to rise up out of the pelvis into an injection of Rhesus antibody (ob-
the abdomen. tained from male volunteers) at the end
Later in pregnancy, the breasts en- of labour or abortion. This ‘mops up’
large and may show stretch marks on any possible sensitizing material and
them. The areola becomes enlarged and prevents antibodies that can be danger-
a little fluid (called colostrum) can be ous in a subsequent pregnancy.


because it has a thin wall with a thin into the peritoneal cavity and causes

Ectopic Pregnancy muscle and a lining unsuitable to the

developing egg. All the same, the egg
more pain. There may be frequent
bleeding episodes, each time accom-
will quite often survive, go on dividing panied by pain, and these may be re-
Ectopic means ‘out of place’ and refers and even form a tiny fetus. The future peated several times over in the course
to what happens if a fertilized egg does health of the mother and very rarely, of the following six weeks or more.
not go on down the Fallopian tube* to of the child, too, depends on what If a large blood vessel is eroded there
the womb in the normal way. Usually happens next. Just once in a blue moon, is an emergency. Much bleeding takes
there is some mechanism to hold the there is almost miraculously a large place, the patient feels faint and often
fertilized egg in the tube for just three enough blood supply for the nourish- does faint. She looks pale and she lies
days, after which it continues its down- ment of the embryo, and it can grow as down. When this happens, the blood
ward journey, which probably takes a well outside the womb as if it had been in the peritoneal cavity flow up under-
matter of hours only. The dividing egg implanted in the wall. More often, how- neath her diaphragm and she feels pain
still floats around the womb for two ever, the fetus just dies and nobody referred into one shoulder or both of
more days before it clings to the wall knows that this has happened or that them. This dramatic but everyday
somewhere and burrows into the lining. anything is wrong, except that the tube occurrence is known as a ruptured
This whole mechanism is complex and may be blocked and the reason for this ectopic pregnancy, and every gynecol-
not yet completely understood. Like all may never be discovered. ogist has operated on many of them.
complex mechanisms it can go wrong. The most frequent sequence of events The presence of an IUD contracep-
In about one in 300 pregnancies, the is as follows. The growing, burrowing tive seems to make ectopic pregnancy
egg is halted in its journey down and egg finds its way into a small blood much more likely to occur. All women
stays in the tube for the full five days vessel, and some bleeding occurs a- who miss a period while using a IUD
after which is burrows to obtain round the place. This bleeding gives need very careful medical supervision
nourishment to survive. Not finding rise to pain low down in the abdomen, and an early pregnancy test.
itself in the womb, it burrows into which may not be very severe. A little
the wall of the tube—quite the wrong blood is lost from the vagina and a little
place for any dividing live egg to be, blood comes out of the end of the tube

1. Fallopian Tube
2. Womb
3. Vagina

Potential sites for an ectopic pregnancy

4. Ampuliary
5. Isthmic
6. Interstitial



1. The brain 6. Lactating breast 11. Progesterone

2. Hypothalamus and Pituitary glands 7. Kidney with Adrenal gland 12. Estrogen
3. Lactation hormones 8. Male hormones 13. Fetus
4. Gonadotrophic hormones 9. Ovarian hormone 14. Secondary sex organs
5. Hormone feed-back to brain 10. Ovary


The ovaries* are the primary sex glands

in the female. Hormones from the pitu-
itary* gland control the process of egg-
Cryptorchism Orgasmic
cell expulsion (menstrual cycle*). The
ovary also produces hormones on its Cryptorchism, (or cryptorchidism,
own account and in this it resembles meaning literally ‘hidden testes’), is
the testes*. Estrogens and progester- commonly referred to as undescended Orgasm is an involuntary thing, like a
ones are the main hormones produced testes, but not all hidden testes are sneeze, and cannot be willed. Most
by ovaries, but woman also produces really cases of UNDESCENDED TESTES. people find out how to get to orgasm
at least three male sex hormones as To protect the testes from injury, they either by experience with a partner, or
well. The main function of the hor- can be forced back inside the pelvis by masturbation, and if anybody doubts
mone estrogen is the stimulation of the (where they originated in the fetus) by if they have had an orgasm, one can be
secondary sex organs, vulva, vagina, a powerful reflex of the Cremaster sure they have not. A satisfactory de-
Fallopian tubes, womb and breasts. muscle. The Cremaster (or Cremas- finition of orgasm has not yet been
Progestogens are mainly involved in teric) reflex can be shown in action if produced, but the modern sexology
the maintenance of a pregnancy should the inner side of the thigh is lightly pioneered by Masters and Johnson* has
one occur and, together with estrogen, stroked. The muscle itself is hidden coined many new phrases to help us
also affect various parts of the sec- from view inside the body, and moves understand it. One such phrase is or-
ondary sex organs. the testes upwards by its connection gasmic dysfunction. When scientists
The PITUITARY is a tiny, hazel-nut- with the covering of the scrotum and put ‘dys’ in front of a word they mean
sized gland situated below the centre the spermatic tube. A typical effect is ‘bad’; thus orgasmic dysfunction means
of the brain in both sexes. It is a sort of seen by any male who takes a plunge bad functioning of orgasms, in the same
master computer that programmes into icy water. Real undescended testes way as dysmenorrhea means bad func-
every gland in the body and monitors fail to migrate down into the scrotum tioning of menstruation. However, in
and controls its various ‘slave-station' as they should by the time a child is that case, painful menstruation is
glands, especially the ovaries. It pro- born. Though cryptorchism of a reflex really the common-sense use of the
duces hormones that ‘tell’ the ovary nature does not develop until a baby is word, and in rather the same way,
when to develop and shed eggs and also a few days old, it is possible to recog- when we talk about orgasmic dysfunc-
when to produce progesterones. The nize undescended testes at birth. tion we do not really mean bad orgasm,
latter are also produced in big produc- instead we mean difficulty with orgasm.
tion sites in the placenta in the preg- It can occur in the male in various
nant woman. The pituitary also pro- ways. In some cases, a man can have his
duces a multipurpose hormone called orgasm so quickly that he cannot wait
prolactin, one of the functions of which to penetrate the vagina at all, or he
is to stimulate the breasts to produce ejaculates so quickly during inter-
milk. The hypothalamus is a part of the course that his partner has no chance
pituitary complex. to reach a high level of sexual excite-
The ADRENAL glands are situated ment. This is called the orgasmic dys-
over each kidney in both sexes. They function of premature ejaculation*.
share a complex function which in- A common female orgasmic dysfunc-
cludes sexual differentiation. They pro- tion is caused by another ‘dys’ problem
duce variable amounts of many of the —dyspareunia—literally meaning badly
sex hormones. If they become over- mated, but in actual fact describing the
active, they can produce large amounts condition of painful intercourse. If a
of male sex hormone in both sexes, as woman experiences painful sex, she cer-
a result of which women change in ap- tainly will not have an orgasm. Some-
pearance quite strikingly to resemble times a woman reacts to painful sex by
men. Their clitoris enlarges, their faces developing the condition known as
become hairy, and muscles develop in vaginismus*. (For quaint historical rea-
size. These women also lose their heter- sons, the name of the condition has
osexual impulses. Most of these generally retained its German form
changes can be reversed by modern when mentioned in English.) A woman
medical treatment. suffering from vaginismus tightly
The THYROID is a single gland situa- closes her vagina by contracting all the
ted in the neck. Its main function is the muscles of her perineum and those of
control of the body’s metabolic rate. her thighs as well. The physical causes
Only if it goes wrong does it produce of vaginismus include a host of gyne-
secondary sexual effects. An enlarged cological conditions, and the doctor at
thyroid gland, giving an attractive full- his clinic should be able to diagnose
ness to the neck, occurs in many adoles- them. A vaginal discharge (leucorrhea*)
cent girls to such an extent that this is may make a woman sore inside and
sometimes referred to as a secondary therefore make penetration by the man
sex characteristic. 1. Scrotal sac painful. Skin conditions can sometimes
The prostate* in the male, apart from 2. Relaxed Cremaster muscle net make the sexual skin tender, itchy or
its directly sexual function, produces 3. Retracted Cremaster muscle net painful. Psychological upsets can also
prostaglandin. 4. Testes drawn upward cause vaginismus. (See also Frigidity*.)


necessary. in 15 percent of all patients with this

FIBROIDS (Fibromyoma, myoma) are cancer. It appears in the stomach or in
Cyst common gynecological tumors and are both sides of the pelvis and lasts for
made almost entirely of muscle of the only one or two hours each day. Diag-
A cyst is a growth that has a very womb. Usually a ‘fibroid’ is really a nosis of this type of cancer is by a
fine, tough wall and is full of liquid. mass of little ones—as many as 200, but D & C* operation in most cases.
It can develop from several sex organs. commonly from 5-30. They are seldom Cancer of the cervix can be diagnosed
Ovarian cysts are rarely diagnosed un- completely round and are more likely to before it develops into a true malig-
til they reach the size of a pigeon’s have an irregular shape. They are slow nancy. A routine SMEAR TEST is taken,
egg, unless a LAPAROSCOPE is used. to grow but can get to be quite large. in which cells from the cervix are
Sometimes they stay small, but they They occur in 10 percent of women over rubbed off onto a wooden spatula (a bit
can grow enormously. Some of the ear- 40 and cause symptoms generally be- like an ice cream stick) and are then
liest gynecology involved operations to tween the age of 35-45. The commonest examined on a glass slide under a mi-
remove ovarian cysts that were so large symptom produced is MENORHAGIA. The croscope. Cancer of the womb is a very
that they prevented their owners from usual treatment is by removal of the dangerous disease. About 10% of all
walking about. Nowadays ovarian womb (hysterectomy*) if symptoms be- women who die of cancer, die of womb
cysts are easily removed by the opera- come worrying. However, more doctors cancer, and in 6.5% of these cases the
tion of ovarian cystectomy. A few ovar- are now performing MYOMECTOMY, an cancer is on the cervix. Sometimes the
ian cysts undergo malignant changes operation which leaves the womb first sign of a cancer of the womb is
and so early removal becomes essential. whole while removing enlarged a red spot on the cervix called a
Cysts of BARTHOLIN’S GLANDS in the fibroids. CERVICAL EROSION. But in almost all
vulval region occur commonly. Once Cancer of the main part of the womb cases of erosion, the smear test ex-
infected, they make walking, standing, usually occurs between the age of cludes cancer. When cancer is sus-
sitting and intercourse very uncomfort- 50-60, although it can develop in young pected from a smear test, a minor
able. The gland produces normally a women. It is most common in women operation (cone biopsy) removes some of
colorless secretion that keeps the lips who have not been pregnant. Usually, the cervix for special sectioning. Often
of the vulva moist. When inflamed, a the only symptom is irregular bleeding no further treatment is required, but if
swelling occurs at the base of one of the and a not very heavy vaginal discharge. a growth is found, hysterectomy is
labia minora and a minor operation is Pain of an unusual character is noted performed.

Ovarian cyst

(Right) 1. Womb in normal

(anteverted) position 2. Bladder
3. As bladder fills, womb tends to
move back 4. Retroverted womb
5. Inverted vagina 6. Prolapsed
womb 7. Cervix.


Womb Prolapse
The ancient Greeks believed that the
womb (hustera in Greek) moved about
inside the body. When women behaved
strangely, they thought it was because
they were having trouble with their
wombs moving about and upsetting
them. Thus we get the word ‘hysteria’—
a disease predominently occurring in
women. We now know this idea is ridic-
ulous, for the womb does not change
places or cause hysteria. It does, how-
ever, undergo a variety of changes in
position within the pelvis.
Usually, the womb rests on top of
the bladder and is therefore lying
roughly at an angle of 90° to the vagina.
In other words, it is pointing forwards,
towards the front of the body and we
say it is ANTEVERTED. A doctor, or a
woman herself, feeling the inside of her
vagina, will then be able to feel her
cervix, or neck of the womb, pointing
out from the forward part of her vagina.
Sometimes, however, the womb lies
with the main part of its body pointing
backwards. In this case we say the
womb is RETROVERTED, and the cervix
is then usually felt right at the top of
the vagina or slightly more pointing
out from the back wall of the vagina. As
well as the whole womb lying in a dif-
ferent position, it can bend—often
where the neck of the womb joins the
main body of the womb. About 15 per
cent of all wombs are retroverted. In the
large majority of cases this causes no
problems, although sometimes it can be
responsible for dyspareunia*.
The other way in which a womb may
move out of its usual position is by
prolapsing. It can even end up right
outside the body—doctors call this pro-
cidentia, from the Latin for ‘to fall’.
There are various reasons for prolapse*
of the womb. Sometimes a woman is
born with rather poor or weak supports
to the womb. Sometimes the supports of
the womb are disturbed by childbirth.
A woman can start a prolapse by gain-
ing weight, lifting very heavy weights,
or straining repeatedly to open her
bowels. At times, a small tumour in the
womb makes itself known first of all as
a prolapse. A sensation of swelling or
fullness of the vagina, or that some-
thing is ‘coming down inside’ an-
nounces a prolapse and urinary symp-
toms—difficulty in passing the motions,
backache, discharge or MENORRHAGIA
occur. A doctor can easily diagnose
and treat prolapse.


Strangely, the monopause and climac-

Menopause teric are peculiar to humans, for in

animals egg release, and therefore fer-
Fertility, Sterility
tility, continues into old age.
The menopause (stopping of periods) is There are more old wives’ tales about The Latin word fertilis, from which we
the period in a woman’s life, lasting the menopause than any other aspect of derive our present-day concept of fer-
from one to five years, during which human sexuality. It is not related to tility, literally meant ‘fruitful’. Today,
various changes take place in her sex how many children a woman has had, fertility has an almostly exclusively
organs as a result of changes in hor- what sort of periods she has experi- procreative sense (e.g., eggs, seeds, men
mone production by the ovaries. These enced (heavy or slight), how many or women are fertile or infertile), al-
changes are sexual and physical. The times she has had intercourse, or though we do still use the word in its
sexual ones can be summarized as whether she lives in a hot or cold older and wider sense (e.g., ‘a fertile
follows: environment. The only factors that imagination’).
1 The sexual response of women over seem to influence it are social, econo- The basic facts of human fertility
fifty is slower. It takes about one to mic and family circumstances. were learned largely as a result of the
five minutes of sexual foreplay for the The commonest way of knowing that development of simple microscopes
vagina to lubricate sufficiently to allow the menopause has arrived is for the about 300 years ago. The human egg
comfortable penetration to occur. periods to decrease gradually in the cell (ovum) is very much like the egg
2 The vagina does not expand as amount and in the frequency of the cells of all animal species. Even under
much during sexual intercourse as it menstrual loss of blood over a period of the microscope, the eggs of mice and
does in younger women. This added several months or even years. Some- women are difficult, if not impossible,
tightness during the climacteric often times, however, the periods just stop to distinguish. But an egg cell is unlike
makes for very satisfactory sexual sen- and that’s that. Excessive and pro- other cells in two prime ways: it is
sation in the male. longed bleeding is never a sign of a much larger (the human egg can just
3 The labia (lips) of the vagina are normal menopause, and any bleeding be seen by the naked eye), and it has
less liable to show the colour changes that occurs after the menopause makes in it only half the full number of
that occur in younger women during a visit to the doctor a must. chromosomes for a cell (23 instead of
sexual foreplay, and they no longer The breasts will sometimes change at 46). This clearly leaves the egg cell in-
flatten out and become raised as they do the menopause, but quite often they do complete and it is incapable of a separ-
in the young female when she is sexual- not. This is because most of the breast ate existence for more than a few days.
ly excited. tissue is fat, and it is only the small If, however, it is fertilized by a sperm
4 There is a lesser degree of separa- glandular part of the breast that tends cell (a minute structure compared to
tion of the labia during sexual excite- to disappear. If women gain weight at the egg—1/1000 of an inch (,025mm) in
ment. the menopause and through the whole diameter at its head end with a 12/1000
5 The hood over the clitoris tends to of the climacteric, it is due to nothing inch (0.305mm) long tail), which also
shrink as a woman ages. This tends to but overeating. has 23 chromosomes, it will start to
expose the clitoris more easily to sexual The most difficult part of this CHANGE grow and eventually form a fetus.
stimulation. OF LIFE for women is the psychological Thus, we see the dual nature of
6 The fat under the mons veneris side of things. Largely, this is due to a fertility. The child is the result of a
(pubis) tends to disappear and the conditioning process, the result of union of two fertile people. There are
pubic hair becomes thinner. years and years of a thoroughly un- many occasions where the fertility of
There are changes in the workings of scientific attitude to life that equates the union can be interrupted, leading to
sexual intercourse during the CLIMAC- the change with a change for the worse. sterility. Yet sterility is seldom con-
TERIC, too. The duration of the orgasm In fact, many women find it is a change sidered a dual concept, and one partner
is reduced. The vaginal contractions for the better. A study that involved or the other tends to be blamed for
that characterize orgasm remain, but 4,000 women doctors disclosed that in the defect. In many ways this is unfair.
their number is reduced by about half, 90 per cent of them the menopause and A low-powered fertility may come
as are the womb contractions that the climacteric did not interfere with about as a result of the sum of the
occur in orgasm. Most surveys show their way of life. About 5 10 per cent of fertility of both partners. It is more
that women masturbate more frequent- women experience emotional problems sensible to think of relative infertility
ly in the climacteric and this carries on including depression, headaches, in- in place of the old concept of one-sided
until they reach the age of about sixty, somnia, hot flushes (not flashes), heart sterility.
then this urge for sexual stimulation thumping (palpitation) or excessive Of course, sterility can be specific to
gradually decreases. dryness of the vagina during the one partner. A man with no testes or
The average age 'Jvhen periods cease climacteric. Medical treatment will al- a woman with no ovaries is unargu-
varies widely throughout the world. In ways help. One form is hormone re- ably sterile, but a woman with, for
the USA, fifty is the generally accepted placement, in which synthetic or natu- instance, an abnormality of her Fallo-
age, and in Britain the average is about ral hormones are given to replace those pian tubes may be relatively infertile.
forty-seven. In the islands north of no longer being produced by the ovaries Whether the union is a fertile one or
Scotland, however, it moves up to fifty- to any large extent at the menopause. not will depend on the relative fertility
five. In most civilized countries, the This is very effective in the manage- of her mate. If he is highly fertile, the
menopause comes later now than it did ment of a ‘bad’ menopause, but does union may still result in a child, but
-approximately four years later than sometimes provide its own problems, af- if he has low fertility, the chances
in the last century. The age at which it. fecting a person’s hormone balance could be lower.
occurs does not depend on what a girl’s generally. Further medical advice The common causes of infertility or
age was when the periods started. should be sought if this happens. sterility are as follows:

In the male: body of the womb. There are also two
1 failure to produce sperm in suffi-
cient numbers and with the capacity to
Hysterectomy ways of doing hysterectomy operations:
through an incision (cut) in the abdo-
fertilize. men or through the vagina (vaginal
2 obstruction of the epididymis, vas Hysterectomy (womb removal) is one hysterectomy). The choice of operation
or ejaculatory ducts. of the most misunderstood operations. depends on many things. Sometimes it
3 failure to deposit sperm in the It is also probably the operation that is is not feasible for purely mechanical
vagina. most likely to be carried out for no good reasons (i.e., there is not enough room
In the female: reason. Countries vary widely in the to remove a very large womb through
1 failure to produce eggs frequently percentage of women who have it car- the vagina).
or to produce eggs capable of being ried out. The highest rate for hyster- Whether or not the ovaries are re-
fertilized. ectomy is the United States, and among moved during a hysterectomy opera-
2 pelvic adhesions interfering with highly developed countries the lowest tion depends on many things, partic-
the passage of the egg. hysterectomy rate occurs in Britain’s ularly on whether or not they appear
3 partial or complete obstruction of National Health Service. healthy. Surgeons often remove them
both Fallopian tubes. Hysterectomy is what might be called in menopausal women who have a
4 hostility to the newly fertilized a popular operation with gynecologists hysterectomy for the sake of complete-
egg or the sperm in the womb, cervix because it is relatively easy to per- ness. One wise gynecologist has said,
or vagina. form, warrants a high fee and theor- ‘Two ovaries are better than one, one
5 specific hostility to the sperm by etically should remove all a woman’s is better than none, save them when
sperm ‘antibodies’. gynecological problems, as the most you can, remove them when you must’.
6 age (female fertility falls sharply common form of the operation only The commonest cause for hysterec-
after 35, and sterility is total at 52). leaves the patient with her vagina. tomy operations being carried out are
7 certain pelvic tumours and endo- Some patients view hysterectomy as a fibroids* which are causing severe
metriosis. salvation if gynecological problems gynecological symptoms. Sometimes
8 coital errors. have been a constant worry. After- it it feasible just to remove the fibroids
Statistically, the prime cause of infer- wards, however, even if they have (a MYOMECTOMY) and leave the rest of
tility is found much more often in the passed the age of child-bearing, there is the womb, the Fallopian tubes and the
woman than the man. Some 40 per cent often the sense of ‘mourning’ experi- ovaries behind. Often this is, however,
of all male partners are found to be sub- enced in the loss of fertility and of an technically impossible. A ‘good’ hyster-
fertile when a union appears infertile. organ that, although unseen, is a badge ectomy carried out by a ‘good’ surgeon
But only one man in a hundred who of femininity. for a ‘good’ reason leaves a woman in
enters into a union with a desire to pro- Broadly speaking, there are two better health than she would have been
duce progeny proves to be sterile. types of hysterectomy—total (Fig 1) and without surgery and has no effect on
Investigation of the infertile union subtotal (Fig 2). In the subtotal opera- her sex life.
is usually delayed for two years after tion, the cervix is not removed with the
regular sexual intercourse (without
contraceptives) starts to take place.
This is because out of every hundred
couples who desire a child, 65 will have
started a pregnancy within six months,
80 per cent in a year and 90 per cent in
two years. This means 10 per cent of all
couples remain childless without medi-
cal aid after two years of regular un-
protected coitus. Complete and skilled
medical investigation of the infertile
union will bring success in about half
of these cases. A drop-out rate of about
one in three occurs, and if more couples
completed the course, it is likely that
the failure rate could be lower.
Fertility investigations of a purely
clinical nature usually start with the
woman. If she appears to be normal
gynecologically after a simple examina-
tion, it is usual to examine two or
three samples of the man’s sperm. Only
if there appears to be nothing abnormal
after this examination is it justifiable
to go on to further, more sophisticated
female tests.


This is a general inflammation of the
Phimosis epididymis*, the small structure mainly
composed of tubes which lies at the
Phimosis is a shrinking up of the open- back and above the testicles. If they
ing of the foreskin in the uncircumcised are inflamed as well, the term used is
male. A true phimosis is comparatively EPIDIDYMOORCHITIS. Symptoms are
rare, but a secondary form is extremely rather like those of ‘flu’—a generally
common. In some babies, the foreskin unwell feeling and an aching sensation
and the head of the penis are not always around the testicles. In INFECTIVE

perfectly separated at birth, and trying EPIDIDYMITIS, gonorrhea, syphilis or,

to retract the foreskin then leads to a more rarely, tuberculosis may be pre-
tearing of this little structure. As the sent. Sometimes, mumps can affect the
body repairs injury, it lays down fibrous testes and turn into epididymitis called
tissue which shrinks as it matures, and MUMPS ORCHITIS. NON-INFECTIVE EPI-
this what tends to produce a second- Balanitis DIDYMITIS often follows the strain of
ary phimosis. Sometimes phimosis oc- lifting something heavy while the
curs in the elderly, and secretions trap- This term describes a condition in bladder is full. This forces urine back
ped behind the foreskin can produce which the glans (the bulbous head of down into the tube (vas) connecting the
balanitis*. A true and permanent phi- the penis) becomes inflamed. It most epididymis to the urethra and sets up a
moisis makes circumcision* necessary, commonly occurs in uncircumcised ‘sterile’ inflammation.
as otherwise sexual intercourse be- men. It is often caused by a retained
comes unsatisfactory and painful. secretion (smegma*) underneath the
foreskin, so frequent washing and soak-
ing in a warm bath usually settles the
condition in a few days. If phimosis*
occurs as well, then circumcision*
should carried out. There are, however,
other causes of balanitis, including
herpes infection, syphilis, gonorrhea
and various tropical diseases involving
the male sex organ. A simple form of
balanitis is sometimes seen in male
babies in conjunction with nappy rash.
As this responds to adequate treatment,
the condition clears quickly.

1. Enlarged and inflamed Epididymis

2. Testis
3. Vas Deferens



Hydrocele (literally, a water tumor) is

a condition in which a watery fluid
collects around the testes and the epi-
didymus*. It tends to increase inside
and inflate the scrotal sac, producing a
condition sometimes referred to as ‘big
balls’. Light from a low-wattage lamp
held close to the scrotum will cause a
hydrocele to glow, showing its shape
and size. The commonest type of hydro-
cele occurs in elderly men, for no Priapism
known reason. Rarely, a hydrocele de-
velops as a result of an injury to the
Priapism is named after Priapos, the
Urethritis testes, or secondarily to a tumour or
Greek god of gardens and fruit bearing,
disease. Sometimes it will occur in
who was always shown with an en-
babies. Although small hydroceles need
This is inflammation of the urethra, the larged and deformed penis. In the
no treatment and can be left as they
tube that leads from the inside of the medical sense, it is a rare condition in
are (provided that they are accurately
bladder to the exterior. In the male it which a prolonged erection occurs that
diagnosed as such by a doctor), large
passes through the prostate gland and is not associated with, or relieved by,
ones can be released by ‘tapping’ (per-
is usually about 8 to 9in long, and sexual desire and intercourse. Priapism
foration with a large-bore needle under
in the female it is only about l^in is always a surgical emergency, be-
local anesthetic) or by operation.
in length. The urethra can become in- cause unless the condition is relieved
flamed in the same way as any other within 24 hours, the penis becomes very
tissue as a result of invasion by bac- painful and impotence* commonly fol-
teria, viruses or chemicals, by rough lows as a complication. The operation
usage (trauma) or due to things being consists of draining the organ of blood
introduced into it. The female urethra and stopping any further blood being
seems more vulnerable in this way than pumped in. Strangely priapism is rela-
the male urethra, and because of its tively common in men who are on
comparative shortness the inflamma- dialysis (kidney machine) because of
tion is more liable to spread and in- renal failure. It has nothing to do with
volve the bladder, causing cystitis*. SATYRIASIS (from satyrs, the woodland
creatures in Greek mythology, who
were usually shown with erect penises)
which is a psychiatric condition of
excessive sexual desire in the male.

1. Hydrocele behind testis

2. Needle for tapping
3. Vas Deferens
4. Testis

1. Inflamed region


50-minus, the following changes often in the force of semen expulsion—from

1-2 feet (30-60 cm) down to 3-12 inches
Male Menopause occur:
1 Erection is delayed. Most older (8-30 cm)
men do not become tumescent until 7 The refractory period after orgasm
When a better knowledge of the physi- several minutes of sexual stimulation is extended. This is probably the great-
ology of aging* is with us, the question have occurred, but once the man est change, and the period is altered
whether or not a male climacteric of reaches the plateau phase, a stable from minutes to hours
menopause occurs may be answered. erection is maintained 8 Detumescence is very rapid, and in
What is certain, however, is that once 2 Testicular elevation and engorge- old men the penis often collapses im-
intercourse is interrupted, or feared, in ment are less obvious and pre-ejacula- mediately after orgasm.
the older man, secondary impotence tion emission does not occur It appears that, provided the aging
commonly occurs. With loss of potency 3 The plateau stage of coitus lasts man’s partner enjoys her sexuality and
many men feel older than their years longer and can indeed be prolonged can relate well to her older lover, then
and claim they are ‘past it’ or ‘too old voluntarily for a considerable time there is no deterioration in the quality
to change’. A very few men actually 4 Ejaculation tends to take place in a of the male orgasm. If, however, there is
develop female menopausal symptoms, single stage an unsatisfactory or ‘turn off’ partner,
hot flushes and the like, in the same 5 The volume of semen ejaculated at the older man will often experience a
way as some men develop pregnancy each coital experience decreases with better orgasm by masturbation than by
symptoms when their wives are preg- age. After 24 hours of continence, it is coitus. Male fertility persists often into
nant. about 0.10-.20 fl oz (3-5 ml) in young very old age, and in this sense there is
The changes that take place in the men and .07-.10 fl oz (2-3 ml) in older no real male climacteric.
sexuality of the older male are well men
documented. At 50-plus, as compared to 6 Even more noticeable is a reduction



tremely sceptical about the condition of

chronic prostatitis. The aching pain in
Prostatitis the perineum, the frequency of water
passing and the pain on passing water
The prostate gland lies at the base of suggests that anxiety and worry, per- This possibility, especially with refer-
the bladder in the male. The prostatic haps sexual anxiety especially, are more ence to sexual performance, has fasci-
urethra goes through it to allow urine involved than anything else. Surgeons nated mankind since the beginning of
to be passed. Prostatitis is a vague who believe that prostatitis really history. The earliest remedies involved
disease of an uncertain nature. It is exists, describe the gland as being swol- magic and sorcery, and powerful re-
said to be common in people with seden- len, tender and hot when it is examined juvenating procedures are mentioned
tary occupations and in those having a by a finger placed in a victim’s rectum. in ancient scriptural works of Asia like
great deal of sex. It is also said to be Prostatitis of the chronic type is often the Veda. An extract of the fifteen-
brought on by exposure to cold, too treated by prostatic massage by the leaved soma plant was recommended
much alcohol, a lowered resistance, rectal route and this is said to be fol- by the famous Indian physician, Su-
urinary infection, anemia and debility, lowed by the passage of urine that is shruta. Other plants, especially ery-
as well as a secondary effect from cloudy and from which various germs ngo (sea holly), rocket fenugreek, the
chronic prostatic obstruction. When can be grown. Doubtless much ‘pros- buttercustard (durian tree fruit), and
medical conditions are connected with tatitis’ is really due to enlargement of saw palmetto musk seeds, have had
such a wide variety of possibilities, it the prostate gland and subsequent quite serious rejuvenating claims made
usually means that the condition is ill- ‘prostatism’. for them by enthusiastic sponsors, but
understood. Some authorities are ex- have never been tested in a modern
therapeutic way. Animal and insect
substances have also been used, especi-
ally the cantharides beetle (Spanish
fly), which was popular in Europe from
the 16th century onwards. Many of
these preparations really act as aphrod-
isiacs* rather than as restorers of
youthful health.
Another popular phase in the history
of rejuvenation was GLAND TRANS-
PLANTS as practised by ‘Dr’ J. R.
Brinkley of Kansas in the 1920s (using
goats’ testes) and by Serge Varanoff
in Europe in the 1930s (using monkeys’
testes). Both were really echoing the
work of a famous gland-rejuvenation
researcher of the previous century,
Charles Edouard Brown-Sequard (1817—
94). One of the most interesting facets
of rejuvenation theory is based on the
work of the Austrian physiologist,
Eugen Steinach (1861-1944), who found
he could rejuvenate sexually inactive
rats by what was, to all intents and
purposes, a vasectomy operation. Stein-
ach’s operation became tremendously
popular and was carried out on a world-
wide basis until the 1940s, but never
underwent a well-designed clinical
trial. The wealthiest and most popular
modern rejuvenationist was undoubt-
edly Paul Niehans who ran the famous
clinic at Montreux in Switzerland, and
rejuvenated kings, politicians, film
stars and at least one pope, by the
process of cellular therapy (the injec-
tion of embryonic sheep’s cells) well
into the 1960s. Biologists doubt that
such cell therapy is anything more than
an elaborate con.

1. Bladder distended with retained

2. Enlarged Prostate gland
3. Urethra


cause small toxic abscesses to develop Another treatment called retinoic

in the skin of the face, shoulders and acid seems to work by breaking down
Acne back. cell adhesions within blackheads, so
Knowledge of the dual nature of acne that cells cannot become impacted and
This an infuriatingly common disease (hormones plus acne germs) has lead to thus form large blackheads and thus
of both sexes which is closely linked several very effective treatments. Cer- encourage acne spots to develop. Old-
with the developing of sexual function. tain antibiotics (drugs called tetracy- fashioned remedies (sulphur, phenol,
For some ill-understood reason, the lines and erythromycin) tend if taken resorcinol) relied on this principle but
sudden upsurge of sex hormones during by mouth to accumulate in the grease- they could not penetrate the skin as
adolescence and early adult life causes secreting glands. This does not occur easily as does retinoic acid.
the character of the grease in the with penicillin or the ‘sulpha’ drugs, Acne has nothing to do with dirti-
glands in the skin (sebum) to change. and quite small (subtherapeutic) doses ness, ‘bad living’, masturbation, consti-
Instead of acting as a useful lubricant, of such drugs can control acne on a pation or eating improper food. A com-
it becomes very thick and viscous. This long-term basis, until the condition bination of the remedies known to be
causes blackheads, whiteheads or co- commonly subsides of its own. Usually, most effective usually clears the condi-
medos to form. It seems likely, too, that this is at the passing of the teenage tion quickly and so removes a barrier
a germ called propionibacterium acnes, years, but occasionally untreated acne that tends to spoil the young lives of
often found in the depths of the grease tends to persist into adult life. Another many people with the feeling of isola-
glands, also plays a part in the accumu- substance called benzoyl peroxide tion and shame that acne often brings.
lation of sebum in these glands, and seems to have the same antibacterial ef- Due to its own intrinsic disturbance of
induces them to rupture into the skin. fect, but acts faster, and has the advan- hormone levels, the commonly used
Then the various fatty substances tage of being applied locally in five per ‘combined pill’ often cures acne in
(horny cells, lipids and fatty acids) cent to 10 per cent solution. young women.

(Left) A block of keratin (or blackhead)

blocks a follicle in the skin, causing it to
become distended

(Right) The contents of the follicle

rupture into the skin, and a small abcess
or pustule is formed

The best of the world’s erotica - plus
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The Song of Solomon

Aristophanes, The Lysistrata
Musa Puerilis in the Greek Anthology
Apuleius, The Golden Ass
Ovid, The Art of Love (Ars Amatoria)
Lucian, Dialogues
Boccaccio, The Decameron (1353)
Pietro Aretino, Postures, also known as
the Sonnets (Sonetti Lussuriosi, c. 1527)
Pietro Aretino, Discussions
(Ragionamenti, c. 1536)
Michel Millot, L’Escole des Femmes
Brantbme, Lives of Gallant Ladies (Les
Femmes Galantes, 1666)
Rochester, The Farce of Sodom (c. 1680)
John Cleland, Fanny Hill (1749)
Casanova, Memoirs (complete edition,
Choderlos de Laclos, Les Liaisons
Dangereuses (1782)
de Sade, The 120 Days of Sodom (1785)
Robert Burns, The Merry Muses of
Caledonia (c. 1786)
de Sade, Justine (1791)
de Sade, Juliette (1797)
Restif de la Bretonne, Anti-Justine (1798)
Andre de Nerciat, Le Diable au Corps
'Alcide de M—(Alfred de Musset) Everything You Ever Wanted To Know Man Woman, Boy Girl by John Money &
Gamiani (c. 1840) About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask by Anke A. Ehrhardt
de Lautreamont, Les Chants de Dr. David Reuben The Transsexual Phenomenon by Dr.
Maldoror (1867) The Modernization of Sex by Paul Harry Benjamin
anon., Aus den Memoiren einer Sangerin Robinson The Bisexual Odyssey by John Paul
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Mark Twain, 1601 (1876) Ellis Masculinity and Femininity by
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im Pelz, 1886) Saul Braun Males and Females by Corinne Hutt.
The Whippingham Papers (1888) Total Sexuality by John Warren Wells The Other Women by Barry Kay
'Walter', My Secret Life (c. 1890) Sexual Behavior in the Human Male by Sex Differentiation and Development ed.
Paul Verlaine, Femmes (1890) Dr. Alfred Kinsey by Colin R. Austin
Paul Verlaine, Hombres (1891) Sexual Behavior in the Human Female by Transvestites and Transsexuals: A
anon., Teleny, Or the Reverse of the Dr. Alfred Kinsey Mixed View by Deborah H. Feinbloom
Medal (1893) Human Sexual Response by Dr. William 1. The LIBERATORS
Aubrey Beardsley, The Story of Venus H. Masters and Virginia E. Johnson What Freud Really Said by David
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Aleister Crowley, White Stains (1898) by Albert Ellis & Albert Abarbanel Selected Writings by Wilhelm Reich
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James Joyce, Ulysses (1922) Human Sexual Expression by Benjamin Brecher
Frank Harris, My Life and Loves (1922) A. Kogan Studies in the Psychology of Sex by H.
anon. (attributed to Jean Cocteau) Human Sexuality by James L. McCary Havelock Ellis
Le Livre Blanc The Sex Handbook by Handman & Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
Georges Bataille, The Story of the Eye Brennan by Sigmund Freud (ed. James Strachey)
(Histoire de VOeil, 1928) For a Better Sex Life (SIECUS Study The Sexual Radicals by Paul A.
D. H. Lawrence, Lady Chatterley’s Lover Guide) Robinson
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Henry Miller, Tropic of Cancer (1934) Fantasies by Nancy Friday 2. A SEXUAL GALLERY; 11.PERSON
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Stanley Kauffmann, The Philanderer Sex and the Nature of Things by N. J. Games People Play by Eric Berne
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Pauline R&age, The Story of O. (Histoire Sexual Myths and Fallacies by James L. by Erving Goffman
d’O., 1954) McCary The Book of Daniel by E. L. Doctorow
Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita (1955) Sexuality and Man (SIECUS Study People in Love by Claire Rayner
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Candy (1958) (Art) Zena Maxwell
William Burroughs, The Naked Lunch The Erotic Arts by Peter Webb The Book of Love by David Delvin
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William Burroughs, The Ticket that Christenson 5. SEXUAL DISPLAY
Exploded (1962) Eroticism by Georges Bataille Free Beaches, A Phenomenon of the
Hubert Selby jr., Last Exit to Brooklyn Eroticism in Western Art by Edward California Coast by Leon Elder
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Alopoecia, syphilitic, 150 'Art movie’, 274
Alpha tocopherol. See Vitamin E. Arts Council Report on censorship (GB), 128
Index Alum, 142 Asafetida, 64
Amateur, 278 Ascetic practice, 259
enthusiastic, 147 Ascheim-Zondek test, 294
Ambisexuality. See Bisexuality. Asexual infections (of trichomoniasis), 154
Amenorrhoea (stopped or missed periods), Asia, 27, 53, 162, 254, 259, 284, 305
293,294 Asparagus, 77, 248
post-pill, 132 Assault, indecent, 246
America, 13, 19, 153, 169, 171, 174, 176, 217, sexual criminal, 264
233,246,284 Association of Sexual and Marital
pre-Columbian, 254 Therapists, (London), 124
See also U.S. Astarte, 251
American Birth Control League, 18 Athenians, 281
American Journal of Psychotherapy, 176 Atropine, 68
Aberration(s), sexual, 16, 214 American Museum of Natural History, 19 Attitude(s), 22, 114, 117, 120, 146, 156, 190,
Abdomen, 35, 66, 88, 100, 144, 149, 155, 290, American Psychiatric Association, 176 225,237,290
294,295,301 American Psychological Association, 176 parents’, 211, 237
Abdominal cavity, 148 American tips, 74 Attitude-to-women tests, 264
Abelard, Peter, 262 See also Condom(s). Attis, priests of, 257
Abnormal, 182 Amniotic fluid, 143 Attraction,
sexuality, 180, 282 Amor, 256 morbid sexual, 196, 197
sexual practices. See Amphetamines, 68 sexual, 24, 53, 58, 72, 89, 112, 169, 182,
Paraphilias. Amphotericin B, 154 192,197,246
Abolene cream, 106 Ampullary (pregnancy), 295 Auletrides, 281
'Abomination of Ashtaroth’, 251 Amulet, 65 Aunts, 225, 240
Aborigines, Australian, 254, 261 Anaemia, 148, 154, 293, 294, 305 'Auntie’, 171
Abortifacients, 142 Amyl nitrate, 68 Australia, 16, 254, 261
Abortion(s), 124, 130, 142, 143, 214, 216, 234, Anal intercourse, 74, 126, 148, 149, 164, 169, Austro-Hungarian Empire, 14
246,247,257,278,293,294 170,171,197,246 Auto-eroticism. See Masturbation.
illegal, 282 slang words for, 126 Automenosexualism, 17
legalization of, 120 Anal penetration, forced, 264 Auto-sexuality. See Masturbation.
legalized, 247 Anal stimulation, 169 Aversion therapy, 17
self-induced, 18 Analysis, 16, 18 See also Desensitization.
therapeutic, 290 Anaphrodisiacs, 64 Axillary, 293
Abortion laws, 236, 247 Androgen (male sex hormone), 46, 68
Abscesses, 149, 153, 306 Androgynous, 46, 174
See also Buboes. Angina, 68
Abstinence, 158 Angle of entry/thrust, 101
Abuse, verbal, 183 Anglo-American Society, 261
Abuses, sexual, 14 Anilinctus, 96
'Acarus’, 152 Anilingus, 126, 171
Access (to children), 242 slang words for, 126
ACME (NC), 129 Animal-lovers. See Bestiality.
Acne, 306 Anonymous encounter. See Trick.
Activity(ies), sexual, 20, 24, 27, 28, 31, 62, 64, Antabuse, 68, 69
65, 69, 70, 72, 82, 88, 89, 94, 95, 112, 169, 171, Anthony, Susan B., 244
180, 183, 192, 230, 240, 246, 259, 266, 270, Antibiotics, 132, 149, 150, 151, 306 ’B & D’ gear, 27
279,284 Antibodies, 150, 151, 154, 294 Babhravya Suvarnanabha, 104
Acton, William, Dr., 24, 159 agglutinating, 151 Babies, 88, 302, 303
Acts of worship, 183 anti-spirochaetal, 151 Bacchus(ae), 250, 258
Adam’s Apple, 37, 46 sperm, 301 Back, 66, 96, 100, 101, 306
Adam and Eve, 50 Anti-depressants, 87, 88, 89, 92, 213 ache,299
Addictions, 293 Anti-female myth, 264 Bag, scrotal. See Scrotal bag.
Adelman, 174 Anti-permissive, 257 Baker, Norma Jean. See Monroe, Marilyn.
Adler, Alfred, 16, 19, 212, 213 Anti-sex indoctrination, 84 Balanitis, 302
Adolescent(ce), 86, 88, 89, 150, 158, 204, 205, Anti-sexual, 256, 257 Balanoposthitis, 154
206, 209, 214, 216,306 Anti-sperm agents, 142 Baldness. See Alopoecia.
homosexual experience, 169, 170 Anus, 37, 40, 52, 66, 72, 101, 126, 150, 153, 154, Ball breakers, 26
Adopted child, 236 156, 160, 182, 197,271,290 Ball busters, 26
Adoption, 226, 235, 236 artificial, 160 Balls. See Testes;
Adrenal gland(s), 296, 297 slang words for, 126 See also Vaginal balls.
Adulation, distant, 209 Anxiety(ies), 14, 23, 68, 69, 82, 85, 86, 87, 89, Bananas, 248
Adulthood, 171, 204, 214 92, 114, 144, 155, 169, 171, 174, 206, 238, Banana split, 77
Adultery, 24, 126, 228, 278, 232, 240, 241 271,293 Bankert, Dr., 169
slang words for, 126 Apadravyas, 60 Barbiturates, 68
'Adults only’, book shops, 270 Aphrodisiac(s), 14, 64-65, 68, 69, 77, 288, 305 Barrenness. See Childlessness.
Advertisements, 'lonely hearts’, 118 Aphrodite, 64, 77 Barrier methods of contraception.
matrimonial, 218-219 Pandemos, 281 See Condom; Diaphragm.
Advertising, 74, 80, 272-273 Appearance, 180, Bartholin’s gland(s), 148, 290, 298
Advice columns. See Columns, advice. female, 43, 205 Bartok, Bela, 263
Affair(s), 18, 146, 232, 240, 241 masculine, 43 Bartzel, 254
Affection, 108, 114, 118, 194, 195, 204, 217 Appendicitis, 148 Bastard, 226
Africa, 53, 65, 254 Appendix Testis, 37 Bathrooms, 156, 183
Afro rhythms, 80 Appetite, 68 Battle of Hastings, 226
After glow, 107 Apsarases (heavenly consorts), 251 Battle of the sexes, 183
Agape, 256 Areola, 34, 36, 294 Bawdy, 126, 222, 291
Age of consent, 200, 246, 282 Aretino (Pietro), 222 house(s), 284
Agenesis, 46 Arm fucking, 183 See also Brothels.
Aggression, 107, 116, 204, 212, 216, 264 Arms, 132, 160 Beach,169
sexual, 29, 233 Armpits, 152, 155, 161, 210 Beard(s), 68, 82, 192
Aging, 86, 88, 304 Aroma, 98 Beaver, 172, 270
AID (Artificial insemination by donor), 235 See also Odours. split, 270
AIH (Artificial insemination by husband), 235 Arousal, sexual, 14, 20, 28, 46, 60, 61-81, 62, Bed, 96,101, 152,187,190,192,200,220, 237,
Ainus of Sakhalin, 261 63, 65, 66, 74, 80, 84, 89, 95, 96, 110, 134, 158, 238
Albutt, Dr., 222 169, 180, 192, 270, 274, 288 marriage, 279
Albicans, 154 The Art of Love, 77, 222 Beefcake, 112
Alcohol, 68, 69, 72, 87, 146, 154, 228, 264, Arteries, 72, 294 Behaviour, 114, 116, 122, 186, 188, 210, 213,
272, 305 Arthritis, 151, 266 220, 232, 233, 235, 256,278
and sex, 69 septic, 148 aggressive, 216
Algolagnia, 186 Artificial aids, 266 homosexual, 169, 170, 171, 180
Alkaline medicines, 154 Artificial insemination. See Insemination; infant, 213
Alma-Tadema, 172 AID; AIH. neurotic, 213

'normal’ sexual, 20, 65, 122 Body sprays, 80 Carbohydrates, 72
obsessive, 212 Body therapy, 19 Caress(ing), 84, 94, 100, 108, 197, 266
ritual, 216 Bolero, 80 Caritas, 256
sadistic, 184 Bondage, 14, 60, 74, 183, 187, 190, 194, 220, 271 Carrots, 77
self-destructive, 174 erotic, 26, 27, 52, 188, 190-191 Carunculae, 35
sexual, 12, 19, 22, 68, 78, 80, 120, 146, 180, Bones, 266 Casanova, Giovanni Giacomo, 24, 134, 263
182,234 Boobs, 51 Cassolette, 96
symbolic, 213 Books and magazines, 192, 270, 271 Castrati, 89, 262
Behaviour therapy, 92, 182, 2M Boot(s), 183, 190, 192, 194, 195 Castration, 89, 144, 259, 262
'Being careful’, 141 Boredom, 62, 95, 106, 240, 278 anxiety, 89
Belly dancers, 276 Born out of wedlock, 226 Castration complex. See Castration anxiety.
Belts, 183, 190 Bosie (Oscar Wilde’s boy-friend), 171 Cathars (sect), 256
dildo, 162, 284 Bosom, 104, 270 Catholic church. See Roman Catholic church.
Benedict, Ruth, 169 Bottom(s), 172, 270, 276 Cauterization, 153
Benjamin, Harry, Dr., 176 Bowdoin College, 19 Cavaliere servente, 232
Ben-wa. See Vaginal balls. Bowels, 154, 299 Cazzagio, 221
Benzoyl peroxide, 306 Bowie, David, 80 Celibate, 231, 257, 259
Benzyl benzoate, 153 Bowsers. See Pubic wigs. Cellular therapy, 305
Berdache, 169 Boxing, 183 Censorship, 128, 271, 274
Bereavement, 242 Boyfriend(s), 146, 147, 238 Cerebal palsy, 266
Bergler, Edmund, Dr., 20 Bra burners, 29 Cervantes (Miguel de), 32
Bernini (Giovanni Lorenzo), 258 Brain, 15, 46, 64, 68, 70, 72, 108, 110, 112, 116, Cervical canal, 35, 141, 148, 290
Bes, 250 150,266,296,297 Cervical cap (diaphragm), 136
Bernays, Martha, 15 Branding,183 Cervical erosion, 298
Besant, Annie, 18 Brank, 190 Cervical mucus. See Mucus.
Bestiality, 196 Breast cancer. See Cancer(s). Cervical smear test. See Smear test.
Betrothal, 217, 220, 254 Breast(s), 24, 32, 42, 46, 47, 53, 58, 62, 66, 68, Cervix, 24, 34, 35, 36, 37, 110, 112, 130, 135,
BFP (Biological False Positive) reaction, 151 78, 100, 101, 122, 126,130, 132, 152, 160,172, 137, 143, 148, 234, 235, 290, 291,294,299,301
Bible, the, 159 194, 200, 210, 237, 293, 294, 296, 297, 300 Cervix adaptor, 235
Biceps, bulging, 110 slang words for, 126 C-film, 135
Bidet, 156 Breath(ing), 107, 108, 112, 187, 190 Chains, 116, 187
Bieber, 171 Breuer, 15 Chain sex, 164
Bigamy, 230 'Bridal roll’. See Pillow book. Camp, 171
'Big balls’, 303 Bridal sheets, 209 Chancre, 150, 153
Bike-club style, 172 Bride(s), 209, 220, 221, 222, 261 Chanoroid, 146, 153
Billings ovulation method, 139 Bridegroom(s), 209, 220, 221, 222, 254, 261 Change of life, 34, 139, 300
Biological clocks, 70 Bridle of a horse, 190 See also Menopause.
Biological norm, 171 Brillat-Savarin, 77 Chaperon, 217
Biological rhythms, 70-71, 139 Britain, 12, 128, 130, 228, 244, 246, 247, 279, Chaplin, Charles, 263
Biological sex, 46 293,300 Charcot, 15
Biorhythms, 70 See also Great Britain. Chaste, 24, 220
Birching, 183 Brinkley, J. R., ’Dr.’, 305 Chastity, 32, 257
Birth, 34, 35, 37, 46, 51, 70, 106, 122, 150, 154, British Pregnancy Advisory Service, 124 Cheeks, 78, 161
158, 214, 226, 247, 250, 254, 293, 297, 299, 302 British Medical Journal, 293 Cheesecake, 112, 170
Birth control, 16, 18, 124, 129-144, 159, 244, Broadframe, 43 Cherry, 77
247 Brook Advisory Centres (London), 124 Cherry ('to take or eat a’), 77
clinics, 18, 130, 131, 136, 139, 142, 144, 146 Brothel(s), 17, 186, 192, 254, 279, 281, 284 Chest, 76
See also Contraception. Brothers, 225, 230, 246 Chick, 264
Birth Control Review, 18 Brown-Sequard, Charles Edouard, 305 Chicken queen, 171
Bisexual, 16, 22, 42, 43, 46, 80, 124, 126, 170, Bryant, Anita, 176 Child-bearing, 246, 301
180, 232 Buboes, 149, 153 Childbirth. See Birth.
slang words for, 126 Buckles, 190 Childhood, 202, 203, 214
Bites. See Love bites. Buddhism, 256, 257 Childlessness, 234
Blackheads, 306 Buggery, 169, 171 Child molester, 169
Blackmail, 186, 282 Bundling, 220 Child prostitution, 282
Black movement , 176 Bunny girl, 276 Child violation, 246
Bladder, 37, 39, 40, 65, 72, 110, 148, 154, 155, Burton, Sir Richard, 104 Children, 88. 158
290, 299, 302, 303,305 Butch, 76 China, 146, 169, 195
’Blame game’, 84 Butch female homosexual, 42, 169, 174 Chinese, the, 64
Bleeding, 132, 150, 211, 260, 290, 293, 295, 300 Butch male homosexual, 43, 172 Chlamydia, 149, 151
irregular, 298 Butter, 77, 288 Cholera, 291
menstrual-like, 142 Buttocks, 53, 58, 100, 126, 149, 152, 154, 155, Christendom, 257
Blessing (wedding), 220 172 Christianity, 256, 257, 284
Blind-folding, 183, 187, 190 slang words for, 126 Christian Church, 32, 188, 225, 279
Blindness, 148, 150, 159, 266 Buttercustard (Durian) fruit, 305 Christian faith, 256
Blisters, 149, 152, 153 Byron, Lord, 77, 262 Chromosomes, 35, 42, 43, 46, 300
Blood, 77, 108, 110, 112, 150, 154,155,183,184, Chukchee, 169
209, 211, 237, 246, 261, 293, 294,295,303 Churchill, Wainwright, 180
menstrual, 137, 260, 300 Cicisbeism, 232
Rhesus-negative, 294 Cinnamon, 77
Rhesus-positive, 294 Circulation, the, 107
stream, 148, 150, 154 Circumcision, 40, 58, 122, 254, 302
See Thrombosis. female, 254
Blood pressure, Cirrhosis, 69
high, 68, 72, 87,88,132 Citizens for Decency through Law, 128
Blood test(s), 146, 149, 150, 153, 216, 226, 294 Civil liberties lobbies, 264
Blow job, a, 95 Civil rights movement, 176
Bluebeard myth, 263 Clams, bearded, 77
Bluebeard's Castle, 263 Calendar method, 130, 138-9 Clap, the. See Gonorrhea.
Blue movie, 274 Call girl(s), 26, 278, 280, 284 Classicism, 80
Blues, 293 Camel’s milk, 77 Claudius, Emperor, 24
Bodies, dead, 197 Cancer(s), 122, 291, 293 Cleanliness, 256
Body, 78, 80, 94, 100, 106, 107, 108, 110, 112, breast, 291 Client(s), 280
132, 148, 150, 152, 153, 158, 159, 161,180,182, cervix, 153, 254, 298 Climacteric, 300, 304
183, 187, 190, 192, 194, 197, 202,203,210,237, womb, 291, 298 See also Menopause.
238, 266, 276, 288, 297, 302 See Smear tests. Climax, 60, 80, 82, 84, 88, 108, 110, 190
Body contact, 69, 152, 261 Candida, 154 See also Orgasm.
Body language, 74 Candidiasis, 154, 166 Clinic, 289-306
Body maps, 33-40, 62 Candidosis, 154 Clip joint, 284
man, 37-40 Cannula, 290 Cliques, male, 116
woman, 34-37 Cantharidin, 65 homosexual, 171
Body piercing, 60, 190 Cantharides beetle. See Spanish fly. Clitoral orgasm(s), 20
Body sensitivity, 92 Cap. See Diaphragm. See also Orgasm.

Clitorial stimulator, 288 Coprography,126 Defence mechanisms, 16, 212, 213
Clitoris, 20, 34, 36, 37, 47, 58, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, Coprolalia, 126 Defloration, 200, 209, 221
78, 94, 96, 100, 107, 108, 126, 158, 161, 254, Coprohagia, 197 Deflower, to, 77, 221, 260
266, 288, 290,297 Coprophilia, 74, 126, 197 slang words for, 127
enlarged, 42 slang words for, 126 Delisle, Frangoise, 16
hood of, 60, 66, 100, 300 Copulate, to, 77, 126 Dementia, 159
prepuce of, 40 slang words for, 126 Demi-monde, 280
slang words for, 126 Copulation, 46, 47, 70, 72, 77, 101, 106, 126 Demi-vierge, 31
tip (glans), 34, 62 slang words for, 126 Demonology, 259
Clomipramine, 68 with animals. See Bestiality. Denmark, 128
Closet case, 171 Corona, Deodorants, vaginal, 96
Closet queen,171 ridge of, 89 Depilation, 58
Closets, 171 Corona of the glans, 37, 254 Depression, 68, 69, 72, 82, 85, 87, 92, 132, 213,
Clothing, 52, 192, 197, 270, 276 Corpora Cavernosa, 37, 39 293,300
see-through, 276 Corpus spongiosum, 37, 39 See also Stress and depression.
Clyster treatment, 197 Cortisone derivatives, 68 Deprivation trauma, 27
Coca cola, 142 Cory, 176 Dermatitis, 155
Cocaine, 68 Cosmetic deformities, 58-59, 195, 259 Dervish (sects), 259
Cock-leash, 190 Costume language, 76 Desensitization, 182
Cock-ring, 52 Costanza, Margaret, 176 Desire(s), 24, 77, 95, 213
Cock-tease, 31 Counselling, 28, 85, 92, 122, 124, 130, 171, 176, sexual, 18, 62, 64, 65, 68, 69, 70, 72, 88, 89,
Codpiece, 53, 192, 248 202, 213, 235,238,242 188, 200,262,278,303
Co-education, 244 rape, 264 Detumescence, 110, 304
Co-habitation, 216, 220, 230 Courtesan(s), 280, 281 Deva-dasi, 284
Coil, morning-after, 140, 142 Courtly love, 32 Devereux, George, 169
See also IUD. Courtship, 16, 31, 69, 74, 106, 169, 216, 220 Deviant, 182, 192, 195, 196
Coil (Saf-T coil), 140, 141 Couvade, 261 Deviation(s), sexual, 16, 182, 197, 202
Coital variations. See Kama Sutra; Cowboys, 172 Diabetes, 87, 132, 154
Positions. Cowper’s glands, 148 Dialysis, 303
Coitus, 29, 35, 37, 40, 77, 106, 214, 250, 251, 'Crab lice’. See Pubic lice. Dialogue Between a Priest and a Dying
257, 276, 284,301,304 'Crabs’. See Pubic lice. Man (1782), 14
See also Intercourse. Creams, 106 Diaphragm, 295
Coitus incompletus, 141 anaesthetic, 288 Diaphragm (contraceptive), 18, 72, 106, 130,
Coitus interruptus, 130, 141, 159 Cream, spermicidal. See Spermicide. 135,136, 137,142
Coitus reservatus, 141 Cremaster muscle, 297 Diarrohea, 132
Coitus saxonicus, 141 Criminal laws, 16 Diet, 69, 72, 77, 139
Cole, Martin, 92 Criminal offences, 169, 192, 200, 246, 282 Dilation and curettage, 142, 290, 298
Collective Subconscious, 23 The Criminal (1890), 16 Dilator(s), 237, 238, 290
College education for girls, 244 Criminology, 16 Dildo, 47, 159, 161, 190, 288
Colonic irrigation. See Water Games. Cripples, 195 Diphilus, 77
Colostrum, 294 Cross-dressing, 178 Dippoldism, 188
Colt, Rip, 172 Crotch,76,149,154,155,172 Dionysus, 250, 258, 260
Columns, advice, 122, 209 Croupade, 101 Dirty, 82, 126,203
Combination Pill, 132, 142 'Cruising’, 171 'Dirty mackintosh brigade’, 271
Comedos, 306 Cryptorchism, 297 Disabled, 160,195
'Coming’, 89, 108 CSI (Community Sex Information Inc), 124 Disability and sex, 101, 265-267
'Coming out’, 171, 174 Cuba, 146 Discipline, 27, 186, 188
Commission on Obscenity and Pornography Cuissade, 101 Discrimination, 174, 176
Presidential Report of the, (US), 128 Culdoscope, 290 Diseases, sex-related. See Sex-related
Communist Party, 19 Cunnilingus (Cunnilinctus, Cunnilinctio), 96 diseases.
Companionship, 108, 218 slang words for, 126 Disulfiram. See Antabuse.
Compatibility, 114 Cunt pissing, 197 Divorce, 16, 118, 147, 214, 220, 230,233,235,
Competition, 107, 110 Cupid in the Kitchen, 77 240,242,278
Compulsions, 263 Curette, 290 Doll, 160
Computer dating, 218 Curse, the, 292 Dominance, 24, 26, 27, 32, 60, 174, 186, 190,
Comstock Act (of 1893), 18 Custody (of children), 242 194,195,197,233,271
Conception, 70, 130, 132, 214, 216, 226, 246, Cybele, 259, 260 male, 116, 248
250 Cycle, menstrual. See Menstrual cycle. Don Giovanni, 80, 263
Concubine, 226, 227, 230 Cyproterone acetate, 68 Don Juan, 24, 263
Conditioned reflexes. See Reflexes. Cyst, 298 Don Juan, 77, 263
Condom(s), 106, 130, 134, 135, 136, 137, 142, ovarian, 298 Don Quixote, 32
146,149,288 Cystic fibrosis, 246 Donna Anna, 80
Condylomata, 153 Cystitis, 148, 154, 155, 303 Donovan bodies, 149
accuminata, 153 honeymoon, 148, 154, 155, 220 Double standard, 29, 146, 214
lata, 150, 153 Czechoslovakia, 15 Douche, vaginal, 142
Cone biopsy, 298 Douching, 35, 142, 156, 197
Congress, 104 Drag, 50, 178
Consciousness-raising sessions, 174 ball, 178
Consenting adults, 16, 120, 246 Dreams, 15, 16, 22, 23, 70, 89, 114, 213, 218,
Constipation, 306 248
Consummation, 220, 237 Dressing ring, 60
Contact, physical, 118 Drink. See Alcohol.
Contact lenses, 132 Drive, sexual, 14, 18, 64, 72, 132, 144, 146, 158
Contact magazines, 218 170, 206, 212, 214,278
Contact services, 118 Droit de seigneur, 221
Contact woman, 280 Drug(s), 64, 68, 72, 80, 82, 86, 88, 89, 92, 110
Contraception, 18, 24, 130, 132, 134, 136, 137 132, 139, 146, 154, 213,264, 278,282,306
138, 140, 141, 142, 144, 214, 232,234 and sex,68
'morning-after’, 140, 142 Daisy chain, 164 anti-viral, 153
Table of Choices, 130 D & C. See Dilation and curettage. 'sulpha’, 306
See Birth control Dances, 69, 80 Dumas cap (diaphragm), 136
Contraceptive(s), 24, 122, 126, 130, 132, 135, Dancing, 276, 281 Duo-plus, 163-6
136, 137, 140, 146, 216,247,293,301 Dancing and sex, 69 Durer, Albrecht, 39
foam(s), 135 Danish Forensic Medical Council, 128 Dutch cap (diaphragm), 136
information, 85 Daughter(s), 227 Dwarf(s), 195
slang words for, 126 Daughters ofBilitis, 174, 176 Dydo, 60
Contraceptive pill. See Pill, the. David, 233 Dyke, 174
Contractions, 142 DDT powder, 155 Dysmenorrhoea (painful periods), 293, 297
muscle, 106 Deaf (ness), 150, 266 Dyspareunia, 154, 297, 299
waves of, 110 Death, 70, 187, 260 Dysuria, 154
Convulsions, epileptic, 266 Death instinct, 18
Copper 7 (IUD), 140, 141 Deep throat, 95
Copper T (IUD), 140, 141 Defecation, 156, 264

Estrogen(s) (female sex hormone), 46, 68, 132, Feminine clothes envy, 43, 178
142, 296,297 Feminine imprinting, 43
Estrus, 70, 72, 202 Feminine male homosexual, 43
Esquire, 271 Feminist movement, 174, 176
Eunuch(s), 89, 259 Feminist(s), 244, 264
Eunuchs and castrati, 262 Femininity, 24, 26, 58, 205, 301
Europe(ans), 13, 27, 153, 156, 169, 174, 217, Femme, 174
220, 250, 256, 257, 263, 279, 284, 294, 305 Femme fatale, 31
Evolution, 69 Fennel, 64
Excitement, 19, 52, 101, 106, 107, 108, 112, 234, Fenugreek, 305
Ear(s), 62, 66, 78 240 Fertile, 42, 43, 70, 72, 220, 260, 300
lobes, 78 Excitement phase, 20, 68, 108, 110 Fertile days, 138
pierced,60 Excitement, sexual, 15, 28, 34, 36, 37, 66, 110, Fertility, 34, 65, 130. 139, 140, 220, 247, 284,
East, the, 64, 65 166, 192, 195, 196, 266, 270, 276, 300 300-301
Near, 224, 251, 259 Excrement, 197 control, 144
Ecoptic pregnancy, 293 Excretion, 203, 261 cult(s), 248, 256, 260
Edinburgh, University, 290 Exercises, female, 300, 301
Effeminate, 22, 46, 76, 169, 171, 180 breathing, 72 male, 300, 301, 304
Egg cell. See Egg. Kegel (pelvic floor), 72, 106 rite(s), 80, 220
Egg (ovum), 35, 37, 40, 70, 130, 138, 140, 144, Exhibitionism, 16, 192 Fertilization, 35, 89, 130, 139,-235, 294, 295
234, 235, 247, 294, 295, 300,301 Exogamy, 233 Festival of Light, the, 128
food, 77 Exposure, 192 Fetal, 194
Ego, 15, 190, 213 Extra-marital sex, 232, 240-241, 281 Feticide, 246-247
Egypt (ancient), 130, 137, 246, 259 Extroverted, 118 Fetishism, 16, 122, 194, 195, 279
Egyptians, 12, 254 Eyebrows and eyelashes, 155 boot and shoe, 195
Ehrlich, Paul Dr., 139 Eyes, 74, 148, 151, 293 deformity, 195
Ejaculatio praecox. See Premature foot, 195
ejaculation. rubber & leather, 194, 271
Ejaculation, 29, 40, 68, 69, 86, 89, 101, 107, Fetishes, 190, 194
108, 110, 126, 130, 134, 135, 141, 192, 207, Fetus, 37, 142, 143, 150, 246, 247,294,295,296,
234, 237, 262, 264, 288, 297, 304 297.300
first, 210 Fever, 72, 148
slang words for, 126 Fibroid(s), 290, 293, 298, 301
Elbows, 96, 152 Fibromyoma. See Fibroids.
Electra complex, 205 Fidelity, marital, 240
Electric shock, 182 Le Figaro, 14
Ellis, Henry Havelock, 13, 16, 18, 257 Fingernails, 72, 101, 134, 137, 152, 159
Emancipation of women, 120, 209, 214, 216 Face(s), 58, 62, 74, 108, 152, 297, 306 Finger(s), 63, 78, 89, 100, 101, 106, 152, 153,
Emasculation, 262 Face-to-face sex. See Positions. 159, 209,238,264,290,294
Embarrassment, 114, 118, 146, 156, 158, 212, Facing facts, 250 First Crusade, 32
237 Facts of life, the, 85 'First try’, 86
Embraces, 94 Fag, 50 First period, 293
Embryo(s) 246, 295 'Faghag’, 174 First World War, 18, 280
Emission, 88, 110 Faggot, 171 Fist-fucking, 74, 171
pre-ejaculation, 304 Failure, sexual, 69, 213, 238 Fitness, 72, 77, 288
Emmanuelle (films), 274 Fairy, 50 Flaccid, 65, 70,110
Emotion(s), 80 Fallopian tube(s), 35, 37, 130, 144, 148, 290, Flagellation, 26, 52, 74, 188, 259, 271
sexual, 107, 108, 110 294, 295, 297, 300, 301 Flagyl, 154
The End of Obscenity, 128 Fallopio, Gabriele, 294 Flanquette, 100
Endogamy, 233 Family(ies), 219 Flasher, 192,263
Endometroisis, 301 extended,225,240 Flashing,246
Enema(s), 197, 284 Family Limitation, 18 Flattery, 240
England, 16, 24 Family planning. See Birth control; Flavour, 98
Engagement, 209, 216, 217, 240 Contraception. Flirting, 31, 205
Engorgement, 37, 304 Family Planning Association (London) 124 Flogging, 188
Epicene, 46 Family planning clinic(s). See Birth Flux, a (an issue of blood), 293
Epididymis, 37, 39, 40, 148, 300, 302, 303 control clinic(s). Foam, spermicidal. See Contraceptive(s);
Epididymitis, 302 Family Planning Services, BCHF Health Spermicide.
Epididymoorchitis, 302 Services Administration, DHEW, 124 Follicles, 37, 306
Epimenorrhoea. See Polymenorrhoea. Family therapy, 92 Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (US), 19
Epimenorrhagia (excessive and too frequent Fantasies, 14, 16, 24, 62, 115, 174, 195, 203, 206, Foods (aphrodisiac), 65, 77
periods), 293 209, 212, 213, 257, 263,270,276 Footbinding, 195
Equality, 233 sado-masochistic, 26, 190 Footwear, 195
in professional life, 244 Far East, cultures of, 222 Ford, 169
sexual, 116, 244 Farina, 180 Forecourt, 37
Equal pay, 244 Fashion, 50-51, 52, 53, 178, 192 Foreplay, 62, 63, 66, 69, 74, 89, 95, 96, 106, 158,
Erection(s), 23, 37, 62, 66, 68, 69, 70, 77, 86, 88, Father, 89, 186, 202, 204, 205, 220, 224, 225, 182.192.300
95, 108, 110, 114, 126, 144, 192, 207, 234, 237, 226, 230, 236,246 Foreskin, 40, 58, 60,153,154,158,190, 250,
238, 250, 254, 266,288 absent, 42 254, 302
delayed,304 hostile, 42 Forum, 271
prolonged, 303 weak, 43 Fourchette, 35, 36, 37
rapid multiple, 107 Father-figure(s), 15 France, 14, 32, 64, 65, 221, 263
slang words for, 126 Father fixation, 205 Frazer, 261, 262
Erection, continuous. See Priapism. Father-in-law, 254 Freaks, 182
Erogenous zones, 36, 63, 66-67, 69, 78, 94, 158, Fatigue, 112 Free association, 15
161,266 'Fear of fear phenomenon’, 85, 86 'Free Love’, 120, 240
Eros, 256 Fear(s), 213, 238 French kiss, 78
Erotic, 16, 27, 63, 78, 80, 101 of women, 86 French letter, 130
behaviour of infants, 20 sexual, 16, 69 French ticklers, 288
Erotica. See Reader’s Guide. See Homophobia. Frenzy, 80
Erotic aids, 162 Feces, 101, 197 Freud, Anna, 16
Erotic bondage. See Bondage. Feeding, 203 Freud, Sigmund, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23,
Erotic books, 64 Feet, 96, 100, 187, 194, 195 89, 112, 203, 204, 212, 213, 248, 257,272
Erotic films, 64 Fellatio, 95, 126, 164, 171, 248, 282 Frictation, 169, 171
Erotic games, 228 slang words for, 126 Friction, 106
Erotic pictures, 28 Female (gender), 42 Friend (London), 124
Erotic stimuli, 62 The Female Eunuch, 244 Friendship(s), 107, 164, 202, 209, 213
Erotic thoughts, 89 Female homosexual, 42 Frigidity, 16, 17, 20, 82, 84-85, 141, 238
Eroticism, 16, 69, 257 Female impersonator, 178 'Fruitfly’, 174
religious, 258 Female principle, life-bearing, 248 Frustration, 80, 85, 116, 271
Erotomaniac, 263 Female sex hormone(s), 64, 68 Fuck, 80
Eryngo, 305 Female role, envy of, 43, 178 Fucking, 261
Erythromycin, 306 Female sexual functioning, 64 Function of the Orgasm, 19
Escort(s) 278, 280, 284 Feminine, 22, 27, 29, 47, 174 Fun sex, 120, 214

Growth, physical, 210 male, slang words for, 127
Guanethidine, 68 See also Same Sex Partners.
Guiche, 60 Homosexual Behaviour Among Males, 180
Guilt, 15, 18, 82, 86, 87, 110, 116, 164, 200, 203, The Homosexual in America, 176
212, 213, 232, 248, 257, 259 Homosexuality, 13, 16, 17, 76, 118, 120, 124,
Gum disease, 72 169,176,180,257
Gummas, 150 female, 174-175, 202
Gynandrous, 43 male, 170-171, 174, 180, 202
Gynecological examinations, 20, 290, 294 See also Same-Sex Partners.
Gynecology, 290, 298 Honey, 77
Gallup Poll, 180, 216 Honeymoon, 24, 155, 220
Gamic genetic appliance, 134 Honeymoon period, 220
Gamma benzene hexachloride, 153, 155 Hood (prepuce), of clitoris. See Clitoris.
Gang bang, 116, 164, 237 Hooker, Evelyn, Dr., 170, 174
See also Rape. Hopi Indians, 261
Garlic, 77 Hopkins, 174
Gay bars, 171, 174 Hops, 64
Gay codes, 74 Hormonal changes, 106
Gay costume, 76 Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), 20, 300
Gay Community Service Center (CA), 124 Hormones, 64, 70, 77, 142, 216, 262, 293, 297,
Gay liberation, 169,171, 176-7 300,306
Gay life-style, 171 Haemophilus ducreyi, 153 male, 37, 43, 296
Gay marriage, 169, 171 Hair, 53, 72, 197 steroid, 70
Gay Parents Legal and Research Group (WA), body, 39, 46, 47, 60 synthetic female, 132
124 facial, 39, 43, 46, 210 Hostility, 87
Gay sex symbols, 172 on genital skin, 95, 293 Hot flushes, 300, 304
Gay Switchboard (London), 124 pubic, 53, 58, 95, 96, 100, 127, 155, 251, 288, HRT. See Hormone replacement therapy.
Gay(s), 172, 176, 178 300 Human development, 15, 19
Geb, 250 slang words for, 127 anal phase, 203
Gebbard, Paul, Dr., 19 Hallucinogens, 68 genital phase, 203
Geisha balls. See Vaginal balls. Hand(s), 62, 66, 74, 96, 100, 107, 150, 152, 190, oral phase, 203
Geisha(s), 281 195 See Growing Up.
Gender, 41-48, 146 Hang-ups, 82, 84, 85, 88 Human psychology, 19
Gender identity, 46-47 Hardman, Paul, 176 Human Sexuality Program, The, 92
Gene(s), 246 Harem, 89, 226-227, 262 Human Sexual Inadequacy, 20, 237
General Paralysis of the Insane (GPI). Harness(es), 190 Human Sexual Response, 20
See Neurosyphilis. Harris Poll, 180 Humiliation, 182, 187, 238, 271
General sex information and counselling, 124 Harvard University, 19 Husband(s), 147, 148, 224, 225, 226, 232, 233,
Genetic inheritance, 202, 246 Havelock-Ellis. See Ellis, Henry Havelock. 235, 240,246
Genital organs, 62, 65, 66, 68, 69, 78, 94, 106, Head(s), 95, 96, 98, 100, 152 impersonation of, 264
108,237 Headache, 68, 132, 148, 300 Hustera, 299
Genitals, 24, 84, 85, 89, 94, 98, 101, 108, 149, Health, 24, 68, 80, 145-156, 291 Hustler, 74
152, 154, 155, 156, 158, 161, 192, 197, 200, 203, See also Sex-related diseases. Hyde, 180
248, 250, 251, 260, 261, 266, 288 Health education, 122, 146 Hydroasiatica, 65
female, 42, 77, 96 Hearing, 16 Hydrocele, 303
male, 46, 95, 172, 288 Heart, the, 72, 107, 148, 150 Hygieia (Greek goddess of health), 291
size of, 104 attacks, 244 Hygiene, 72, 94, 96, 291, 293
See also Genital organs. beats, 112, 294 Hymen, 35, 37, 209, 237
Genital stimulation, 62 Heart muscle, 70 Hypermenorrhoea. See Menorrhagia.
Genital surgery. See Sex change. Heart pain. See Angina. Hypnosis, 15, 17
Gentle Ghost Help, Advice and Information, Heat, to be on. See Estrus. Hypocrisy, 20, 24, 225
124 Heavy breather, 196 Hypothalamus, 296, 297
Gentleness, 114 Hedonist, 24, 214 Hysterectomy, 47, 144, 298, 301
Gestalt therapy, 92 Hegar’s sign, 294 Hysteria, 15, 17, 80, 298
Gestures, 74 Hell’s Angels, 116
German Association for Proletarian Sexual Help Advisory Centre (London), 124
Politics, 19 Hermaphrodite, 46
Germany, 32, 56, 169 Hermes, 250
Gigolo, 280 Herms, 261
Girlfriend, 146, 238 Hero-worship, 209
Ginseng, 64 Hero and Leander, 233
'Girlie’ magazines, 28, 122, 246 Herodotus, 221
Gittings, Barbara, 174 Heroin, 68
Giving head, 95 See Narcotics.
Gland transplants, 305 Herpes, genital, 153, 302
Gians, of penis. See Penis. Herpes simplex, 153 Ice cream, 77
Glory holes, 171 Hetaera, 281 Id, 15, 213
'Going steady’, 146, 217 Heterosexual(s), 19, 22, 76, 169, 170, 172, 174, Identity, gender. See Gender identity.
Golden Bough, The, 261 190, 202, 214,270,280,293 Ignorance, 86, 146
Golden showers, 197 Hickeys, 122 sexual, 20, 122, 158, 214, 266
Goldman, Emma, 169 Hidden testes. See Cryptorchism. Illegitimacy, 16, 226, 235, 259, 278
Goldstein, 271 Hierodules, 281, 284 Immaturity, 117
Gonads, 42, 43, 46 Higgins, Margaret. See Sanger, Margaret . Impotence, 17, 20, 65, 68, 69, 82, 84, 85, 86-87,
Gonadotrophic hormones, 296 Hinduism, 250, 251, 256 88. 89, 92, 141, 144, 166, 288, 303
Gonorrhea, 95, 142, 146, 148, 151, 154, 166, 290, Hippocrates, 15 Impotent, 82, 87, 88, 127, 166, 192, 238
294, 302 Hips, 100, 210 slang words for, 127
Good-time girls, 280 broad,43 Impregnate, 29
Graffitti, 126, 128 Hirschfeld, Magnus, 13, 17, 169 Inadequacy, 89, 212
See also Words and graffitti. Hitting, 104 Inbreeding, 246
Gram stain, 148 Hoch, 169 Incest, 200, 246
Grandmother(s), 240 Hogben test, 294 Incompatibility, physical, 114
Grandparents, 225 Holding hands, 62, 74, 182 Incontinence, 106
Granuloma inguinale, 149 Homo-erotic art, 172-173 Incubus, 259
Grapevine (London), 124 Homoerotophobia. See Homophobia. Indecent exposure, 192, 246
Great Britain, 92, 130, 142, 146, 148, 150 Homophile, 169, 171, 176 Indecency,12, 128, 246, 291
Grecian tops, 134 Homophobia, 180 India, 226, 284, 293
See also Condom(s). Homosexual, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 28, 146, 150, Indian tribes (of North America), 169
Greece, 281, 284 170, 171, 172, 180, 182, 190,202,214,246,271, Indrani, 104
Greeks, 12, 32, 250, 257, 261, 299 280,293 Infantile sexuality, 203. See also Sexuality,
Greer, Germaine, 216, 244 activity, 276 childhood.
Groin, 149, 150, 153 behaviour, 169, 170, 180 Infatuation, 117
Gross indecency, 246 desires, 19 Inferiority, 117, 212, 213
Group sex, 146, 164-166, 228 dress codes, 52 Inferiority complex, 16, 82
Growing up, 201-214 female, slang words for, 127 Infertile, 43, 70, 130, 234, 300, 301

Infertility clinics, 237 Kegel exercises. See Exercises. Longford, Lord, 128
Infibulation, 60, 254 Keratin, 306 Loop, the (Lippes loop), 140, 141
Inflagrante delicto, 240 Kidney(s), 37, 65, 296, 297 Lorophyn, 149
Inhibitions, 16, 24, 69, 82, 84, 85, 88, 106, 114, Kinsey, Alfred Charles, 19, 20, 112, 159, 169, Lot’s daughters, 246
118. 120, 126, 164, 166, 211, 228,256,261,266 170, 171, 174, 176, 180,202,207,216,228 Love, 12, 32, 100, 107, 116, 204, 206, 213, 217,
Initiation rite, 254 Kinsey’s Myth of Female Sexuality, 20 256, 257,266
Inner lips. See Labia minora. Kiss(es), 31, 63, 66, 69, 78, 94, 96, 114 adolescent, 209
Innocence, 200 body, 96 romantic, 32
Insecurity, 117, 213 Kissing, 62, 66, 78, 94, 95, 96, 104, 169, 217, 271 'Love apple’, 77
Insemination, 234, 235 See French kiss. Love bites, 78, 122, 184
Insomnia, 300 Kitsuse, 180 Lovelace, Linda, 95
Institute for Sexual Research, 19 Klinefelter’s syndrome, 43 Love-making, 26, 31, 62, 72, 78, 82, 94, 96, 106,
Institute for Sexual Science (1919), 169 Knaus’s method. See Rhythm method. 107,114 116,138,139,146,164,192,222,266
Institute of Psychosexual Medicine (London), Knees, 96, 100, 106, 161 failure in, 85
124 Knickers, 276 lesbian, 276
Intercourse, 19, 26, 27, 46, 60, 63, 84, 86, 89, 95, Konarak, temple at, 251, 257 plateau-phase, 108
100, 101, 106, 110, 112, 134, 137, 138, 139, 140, Koran, the, 226, 231 Love-object, 31
156, 164, 192, 200, 209, 216, 234, 235, 237, 238, Krafft-Ebing, Richard, Freiherr (Baron) von, Love play, 62, 63, 66, 94, 98, 101, 106, 190, 197
240, 246, 257, 259, 266, 271, 276, 278, 282, 293, 13, 14,15, 16, 17,184 Love potions, 64
297, 298, 302, 303, 304 Kroger, William S., Dr., 20 Love ring, 288
first, 207, 237 K-Y jelly, 106, 237 Lover, 232
incomplete, 141 experienced,110
serial, 164 older, 304
sexual, 24, 34, 62, 69, 72, 74, 80, 89, 107, 135, Lovers, 24, 77, 80, 94, 114, 116, 174, 202, 204,
142, 146, 152, 155, 214,264, 300,301 238
See also Anal intercourse. LSD, 68
Intermarry, 246 See also Hallucinogens.
International Planned Parenthood Lubrication, 62, 68, 96, 106, 112, 155, 171, 288
Federation, 18 lack of, 106
The Interpretation of Dreams, 15, 16 Ludwig II of Bavaria, King, 14
Intersex, 42-43 Lungs, 95, 136
Intimacy, 24, 202, 204, 205 Labia, 60, 62, 94, 300 Lust after, slang words for, 127
Intra-uterine device. See IUD. majora, 34, 36, 37, 46, 100, 110 Lymph gland, 150
Introitus, 35, 110 minora, 20, 35, 36, 37, 40, 110, 298 Lymph gland abscesses. See Buboes.
Intromission, 110 Labour (in childbirth), 294 Lymphogranuloma venereum, 149
Introverted,118 Lactation, 68 Lyon, Phyllis, 174
Ipsation, 17 hormones, 296
Irrematio, 95 The Ladder, 174
Irritation, 85 Laparoscope,37,290, 294,298
Islamic faith, 24, 226, 254 Laparoscopy,144
Isolation, 203, 206, 306 Laparotomy, 290
Isthmus, 294 'L-clinic’, 24
Italy, 32, 232 Larynx, 37, 95
'Itch’, the, 152 L-dopa, 68
Norwegian, 152 Learning to Love, 209
Ithyphallic, 250 Leather, 187, 190, 194
IUD (Intra-uterine device), 130, 140, 295 Leather club,52,76 Macbeth, 69
Leather scene,52 Machismo, 26
Led Zepplin One, 80 Madam, 280, 284
Lees, Edith, 16 Maenads, 258
Legs, 58, 62, 100, 101, 104, 132 Mafia, the, 279
Lemberg (Lvov), 14 Magic, 238, 248, 250, 260, 305
Le minimum, 56 Making love, 14, 26, 80, 106, 120, 137, 207
Lesbian, 20, 174, 276 See also Love-making.
Leucorrhea,297 Male (gender), 43
Lewd, 164 Male chauvinism, 29
Liberace, 50 Male ego, 244
Liberation, Male role, envy of, 42
Jack and Jill, 233 female, 29 Male myths, 264
Jackboot, 195 of love life, 120 Male sex hormone, 65, 68
Jagger, Mick, 80 sexual, 12, 17, 29 Male sterilization, 234
Jambage, 221 Liberators, Malnutrition, 293
Japan,251, 259 sexual, 12-20 Man. See Body Maps.
Jazz. See Music. Libertine, 24 Man and Woman, 16
Jealousy(ies), 89, 117, 166, 204, 240, 241 Libido, 15, 16, 47, 68, 182, 212, 262, 272 Mandragora, 65
Jellies, 106 Licentious, 164 Mandrake, 64
Jelly, spermicidal. See Spermicide. Licks, 63, 66, 96 Manhood, 205, 207, 254
Jockstrap, 52 Licking, 78,94,95,96 Manliness, 58
Johnson, Virginia, E., 20 Life (St. Theresa of Avila), 258 Mannish, 22
Joints, 72 Life force,19 Manual Stimulation. See Masturbation.
arthritic, 100. See also Arthritis. Life rhythms. See Biological rhythms. Marihuana, 68
Joseph’s night, 220 Life-style, 213 Marriage, 16, 18, 19, 24, 31, 50, 104, 114, 117,
Juliette, 14 Limbs, 101, 210 122, 146, 209, 215-218, 220-222, 230, 232, 233,
Jung, Carl Gustav, 16, 19, 23, 112, 212, 213, amputated, 195 234, 236, 237, 240, 242, 254, 257, 261, 266,
224 artificial, 195 271,278
Jus primae noctis, 221 delicate, 100 and sex, 215-242
Justine, 14 Linea nigra, 294 multiple, 226, 230
Lingam, 104, 250, 251 open,232
Lip(s), 60, 66, 69, 74, 78, 94 plural, 230, 231
See also Labia majora and minora; Vulva, Marriage counsellers, 122
lips of. Married Love (1918), 18, 222
Lipstick, 192, 248 Martin, Clyde, E., 19, 20
Literature, Martin, Del, 174
sexual, 17 Martyrs, Christian, 258
Littre’s glands, 148 Marx, Karl, 19
Liquorice, 64 Masculine, 29, 47, 58, 174, 212
Liver, 69 Masculine imprinting, 42
Kadin, 226, 227 Living off/on immoral earnings, 279, 282 Masculinity, 26, 29, 58, 110, 171,205, 272
Kama Sutra, 60, 100, 104, 222 Living together, 114, 216, 220, 230, 232 Maslow, Abraham, 174
Kant, 271 'Lolita’ state, 200 Masochism, 14, 15, 16, 17, 186, 187, 188, 197,
Kanter, J., 216 London Pregnancy Advisory Service, 124 271
Karmen cannula method (abortion), 142 London Youth Advisory Centre, 124 Massage, 63, 101, 161, 190, 192
'Keep fit’ exercises, 72 Loneliness, 118, 160 clitoral, 161
Kegel, Alfred, Dr., 106 Long-suffering husband, 22 parlour(s), 197, 284

prostatic, 305 possessive, 43 North Africa, 27
Mass media, 80, 146 single/unmarried, 18, 216, 218, 226, 236 Normality, false concepts of, 82
Masseuses, 278, 284 Mother fixation, 204 Nose, 82, 95, 96
Master, sado-masochistic, 74 Mothering, 195 Nose rings, 60
Master-harness, 52 Mother-substitute, 203, 204 NSU (non-specific urethritis), 151, 154
Masters, William H., Dr., 20 Motorede, 128 Nuclear family, 224, 225
Masters and Johnson, 17, 19, 20, 92, 112, 237, Mouth, 63, 66, 78, 94, 95, 108, 148, 150, 248, Nude, 24, 56, 58, 192, 270
238,288,297 271, 293 'Number’, 171
Masturbate, to, 108, 127, 235, 300 Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus), 80, 263 Nymphectomy, 254
slang words for, 127 Multiple Orgasms. See Orgasms. Nymphomaniac(s), 24, 107, 263
Masturbating, 20, 89, 101, 161, 164, 196, 197 Mucus, cervical, 138, 139 Nystatin, 154
Masturbation, 13, 16, 19, 62, 84, 85, 86, 89, 106, Mucus plug, 132
122, 158-9, 162, 170, 171, 182, 195, 197, 200, Mujerados, New Mexico, 169
206, 209, 214, 259, 282, 284, 288, 297, 304, 306 Mumps, 302
slang words for, 127 Mumps orchitis, 302
Matachine Society, 176 Music, 69, 80, 281
Matchmaker, professional, 217 Muscular dystrophy, 266
Mate-trading. See Partner swapping. Muscle consciousness, 72, 94, 106, 238
Matriarchy, 224 Muscles, 72, 76, 106, 107, 108, 172, 237, 266, 297
Matrimonial Advertisements, 218-219 pelvic, 72
Maturity, sexual, 206, 214 vaginal, 106 Obscene, 16, 18, 126, 128
Mead, Margaret, 261 See also Pelvic floor muscles Obscene phone calls, 196
Meat (food), 77 Musk oil, 80 Obscene publications, 271
Measles, 148 Muslim, 226, 256 Oberstone, 174
Meatus, 39, 254 Mutilation(s), 187, 197, 259 Obesity, 43, 72, 293
Median raphe, 40 Mycoplasmas, 151 Obsession, 212, 213
Menage a Trois, 232 Myoma. See Fibroids. Obstetricians, 290
Menarche (menses), 35, 210, 292 Myomectomy, 301 Oceania, 254
Menopause, 28, 37, 68, 70, 106, 139, 293, 300 Myrrh, 77 Odalisques, 227
male, 304 Myths, sexual, 16, 112, 214 Odour(s), 62, 64, 78, 80, 94, 211, 216
Menorrhagia (heavy periods), 293, 298, 299 genital, 100
Menotoxin, 293 sexual, 76, 77
Menses. See Menarche. vulval, 96, 272
Menstrual cycle, 138, 292-293, 297 See also Smell.
Menstrual extraction, 142 Oedipus complex, 16, 89, 204
Menstrual fluid. See Menses. Oestrogen(s). See Estrogen.
Menstrual flow, 137 Oestrus. See Estrus.
Menstrual period, 127, 132, 138, 139, 142 Old age,88,169, 300
slang words for, 127 Old Testament, 220, 225, 230, 250
Menstruate, 34, 46 Nagging wife, 22 Old wives’ tales, 88, 159, 300
Menstruation, 70, 292, 293, 297 Nakedness, 164, 192, 261, 274 Onanism, 159
first, 210, 211 Narcissism, 16, 31 The 120 Days of Sodom, 14
Merkins. See Pubic wigs. Narcotics, 68 On heat. See Estrus.
Metabolic rate, 297 National Organization of Women, US Onions, 77
Metrorrhagia (irregular periods), 293 (NOW), 174 'On the game’, 278, 282
Metrostasis. See Metrorrhagia. National Health Service, 301 Operation Venus, 146
Middle-aged, the, 87, 88 Natural birth control. See Rhythm Method. Opinion Research Centre (GB), 216
Middle Ages, 32, 284 Naturism, 56-57 Opposite sex, the, 62, 80, 118, 192, 230, 272
Middle East, 227 Narkissos, 31 'Opposites attract’, 180
Migraine, 132 Nasal septum, 60 Opthalmia neonatorium, 148
Milk, mother’s, 36, 132 Nasamonian custom, 221 Oracles, 248
Millet, Kate, 216, 244 National Institute of Mental Health Task Oral contact. See Kiss; Kissing; Sucking.
MMPI, 174 Force, 174 Oral contraception. See Contraception.
Mind, the, 110, 112, 288 National Marriage Guidance Council (GB), Oral sex, 63,74,78,93-98, 108,148,153, 164,
Mineral salts, 72 124 182, 96,197,200
Minors (under age), 127, 264 National Women’s Health Coalition (US), 124 Organs, sexual. See Sex organs.
seducer of, slang words for, 127 Naughtiness, 164, 200 Orgasm(s), 13, 19, 20, 51, 62, 66, 68, 82, 84, 88,
Minstrels), 32 Nausea, 142, 211, 294 94, 95, 96,101,106-112, 114,158,159, 161,
Miscarriage, 148, 246 Naxogen tablets, 154 162, 170, 182, 186, 190, 195, 197, 258,297,300,
'Missionary’ position, 13 Nazi(s), 19, 169 304
Mistress(es), 240, 241, 280 Neck, 43, 62, 69, 78, 96, 153, 161, 297 clitoral, 108
Models, 278 Neck of the womb. See Cervix. female, 20, 72, 100, 106, 108-109, 110
Modesty, 24, 118 Necromania, 197 female failure to reach, 86
female, 291 Necrophilia, 197 inability to reach, 88, 114
Mohave, 169 Necrosadism, 197 male, 40, 100, 234
Mohel, 254 Nefzawi, Shaykh, 77, 222 multiple, 20, 24, 107
de Molina, Tirso, 263 Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 148 second,107
Mulluscum contagiosum, 149 Nerves, 100, 110, 216, 216 simultaneous, 98, 112
Mongoloid, 294 Nervous system (central), 107, 108, 148, 182, vaginal, 108
Monilia, 154, 290 266 Orgasmic dysfunction, 84, 85, 297
Moniliasis, 106, 154 parasympathetic autonomic, 68 Orgasmic peak, 107
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, 89 sympathetic autonomic, 68 Orgasmic response, 37, 66, 112, 122
Monogamy, 180, 230, 233 Neuroses, sexual, 212, 213 Orgy(ies), 14, 15, 27, 127, 164, 171, 260
serial, 233 Neurotic, 15, 174 slang words for, 127
Monroe, Marilyn, 226 Neurology, 15 Orgone energy, 19
Mons veneris, 36, 37, 66, 300 Neurosyphilis (General Paralysis of the Orientation, sexual, 17, 169, 176, 180, 202
Monsieur Verdoux, 263 Insane or CPI), 17, 150 Orifice(s), 82, 94
Montgomery’s tubercles, 294 The New Spirit, 16 Origen, 259
Moral judgment, 15, 128 New York City Health Dept., 124 'Original sin’, 279
Morals, 22, 82, 233, 257, 264, 280 NGU (non-gonococcal urethritis), 151, 154 Os, 36
Morality in Media, 128 NHS Information Service (London), 124 Os pubis, 39
Morality, public, 12, 24, 130 Niehans, Paul, 305 Othello, 117
Morbus indecens, 12 Nipple(s), 34, 36, 52, 53, 60, 66, 78, 100, 108, Ovarian cyst, 290
Mormons, 231, 233 190,192,293,294 Ovarian cystectomy, 298
Morning sickness, 294 Nivea cream, 106 Ovarian hormone, 296
Morphine, 68 Nixon, President, 128 Ovaries, 35, 37, 101, 130, 135, 148, 290, 293,
See Narcotics Nobel prize, 17 294, 296, 297, 300, 301
Morphologic sex, 46 Nocturnal emissions, 89 Ovid, 77, 222
Morris, Desmond, 233 Noise. See Sounds. Oviducts, 294
Mosaic law, 292 Non-communication, 85 Ovulation, 130, 132, 138, 139, 293
Mother(s), 89, 150, 186, 203, 204, 205, 211, 224, Non-consummation, 237 Ovum. See Egg.
227, 230, 236, 240, 244,246,295 Non-permissive, 17 Oxford Rub, 169, 171
goddesses, 224 Non-reactive phase, 107 Oysters, 77
hostile, 43 Non-sexual activity, 69 Oz, 80

Pheromones, 80 Pre-marital sex, 216, 217, 220, 226, 232
Phimosis, 154, 254, 302 Pre-menstrual tension, 70, 293
Phobia(s), 15, 256 Prepubertal child, 202
Phthirus publis, 155 Prepuce, 36, 40
Physical fitness. See Fitness. Presidential Commission on Obscenity, 271
Physical sexual therapy. See Sex therapy; Presley, Elvis, 172
Surrogate therapy. Priapism, 65, 303
Physique(s), 172 Priapos, Greek god of gardens, 250, 303
Pain, infliction of, 184, 188 Piaf, Edith, 226 Priestesses, 248
Pair-bond, 216 Pierced ears. See Body piercing. Prick-tease, 31
Palmetto, musk seeds, 305 Piercers, 60 Pride Foundation, 176
Palpitation(s), 266, 290, 300 Pill (contraceptive), the, 69, 106, 130, 132-133, Prince Albert. See Dressing ring
Pankhurst, Emmeline, 18, 244 137, 146, 149, 154,293 Princeton Rub, 169, 171
Panites, 194 combined, 132, 142 Prinsep, Val, 172
Pap test, 00 for men, 130 'Pro’. See Prostitute.
Parachlorophenylanine (PCPA), 68 morning-after, 142, 149 Problem letters, 121-124
Paralysis, 15 progesterone-only, 132 Problems, sexual, 23, 69, 82, 85, 87, 89, 92, 112,
Para-normal phenomena, 17 'stick-on’, 130 122, 158, 164, 206, 214, 238, 264,266
Paraphilia(s), 12, 181-200 Pillow book, 222 Procidentia, 299
Parasympathetic autonomic nervous system. Pills, creams, sprays (aphrodisiacs), 288 Procreation, 77, 138, 220, 214, 226, 256,279
See Nervous system. Pimp(s), 279, 280, 282, 284 Prolapse(s), 290
Parent(s), 202, 204, 206, 213, 220, 226, 233, 236, Pin-ups, 172 vaginal, 88
246 Ping-pong infection, 147, 154 See also Womb.
Parkinson’s disease, 68 Pipe. See Urethra. 'Professional’. See Prostitute.
Partner-swapping, 24, 147, 164, 228, 230, 232, Pituitary gland, 293, 294, 297 Progestasert, 140
240 Placenta, 294,297 Progestin. See Progestogen(s).
Passion, 77, 78, 80, 114 Planned parenthood. See Birth Control; Progestogens, 130, 140, 297
Passive role, 74 Contraception. Progesterone, 132, 296
Pathology, sexual, 17 Planned Parenthood Federation of America Progonasyl, 149
Patriarchy, 225 Inc., 124 Prolactin, 297
Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich, 17 Plastic surgery, 58 Promiscuous, 24, 146, 148, 153, 214, 260, 264,
Pederasty, 257 Plateau phase, 20, 107, 108, 304 278
Pediculosis capitas corporis. See Pubic lice. Playboy, 271 slang words for, 127
Pediculosis pubis. See Pubic lice. Play girl, 271 Propantheline, 68
Pedophile(s), 31, 200 'Playing doctor’, 200 Propionibacterium acnes, 306
Pedophilia, 200, 282 Play therapy, 92 Prostaglandin, 142, 297
Peeping Tom, 192, 263 Pleasure, 17, 78, 98, 100, 106, 107, 202, 203, Prostate (gland), 39, 40, 88, 101, 148, 151, 154,
Pelvic abscesses, 148 237,279 297, 303
Pelvic-floor exercises. See Exercises. Plural marriage. See Polyandry; Polygamy; enlarged, 305
Pelvic floor muscles, 106 Polygyny. Prostatic Utricle, 39, 40
Pelvic inflammation, 293 Poker-back, 151 Prostatism, 305
Pelvic muscles. See Muscles. Pokes, 51 Prostatitis, 305
Pelvis, 46, 72, 100, 290, 293, 294, 297, 298, 299 Point of no return, 110 chronic, 305
Penetration, 29, 31, 40, 84, 89, 95, 100, 101, 106 Pollen, 64, 77 Prostitute(s), 14, 20, 26, 146, 153, 186, 188, 190,
135, 160, 200, 209, 235, 237,238,264,270, Polyandry, 230 207, 226, 240, 270, 279, 280, 281,284
271,288,297,300 Polyester. See Terylene. See also Child prostitutes.
Penicillin, 149, 150, 151, 306 Polymenorrhagia. See Epimenorrhagia. Prostitution, 24, 240, 276-284
Penicillinase, 149 Polymenorrhoea (too frequent periods), 293 See also Child prostitution.
Penile piercing, 60 Polygamy, 226, 230, 233 Prude(s), 22, 24, 27
Penile splint, 288 Polygyny, 226, 230, 231 Prudery, 16, 24
Penilingus, 95 sororal, 231 Prudishness, 213, 248
Penis, 20, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46, 47, 52, 58, 62, 63, Polyps, 293 Pruritus, 155
68, 74, 78, 86, 89, 94, 95, 100, 101, 106, 107, Pomeroy, Wardell B., 19, 20 Pseudo-buboes, 149
110, 122, 127, 134, 135, 141, 148, 149, 150,153, Ponce, 282 Psychiatry, 15, 212, 213
154, 161, 164, 182, 187, 195, 210, 234,237,238, Pop (music). See Music. Pyschiatry and Neurology Covention
248, 250, 251, 254, 259, 264,288,296,303,304 Pop stars, 209 (1896), 17
artificial, 248, 261, 262, 266 Pornai, 281 Psychoanalysis, 15, 213, 238
envy,212 Pornographic bookshops, 14 The Psychoanalytic Association (Vienna), 18,
erect, 88, 160, 209 Pornographic films, 197, 274 19
glans (tip of), 37, 39, 40, 60, 95, 110, 134, 149, Pornographic magazines/books, 28, 190, Psychological identity, 42, 43
302 192,270 See also Identity.
head of, 60, 78 Pornography, 128, 270, 271, 281, 282 Psychopathia Sexualis (1886), 15, 17
prepuce, 39 hard,270 Psychosexual, 202, 272
shaft of the, 95, 110, 134 soft, 270, 274, 284 See also Identity; Psychological Identity.
slang words for, 127 Position(s), 96, 99-104, 108, 222, 234, 266 Psychotherapy,86,89,92, 213, 237, 238
Penis-enhancers, 60 face-to-face, 100, 182 Puberty, 28, 37, 46, 70, 89, 158, 200, 202, 209,
Penis sheaths, 53, 248 Kama Sutra, 104 210, 246, 262, 293, 300
Penthouse, 271 male on top, 100, 182 Pubes, 37
Pepper, 77 'missionary’, 100 Pubic bone, 34, 36, 37, 66, 95, 100, 288
cayenne, 288 rear entry, 100, 101, 182 Pubic hair. See Hair.
Peptic ulcer, 68 standing, 96, 101 Pubic lice, 122, 155
The Perfumed Garden, 77, 222 slang words for, 127 Pubic wigs, 53
Peritoneal cavity. See Abdomen. woman on top, 100 Pubic symphsis, 36
Peritonitis, 148 Possessive(ness), 117, 204 Pubis, 293
Perineum, 37, 39, 40, 60, 66, 95, 290, 297, 305 Postillionage, 101 Pudenda, 58
Periods (menstrual), 122, 292-293, 300 Potency, 195, 262 Pulse rates, 108, 112
Peripheral neuropathy, 69 Potensan Forte, 68 Punishment, corporal, 188
'Permissive’ society, 128, 146 'Prairie Oysters’, 65 Punk, 282
Permissiveness, 120, 146 Preferences, sexual, 15, 182, 192 Purdah, 226
Personal columns, 218 Pregnancy. 85, 89, 106, 122, 124, 132, 140, 142, Puritan, 16, 18, 24, 156, 257
Perversion(s), 12, 182, 192, 214 158, 214, 226, 235, 237, 246, 264, 290, 293, Purity, 85, 216, 221
Perverted, 89, 180, 195, 282 294, 295, 297, 301,304 Pyelitis, 154
Person-to-person, 107, 113-120 accidental, 130, 132
Pessary(ies), 130, 135, 137, 142, 154 early, 34, 294
Pete (Walt Whitman’s boy friend), 171 ectopic, 148, 294, 295
Petroleum jelly, 106 unwanted, 18, 24, 69, 130, 132, 134, 137, 141,
Pettenkofer, Max von, 291 142,144,154,214
Petting, 62, 169, 209, 217 Pregnancy tests, 142, 294, 295
Phallic, 77, 248-249, 250 Pregnant, 122, 127, 154, 200, 240, 246, 261, 298,
symbolism, 248, 249, 251, 260 304
Phallophoria, 250 slang words for, 127
Phallus, 47, 248, 261 Prejudices, 88 Quaintance, 172
Pharaonic mutilation, 254 Premature ejaculation, 17, 20, 68, 89, 158, 235, Queer, 171
Phenol, 306 238,288, 297 Quickening, 247

Sacrificial gelding, 259 Sex education, 16, 24, 92, 122, 130, 158, 207,
Sade, Marquis de, 14, 15, 17, 24, 184 214, 222,266
Sadism, 14, 15, 16, 17, 27, 184, 186, 188, 271, Sex for one, 157-162
274 Sex glands, 65, 293
Sadist, 14 Sex hormones. See Hormones.
Sadistic, 80, 271, 282 Sex hygiene. See Hygiene.
Sado-masochism (S/M), 15, 52, 116, 182, 186, Sex in a wheelchair, 266
194, 271,278,279 Sexiness, 34, 276
•Rain’, 197 Advice guide to, 183 Sex information, general, 124
Randy, 72 Saf-T-coil. See Coil. Sex Information Service Program, 124
'Rap’ sessions, 174 Safe period, 138, 139 Sex Information and Education Council of the
Rape,124,142, 174, 237, 246, 264, 278 'Sailor’s sweetheart’, 160 US (SIECUS), 214
group. See Gang bang. St. Anthony, 32 Sexism, 26, 29, 272
Rape Advice Centre (London), 124 St. Jerome, 32 Sexist attitude, 28
Rape Crisis Center (CA), 124, 264 St. Paul, 257 Sex life, 87, 88, 112, 120, 144, 146, 164, 202, 256,
Rapid Eye Movement (REM), 23, 70 St. Teresa of Avila, 258 271, 301
Rapist, 263, 264, 271 Salpingitis, 148, 294 Sex maniac, 263
Rash(es), 148, 152, 153 Sand, George, 120 Sex manual(s), 222
Raunchy, 72 Saliva, 94, 106 Sex object(s), 14, 27, 28, 29, 170, 240, 262
Reader’s Guide, 222, 271-272 S & M. See Sado-masochism. Sex offenders, 68, 89
Ravel, 80 Same-sex partners, 167-180 Sexology,12, 130, 16, 18
Rectal intercourse San Francisco Sex Information (SFSI), 124, Sex organs, 12, 46, 50, 63, 65, 66, 68, 77, 82, 86,
See Anal intercourse. 183 94, 106, 122, 149, 153, 158, 210, 246, 251, 254,
Rectum, 37, 39, 40, 101, 148, 149, 150, 161, 162, Sanger, Margaret and William, 18 266,290,293,298
197,288,290, 305 Sanitary towels, 211 female, 43, 78, 300
Red light district, 284 Sanskrit manuscripts, 58 male, 43, 302
Reflexes, 68, 69, 110, 216, 234 Sarcoptes scabiei, 152 Sexploitation, 218, 269-276
conditioned, 17 Sarsaparilla, 64 Sex reassignment, 46
Refractory period (after orgasm), 304 Satisfaction, 107, 110, 232, 266 Sex-related diseases, 24, 85, 95, 124, 126, 134,
Regression, 213 Satyriasis, 303 146-147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 155, 156, 166, 210,
Reich, Wilhelm, 18, 19 Satyrs, 250, 303 214, 216, 232, 237, 240, 264, 279,293
Reiter’s Disease, 15 Sauna, 284 slang words for, 127
Rejection, 27, 86, 116, 238 Scabies, 152, 153 Sex role(s), 22, 29, 46, 52, 170, 205, 272
Rejuvenation, 200, 305 Scabies Norwegica, 152 Sex shows, 192, 276
Relative infertility, 300 Scalp, 152, 155 Sex store, in the, 285-288
See also Sterility. Scarification, 58 Sex therapy. See Therapy.
Religion, 192, 216, 248 Scent, 96 Sex-therapy clinic(s), 19, 20
and sexual behaviour, 256-257, 284 Schrenck-Notzing, Albert, Freiherr von, 17 Sexual ability, 69, 82, 88, 110, 112
Rembar, Charles, 128 Scientific Humanitarian Committee (1897), impairment of, 72
Renaissance, the, 222 169 loss of, 65
Repression, 12, 120, 212, 213, 259, 266, 278 'Scold’s bridle’, 190 waning, 87
Reproduction, sexual, 235, 294 Scopophilia, 192 Sexual act(s), 14, 84, 106, 194, 200; See also
Reproductive Biology Research Scourging, 188 Intercourse.
Foundation, 20 'Scrape’. See Dilation and curettage. Sexual activity, 259, 280, 281
Reproductive cycle, 211 Screw, 271 Sexual adjustment, 69
Reproductive system, 104, 144, 148 Scrotal bag,40,297, 303 Sexual advances, 62
Repulsion, 80, 85 See also Scrotum. Sexual appeal, 52, 58
Resolution phase, 20, 108 Scrotum, 40, 60, 63, 66, 95, 148, 149, 210, 254, Sexual appetite, 293
Resorcinol, 306 297, 303 Sexual arousal. See Arousal.
Respiration, 107, 108 Sea food, 77 Sexual attention, 29
Resource Center for Human Relations, 124 Sebum, 306 Sexual behaviour. See Behaviour.
Retinoic acid, 306 Second World War, 120, 146, 148, 169, 228 Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, 19
Revue des Deux Mondes, 14 Secondary sex organs, 296, 297 Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, 19, 170
'Rh’. See Rhesus factor. Secondary sexual characteristics, 39, 43, 68, Sexual consummation, 62
Rheumatism, 266 210,237,262 Sexual desire. See Desire.
Rhesus factor (negative, positive), 294 Sedatives, 68 Sexual development, 31, 202, 203, 204
Rhythm, 69, 95 See also Barbiturates. Sexual differentiation, 297
Rhythm method, 70, 130, 138-139 Seducer, 263 Sexual disease(s). See Sex-related diseases.
Rib cage,106, 136 Seduction, 31, 62, 69, 240 Sexual display, 49-60, 52, 53, 192, 259
Richards, Renee, Dr., 48 Seductions, 263 Sexual dysfunction, 20, 92, 164, 213
Rimbaud, 171 childhood, 15 Sexual ecstasy, 257
Rimming, 171 Selective swap, 228 Sexual energy. See Libido.
Rin-no-tama. See Vaginal balls. Self, the, 213 Sexual enjoyment, 88, 106, 134
Rite of Spring, 80 Self-abuse. See Masturbation. Sexual excitement, 164, 190, 261, 297
Rituals, sexual, 197 Self-affliction, 17 Sexual experience, 19
Rock music. See Music. Self-confidence, 117, 205, 209 Sexual exploitation, 28, 190
Roe, Vernon, 18 Self-display, 190 Sexual expression, 19, 29
Roles, 22, 74, 233 Self-emasculation, 259 Sexual favours, 232, 280, 284
active, 74, 216 Self-love, 31 Sexual freedom, 146, 205, 232
and attitudes, 22 Self-mutilation. See Sexual function, 16
Rolling Stones, 80 Mutilation. Sexual gallery, 21-32
Roman Catholic Church, 138 Self-punishment, 278 Sexual gratification 24, 31, 188
Romance, 32, 272 Semen, 37, 40, 95, 106, 110, 127, 156, 235, 304 Sexual identity, 202
Romano, Giulio, 222 slang words for, 127 Sexual ignorance. See Ignorance.
Romans, 12, 32, 257 Seminal fluid, 234, 235 Sexual intercourse. See Intercourse, sexual.
Roman Empire, 27 Seminal vesicle(s), 39, 40, 110 Sexual Inversion, 16
Romeo and Juliet, 233 Sex, 24, 68, 69, 72, 76, 77, 82, 85, 100, 112, 116, Sexual liberation, 12-13
Der Rosenkavalier, 80 212, 213, 237, 238, 248, 250, 254, 256, 257, 259, Sexuality, 15, 24, 58, 68, 72, 77, 112, 203, 204,
Russell, Bertrand, 120 261,263,280,305 212, 246,256
Russia, 169 disinterest in, 107 of children, 13, 16, 203
Rubber, 106, 194 gender, 46, 62 human, 16, 24, 74, 80, 92, 130, 272, 300
Rubber doll(s). See Doll. guilt about, 82 of older male, 304
Rubber sheets, 194 Sex act. See Intercourse. psychopathology of, 15
Sex aids, 90-91, 288 Sexually inadequate, the, 28, 69
shops, 64 Sexually-transmitted diseases. See Sex
Sex appeal, 52, 53, 58, 240, 272 related diseases.
Sex change, 46 Sexually unresponsive, 84
Sex chromosomes, 46 Sexual medicine, 13
Sex contacts, 146, 148, 171 Sexual mimicry, 80
Sex counselling. See Counselling. Sexual obsession, 212
Sex centre. See Brain. Sexual offences, 64, 128, 264
Sex determination, 46 Sexual organs. See Organs.
Sacher-Masoch, Leopold von, 14, 15, 17 Sex drive. See Drive, sexual. Sexual orientation. See Orientation.

Sexual performance, 20, 64, 68, 69, 72, 88, 92, Speculum, 290, 294
288, 305 Sperm. See Spermatozoa.
Sexual play, 94, 106, 110, 195, 203, 238 Spermatic duct. See Vas deferens.
Sexual pleasure, 60, 63, 72, 82, 110, 141, 155, Spermatozoa, 37, 40, 70, 106, 110, 130, 132, 134,
158, 159, 192,194,197 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 144, 234, 235,
Sexual Politics, 244 300,301
Sexual positions. See Positions. Sperm cell, 35, 40
Sexual problems. See Problems, sexual. Sperm count, 144, 235
Sexual relations, 24, 136, 158; See also Spermicide(s), 130, 134, 135, 136, 137, 149, 294
Intercourse. Sphincter, 40, 101
Sexual relationship(s), 24, 27, 31, 106 Spina bifida, 266 Tabes Dorsalis, 150
Sexual renaissance, 12 Spinal cord,15,68, 108,110, 150, 266 Taboo, 171, 214, 216, 221, 233, 261, 271, 293
Sexual repressiveness, 120, 257 Spine, 66, 72, 234, 266 Tales of Mother Goose, 263
Sexual response, 14, 20, 66, 68, 72, 92, 96, 112, Spinsters, 212, 226, 231 Tampon, 137, 237
203, 270, 271, 300 Spirits, 69 Taoism, 256
Sexual revolution, 146, 214, 233, 271 Spirochoeta pallida, 150 Tattooing, 58, 190
Sexual roles. See Sex roles. Spironolactone, 68 Taylor, Gordon Rattray, 222, 225
Sexual routine, 62 'Squeeze’ method, 89 'Tea room’, 171
Sexual satisfaction, 18, 20, 224 Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 244 Tease, 31
Sexual stimulation, 28, 53, 63, 65, 68, 69, 80, Statutory rape, 264 Teat, 134
108, 180,300, 304 Steinach, Eugen, 305 Techniques. See Sexual techniques.
Sexual success, 87, 92 Stereotypes Teenage sex,153
Sexual techniques, 85, 106, 108, 222 homosexual, 180 Teenage years, 306
Sexual tension, 62, 72, 159 sex-role, 180 Teeth, 78, 82, 95
Sexual union, 260; See also Intercourse. Sterilization, 130, 134, 144 Temperature, 112, 234
'Shacked up’ together, 220 Sterility, 148, 234, 262, 300-301 body,135, 182
Shakers (sect), 256 'Stews’, the, 284 method, 138
Shakespeare, William, 22, 69, 114, 117, 284 Stigmata, 150 Temptation, sexual, 13
Shakti, 251 Stimulation, 20, 89, 94, 100, 112 Tenderness, 114
Shame, 18, 110, 146, 192, 200, 211, 213, 291, 306 of the penis, 89 Tension(s), 72, 110, 116, 204, 205, 230, 240
Shaw, George Bernard, 120 oral, 96 release of, 89
Sheath. See Condom(s). Stomach, 298 See also Premenstrual tension,
Shelagh-na-gig figures, 261 Stone Age, 251 sexual, 107
Shiva, 250 'The Stonewall’ (NYC), 176 Termination. See Abortion.
Shoulders, 100, 104, 152, 210, 306 Stopes, Marie Carmichael, 18, 222 Territorial rights, 216
Shyness, 86, 114, 118, 213 'Stopes cap’, 18 Tertullian, 32
Sibling rivalry, 233 Straights, 172 Terylene, 190
Sight, 16, 98, 203, 216 Strangulation, 187 Testes, 37, 39, 40, 46, 52, 63, 95, 101, 110, 127,
Sign language, 74, 76 Strauss, Richard, 80 144, 187, 195, 210, 262, 288, 297, 300, 302, 303
Silenoi, 250 Stravinsky (Igor), 80 goats’, 305
Silicone inserts, 46 Streetwalker, 278 internal, 42
Simons, G. L., 180, 271 Streptomycin, 149, 153 monkeys’, 305
Simulation, 114 Stress, 69, 85, 139, 141, 293 removal of, 89
Sin(s), 85, 188, 256, 258 abnormal, 82 slang words for, 127
Single, 122 Stress and depression, 68, 82 undescended. See Cryptorchism.
'Singles bar’, 117, 171 Strip-tease, 53, 192 Testicle(s). See Testes.
Sister(s), 225, 227, 231, 246 dancers, 192, 276 Testicular elevation, 304
69. See Soixante-neuf. Strychnine, 68 Testicular feminization syndrome, 42
Skene’s tubules, 148 Studies in the Psychology of Sex (1896-1928), Testis. See Testes.
Skin, 72, 74, 96, 100, 101,150,152,155,293, 16 Testosterone, 64, 65, 262
297, 306 Sub-fertility, 130, 301 Tetracyclines, 149, 150, 151, 154, 306
Skin flicks, 274 Subincision, 254 Thailand beads. See Vaginal balls.
Skoptzy, 259 Sublimation, 15, 212, 272 Therapy, group, 118, 164
Slang, sexual, 77, 126-127 Submission, 27, 190, 233, 271 Therapy, sex, 17, 20, 85, 92, 213, 238, 274
Slave(s), 14, 15, 27, 52, 74, 200, 227, 240 Substitute sex partners, 238 Thigh(s), 66, 96, 100, 101, 104, 108, 110, 141,
Slave harness, 52 Succubus, 259 149, 154, 155, 276,294,297
Slave/master, 52, 187 'Suck holes’, 171 Thioridazine, 89
Slavery,240 Sucking, 78, 94, 95, 96 Three Essays on the Sexual Theory (1905), 17
'Slap and tickle’, 284 Suction, 94, 95 Thrill, sense of, 106
Sleep(ing), 23, 70, 89, 107, 220, 259 Suction Methods (of abortion), 142, 143 Throat, 95, 148, 187
'Sleep around’, 146 Suffrage, female, 244 cavity of, 94
S/M. See Sado-masochism. Suicide, 18 passage, 95
The Small Passion, 38, 39 Sulphonamides, 149, 153 Thrombosis, 132
SM codes, 74 Sulphur, 306 'Throw-outs’, 141
Smear tests, 34, 132, 290, 291, 298 Sun clubs. See Naturism. Thrush, 154, 290
Smegma, 40, 254, 302 Superstitions, 88 Thrusting, 110
Smell(s), 16, 62, 80, 82, 94, 158, 194, 197, 216 Superego, 15, 213 deep,101
Smellie, William, 291 Superiority complex, 16 Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex
Smoking, 72, 272 Super-lovers, 114 (1905), 17
Soap and water, 94 Suppository, 137, 149 Thumb, 89
'Sob sisters’, 122 See also Pessary. Thyroid, 297
Society and sex, 243-264 'Surfacebleed’, 293 Tit and bum shots (photographs), 172, 270
Society and the Healthy Homosexual, 180 Surrogate, 92, 238 Titillation, 222, 276
Society for Constructive Birth Control (1922), Surrogate therapy, 85, 86, 89, 92, 238 Tit pictures, 270
18 Sushruta, 305 Tobias’ night, 220
Sodomy, 169, 171, 246 Swapping, 228 Toe(s), 98, 101
Soixante-neuf (69), 98 Sweater girl, 46 Toilets, public, men’s, 126
Soliciting, 279 Sweden, 172 Tom of Finland, 172
Solomon, 233 Swinburne, 188 Tomato, 77
Song of, 195 Swinging, 24, 228, 240 Tomboyish, 293
Soma plant, 305 Switzerland, 305 Tongue, 63, 74, 78, 94, 96
Sorcery, 305 Symbolism, 23 tip of, 94
Sore(s), cold, 153 See also Dreams. Topless, 53, 56, 192
genital, 149 Sympathetic autonomic nervous system. Torso, 101
soft, 153 See Nervous system. inflatable male, 160
Sorensen, R. C., 216 Syphilis, 146, 150, 153, 279, 290, 294, 302 Touch, 16, 63, 66, 94, 114, 203
Sounds, 104, 106, 108, 203, 216, 237 congenital, 150 Touching, 63, 66, 85, 92, 104, 169
South America, 64 early infectious, 150 between strangers, 261
Spain, 32, 65 maternal, 150 'Touching yourself’, 159
Spanish Fly, 14, 65, 305 ping-pong, 150 'Training’, 190
Spanking, 190 tests for, 151 Tranquilizer(s), 87, 88, 89, 92, 213, 238, 288,
Spasms, 110 See also Neurosyphilis. 293
Spectrophilia, 259 Syphilitic alopoccia, 150 Transference, theory of, 16

Transsexual(s), 46, 47, 127, 202, 259 Vagina, 20, 34, 35, 36, 37, 46, 47, 62, 63, 68, 78, Water games, 197
female, 42, 45 86, 89, 94, 96, 100, 101, 106, 107, 108, 110, Water retention, 68
male, 43, 44 112, 127, 130, 134, 135, 137, 140-144, 148-150, Wedding, 217, 220
slang words for, 127 153, 154, 156, 159, 161, 195, 197, 209, 234, 235, Wedding ceremony, 221
Transsexualism, 46 237, 238, 251, 264, 270, 288, 290, 294,295,297 Wedding customs, 220
Transvestism, 13, 17, 122 299,300,301 Wedding day, 220
Transvestite(s), 127, 178, 199 artificial, 160 Wedding depression, 220
male, 43, 44 slang words for, 127 Wednesday Circle, 16
slang words for, 127 Vaginal balls, 106, 159, 162 Weight, 70, 101, 132, 136, 220
Treponema pallidum, 150 Vaginal discharge(s), 132, 148, 154, 155, 156, Weinberg, George, 180
Trial marriage, 220 290,291,293,298 Wells, H. G., 120
Tribadism, 169 Vaginal douche. See Douche. West, the, 64, 162
Trie-agent, 151 Vaginal lips. See Labia; Vulva, lips of. West Indies, 240
Trichomonas vaginalis, 154, 290 Vaginal muscles, 94, 101, 110 Wet dreams, 89
Trichomoniasis, 151, 154 'Vaginal odours’, 80 Wheat germ, 77
Trick, 74, 169, 171 Vaginal orgasm, 20 Whipping, 14, 187, 188
Troubadours, 32 Vaginal walls, 63, 106, 110, 290 Whippingham Papers, 188
Trouvere(s), 32 Vaginitis, 154, 166 Whiteheads, 306
Truffles, 77 tricomonal, 154 Whitehouse, Mary, 128
Trust, 114 vulvo, 154 The White House, 176
Tuberculosis, 154, 293, 302 Vaginismus, 237, 238, 297 Whitman, Walt, 171
Tubal ligation, 144 Van der Weyden, 51 Wife, 147, 148, 186, 224, 226, 230, 231, 232, 233,
Tubules (of testes), 40 Varanoff, Serge, 305 240, 241,254
Tumescent, 304 Varga, 172 common law, 230
Tumour(s), 150, 290, 298, 299, 301, 303 Variations. See Paraphilias. Wife's Handbook, The, 222
water. See Hydrocele. Varicose veins, 290 Wife-swapping. See Partner swapping.
Turgenev,14 Vas (tube), 301, 302 Wig(s), 160
Turned-off, 82 Vas deferens, 37, 39, 40, 144, 302, 303 Wilde, Oscar, 13, 16, 171
Turned on, 62-63, 65, 120, 164, 238 Vasectomy, 134, 144 William the Bastard, Duke of Normandy
See also Arousal. rejuvenation of rats, 305 (William the Conqueror), 226
Turner’s syndrome, 43 Vaseline, 106, 134, 137 Wine, 69
Typhoid, 291 Vatsyayana, 222 Winslow, 180
Tynan, Kenneth, 226 Vault cap. See Dumas cap. Wise Parenthood, 18
Tyson’s glands, 148 Veda, the, 305 Wish-fulfilment, 16
Venereal diseases. See Sex-related diseases. Witchcraft, 197
VD Clinics, 146, 154 Witch-hunting, 256
Venery’. See Love-making. Witches, 248
Venus, 146 Withdrawal, 141, 159
Venus in Furs, 14, 15 Wolf, 264
Verlaine, 171 Woman. See Body maps.
Vestals, 248 Womb cancer. See Cancer(s).
Vestibule, 37 Womb, 24, 35, 36, 37, 130, 132, 135, 136, 138,
Vibrator, 37, 101, 161, 284 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 148, 235,246,261,290,
Victorian era, 16, 24, 257 293,294,295,297,300,301
Victorian literature, 65 anteverted, 299
Ulcers, 149, 150, 153, 244, 259 Victorianism, 12 neck of. See Cervix,
'Umbilicated papules’, 149 Vienna Psychoanalytical Society, 16 prolapse of the, 106, 140, 299
Ulcusmolle, 153 Vinegar, 149 removal of the, 88, 289, 301
Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich, 169 Violence, 116 retroverted, 299
Uncircumcised, 302 Virgin, 77, 154, 200, 209, 216, 221,237 Women Against Rape, 124
Under age partners, 171 slang words for, 127 Women’s clothes, wearing, 43
Underwear, 76, 196, 237, 288 Virginity, 35, 209, 216, 217, 220, 237, 254, 260 Women’s liberation, 29, 216, 244
Undescended testes. See Cryptorchsim. Virginity, to lose one’s, movement, 174, 244
Unfaithfullness, 146, 240 slang words for, 127 Women’s rights group, 144
Unguent, 104 Virgo intacta. See Virginity. Words and Grafhtti, 125-128
Unmarried mother. See Mother. Virility, 26, 51, 77, 240 World Population Conference (1929), 18
U.S. (USA), 64, 128, 130, 142, 146, 148, 150, Virtue, 24, 32, 209 Worry blocks, 81-92
169, 176, 180, 218, 228, 244, 254, 259, 264, 276, Vision, 80, 100 Wrists, 152, 161, 187, 190
293, 300,301 Vitamin(s), 69, 72, 288
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 19 Vitamin E, 65, 77
U.S. Navy, 176 Voice(s),
Unisex, 46, 200 boys’, 89, 262
Unsafe days, 138 deep,68,210
Unwanted pregnancy(ies). See Pregnancy. Voice changes, 210
Upbringing and conditioning, Voluptuary, 24
female, 42 Voluptuousness, 51
male, 43 Vomiting, 142, 182, 211
Urethra, 37, 39, 47, 110, 148, 151, 154,254,290, Voyeur, 96, 122, 164, 192, 196, 263
302, 305 slang words for, 127
prostatic, 40 Voyeurism, 56, 192
Urethral syndrome. See Cystitis. Vulva, 34, 37, 66, 96, 149, 150, 154, 155, 195,
Yaws, 151
Urethritis, 303 235, 250, 251, 254, 261, 270,290,297, 298
Yeast infection. See Monoliasis.
Urine, 37, 65, 70, 72, 197, 294, 305 see also Labia.
Yohimbine, 65
elimination of, 88 lips of the, 94, 96, 108, 110, 161, 162, 190
Yoni, 104, 250, 251
Urinating, 106, 146, 148, 151, 155, 197, 264 slang words for, 127
Young adults, 88
Urination, 155 Vulvic, 251
Y-typical congenital malformation, 43
Urine, 154, 302
Urolagnia, 74, 127, 197
slang words for, 127
Useful addresses, 124
Uterus. See Womb.

Wank, 51
Warts, 150 Zola, (Emile), 14
ano-genital, 153 Zoophilia, 196
genital, 153 Zuhin, 169
Vacuum aspiration, 142, 143 vulval, 153 Zuhi, 169
'V’ sign, 74 Wart paint, 153 Zygote, 294

'The Bride of Frankenstein’; 88 Ch’ing Grant; 230-1 Union Pacific; 232-3 'Le
dynasty ginger-jar, coll, of the Rt. Hon. Dejeuner Sur l’Herbe’, Musee du Louvre,
Acknowledgments Malcolm Macdonald; 89 unpublished Paris, Photographie Giraudon; 236 Mia
illustration for Lysistrata; 90-1 photo © Farrow, Popperfoto; 243 Mansell
TCP. Ltd. 1977; 94 'Black & White Head’, Collection; 245 Camera Press; John
To Peter Webb, Senior Lecturer in the liquitex on canvas, 1966; 97 'Red & Black Topham; 248-9 design, Reg. Boorer, ©
History of Art, Middlesex Polytechnic, Pillows’, liquitex on canvas, 1966 (coll, TCP. Ltd., 1977; 250 tl. John Topham
and author of The Erotic Arts (1974), who of John & Kimiko Powers); 98 Wood-block Ltd.; cr. Stiftung Staatlicher Kultur-
greatly assisted the creation of this book by Kunisada, from Oyagari no Koe, besitz, Berlin; b. Trustees of the British
with his advice and the use of his own Boston Museum of Fine Arts; 100-1 Museum, London; 251 tl. photo Jeff
collection of books and photographs, the Orissan posture book, early 19th cent., Teasdale; tr. Trustees of the British
publishers wish to express their special © P. S. Rawson; 102 cup by the Museum; b. photo Jeff Teasdale;
thanks. Triptolemos painter, Tarquinia Museum; 252-3 design, Ellen Moorcroft, © TCP.
105 Camera Press; photo Robin Clifford, Ltd. 1977; 254 Mansell Collection;
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valuable help, advice and information, Garrett, © Marshall Cavendish; des Juifs Portugais’, Mansell Coll.;
the publishers are grateful: 108 QED; 111 photo Malcolm Hoare; 256 'The Long Engagement’ (1859) by
Dr. C. N. Armstrong; R. M. Coleman 112 QED; 113 photo G. P. Raba, © ZEFA; Arthur Hughes by permission of
(Gold Star Publications Ltd.); The 115 © Marshall Cavendish; 116 'Aunt Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery;
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Christopher Gotch, RIBA; Malcolm courtesy George Rainbird Ltd.; Aerofilms Ltd.; 2581. photo
Hoare; Barry Kay; Ministry of 117 Michele Mortimer; 120 'Copenhagen Alinari; br. detail of amphora by the
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Infestation Control Laboratory, Slough, 126 tl. Reg Boorer; bl. Roger Perry; Antikensammlungen, Munich; bl.
Bucks; Alan Oversby; Philip S. Rawson 128 tr. Roger Perry; 129 Topham; Topham; 259 b. woodcut from
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Rubinstein. 138-9 diagrams by Shoeshine Studio; Arts’ by Peter Webb, page 49, n 285; l.,
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Permission to reproduce drawings by Studio; 142-3 Len Whiteman/Gordon Attic amphora from Nola, Musee
Tomi Ungerer has kindly been granted by Cramp Studios; 144 Len Whiteman/ Municipal de Laon, photo Lauros/
Diogenes Verlag AG, Zurich. Gordon Cramp Studios; 147 Shoeshine Giraudon; 262 (both) Trustees of the
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and companies who could not be traced Laboratory; dorso-lateral view of 265 Stafleu’s Wetenschappelijke Uitg.,
before this book went for publication. Sarcoptes Scabiei, x336; dorsal view of Leiden; 266 experimental sex education
Phthiruspubis x56; 153 Nigel Marks; for blind teenagers in Sweden, by
Endpapers, photo Jeff Dunas, ©Viva 155 graphics by Shoeshine Studio; courtesy of Dr, Maj-Briht Bergstrom-
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Mikhail Nesterov, Mansell Coll.; Sample; 160 photo © TCP. Ltd.; photo.Victor Skrebneski © Dormeuil
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Federation; photo E. O. Hoppe, 1932, Louvre, Paris; 167 Jean Cocteau; photo ©Barry Ryan, © Fiorucci Spa.;
Mansell Coll.; 19 the Wilhelm Reich 168 detail from etching 'In Despair’ from J. R. Freeman & Son Ltd.; 274 l. Michael
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20 Popperfoto; 21 Kobal Coll., 'Yellow (Petersburg Press Ltd., London); 170-1 tl. 275 tr. Michael Putland/LFI; b. Fotogram/
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Coll.; 29 (Dean) Kobal Coll; (Bogart) 'Quaintance’ from Homo-Erotic Art by the Shuvalov painter, Stiftung
'High Sierra’; (Brando) Ronald Grant; Barrington; Colt © The Colt Studio 1974; Staatlicher Kulturbesitz, Berlin;
30 Kobal Coll.; 31 Kobal Coll.; Ronald 177 tl. photo John Heim, San Francisco; b. Popperfoto; 282 Ronald Grant;
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Leonard McCombe/Life ©TimeInc. 193 model & photo by Shirtsleeve Studio; 296 research & visualisation by Karen
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65 tr. British Museum (Natural History); Viva International Ltd., retouching by
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