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Week 04 − Period: 13
Unit 3 – What day is today?


I. Objectives
Pupils can ask and answer about days of the week.

II. Sentence Patterns

 What day is it today?  It’s ___.

III. Vocabulary
 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
 July, have, day, today
IV. Teaching aids
 Student’s book, p. 18
 Situational pictures and relevant calendars
 CD1, Track 18
V. Procedures:
Teacher (T)’s activities Pupils (Ss)’ activities
Introduction (7’)
 Greet Ss. Then get the class to  Respond to T’s greeting. Sing the
sing the song Where are you song, and say the chant.
from? Then say the chant What
nationality are you?
 Present Unit 3: Point at the title  Look, read, listen, and repeat.
and read it twice for Ss to repeat. Answer T’s questions.
Check comprehension and give
Input presentation
1. Look, listen and repeat. (8’)
 Present Lesson 1: Point at the  Look, read, listen and answer T’s
pictures a, b, c, and d respectively questions.

to present the story. Explain what
each character says. Check
comprehension and give
 Play Track 18, Activity 1, pointing  Look, read, listen and repeat,
at each speech bubble for Ss to pointing at the corresponding
listen and repeat the sentence(s) bubble.
 Point at each bubble for Ss to read  Look, and read the words in the
the sentence(s). bubble.
Sentence pattern practice
(full controlled)
2. Point and say. (10’)
 Present the activity. Tell Ss the  Look, read, listen to T. Answer T’s
meaning of the sentences in questions. Repeat the words
practice. Point at each day in the under each picture.
calendar to check comprehension,
and give feedback. Have Ss repeat
each day twice.
 Play Track 18, Activity 2 for Ss to  Look, listen, and repeat, pointing
repeat twice. at the corresponding sentence.
 Interact with Ss to ask and answer  Interact with T.
questions about the days of the
 Get Ss to practise in pairs asking  Practise the questions and the
and answering about days of the answers.
 Invite a few pairs to check their  Interact to ask and answer
performance. questions about where his / her
partner is from.
Work in pairs. Ask your partners
what day it is today. (10’)
 Get one or two pairs to role play  Role play the story.
the story in 1. Look, listen and
 Present the activity. Show Ss how

to carry out the task: Ss role play  Follow T’s instructions.
to ask and answer questions
about the current day.
 Wrap up. (See Teacher’s book,
How to end the lesson, p. 15)
 Inform Ss of the project on p. 23
to interview a few classmates  Listen and turn to p. 17 to read
about what he / she does at the the information. Take notes.
weekend, and report to the class.
Check their understanding and
give feedback. Tell Ss the project

Days and months always start with a capital letter: Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, etc. January, February, etc.

Online resources:
- Thư viện: Phiên bản học sinh: SGK lớp 4, sách mềm tham khảo, v.v.
Phiên bản giáo viên: Bộ thẻ từ lớp 4; Bài giảng mẫu (video), Sách giáo viên
TA4, Sách thiết kế bài giảng mẫu, Phân phối chương trình lớp 4, Đề kiểm tra,
Sách mềm tham khảo, Luyện tập trực tuyến, v.v.


Week 04 − Period: 14
Unit 3 – What day is today?


I. Objectives
Pupils can
 listen and tick the correct pictures.
 read the information on a table, and fill the gapped sentences.
 sing the song We have English today.

II. Sentence Patterns

 Revision

III. Vocabulary
 Revision

IV. Teaching aids

 Student’s book p. 19
 Pictures for the activities
 CD1, Tracks 19 & 20

V. Procedures:
Teacher (T)’s activities Pupils (Ss)’ activities
Warm up (7’)
 Greet Ss. Then get the class to play  Respond to T’s greetings. Play
the game Lip reading. Ask What the game. Follow T’s
day is it today? Then whisper the instructions.
answer for the class to say aloud.
 When the game ends, use your

fingers showing the day for the
class to say: Today is ___.
Listening practice
3. Listen and tick. (8’)
 Present the activity. Tell Ss to read  Look and listen to T.
the calendar, and pay attention to
the days.
 Play Track 19 for Ss to do the task,  Read, listen and tick the
and check their answers. calendars.
 Check answers as a class.  Check the answers in pairs.
Key: 1 b 2 a 3 c

Audio script
1. Mr Loc: Hello, class.
Class: Hello, Mr Loc.
Mr Loc: What day is it today, class?
Class: It’s Thursday.
Mr Loc: Very good! Time for English.
2. Mai: What day is it today, Nam?
Nam: It’s Tuesday.
Mai: So we have English today, right?
Nam: Yes. That’s right.
3. Phong: It’s Tuesday. We have English
Quan: No, it isn’t Tuesday. It’s
Wednesday. We don’t have English
Phong: Oh, you’re right!

Reading & writing practice

4. Look and write. (5’)
 Present the activity. Tell Ss to read  Look, listen to and answer T’s
each gapped sentence, and pay questions.
attention to the activity. Then they
should scan the table for the same
activity and the day. Remind Ss that
days of the week always start with

a capital letter. Check
comprehension and give feedback.
 Set time for Ss to do the task.
 Read the gapped sentences.
Look at the table, and fill the
 Check answers as a class. gaps.
 Get the class to read the completed  Check the answers in pairs.
sentences aloud.  Follow T’s instructions.
Key 1 Monday 2 Tuesday
3 Saturday 4 Sunday

Song practice
5. Let’s sing. (15’)
 Present the song We have English
today. Get Ss to read the lyrics in  Listen and read the lyrics.
silence, check comprehension and Answer T’s questions.
give feedback.
 Play Track 20 for Ss to repeat each
line twice.  Read, listen and repeat,
pointing at the corresponding
 Show Ss how to mime the song. line.
 Look, listen and imitate T’s
 Get Ss to practise singing and movements.
miming the song in groups.  Practise the song.
 Invite a group to perform the song.
 Sing and mime the song at T’s
 Wrap up. request.
 Check the project progress. Guide
Ss the interview questions, and  Report their project progress.
how to present the results. Learn to carry out the project.
Name Saturdays Sundays
(Name of activity / activity /
interviewee activities activities


Mondays refers to every Monday, all the Mondays.
Monday refers to a specific, single Monday, just one Monday. 

Online resources:
- Thư viện: Phiên bản học sinh: SGK lớp 4, sách mềm tham khảo, v.v.
Phiên bản giáo viên: Bộ thẻ từ lớp 4; Bài giảng mẫu (video), Sách giáo viên
TA4, Sách thiết kế bài giảng mẫu, Phân phối chương trình lớp 4, Đề kiểm tra,
Sách mềm tham khảo, Luyện tập trực tuyến, v.v.


Week 04 − Period: 15
Unit 3 – What day is today?


I. Objectives
Pupils can ask and answer about each other’s weekly activities.

II. Sentence Patterns

 What do you do on ____?  I ____.

III. Vocabulary
 go to school, go to the zoo, help my parents, listen to music, watch
TV, play the guitar, go swimming, visit my friends, play football,
visit my grandparents

IV. Teaching aids

 Student’s book p. 20
 Situational pictures and activity pictures
 CD1, Tracks 21 & 22

V. Procedures:
Teacher (T)’s activities Pupils (Ss)’ activities
Warm up (7’)
Greet Ss. Then have the class sing Respond to T’s greetings. Sing the
the song We have English today. / song. / Sing and mime the song.
Invite two groups to sing and mime
the song.

Input presentation
1. Look, listen and repeat. (8’)
 Present Lesson 2. Point at pictures  Look, read, listen, and answer T’s
a, b, c and d respectively to talk questions.

about the story. Explain what
each character says. Check
comprehension and give
 Play Track 21 for Ss to listen and  Listen, read, and repeat, pointing
repeat the sentence(s) in the at the corresponding bubble.
speech bubbles twice.
 Point at the bubbles for Ss to read  Look and read the sentence(s) in
the sentence(s). the bubbles.
Interacting practice (full controlled)
2. Point and say. (10’)
 Present the sentence patterns and  Look, read, listen to T. Answer T’s
explain their meaning. Point at questions. Repeat the phrases
the information in the timetable, indicating activities.
check comprehension, and give
feedback. Have the class repeat
each activity twice.
 Play Track 22, for Ss to repeat  Look, read, listen, and repeat.
 Interact with Ss to ask and answer  Interact with T.
questions about the partner’s
weekly activities.
 Get Ss to practise in pairs asking  Practise the questions and the
and answering questions about answers.
his / her partner’s weekly
 Invite one or two pairs to check  Interact to ask and answer
the performance. questions about each other’s
weekly activities at T’s request.
Production (less controlled)
3. Let’s talk. (10’)
 Have one or two pairs to role play
the story in 1. Look, listen and
 Present the activity. Show Ss how  Role play the story.
to carry out the task: Ss interact in

pairs, to ask and answer the
questions in the activity.  Follow T’s instructions.
 Wrap up.
 Check the project progress.  Report the project progress.

Online resources:
- Thư viện: Phiên bản học sinh: SGK lớp 4, sách mềm tham khảo, v.v.
Phiên bản giáo viên: Bộ thẻ từ lớp 4; Bài giảng mẫu (video), Sách giáo viên
TA4, Sách thiết kế bài giảng mẫu, Phân phối chương trình lớp 4, Đề kiểm tra,
Sách mềm tham khảo, Luyện tập trực tuyến, v.v.


Week 04 − Period: 16
Unit 3 – What day is today?


I. Objectives
Pupils can
 listen and number the pictures in the correct order.
 read, and complete the gapped paragraph, using the provided
 play the game Slap the board.

II. Sentence Patterns

 Revision

III. Vocabulary
 Revision

IV. Teaching aids

 Student’s book p. 21
 Pictures for the activities
 CD1, Track 23

V. Procedures:
Teacher (T)’s activities Pupils (Ss)’ activities
Warm up (5’)
Greet Ss. Then have the class sing Respond to T’s greetings. Sing the
the song We have English today. / song. / Sing and mime the song.
Invite two groups to sing and mime
the song.

Listening practice
4. Listen and number. (8’)
 Present the activity. Remind Ss to  Look and listen to T.
focus on the characters, where
they are, and what they are doing
in the pictures.
 Play Track 23 for Ss to listen,  Listen, and number the pictures.
number the pictures, and check
their answers.
 Check answers as a class.  Check the answers in pairs.

Key: a 3 b 2 c 4 d 1

Audio script
1. A: Do you visit your grandparents on
B: No, I don’t.
A: What do you do?
B: I go to the zoo.
2. A: Do you go swimming on Sundays?
B: No, I don’t.
A: When do you go swimming?
B: On Friday afternoons.
3. A: Do you go to school on Saturdays?
B: No, I don’t. I go to school from
Monday to Friday.
4. A: What do you do on Tuesday
B: I stay at home. I play the guitar.
Writing practice
5. Look and write. (7’)
 Present the activity. Tell Ss to read  Look, read, and listen to T.
the gapped paragraph and pay
attention to the context (words
before and after each gap), and
the order of the week days.  Read, and fill the gapped
 Set time for Ss to do the task and paragraph with the words

check their answers. provided.
 Check the answers in pairs.
 Check answers as a class.  Follow T’s instructions.
 Get the class to read the
completed paragraph aloud.
Key: 1 Friday 2 go to school
3 go swimming 4 Saturday
5 go to school
6. Let’s play. (15’)
 Present the game Slap the board.  Look, read, and listen to T.
Write the days of the week and
the words: morning, afternoon,
and evening on the board for the
players in two lines to race and
flap the correct words. (Ref. Tiếng
Anh 4, Teacher’s book, p.18)
 Set time for Ss to play the game.  Play the game.
 When the game is over, get the  Follow T’s instructions.
class make sentences with the
words in the game.
 Wrap up.
 Check the project progress. Guide  Report the project progress.
Ss how to present the result of Learn to present the result of the
the interviews. interviews.

Online resources:
- Thư viện: Phiên bản học sinh: SGK lớp 4, sách mềm tham khảo, v.v.
Phiên bản giáo viên: Bộ thẻ từ lớp 4; Bài giảng mẫu (video), Sách giáo viên
TA4, Sách thiết kế bài giảng mẫu, Phân phối chương trình lớp 4, Đề kiểm tra,
Sách mềm tham khảo, Luyện tập trực tuyến, v.v.


Week 05 − Period: 17
Unit 3 – What day is today?


I. Objectives
Pupils can
 pronounce the letter clusters ir in first, ur in Saturday, and er in her.
 listen and circle the correct words completing the gapped
sentences. Then say the sentences aloud.
 say the chant What do you do on … ?

II. Sentence Patterns

 Revision

III. Vocabulary
 Revision

IV. Teaching aids

 Student’s book p. 22
 Word cards for the phonic practice.
 CD1, Tracks 24 & 25

V. Procedures:
Teacher (T)’s activities Pupils (Ss)’ activities
Warm up (7’)
 Greet the class. Then get Ss to  Respond to T’s greetings. Play
play the game Spelling Bee. Say the game.
the words: birthday, first, third,
Saturday, her, and Thursday.
 Write the correctly spelled words  Follow T’s instructions.
on the board. Get the class to
make sentences with the words

on the board when the game is
Phonic practice
1. Listen and repeat. (5’)
 Present the activity. Stick the  Look, read, and listen to T.
cards ir, first, ur, Saturday, er,
her, and write the sentences on
the board for Ss to read in silence.
 Play Track 24, Act 1 for Ss to listen  Listen and repeat, pointing at the
and repeat each letter cluster, corresponding letter cluster,
word, and sentence twice. word, and sentence.
Phonic checking
2. Listen and circle. Then say aloud.
 Present the activity.  Look, read and listen to T.
 Play Track 24, Act 2 for Ss to  Read, listen and circle the words.
listen, and circle the correct words
filling the gapped sentences.
 Check answers as a class.  Check the answers in pairs.
 Play the recording again for the  Listen and repeat the sentences.
class to repeat the completed
sentences aloud.
Key: 1 b 2 b 3 a
Audio script
1. My birthday is on the first of July.
2. We have English on Wednesdays and
3. This is her class.

Chant practice
3. Let’s chant. (15’)
 Present the chant What do you do  Read the chant silently, and
on …? Check comprehension and answer T’s questions.
give feedback.
 Play Track 25 for Ss to listen and  Read, listen, and repeat, pointing
repeat every line twice. at the corresponding sentence.

 Show Ss how to mime the chant.  Look, listen and imitate T’s
 Get Ss to practise saying and  Practise the chant.
miming the chant in groups.
 Get two groups to perform the  Say and mime the chant at T’s
chant. request.
 Wrap up.
 Check the project progress.  Report the project progress.

Online resources:
- Thư viện: Phiên bản học sinh: SGK lớp 4, sách mềm tham khảo, v.v.
Phiên bản giáo viên: Bộ thẻ từ lớp 4; Bài giảng mẫu (video), Sách giáo viên
TA4, Sách thiết kế bài giảng mẫu, Phân phối chương trình lớp 4, Đề kiểm tra,
Sách mềm tham khảo, Luyện tập trực tuyến, v.v.


Week 05 − Period: 18
Unit 3 – What day is today?


I. Objectives
Pupils can
 read the paragraph and answer the questions.
 write about themselves, using the guiding questions.
 interview a classmate about what he / she does at the weekend.

II. Sentence Patterns

 Revision

III. Vocabulary
 Revision

IV. Teaching aids

 Student’s book p. 23
 Interview information

V. Procedures:
Teacher (T)’s activities Pupils (Ss)’ activities
Warm up (5’)
 Greet Ss. Then have the class say  Respond to T’s greetings. Say the
the chant What do you do on …? / chant. / Say and mime the chant.
Invite two groups to say and
mime the chant.

4. Read and answer. (7’)
 Present the activity. Tell Ss to read  Look, read, and listen to T.
each question, pay attention to

the question word, the key words
in the sentence, and scan the
paragraph for the appropriate
information to answer.
 Set time for Ss to do the task.  Read and answer the questions.
 Check answers as a class.  Check the answers in pairs.
 Divide the class into two halves to  Ask and answer the questions.
ask and answer the questions.
1 Her name is Mai.
2 It’s Monday today.
3 No, she doesn’t. She goes to
school on Mondays, Tuesdays,
Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
4 She goes swimming on Saturdays
and visits her grandparents on
5. Write about you. (8’)
 Present the activity. Tell Ss to read  Look, read and listen to T.
the guiding questions, pay
attention to the question words
and the key words, and think
about the appropriate
information to write the answers.
 Set time for Ss to do the task, and  Read and write the answers.
tell them to exchange and read Exchange and read the writings.
their writings.
 Invite one or two Ss to read aloud  Follow T’s instructions.
their writings.
The project presentation
6. Project (15’)
 Present the activity and check Ss’  Look, listen to T, and show their
work. interview information.

 Give Ss time to rehearse the  Rehearse the presentation in

presentation: groups.

Sample: Hello, class. My name’s
(presenter’s name). This is the
result of my interview. Look (holds
up the interview chart, and points
at the relevant information when
speaking). I interviewed
(interviewee’s name). He / She
(activity / activities) on Saturdays,
and (activity / activities) on
Sundays. This is the end of my
report. Thank you very much for
your listening.
 Get a few Ss to present their  Present the interview at T’s
interviews. request.
 Another option: Get some pairs to  Act out the interview at T’s
act out their live interviews. request.
 Get the class to display their  Follow T’s instructions.
interview results, and keep them
in the porfolios later.
 Wrap up.

Online resources:
- Thư viện: Phiên bản học sinh: SGK lớp 4, sách mềm tham khảo, v.v.
Phiên bản giáo viên: Bộ thẻ từ lớp 4; Bài giảng mẫu (video), Sách giáo viên
TA4, Sách thiết kế bài giảng mẫu, Phân phối chương trình lớp 4, Đề kiểm tra,
Sách mềm tham khảo, Luyện tập trực tuyến, v.v.



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