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The concept is simple when you visualize your narrative essay. The main idea is you have to arrange your
"story-telling" in a simple straight-forward manner taking into accounts of following criteria’s:

a) Story-line-synopsis-any story line fitting preferably to Malaysian social life such as family feud,
friendship, love affairs, debt-ridden, motivational cases and many others.

b) Characters-main and supporting characters (not too many for a 350 words of essay).Ideal can be up to
five characters. Too many may complicate the story line. Preferably one hero, two heroines, one villain
and one supporting character. It could also be the other way round, two heroes, one heroine, one villain
and one supporting character. It all depends on your fantasy and how you want to visualize matching your
synopsis and story theme.

c) When and where you want to start up the story-in your bed-room, classroom, airport lounge, gym,
cinema, theatre and many others. Time factor also plays a role in making the story logical. 
d) Climax-the peak of the story when the readers did not expect or expect such tragedies or events to
happen. Some twist in the climax may also be exciting. The objective is to make the story more
interesting and create a psychological impact to the readers. Some touching situation may earn the
required marks from the examiners.

e) Moral values-how the readers can share the writer's message. Normally the story line with good moral
values creates a positive impact to the readers especially peers of same age.

f) Story continuity-The writer must be smart enough to create a continuity scenario without focusing too
much on flashbacks. The story must be clear, straightforward, exciting and reflecting  intrinsic values.

g)  Logical-Some who like to fantasize outside the "box" maybe drawn into illogical storyline such as,"I
wasn’t sure when I saw the same banana tree that I cut two weeks ago was strolling towards me."

h) No condemnation of political leaders-If your parents are from a specific political party, do not create
a "hu-ha" in your storyline supporting or creating hatred towards a specific political leaders. Such
storyline may end with zero marks.

i) No condemnation of religions/races and belief.-Storyline must be simple and not touching sensitivity
issues that may disharmonies the already good relationship that the Malaysian society has.

j) No vulgar and abusive language allowed. Such languages coming out from majority of 17 years old 
SPM candidates is uncalled for and may reflecting an immature attitudes and immoral standings. This is
normally reflected in the dialogues when the writer wanted to express anger and frustration.

Posted 19th June 2012 by sirrosdi


Write an essay begining with :It was the first time I saw her and...

It was the first time I saw her and I decided to approach her. I was in the library doing a
research for my English project. She was there, sat at the secluded area in the library. She was wearing a
big with a thick, black rimmed spectacle. Her hair was tied in a messy bun with a long fringe at the front
that covers most of her forehead. She was a new student in my class and was popular because of her nerd
personality. She was just a typical grade A student. Nobody wanted to befriend her because she tends to
sit alone. She was Farah.

“Hello, can I sit here?” I asked. She was looking at me with a blank face. She just nodded her
head and went back to read. I put all my belongings on the table and sat in front of her. After a while, I
started to feel boring. I peeked at her book title and she was reading a thick history book. “Wow, she is
really a nerd.” I thought. I tried to start a conversation with her but she was either nodding or shaking her
head. I was frustrated and stopped my conversation with her. She was hard to approach. After that, I just
went out of the library after I said goodbye and got no replies.

“Urgghh! I hate physic!” I screamed inside my heart. I was at the second question and I still can’t
solve it. I was frustrated with myself. “Dina, come on. Let’s go to the canteen.” My best friend, Maria
asked. I told her that I am still full. She went to canteen with my other classmates. I was still trying to
solve the ‘easy’ question. I looked around and found that there was only Farah and me in the classroom.
Out of the blue, I thought why don’t I use this opportunity to ask Farah about the Physics question and
maybe befriend her.

“Hi. Umm... Can you help me to solve this problem?” She looked up and nodded. She began
explaining to me how to solve the problem. Her explanations were so clear that I ended up solving it in
just 5 minutes. She helped me go through my other problems and we didn’t realize that the bell just rang.
I thanked her and she just smiled. After that day, I always refer to her if I had any problems in my
One day, I arrived an hour early to school because my father had to go somewhere for his
business trip. I was walking lazily to my locker and got my books. On the way to class, I heard a very
nice voice sang Waiting Outside The Lines by Greyson Chance. I stopped walking and peeked through
the door of an empty class. I was greatly surprised when I found that the voice belonged to Farah. I
walked slowly towards her. After a moment, she realized that I was behind her and was flustering. Her
cheek was in a tint of pink and she was blushing. I told her that her voice was heavenly. She just
whispered a small thank you.

Suddenly I got an idea. As a music club’s member, I thought that she was perfect to be the lead
vocalist for our school’s music club. The music club was looking for a new lead vocalist for the national
competition. I told the idea to her and she was hesitated. Before I could persuade her, the bell rang. I told
other music club members about Farah and they agreed to listen to her before accepting her as our new
lead vocalist. I began pestering her for about a week and at last she agreed.

I brought her to the music room. Our school was a private school for the rich and the students
who got scholarship only so it had a really big music room full of music equipment like piano, drum,
cello and many more. After Farah sang, they all clapped and agreed to take Farah as our new lead
vocalist. We began practicing every day for the national competition and I began to spend more and more
time with Farah.
Me and Farah became best friend in a matter of time. I always hanged out with her. I didn’t
realize that Maria was jealous of our friendship. I admitted that it was partly my fault and Maria began to
give me cold-shoulders. What i didn’t know was Maria bullied Farah behind my back. Luckily it was not
too severe. She only told Farah to do all her home works, bought lunch, and ran all her errands.

I knew Maria’s wrong-doings when she slipped her tongue. I was surprised and scolded her. She
told me that she was jealous and crying. She ran and crossed the road without looking. There was a car
came fast but it was too late. Luckily Farah managed to grab Maria’s hand and pulled her to the side. I ran
and hugged both of them, thanked God for saving their life. Thankfully, they just got minor scratches.
Maria was crying and hugged Farah. She was thankful towards her. From that day onwards, we became
best friends.

The national competition day came fast. Maria was there to support us and she was sitting in the
front row. I was playing the piano and Farah sang. Meanwhile the other music club’s members played
other instruments. Our heart was beating fast waiting for the results. At last, they announced the winner
and we got first place. We were hugging and congratulated each other. Maria came and congratulated
both of us. We hugged and took as many pictures together. 


2. Write a story beginning with: I felt so nervous when I walked into the room…..          

I felt so nervous when I walked into the room.. it was my own room. I couldn’t understand why the
room was scattered all over. The only thing that I could figure out was an intrusion. It was all so neat and
tidy this morning before I left for school. I remembered I had kept some money worth RM200 separately
in a locker, that money was collected during the “charity run” and to be handed to my class teacher
tomorrow afternoon. I found the money was missing too. Not only that my new Samsung mobile phone
which my dad gave me as a birthday present was missing too.

As fast as lightning, I told my parents who were resting on the new sofa that we just bought it last
Aidilfitri. They were so engrossed watching their favourite drama on air. Although they were extremely
exhausted but they were upset to hear about this intruder. We figured out the thief might have just entered
the house in the morning where none of the family members were at home. 

My father felt so queer why this area had been the targeted area  of many thieves lately. Although
we had installed  CCTV but the thief was smarter. The wire had been cut off much earlier and this
irritated my dad. He then blew up his top. So we walked a few metres away  to our neighbor’s house, En
Izzue Incidentally he was around and told my dad to act fast by reporting the theft case to the police
officers. He was willing to drive my dad to the police station.   

Meanwhile my mum heard a cracking sound from the room’s cupboard. She went up and
checked. Suddenly my mum was at the top of her voice: “Help! Help! Help!” We went upstairs and saw
the thief was hiding behind the cupboard and was trembling. He dashed out and wanted to jump out from
the window. The thief feeling unsafe quickly grabbed my mum’s neck and said, “Anybody move and I
shall slit this throat of her. “So my dad and whole family was in panic. I slowly walked out from the room
and called the police. Within minutes the police arrived and there was a short drama ensued. Finally the
thief was arrested and handcuffed. A quick check on the thief revealed that the he  was on wanted list for
many cases of house-breakings, drug smugglings and armed robberies. We thanked the police for their
swift reaction. 
We were all happy, as happy as a lark when finally it was all over. I guessed the next time when I
entered the room I would not be nervous anymore. 

  Nor Azura from SMU(A) Taqaddum Maarif.

3. Write a story beginning with: " It had been raining all day ..."

It had been raining all day, at times it rains like cat and dogs. At that moment, I slightly doubt the
weather forecast since it forecasted that the sun was going to scorch mercilessly. I sighed with relief and
stared at the clock with bemusement. It was almost 6.00 p.m. but mom did not return from the
supermarket yet. The sky was getting darker. “Oh mom, where are you?” I was feeling a bit uneasy.

I dragged myself to close my bedroom's door. Out of the blue, a sudden crackling sound that
came from the kitchen made me jump in fright. All of a sudden, I feel a surge of pure terror, my hearts
started to thud in panic. I could not breathe easily knowing that there might be someone in my kitchen.
Oh my god! This thing cannot be happening to me, someone was breaking into my house? Nobody by my
side for the moment and how could I tackle this. The fact that I need to face the person all by myself
made me jittery and wanted to burst into tears. But, I took a deep breath plucking my courage and I
grabbed my hockey stick. Then I bravely went downstairs despite my hands were slightly shaking. To my
horror, my worst nightmare was answered. It wasn’t what I expected. As I opened the kitchen's door,
there was a big, plump rat staring nastily at me. It made me screamed on top of my voice as though the rat
was going to bite me. Now, it was between me and that nasty rat.

It would be another war. In a blink of an eye, the rat was on my foot and I ran around the dining
table. Still it wasn’t enough for that nasty rat, it jumped on me thus making me yelled! Oh gosh! “This
war is not going to be over yet” I quipped. Unknowingly, as the battle between the rat and I was
progressing, my  hockey stick which I held firmly hit one pile of plates on the table and the plates were
scattered into pieces. As I was too engrossed to hit the plump rat, I accidentally stepped on the pieces of
broken plates and the pieces hurt my feet. It was really bad. As my feet, was prickling with pain, I sat
down, defeated while rat took the opportunity escaped through a hole on the rooftop. My legs were
trembling, my fingers twisted slightly. God, what a fiasco!

As I was looking for cotton bud and plaster to attend to my injured foot, the bell rang and the
sound " I'm home, honey ", echoing in my ears. Then, mom went straight to the kitchen to put away the
groceries. She stood rooted in disbelief. She looked at me with red eyes, looking at my bleeding feet and
then looked at the kitchen before saying, '' What have gone wrong, my dear? " I told her the entire story
while she was cleaning my wound. I was really terrified that she would scold me but then she looked up
and curved a smile, trying hard to refrain herself from laughing out loud. She told me that she had the
same experience as I did. It was even worse where she needed to battle with two rats.
The clock then stroked at 7.30 p.m. and we were all done cleaning up the mess that I had
unwittingly created. Without hesitation, I asked my mom, what about that nasty rat which certainly would
come back. My mum confidently answered, “Don’t worry my dear; we will make sure this round the rat
won’t escape. Maybe we will make the rat eat what it likes, the poison rat.” I smiled and hoped there
would never be another titanic battle with the rat. But if ever the rat comes back again, this time I hope it
would face me and my mom.

 WanieyWahab ,


Natasha was very sure that she didn't do it. She tried to explain it but Miss Raudah didn't trust her. She
had no idea who took the money. She could not hold back her tears when the teacher accused her stealing
the money.

The story began when Miss Raudah, Natasha’s English teacher entrusted her to keep an eye on
her purse. Then, the teacher went to the ladies and left Natasha alone in the class. When Maria passed the
class, she saw Natasha sat lonely while studying and a black elegant stylish purse beside her. Maria had
an idea to frame on Natasha. She was so jealous of Natasha since the first day Natasha reported to school.

Indeed Maria was a jealous girl. She envied that Natasha always being praised by the teachers.
Maria was considered as a wet blanket and sometimes labeled as a black sheep in her class. Nobody in the
class liked her. Then, she entered the class and spoke to Natasha. She told Natasha that someone wanted
to see her outside. Natasha immediately stood up and went outside. Maria was so happy that Natasya
believed her. Immediately she  took a lot of money from the purse and put it into Natasha’s bag. When
Maria was taking the money, she didn't realize that Aliya saw her from a small window on the other side
of the class.

 Aliya tried to leave the place secretly but Maria stopped her. Maria quickly held Aliya's hand and
said "hey! Just pretend that you didn't know anything about this." Aliya got scared and nodded her head.
A few minutes later, Natasha entered the class and continued her reading. Then Miss Raudah came into
the class to take her purse back and thanked Natasha. While walking out of the class, Miss Raudah found
out that the zip where she put the cash in was unzipped. She went back to Natasha and said, " Oh gosh!
Where is my money ?".Then she asked Natasha. Natasha denied taking the the money. Miss Raudah was
a bit mad and told her that she had to refer the case to the Principal. Then, Maria came in and told  Miss
Raudah that she saw Natasha unzipped the bag and took the cash.

The things was made worst when Miss Raudah threatened to take Natasha to see the principal. So
the three of them went and see the Principal. Miss Raudah reported about her lost money. Then Maria
volunteered to check Natasha’s bag in her classroom.

The Almighty was the greatest. Maria fell into a drain while running excitedly to get the money
from Natasya’s bag. She didn’t realize that Alya had earlier took the money and was on her way to the
Principal’s office to hand over the money to Miss Raudah.
 Aliya saw Natasha and she  could not hold back her tears when looking at the innocent Natasha
who had been accused. Then Aliya handed over the money to Miss Raudah and explained the chronology
of the events. The Principal ordered Maria to quickly come to his office.

Maria was walking in pain and could not hold her tears. She was feeling ashamed and apologized
to Miss Raudah and Natasha for the incident. Since that day, Maria moved to another school as she could
not take the embarrassment anymore.


5. Write a story ending with: 'No one would believe this but this is the real truth'

I am at the park now. The same park that I went to about twelve years ago. Nothing changed much over
here. A bunch of kids  are too engrossed playing with  the slides, fighting  among themselves on who will
go down first. I almost laughed at the image of a scrawny little girl pushing an elderly plump girl on the
swing, looking rather exhausted. Children are running all over the playground, their delight shrieks fill
my heart with joy and warmth. Deep down, I am green with envy. Being an eighteen years  old teenage
girl that I am now, I've never had a such a carefree, smooth childhood. And it is all due to what happened
in this park years ago.

 "Mom,mom,I want to play over there", I pulled my mom's long sleeves, ignoring the fact that she
was busy talking on the phone. Well, not exactly talking, she was literally yelling on top of her lungs at
someone. I didn’t really remember who it was. I was six and nothing I cared more than wanting to join
kids of my age at the playground. I tugged at her sleeves once again, only to be rewarded by an annoyed
stare from my mom's beautiful chocolate brown eyes before she said, "Honey, go first. I'll be watching
from here okay?"

I leapt in pure joy and excitement. It didn’t take long before I got lost in my own happy world,
playing the amazing see-saw, the swing, the slide and many more. Being a friendly child I was, I even
made a playground friend. I noticed she looked lonely, sitting on the bench at the far side of the park.
"Hey, want to play with me?” I smiled sweetly. She was blushing and rather shy at first, but I managed to
persuade her to join me. Later on, we were on cloud nine and having a whale of time together. She even
told me that her name was Sara.

   I didn’t keep track of time when I noticed that the sun was setting on its horizon and the park
was nearly empty except for me and Sara. I was sad, knowing that it was time to go as I said goodbye to
her. We even made a silly vow to be playground best friends forever. She smiled at me, cute dimples
flashing on her cheeks. I quickly ran the length of the field to catch on my mom who was already in the
blue Volvo car parked at the main entrance. Apparently, mom was still on the phone. Then, I turned my
back to take a last glance at my new friend only when I noticed something extremely terrible and the
blood drained from my face.

   I was speechless. There, I saw with my very own eyes, a figure of a tall muscular man wearing all
black, black trousers, black shirt, black glasses and a black cap pulled over covering half of his face. He
was edging closer to Sara, saying something nasty. Then only I realized that Sara told me earlier that she
came to the park alone as her house was just a stone's throw away. So that person couldn’t be her parent,
could he? The expression on Sara's face was of pure shock and terror as the muscular man tried to grab
her small frail body.
  Gosh!,Sara was in deep trouble! Only God knows who the man could be. A kidnapper, a child
molester, a rapist or a killer. I need to help her. Do something! My inner voice screamed. But I could only
stare as I stood rooted at the far edge of the field. I could only stare helplessly as Sara screamed, at high-
pitched voice echoing through the emptiness. I just stared hypnotized by the muscular man who placed a
handkerchief over Sara's nose. Again I saw her small body was lifted before two cursed hands which
grabbed her back. I was just like a statue when Sara got carried roughly into the back of a van, which then
was driven away in the speed of light.

   I flinched back at the memory. The memory which was the reason I lived my childhood in fear.
The memory which changed me from a gregarious and happy-go-lucky person to the reserved and self-
conscious kind of girl. My mom noticed this swing in personality but as always, she was too busy to
attend to me. Day by day, the effect of the guilt and the burden of the horrendous secret had a negative
effect on me. I became too scared of strangers that I developed a social anxiety disorder.

  I am now an awkward teenager, with hardly any friends. I am sad and pathetic. I sigh as the
children enjoy their time at the park, fully unaware of my intense scrutiny. After twelve years, I'm not
sure whether opening up and telling another soul about this may help. No one would believe this but this
is the real truth.


6.  Narrative essay: Write a story beginning with: I felt so nervous when I walked into the room…..

I felt so nervous when I walked into the room, it’s the counselor room, in my school, SMK Gong Dermin.
I was in my class engrossed with my English essay when suddenly a student came over to my class. She
conveyed the news that the  counselor  wanted  to see  me  in  his room. Immediately I could recall
something was up his sleeve. This was because every student knew that the counselor is not a kind and
approachable teacher. I always told myself that I would be the last to see him if ever I have any problem
in the school. His face is not friendly and none of my friends like to confront him. Even with other
teachers, he did not smile that often. Everyone knew that when they were called by him, they were
absolutely in a hot soup. No excuses and no matter what kind of trouble they had or had done, they have
to face the consequences. I was definitely worried because I was not in his good book. I always skipped
classes, slept in the class, and frequently not finishing my homework or assignment given by the teachers.

So there I was in his room. He wanted to know what my problems were and any good reasons to
support my case. Surprisingly he mentioned that he wanted to help me if my case is justified. Since I was
in that room, my eyes kept staring at the clock hanging highly on the wall and it was 9 o’clock in the
morning. There were just the two of us in the room which I considered would be full of tense. At first, I
was hesitating to open up to him about my problems. Then I build up my courage. I told him, that I was
born in a family which basically living from hands to mouth. We were all considered as the very
unfortunate group. A group I considered living among the ranks of poor people.

I have 9 siblings and I, being the eldest sister must be a role model for my other sisters and
brothers. Five of them are still schooling in primary school and the rest are not schooling yet. I am in
form five now. I will be having a big exam, SPM, this year, and my daily routines are full of domestic
works and of course the school homework and assignments. I often skipped classes after ten in the
morning, because I had many domestic works to do at home. I helped my parents selling our hand-made
cupcakes. It was a regular routine almost every day where I had to skip classes and went out of the school
through the back gate and nobody would see me from there-not even the security guards. I walked to my
house as it was just a stone’s throw away.

When I reached home, I quickly help my parent packed our hand-made cupcakes and carry them
in my dad’s van. Then we dashed to morning market at Wakaf Che Yeh in Kota Bharu. Although my
dad’s van was just a second-hand van and looked like  an old scrap, it was a very strong and tough van.
The van is considered like an old and experienced soldier who always obeyed my dad’s instruction and it
could fit in 1000 hand-made cupcakes plus other relating stuff. When we reached the market, the first
thing I did was pitching the tent and immediately put on our cupcakes on display. Our hand-made
cupcakes were very popular among the customers and they were quickly sold as fast as the lightning.
Sometimes my dad and I did some extra jobs like washing the plates in the restaurant. At times I also
served as the waitress. We have to earn whatever extra money when we have the opportunities. We
reached back home about midnight.

  We were completely exhausted and went to bed. At 3 o’clock in the morning, I had to be awaken
again to help my mom. We baked about a thousand cupcakes ready for the next morning sales at Wakaf
Che Yeh.Eventhough I was dead tired, I tried  hard to complete with mum the numerous cupcakes before
the clock strikes 7.I needed to get ready for school otherwise the teacher would be furious if  I reached
school late.

Since our business was doing quite satisfactorily, my parents had thought carefully to open up our
very own cupcake bakery. My mom’s cupcakes were tasty and good just like the other well-known
cupcake bakeries but the only problem we were facing was the financial problem. That was why we just
sold our cupcakes along the street. I did not pay much attention towards my studies because I cared for
my siblings more. If we have enough money then, we could afford for my siblings to further their studies.
Therefore I have to help my parents to get as much money as possible. That was why I sacrificed mine for

For almost an hour, I told him my life story and finally I said, “Those are the routine in my
everyday life.” My teacher gave a low sigh and told me, “It’s alright Aisyah,why don’t you tell me earlier
about all of this? Maybe I can help you to get some money. We can do a charity sale or run for charity! I
can also ask the headmaster and other teachers to help you. Then you can focus your examination the end
of this year. I’m proud of you Aisyah.” After that, he gave me his big smile that no one ever seen it before
except for me on that day. He looked at the wall clock, it showed that it was almost ten, and he said,
“Let’s go Aisyah! I’ll help you and your parents selling the cupcakes.”

The counselor had help me a lot. I did not know how I can ever thank him. In the end, I passed
my SPM examination with flying colours. I couldn’t believe my eyes as I was looking at my results. My
parents then had their own cupcake bakery called ‘Big Family Cupcakes’.
My family lived happily ever since I stepped into the room.

Aisyah Sufian,Form 4 Ibnu Sina,SMUA Taqaddum Maarif,,

Pasir Tumbuh,Kelantan.
7. Write a story beginning with “it was the first time I saw her and I decided to……….

             It was the first time I saw her and I decided to get to know her better. We met on a rainy night as I
saw her standing all by herself at the sidewalk. I tilted my head to my side as I noticed her presence. Why
was she standing there all by herself? I walked over as I noticed tears following down her cheeks. “Why
is she crying? What happened to her? Should I go and ask her? ” I asked myself. At first I hesitated to ask
worrying that she might look at me like I was trying to be a busybody. I could not help myself to see her
crying like that. I decided to talk to her.

             “What is wrong with you?” it was my first question coming from my mouth but she did not give
any response. So, I kept my mouth shut. Suddenly a black BMW car stopped beside by the sidewalk. As
fierce as a lion, a good- looking guy came out from the car and walked towards us, pulling her hands
roughly. I was shocked and speechless with what I saw. At home, I still would not stop thinking about
that girl. I felt asleep with a thousand questions playing in my minds.

              A few days later I was on the way to the market to buy something that my mom prepared a  list
for me. Meanwhile, I was walking toward an empty seat in bus then I heard a faint whisper. I looked back
and saw the same girl that I met earlier last night. She then invited me to sit beside her and began our
conversation by apologizing “I am sorry about the earlier incident. I know you are worried”. She also
introduced herself.

             “My name is Adele”, I could not forget her strange name, I just realize that she has a pair of dark
blue eyes. I thought Adele was a European. She told me that she had a domestic problem with her father.
Her father was in fact having an affair with a young Chinese lady at his office. Her mom could not accept
the fact and struggled to live until she had a heart attack and died. Adele became very moody and decided
to leave the house. On that day at the bus stop, it was the second time she tried to escape from her house.

              Sarawak was a place, she wanted to go as she had a very close untie staying there. I was
worrying about her and I felt pity for her father looking for his daughter. I wondered how I could help
Adele and her father. I did not think that her father was having an affair because  her father was an Ulama
from Ukraine. No wonder Adele had dark blue eyes. The next day, I went to the mosque and waited to see
Adele’s  father. We then met and I seek the truth. Her father explained to me what had happened on that
very day. It all started when Adele ran from home and her request to go to Genting Highland was turned
down by her father. I told the old man that he could see Adele in Kucing,Sarawak at her auntie’s home.

           Everything went smooth like a structured script. Now I am at the world’s highest rollercoaster,
Genting Highland screaming  at the top of my voice together with Adele and her loving family. I realized
that a good family must have sincerity and passions of love. My relationship with Adele continued until
we tied up knots. It was too fast until we realized that we were married and having two sets of twins. I
really never think that the meeting at the sidewalk finally ended with a marriage. Who says things like
thing would not happen?   

8. Write a story beginning with “I dashed to the airport but it was too late…”

            I dashed to the airport but it was too late. I was very sure the plane that would carry me to Kyoto
had departed. “What am  I suppose to do now?” I sighed with lots of curiosity hitting my mind.
           It all started when my friend, Mr Takeshi rang me from Kyoto and told me I could take the earliest
flight to Kyoto.I was overjoyed and quickly told my parents that I would not want to miss this golden
opportunity. My parents gave their blessings and  I quickly decided the next evening  flight.An all-
expenses paid trip to Kyoto, something that never crossed my mind but it is now a reality. My very close
pal, Takeshi, who was here in Kota Bharu  last year at last fulfilled his promises.

          I then left home, heading to the airport approximately at  6.00 p.m. as I took a cab to go there.
While making my way to the airport, I smiled to myself as I was very excited about it when all of the
sudden I heard a loud crash and a sudden bump in the cab I was in. I stumbled slightly and I realized that
the cab had rammed into a motorcycle. The driver and I had got out from the cab and we were surprised
to see a man and a pregnant woman were badly injured.

         The driver felt very guilty about it and eventually had called an ambulance to come over. After the
ambulance had arrived and took the injured victims to the hospital, we continued our way to the airport.
As the driver turned to a junction, my mouth hung open to see that we were trapped in a traffic jam that
was caused by a tanker that had skidded off the road. It was impossible for us to take another route and
we also couldn’t move forward, so I decided to run to the airport since I noticed that we were about a
stone’s throw away from the airport. I paid the driver as I took my luggage and dashed out of the cab.
The situation got worse as there was suddenly a heavy downpour. I ignored the fact of myself getting wet
as I kept focused on arriving at the airport on time before the flight departure. The rain hit me like bullets
and eventually had made my clothes all wet and soggy, making my movements slower. 

The street was covered with pools of water as I couldn’t watch my steps carefully and fell into a
drain. Only god knows how painful it was at that time. Fortunately I had gained a few cuts and scratches.
Ignoring the pain and stings of the injuries, I continued my journey as I was struggling hard to overcome
numerous obstacles until finally I had arrived at the airport.

I panted, trying to catch my breath as I took a seat when suddenly the departure of the flight MH
8059 was announced. I just froze there, looking dumbfounded and speechless. Fresh tears started to roll
down my cheeks as I was feeling frustrated.

      Even though the “tragedy” had happened, I have not given up on it yet as I dashed to the ticket
counter to buy a new ticket for a new flight to Kyoto. I had chosen another flight, which was then
departed exactly at 1.00 a.m. and I fell asleep along the journey due to extreme exhaustion. When I
arrived in Kyoto, I spotted Takeshi, who was actually waiting for my arrival. By looking at his face, he
was clearly unhappy due to the delay of my arrival. I apologized to him and explained everything that had
happened to me on my journey to the airport. After hearing my story, he couldn’t help himself but
laughed at my misfortune. That was the worst day in my life and I shall never forget it.


9. Write an essay beginning with: It was the first time I saw her and...................

It was the first time I saw her and I decided to go near her. Her face was very gloomy. I felt very sorry for
her. "There must be something wrong" I said to myself. When I was in front of her, I could see that her
eyes were brimming with tears. I was touched to see her. I greeted her with a smile and then I quickly sit
beside her. She glanced at me with a force smile and I knew she was not in her usual mood.  I kept quiet
for a while and took a deep breathe. “What actually happen? “I asked reluctantly although I knew she
would not be interested to answer me. Then she started again. I could hear her sobbings. It was very
unpleasant to see a woman's crying but I could not do anything as I was not as good as a mother in
calming people. I waited for a while until she turned calm.

  Then she started to talk in a very soft tone. “You know what Syafiq, I have lost my dearest
cousin, Hanim, she has not returned home almost 5 days and till now there is no news yet”. How did this
pretty lass know my name. I am baffled. “You must be Aliya, aren’t you, the girl I  spoke on phone two
days ago regarding a missing cousin”. I  recalled vividly and now I know the girl I admire through my
facebook contact is sitting right beside me. She just nodded her head.

  As I further recalled, I knew Aliya came from a well to do family and Hanim is indeed a
problematic girl. She has too many boyfriends and like to loitre at shopping complexes and snooker
centres. Hanim is only the only girl in the family. Her father has passed away due to breathing
complications years ago. Her mum is working and putting very little attention to her only daughter. Infact
Hanim spent her time mostly with Aliya’s family.I knew both Aliya and Hanim were indeed beautiful and
attractive. Both of them are still the undergraduates at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan,(UMK).They were
pursuing on the same degree and need another semester to finish up.Soon Aliya’s celullar phone ringing,
“What? I dont get you,Hanim.What happened actually”.Aliya looked very disturbed and the line was cut
off from a public telephone. Then she stood up and walked away few metres from me and started calling
somebody. I would made a rough guess. It could be her mum.

“Syafiq, I am sorry, this is too personal, Hanim is in big trouble. All I could say is that Hanim is
now at LPC(Ladies protection centre)at Gombak. She is now 5 months pregnant”.
I was speechless although I could guess Hanim would be in that situation knowing her wild
characters. That night, Aliya messaged me and told she would be in LPC the next morning with her mum.
She told me that she would explain the whole mess when she come back from LPC then.    

I waited for couple of days but there were no news on Aliya’s returning home to Kota Bharu. I
was totally speechless and dumbfounded when I saw on the frontpage of a leading newspaper.It was
Aliya’s picture. “My god. How could this thing happen to me” My eyes were brimming with tears.
Aliya’s is dead now. The journey to Gombak on a Mutiara luxury bus was her last.I cried so loud that
shocked my mum. Aliya was so sweet and nice and she is very much better than Hanim.I told my mum
that I wanted to be at Aliya’s home tonight. Her body would be flown to Kota Bharu via a mercy TUDM
I knew this is just a short and simple dream. Meeting Aliya within such a short time is my
sweetest moment. But somebody must pass this disturbing news to Hanim. Hanim’s mother would not be
bothered anymore. I think I want to break this news to Hanim then. But then who am I?

syafiqrosman,-maahad muhammadi kota bharu,Kelantan

10. Write an essay starting with: Lina was nervous when the door opened...

Liyana was nervous when the door opened. She heard someone calling her name in a spooky tone.
“Liyana, where is my daughter? Where is she?!!” I was so scared. I took a broom and prepared to attack.
Suddenly, a person who looked familiar appeared in front of me. It was Zara’s mother! She strangled me
with a rope and I saw a knife in her hand. She asked me angrily about her daughter. I said I did  not know.
She looked so messy and disorganized, wearing no slippers, clothes were torn, hair was unkempt.. I tried
to call my mom but she had cut the phone wire and had also grabbed my cell phone and threw it over the

I remembered few years back how my parents would love me to study in foreign country. Daddy
really wanted me to be a successful doctor. Mom said that I could be a specialist doctor and would
certainly have a brighter future. I studied at Wesley College Melbourne.  The place was not suitable for
me at all. I could not adapt to the new environment. The students were all brilliant and outstanding. The
competition was very high indeed. I also didn’t like the way the professors taught me. He was too fast and
sometimes assignments that he gave was too long and impossible to be completed within a short time
frame. Sometimes it was even worst when the assignment given was totally new to us and we knew next
to nothing. I had to struggle all the way and finishing the assignment on my own was hell! Honestly I
could not catch up. I really wanted  to go home. Secondly the food where I have to face lots and lots of
difficulties. I suffered in silence. In Malaysia, I was known as the ‘Food Girl’. Here, the food was really
horrible and unappetizing. It does not suit to my taste at all. I really miss my mom’s cooking. One day, I
had a stomachache. The doctor said I suffered from the usual gastric problem. “Miss Liyana, from now
on, you have to take these supplements to increase your appetite.” I just nodded. Then I called mum,
“Mom, I really wanted to  go home. I didn’t like this place here.”

Then, I saw Prof Terabhitia stepped into the class with a new girl beside her. Everyone glanced at
her beauty. She is so attractive and fascinating. She was asked to sit  next to me. She smiled and
introduced herself “Hi, my name is Zara. How do you do?” Then I knew she was assigned as my
roommate. She was a very talkative, brilliant, rich, gorgeous person. Everyone adored her. She was the
queen of the college.

Today is 2nd August, my birthday. No one wishes happy birthday to me except my parents. I felt
so sad. I thought I should be the happiest girl on my birthday. Zara called me and told me to dress up.I
was wondering what would happen next. I just followed her orders and zoom within minutes we already
reached Melbourne Hilton Hotel. ! How amazing! This is the first time I entered a posh hotel. I glanced at
the beautiful decorations on the walls and ceilings. This hotel is truly classic.Then the food,I could smell
the aromatic Malaysian food! Surely it must be appetising. All my friends were there. Actually, Zara had
planned this exclusively for my birthday. I hugged her and she said “Liyana, you are my sweetest candy
in the world!” It was the most unforgettable moment for me. “Thank you very much Zara for making my
birthday the best day ever!”

Then  I met a new guy, Amir. He is handsome, talented, educated and romantic Malay guy.
Suddenly, something hit me. Ouch! “Liyana, you’d better focused on the game. We’ve got tournament
next week.” That was the hit of love. In the evening, I was walking alone at the park and Zara had
assignments to finish in the room. While I was dreaming of the handsome Amir, I fell into the drain. It
was painful and my clothes look so awful! Amir came to rescue me.
 One day, Amir asked me out. First, I thought it was a date. But it turned  into a nightmare. Actually, Zara
was his fiancée. They had been engaged since they were in first year. Then,I swear to myself that I will do
anything to get Amir into my arms. They do not deserve to be together. Kamal, my classmate who is in
love with  Zara also agreed to cooperate with me. “I need you to kidnap Zara and bring her out of
Melbourne.” I told Kamal. Then  I gave Zara sleeping pills and immediately she fell asleep. Kamal took
him to a warehouse. She woke up and screamed for help just like an insane person! She was shocked
when she found out that I was behind all this. “Why were you doing this to me?”  I stabbed her and blood
spurted from her stomach. Then she fainted. “What have I done? I’ve killed Zara. I’d to run away before
the police find out.” I was panicked. I ran away leaving her dead body behind.

I ran back to Malaysia, a safe place to hide. Kamal was caught as a suspect. Poor Kamal, he
was innocent! Mom was very surprised hearing my story. Mrs. Huda was too angry and messed up
everything. It was my entire fault. I’ve should never act like that. Out of the blue, the police came with
my sister and took Mrs. Huda back to the mental hospital. Before she left, she gave me a letter written by
Zara. “Dear Liyana, since the first time we met, I felt like you’re the one who I was looking for. You’re
like my sister. I love you very much. I would give anything to you in this world including Amir, my
fiancée.” My eyes were brimming with tears after I read that letter. I surrendered myself because I could
not take it anymore. Mom’s heart broke into pieces. Two years I was in prison. I had nightmares. Zara
came to me and asked me why I killed her. The police had decided to release me from the dungeon. It’s
time for me to turn over a new leaf.

  One sunny day, while shopping at the mall, suddenly someone greet me. When I turn around, I
saw a girl similar to Zara. I was shocked. “Yo…..y… are Zara!” I received no respond. She glanced
and smiled sweetly to me. One rainy night, when I was having a dinner with my mom, someone knocked
the door.  It was her! Her clothes were soaking. She shivered because of the cold weather. I made her a
cup of hot chocolate. “I came here to tell the tru….th!” She told us that she was…………..Zara. I don’t
believe her at all. Zara had died four years ago. “An old man had saved my life. He brought me to the
hospital. He said that I was in coma for a year. He took me to his house and raised me as his
granddaughter. You had to believe me. I am Zara. I still have our friendship necklace.” I could not accept
all this nonsense. I took my car keys and drive away from home. I kept thinking about her. Unfortunately,
my car hit an enormous tree! Boom! I heard the ambulance coming and after a few moments I fainted.
My body was burnt and I lost a lot of blood. I thought I could be paralyzed. Zara was willing to donate
her blood although she knew that it would risk  her own life.

Few months later, I had fully recovered. I thanked Zara for donating her blood. Mom told me that
Zara suffered from brain cancer and had reached critical level. Immediately, I rushed to her house. She
looked pale and weak. She was dying. If I knew this was going to happen, I would not let her donate her
blood. She didn’t mind because she wanted to see me live happily ever after. Few moments later, I found
out that she wasn’t breathing anymore. I fainted. I dreamt of her telling me to let her go and let her rest in
peace. I let her go and her mom was relieved. She still alive for the second chance because she wanted to
see me for the last time. I was very sad. I will always keep in mind her precious words before she left me
“I will pick up the most shining star in the universe just for you. It symbolizes our friendship that lasts
forever. Although I am far away from you, you should keep in mind that I will always be there for you if
you need help. Just like the stars. It will always shine. You are my star forever and ever.” Zara had gone
forever but she still lives in my heart.


PTD 11(Class of sirrosdi)
11. write a story ending with:"...... That was the worst day in my life.I shall never forget it."

            I have a brother. He is my only brother in this world. he is my hero, my ultraman, my spiderman,
my armour hero, my power rangers, my batman, and last but not least my keluang man. Yes, he is my one
and only brother in my fairy tale. He is an unpredictable, awesome, handsome,     responsible and
hilarious person in my life. Yes, he is Farizal Marlias. He might not be stylish or handsome as the top
model adorning such as Aaroon Aziz as usually appeared on television advertisements. But for me he is
above them all. I would not trade him even that anyone would offer me a wealth beyond of my
imagination. That is how much I love him. Because he is the person that could me happy. If anyone could
make me smile when I'm crying, he could. When I'm insanely mad and throwing tantrums and nobody
dared to tell me to be more matured or thinking rationally he would. When I'm bawling my heart out and
no one could lend me a shoulder to me to cry on. He will. I love my brother. A philosophy said that
LOVE is NOTHING, a typical Malay said that LOVE is BLIND. but for me LOVE is Farizal Marlias. 

                        My parents had involved in car accident when I turned thirteen. On that day,I got the worst
news, from my teachers. I was at school. My brother took me home. My school is far away from our
house, so I stayed at hostel. but, because of that accident I stayed  with my beloved brother and then I
changed my school. Now, my school is nearer to my brother’s house. 

            This year, I shall face a big examination in my life. I'm SPM candidate for this year. Being a form
5 student  makes me half dying. It's lot of homework and assignments. I’m not a hardworking student.
Yes. I admit it. seriously, I am not.One day, it happenend. I had made my brother blood boiling all over
me. I made his day with a bad news. The most severe news. I guessed!  He looked at me like an angry
man and would swallow me anytime he would. He looked at my report card, and my legs were shaking
and wanted to fall down to the ground. I looked at his teeth as if the whole teeth wanted to  grip  me. Oh, I
hope there only could be a miracle here. I wish. but it's only a wish.

            "Look you only scored 29 marks for your Chemistry?". Seriously I can not see his face right now.
oh my gosh, I don't want to face it right now. Then, suddenly his voice sounded again and again."Oh!my
gosh, Why should this thing happen. Why can you score  like what you did in your addmaths test?Why
my dear?"again, his voice sounded very hard. The fierce voice has put all the nerves in my ears.He stood
up and came towards me. Right now, no words can describe what I feel. My heart is beating very fast.
Dap dup dap...  Then, one slap came onto my face."Pangggggggggg..." "That is what you should get for
your bad result". oh, brother what a good present you give to me.Seriously, every nerves in my face was
groaning in  pain.My eyes were brimming with tears and I tried not to let that salty water slipped out.
I ran into my bedroom.I opened my door and I dashed in. Then,I locked the door."click". I let the salty
water rolling on my eyes out.I was crying like I was only the one person live in this world.It was totally a
tight slap that I had. Seriously, he is the first person in my life that bravely  slap onto my
face. Eventhough he had slapped me, but I still love him.   That was the worst day in my life.I shall never
forget it.

Lina was nervous when the door opened. She heard her name being called again and again with a haunted
tone. She kept imagined the soul of a dead body came to her for a revenge. She was shivering in her pink
blanket and her face turned pale.“Lina,what’s wrong with you,my dear ? Are you okay ?’’ Puan Sheila,
her mum asked.She was glad that her mother was not a ghost ! “Mum, I have done something,”said Lina
with her trembling voice. She was crying endlessly  and her mother hugged her tightly to calm down.

“ Tell me,what you have done my girl ?” her  mother persuaded.  Out of the blue,Khairul who is
her eldest brother came into her room and gave her a tight slap.“What have you done with my favourite
motorbike ?You have destroyed my baby ! I hate you!’’.The innocent mother was shocked with Khairul’s
attitude. “Mum ! Actually, I have beaten the red traffic while riding brother’s Khairul motorcycle and
rammed into an innocent girl! I don’t know how  is her condition right now.I am afraid that she maybe
dead.I saw blood spurted from her forehead. I couldn’t stand it. That is why I am running back home”.
cried Lina. Her mother’s heart sank into her boots.Khairul was  perplexed when he heard this.

 The melody of siren was heard out of the sudden. The trios already guessed that this junk things
will happen.Knock!Knock!Knock!.No response from the members of the house. Lina’s heart beat faster
when she heard the door being knocked again and again. Suddenly, her mother told her “you can’t run
away from your mistake be responsible for what you have done”. Then, Puan Sheila walked slowly
towards the door and then she opened the door gently. There were two good looking young guy complete
with policemen uniforms. They looked very mean. Without a single smile, one of the police officers
asked Puan Sheila, “Is the red RXZ motorcycle bearing registration number  DBO9595 belongs to anyone
of the house members here? “Err,yeah ! It belongs to my son Khairul. ” Puan Sheila answered promptly.

“I am sorry we have to arrest the owner of this RXZ motorcycle. A young girl is presently in
coma rammed by this motorcycle.” The policeman looking at Khairul and ready to handcuff him.“I don’t
know anything about this, I think  somebody must have stolen my motorcycle and in the midst have
rammed this unfortunate girl. I didn’t know and even understand what is actually happening here ?”
Khairul added. Lena then went forward and screamed loudly.She admitted her  mistakes and said,.“It was
not his fault !It was all my fault !” Unhesitatingly the two policemen arrested both of them.They were
taken in a waiting glittering blue patrol car with a background of many curious neighbours looking by.

    At the police station, Khairul and Lina were being interrogated. Lina changed her admission and
confessed that it was her friend,Marina was riding the motorcycle and she was merely a pillion rider. The
police officer then inquired about Marina’s address and her phone number.Soon a police car was
despatched to trace the whereabouts of Marina. After meticulous and lengthy interrogation with the
presence of Marina, the police released Marina and Khairul but instead insisted to keep Lina in a police
lock-up unless the family agreed to raise a bail of RM3000.By then Lina was already screaming and
pleaded her mum to look for the money. It would be quite difficult for Puan Sheila to raise a big amount
of RM300O within hours.How could she.She called a few names like her cousins, in-laws and many more
unfortunately they could not lend their hands. Lina had to be in the police lock-up because of her own
She rode on a motorcycle without a license and had hit a girl. Lina had to be inside until her
father, Encik Fazil who is presently not available in the country to bail her out. After a week being
tediously in the jail, Lina’s dad arrived home and together with her mum, they dashed to the police
station. Lina’s heart was finally relieved. But she is now a changed person. Her mind did not stop
thinking about the condition of the girl.She trusted her instinct. She was very sure that the girl must still
be in the hospital.Lina narrated to her mother about her anxiety.Her mother smiled bitterly.Her face
showed a weird expression and she seemed to be  keeping a  secret from her daughter.
     The next day, Lina and her whole family dropped to see the unfortunate girl at the hospital. Her
mother was crying to see the girl was still in coma. Everything was  revealed when her mother cried  and
said, “I never expect your sister rammed into you” Khairul and Lina were so blanked when they heard
this. They thought they were dreaming and questioned why their mum said this. En Fazil  hugged Puan
Sheila to calm her  and told their children about the truth. The girl who was still in their sister!!
She escaped from the home of the handicapped, Sri Murni Handicapped Centre about  300 metres from
their home. This little girl is their youngest sister who was born with couple of deformities and their
parents sent her to Sri Murni to avoid family embarrasement. From the investigation that been done by
police,the little girl had been missing for the last 48 hours and she is trying to escape from the
handicapped centre. She has been found at the spot where Lina rammed her. Both Khairul and Lina were
sobbing endlessly.The whole family prayed for Fatin and recited holy verses  and performed special
prayers. God is great! Fatin has recovered tremendously within a short time.  

The girl smiled sweetly and she could talk now.It was indeed a miracle. The family was so
grateful and thanked to Almighty God because a miracle had occurred in their lives. Puan Sheila and her
husband regretted for their sins and promised to keep Fatin in their home and no more at the handicapped
centre. They promised to themselves to take  good care of her after the incident. “Mum, Dad. We loved
her,” said Lina and Khairul. All of them started a new life again and this time is with Fatin.


Prepared by Sir Rosdi, Kelantan
Taken from

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