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Patindol, Nicca Mae A.


1. Where did the job description revision process at MedHome break down? Explain
whether it is necessary to start over with a complete job analysis, or if another revision
of the current job description will resolve the issue.

When the experienced HR supervisors who were in charge of looking up and

reviewing job descriptions retired, the entire job description revision process broke
down. Hence, senior supervisors may not have been clear of the specific duties for these
positions. Certain essential functions were not passed down. Times change, and people’s
needs change. Therefore, for me it is necessary to start with a complete job analysis, a
thorough job analysis is detailed information about a job and what skills and knowledge
are required to perform the job. It is impossible to specify a job and know the skill and
responsibility required for the job without a clear job analysis. Thus, the job description
was not properly reviewed and updated after Harry and HR supervisors retired.

2. How could the hiring problems have been prevented?

Hiring can be a time-consuming and nerve-racking process. In an ideal world,

you find the ideal candidate for the job — someone who hits the ground running,
improves your unit's performance, and reduces your workload. In the worst-case
scenario, your seemingly perfect hire turns out to be far from it, and you are left dealing
with the fallout for months, including the search for a replacement. Indeed prevention is
the best medicine, following a clear and consistent approach that includes knowing the
traits valued across the organization (such as humility or an entrepreneurial spirit),
conducting fair, structured interviews that include multiple people from the
organization, and agreeing on a standard ranking system to evaluate candidates can
greatly reduce your chances of getting hiring decisions wrong. Hence, the following are
important principles must remember. Here are the things we need to do; identify the
competencies an ideal candidate needs, ask interview questions that uncover the drivers
behind the candidate’s past and future behaviour, give the new hire early feedback about
her performance. On the other hand, the things we shouldn’t do are; Prioritize technical
skills over relational ones, assume you’ve made a bad hire without checking your
perception with others and immediately move to termination, without first considering
coaching or transferring.

3. What should Elyse Suarez and Jacob Washington do to fix the problems now?

Elyse Suarez and Jacob Washington must first improve their talent
management, we can’t deny the fact that employees are expected to add value to the
company so that it can grow and develop successfully. Through talent management, a
business makes sure its employees are functioning at their maximum potential and
satisfied with their work. Therefore, if Elyse and Jacob amend this shortcoming they
might bounce back from the inadequacy of their organization. Hence, the entire
workforce is involved in the talent management process. Because each employee plays a
role in talent management, each placement must be successful. Using recruiters can assist
in ensuring that everyone, from managers to entry-level employees, collaborates to train
and retain their co-workers.

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