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A Detailed Lesson Plan In Oral Communication

Teaching English XI

I. Subject Matter
Topic: Speech Writing Process
Lesson: Principles of Speech Writing
Materials: Power Point, Projector and Pictures
Reference: Oral Communication in Context Text Book

II. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, 80% of the students should be able to:

a. identify the speech writing process;

b. appreciate the importance of speech writing process through oral
recitation; and
c. conduct the different processes of speech writing through group
III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity
Good Morning Class!
Good Morning Sir Rosales.

Let us all stand for the Opening Prayer to

be led by Mr. Carbon.
Our Father who art in heaven holy be
thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will
be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and
forgive us our trespasses, as we
forgive those who trespass against us;
and led us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil Amen.
You may now take your seats class.

Thank you, Sir.

2. Greetings
How was your day class?

It’s fine Sir.

That’s good to hear. Class kindly pick up
all the trashes under your chairs and kindly
arrange also your seats.
Okay Sir.
3.Checking of Attendance
Who are absent for today class?
No one is absent for today Sir.
Well that is good to hear that no one is
absent for today class.

What was our lesson last time class?
Okay, Student A?
It was all about Communicative
strategy Sir.

Thank you, Student A! Okay class. What

have you learned about Communicative
strategy? Yes Student B?
Sir I’ve learned that there are 7 types
of communicative strategy.

Precisely! Student B there are 7 types of

communicative strategy. Okay! Student C can
you tell as what are those types of
communicative strategy?

Sir the 7 types of Communicative

strategies are: Nomination, Restriction,
Turn Taking, Topic Control, Topic
Shifting, Repair and Termination.

Very Good! Student C I’m glad that

you still remember it. Class do you understand
our last lesson?

Yes, Sir!

B. Motivation
We will be having a game for today
class. This game is called “Fill me in I’m
Lacking”. Through four (4) pictures, you can
guess the word and fill in what is the missing
letter to complete the word.

What word do you think is this one
class? Yes, Student D?
Audience, Sir.

Correct! How about this one class? Yes,

Student E?

P_ _ P O _ Purpose, Sir.

Very good! How about this one class?

Yes, Student F?
T__I_ Topic, Sir.

Precisely! How about this one class?

Yes, Student A?

N__R_W Narrow, Sir.

Very good! How about this one class?

Yes, Student B.

Data, Sir.

Very good!
Words such as audience, purpose, topic,
narrow and data are words that have something
to do with our lesson for this morning.

C. Activity
Today, we are going to have some
fun by having a game that I think you are all
familiar. Sounds interesting right? Yes, Sir!

But before that let’s divide the class into

five groups. (The Class will be divided into 5

Our game for today is called “Fix me

I’m Shattered”. In this game, you need to fix the
scrambled letters to form the correct words. 5
minutes is given to each group in fixing the
scrambled letters. The first group to finish the
activity will be the winner. Are you ready class?
Yes, Sir!



Now let’s check your works

Group 1
Our answer Sir is Audience Analysis.
What is your answer? Any volunteer
from the group. Oka, Student B?

Very good! Let us give Group 1 a nice

(Nice Clap)
clap. Are you still familiar with the nice clap

Group 2
What is your answer? Any volunteer Our answer Sir is Determining the

from the group. Okay, Student A? Purpose.

Very good! Let us give Group 2 a Yes

clap. Are you still familiar with the yes clap (Yes Clap)


Group 3
Our answer Sir is Selecting a Topic.
What is your answer? Any volunteer
from the group. Okay, Student C?

Very good! Let us give Group 3 a

(Pakbet Clap)
Pakbet clap. Are you familiar with the pakbet
clap class?

Group 4 Our answer Sir is Narrowing the topic.

What is your answer? Any volunteer
from the group. Okay, Student D?

Very good! Let us give Group 4 an

Aling Dionisia clap. Are you familiar with the (Aling Dionisia clap)
Aling Dionisia clap class?

Group 5
What is your answer? Any volunteer Our answer Sir is Gathering Data.

from the group. Okay, Student A.

Very good! Let us give Group 5 a Boy

Abunda clap. Are you familiar with the Boy (Boy Abunda clap)
Abunda clap class?

D. Abstraction

Now, the thing that you did a while

ago has something to do with our topic of the
Sir our next topic would be about on
day. So, What do you think is our next topic?
the steps of making a speech.
Any idea from the class? Yes, Student A?

Precisely! Student A. Our topic for today

is all about the steps or processes in making a

Speech Writing Process Sir is about

Now, What do you think is Speech
how a speech is being written correctly
Writing Process class? Yes, Student B?
and orderly.

Very Good! Student A.

Speech writing is a tool used to outline your
thoughts and ideas for a speech. It assists with
cognitive learning and critical thinking, and
allows you to organize your thoughts into full
sentences or phrases (Seth J, 2016).
Speech writing is the art of writing a
speech for public presentation. There are certain
things you need to keep in mind - flow, the
ability of the audience to understand you, who
your audience is, time limits, and being able to
get your point across the first time through
(Tiara S.)
Now, I will be presenting to you a
Schematic Diagram of how does speech writing
process works.

Let us tackle first what is Conducting

Audience analysis is somewhat
Audience Analysis. Any idea from the class what
knowing my audience Sir.
is audience analysis? Yes, Student C?

(Pakbet Clap)

Correct! Class let us give Student C a

Pakbet clap.

Audience analysis
Entails looking into the profile of your
target audience.
 Demography (age range, male female
ratio, educational background and
affiliations or degree program taken,
nationality, economic status, academic or
incorporate designations).
 Situation (time, venue, occasion and
 Psychology (values, beliefs, attitudes,
preferences, cultural and racial ideologies
and needs).
Audience Analysis Table
Age Range
Male-Female Ratio
Place of Residence
(city, province,
Marital Status
Economic Status
(Household income
above 30,000 or
below 30,000)
Language Spoken None, Sir.


So that we can be easily understood

Any question regarding Audience
by our audience Sir.
Analysis class?

If none then let us proceed to the next

process which is determining the purpose. Okay
(Durian Clap)
class, why is it that we need to determine the
purpose of our speech? Yes, Student D?

Correct! Class let us give Student D a

durian clap.

Determining the Purpose

 To inform – an informative speech
provides the audience with a clear
understanding of the concept or idea

Purpose Specific Purpose

•To inform Grade 11 students

about the process of conducting an
automated student government
•To inform Grade 11 students
about the definition and relevance
To inform
information literacy today
•To inform Grade 11 students
about the importance of effective


presented by the speaker.

 To entertain – an entertainment speech
provides the audience with amusement.

 To persuade – a persuasive speech

provides the audience with well-argued
ideas that can influence their own beliefs
and decisions.
Purpose Specific Purpose

•To entertain Grade 11 students with

his/her funny experiences in

automated election
•To entertain Grade 11 students with
To interesting observations of people
who lack information literacy
•To entertain Grade 11 students with
the success stories of the people in

the community

•To persuade the school

administrators to switch from manual
automated student government
To •To persuade Grade 11 students to
persuade develop information literacy skills None, Sir.

Any clarification class regarding

determining the purpose?

Through knowing the interest of the

So let us proceed to next process, which
audience Sir.
is selecting a topic. Okay class, how can we
select a good topic for a certain speech? Yes,
Student A?

(Boy Abunda Clap)

Very Good! Class let us give Student A

a Boy Abunda clap.
Selecting a Topic None, Sir
The topic is your main point, which can be
determined once you have decided on your
Any clarification class regarding selecting
a topic?

So let us proceed to next process, which

To deliver the speech easier and make
is narrowing down a topic. Okay class, why is it
it brief and concise Sir.
necessary to narrow down a topic? Yes, Student

(Sexy clap)

Very Good! Class let us give Student B a

Sexy clap.

Narrowing down a Topic

Means making your main idea more
specific and focused.
Purpose To inform

To inform Grade 11 students

on the importance of effective
Specific money

Financial literacy or effective

Topic money management

Effective money management

Narrowing Effective money management

of Grade 11 students
down a
Developing an effective money
management of Grade 11
topic through students
Defining and developing
effective money management
skills of

Grade 11 students
None, Sir

Any clarification class regarding narrowing

down a topic?
For us to acquire more information
regarding with our topic Sir.
So let us proceed to next process, which
is gathering of data. Okay class, why is it
necessary to gather data? Yes, Student C?
(Yes clap)

Precisely! Class let us give Student C a

Yes clap.

Data Gathering
Is the stage where you collect ideas,
information, sources and references relevant or
related to your specific topic. This can be done
None, Sir
by visiting the library, browsing the web,
observing a certain phenomenon or event
related to your topic, or conducting an interview
or survey.
Any clarification class regarding narrowing
down a topic?
(The class will be divided into four.)
Okay class let us have an activity now.

E. Application
Now to check if you really understand our
lesson for today. Let us have an activity. Let
us divide the class into four.

For Group 1, you are assign to answer

this table. You will conduct an audience
For Group 2, write at least 3
purposes in each category. To inform, To
For Group 3, write at least 5
possible topics of a speech and narrow Yes, Sir.
down each topic.
For Group 4, write the possible
sources where you can gather and collect

Okay so start your activity now.

IV. Assessment
Now class get a ¼ piece of paper and
answer the following questions. I will just read
the question twice. Just write what speech
writing process is it.
__1.It is the process in which we can acquire
new knowledge through collecting ideas.
__2. A process that involves a demographical
__3. A process wherein you need to
consolidate your topic.
__4. It is the process in knowing the reason of
a certain speech.
__5. This process makes the speech audience (The students will raise their hand)
Pass your papers class in the count of 1,
2, 3, 4, and 5. Late papers will not be
I need volunteers to answer here on the
board. Just raise your hand if you want to

(The teacher will select students to answer)

Let us check their answer class if they

are correct.
No. 1 answer is Data-Gathering
No.2 answer is Audience Analysis Yes,Sir.
No. 3 answer is Narrowing a topic
No. 4 answer is Determining the Purpose Good Bye, Sir.
No.5 answer is Topic

V. Assignment
Prepare at least two possible topics that
you are interested in and research some facts
about it. Print it out.

That is all for today class. Good Bye!

Prepared By:

Chris Eve B. Rosales

Pre-Service Teacher

Checked and Approved by:

Donna Mary I. Orbillos LPT

Cooperating Teacher

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