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A Research

Presented to
The Faculty of Little Flower High School
Of Peñarrubia, Abra Incorporated

In Partial Fulfillment
of the requirements of Practical Research 2

Ablog, Raizen Fhate

Bicera, Jhoanna Mae
Blanca, RenzAllen
Frio, Rhea Glaiza
Mandi, Jake Carlo Garcia
Sangoy, Royam Ailed



Background of the Study

In the secondary level, mathematics subjects are geared towards the development of

the necessary higher order thinking skills that will be useful in producing globally

competitive graduates. For this reason, (Gupo, 2019) believes that” continuous efforts have to

be made in the study, monitoring and evaluation of mathematics learning, which could result

in the enhanced performance of students and, hopefully, better prepare them in the

competitive and global work environment.” The goals of mathematics in education is “to

provide opportunities for individuals to develop skills and attitudes needed for effective

participation in everyday living and prepare them for further education and the world of work

so that they make worthwhile contributions to the society at large” (Pascua, 1993).

The utility of mathematics cannot be denied. For example, buying wisely or haggling,

measuring distances, discovering locations, estimating expenses, and anticipating future

problems to find solutions early enough, to name a few SEI-DOST & MATHTED, (2011)

Mathematics helps learners to make sense of the world. It requires logical thought and

allows students to think critically and creatively. In the classroom, the mental process

required in understanding mathematical problems like identifying what is important from

what is not, the ability to make connections among the given to generate a solution, and

confirming its correctness is surely something that students can apply even beyond the

classroom. More than just a set of isolated facts and concepts, mathematics provides us with

“ways of knowing”, thinking, and understanding (Bernardo, 1998). Through mathematics, we

can also formulate representations to model and interpret both physical and social phenomena

that are relevant to our life in the present.

Students today require stronger mathematical knowledge, skills, and values to pursue

higher education, compete and be part of the technologically oriented workforce, and be

informed, citizens. They must gain an understanding of the fundamental ideas of numbers

and number concepts, measurement, geometry, probability, data analysis, Patterns, Functions,

and Algebra. They must be proficient in computing, problem-solving, representing ideas and

concepts, and in connecting mathematics to other areas in life. Students must learn to use a

variety of methods and tools to compute, including paper and pencil, mental arithmetic,

estimation, calculators, and computers. The use of technology and other hands-on tools must

be an integral part of learning mathematics. SEI-DOST & MATHTED, (2011)

All these start at the basic education level, where students' mathematics skills should

be finetuned and harnessed so that they may achieve their full potential. Since Mathematics is

by nature an abstract discipline; such that, students have difficulty comprehending

mathematical concepts and operations. They tend to develop apprehension that they will not

pass the subject. Feeling of anxiety and nervousness are easily developed among them, hence,

mathematics phobia is evident (Andamon & Tan, 2018) With this main problem in

mathematics education, the researchers will explore the level of performance of Grade VII

students of Little Flower High School of Peñarrubia Inc. in mathematics as perceived by the

students themselves to illustrate how confident they are in their proficiency in Mathematics

and numeracy skills. This will also shed light on the attitude of students toward the

Mathematics subject.
Statement of the Problem

This study will investigate the Level of Performance of Grade 7 Students in Mathematics

through self-evaluation. Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What are the demographic profiles of the respondents in terms of gender, family

income, and parents’ educational attainment?

2. What is the level of grade 7 students’ performance in mathematics as perceived by the

students themselves?

3. What is the grade 7 students’ attitude towards mathematics?

4. Is there a relationship between perceived performance in mathematics, demographic

profile, and attitude?

Significance of the Study

This study will evaluate the level of performance of the Grade 7A Students of Little

Flower High School of Peñarrubia, Abra Incorporated. With the hope that the findings would

prove useful to the following:

For the Students

The Study will help them be aware of their performance in the subject of


For the Teachers

The Study will help The Teachers know the performance of their students and make

up strategic plans which will help the Students improve in Mathematics.

To the Parents
The Study will help the Parents notice how good their children are in mathematics

which will help them provide strategies on how they could help the Students improve with


To the Guidance Counselors and the School

For them to be able to adapt to what the student is having problems with.

To the future researchers

The Study will help future researchers to have a deeper understanding of how Grade

7A Students perform in mathematics which will help guide them in doing their research.

Theoretical Framework:

This section deals with the presentation of related literature and studies which have a

bearing on the present study. These related studies provided background information and

guided the researcher in understanding and analyzing the research problem.

Level of Performance can be assessed in terms of the Grade 7 St. Lorenzo Ruiz of the

Little Flower High School’s capabilities in the subject, mathematics.

The Level of Performance is measurable through the improvement in the performance

of the individuals, and the class as a whole. When defining kinds of assessment, Harris and

McCann (1994) describe self-assessment as “useful information about students’ expectations

and needs, their problems and worries, how they feel about their own [learning] process, their

reactions to the materials and methods being used, what they think about the course in


Eggen and Kauchak as cited by Wasike et al (2012) gave cognitive dimension of

perception; they see perception as the process by which people attach meaning to

experiences. They explained that after people attend to certain stimuli in their sensory

memories, processing continues with perception. Perception is critical because it influences

the information that enters working memory. Background knowledge in the form of schemas
affects perception and subsequent learning. Research findings have corroborated this claim

that background knowledge resulting from experience strongly influence perception

Chuangane, (1990), it was called “social perception” which is the process through which we

attempt to understand other persons. It is clear that perception is the reaction elicited when an

impression is perceived from without after making connection with other materials in the

consciousness. From this point of view two implications could be deduced. Firstly,

perception cannot be done in vacuum; it depends on some background information that will

trigger a reaction.

The factors identified as influencing the learning of mathematics can be divided into

two groups: the demographic and psychosocial factors. As far as the demographic variables

are concerned, age and gender have been found to influence students’ attitudes towards

mathematics but the findings are not consistent. Recent studies show that the advantage held

by boys over girls in mathematics achievement and attitude has diminished remarkably over

the last years and other factors are found to intervene. Giannoulas, A., & Stampoltzis, A.

Profile of Respondents Conceptual Framework Level of Performance of

a. Gender the Grade 7A Students of

To clearly
Little Flower High
b. Family income Flower High School
School Peñarrubia Abra
Peñarrubia Abra
c. Parent’s educational
Incorporated in
Incorporated in
Mathematics, the research

paradigm is presented in a. Perceived level of

Figure 1. performance

b. Attitude
Independent Variables

Dependent Variables
Figure 1. The Research Paradigm

As shown in the paradigm, the level of performance and attitude of the Grade 7A Students of

Little Flower High School Peñarrubia Abra Incorporated in Mathematics are influenced by

gender, family income, and parent’s educational attainment.

Scope and Delimitation

The study will be conducted by the Grade 12 Students of Little Flower High School

of Peñarrubia, Abra Incorporated. The main scope of this study was to determine the Level of

Performance of the Grade 7A Little Flower High School Students.

Definition of Terms

For clarity and better understanding of the terms in this research the following are

some definitions,

Demographic - a particular sector of the population

Profile - describe (a person or organization, especially a public figure) in a short


Attainment - a thing achieved, especially a skill or educational achievement.

Proficient - competent or skilled in doing or using something.

Perceived - interpret or look on (someone or something) in a particular way; regard


Pascua, L (1993). Secondary Mathematics Education in the Philippines Today. Bell, G (Ed).

Asian Perspectives on Mathematics Education. The University of New England, Australia.

PDF File Date Accessed: October 15, 2022,

Bernardo, A (1998). The Learning Process: The Neglected Phenomenon in Science and

Mathematics Education Reform in the Philippines. In EB Ogena and FG Brawner, Eds.

Science Education in the Philippines: Challenges for Development. Technical Papers

presented at the National Science Education Congress, 1988. p 79-107

Gupo, L. (2019). The Mathematics Proficiency of Grade 7 Students: An Input to the

Readiness for Higher Order Thinking Skills. Ascendens Asia Journal of Multidisciplinary

Research Abstracts.

SEI-DOST & MATHTED, (2011). Mathematics framework for Philippine basic education.


Andamon, J. C., & Tan, D. A. (2018). Conceptual Understanding, Attitude, and Performance

in Mathematics of Grade 7 Students. International Journal of Scientific & Technology

Research, VOLUME 7(ISSUE 8).


Anne Wasike, Ndurumo Michael, & Kisilu Kitainge Joseph. (2012). The Impact of

Perception on Performance in Mathematics of Female Students in Secondary Schools in Teso

District, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice, 4(20), 104–110.

Giannoulas, A., & Stampoltzis, A. (2021). Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Mathematics

by Greek Engineering Students at University: An Exploratory Study. International Electronic

Journal of Mathematics Education, 16(2), em0639.

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