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Learner’s Physical Aspect:

Mother’s Health during pregnancy with the learner:
The mother’s health during pregnancy with the learner is normal in the sense that
she always eats fruits and vegetables and takes vitamins which is good for pregnant women.
Ailments or health problems of the learner as a child:
The child grows up physically and mentally fit and she itself does not
h a v e a n y health problems ever since she was delivered
Age of the learner when he started to walk/talk:
She started to walk at 10 months old and talk few words on 8 months.
Food preferences of the learner as a child and at present:
When she was a child then she is mix feed as her mother is working. At present
she prefers to eat vegetables & fruits and healthy snacks.
Who took care of him/her as a child?
Her grand parents took good care of her as a child as her parents are both working.

Learner’s Social Aspect:

Describe your child’s sociability (friendly, outgoing or shy, loner).
The learner is very sociable and easy to get along well with others.
Who were the learner’s playmates?
The learners playmates are her siblings and closed neighborhood and friends.
As a child then was he/she allowed to play outside?
The learner is allowed to go outside for as long as she wont go beyond the limit like
outside the gate or going to street.
Is he/she allowed to go out with friends?
She is allowed as long as her not far from home and always bring her sister with
Do you have rules for him/her to follow regarding going out/
The learner has clear rules regarding going out just too stay inside the premises at
all times.
What are these rules?
Never go alone without parents consent never go beyond the house promises. Never go to
national roads.

What are your expectations of your child?
To be respectful and do well in the class and be obedient at home.
How do you provide a nurturing environment for your child?
The parents does not expect too much of her and always encourage her to
e x p r e s s h e r s e l f a n d study hard to have a better future. She was always reminded
of their love and care for her despite of being busy at  work.
Does your child go to school he/she feels down or has a problem? What
do you do to meet his/her emotional needs/
The learner is very expressive to her parents especially to her mother who
treated here like a barkada type. The parents always listen to her when the
learner has something to say or share to them.
What do you do when he/she is not successful in something?
If the learner is not successful in something  they will just say “its ok you can do it
next time”.
How do you discipline your children?
In discipling the leaner, the parents see to it that they wont tolerate her and always
correct the child in a biblical pattern since the Father is a Pastor and her mother is
in the ministry also.
Do you have rules in the house? What are they?
The parents child has rules in the house that everyone must observe.1. Never go out
without the parents knowing2. Never tell a lie.3. Respect everybody.4. Do diligently each
household chores assignment.
How do you impose the rules?
The parents impose the rules by posting it in their classrooms so that they may be reminded
What are the consequences of breaking the rules?
The parents uses rod or belt ”Palo” to acknowledge their wrongs and explain them afterwards
why they get it.

Learner’s Cognitive Aspect:

What are the child’s interests?
The child is interest is in Arts, Music, reading, & movies.
What is he/she good at school?
The learner is good at school as she is consistently received academic
awards or with honors since kindergarten.

In what subject/s does he/she have difficulty?

The child does good in every subjects and less difficulty in math and yet manageable.
How do you monitor his/her performance in school? How do you motivate him/her?
The parents always monitor her child performance at school by looking at her assignments and

Do you have rules at home to help him develop good study habits? What are these rules?
How are they implemented?
The parents of learner always imposed to her child to study and finish the
assignments before watching TV or movies.
The Learner’s Development Profile

Physical Development
The learner is physically fit, do there are certain foods that causes allergic reaction
to her but she has learned to avoid those foods that will trigger her allergies. She is
well behaved and softspok en.She is also a fast learner especially in the  school
where she received numerous awards.
Social Development
The learner is sociable and friendly. She makes of find a friend easy even if she just met for a
while. She has mostly lot of friends at the church where she is joining actively the Sunday school
for kids.
Emotional-Moral Development
The learner is open to her parents whenever she feels sad or bother for something. Her mother
also is very considerate and understanding to her feelings and always encouraged her. Though
her parents is strict at times and give her punishment when needed, but the love and care is
always on top.
Cognitive Development
The learner interests are in academic tracks and less likely on sports. She loves reading books,
singing songs or dancing and watching movies like Disney. Her favorite subject is science and
English. Her mother monitor her performance by checking her assignment and
activities and going to school attending parents meeting.
As I observed, the learner is physically and emotionally good because her parents is very
supportive in her. She gain friends easily because of her friendly nature. She is a kind of talkative
and curious about everything and ask sometimes ask complex questions. Her level of maturity.
Learning and skill is different from a child similar to her age that’s why she always topped in the

The parents of the learner did a great role in their child’s attitude and behavior. They have clear
and specific rules set at home.
For me every rules in their home is clearly defined and expectations is set properly for their
child. She has already a balance life both outside and inside the home..

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