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“Training Manual”

By the Tapp Brothers

© 2011-2014 All Rights Reserved

First Edition, Reserved 2014

Muscle Up Manual by the Tapp Brothers © 2011-2014 All Rights Reserved


This is the training manual you will be following to get your Muscle Up. It will cover the
technique, show you progression steps, specific exercises, and provide a simple schedule for
you to follow. This will ensure you get this move down as fast as possible without injury and
without confusion.

I encourage you to check out the two videos that came with this program before you get
started. These videos go into greater detail over the technique, progressions, and exercises.

The information and schedule you will follow in this course is based off of years of
research in fitness and training under professional cirque instructors, soccer coaches, and
Hollywood stunt men. My brother and I were very fortunate to have a wide range of amazing
guides and coaches throughout our life and training. These are some of the techniques and
methods I have picked up from my time with Lone Star Circus in Dallas, TX and fellow
parkour athletes early in my training.

The Muscle Up is a move that takes time and dedication to master, so make sure you
stay consistent with your training. Some may see amazing gains in just a few weeks,
however, for most it will take weeks or months to see dramatic changes and years to reach
mastery. You will want to have mastered your pull up and dip first (15-20 reps) before
progressing to the Muscle Up.

Also, ALWAYS consult a physician before you start any new workout regime. You always
want to make sure you are in good health. Sometimes people can suffer from severe injuries
that could have easily been avoided if they would have had a physical or checked with their
doctor first!

Train safe,


Muscle Up Manual by the Tapp Brothers © 2011-2014 All Rights Reserved



Muscle Up Manual by the Tapp Brothers © 2011-2014 All Rights Reserved


Muscle Up Technique
1. Hands in pull up position, arms shoulder width a part or
wider - The hands are going to wrap around the rail or bar with
palms facing away from you. The same grip you will have during
a pull up.

Arms can be shoulder width a part or wider. I find the wider grip
makes the muscle up easier to perform due to less distance for
the pull up and dip to complete the muscle up.

2. Perform pull up to lower chest or waist – We will

need to pull the bar up to our lower chest or waist to
reach the height needed to get our shoulders over the

A good way to generate more power and height with our

pull up is to start with arms slightly bent, open the
shoulder angle, and arch with the toes back behind us
to create tension.

Then as we pull up, quickly drive the knees up to our chest and keep body at a 45 degree
angle away from bar. This will give us space to perform the next step and allow us to get
higher up on the bar.

Muscle Up Manual by the Tapp Brothers © 2011-2014 All Rights Reserved


3. Perform atomic sit up and grip switch – Once we are

high enough with our pull up. We will lean our shoulders and
head on top and over the bar by performing an atomic sit up
motion. Some people call it peaking for the toes.

During this time we will also switch grips on the bar from a
pull up position (palms faced away) to a dip position (palms
facing down on top of bar). The grip should slid on top of bar
as we perform the atomic sit up. This will likely be the most
difficult step of the Muscle Up.

4. Perform top out or dip – Once we have our shoulders and

head leaned on top and over the bar we will complete our
muscle up with a top out or dip.

As we push ourselves up, bring the legs back to a straight

position and keep elbows turned in close to the body. Make sure
not to have the elbows flared out to the sides. This will put
unwanted pressure on the elbow joints.

Muscle Up Manual by the Tapp Brothers © 2011-2014 All Rights Reserved


Muscle Up Progression Steps

These are the gradual progression steps we will be following to develop the strength,
technique for the Muscle Up. Keep in mind these progressions are not written in stone. I
recommend following these progressions but I believe that many of us learn in different ways
and some techniques will resonate better than others.

You can feel free to skip some of these progressions if they don't click for you or you find
some of the others work best. The key is to develop the strength and body coordination for
this move.

For more detail on the technique or demonstration of the progressions steps, refer back to
your technique and progressions video.

Muscle Up Manual by the Tapp Brothers © 2011-2014 All Rights Reserved


#1. Pull Up to Chin (15 pull ups)

Have palms (away from your body) and fingers wrapped around bar. Perform a pull up until
your chin travels above the bar. Make sure not to lift chin up to attempt to get the chin over
the bar. This will put your neck out of alignment during pull up. Keep eyes looking forward,
chin down during entire pull up. (Goal for this progression is to perform 15 pull ups to chin
with good form.)

#2. Pull Up to Lower Chest or Waist (15 pull ups)

Perform a pull up to lower chest (sternum area) or waist. We will want to pull up with our body
at around a 45angle and legs in front of the bar. This will open up space for our chest and
waist to reach the bar. Remember to start with arms slightly bent and utilize the arch and knee
drive technique we learned in the technique section of the muscle up to give us much more
power with our pull up. (Goal for this progression is to perform 15 pull ups to lower chest or
waist good form.)

Muscle Up Manual by the Tapp Brothers © 2011-2014 All Rights Reserved


#3. Dip (15-20 dips)

Position hands on top of bar. Lower down with chest and shoulders in front of bar. Keep
elbow in and close to body. Go down until chest makes contact with bar and push back up.
(Goal for this progression is to perform 15-20 Dips.)

#4. Kipping or Swinging Pull Up (15 kipping pull ups)

Get into pull up position on bar. Perform a light swing forward (keep arms slightly bent, point
the toes, open shoulder angle). Once you reach the full height of your swing, kip the legs and
hips up into the air while pulling up with the arms. (Goal for this progression is to perform 15
kipping pull ups.)

Muscle Up Manual by the Tapp Brothers © 2011-2014 All Rights Reserved


#5. Negative Muscle Up (8 negatives)

Start on top of the bar, arms straight and close to hips. Then lower down slowly, keeping chest
and shoulders over bar. Then slowly switch grips and lower down from the pull up. If the bar is
too difficult, you can perform the same negative on a wall. Keep 1 or 2 feet on the wall for
extra assistance. (Goal for this progression is to perform 8 negatives.)

#6. Jumping Muscle Ups (8 jumping muscle ups)

Find a bar at chest level or lower so you can easily jump into a top out position on the bar.
You can also set up a box or chair to make a step up. Set up as you would for a muscle up
and jump of the ground or ledge to assist you on your muscle up. As you start to develop the
muscle up technique, put less and less effort into the jump to add more resistance. (Goal for
this progression is to perform 8 jumping muscle ups.)

Muscle Up Manual by the Tapp Brothers © 2011-2014 All Rights Reserved


#7. Kipping or Swinging Muscle Ups (3-5 swinging muscle ups)

Using the exact swing or kip technique we used in the kipping pull ups, lightly swing forward.
Drive the legs and the hips up as you pull up with the arms. Make sure to pull up to lower
chest or waist level. Lean chest over the bar by peaking to the toes. Then push up or top out
to perform the muscle up. (Goal for this progression is to perform 3-5 swinging muscle ups.)

#8. Muscle Up

Now onto the full muscle up with no swing. We will utilize the technique showed in the
technique section and video. Start with arms slightly bent, open shoulder angle and pull up
with body in 45 degree angle. As you pull up drive knees up towards chest. When chest
reaches the height of the bar peak for the toes (atomic sit up) with the head and chest to lean
over the bar. While peaking for the toes switch grips to palms on top of the bar. Then push or
press up with dip technique to complete the muscle up.

Muscle Up Manual by the Tapp Brothers © 2011-2014 All Rights Reserved


Bonus #9. False Grip Muscle Up

During false grip muscle up we will start with our hands in a false grip position. Bar will be
placed on lower palm or wrist area. This will allow us to start with palms on top of the bar so
we do not have to switch grips during the move. Perform pull up with no added leg drive. Pull
up past chest level and lean shoulders and chest over bar and top out to complete muscle up.

Muscle Up Manual by the Tapp Brothers © 2011-2014 All Rights Reserved



Muscle Up Manual by the Tapp Brothers © 2011-2014 All Rights Reserved


We are going to train the progressions and exercises with 3 workouts a week. We will repeat
these workouts each week. Every 4th week we are going to take off to allow our bodies to get
adequate rest and prepare to level up in our training. Some of the exercises given will focus
on different types of muscle contractions. This will help the muscles grow faster and increase
the efficiency of our nervous system which is key for recruiting muscle fibers for increasing
strength and performing the move.

Most of these workouts will focus on core, upper-body strength, and stabilization . The
reps given in the schedule are a guide and a good goal to aim for. When starting out you may
not be able to perform all the reps. That's fine, stop the exercise and move to the rest period
when ever your form starts to get sloppy.

With these exercises it's important that you always listen to your body. Train hard but
don't over do it. The goal is to push the body and muscles so they rebuild stronger, we don't
want to push them to the point of injury. It won't take much to see gradual improvement. It's all
about staying consistent.

Refer to the exercise video to see visual demonstrations and a detailed breakdown of
each exercise.

Muscle Up Manual by the Tapp Brothers © 2011-2014 All Rights Reserved


Workout Day #1
Warm up
5-15 mins. (refer to video example)

-3 sets of your Progression step you are on. If you master the goal for the progression you are
on move to the next progression on the next set. (2 min rest between each set.)
Rest 2 min
-3 sets of V-Ups. (20 reps for each set. 1 min rest between each set.)
Rest 2 min
-3 sets of Pull Ups to chin (15 reps for each set. 1 min rest between each set.)
Rest 2 min
-3 sets of Superman Raises (25 reps for each set. 1 min rest between each set.)
Rest 2 min
-3 sets of Dive Bombers. (15 reps for each set. 1 min rest between each set)
Rest 2 min
-3 sets of your progression down a level. (1 min rest between each set)

Cool Down/Stretch
5-15 mins. (refer to video example)

For the progressions in this workout you are going to perform the progression step
that you are currently at and feel comfortable with. You will want to go down a
progression or maybe 2 for the final progression exercise due to your muscles being

Refer to the exercise video to see visual demonstrations and a detailed breakdown of
each exercise.

Muscle Up Manual by the Tapp Brothers © 2011-2014 All Rights Reserved


Workout Day #2
Warm Up
5-15 mins (refer to video example)

-3 sets of your Progression step you are on. If you master the goal for the progression you are
on move to the next progression on the next set. (2 min rest between each set.)
Rest 2 min
-3 sets of V-Ups. (20 reps for each set. 1 min rest between each set.)
Rest 2 min
-3 sets of Pull Ups to waist (15 reps for each set. 1 min rest between each set.)
Rest 2 min
-3 sets of Superman Raises (25 reps for each set. 1 min rest between each set.)
Rest 2 min
-3 sets of Dive Bombers. (15 reps for each set. 1 min rest between each set)
Rest 2 min
-3 sets of Negative Muscle Ups (wall or bar). (10 reps for each set. 1 min rest between each
Rest 2 min
-2 sets of your progression down a level. (2 min rest between each set)
each set)

Cool Down/Stretch
5-15 mins. (refer to video example)

For the progressions in this workout you are going to perform the progression step
that you are currently at and feel comfortable with. You will want to go down a
progression or maybe 2 for the final progression exercise due to your muscles being

Refer to the exercise video to see visual demonstrations and a detailed breakdown of
each exercise.

Muscle Up Manual by the Tapp Brothers © 2011-2014 All Rights Reserved


Workout Day #3
Warm Up
5-15 mins (refer to video example)

-1 set of progression you are on.
Rest 2 min
-2 sets of progression. (1 min rest between each set.)
Rest 2 min
-3 sets of down a level progression. (1 min rest between each set.)
Rest 2 min
-3 sets of down 2 levels progression. (1 min rest between each set.)
Rest 2 min
-1 set of progression.

Cool Down/Stretch
5-15 mins. (refer to video example)

For the progressions in this workout you are going to perform the progression step
that you are currently at and feel comfortable with. You will want to go down a
progression or maybe 2 for the final progression exercise due to your muscles being

Refer to the exercise video to see visual demonstrations and a detailed breakdown of
each exercise.

Muscle Up Manual by the Tapp Brothers © 2011-2014 All Rights Reserved


Schedule Guidelines
1.Rest muscles used a full day in between each workout. Example: [Mon.=workout],
[Tues.=rest], [Wed.=workout], [Thur.=rest], [Fri.=workout]. [Sat.=rest], [Sun.=rest]

2.Follow this schedule each week till you reach your goals.

3.Take off every 4th week.

4.For every 3 months on take 1 month off or go light (1 session every 1-2 weeks).

5.If you go a month without progress, switch the workout days out. Meaning switch
workout day 2 with workout day 3 in the week. This will help keep the body guessing
and lead to more gains once the body has adapted to the schedule.

Muscle Up Manual by the Tapp Brothers © 2011-2014 All Rights Reserved


If you enjoyed this program, please shoot me an email anytime letting me know how the
program has helped you. Also feel free to send over any photos or videos of you mastering
your move! My brother and I love hearing or seeing the awesome results you have gained!

If there is anything you think could make the program better, let me know! I'm always
trying to improve the course and get good feed back.


Also, if you liked this course, you may also be interested in our other programs. You
can check them out below.

Get Your Back Flip Now -

Crash Course Into Parkour -
In Home Parkour Fitness -

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Train safe and have fun!

-Thomas Tapp

Muscle Up Manual by the Tapp Brothers © 2011-2014 All Rights Reserved

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