Group 5 - Script Mandarin Corner

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Dosen Pengampu : Elsa Ananda, M. Pd

Disusun Oleh :

Erin Prastiwi (H1101221009)

Muhammad Ragil Setiawan (H1101221011)
Jovianka Ivy Davinda (H1101221017)
Amanda Putry Perawaty (H1101221023)
Tiara Nabila (H1101221053)


Ragil : Hi Tiara! Hi Amanda!
Tiara : Hi Ragil.
Amanda : Hi Ragil, How are you?
Ragil : It’s a great day! How about you?
Amanda : Well, we’ve so bored today and nothing we can do.
Ragil : Oh. By the way did you see Ivy and Erin?
Tiara : No, I didn't see them.
Amanda : Me too.
Ivy : Hi guys.
Erin : Hi guys.
Tiara : There they are. Where have you been?
Erin : We've been from the Mandarin Corner.
Rhagil : I know where it is. I've been there yesterday.
Tiara : What corner is that?
Ragil : That is one of the uniqe large red Mandarin rooms in the UPT
Bahasa building.
Amanda : Oh yeah, i have also heard there are many corners from
several countries there, how can i find the mandarin one?
Ivy : When you enter through the main door, then you just need
to turn right and you will see a uniqe small red Chinese
decorations on the door.
Tiara : Why is the room called the corner?
Ivy : I think the reason this room is called a corner is because it is
located at the end of the hall.
Amanda : What time is the Mandarin corner open?
Erin : They are open from 8 am to 5 pm.
Tiara : Is there any interesting inside?
Erin : Yes, when you enter that corner, you will immediately see a
photo of the great big old wall of Chines pasted on the wall
right in front of the entrance.
Amanda : Wow, that's cool. is there anything other than that photo of
the Great Wall of Chines?
Ivy : Yes, There is three type of room. The first one is musical
Instruments room, the second room there were various kinds
of traditional Mandarin clothes and the last one is
thephotobooth room.
Amanda : What is rooms look like?
Ivy : I think each room looks like a normal room and the size of
the rooms is not too big but not too small.
Tiara : What's inside the musical instrument corner?
Erin : Inside this corner there are many traditional Mandarin
musical instruments. There is a big old brown Chines musical
instruments called Gu Zheng which is played by picking. Gu
Zheng has five notes namely do-re-mi-la-sol.
Ivy : There is another musical instrument, that`s a uniqe small
black chines musical instrument called the Yang Qin which is
played by tapping.
Ragil : Don’t forget about the last one, there is a small brown Chines
python skin membrane called Erhu which is played by
strumming and Pipa which is played by picking.
Tiara : Wow I really want to try all those musical instruments.
Amanda : Me too. What about the second room? What's in there?
Ragil : In the second room, there were various kinds of red Chines
tradtional clothes.
Ivy : When in the second room, Erin and I were given a little
information about the Chinese tribe. It turns out that there are
also Chinese ethnic groups who are Muslim, namely the Hui
or Huí Zú.
Erin : Yes, and the Hui or Huí Zú is one of the five largest old tribes
in Republic of Chinese.
Tiara : What are the traditional clothes in that room?
Ivy : There is a large old red Chines clothes called Hanfu, Hanfu
in each dynasty the clothing model is different. There is also
cheongsam for women, and Changshan for men.
Erin : Cheongsam is the beautiful small clothes with motifs such
as dragon and various flower motifs, one of which is the lotus
flower from Chines. Changsham used to be one of the formal
attire that was widely used by men to attend several events.
Amanda : So that's all there is inside that room?
Ragil : Not yet all. Yesterday when I went to the Mandarin corner,
I remember in this second room I also saw several types of
masks in that room. They put the masks on the big old brown
cupboard, so it's not very visible.
Erin : What masks are there?
Ragil : One of them is a face changing mask named Bian Lian. This
Bian Lian mask is often used in big old ancient Chinese opera
Ivy : Wow that's really cool, later I will go to the mandarin corner
again to try the masks there.
Amanda : How about the last room in the Mandarin corner?
Erin : The last room is the photobooth, usually people who visit the
Mandarin corner will take pictures in this room. Ivy and I also
took photos while visiting the Mandarin corner.
Ragil : Yeah, I also took pictures while visiting there.
Amanda : I love photobooth. How about the program at Mandarin
Ivy : They’ve most favorite programs. Mandarin corner is used as
a class for lecturers, if there is a possibility for general classes
in the future such as Chinese calligraphy or drawing classes.
Erin : They also used as a cultural class or as a Mandarin Club
Tiara : That’s sounds good.
Amanda : Yeah, I can’t wait to visit that corner later.
Tiara : Me too. Thanks for giving us that informations frinds.
Amanda : Thank you Ragil, Ivy and Erin too.
Ivy : That’s okay.
Ragil : Happy enjoy your visiting friends.

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