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Maharashtra State Board of

Technical Education

Certificate of Completion
Of Industrial Training
(By respective Head of Institute & Head of the Department)

This is to certify that Mr. /Ms. _________________ with Enrollment No.

190135**** has successfully completed Industrial Training (22049) on
Internshala from 01/08/2021 to 05/09/2021 for partial fulfillment towards
completion of Diploma in Computer Engineering form Government
Polytechnic Yavatmal.

Institute Code: 0135

Signature Signature

Head of the Department Head of Institute

Name of Institute:

Government Polytechnic Yavatmal

Department of Computer Engineering

Report on

Industrial Training
Completed Successfully at

“Internshala Trainings”

Guided By
Prof. K. K. Bele

Fulfilled By

[Name Here ]
Industrial training is an important phase of a student life. A well planned,
properly executed and evaluated industrial training helps a lot in
developing a professional attitude. It develop an awareness of industrial
approach to problem solving, based on a broad understanding of process
and mode of operation of organization. The aim and motivation of this
industrial training is to receive discipline, skills, teamwork and technical
knowledge through a proper training environment, which will help me, as
a student in the field of Computer Engineering, to develop a
responsiveness of the self-disciplinary nature of problems in information
and communication technology. During a period of 6 weeks training at
Internshala (Online Site). I learnt many new things like designing a Web
Page/Sites by my now. I too learned many new applications related to it.
Throughout this industrial training, I have been learned a new thing that
required for the Best User Experience and Performance, and able to
implement what I have learnt for the past year as a Diploma in Computer
Engineering student in Government Polytechnic Yavatmal.

To become a professional in Computer Engineering, industrial training is

the foundation for each undergraduate student. It helps students to
improve their practical skills related to interpersonal, problems solving,
research and reporting as well as soft skills. Also it helps the students get
exposure to the industry, apply the gained knowledge throughout the
academic program and learn new updated technologies. In addition, it
helps student’s career development and to prepare for employment after
graduation, by engaging in personal and professional development
I hereby to extend my sincere appreciation and thankfulness to my helpful
internship supervisor Prof. K. K. Bele
Further I would like to thankful the Dr. D. N Shingade, Principal of
Government Polytechnic Yavatmal. The supervision and support that he
gave truly help the progression and smoothness of the internship program.
And also I would like to thank Dr. M. V. Saorde, Head of Computer
Department of Government Polytechnic for their guidance and Support.
And also my heartfelt thanks to Prof. K. K. Bele, who was the mentor of
our internship program. He was constantly in touch with us during the
whole internship period.
Besides, this internship program makes me realized that the value of
working together as a team and as a new experience in working
environment. Not forget, great appreciation to other department staff that
helps me from time to time during our internship. The whole program
really brought us together to appreciate the true value of friendship and
respect of each other.
Content Page Chapters

1. Organizational structure of Industry.

2. Introduction of Industry.

3. Software, Hardware /Tools used

4. Basic of Web Page and HTML

5. CSS ( Cascading Styles Sheets )

6. Bootstrap and its Advantages

7. Introduction to PHP

8. MySQL

9. Short Report on Topic.

10. Challenges encountered during training

Chapter 1:

Organizational structure of Industry:

Organizational Structure means determining the form of entire organization system of undertaking.

According to Henry H. Albert “The organizational structure is the framework within

management and operating task are performed”.
Characteristics of organizational structure:

• Performance of business activities

• Arranges functional relations among the manager and the employees
• Various roles and positions are formed.
• Establishing the relation between the managers, employees and their group.
• Functions are assigned to various departments.
Internshala is an internship and online training platform, based in Gurgaon, India. Founded by
Sarvesh Agrawal, an IIT Madras alumnus, in 2010, the website helps students find internships with
organizations in India. In August 2016, Telangana’s not-for-profit organisation, Telangana
Academy for Skill and Knowledge (TASK) partnered with Internshala to help students with
internship resources and career services. In September 2016, Team Indus, Google XPRIZE
shortlisted entity has partnered with Internshala for college outreach for its initiative, Lab2Moon.
Various advisors are associated with Internshala are Dr. V G Idichandy, Naveen Kukreja, GSK
Chaitanya , Kunal Jain, Ashish Mishra, Nishikant Dhanke, Ruchi Bhosle, Ankur Khator.
Chapter 2:

Introduction of Industry:

Internshala is a platform for online training and internship. It provides a good platform for many
for the students for doing internship all over the India all after 2010 and after 2014 it also provided
the students with online training. It provides internship and training in different fields some them
are Web designing, Android App Development, Learning the programming Languages, Ethical
Hacking, Data Science etc. It provides internship in all the fields of Engineering and Development.

Founded by: Sarvesh Agrawal (X-IITian from Madras)

Headquarter: Gurgaon, India

Founded in Year: 2010

Chapter 3:

Software, Hardware /Tools used:

3.0 Introduction
The Translate and Edit application had been planned to consist of two parts front-end and
back-end development. The front-end is the part of the web that you can see and interact
(e.g. Client-side programming). While front-end code interacts with the user in real time, the
back-end interacts with a server to return user ready results. The front-end is a combination of
HTML, CSS and JavaScript coding. By using JavaScript, modifications of the design of a web
page can be made immediately, however only temporary and visible only by the user. Normally
the user would not have rights to modify web content dynamically on the server side. Logically,
administrators are the ones who deal with back-end modification of databases for example, as
they often contain sensitive data which should not be available to see or modify by the general
public. These front-end and back-end tools includes languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PH,
MYSQL etc. We will discuss all these languages in brief as given below.

3.1 Features
Web Page Assests, Resources, and Network Information
Profiling and Auditing
Specification of Computer System:

• Operating System: Windows (version 8 or greater)

• RAM: 4GB (desktop version used)
• 64-bit system

Software Used: -

• Notepad++
• Google chrome browser
• My PhpAdmin
• WAMP Server
Chapter 4:
Basic of Web Page and HTML
4.1 Introduction
HTML (Hyper Text Mark-Up Language) is what is known as a "markup language" whose role is
to prepare written documents using formatting tags. The tags indicate how the document is
presented and how it links to other documents. The World Wide Web (WWW for short). or
simply the Web. is the worldwide network formed by all the documents (called "web pages")
which are connected to one another by hyperlinks. Web pages are usually organized around a
main page, which acts as a hub for browsing other pages with hyperlinks. This group of web
pages joined by hyperlinks and centered around a main page is called a website. The Web is a
vast living archive composed of a myriad of web sites. Giving people access to web pages that
may contain formatted text, images, sounds, video, etc.

4.2 What is the Web?

The Web is composed of web pages stored on web servers, which are machines that are
constantly connected to the Internet and which provide the pages that users request. Every web
page, and more generally any online resource, such as images, video, music, and animation, is
associated with a unique address called a URL. The key element for viewing web pages is the
browser, a software program which sends requests to web servers, then processes the resulting
data and displays the information as intended, based on instructions in the HTML page.
The most commonly used browsers on the Internet include:
Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera

Chapter 5:
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
5.1 What Is CSS?

• CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other
• CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages all at once.
• External style sheets are stored in CSS files.
• CSS describes how HTML elements should be displayed.
• CSS Saves a Lot of Work! The style definitions are normally saved in external .css files.
• With an external style sheet file, we can change the look of an entire website by changing
just one file!
• CSS can be either external or internal.
5.2 CSS Syntax:
A CSS rule-set consists of a selector and a declaration block:
CSS selector: The selector points to the HTML element you want to style.
The declaration block contains one or more declarations separated by semicolons.
Each declaration includes a CSS property name and a value, separated by a colon.
A CSS declaration always ends with a semicolon, and declaration blocks are surrounded by curly
The External CSS can be declared in the required HTML page as:
<link ref="stylesheet" href="CSS_file_name "css"'>
The External CSS file is saved by using the .css extension ,whereas the internal CSS is saved in
corresponding HTML file using the <style> tag. Using External CSS is much better than using
Internal. Here are a few reasons this is better.

• Easier Maintenance
• Reduced File Size
• Reduced Bandwidth
• Improved Flexibility
The selectors that can be used to select the HTML part are
• Id selector
• Class selector
5.3 CSS Comments:
Comments are used to explain the code, and may help when you edit the source code at a later
date. Comments are ignored by browsers. A CSS comment starts with /* and ends with */ or //
.Comments can also span multiple lines. Example-

Document.write(“I want full internal marks”); //msg on screen

Document.write(“Give me full internal marks”); /* msg on screen */ 5.4 CSS Styles:

• Background properties
• Border properties
• Padding
• Margin
• Color
• Font properties
• Text properties Link properties/ Navigation bar properties
Chapter 6:
6. Bootstrap and its Advantages:
6.1. What is Bootstrap?
Bootstrap is a collection of reusable pieces of code written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
However, it is a free and open-source front end web development framework to help you create
responsive websites and web applications. Also, it saves you from having to write lengthy code,
since it is intended to create responsive websites.
Advantages of bootstrap: Since it’s launch in August 2011, Bootstrap has attained a lot of light. It
has become any developer’s choice for UI development. A Developer’s Dream: Unlike most of
the frameworks available in the market, Bootstrap is one of the simplest to implement and use in
the market. Its implementation is as simple as importing a CSS and using the classes available.

• Device Friendly: Bootstrap’s responsiveness makes it all much simpler! It can intelligently
“sense” the device’s resolution and screen width and adjust the content accordingly.
• Customizable: Bootstrap is easily customizable. Before downloading the version from the
site, you can set your own custom fonts, sizes, color schemes and everything.
• Huge Community: Bootstrap is supported by the huge open source community present on
GitHub. Any bugs or issues are resolved in no time for the releases.
• Development Friendly: With almost all the “common features” that are required by web
applications or websites pre-built, it makes a developer’s job much easier and reduces the
time required for development.

• JavaScript Aided: The Bootstrap comes in with a pre-built JS file that adds a lot of
functionality features to support its elements.
• Well Documented: The official Bootstrap site offers in detail documentation of all the
elements and features provided by Bootstrap. It’s easy to understand and offers in-depth

Grid System: Bootstrap uses a 12-column grid system that is responsive. It also offers offset and
nested elements. The grid can be maintained keeping different screen sizes in mind or can be just
simply used to structure your content efficient
Chapter 7:

7.0 What is PHP?
PHP is a open source, interpreted and object-oriented scripting language i.e. executed at server
side. It is used to develop web applications (an application i.e. executed at server side and
generates dynamic page).

• PHP stands for HyperText Preprocessor.

• PHP is a server side scripting language.
• PHP is an interpreted language, i.e. there is no need for compilation.
• PHP is an object-oriented language.
• PHP is an open-source scripting language.
• PHP is simple and easy to learn language.

7.1 Features of PHP:

There are given many features of PHP.

• Performance: Script written in PHP executes much faster then those scripts written in other
languages such as JSP & ASP.
• Open source Software: PHP source code is free available on the web, you can developed all
the version of PHP according to your requirement without paying any cost.
• Platform Independent: PHP are available for WINDOWS, MAC, LINUX & UNIX operating
system. A PHP applicant ion developed in one OS can be easily executed in other OS also.
• Compatibility: PHP is compatible with almost all local servers used today like Apache, IIS
Embedded: PHP code can be easily embedded within HTML tags and script.

6.3 PHP Code:

<body> <?php echo “<h2> hello by php
Chapter 8:
MySQL ( My S-Q-L or "My sequel" ) is a relational database management system (RDBMS)
which has more than 6 million installations. MySQL stands for "My Structured Query Language".
The program runs as a server providing multi-user access to a number of databases.
Some commonly used storage techniques or types of databases used to store, retrieve and
process data with utmost performance:

• Flat File System: It is one of the easiest to understand and oldest techniques used. It
basically revolves around creating a single file that would act as a huge dump for data. All
the records will be stored in the single file.
• Relational Database: One of the most widely used techniques. Here we split the data into
various tables and link each other based on the relation they carry. It works best when the
data you get is structured and organized properly.
• NoSQL Database: Often known as “Not Only SQL”. The necessity of developing such
technique was due to rapid increase in unstructured data in the industry. Such systems don’t
work on standard RDBMS (Relational Database) concepts and cater to the unstructured data

8.1 Features:

• A broad subset of ANSI SQL 99, as well as extensions

• Cross-platform support
• Stored procedures
• Triggers
• Strict mode
• Updatable Views
• Query caching
• Sub- SELECTs (i.e. nested SELECTs)
• Replication with one master per slave, many slaves per master, no automatic support for
multiple masters per slave.
Chapter 9:
Short Report on Topic


Online Education and Training Severely lacks to achieve the standards of Today’s World. Some
concepts are still uncovered and doubts are uncleared. Although I tried out some examples, but the
major missing part was JavaScript which is important for web related operations and functionality.
Chapter 10:
Challenges encountered during training


1. As it was a virtual teaching and learning process so we can’t properly interact with the
assigned guide.

2. Miscommunication leads to misunderstanding the basic concepts.

3. Faced Network Issues very Frequently which leads to lose of


4. Don’t get to know the office mentorship.

5. Efficiency and Productivity may change as the environment differs.

6. Can’t learn any new things form our fellow mates .

References :
[Internship certificate here]

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