Bahasa Inggris 5

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Nama : Zalfa’A Aprilia Hartono

NIM : 63030210017

a. Resume

International Students

It is such a gift from the Almighty and the Most Gracious Allah that I have a chance to study in
Manchester University. I feel like dreaming being part of #30 world rank university. For a country side
boy, this chance makes me tremble and unconfident. I am just like a small fish in a big pond, finding
myself in the circle of people from all over the world. I just cannot believe it. Soon I realize that I am now
part of them. After three months, my confidence lines up.

Outside of the class, I live in international accommodation. MIH (Methodist International House)
Manchester is the name of the foundation that takes in charge of this accommodation management.
Life in MIH is full of surprise. I have my own bedroom, locker, and cooking utensils.

Some meals are just like yesterday. I grab them from freezer such as rice and Kimchi, pickles and
baked ham. Yesterday?! It does not have sufficient nutrition for your brain. When you start your class,
you will do the same thing. Like what? 67. Cooking once for 3 day meals. You will experience it because
of the tight schedule. I won‘t!‘ by the way, what is Kimchi? I have never heard of it. Can you guess, is it
Japanese food? I think so. The name sounds Japanese anyway.

You are absolutely wrong haha... Kimchi is spicy pickled cabbage and it is the national dish of
Korea. Ah... I just knew it. What is the difference between ham and pork? I think they are just
synonymous. That is true. Both of them means flesh of a pig used as food. But they have different use in
society class. If I am not mistaken, the word ham is popular in middle up class society or aristocrat. On
the contrary, the word pork is famous in marginal society. The flesh looks delicious though. Have some,
come on! The looks is as delicious as it tastes. Ough... that is gross. Thanks for the offer anyway. I am a
Muslim and I am not allowed to eat that. That is not halal.

Halal? I have seen the word while window shopping along the Indian and Middle East arcade.
What does it mean? Ahmad : It means forbidden to consume due to a certain cause. So, what makes
pork not halal? From Islamic perspective, the life of pig is disgusting and the flesh is prone to
tapeworms. This kind of worms mostly are not dead under 100 degrees heat. Even we cook the meat
well, they are still alive. But it just tastes so good! Argh… the thing in your mind is just about the taste
not the effects. Let‘s get over it and eat, shall we! Alright, whatever! Do you want to have some wine? It
is not halal either. I will tell you why. Wine contains alcohol which is a dangerous substance for our body
and mind. Under alcohol effect, our body results slurred speech, unsteady movement, disturbed
perceptions and an inability to react quickly. For our mind, it reduces a person‘s ability to think rationally
and distorts his or her judgment. Grrrr... That is terrifying! Can we say this pork and wine as halal? That
is a bizarre question. Are you trying to negotiate? If I am castaway in remote isolated small tiny island
and have nothing, I will eat that.

b. Text Comprehension
1. what is the writer's feeling after three months?
after three months, the writer's feeling of self-confidence increased. feelings of inferiority are
now normal. writers can stand up and speak in front of people relaxed and ready to step into a
class that engages with a great lecture.
2. Who is responsible for accommodation management?
3. What did the writer do after cooking in the kitchen?
Answer : They talk about cooked food, that pork is not halal according to Ahmad because he is a
4. What is kimchi
Kimchi is spicy pickled cabbage and it is the national dish of korea.
5. What do you think about halal and haram food on health?
Answer : Halal food is beneficial for the health of the body because it has nutritional content
and the food is guaranteed to be clean, which does not deny from Islamic law.
There are two kinds of haram food, namely haram because the substances are like pork, carrion
and blood. Whereas what is haram because something is not from its substance, such as food
that is not permitted by the owner to be eaten or used.
6. What will you do with food from other countries?
I will find out the ingredients for food from other countries that I will eat and avoid haram food.
7. What does international friends mean to you?
=> What international friends mean to me is a place to find myself in a circle of people from all
over the world, and be a part of them.
8. How did the writer encounter something different with his personal values?
the writer found something different from his personal values when The author self-confidence
has increased and the feeling of low esteem now becomes
9. Do you live in a diverse environment?
Yes, I live in various places, including various religions, customs, various ethnic groups, etc. For
that we must be grateful and respect one another.
10. How do you respect people from different nationalities?
I respect people of different nationalities by respecting their beliefs and not demeaning their
C. 5W 1H

• What do slamets eat? Rice, kimchi, pickles and grilled ham.

• where does ahmad live? Ahmad lives in international accommodation.

• who often cooks? slamet

• why do ham and pork have different names? Because ham is spoken by the upper middle class while
pork is spoken by the lower middle class.

• when does the slamet cook? Ahmas is cooking today.

• how does pork taste? Said the pork slamet looks delicious.

D. Review

Being able to study abroad is a gift from the Almighty and Allah the Most Gracious, Ahmad is
very grateful because he is ranked #30 in the world. For a country boy, this opportunity left him
trembling and insecure. he said "I was like a small fish in a big pond, finding myself in a circle of people
from all over the world. I just couldn't believe it. Immediately I realized that I was now a part of them."
MIH Manchester is the name of the foundation that takes on the responsibility of managing
the accommodation. The author has a bedroom and various facilities that have been provided. And the
kitchen is a favorite place to chat with Selamet, a PHD from Japan.
In the conversation discussed the menu that was eaten today. Namely some foods that were
taken from the freezer such as rice and kimchi, pickles and grilled ham but the food was left over from
yesterday and according to Ahmad these dishes lack nutrition.
Ham and pork are the same "pork meat used as food, but have differences among the people.
Ham is famous among the middle class or nobles while pork is popular among the lower classes. And a
Muslim is forbidden to eat both meats.
Although pork tastes very good, we are forbidden to eat pork because from an Islamic
point of view, pork is disgusting and its meat is susceptible to tapeworms. This type of worm
mostly does not want to die under 100 degrees heat even if it is cooked properly the tapeworm
is still alive.The health impacts of consuming pork medically are colon cancer, heart disease
and Hepatitis E.
Wine is not halal, because it contains alcohol which is harmful to our body and mind. when
affected by alcohol can cause the body to become disturbed, unsteady movements, unable to react
quickly and can result in slurred speech. can also reduce a person's ability to think rationally.

Causative verb adalah kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa subjek membuat seseorang

atau sesuatu melakukan suatu aksi.
Contoh causati veverb antara
lain: allow, cause, convince, enable, force, get, have, hold, keep, lead, let, make, motivate, permit,
dan require.
S + causative verb + agent + action verb (bare infinitive/infinitive). 
Adapun causative verb yang diikuti bare infinitive, antara lain have, let, dan make.
Sedangkan causative verb yang diikuti infinitive terdiri dari allow, cause, convince, enable, force, lead,
get, motivate, premit, dan require.

Contoh kalimat:

 I’ll have the plumber fix the sink.

 My mom lets me borrow her car.

 My aunt made me do the cleaning.

 My manager had me finish the reports in a week.

 Manuella gets fabiyan to do the group assignment.

Passive causative
Dalam passive causative, agent tidak disebutkan dalam kalimat, namun bisa juga ditambahkan by jika
tetap ingin menyebutkan subjek.
Dalam struktur kalimat pasif, kamu harus menggunakan action verb dalam past participle (v3) yang
disebut passive causative structure. 
Rumusnya adalah: s + causative verb + object + action verb (past participle). 

Contoh kalimat:

 I have my bike repaired

 I had my hair cut.

 Maria got the car washed.

5W 1H
 What is a CAUSATIVE VERB? A causative verb is a verb that is used to indicate that the subject
makes someone or something perform an action.
 Where is the causative verb in the sentence? located after the subject.
 Who is the subject in the causative verb? usually a person's name or a term such as mother,
father, etc.
 Why does the causative verb add to ? because to is in the causative verb as an indication of the
 when is verb 3 used? verb3 is used in passive sentences.
 How to distinguish active and passive sentences in causative verbs? by looking at the verb in the
sentence because active sentences use verb1 while passive sentences use verb3.


Causative verbs are sentences that are used to ask to order or ask for help, for
example like My Mom has me sweep the room. and causative verbs can be divided into two, namely
active sentences and passive sentences, the difference between the two sentences lies in the object and
verb used. If the active sentence is a person, the object is a person and the verb uses verb1. Meanwhile,
the object passive sentence can be a person or object and the verb uses verb3. so the difference is
obvious, and consists of the words have and gets.

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