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Menganalisis Kemampuan dan Kesulitan Siswa dalam Menulis

Teks Deskripsi





LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN.......................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................. iii
TABLE OF FIGURE................................................................................................... iv
CHAPTER I ....................................................................................................................1
A. Background.........................................................................................................1

B. Problem Statement...............................................................................................5

C. Objective of the Study.........................................................................................5

D. Significance of the Study....................................................................................6

CHAPTER II ..................................................................................................................7

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE....................................................................7

A. Some Pertinent idea

1. Writing............................................................................................................7

a. The Ability of writing............................................................................7

b. The Purpose of writing...........................................................................8

c. Types of writing...................................................................................10

d. The difficulties of writing....................................................................11

e. Evaluation of writing text.....................................................................12

2. Descriptive Text............................................................................................13

a. Definition of descriptive text...............................................................13

b. Components of descriptive text............................................................14

c. Language features of descriptive text..................................................17

B. Conceptual Framework.....................................................................................17

CHAPTER III ..............................................................................................................18

RESEARCH METHOD...............................................................................................18
A. Research Design................................................................................................18
B. Time and Place..................................................................................................17

C. Population and Sample......................................................................................18

D. Instrument of the study......................................................................................19

E. Technique of Collecting data............................................................................20

F. Technique of Data Analysis...............................................................................21


APPENDIX 1.................................................................................................................29

APPENDIX 2.................................................................................................................30


Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework……………………………………………….18

Figure 3.1 Scoring rubric of writing………………………………………..


Figure 3.2 Criteria scoring writing………………...………………………….….25



This chapter presents the background, problem statement, objective and

significance of the study.

A. Background

English is a foreign language that is mostly used by some countries

among other languages in the entire world. According to Richards and

Rodgers in Alawi (2011) said that five hundred years ago, Latin was a foreign

language that mostly studied. But, now English has become the most studied

foreign language.

In this country, English is the first foreign language that is learned by

the students from the elementary school until in the university. English is an

international language that is used to communicate with one another, both in

written or spoken communication. In addition, many books of technology and

science, art, and other published issues are written in English. (Alawi, 2011)

Writing skill is one of the English skills that is challenging enough to

learn by the students. Rass (2001) stated that native speakers and non-native

speakers think that it is difficult to master writing because the writer must be

capable composing it in various issues, for example, content, organization,

vocabulary, and mechanics (spelling, punctuation, and capitalization). It is

because there are a few angles that must be considered by these aspects on

how to do a good writing. However, students must master writing skills

because this skill is consistently seen as a significant ability in learning

English (Syarofi, Kuswahono, & Rizky, 2018).

Writing is an alternative way to solve problems that involves several

processes such as generating idea, finding a 'voice' to write, planning, setting

goals, integrating and developing what they want to write and searching for

language that will be used in expressing the exact meaning. (White and Arndt

cited in Alves, 2008)

In Indonesian School, as mentioned in the curriculum students are

required to learn to write various types of text. They are; Recount text,

procedural text, narrative text, news item and descriptive text. But for this

research, the researcher will focus on discussing descriptive text. (Septiani,


Gerot and Wignell (1994) said that descriptive text is a type of text that

use to describe how the thing looks like, smells, acts, feels, sound etc.

Basically, it shows the characteristics of people, places, and things in details.

And those are used to assist the reader in creating mental images. Amelia

(2017), added that the important idea about descriptive text is that the text

needs to explain what things look like or actually look, not just based on the

speaker's opinion.

There is one thing that can be used to find out students' writing

knowledge, it is analysis their text writing. This way will help English

teachers to know the abilities and difficulties of students in writing descriptive

text. Mostly, the difficulties that students usually face are developing their

idea, organizing their idea, their grammar and their vocabulary (Apriliana.

Candra, & Subroto, 2020).

There are some other researches that have similar topic with this

research. The first is from Damayanti (2022), entitled “An Analysis of

Students’ Abilities and Difficulties in Writing Descriptive Text in the First

Semester of the Eight Grade at SMPN 2 Pardasuka Pringsewu Lampung in

the Academic Year of 2021/2022”. The researcher was collected the data by

giving writing test. The result of this research showed that the ability of the

students is on a fair level.

The second research is from Wahyumi (2019), entitled “An Analysis

of Students Ability and Difficulties in Writing Text (A study at Second Grade

of SMPN 3 Bontonompo)”. This study found out that the ability of the

students in writing descriptive text was classified into very poor level. In other

hand, students’ difficulties showed that they were still difficult in creating

good sentences and writing the correct spelling.

The last research is from Yoandita (2019), Entitled “An Analysis of

Students’ Ability and Difficulties in Writing Descriptive Text”. This

researcher was used case study in conducting the research. This study found

out that the ability of the students in writing descriptive text was classified still

in a good level. However, they still got difficulties in developing their idea

and in organizing their idea.

All of those researches are having similarities with this research. It is

conducted to find out the students’ abilities and difficulties. However, this

research also has difference with those researches particularly on how to

collect the data. Those researches are only using writing test to figure out the

students’ abilities and difficulties, yet this research will interview the students

to get more accurate data.

Related to the previous explanations, the researcher initiative to

conduct a research called “An Analysis of Students’ Ability and Difficulty

in Writing Descriptive Text”.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the background above, this research is conducted to answer two

research questions below:

1. What are the student’s abilities in writing descriptive text at Mts Darul

Istiqomah Makassar?

2. How are the difficulties of the student’s in writing descriptive text at Mts

Darul Istiqomah Makassar?

C. Objectives of the study

Related to the previous formulations in the problem statement, there are

two objectives are formulated as follows:

1. To know the abilities of the student’s in writing descriptive text at Mts

Darul Istiqomah Makassar

2. To know the difficulties of the student's in writing descriptive text at Mts

Darul Istiqomah Makassar

D. Significances of the Study

By conducting the research, the significances of the study are expected as


1. Theoretical significance

By conducting the research, hopefully it will show us a real portrait of

Indonesian students’ ability and difficulty in writing descriptive text, so

we can see how far the students’ understanding in writing descriptive text.

In addition, new knowledge can be acquired through the actual situation of

the learning process, which improves the way students write descriptive


2. Practical significance

The researcher expected that this research will help the English

teacher to be familiar with students’ difficulties and help them to reduce

their weakness in writing a descriptive text.



A. Some pertinent idea

1. Writing

a. The Ability of Writing

Writing is a media of communication that can be used by

someone to communicate one and another. People can express their

idea, opinion, and their feeling through writing. Beside, according

to Robbins in Soehardi (2003) ability is an individual's capacity to

carry out a task in a particular job. So, writing ability can be

defined that it is the individual’s capacity in writing. Through

writing activity, people will easier in developing their ability in

English such as grammar and vocabulary, and their thinking

knowledge. (Raimes, 1983)

According to Kirszner and Mandell (2011), as a writer,

there are some steps that need to consider in writing, such as

planning, organizing, drafting, revising, and editing, in order to be

able to understand writing products. Raimes (1983) added that

writing has some functions, includes: it is used to communicate

with a reader, to express ideas without a face to face

communication, to explore a subject, to record experience and to

be familiar with the conventions of written English discourse (a


According to Caroll, quoted in Huy (2015), Students are

not required to learn the correct spelling and grammar. They are

believed that (English and Writing) are not important to learn but

spelling and grammar. For them, writing means unavoidable

failure. Sometimes they don't just identify good sentences with

correct spelling and grammar, so they may think they can't achieve

good sentences. They are not even aware the importance of writing

skills for their learning. Taking a literacy test often results in poor

grades, which affects learning outcomes. In fact, when working in

writing, students used to have some basic mistakes that related to

spelling, grammar, punctuation, and composition.

b. The Purpose of Writing

In Hugo Hartig in H. R. Tarigan’s book, He mentions seven

purposes of writing include:

1) Assignment purpose

This purpose is having no aim at all, the writer writes something

because it is a responsibility, not because of her will.

2) Altruistic purpose

The purpose is to bring the reader to their sorrow.

3) Persuasive purpose

The purpose is used to persuade the reader that opinion of the

writer is correct or valid.

4) Informational purpose

The purpose of this information is to provide information or

explanations to the reader

5) Self-expressive purpose

The purpose is to introduce or describe the writer to the reader.

6) Creative purpose

It is closely related to the purpose of self-expression, but it has a

"creative will". It is more than expressing oneself and working on the

will to achieve the artistic norms of the ideal art, to achieve artistic

benefits and values.

7) Problem solving purpose

The writer wants to solve the problem, explain, clarify, and

carefully search for ideas to help the reader to can understand and

absorb them.

c. Types of Writing

Based on the varietes and forms, Fachrurrazy in Yovie (2019)

explain the types of writing are:

1) Narration

Narration is a form of writing that tells a story (Essays, fairy tales,

films, or news. It is follow time order.

2) Description

Description is the kind of writing that describes about how thing

looks like. It talks about the physical appearances of something and

usually follows space order.

3) Exposition

Exposition is the kind of writing that giving information in a short,

dense, accurate, and easy to understand manner.

4) Recount

Recount is the kind of writing that has a function to retell events or

experiences that occurred in the past to inform or entertain the


d. The Difficulties of Writing

Berkeley in Sukmana (2017) explained the following lists of

the common issues on the students writing difficulties:

1) Thesis statement: Students usually are not clear on what this means

so they do not know on how to arrange and write the thesis

statement. They are not being able to write the main point or the

central message.

2) Topic choice: Students often write in broad topic and it does not


3) Paragraph structure: Paragraph shows random and lack of topic

sentences, or they address too many points in story. Sometimes it

is hard for them to link the previous or following paragraphs in to

logical way.

4) Unfinished paper: The paper has several points that have not been

clearly arranged so that it needs to be edited and proofreading


5) Sentence boundary errors: There is frequent splicing of comma

(run-on sentences), confusingly combined complex/compound

sentences, or sentence fragment. Punctuation error are related to

sentence boundary errors, not just “don’t know how to use a


6) Incorrect word usage: Misused of key words and lack of

precision in word choices.

7) Incoherent writing: Writing is unclear; it’s difficult to find the

main point of the writing.

8) Stigmatizing errors: It is lack of subject-verb agreement, correct

verb tense markers, prepositions and set- phrases are incorrect.

9) Stylistic errors: For example, verb tense can shift unnecessarily

between present and past, over and over (too often in using the

same sentence structure.

e. Evaluation of writing

Shehadeh (2011) described five components in evaluation of text


1) Content

In content, it is focus on the relevance of details, complete and


2) Organization

In organization, it is focus on focus on fluency of expression, ideas

expressed, well organized, logical and cohesive sequence.

3) Grammar

In grammar, it is focus on complex and effective construction, and

use of language (word order/function, articles, pronouns,


4) Vocabulary

In vocabulary, it is focus on advanced word mastery,

effective choice of words and expressions, mastering word formation

and use of proper registers.

5) Mechanics of writing

In mechanics, it is focus on writing rules, spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, and paragraph arrangement.

2. Descriptive Text

a. Definition of descriptive text

Descriptive text is a type of text used to describe real-world

objects (people, places, objects). This will help the reader to have a

clearer understanding of the actual object that has been describe by the

writer. Descriptive text is a type of text used by the writer to explain an

object, person, animal, place, or incident to a reader or listener (Knapp

& Watkins, 2005).

In Junior High School, Descriptive text is a type of text that is

learnt in the first and second years. In general, descriptive text is kind of

text that describes about particular thing such as a scene, an animal,

person or something that happen in nature. Its purpose is to give

information to the reader. (Panjaitan & Elga, 2020).

Abisamra (2001) added that descriptive text is the text that

describes person, and thing in detail to help the readers visualize an

object which is described. So, by writing a descriptive text, the reader

will have an impression and get a clear picture of the object which is

described. Furthermore, description activity is used to describe an

object which is can make it easy for the reader to understand the content

of the text and be able to imagine the object which is described clearly

as it really is.

b. Generic Structure of Descriptive text

Djuharie (2007) explained that the descriptive text has two generic

structure, they are: identification and description. In identification, the

writer will introduce the subject of the text; it can be person, place, or

things. Writer will introduce it in general terms so that the reader can

clearly understand what the writer means. In the description, the writer

will describe subject that has been chosen in identification (Person,

place or thing) from its physical appearances, characteristic quality to

its characteristics (Gerrot & Wignell, 1994)

Table 2.1

Example of descriptive text

Identification Yesterday, my father bought a rabbit. He

gave the rabbit to me as a present. The rabbit's

name is Minny. The name is mine. Minny became

my first pet. I'm very happy with Minny's


Minny is a medium sized rabbit with thick

white hair. Minny has two long ears with the tips
of the ears slightly black. Minny has a short, round

tail with a black color. Minny has round black

eyes. Minny has a small nose with a slightly black

tip. Minny really likes to play ball. Every day, I

feed Minny with carrots and milk.

 As my first pet, I really love Minny. I take

care of her with all my heart. Minny is my stress-

relieving pet rabbit.

c. Language features of descriptive text

Gerot and Wignel (1995) state that descriptive text has four

language features;

1) Using Specific participant. In describing something in written

descriptive must focus only one subject, for example: Borobudur

Temple, a cat, my new house, and so on.

2) Using Simple present tense. In which usually found the passive

voice in the descriptive text especially when describes about

particular place.

3) Using attributive and identifying processes. It is about the use of

have and has.

4) Using adjective, like attractive and handsome.

B. Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework

Writing skill

Descriptive text

Content Organization Content Organization Mechanics

Ability and Difficulty

In writing skill, there are five elements that must meet by students in

writing descriptive text, such as: content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and

mechanics. In content, students need to write good sentences and develop their

ideas, opinion or feeling clearly in each paragraph. In organization, students need

to identify the name of the place and explain more about the details of the place

in the rest paragraph. When writing descriptive text, students need to use the

proper or correct grammar, in this case the simple present tense. When writing

texts, students need to have good vocabulary mastery so it can be easy to express

their ideas. In the mechanics part, students need to pay attention to punctuation,

spelling, and case sensitivity. By analyzing those five elements, the researcher

will be able to identify the ability and difficulty of students in writing descriptive




A. Research Design

In this research, the researcher will use qualitative research, especially

qualitative descriptive research method. According to Hamdi and Baharudin

(2015), Qualitative research is the research that is used to explain and analyze the

phenomenon and social activity individually or in groups. The data will not

analyze using statistics because it is in a form word or sentence. This method is

used because the main objective of the research is to describe the implementation

of scientific approach in learning process.

Arikunto (2010) added that qualitative research is a research that carried

out in natural environment, under normal conditions where the conditions are not

manipulated. In addition, Slinger and Shohamy (1989) stated that qualitative

descriptive research is a type of research related to research using the existing

data. It will be used to investigate how are the student’s abilities and difficulties in

writing descriptive text by giving writing test to the students.

The qualitative research method is used in this research to investigate the

students’ abilities and difficulties in writing descriptive text by giving writing test

and interviewing them.

B. Time and Place

This research will be conducted at Mts Darul Istiqomah Makassar. It is

located on Jl. Mamoa Raya No.24, Mangasa, Kec. Tamalate, Makassar city, South

Sulawesi. The researcher will gain the data or information in two meetings with

the second grade students. The first meeting is to conduct writing test, and the

second meeting to conduct the interview.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

The researcher will choose the students at Mts Darul Istiqomah

Makassar at the second grade students. Total population of the research are

14 students.

2. Sample

The researcher will used purposive sampling technique.

According to Sugiyono (2016), Purposive sampling is a technique of

sampling data sources with certain considerations. The reason for using

the purposive sampling technique is because not all samples have criteria

that match the phenomenon under study.

For this study, the researcher will choose students at second-grade

from Mts Darul Istiqomah Makassar. The numbers of samples are 14

students. The second grade students are selected as the sample because

they have been studied about Descriptive Text material in the previous

semester, so that they match the criteria of the researcher’s need.

Hopefully, it will help the researcher in this research to see how far the

understanding of the students in writing descriptive text.

D. Instrument of the Research

To get data, the researcher will use two instruments in this study; they are:

1. Writing test

Writing test is used to express ideas, thoughts or feelings freely in

written form. Through writing test, the researcher will see the ability and

difficulty of students in writing descriptive text.

2. Interview

Interview is a question and answer activity orally to obtain information.

However, the researcher will use unstructured question to gain the data

from the students. Through interview, the researcher will see the

difficulties of students in writing descriptive text.

E. Technique of collecting data

In conducting the research, there are some steps or procedures that will be

used, they are:

1. Writing Test

There are some steps in when asking them to make or to write a

descriptive text, those are:

- The first step is planning or preparation. In this step includes preparing

the material and tools that will be used in this research.

- The researcher will give a brain storming related to the material they

have previously learned in their class about descriptive text. In addition,

the researcher will explain more about descriptive text so that they will

get back the memory about descriptive text.

- After that, the research will ask them the rules in the classroom, such as

the limitation of the time that is only 40 minutes, the topics they use in

descriptive text and the minimal paragraph they have to write.

- The next step is the researcher will give paper to all the students and

they will write a descriptive paragraph into the paper.

2. Interview

This technique is used to get more accurate data about the students’

difficulties in descriptive text. They are asking one by one and face to

face in the classroom. The researcher will interview the students by

asking some question using unstructured question. This kind of interview

is used so the researcher can develop the question based on the students’


F. Technique of Data Analysis

1. Writing test

In assessing student writing test, the researcher will use an interval scale

model for each certain level in each aspect that is assessed from student

writing. The rubric is adopted from Normawati (2017), This model is more

detailed and thorough in providing scores so that it is more accountable. The

text will be assessed according to the Content, Organization/Structure,

Vocabulary, Grammar, and Mechanics as developed by Hartfield et al.

(1985); Ministry of Education and Culture (2013); and Nurgiyantoro (2016).

Table 3.1

Scoring rubric of writing

Aspect Score Performance Descriptive

Content 27-30 The topic is complete, clearly described and

(30%) the details are related to the topic
- Topic
22-26 The topic is complete, clearly described but
- Detail
the details are almost related to the topic

17-21 The topic is complete clearly described , but

the details are not related to the topic

13-16 The topic is not complete, unclearly

described and the details are not related to the
Organization 18-20 Identification is complete and descriptions are
(20%) arranged with proper connectives
- Identification
14-17 Identification is almost complete and
- Description
descriptions are arranged with almost proper

10-13 Identification is not complete and descriptions

are arranged with few misuse of connective

7-9 Identification is not complete and descriptions

are arranged with misuse of connectives

Vocabulary 18-20 Very few grammatical or agreement

(15%) inaccuracies

14-17 Few grammatical or agreement inaccuracies
but not effect on meaning

10-13 Numerous grammatical or agreement


7-9 Frequent grammatical or agreement

Grammar (20%) 22-25 Effective choice of words and word forms

18-21 Few grammatical or agreement inaccuracies

but not effect on meaning

11-17 Limited range confusing words and word

5-10 Very poor knowledge or words, word forms,
and not understandable

Mechanics (15 5 It uses correct spelling, punctuation and

%) Capitalization
- Spelling
4 It has occasional errors of spelling,
- Punctuation
punctuation and capitalization
- Capitalization
3 It has frequent errors of spelling, punctuation
and Capitalization

2 It is dominated by errors spelling,

punctuation and capitalization

To figure out the students’ ability and difficulty in each aspects of writing

descriptive text, the researcher will use the following formula:

∑ of the scores x 100 (3.1)
Total number of criteria

Here are the criteria of scoring writing that will be used by the researcher

based on the criteria of scoring writing that used by the English Teacher in Mts

Darul Istiqomah Makassar:

Table 3.2

Criteria scoring writing

No Score Criteria

1 <59 Poor

2 60-74 Fair

3 75-85 Good

4 86-100 Very good

2. Interview

In this research, interview will be analyzed qualitatively by

following steps. According to Miles and Huberman in Thomas (1994)

stated that qualitative data analysis consisted of three steps: data reduction,

data display, and conclusion drawing/verification

a. Data reduction

Data reduction is a selection process, focusing on simplification,

abstraction, and transformation of raw data that emerged from written

records in the field. Data reduction took place continuously during the

study until the final research report is structured and does not have to

wait for data accumulated a lot.

b. Data Display

Data presentation is a structured collection of information that gives

possibility of drawing conclusions and taking action. By looking at the

presentation of the data, it is easier for researchers to understand what

happened and what to do. Before the final research report is prepared,

don't stop display activities to make sure all data has been presented.

c. Conclusions / Verification Drawing

This is the stage of drawing the meaning of the data that has been

displayed and the final stage of the data collection process.


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(Writing Text)



1. Write your name and class on the top of the paper.

2. Write a descriptive text about one of the following topics:

a. My Pet
b. My Best friend
b. My favorite Subject at School
c. My favorite Teacher at School
d. My favorite Place

3. The duration of writing is 40 minutes.

4. If it is necessary, you can open your dictionary.


Identification :

Description :


(Interview Question)
Name :

Class :

1. Do you have any problem in writing descriptive text?

2. What is your problems in writing descriptive text?

3. Are you having any problem in content when writing descriptive text?

4. Are you having any problem in organization when writing descriptive


5. Are you having any problem in vocabulary when writing descriptive


6. Are you having any problem in language when writing descriptive text?

7. Are you having any problem in mechanics when writing descriptive



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