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Asynchronous Programming:

--> Sequential

By using this feature, we can introduce the parallel processing. Where the user no
need to wait to initiate the second request.

User can keep on initiate the request from the client application. Salesforce
server will collect the request and will get processed by placing inside the Apex

i.e. When the Salesforce Server is busy / not available, the request will get
reside inside the Queue, till the required resources available to process.

By using Asynchronous Operations we can perform the below operations.

1. We can perform the Long-Running Operations.

2. We can perform a Complex Transaction, which involves millions of records


3. We can perform the Integration features, to connect to the Third Party

Systems and synchronize the records.

We can implement the Asynchronous operations by using the feature features.

1. Batch Apex / Batch Programming

2. Schedule Apex / Schedule Programming
3. Flex Queues
4. Future Methods
5. Queueable Apex / Queueable Interface

Batch Programming:
--> 1. We can perform the operations on the Millions of Records.
2. We can process max. of 50 Million Records (i.e. 5 Crore)
3. We can invoke the Callouts also.
4. We can perform the Long-Running Operations.
5. These are always executing outside of th organization. (i.e.
Running in the Background)

Database.getQueryLocator(<SOQL>): ---> 50 Million Records

Database.Query() --> 50,000.

Interface: Database.Batchable
--> 3 Methods

1. Start()
2. Execute()
3. Finish()

AsyncApexJob Object: Contains all the Batch Job Results.

1. ID : Batch Job ID
2. Status : Status of Batch Job
(Holding, Queued, Processing, Completed)
3. TotalJobItems : Number of Batches. --> 6
4. NumberOfErrors: Number of Failed Batches. --> 2
5. JobItemsProcessed : Number of Batches has been processed
by Salesforce
6. CreatedBy.Email: Get the Batch Job Owner's Email ID.

System.AbortJob('Batch Job ID');

Implementation Steps:
Step 1: Define a Global Class, which should be implemented by an interface

Global Class <ClassName> implements Database.Batchable<SObject>
// Write the Business Logic..

Step 2: Provide the Implementation for the Batchable Interface Methods.

Global Class <ClassName> implements Database.Batchable<SObject>
Global Database.QueryLocator Start(Database.BatchableContext
// Write the Business Logic..

Global void Execute(Database.BatchableContext bContext,

List<SObject> records)
// Write the Business Logic..

Global void Finish(Database.BatchableContext bContext)

// Write the Business Logic..

Step 3: Invoking the Batch Class.

1. Create the Object of the Batch Class.
<BatchClassName> <objectName> = new <BatchClassName>();

2. Invoke the Batch Class by using "Database.ExecuteBatch()"


ID jobID = Database.ExecuteBatch(<BatchClassObjectName>);


ID jobID = Database.ExecuteBatch(<BatchClassObjectName>,
Integer Size);

Step 4: Track the Status of the Batch Job by using below ways.

1. By using User Interface.

Setup --> Monitor --> Jobs --> Apex Jobs.

2. By using Programming with the help of "AsyncApexJob Object".

AsyncApexJob jobDetails = [Select id, status,

NumberOfErrors, CreatedBy.Email
id =: <BatchJobID> ];
Ways to Invoke the Batch Class:
1. By using Execute Anonymous Window.
2. By using Visualforce Pages.
3. By using Schedule Programming
4. By using Another Batch Class.

Create a Batch Class, to Update the Hiring Manager Location and Contact
Number for all the Hiring Manager Records, by dividing them into the various
batches of size 10. And send the Batch Job Results to the Owner through an Email

Batch Class Code:

Global class HiringManagerUpdateBatch implements Database.Batchable<SObject>
Global Database.QueryLocator Start(Database.BatchableContext bContext)
string hrRecordsQuery = 'Select id, name, location__C, contact_number__C,
email_id__C from Hiring_Manager__C';
return Database.getQueryLocator(hrRecordsQuery);

Global void Execute(Database.BatchableContext bContext, List<SObject>

if(! recordsToProcess.isEmpty())
List<Hiring_Manager__C> hrRecordsToUpdate = new

for(SObject obj : recordsToProcess)

Hiring_Manager__C hrRecord = (Hiring_Manager__C) obj;

hrRecord.Location__c = 'Hyderabad';
hrRecord.Contact_Number__c = '5555888899';


if(! hrRecordsToUpdate.isEmpty())
Update hrRecordsToUpdate;

Global void Finish(Database.BatchableContext bContext)

System.debug('Batch Job Id is....: '+ bContext.getJobId());

AsyncApexJob jobDetails = [Select id, status, totaljobItems,

from AsyncApexJob
Where id =:


MessagingUtilityHelper Class:
public class MessagingUtilityHelper
Public static void SendBatchJobStatusNotifications(AsyncApexJob jobInfo,
string jobName)
if(jobInfo != null)
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new

string[] toAddress = new string[]{jobInfo.CreatedBy.Email,



email.setSenderDisplayName('DELL Weekly Batch Job Support Team');

string emailSubject = 'Alert : Hiring Manager Weekly Batch Job

Status Notification: '+ jobName + ' - ( '+ jobInfo.Id+ ' )';

string emailContent = 'Dear Customer Support, <br/><br/> We are

pleased to inform you that we have executed the Weekly Hiring Manager Update Batch
Job. <br/><br/>'+
'Please find below the Batch Job
Status Details....: <br/><br/>'+
'Batch Job Id .......: ' +
'<br/> Batch Job Name ......: '+
'<br/> Batch Job Status .......: '+
'<br/> Total Number of
Batches ......: '+ jobInfo.TotalJobItems+
'<br/> Number of Batvhes
Processed .....: '+ jobInfo.JobItemsProcessed+
'<br/> Number of Batches
Failed.........: '+ jobInfo.NumberOfErrors+
'<br/><br/> Please find the below
address, if any queries. '+
'<br/><br/> <i> *** This is a
System Generated Email. Please Do Not Reply.</i>'+
'<br/><br/> Thanks & Reagrds, <br/>
Customer Support Team, <br/> Dell Inc. ';

Messaging.SendEmailResult[] results = Messaging.sendEmail(new


// Invoking the Batch Class..
HiringManagerUpdateBatch hrBatch = new HiringManagerUpdateBatch();

// Invoke by using Database.ExecuteBatch().

Database.executeBatch(hrBatch, 10);

Create a Batch Job to Synchronize the Account Record's Billing Address
information into the associated Contact Record's Mailing Address by dividing the
Account Records to the various batches of size "4".

State Management: (Database.Stateful)

Create a Batch Class, to Calculate the Total Annual Revenue of all the
Account Records in the object, by dividing them to the various batches of size 4.

Batch Class:
Global class CalculateTotalAnnualRevenueBatch implements
Database.Batchable<SObject>, Database.Stateful
Global Decimal totalAnnualRevenue = 0.0;
Global Database.QueryLocator Start(Database.BatchableContext bContext)
string accountsQuery = 'Select id, name, annualrevenue from Account where
annualrevenue != null';
return Database.getQueryLocator(accountsQuery);

Global void Execute(Database.BatchableContext bContext, List<SObject>

if(! accountsToProcess.isEmpty())
for(SObject obj : accountsToProcess)
Account acc = (Account) obj;

totalAnnualRevenue += acc.AnnualRevenue;

Global void Finish(Database.BatchableContext bContext)

system.debug('Batch Job Id is.....: '+ bContext.getJobId());

AsyncApexJob jobDetails = [Select id, status, totaljobItems,

NumberOfErrors, CreatedBy.Email
from AsyncApexJob
Where id =:
bContext.getJobId() ];

'CalculateTotalAnnualRevenueBatch', totalAnnualRevenue);

MessagingUtilityHelper Class:
public class MessagingUtilityHelper
Public static void SendTotalRevenueJobStatusNotification(AsyncApexJob jobInfo,
string jobName, Decimal revenueAmount)
if(jobInfo != null)
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new

string[] toAddress = new string[]{jobInfo.CreatedBy.Email,



email.setSenderDisplayName('DELL Weekly Batch Job Support Team');

string emailSubject = 'Alert : Customers Total Annual Revenue

Batch Job Status Notification: '+ jobName + ' - ( '+ jobInfo.Id+ ' )';

string emailContent = 'Dear Customer Support, <br/><br/> We are

pleased to inform you that we have executed the Customers Total Annual Revenue
Calculation Batch Job. <br/><br/>'+
'Please find below the Batch Job
Status Details....: <br/><br/>'+
'Batch Job Id .......: ' +
'<br/> Batch Job Name ......: '+
'<br/> Batch Job Status .......: '+
'<br/> Total Number of
Batches ......: '+ jobInfo.TotalJobItems+
'<br/> Number of Batvhes
Processed .....: '+ jobInfo.JobItemsProcessed+
'<br/> Number of Batches
Failed.........: '+ jobInfo.NumberOfErrors+
'<br/> Total Annual Revenue
is..........: '+ revenueAmount+
'<br/><br/> Please find the below
address, if any queries. '+
'<br/><br/> <i> *** This is a
System Generated Email. Please Do Not Reply.</i>'+
'<br/><br/> Thanks & Reagrds, <br/>
Customer Support Team, <br/> Dell Inc. ';

Messaging.SendEmailResult[] results = Messaging.sendEmail(new


CalculateTotalAnnualRevenueBatch revenueBatch = new
Database.executeBatch(revenueBatch, 4);

Flex Queue:

10 --> 10 Callouts.

Setup --> Monitor --> Jobs --> Apex Flex Queue.

Future Methods:
2. Objects:
--> 2 Types.

1. Setup Objects:
Setup objects are used to interact with the
Salesforce Metadata for the Declarative Development.
User, Profile, BusinessProcess,
CustomField, CustomObject, CustomTab, Document, Group, FieldSet, RecordType,
SearchLayout, ValidationRule, WorkflowRule,...etc.

2. Non-Setup Objects:
Remaining All Standard and Custom Objects are
comes under "Non-Setup" objects.

Account, Contact, Lead,
Opportunity,...etc. Hiring_Manager__C, Position__C, Customer__c, Branch__C,

When the User tries to perform the DML operations on both
"Setup" and "Non-Setup" objects within a Transaction, Salesforce will raise an
Exception "MIXED_DML_OPERATION" exception.

User Object --> Setup Object

--> De-Activate the User through Programming (UPDATE)

Hiring Manager Object --> Non-Setup Object

--> Create a Hiring Manager Record (INSERT)

1. Method should be pre-fixed with "@future()" annotation.

2. Future Methods should be always defined with "Static" keyword.

3. Future method doesn't return any value to the calling environment. So that
method return type should be always "void".

4. We can supply the parameters to the Future Method which should be of

Type, Arrays Of Primitive, Collection of Primitive".
We can't Supply the SObject Type of parameters to the Future Methods.

Public static void CreateHRRecord(string customerName, String[] countryNames,
List<String> lstNames)

Sol1 : We can Supply the Record ID as the Parameter and We can Write
the SOQL
Query inside the Method, to get the record details based on
the record id.
(Note: We can use 200 SOQL Queries inside the Future

Sol2 : We can use "Serialization" and "DeSerialization" methods.

5. One Future Method cannot invoke an another Future Method. (Chaining

Process Not Available)

6. Doesn't Provide any Tracking Mechanism.

Create a Future Method, to Insert a Hiring Manager Record and to De-Activate
a User Record.

Class Code:
public class CommonHelper
Public static void DoDMLOperations()
// De-Activate the User Record.. (Setup Object)
User userToDeActivate = [Select id, username, isActive
from User
Where username = ''
Limit 1];

if( != null)
userToDeActivate.IsActive = false;

update userToDeActivate;

// Invoke the Method to Create HR Record..


Public static void CreateHRRecord()
// Create a Hiring Manager Record.. (Non-Setup Object)
Hiring_Manager__C hrRecord = new Hiring_Manager__C();

hrRecord.Name = 'Sudeep Kumar';

hrRecord.Location__c = 'Mumbai';
hrRecord.Contact_Number__c = '9988554411';
hrRecord.Email_ID__c = '';

insert hrRecord;


Queueable Apex / Queueable Interface:

Drawbacks of Future Methods:
1. Future Method doesn't supports the SObject Type of Parameters.

2. Future Methods doesn't supports the Chaining Process.

(i.e. One Future Method can't invoke the another Future Method)

3. Future Methods Doesn't provides the Tracking Mechanism through


Queueable Interface: (System.Queueable)

Step 1: We need to Create a Global Class, which should be implemented by the
"System.Queueable" interface.

Global Class <ClassName> implements System.Queueable
// Write the Business Logic..

Step 2: We have to provide the implementation for the Interface Methods. (i.e.

Global Class <ClassName> implements System.Queueable
Global void Execute(System.QueueableContext qContext)
// Write the Business Logic..

Step 3: Push the Queueable Class into the Apex Queue and Track the Result of the
Queueable Class by using "AsyncApexJob" object.

Id jobId = System.EnqueueJob(new <QueueableClassName>());

Track the Result:

AsyncApexJob jobDetails = [SOQL Query from AsyncApexJob
Where id =:

Configure the Queueable Jobs, to create the "Hiring Manager Record", and an
Associated "Position Record" by using 2 Queueable interface classes.

1. Implement the Chaining Process, to invoke the Queueable Classes.

2. Supply the SObject Type of Parameters to the Queueable Class.
3. Track the Result of each Queueable class by using AsyncApexJob

HiringManager Queueable Class:

Global class HiringManagerQueueable implements System.Queueable
Global void Execute(System.QueueableContext qContext)
// Write the Business Logic to Insert the Hiring Manager Record..
Hiring_Manager__C hrRecord = new Hiring_Manager__C();
hrRecord.Name = 'Praveen Kumar';
hrRecord.Location__c = 'Chennai';
hrRecord.Contact_Number__c = '8899554433';
hrRecord.Email_ID__c = '';

insert hrRecord;
if(hrRecord.Id != null)
system.debug('Hiring Manager Record ID is...: '+;

// Invoke the PositionQueueable class to Create the Related

Position Record.
ID posJobId = System.enqueueJob(new PositionsQueueable(hrRecord));


PositionQueueable Class:
Global class PositionsQueueable implements System.Queueable
* 1. Constructor Name should be always same as the Class Name.
* 2. Constructors are used to assign the default values for the class
* 3. Constructor should be always defined with "Public" access specifier.
* 4. Constructor doesn't have any return type even void.
* 5. Constructor can have one or more parameters.

Hiring_Manager__C hrRecord;

Public PositionsQueueable(Hiring_Manager__C hr)

hrRecord = hr;

Global void Execute(System.QueueableContext qContext)

// Write the Code to Create a Related Position Record..
Position__C pos = new Position__C();

pos.Name = 'Salesforce Marketing Cloud Consultant';

pos.Location__c = hrRecord.Location__c;
pos.Position_Status__c = 'New Position';
pos.Number_of_Positions__c = 2;
pos.Open_Date__c =;
pos.Milestone_Date__c =;
pos.HR_Contact_Number__c = hrRecord.Contact_Number__c;
pos.HR_Email_ID__c = hrRecord.Email_ID__c;
pos.Minimum_Budget__c = 1400000;
pos.Maximum_Budget__c = 1800000;
pos.Passport_Required__c = true;
pos.Travel_Required__c = true;
pos.Position_Description__c = 'Required 2+ years of experience in
Salesforce Marketing Cloud.';
pos.Skills_Required__c = 'Required 2+ years experience in Email
Studio, Journey Builder, Content Builder, Mobile Studio.';

// Make the Position To be Related to HR.

pos.HiringManager__c = hrRecord.Id;
insert pos;
if(pos.Id != null)
system.debug('Position Record Inserted with id...: '+ pos.Id);

// Invoke the HiringManagerQueueable Class..
ID hrJobID = System.enqueueJob(new HiringManagerQueueable());

// Track the Result..

AsyncApexJob jobDetails = [Select id, status, totaljobitems,
jobitemsprocessed, numberoferrors,

Where id =: hrJobId];
system.debug('Job ID is....: '+;
system.debug('Job Status is...: '+ jobDetails.Status);

2,50,000 Batches / Day.

Schedule Programming / Apex:

Interface : System.Schedulable Interface.

Public Class AccountsHelper

Public static void DeleteOldAccounts()
// Written Business Logic..
// To Delete the Old Records, which are older than 30 days.

Step 1: Create a Global Class, which should be implemented by an interface


Global Class <ClassName> implements System.Schedulable
// Write the Business Logic..

Step 2: Provide the Implementation for the Interface Methods.

Global Class <ClassName> implements System.Schedulable
Global void Execute(System.SchedulableContext sContext)
// Write the Business Logic..
// Write the Code to invoke the Class.

Step 3: Schedule the Global Class as below.

Setup --> Build --> Develop --> Apex Classes.

1. Click on "Schedule Apex" button.
2. Enter the Schedule Job Name.
3. Select the "Schedulable Class" by using "Lookup Icon".
4. Select the Frequency of Interval.
(Daily / Weekly / Monthly).
5. Select the Start Date and End Date for Scheduling.
6. Select the "Preferred Start Time" from the Picklist.
7. Click on "OK". button.

Step 4: Track / Monitor the Scheduling Jobs.

Setup -->Monitor --> Jobs --> Schedule Apex.

Create a Schedule Job, To Purge All the Position Records, whose MileStone
Date is Over. Schedule the Job to be get run on EveryDay morning @ 2.00 AM.

Step 1: Create a Formula Field in the Position Object To indicate which position
to be get removed.
Field Name : Position Record Can Delete
Data Type: Formula.
Formula Return Type: CheckBox
Formula Condition: if(Today() > Milestone_Date__c, true,

Step 2: Create a Batch Job with the Required Implementation to Remove the Position

Batch Class:
Global class PurgeClosedPositionsBatchJob implements Database.Batchable<SObject>
Global Database.QueryLocator Start(Database.BatchableContext bContext)
string positionsQuery = 'Select id, name, Position_Record_Can_Delete__c
from Position__C where Position_Record_Can_Delete__c = true';
return Database.getQueryLocator(positionsQuery);

Global void Execute(Database.BatchableContext bContext, List<SObject>

if(! recordsToProcess.isEmpty())
List<Position__C> positionsToDelete = (List<Position__C>)

Database.DeleteResult[] results =
Global void Finish(Database.BatchableContext bContext)
System.debug('Batch Job ID is....: '+ bContext.getJobId());

AsyncApexJob jobDetails = [Select id, status, totaljobitems,

jobitemsprocessed, numberoferrors,
from AsyncApexJOb
Where id =:

System.debug('Batch Job Status....: '+ jobDetails.Status);


MessagingUtilityHelper Class:
public class MessagingUtilityHelper
Public static void SendTotalRevenueJobStatusNotification(AsyncApexJob jobInfo,
string jobName, Decimal revenueAmount)
if(jobInfo != null)
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new

string[] toAddress = new string[]{jobInfo.CreatedBy.Email};



email.setSenderDisplayName('DELL Weekly Batch Job Support Team');

string emailSubject = 'Alert : Customers Total Annual Revenue

Batch Job Status Notification: '+ jobName + ' - ( '+ jobInfo.Id+ ' )';

string emailContent = 'Dear Customer Support, <br/><br/> We are

pleased to inform you that we have executed the Customers Total Annual Revenue
Calculation Batch Job. <br/><br/>'+
'Please find below the Batch Job
Status Details....: <br/><br/>'+
'Batch Job Id .......: ' +
'<br/> Batch Job Name ......: '+
'<br/> Batch Job Status .......: '+
'<br/> Total Number of
Batches ......: '+ jobInfo.TotalJobItems+
'<br/> Number of Batvhes
Processed .....: '+ jobInfo.JobItemsProcessed+
'<br/> Number of Batches
Failed.........: '+ jobInfo.NumberOfErrors+
'<br/> Total Annual Revenue
is..........: '+ revenueAmount+
'<br/><br/> Please find the below
address, if any queries. '+
'<br/><br/> <i> *** This is a
System Generated Email. Please Do Not Reply.</i>'+
'<br/><br/> Thanks & Reagrds, <br/>
Customer Support Team, <br/> Dell Inc. ';

Messaging.SendEmailResult[] results = Messaging.sendEmail(new


Step 3: Create a Schedulable Class, to Schedule the Batch Job.

Global class PurgeClosedPositionsScheduleJob implements System.Schedulable

Global void Execute(System.SchedulableContext sContext)
// Write the Code to invoke the Batch Class..
PurgeClosedPositionsBatchJob pBatch= new PurgeClosedPositionsBatchJob();

Database.executeBatch(pBatch, 5);

Step 4: Schedule the Class to Run on Every Day morning @ 2.00 AM.

Setup --> Build --> Develop --> Apex Classes.

1. Click on "Schedule Apex" button.
2. Enter the Schedule Job Name. (Ex: Purge Closed Positions
3. Select the "Schedulable Class" by using "Lookup Icon".
(Ex: PurgeClosedPositionsScheduleJob)
4. Select the Frequency of Interval.
(Daily / Weekly / Monthly). (Ex: Daily --> Mon - Sun)
5. Select the Start Date and End Date for Scheduling.
6. Select the "Preferred Start Time" from the Picklist. (Ex: 2.00
7. Click on "OK". button.

Step 4: Track / Monitor the Scheduling Jobs.

Setup -->Monitor --> Jobs --> Schedule Jobs.

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