Tourist Acitivities

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Day 1

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone….How are you? Hopefully you’re in a good condition…

Let’s start our new topic by guessing the activity shown on the picture.

What is the name of the activity shown by the picture?

No. Activity The name of the activity






These are the answers for the quiz:

1. Boat Touring
2. Hiking
3. Snorkeling
4. Walking Tour
5. Diving
6. Shopping
7. Horse Riding
8. Sunbathing

These are the examples of Tourist Activities that can be done in the tourism spots/resorts…What is
the famous activity for tourist in your region? Is it also similar like the examples in the quiz?

Day 2
Let’s try to find the words related to tourist activities.
This is the answers
When you describe the tourist activities in your region or tourism spot, don’t forget to use present
simple. Use action verb to explain the activity and use to be to describe the activity…now, let’s take a
look at the example.

In Pangandaran Beach, you *can do* diving. You can see the *coral reef*, *fish*, and *many sea
animal*. The view of the coral reef is *superb* and the fish is *beautiful*. In Pangandaran beach too,
you can do *horse riding*, *playing the sand*, and *sunbathing*. Many tourist enjoy the activities in
Pangandaran Beach. Prepare yourself to have fun if you visit Pangandaran because you can do many

Now, it’s your time to share the activities in the tourism spots in your region. Post it on the WAG and
don’t forget include the picture.

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