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Week 3 Day 1

Good morning everyone! How are you?

How’s your weekend? Did you go somewhere last weekend?

Look at the pictures! What are the name of these famous places? Where are they?

Answer keys:
Komodo Island – Between Sumbawa and Flores.
Pura Ulundanu – Beratan Bedugul, Bali
Raja Ampat – West Papua
Borobudur Temple – Magelang, Central Java
Jam Gadang – Bukittinggi, West Sumatra
Tanjung Puting National Park – Central Kalimantan
Gedung Sate – Bandung, West Java
Nusa Penida - Bali

Week 3 Day 2
What activities can you do in these places? Number 1 has been done for you.
1. Komodo Island – we can see Komodo dragons in their natural habitat.
2. Pura Ulundanu –
3. Raja Ampat –
4. Borobudur Temple –
5. Jam Gadang –
6. Tanjung Puting National Park –
7. Gedung Sate –
8. Nusa Penida -

Week 3 Day 3
Can you think of more places in Indonesia?
Which place would you like to visit the most? Why?
Week 3 Day 4
Beach, river, cliffs, forest, hills, lake, mountains, skyscrapers, waterfall, temples,
monument, museum, local villages.

Find the meaning and pronounce the words!

(Model the pronunciation and ask the students to practice them)
Week 3 Day 5
We can use these words to describe historic and tourism spots:
Overrated, underrated, scenic, touristy, polluted, popular, ancient, beautiful, boring,
charming, relaxing, calming, modern, traditional, crowded, exciting, expensive,
fascinating, distinctive.
Do you know the meaning of the words?
Can you find more adjectives to describe historic and tourism spots?
Week 3 Day 6

Gedung Sate was completed in 1920. 6 round objects (satay) at the top of the building
represent 6 million guilders. This building has a distinctive touch of European style
combined with traditional architecture that is different compared to other buildings in
Bandung. Around the building, you will see beautiful gardens, so do not hesitate to take as
many photos as you want while taking a leisure stroll in the park. If you visit Gedung Sate
on Sundays, you will find many local tourists who spend time there for sports or just sit
back and relax. You will also find lots of stalls selling food and drinks.

What is a famous historic and tourism spot in your area?

Post the photo and describe it.

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