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Rizal Life and Works


Submitted to Bb.Jennifer Embate

Submitted by:
Marian Jane Obag

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Is the teaching of Rizal’s Life and Works course realistic given the dangers and sensitivities of

literature as a means of communication in learning nationalism, patriotism, and volunteerism?

The teaching of Jose Rizal’s life, works, and writings is mandated by Republic Act 1425, otherwise

known as the Rizal Law. Senator Jose &. Laurel, the person who sponsored the said law, said that since

Rizal was the founder of Philippine nationalism and has contributed much to the current standing of this

nation, it is only right that the youth as well as all the people in the country know about and learn to

imbibe the great ideals for which he died This is not only because it is the past and we have to learn it in

school but also because of the fact that the power struggles involved and outlined in his time are

significant to our present experiences in the current political climate. Given this information, it will

obviously pose dangers just like any literary piece of work, primarily because of its openness to

interpretation. However, I believe that it is the task of the educator to properly nuance how the lessons of

this literature be received by his/her students. It should always be approached with proper respect to the

source and academic compassion, if you will, when it comes to interpretations. It is therefore still realistic

to teach Rizal because his story gives us a timeless lens to gauge our present realities such that we may

not miss the essentials of nationalism and not be clouded by our personal biases.For what I have

understand in the articles or readings that our professor gave us to read and study is I think it is safe to

study this course that being mandated by our congress, because there is nothing wrong in studying this

course and it is also to honor how great our national hero is

Nationalism involves the desire to attain freedom and political independence, especially by a country

under foreign lower, while patriotism denotes proud devotion and loyalty to one’s nation. Jose Rizal’s life,

works, and writings especially his novels essentially, if not perfectly, radiate these traits or one thing, the

subject helps us to understand our country better. He can learn much from the way Rizal faced various

challenges in life. Is a controversial figure in his time, he encountered serious dilemmas and predicaments

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but responded decently and high mindedly. Volunteerism is the practice of providing time and skill for

benefit of the other people which means you are obliging yourself to help people who’s in need for help

and without asking in return. Next is nationalism, it is a kind of excessive, aggressive patriotism. And

lastly patriotism, is a noun that means devoted love, support and defense of one’s country or national


Through the crucial decisions he made in his life, we can sense his priorities and convictions which

manifest how noble, selfless, and great the national hero was. For example, his many resolutions

exemplified the aphorism that in this life there are things more important than personal feeling and


How important are literary criticism in the study of Rizal’s Life and Works?

Literary criticism to Rizal's work is vital especially if one is to study and draw parallelism between the

past and the present. Just as in any kind of piece of literature, Rizal work shall be scrutinized with sharp

yet fair eyes. We must constantly argue, evaluate, and agree about meanings and general interpretations

on his work because it is crucial to truly understand the messages underlying his narratives. This will

also help us look into ourselves and our political and social history with new lenses to navigate.

The academic subject on the life, works, and writings of Jose Rizal was not mandated by law for nothing.

Far from being I’m practical, the course interesting offers many benefits that some contemporary

academicians declare that the subject, especially when taught properly, is more beneficial than many

subjects in various curricula. Jose Rizal course, as a history subject, is full of historical information from

which one could base his decisions in life.

In various ways, the subject, for instance, teaches that being educated is a vital ingredient for a person or

country to be really free and successful. The past helps us understand who we are. We comprehensively

define ourselves not only in terms of where we are going, but also where we come from. Our heredity,

past behaviors, and old habits as a nation are all significant clues and determinants to our present

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situation. Interestingly, the life of a very important national historical figure like Jose Rizal contributes

much to shedding light on our collective experience and identity as Filipino.

Rizal also tried his hand at painting and sculpture. His most famous sculptural work was "The Triumph of

Science over Death", a clay sculpture of a naked young woman with overflowing hair, standing on a skull

while bearing a torch held high. The woman symbolized the ignorance of humankind during the Dark

Ages, while the torch she bore symbolized the enlightenment science brings over the whole world. He

sent the sculpture as a gift to his dear friend Ferdinand Blumentritt, together with another one named "The

Triumph of Death over Life". The woman is shown trampling the skull, a symbol of death, to signify the

victory the humankind achieved by conquering the bane of death through their scientific advancements.

Critical Thinking refers to discerning, evaluative, and analytical thinking. A philosophy major, Jose Rizal

unsurprisingly demonstrated his critical thinking skills in his argumentative essays, satires, novels,

speeches, and written debates. In deciding what to believe or do, Rizal also !roved his being a reasonably

reflective thinker, never succumbing to the irrational whims and baseless opinions of anyone. In fact, he

indiscriminately evaluated and criticized even the doctrines of the dominant religion of his time. A course

on Rizal’s life, works, and writings therefore is also a lesson in critical thinking..

If given a chance to deconstruct one of Rizal’s written works (both well-known and obscure), what

would it be and what is its relation to the analysis and understanding of nation-building?

The role of the intellectual in nation-building, focusing specifically on some of the issues that today

confront us as a nation. It almost sounds like an invitation to bare the ivory-tower arrogance of which

academics like us have often been accused. The highly charged word in the title, of course, is

“intellectual.” Indeed, who among us will dare claim this appellation? We may be writers, opinion-

makers, pundits, political analysts, or academics whose views on a broad range of questions are routinely

sought by the mass media. But, that would not entitle us to the title, even in its more recent incarnation as

“public intellectual.”.

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I cringe when I’m sometimes introduced as a “public intellectual.” I have encountered many forms of

conceit in my life, but I have yet to meet anybody who carries a calling card with the profession: “public

intellectual.” The concept “intellectual” is highly abused enough as it is; one can only imagine what

complex work it is expected to do when paired with the equally contested term “public.” Assuming we

can agree on what it means, do academics like us have a duty to play the role of public intellectual in

nation-building? If so, what expectations accompany the performance of this role? If the concept were

meant just to refer to someone who relies on her intellect more than on her instincts and emotions, it

might suffice to use the word “thinker.” A “thinker” would be someone who spends her time creating,

examining, or sorting out ideas, rather than fabricating things. But this generic word would cast such a

huge net that it would surely fail to distinguish the kind of work we tacitly expect of intellectuals.

The public intellectual typically establishes a presence in the modern mass media – something that is not

so difficult to do now because of the Internet. Unlike the quiet academic who spends a lifetime to get

published in refereed journals, the public intellectual would be more keen to acquire a foothold in the

public consciousness. This is not a written work, but it would be interesting to deconstruct Rizal's initial

preference on the country being a province of Spain instead of an independent one yet. This is critical as

well as timely due to the fact that the country is currently facing geopolitical challenges in relation to

China in the present. We should then ask what are the primary principles we really hold dear as a nation

and criticize it as well. Did Rizal really mean that? Are we really inadequate to build a nation because of

our social proclivities and regional inclinations? What does Rizal mean by a nation? Are we truly one? If

so, how do build this together such that this nation may stay resilient to political setbacks in the future?

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The young and idealistic Juan Crisostomo Ibarra returns home after seven years in
Europe. The wealthy meztizo, like his father Don Rafael endeavors for reform primarily in the
area of education in order to eliminate poverty and improve the lives of his countrymen. Upon
learning about his father’s demise and the denial of a Catholic burial for his father Ibarra was
provoked to hit Padre Damaso which eventually lead to his excommunication. The
excommunication was later rescinded upon the intervention of the Governor General.
Padre Salvi, Ibarra’s mortal enemy accused Ibarra of insurrection. Ibarra’s letter to his beloved
Maria Clara was used against him. Later in the story, Maria Clara will tell Ibarra that she did not
conspire to indict him. She was compelled to give Ibarra’s letter in exchange for the letters of
her mother before she was born. Maria Clara found out that the letters of her mother were
addressed to Padre Damaso about their unborn child which means that she is the biological
daughter of the priest and not of her father, Capitan Tiago.
Meanwhile, Ibarra was able to escape the prison with Elias, who also experienced injustice with
the authorities. Ibarra was able to speak with Maria Clara about the letters and thereafter
forgave her. Ibarra and Elias flee to the lake and were chased by the Guardia Civil. One was
shot and the other survives. Upon hearing the news, Maria Clara believed that Ibarra was dead;
she entered the nunnery instead of marrying Alfonso Linares.
The fatally wounded Elias found the child Basilio and his dead mother Sisa. The latter was
driven to insanity when she learned that her children were implicated for theft by the sacristan
mayor. Elias instructed Basilio to dig for his and Sisa’s graves and there is a buried treasure
which he can use for his education.
Noli Me Tangere brilliantly described Philippine society with its memorable characters. The
melancholic fate of Maria Clara and the insanity of Sisa characterized the country’s pitiful state,
which was once beautiful, turned miserable. Reading Noli Me Tangere will open one’s mind
about oppression and tyranny.

Simoun, wealthy and mysterious, is a close friend of the Spanish governor general. He
was nicknamed Brown Cardinal and Black Eminence because of his influence in Malacañang.
By using his political influence and wealth, he encourages corruption in the government and
hastens the moral degradation of the country so that the people may become desperate and
fight. He smuggles ammunitions into the country with the help of a rich Chinese merchant,
Quiroga, who wants very much to be Chinese consul of Manila. Simoun’s initial attempt to start
the uprising did not push through because at the lat hour he heard the sad news that Maria
Clara died in the convent. In his agonizing moment of bereavement, he did not give the signal
for the attack.
After his illness brought about by the death of Maria Clara, Simoun fine-tunes his plan to
overthrow the government. On the occasion of the wedding of Paulita Gomez and Juanito
Pelaez, he gives a wedding gift to them a beautiful lamp. Only he and his confidential associate,

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Basilio (Sisa’s son who joined the revolutionary cause), know that when the wick of his lamp
burns lower, the nitroglycerine hidden in a secret compartment of the lamp will explode. Thus,
all the guests where the wedding feast is being held will be killed, including the governor-
general, the friars, ans the government officials. At the same time, Simoun’s followers will attack
the government buildings in Manila.
As the wedding feast begins, Isagani, who has been rejected by Paulita because of his liberal
ideas, is standing outside the house, sadly watching the merriment inside. Basilio chances upon
Isagani and, warns him to go away because the lighted lamp will soon explode. Upon learning
the secret of the lamp, Isagani realizes that her former girlfriend, Paulita was in grave danger.
He rushes into the house to save her life. He steals the lamp and hurls it into the river where it
explodes. The revolutionary plot was thus discovered.
Simoun eluded arrest by taking poison. As he is dying, he confesses to Padre Florentino,
revealing his true identity, his dastardly plan to use his wealth to avenge himself, and his sinister
aim to destroy his friends and enemies.
The confession of the dying Simoun is long and painful. It is already night when Padre
Florentino, wiping the sweat from his wrinkled brow, rises and begins to meditate. He consoles
the dying man saying: “God will forgive you Señor Simoun. He knows that we are fallible. He
has seen that you have suffered, and in ordaining that the chastisement for your faults should
come as death from the very ones you have instigated to crime, we can see His infinite mercy.
He has frustrated your plans one by one, the best conceived, first by the death of Maria Clara,
then by a lack of preparation, then in some mysterious way. Let us bow to His will and render
Him thanks!”
Watching Simoun die peacefully with a clear conscience and at peace with God. Padre
Florentino falls upon his knees and prays for the dead jeweler. He takes the treasure chest and
throws it into the sea; as the waves close over the sinking chest.


The main goal of Dr. Jose Rizal on writing the two novels is to let the Spaniards treat the
Filipinos equally by giving them a rights to express in their own nation. Rizal is favor in the
colonization in the Philippines however he wanted to remove the bad treatment of the Spanish
government in the Filipinos. Through these two novels, I truly considered and appreciated Rizal
as our national hero for he gave a very precious contribution by having the courage to fought
against the inequality during the time of Spanish colonization. I admired him by making a
nonviolent movement for expressing rights and freedom for the love in his country.

/synopsis-of-el-filibusterismo.html and

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1. How does El fili impact to our society?

ANSWER: It brings a profound effect on Philippine society in terms of views about national
identity, the Catholic faith and its influence on Filipino's choice, and the government's issues of
corruption, abuse, and discrimination, and on a larger scale, the issues related to the effect of
colonization on people's lives

2. Is the novel too radical for the national hero? Why or why not?
ANSWER: Yes, because in his novel he expressed the growing national consciousness of
many Filipinos who opposed Spanish colonial tyranny and aspired to attain democratic rights.

3. Do you believe that radicalism can bring change to the country? Why or why not?

ANSWER: he word radical often has negative connotations, but their actions can be
necessary to bring about true social change but the popular usage belies the important role
many radicals have played in promoting democracy and justice throughout history, not to
mention the continued role radical ideas and activism have to play in unfinished projects.

4. Did Jose Rizal really change his thoughts about his purpose for change in the Philippine
society? Why or why not?
ANSWER: Yes, Because Dr. Jose Rizal wrote the two novels, Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo to open the eyes of the Filipinos under the Spanish colonization. Also, to express
how unfortunate the Filipinos by their harsh law and discriminated by their own land. The two
showed how cruel and abusive the Spanish colonizers was during their reign in the Philippines.
Not only the negative ideas were tackled in the novels, how Spaniards influenced us were
mentioned too in the story, by their traditions, cultures, religions, customs, social norms, arts,
literatures, musics, dances, languages and others which we inherited until now. The novels still
discussed our own origins which started from our ancestors before colonizers came.

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