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About Me

Earl Kevin R. Batiancila

Block 2K
Bachelor of Science in Criminology

Growing up in an island was really fun wherein you can enjoy everything. The people are very nice and has a surrounding that

has a breathtaking beauty. I am Earl Kevin R. Batiancila, 19 year’s old and a proud islander. Technically, I am the oldest and I have

two siblings and both of them are girls. During my elementary days, I am an honor student. I worked really hard on my studies

because my mother is a teacher and there’s a lot of pressure during that time, but I succeeded. During my junior high school

days, I met new people and I bumped into a new environment. I was a typical student that only wants is to pass, i don’t care

about the awards and honors. Technically, when I was in my senior high school, everything has changed. I valued my studies a

lot with the help of my new circle of friends that’s why I graduated with honors.

I love to play basketball and online games though I’m not good at it. I just love to play because it can help me to meet new

personalities. I also want to make new friends, I love to socialize with other people if and only if I like their attitudes. In addition,

I am now in a relationship since 2019. I met my girlfriend when I was soon to graduate in Grade 12. I hae different circle of friends

within the school and in our Barangay. But I used to manage them equally, I do not have favoritism because I treat them as my

siblings. I have a friend named Biroy who used to call me “Balanak” and I used to call him “Saso”. That’s how we made fun of

ourselves, but we never

I am currently studying at Naga College Foundation taking up Bachelor of Science in Criminology. Criminology is one of the most

important course because police is one who protect us and maintain peace and order to our country. The reason why I chose

this is because of my father, he really wants me to be a policemen. I may not like this course during my 1 st year but now, it has

changed. I want to pursue this course so that I could people. I realize that this profession plays an important role in our society,

and I want to serve the community and our country as well. I am happy that my willingness to purse this is a hundred percent

and I am going to fulfill it.

Things that makes me happy

 My family

 My special someone

 My friends

 God

 Watching funny videos

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