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Std : __VIII__ SOCIAL STUDIES 2022-23
Date :_________ Mark : 20
Name : ______________ Time : 40 Mins

I Fill in the blanks: (6x ½ =3)

1. The Tolstoy farm was set up by ________________ to educate young people in South
2. ____________ is the custom of having more than one wife at the same time.
3. The famous speech at the parliament of religions at Chicago in 1893 was given by ______.
4. A row of stone columns with equal spaces between them, usually supporting a roof is
called as ____________.
5. The Ripon building later came to known as ___________________.
6. _____________ came to be known as the first woman teacher of Maharashtra.

II Give reasons for the following: (3x1=3)

1.The introduction of railways by Lord Dalhousie played an important part.
2. The condition of widows in India was extremely miserable.
3. The Bungalow’s represented power and wealth of the British.

III Answer the following questions: (5x2=10)

1. Who were the orientalists?
2. Discus the role played by Raja Ram Mohan Roy in the abolition of Sati.
3. Who started the Hariyan Sevak Sangh and why was it started?
4. What is cantonment?
5. Who started the self-Respect Movement and why was it started?

IV Value Based Questions: (2)

Discrimination in many forms still continues to haunt Indian society, inspite of reforms made
by the government. Give your views regarding the above statement.

V General knowledge questions: (4x ½ =2)


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