Thorn2006 Best Oven Design

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User-driven design of low-cost, low environmental impact solar ovens for rural
populations in developing countries.

Article  in  Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Community Development · January 2006

DOI: 10.3992/2166-2517-1.1.1


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5 authors, including:

Brian K. Thorn Andres Leonardo Carrano

Rochester Institute of Technology Fairfield University


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Brian K. Thorn,1 Andres L. Carrano,2 Carlos R. Plaz,3
Christopher R. Wood,4 Elizabeth Guedez5

For nations with large populations below the poverty line, especially those with significant rural populations, solar ovens
might represent an affordable and, perhaps the only, feasible means of cooking, pasteurizing water, and drying food for
preservation. Although solar ovens have been around for more than 50 years, their propagation and adoption has been
very limited. Hindering widespread adoption, perhaps, is the lack of awareness in the communities as well as the lack
of low-cost, regionally appropriate ovens that incorporate end user feedback into the design process. The objective of this
work is to propose and illustrate a methodology to design and develop a regionally appropriate solar oven (with local
materials, labor and user input) that can be mass-produced with low environmental impact. Following a phase/gate
methodology, a student team gathered information from a rural community in Venezuela, and iterated/tested several
designs until achieving the desired compromise between cost, performance, and environmental impact. This paper de-
scribes the entire design process, the resultant oven design, as well as the overall experience. A section on Life Cycle
Assessment discusses the environmental implications of the processes involved in fabricating these ovens as well as of the
end-of-life practices and disposal. This project was recipient of a first prize P3 (People, Planet and Prosperity) award by
the Environmental Protection Agency.

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Problems Associated with Water Quality

Food cooking and water pasteurization are essential ac- In developing countries, the burden of disease caused
tivities for proper human digestion of nutrients and in- by contaminated water is staggering, particularly
activation of harmful bacteria and parasites, as well as among young children. According to the United Na-
general human health. However, in the average Latin tion Children’s Fund [21], diarrhea is the most com-
American country, 45% of the population is below the mon childhood disease in developing countries, and
poverty line and approximately 36% of the population dehydration from diarrhea the leading cause of death
lives in rural settings [5], where power, running water in children under the age of five. This disease is re-
and sewage systems may not be available. These statis- sponsible for the deaths of 5 million children every
tics are even more severe in other parts of the world, year. In its latest report, Unicef [21] estimates the
such as sub-Saharan Africa. For these demographics, magnitude of the water deprivation threat: about
the basic requirements of safe drinking water and prop- 400 million children (one in every five children) have
erly cooked meals are not satisfied on a regular basis. no access to safe water. To a different degree, the dis-
The need for safe water and the consequences of rou- eases and problems resulting from unsafe water also
tinely cooking with fire are detailed in this section. impact impoverished adults living in rural areas.

1. Associate Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, USA
2. Assistant Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology. 81 Lomb Memorial Drive. Rochester, New
York 14623-5603. Phone (585) 475-6062. Fax (585) 475-2520. Email: (corresponding author)
3. Graduate Research Assistant, Industrial and Systems Engineering. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, USA
4. Graduate Research Assistant, Industrial and Systems Engineering. Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester, USA
5. Centro de Atencion al Nino NGO (CAINA), Caracas, Venezuela.

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1.2 Problems Associated with Firewood Stoves ues to be the most practical solution to the energy
For populations below the poverty line and/or in rural needs of poor rural sectors. For individuals below the
areas, the traditional fuel for cooking and water pas- poverty line, especially those in rural locations, solar
teurization is wood, a resource whose supply is dwin- ovens might represent an affordable and, perhaps the
dling. About 2 billion of the Earth’s 6 billion inhabi- only, feasible means of cooking, pasteurizing water,
tants currently cook using wood for fuel [11]. and drying food for preservation. Wider use of solar
Additionally, about 1 billion people are not able to se- cooking in place of fuelwood cooking will reduce
cure any kind of fuel for cooking on a regular basis [8]. fuel consumption [11], reduce emissions of green-
The practice of gathering and burning wood for house gases and other pollutants [2], and aid in ef-
cooking takes an enormous human and environmen- forts to combat disease and ensure environmental
tal toll each year. Deforestation of carbon sequester- sustainability.
ing trees is greatly influenced by this practice. Accord- Although solar ovens have been around for more
ing to the FAO [8], the change in the world’s forest than 50 years, their propagation and adoption has
cover in the 1990–2000 decade was –0.2% (or a de- been very limited. Nandwani [11] states that the
crease of 9,391,000 ha.), with worldwide fuelwood total number of solar ovens is approximately
consumption totaling 1,795,496 m3. This also accen- 525,000 worldwide. A significant percentage of these
tuates problems due to soil erosion, loss of habitat, are not being utilized by people below the poverty
and contamination of waterways. Biomass fueled fires line, but rather by environmentally conscious people
also pollute the air and contribute to global warming. who use them sporadically (picnics, camping, etc).
Further, the rapid depletion of fuelwood forces people With respect to feasibility, locations between the
(primarily women and children) to spend many hours tropics of Capricorn and Cancer (23°30' south and
each day in an increasingly unproductive foraging north of Equator line) are ideal and receive over 300
process. It is reported that the average person living in days of sunshine per year. These locations include
a rural area in a developing country walks between 3 Brazil, Indonesia, the Philippines, and most sub-
to 10 miles to gather enough wood to cook for a day, Saharan African nations, among others. Evidently,
while Afghan refugees have been reported to spend widespread use of solar ovens has not taken place be-
approximately 99 man-hours/month collecting wood cause awareness of their existence, benefits and appli-
for cooking [11]. This situation is likely to worsen as cations have been very limited while dissemination
forests are further depleted. and education to the target populations has proven
The negative environmental and economic conse- difficult. The premise of this work is that the lack of
quences of firewood cooking are matched by the ad- a low-price, regionally appropriate (i.e using local
verse health impacts (primarily respiratory ailments materials, labor, and user input, etc.) design further
and eye diseases) associated with long-term exposure to hinders widespread adoption.
smoke. Firewood stoves are major sources of concen- Archival literature in the oven design area has fo-
trated indoor air pollution from smoke. In homes cused on the basic understanding of these devices,
without ventilation, exposure to particulate matter, car- improvement of the oven design, and/or unit cost re-
bon monoxide, formaldehyde, benzene, nitrogen diox- duction [1, 3–4, 9–13, 17–20]. Most designs are de-
ide, and other gases can reach 1000 µg/m3 over a 24- veloped with low cost considerations, but no attempt
hour period [15], more than 20 times higher than the is made to design ovens with minimal environmental
standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection impact or mass production considerations. Another
Agency [22]. Indoor air pollution is the fourth leading factor that has not been well addressed is how to in-
cause of premature death in the developing world and, corporate the voice of the customer in the design
overall, kills over 1.6 million people, predominantly phase of solar ovens in a systematic way. It is impor-
women and children, every year [22]. This represents a tant for widespread adoption that the solar oven ad-
death toll almost as great as that caused by unsafe water heres as much as it can to the expectations of the end
and sanitation, and greater than that caused by malaria. user. Finally, the potential environmental impact and
Use of fuelwood for cooking presents a challenge life cycle assessment derived from industrial-scale op-
to the environment and human health, but contin- erations have not been studied. If solar ovens are to

2 Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Development

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be manufactured in large quantities and widely dis-

FIGURE 1. QFD-DFM-LCA design framework
Q: check seminated, then the environmental impact of the
for sense. fabrication processes, distribution, as well as the im-
pacts associated with end-of-life practices (i.e. land-
fill, reuse, etc) of must be studied.
The objective of this effort is to develop a system-
atic process for designing multifunctional, low-cost,
regionally appropriate solar ovens that can be mass
produced with reduced environmental impact and
distributed to low-income populations.

This case study was conducted under the multidisci-
plinary design program and with the help of a team of
students from the Kate Gleason College of Engineer- cause over 80% of its population lives in poverty [23]
ing at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) and because the design team already had contacts
and funded by the Environmental Protection Agency. with local manufacturers, universities, and with some
A phase/gate methodology that includes Quality institutions (such as local churches and NGOs) em-
Function Deployment (QFD) and Life Cycle Assess- bedded in poor neighborhoods. A preliminary trip
ment (LCA) is described along with a case study in was made early in the project to capture the needs
rural locations in Venezuela and the experiences of (voice of the customer), define the scope of the proj-
the student team involved in the project. Figure 1 ect, as well as to initiate contact with local manufac-
shows a schematic of the proposed design framework turers and materials suppliers.
and depicts the input from the user needs (via QFD), During this preliminary trip, a rural neighbor-
environmental implications (via LCA) and mass pro- hood in Tazón (an area located 50 miles SW of Cara-
duction considerations (via DFM/DFA) into an itera- cas) was assessed. With the help of a local NGO, an
tive design/redesign process. appropriate subset of families were identified and in-
The case study was conducted over a period of terviewed, and specific information on diet, local
one year and included the following stages or phases, food preparation and cooking methods, and respira-
each of them with go/no-go gate: tory problems was gathered. Figures 2a and 2b show
typical stoves used in this community.
The local church staff also provided useful informa-
TABLE 1. Stages of the design process
tion on potential cultural barriers, typical family profile
1) Preliminary assessment trip (Venezuela) (size, etc) and the eating habits of this particular popu-
2) Recognition and quantification of customer needs lation. This organization, embedded into the neighbor-
3) Concept development, preliminary designs and hood and trusted by locals, was identified as an ideal
prototype fabrication (Generation I) instrument for deployment and user education for the
4) Engineering analyses and models future distribution of solar ovens into the communi-
5) Redesign iteration, field testing and on-site
ties. A local wood furniture manufacturer was con-
manufacturing (Generation II-A)
tacted and visited for future construction of solar ovens
6) Redesign iteration (Generation II-B) and testing
7) Final detailed design (Generation III)
and to explore the local materials, wages, production
capacity, and overall manufacturing practices.

2.2 Recognition and Quantification

2.1 Preliminary Assessment Trip (Venezuela) of Customer Needs
In order to develop a relationship with the users and Based on the information gathered from the prelimi-
perform field tests, a developing country had to be nary trip, benchmarking of commercially available
chosen as a study case. Venezuela was selected be- products, and review of literature in the area, a Qual-

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FIGURE 2A AND 2B. Outdoor (left) and indoor (right) firewood stoves

ity Function Deployment (QFD) / House of Quality by the customer, as expressed in the customer needs
matrix was developed (Figure 3). This information list. Thus, the correlation between collector plate
was utilized to help guide the concept development area and weight of the unit is shown as negative,
process while paying close attention to the end user which depicts how they impact each other’s direction
needs and design attributes. This approach typically of improvement. Finally, the raw scores, relative
requires a sequential process that begins by identify- weights, and objective target values for the design to
ing the customer, in this case, people in rural areas of be developed are computed. For comparison, a com-
Venezuela. Informal customer interviews and site as- petitive benchmark of commercially available ovens
sessments are performed in order to identify cus- with respect to the engineering metrics of interest
tomer needs (i.e. “quickly reaches cooking tempera- completes the matrix. This information was obtained
tures”). Once the customer needs are established, a via product specifications, reverse engineering and
relative importance is placed to prioritize them and a laboratory testing of the commercial units.
set of measurable engineering metrics (which repre- In order to obtain benchmark performance data,
sent product features/functionalities) is developed. three commercially available ovens were purchased
For example, a larger collector plate area (metal plate and tested (Figure 4). All were box type ovens with
under pot) featured in the oven will likely help reach different capacities, reflector arrangements and either
cooking temperatures in less time. Then, a non- single or double glass/acrylic pane. The prices of
linear scaling method (1-3-9) is typically used both these ovens ranged from 120 to 220 USD, their
to weigh the customer needs and the strength of in- weight ranged from 11 to 26 lbs, and their perform-
teractions between customer needs and the product ance (peak air temperature—dependent upon ambi-
features. This scale is used to magnify the differences ent conditions) ranged from 275°F (135°C) to
in both customer priorities and interactions. Addi- 360°F (182°C), according to the manufacturers’
tionally, the “roof of the house” shows the direction- specifications.
ality of the correlation among the product features
and functionalities, and portrays it with a qualitative 2.3 Concept Development, Preliminary Design
+/– scale. In the previous example, a design with a and Prototype Fabrication (Generation I)
larger collector plate is desirable because it addresses After developing the QFD matrix, reviewing avail-
a customer need (“quickly reaches cooking tempera- able literature, and examining the existing commer-
tures”). However, incorporating this feature will cial products, several brainstorming sessions were
likely result in a heavier product which is not desired performed from which some ten sketch concepts

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FIGURE 3. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) / House of Quality Matrix

FIGURE 4. Benchmark of commercial ovens

FIGURE 5. Sample sketches during concept


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FIGURE 6. Example of Generation I computer model and prototype: Four reflector double-wall box

were generated (Figure 5) and narrowed down to composites, plastic, and metals were contrasted for the
three preliminary designs. These designs were then box materials. The Cambridge Engineering Selector®,
fabricated in the wood shop at RIT and became a materials software package, was used for this pur-
known as the “Generation I” prototypes. Figure 6 pose. Several design scenarios, such as single-wall ver-
depicts one of the 3D computer models along with a sus double-wall with varying insulation thickness were
picture of the corresponding prototype. The materi- examined from thermodynamic and cost perspectives,
als mainly consisted of particleboard, acrylic, and and their respective conduction/convection/radiation
reused aluminum sheets from lithographic offset losses quantified. The transmission spectra of glass and
printing plates. Since printing companies tradition- acrylic versus wavelength were also investigated for lid
ally use only one side of the sheet, the reverse side re- materials. Insulation options considered were either air
tains its original properties and can be collected, or reused/recycled materials in order to reduce the en-
reused and polished to achieve a reflectivity rating of vironmental impact of the production processes and
86% [6]. These plates are readily available at a very materials employed. During the design process, the
low cost, sometimes free, in most countries. traditional considerations of design for manufacturing
and design for assembly were taken into account. Fig-
2.4 Engineering Analyses and Models ure 7 depicts the typical materials analysis constrained
The models and prototypes from Generation I were by the cost function of the material.
subjected to several engineering analyses, some of
which are described in this section. The appropriate- 2.5 Redesign Iteration, Field Testing and
ness of the geometry with respect to the local solar On-site Manufacturing (Generation II-A)
incidence was analyzed using a solar modeling soft- Once preliminary analyses were performed on the
ware package (Square One®). This allowed for ex- Generation I prototypes, two new designs (Genera-
traction of the conditions (i.e. incidence angle from tion II-A) were developed. In March 2005, two
azimuth, radiation watts/m2, etc.) throughout the ovens were fabricated by a local furniture manufac-
year, and for a specific location (measured at turer in Caracas, Venezuela using local materials and
N10°30' and W66°51') in Venezuela. This informa- labor. The two ovens were box type and incorporated
tion was used to define some of the box angles and double-wall air insulation, unpolished reused alu-
reflector inclination ranges of the subsequent design minum reflectors, and acrylic for the lid material.
iterations. One design incorporated a single-pane lid while the
Additionally, an extensive analysis of the construc- other included two panes of acrylic separated by a
tion material was performed. The physical and me- 15 mm air gap. Preliminary field tests were con-
chanical properties of many kinds of wood, wood- ducted on the Generation II-A prototypes. The test-

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FIGURE 7. Price vs. thermal Conductivity with cutoff at $10/lb (CES® Output)

Q: Change to
superscript 2?

ing was performed in two distinct locations: Caracas, features. The acrylic was replaced with clear glass for
at an altitude of approximately 1000 meters and increased energy transmission, the insulation be-
La Guaira, at sea level. tween the double walls was replaced by shredded
The purpose of this testing was to show feasibil- reused newspaper, and other minor refinements were
ity and functionality of the ovens fabricated locally. introduced.
During the testing, air and water temperature were The ovens were tested outdoors utilizing the full
monitored over a period of 4 hours (typically be- solar spectrum for determination of actual perform-
tween 11 am–3 pm). Both units reached water pas- ance. The benchmark ovens along with the prototypes
teurization temperatures 145°F (65°C) and cook- were placed outside with pots containing equal
ing temperatures 179°F (82°C). However, the amounts of water in their interior. In this test proce-
single-pane acrylic lid version performed less ade- dure (as well as in the previous one) 20 thermocouples
quately in terms of heat retention, especially in were placed within each solar oven to monitor their
cloudy conditions. interior air and water temperatures, as well as heat gain
rates over a period of 4 hours. The thermocouples
2.6 Redesign Iteration (Generation II-B) were placed on each inner face of the oven, as well as
and Testing on the surface, lid, and inside of the pots. A computer
After analyzing the data from the field tests in recorded the data for each oven tested. The improved
Venezuela, one of the ovens from Generation II-A model outperformed Generation II-A with respect to
was retrofitted to correct and improve some design almost every metric.

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2.7 Final Detailed Design (Generation III) tively low thermal conductivity, relative low cost, and
The final design iteration produced the “Generation availability. The lid is composed of two 3 mm glass
III” solar oven (Figure 8). The profile of this design panes separated by 2 cm air gap for insulation pur-
was changed to make it large enough to contain two poses. The heat collector plate and interior/exterior
pots therefore providing enough cooking capacity for reflectors were made with reused aluminum from the
a family of 6–8 people. This design addresses this offset printing process. The reflectors were polished
particular customer need in a better way than previ- to approximate mirror finish. The overall height was
ous prototypes. It also includes double-layered walls reduced to minimize the shadowing effect of the box
filled with shredded recycled paper. The wall thick- walls, thus increasing the direct incidence of sun-
ness, dimensions, and materials were determined by light. All the materials used have acceptable UV-ray
further thermal analysis. The material selected for the and environmental resistance, poor flammability,
box was Medium Density Fiberboard, for its rela- slow wear, and at least average resistance to fresh and
sea water.
Production data was gathered from a local manu-
FIGURE 8. Generation III computer model facturer in Venezuela. The Generation III oven can
be fabricated for a total cost of $32.68 ($28.84 mate-
rials and $3.84 labor). Although this figure does not
include a profit margin, this is about a fourth of the
price of the cheapest commercially available oven ac-
quired. The thermal performance of the oven during
initial testing conducted in the spring is shown in
Figure 9.
It can be seen in Figure 9, that the Generation III
oven experiences a similar temperature gain rate and
overall performance pattern. As expected, the com-
mercial oven achieved higher temperatures and the
performance gap ranged between 5°–20°C. The tem-
perature gain rate (over 30 minutes) of the Genera-

FIGURE 9. Internal air temperature vs. time

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tion III oven was 1.43°C/min, whereas the commer- commercial cost, similar performance, simplest de-
cial oven achieved 1.83°C/min. The Generation III sign) to Generation III. This analysis attempted to de-
oven exceeded the target value of 1.0 °C/min as stated scribe the impacts associated with raw material extrac-
in the QFD matrix. The ambient temperature at the tion, fabrication, delivery to the user, and end of life
beginning of the test was 55°F (13°C) and gradually disposal for both the benchmark oven and the Gener-
increased to reach a plateau of 68°F (20°C). Later in ation III design. It was assumed that all ovens would
the summer, and under more favorable conditions be landfilled at the end of their useful lives. Trans-
(ambient temperature 31°C (88°F) and solar radia- portation of raw materials from their extraction point
tion index of 900 W/m2) the same Generation III to the fabrication point was not included in the analy-
oven reached peak air temperatures of 121°C sis, but transportation of the finished ovens to the user
(250°F). Since the average solar radiation index at the was included. SimaPro® version 6.0 was used to per-
location in Venezuela is close to 1000W/m2, and the form this analysis and the Eco-indicator 99 (H) scor-
Q: average temperature ranges between 81–96°F ing method was used for comparison. The Eco-
Changed (27–36°C) cooking temperatures are expected to be indicator 99 method scores products with respect to
96 to 36. considerably higher. Testing in Venezuela is scheduled three types of potential damage: damage to human
Okay as to take place during the summer of 2006. health, damage to ecosystem quality, and depletion of
resources. In the human health category, the process
3. LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT (LCA) captures the potential degradation in human health re-
Life Cycle Assessment is an objective process to eval- sulting from environmental causes. The following ef-
uate the environmental burdens associated with a fects are included in the human health category: cli-
product, process, or activity by identifying energy mate change, ozone layer depletion, release of
and materials used and wastes released to the envi- carcinogens, release of particulate matter, and nuclear
ronment, and to evaluate and implement opportuni- radiation. The ecosystem quality category assesses ef-
ties to affect environmental improvements [14]. fects on species diversity. Effects considered here are
A cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment was con- ecotoxicity, acidification, eutrophication, and land
ducted in order to compare the environmental, use. The resource depletion category evaluates the sur-
human health, and natural resource impacts associated plus energy that will be needed in the future to extract
with a commercially available solar oven to those of minerals and fossil fuels from lower quality sources.
the Generation III oven. The benchmark oven was Figures 10 and 11 show the network of major
chosen because it presented the closest profile (lowest contributors to the impacts associated with the life

FIGURE 10. Lifecycle network for benchmark oven

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FIGURE 11. Lifecycle network for Generation III Solar Oven

cycle of the two solar oven designs. Due to space score can be broken down into three main categories:
constraints only the top three levels of the complete human health, ecosystem quality and resources, as
network hierarchy are shown. This level of detail seen in Figure 12. The Generation III design outper-
shows the relative impacts of each material and the forms the commercially available oven in the three
corresponding process used. The production of plas- categories by 80%, 66%, and 84% respectively.
tic for the commercial oven causes the largest impact,
as can be seen in Figure 10 by the thick lines pro- 4. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK
truding from the plastic production nodes (the oven This work aimed at developing a design framework
is manufactured from a combination of recycled and that strongly incorporated user input and life cycle
virgin materials; the required molding and forming assessment on solar ovens and use it on a case study
operations consume large amounts of energy). The on a rural community in Venezuela. One of the main
Generation III design does not use plastic in its con- conclusions of this work is the realization of existing
struction therefore generates fewer negative impacts. trade-offs that surface when producing an environ-
Due to the fact that the Generation III solar oven mentally beneficial product, such as solar ovens, that
was designed to be ecologically benign, the greatest offsets consumption of resources or production of
impact associated with its life cycle occurs during the pollution during the product’s use phase. In this
transportation phase, as seen in Figure 11. Producing sense, the manufacturer, while engaged in producing
the ovens locally does, however, minimize the im- an environmentally benign product, may end up
pacts that arise from that transportation. causing a greater negative impact on the environ-
As mentioned previously, the overall impact score ment due to its selection of design, materials and
for each design was calculated using the Eco- processes and in its pursuit of higher adoption rates
Indicator 99(H) method for environmental impact by the users. This paper provides an approach for
assessment. The impact score for the commercial such scenario with a case study illustration. Unfortu-
oven was 1.7 points while the Generation III oven nately, the fact remains that very few people know
scored 0.3 points. These scores are to be used for about solar ovens and even fewer of those who need
comparison, with lower scores being preferred over one can afford them. For future work, a thorough in-
higher ones. The Generation III design clearly out- vestigation of the mechanisms and barriers during
performs the benchmark solar oven with respect to dissemination at a wider scale is proposed. Addition-
the Eco-indicator 99 categories. The overall impact ally, optimization of current designs with the triple

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FIGURE 12. Comparison of life cycle impacts of benchmark oven vs. Generation III (SimaPro output)

objective of maximizing performance, minimizing thors and the EPA does not endorse any products or
cost and also minimizing the environmental impact commercial services mentioned in this publication.
will be pursued.
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Paul Stiebitz (Multidisciplinary Engineering Design Energy 1997, 10(4): 635–640.
Program, RIT), John Wellin (Mechanical Engineer- 5. CIA World Factbook.
factbook/. (accessed September 2004).
ing, RIT), Rodolfo Carrillo (Norvex, Venezuela),
6. Fairey, P., Harrison, J., and Thornbloom, M. Solar Oven Devel-
Sandro Baldini (Fragolar Manufacturing, Venezuela), opment and Testing. Final Report. FSEC 26-58-876. From:
as well as the following RIT engineering students: Florida Solar Energy Center, 2002.
Emma Fulton, Jonathan Steiner, Cory Cress, Otman 7. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
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This work was partially funded by a P3 Research
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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It has not testing solar cookers and reporting performance. Solar Energy
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Volume 1, Number 1 11
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