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The Great Powers of Government

1) The Executive Branch – “the power of the sword”

 The executive branch is headed by the President who functions as both the
head of state and the head of government.
 The president is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines. The president is elected by popular vote to a term of six years. The
president, then, appoints (and may dismiss) his/her cabinet members whom
he/she presides over. The executive seat of government is administered
officially from Malacañang Palace—also the official residence of the president—
in Manila.
 The President may no longer run for re-election, unless he/she becomes
president through constitutional succession and has served for no more than
four years as president.
 In general, the Executive Department enforces the law of the land.
 The second highest official, the vice-president is first in line to succession
should the president resign, be impeached or die in office. The vice-president
usually, though not always, may be a member of the president's cabinet. If
there is a vacancy in the position of Vice President, the President will appoint
any member of Congress (usually a party member) as new Vice President. The
appointment will be validated by a three-fourths vote of Congress voting

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