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SUBJECT MATTER: Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

SEMESTER/QUARTER/WEEK: First Semester/Quarter 1/ Week 2/ Day 1
TOPIC: Understanding, Culture, Society and Politics
SUB-TOPIC: Social, Political and Cultural Change
CONTENT STANDARDS: The significance of studying culture, society and politics.
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: Adopt an open and critical attitude different social, political, and cultural
phenomenon through observation and reflection.
LEARNING COMPETENCIES: Analyze social, political, and cultural change. UCSP11/12SPU-lb-3
OBJECTIVES: At the end of the session, the student should be able to:
1. Construct own points of view about Social, Political, Cultural change.
2. Performed role playing that shows, social, political and social changes.
3. Created personal reflection based on the topic.
RESOURCES: Curriculum Guide, Teacher’s Guide, UCSP References

A. Preliminaries
1.Opening Prayer (2 minutes)
2. Checking of Attendance ( 2 minutes)
3. Review of Previous Lessons (6 minutes)- Ask the students questions regarding the previous lessons.
4. Motivation ( 15 minutes) “ YOU HAVE CHANGED”

The Students will be requested to find form their respective groups with 3 members per group. Each group
should choose their guesser of which to familiarize the physical appearance of the members. The guesser will
then be asked to move out of the room for a while to give him for the remaining members to change their
appearance and for the guesser to share their observations.

II. ANALYSIS ( 30 Minutes)

From the activity and sharing of your experiences, how did you feel that you were able to identify the changes
which took place in your members? Is change good or bad?
( Let the students share their insights with regards to the activity and reflections of changes happening in their

CHANGE- Affects social mobility such as migration, urbanization, transnationalism, and globalization. Refers to
variations or modifications in patterns of social organizations of the society.

SOCIAL CHANGE- Roles of the members of the society. Work setting.

Three causes:
Invention- A new combination or a a new use of existing knowledge.
(Material Invention- Bow and Arrow, Mobile Phone, Internet/ Computers, Airplane)
(Social Invention- Alphabet, Texting, Jejemon, Gaylingo)
Discovery- Emergence of a new paradigm and perspective.

Diffusion- Culture diffuse through: Enculturation, Socialization, Association, Integration

Enculturation- Takes place when one culture is spread to another through learning. ( Education )
Socialization- Learning through constant exposure to culture which imbibe our system of values,
beliefs etc.
Association- Establishing a connection with the culture thus bridging areas of convergence and
culture symbiosis.
Integration- Total assimilation of culture as manifested by change of world views, behavior, etc.

III. ABSTRACTION ( 10 minutes )

What does social change mean?

Give an example that shows social change that is actually happening in the society?

How important it is to adapt cultural changes due to different influences?

IV. APPLICATION (10 minutes) To be presented by next session…

Group the class into 3 groups that has 10 members each. Each group will be given 5 minutes to perform a
certain topic given to them. ( 15 minutes )ROLE PLAYING

Content/Script- (30%)
Relevance/Significance- (25%)
Mastery- (15%)
Impact- (10%)

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