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Assalamualaikum Wr.


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Alhamdulillahi robbil ngalamin, asholatu wasalamu ngala asrofil

anbiyai wal mursalin, wa'ala alihi wa ashabihi ajmangin, ama ba'du.

Dear Mr. Muhammad As'ad, S. Pd, M. Pd. and to my happy class 1B friends.

First, let us praise and thank to Allah SWT. who has given us His grace and guidance so that,
we can gather in this room without any hindrance. Don't forget to send our sholawat and
greetings to our Lord the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW. which we look forward to
intercession in yaumul kiyamah. Amen!

Previously, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Dwi Anindita Nur Febrianti, from
Diploma 3 in Nursing 1B. On this auspicious occasion allow me to give a few words about
"Mental Health".

Mental health is one of the words that is often heard in our ears. But do you know what
mental health is? According to data from the Ministry of Health, good mental health is a
condition where one's mind feels peaceful, and safe. So, they can carry out their activities
properly. When a person's mental health is disturbed, that person will experience anxiety.
They will also have difficulty controlling emotions so that people with mental disorders
often commit crimes.

Indonesian people do not fully understand how important mental health is compared to
physical health. As with physical health that must be treated immediately, mental health
must also be treated immediately if a disorder occurs. It is intended that people with mental
disorders do not commit crimes or things that we do not want. People with long-standing
mental disorders can cause stress and even depression. Therefore, I invite all of you to
always pay attention to mental health, not only for yourself but also for others.

If you feel you have mental stress or even depressed, you can pray to Allah swt. Don't
hesitate to tell stories, complain to friends and even your closest family. If possible you can
also socialize with community activities or social activities. Don't forget to always respect
yourself, always be grateful for what God has given you. And last but not least, don't forget
to rest. Surely we have a standard or final ability, so we must rest after doing activities. Let's
take care of our health, both physically and mentally.

Maybe that's all I can say, hopefully it can be useful and can also add insight and knowledge
to all of us. If there are shortcomings, I sincerely apologize. The final word.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

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