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Sending Forth Your Word

July 20, 2011

By Sage Martin Wilson

n learning to look at the Word of God from it metaphysical aspect I have come to see that there are so many amazing truths that the traditional church have missed. One of which I want to look at in this article. Psalms 107:20 KJVR He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.

lieve. True faith is having what youre saying and the mental pictures that you hold in your mind in total agreement. Our world is framed by our faith filled words. As a result things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. The thing that is not seen that has made the things which do appear is our thoughts. Everything exists first as a thought. Example:

Sage Martin Wilson

If we are to see our prayers answered it is imperative that we understand the power of thought. Words are nothing more that verbalized thoughts. Thoughts are nonmaterial, spirit-like particles of energy that transcends space and time. Our thoughts are powerful and know no boundaries. Hebrews 11:3 KJVR Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Mind you, this is the same faith spoken of in Hebrews 11:6 that the bible says if we dont have it is impossible to please God. Your faith is literally the substance that frames your world and reality. What you believe about this world is the structure and material used to frame your reality in this world. If your faith is in lack and poverty then that will be your reality. If your faith is in, my God shall supply all of my needs according to his riches in Glory, then that will be the reality that you live in. This is more than just saying you be-

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Idea or thought of a chair in the mind of a person. The diagram or written plan for a chair. The design and creation of a chair

This is literally the process that everything created goes through. It first exists in the mind of the creator. Even man existed in the mind of God before being formed out of the dust of the earth. Jer 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee We have to see that the bible is a book of daily instructions & not just the road map to heaven. The only reason there is anything missing in any of our lifes is because we have not released it from the world of thought. THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS!

Your words are creating your success or your destruction. Our main text says that He (God) sent his word (verbal thought) and healed them. Remember, with- Join Sage Martin Wilson Aug. 13, @ 10 am out our thoughts and words being filled with faith it is for His new talk show! impossible to please God. Why? Gods desire is for us to understand how to project our thoughts into situations and change them to line up with what is good and acceptable to his will. We project or send our will faith filled thoughts out in our prayers. Isaiah 55:11 KJVR So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. When we have faith in God and what his Word says, our words also have the power to be sent forth and not returned void, accomplishing the purpose for which we sent it. If a person is sick we can send them healing. If we have a need that needs to be met, we can send a word that will bring in the supply that we need. We do this not just by praying words, but by using our imaginations in agreement with our faith to see the thing that we desire already taking place. Mark 11:24 KJVR What things soever ye desire {having a mental picture in your imagination}, when ye pray {project our faith filled thoughts}, believe that ye receive them {having the actual thing by faith}, and ye shall have them {see things appear at a future point in time}.

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Sage Martin Wilson, Sr

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