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Safety Rules

● Practice safety rules

● Pay attention to the safety demonstration. Ask questions and seek help, but never rely
on students for advice
● Use the correct tool/machine for the job
● Proper ventilation systems keep you healthy.
● Guards are placed on tools and machines for safety. Do not alter or remove them.
● Keep floors free from backpacks and debris.
● Observe the “Safety Zone” around machines. Only the operator and instructor are
allowed in these zones.
● Never sit on power machinery!
● Compressed air can be dangerous. Never point it at your eyes or ears.
● Safety glasses must be worn whenever you or another student is using a tool/machine.
● Horseplay, and messing around wasting time is never allowed.
● Have the instructor double-check your set-up.
● Unplug tools before making adjustments.
● Make sure the switch is in the off position before plugging in any power tool.
● Unplug tools by pulling on the plug, but not by the cord.
● Report damaged tools to the instructor at once.
● This will keep other students from possible serious injury.
● Tie hair back. Long hair, loose clothing, and jewelry can get caught in revolving
machinery. Remember, tie back, and tuck in.
● No gloves, or unloose clothes.
● Let the instructor know immediately if you get injured.
● Watch what you are doing. Focus your attention on the task at hand.
● Caution for another student if you see them doing something dangerous let the instrucor
know too.

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