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Don’t get my freedom..

All of us are dreaming to have the freedom that we really deserved in our life.

Freedom, freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without
hindrance or restraint, but we can’t get the freedom that we really need or deserved because
people or the society will always put us into a situation were we can’t freely do what ever we
want to do.

There was a girl named Stella, she is kind and very soft hearted person. She lived in a
peaceful community, a community where there is no discrimination and judgments. As she grow
up she didn’t experience to be judged by other people in their community because all of the
people in that community is respectful and they know how to value the worth of each and
everyone. They also help each other in times of needs.

She thought that there is no discriminations and judgments in this world that full of lies.

Until one day, Stella went to a place where she can’t find the real essence of being a
human, and she can’t even see the people who is respectful and know how to value its worth.
Stella didn’t know what is happening into that place because she thought it was only happpen in
her dreams but she’s wrong because a judgemental society really exists.

I don’t imagine how hard is the life of the people here in this community and how they
survided in this kind of situation, Stella said to herself.

Until she met a girl who is mean, she always judge other people by their physical
appearance , life status and worst she makes story just to make people believe that the person
that she is pointing out is a fake person and sometimes she will judge other people because
hears something about you that you don’t even know.

She always do that everytime that she encountered other people to their community
because she only wants to be the best among the best.

The mean girl tries to make fun with Stella because it is the first time that she saw Stella in
thier community, she make a story about Stella she said that Stella is pregnant and there is no
father of her child , so Stella just decided to go to their community because no one knows her
except herself , she even said that Stella has many flings so she don’t know who is the father of
her child.

Stella decided to stays calm because she know to herself that all of that is so untrue.

But the mean girl is not still contented on what she did to Stella. She keeps on making story
about her and people of their commmunity believe that her story is true because they don’t
even know who is Stella.
T hey keep on insulting her, they keep on doing the bad things that they do to her over and
over again and everytime that they see Stella , they always looked at her a like she is really bad
person and they laughed at her when they saw her alone.

Stella decided to keep herself busy just to ignored those people who judge her and to
forget what might people think about her, because she think that is the best thing to do for
them to stop what are they doing to her.

But as days passed us by they still making fun of her, they even insult her with her life
status and they said that she must go back t the place where she is belong because she not part
of that community.

And one time as she walks along the street she saw a peice of paper, she opened and read
it, “Don’t get my freedom”, she said.

At first Stella didn’t understand what is the meaning of the word that she read or what is
trying to tell to her ,so she just decided to put it into her pocket, and she start to walked again to
reach her destination. As she goes there everyone is looking at her and she did not know what is
all about, soshe just continue to walk and walk.

Stella stayed at her house for how many days just to calm herself because she really don’t
know how to stop those judgments about her, shwa is crying all night when she always
remember all of the bad words that she get from the people around her and even it is all untrue
she can’t defend herself because no one will believe.

The next two weeks she remember about the peice of paper that she saw when she was
walking along the street the pastb few weeks , she couldn’t find it in her room or in any part of
her house , until she realize that she put it into her pocket, she read it again and again until she
understand what is the meaning of the message that was written on that paper.

Stella wipe off her tears, and decided to defend herself from those people who hurt or
judge her because of her looks and identity.

“I am going to tolerate those people anymore, I need to defend myself from those
judgments and take my reputation bring back”, Stella said to herself.

As she trying to communicate with other people, she can’t imagine that she will
experienced this kind of life and how crucial it is. They still not believe on what she said because
they thought that she is crazy, so no one had thecourage to talked to her because on what the
mean girl said,and they still looked at her as a bad person.

Stella realizes that not all of the people or not everyone will always believe in what is true
because they don’t know you that much.
She always try to commmunicate with other people because she know that there will be a
time that people will believe in her.

For them to believe in her and she expalined why she went to that community and she is
not expecting that some people belive on what she said. She smiled bitterly.

She even said that they should not judge her based on what other said , because they don’t
know if it is true or untrue.

While the mean girl, said sorry to Stella she makes things clear that Stella is not a bad
person, and the truth is Stella is a kind very soft hearted because forgive so eaily to those people
who jude her base on what they hear from other people.

“Please don’t get my fredeom, because I have also the rights to defend myself, to be who I
am, please let me speak up before you judge me. Get everything that I have in my life now, but
not my freedom anymore,” Stella said.

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