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Public and Non-Profit Marketing

Cases XIV International Congress on Teaching Cases

Related to Public and Nonprofit Marketing

de Marketing Público e Não Lucrativo

Name and surname of the Tutor 1 Name and surname of the student 1
tutor@institución.pais E-mail
University, Country
Name and surname of the Student 2
Name and surname of the Tutor 2 E-mail
University, Country

The summary is a brief text that will indicate the company, institution or entity
to which the case refers, as well as a brief description of the marketing action
carried out by it and that, in the opinion of the authors of the work, stands out
for its utopian marketing strategies and practices. You can also enter a brief
indication regarding the objectives pursued with said action, its target audience,
etc. or even a preview of the conclusions or assessments, but in no case
bibliographical references (which will be reserved for the central body of the
text) and taking into account that the total length of the abstract should not
exceed 10 lines according to line spacing and type of letters that are indicated in
this template.

Text in Portuguese (co-official language of the Congress) that should
correspond to a translation as faithful as possible to the previous abstract. Please
note that even when the translation to Portuguese is longer than the English one,
the maximum length is 10 lines. If you do not speak Portuguese or you are not
very confident with your proficiency, the Organizing Committee will assist you
by either reviewing the text or directly arranging it for you (just leave it blank).
Line 7
Line 8
Line 9
Line 10
2 Cases in Public and Non-Profit Marketing

The introductory section will indicate the company, institution or entity to
which the case refers, as well as the information or data necessary to provide the
possible reader with a clear idea of its activities, objectives, etc.
By way of example, here we could talk about the time and/or place of
foundation, the founder or founders, the activities carried out and/or the
products sold, significant changes that have taken place at a given time in that
activity and reasons that led to it, etc.
To this end, today, a large majority of business companies, public institutions
and non-profit entities have a web page where this type of information can be
easily found, as well as other documents, and information compiled from
testimonials from employees or directors, visits, etc.
Keep in mind, in any case, that it is not a question of “literally” replicating the
information on the Internet or other documents, but of selecting the most
relevant data or facts and presenting them in a coherent manner.
An appropriate extension (guidance) for this introduction can be 1 or 2 pages,
including a graph or table that makes the presentation more attractive. In this
sense, an easy alternative would be to reproduce the web page that is being
referred to (see the format example indicated for Figure 1, including the date on
which said image was available on the network), or other images (with
indication of the corresponding source).
Finally, and although it is not strictly necessary, it is recommended that the
graphics and/or tables be inserted at the beginning or end of the page in which
their content is alluded to (better than in the middle of the text).

Title of the case in lower cases 3

Figure 1. Initial screen from the official website of PLAYMOBIL®.

Source: [http://www.playmobil.com], as available at 12/01/2005.

In a second section, the activity within the marketing policy of the
corresponding company, institution or entity that stands out for its utopian
marketing strategies and practices will be indicated.

As in the previous section, the necessary information or data will be included so

that the possible reader can get a clear idea of said activity, its target audience,
the objective or objectives that are intended or intended to be achieved with it,
its start and, if applicable, the time of its conclusion, results achieved, etc.

An adequate extension (guidance) for this section of the text can be between 3
and 5 pages, including the graphs or tables that illustrate the exhibition, whether
they are self-made or from a bibliographical source.

In the latter case, and as in the others in which citations are included in the text,
it will be done in parentheses and with the author and year system, as shown
(Last name, year). There may also be citations of works with two authors
(Surname1 and Surname2, year), or works with three or more (Surname1 et al.,
year). Teachers-tutors will be able to resolve any doubts in this regard, as they
are familiar with this way of citing bibliographical references.
4 Cases in Public and Non-Profit Marketing

It may be convenient to include one or more subsections or subtitles, in which

case it will be done according to the format indicated below, and without
separating spaces.

Format example for a subheading or subheading

As can be seen, after the title of the subsection the text continues normally and
in accordance with the same format as the preceding paragraphs.

On the other hand, it may be necessary to include one or more footnotes, which
will be done according to the text format indicated here as an example 1. The
successive notes will appear numbered consecutively 2.

Figure 2. Reasons for the importance of implementing a marketing plan.

Source: Author’s own elaboration on the basis of Lambin (1993).


As usual in educational cases, this section will include between 3 and 5
questions or issues that, in the opinion of the authors, serve to stimulate the
critical spirit of potential readers, as well as to encourage them, where
appropriate, to continue delving into its content.

Sample text for the first footnote.
Sample text for the second footnote.

Title of the case in lower cases 5

The recommended extension for this section is 1 to 2 pages.

Question 1. State the question/issue clearly and precisely.
Include below some indications for your response and possible subsequent
discussion. These indications must be based on the evidence presented in the
previous text, as well as other possible information collected during the
development of the case.
In this sense, the link between theory and practice will be particularly valued, in
which the domain of knowledge linked to marketing or related disciplines of
application in public and/or non-profit field is revealed. To this end, citations of
those authors or materials that may be more appropriate may be used.
Question 2. State the question/issue clearly and precisely.
Question 3. State the question/issue clearly and precisely….
6 Cases in Public and Non-Profit Marketing

After all of the above, the evaluations, comments and contributions that reflect
the critical judgment of the authors of the case will be included, either praising
the action or actions carried out, their opportunity and/or relevance, as well as
indicating alternatives or proposals for improving its effectiveness. In the same
way, a brief argument of the reasons that led to carrying out the case and
selecting the action or actions in question will be included.
The recommended extension for this section is 1 to 2 pages.

Title of the case in lower cases 7

Abenoza, S., Carreras, I., & Sureda, M. (2015). NGO and company
collaborations that transform society: ESADE-PWC Social Leadership Program
2014-15. Institute of Social Innovation, Ramón Llull University.

Al-Tabbaa, O., Leach, D., & March, J. (2013). Collaboration between nonprofit
and business sectors: A framework to guide strategy development for nonprofit
organizations. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit
Organizations, March, 657-678.

Austin, J.E. (2010). From organization to organization: On creating value.

Journal of Business Ethics, 94, 13-15.

Austin, J.E., & Seitanidi, M.M. (2011). Value Creation in Business-nonprofit

Collaborations. Harvard BusinessSchool.


Danone official page. http://www.danone.com/en. Accessed on 09/12/2017.

Official website of the Ana Bella Foundation. Accessed on 09/13/2017.
Momentum Task Force official page.
http://www.momentumtf.es/responsabilidad-social. Accessed on 09/15/2017
Official website of the Institute for Women and for Equal Opportunities.
http://www.inmujer.gob.es. Accessed on 09/19/2017.

(Note: These examples are just a few that allow distinction when citing a book, article, or website. Teacher-
tutors can answer any other questions on this topic, as they are used to the different forms and styles of citing
references.) bibliographic). You can find reference cases in the Casos magazine https://casos-aimpn.org/ and
in previous minute books whose links are also available on the Casos magazine website.

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