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Calibration Process

Chapter · March 2005

DOI: 10.1002/0471497398.mm999


3 35,086

1 author:

Halit Eren
Curtin University


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Calibration Process

Chapter · March 2005

DOI: 10.1002/0471497398.mm999

1 30,638

1 author:

Halit Eren
Curtin University


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Electrocardiogram View project

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Measuring System


45: Calibration Process
Halit Eren
Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

standards of the same quantity. In the second level, the

1 Definition of Calibration 271 secondary reference standards are calibrated by compar-
2 Benefits of Calibration 272 ing with primary standards of the same quantity using a
high precision comparator and making appropriate correc-
3 Calibration Personnel 273
tions. In the third level, working standards are routinely
4 Calibration Laboratory Practice 273 used to calibrate instruments and processes against the sec-
5 Physical Features to be Calibrated 274 ondary reference standards or their representatives. More
6 Labels Used in Calibration 274 is provided about physical standards in Article 43, Units,
7 Measurement Assurance Planning (MAPS) 275 Volume 1.
8 Costs of Calibration 275 The most important element in calibration is the relation-
9 Trends in Calibrations and Case Studies 276 ship between a single measurement and the reference base
for the unit of measurement: the reference base is the prime
10 Literature on Calibration 277
source of authority. The base units of measurement are the
Further Reading 277
Le Systeme International d’Unites (SI) units maintained in
the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, Paris. These
are kilogram for mass, meter for length, second for time,
1 DEFINITION OF CALIBRATION candela for luminous intensity, kelvin for thermodynam-
ics, ampere for current, and mole for amount of substance.
Calibration of instruments and processes is essential for Other reference bases such as newton for force, hertz for
checking their performances against known standards. This frequency, and so on, are derived from the base units and
provides consistency in readings and reduces errors, thus maintained by national standards.
validating the measurements universally. The calibration Recently, with the wide applications of digital systems,
procedure involves comparison of the instrument against many intelligent instruments can make self-calibrations –
primary or secondary standards. In some cases, it may be Article 160, Smart Sensor System Features, Volume 3.
sufficient to calibrate a device against another one with In these cases, postmeasurement corrections are made and
a known accuracy. After the calibration of a device or a the magnitudes of various errors are stored in the memory to
process, future operation is considered to be error bound for be recalled and used in the laboratory and field applications.
a given period of time under similar operational conditions. A new trend is that certain calibrations can be conducted
The process of calibration is carried out in a hierarchical over the Internet by entering the appropriate Websites of
order. At the highest level, the primary reference standard manufacturers or calibration authorities – see Article 47,
is assigned a value by direct comparison with the refer- Internet Calibration, Volume 1.
ence base of SI units. The primary standards are designated The Oxford English Dictionary defines the term calibrate
and widely acknowledged as having the highest metrolog- as ‘1 mark (a gauge or instrument) with a standard scale of
ical quantities that have values without reference to other readings. 2 compare the readings of (an instrument) with

Handbook of Measuring System Design, edited by Peter H. Sydenham and Richard Thorn.
 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 0-470-02143-8.
272 Units, Standards and Calibration

those of a standard. 3 adjust (experimental results) to take different laboratories, and so on. The ISO guidelines, such
external factors into account or to allow comparison with as ISO 11095, give guidance on how to assess, correct, and
other data.’ calculate uncertainties.
Calibration can be defined as ‘a set of operations to
establish the relationship between values of quantities
indicated by measuring instruments and systems under 2 BENEFITS OF CALIBRATION
specified conditions.’
Therefore, calibration is a process that assigns values to Calibration is a process of testing and comparing the errors
the response of an instrument relative to reference standards of measurement instruments and processes with accepted
or to a designated measurement process. Calibration aims standards in order to detect and correct variations in
to eliminate or reduce bias in the measurement system performance. Therefore, calibration assures that devices
relative to the reference base in accordance to a specific and processes meet expected performance specifications
algorithm. The bias may be introduced by the instrument within universally acceptable levels and accuracy. Hence,
itself and remain constant independent of the direction of calibration has the following benefits:
measurement. Alternatively, bias may be caused by linear
• It determines whether measurements made before the
drift over the time of measurement.
calibration were valid.
Some of the important definitions related to calibration
• It gives confidence that the future measurements will
are as follows
be accurate.
Calibration procedure: ‘A documented, verified, and vali- • It assures consistency and compatibility with those
dated process that describes a set of operations in accor- made elsewhere.
dance to a given method.’ • It leads to repeatability and reproducibility assessments
Calibration provider: ‘Laboratory or facility including of the instruments and processes.
personnel that performs calibration in an established • It provides confidence that products meet their specifi-
location.’ cations, thus reducing legal liability – see Article 25,
Errors: ‘Result of a measurement minus the true value of Introduction to Signals in Physical Systems, Vol-
the measurand.’ ume 1.
Reference standard : ‘Measurement standard having the • Without calibration, the product quality may be poor,
highest metrological quality available in an organization.’ thus opening up legal challenges and high failure rates
Uncertainty of measurement: ‘Dispersion of values that can of the products, thus increasing costs.
be attributed to the measurand.’ • It increases efficiency by ensuring that measurements
are correct.
In accordance with the above definitions, a calibration • In the process industry, calibration of devices assures
can serve two main purposes: that the processes are well controlled and that the
1. If the instrument reads in the same units as the products meet expected specifications.
reference standards, the purpose of calibration is to • It leads to documentation of performance of instruments
eliminate biases and minimize the instrumental errors. and processes to meet quality standards such as ISO
9000, ISO 1400, and QS-9000.
2. If the instrument reads in different units than the
• Frequent calibrations can provide a graphical view of
reference standards, the calibration serves the purpose
the equipment uncertainty over time, thus leading to
of converting the instrument readings to the units
reliability of performance. This gives in-service life
of interest.
analysis; hence, depreciation and replacements can be
In both cases, most calibrations are likely to have predicted in an informed manner.
uncertainties. • Measurements made within international standards pro-
Since most calibrations are likely to have uncertainties motes global acceptance, thus increasing competitive-
in the calibrated values, they need appropriate evaluations. ness.
Uncertainties can be evaluated as type A evaluations and • It helps convenient implementation of related regula-
type B evaluations. The type A evaluation applies to both tions and legislation that govern the use of equipment
random error and bias and uses statistical techniques. Type in a particular application.
B evaluations can apply to both random error and bias • As the technology changes, the regulations and legisla-
too, but the calculation of the uncertainty component is tion of test and measuring instruments change continu-
not based on a statistical analysis of data but on factors ally, and calibration helps compliance validity of mea-
such as experience, scientific judgment, scant data, use of surements and processes under changing conditions.
Calibration Process 273

• In some cases, calibration can be used as a gain; laboratories (called calibration laboratories) for calibrating
the value multiplied by some input can produce a different instruments and processes.
scaled output. Some organizations cover a broad spectrum of tech-
nologies within a wide variety of industries such as com-
munication, defense, medical, aerospace, automotive, and
3 CALIBRATION PERSONNEL chemical industries.
Laboratories are accredited by authorities in accordance
The calibration is conducted by the use of appropri- with guidelines such as the ISO Guide 58.
ate devices representing the reference standards that are Accreditation is a formal recognition that a particular
deployed by trained personnel. Appropriate devices are kept laboratory is competent to conduct specific tests and/or
as secondary standards and working standards by national calibrations.
authorities and companies themselves. The calibration pro- Calibration of an instrument is intended to eliminate or
cess involves set rules, regulations, and processes. reduce bias in its readings over a continuous range of
During the calibration, the calibrating personnel make the values. For this purpose, a reference standard with known
following assumptions: values is measured by the instrument and the functional
relationship between the values of the standards and the
1. Handling procedures are consistent. corresponding measurements is established.
2. Test item and reference standard respond in the same A successful calibration procedure requires the following
manner in the test environment. basic steps:
3. Random errors associated with the measurement are
independent. • selection of an appropriate reference standard with
4. Multiple measurements form a distribution curve with known values covering the range of interest;
the same standard deviation. • application of the instrument or the reference standard;
5. The test item and reference standards are stable during • conducting calibration curves (i.e. least-squares fit) to
the measurement. establish the relationship between the measured and
6. The bias of the test item and reference standard are known values of the reference standard;
the same, and hence it can be eliminated by taking the • correction of measurements using calibration curves;
difference between the two readings. • preparation of the appropriate documentation of the cal-
7. Once the calibrations are carried out, ideally the ibration procedure, results, analysis, and interpretation
difference is zero or can be explained by appropriate of results for the client.
charts and statistical relationships.
8. Calibration is repeatable, yielding the same results. Once a procedure is adapted, the calibration relies on the
instrument continuing to respond consistently and in the
Skilled calibration personnel are essential to the preci- same way during the calibrations. If the system drifts or
sion of the calibration. Calibration personnel may need to takes unpredictable deviations, the calibrated values may
have appropriate clothing (static free clothing, gloves, face not be easily corrected for bias and errors, thus degrading
masks, etc.) for safety as well as to avoid the possibility of the accuracy of the measurements.
contamination. Although fully trained and experienced, it
During the calibration process, the readings of the test
is possible for different operators to produce measurements
item are compared with the reference standards such that
differing in signs and magnitudes. To overcome this prob-
values can be assigned on the basis of the known values
lem, measurements by different operators can be plotted
of the reference standard. The reference standards can be:
and compared. Another solution may be to maintain sepa-
resistors, length standards, voltage standards, and so on.
rate calibration curves by the same operator. This may not
However, in many situations, it may be impossible to
be a problem in automated calibrations.
achieve a perfect calibration because of instrument and
measurement biases, and uncontrollable random errors.
Mathematically: Ideal value = Measured value + Bias +
PRACTICE Similarly, a reference value may be subject to bias and
error: Ideal reference value = Reference value + Bias +
Calibration is conducted by organizations that perform Error
tests and or calibrations in permanent, temporary, or This leads to a deficiency in the calibration: Deficiency
remote locations. These organizations may have several = Ideal measured value − Ideal reference value
274 Units, Standards and Calibration

Owing to randomness of errors, this deficiency may not In the case of static-gravimetric liquid flow, a calibration
be zero; therefore, the calibration measurements have to be facility may include a reservoir, a pumping system, a
repeated many times. Then, the statistical techniques can be pipeline, flowmeter under test located on the pipeline,
applied to work out the calibration curves, average readings, collection system, computers and interface, supporting
and standard deviations. software, and so on. The calibration of flow of fluid
The process of collecting data for creating the calibration through the meter can be determined by collecting the
curve is critical to the success of the calibration program. prescribed mass of steady fluid flowing over a measured
As a rule of thumb, a minimum of five reference stan- time interval.
dards is required for a linear calibration curve and ten Sensor calibration: Sensors may have to be calibrated after
reference standards are sufficient for more complicated cal- having their data integrated with a signal conditioning
ibration models. system. This process for calibrating the processing part
Nowadays, most calibrations are conducted using com- of the system requires injection of a known input signal
puters to capture and analyze data. Once the results are into the sensor. By observing the output, a correct output
obtained, software packages can assist in analyzing the scale can be configured for that particular application. If
information. Most packages use the method of least squares the sensor is used for time varying inputs, the dynamic
for estimating the coefficients. Some of the packages are calibration becomes necessary. In most cases, transient
capable of performing a weighted fit if the errors of the behavior of sensor top step response may be sufficient to
measurements are not constant over the calibration interval. assess the dynamic response of the sensor.
The software tools provide information such as the coeffi- Calibration of food products: As food contains many chem-
cients of a calibration curve, standard deviations, residual ical substances, the calibration of devices becomes com-
standard deviation of the fit, and goodness of the fit. plex. In the case of honey, for example, the following
Calibrations of instruments and processes can be made parameters need to be identified by calibrated instruments
under static or dynamic conditions. If the calibrated variable and processes: fructose, glucose, turanose, maltose, mois-
has multiple inputs and outputs, the input is varied in ture level, acidity, and so on.
increments, in increasing and decreasing directions, over Calibration of images: Calibration is one of the first steps
a specified range. in image processing. For example, astronomical images
The observed output then becomes a function of that are calibrated to eliminate the effect of cameras, light
single input. For better results, this procedure may be pollution, and distortions. Various methods are used to
repeated by varying the input, thus developing a family ensure calibrated images by eliminating thermal, readout,
of relationships between the inputs and outputs. and other effects. For thermal effects, the cameras are
In multivariable situations, the input/output relation- cooled below certain temperatures and dark frames are
ship usually demonstrates statistical characteristics. From used to compensate the noise generated by camera
these characteristics, appropriate calibration curves can electronics.
be obtained, and statistical techniques can be applied
for analysis.
5 PHYSICAL FEATURES TO BE Calibration labels are important as they supply information
CALIBRATED on the efficiency and applicability of instruments. They
indicate parameters of instrument, tolerances, and special
The physical features to be calibrated depend on the conditions of use. Calibration labels need to conform to the
characteristics of the measuring instrument or process requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 General Requirements for
under test. the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories.
Calibration is applied in a diverse range of measurement ISO 17025 requires the following
instrument and processes. Some examples follow.
• All measurement equipments shall be securely and
Flow calibration: There are many devices and facilities durably labeled.
available for the measurement of liquid, air, or solid • The labels should clearly indicate the name of the
flow – see Article 190, Calibration and Standards in calibration laboratory, date of calibration, due date,
Flow Measurement, Volume 3. Once the method of usage equivalent, and the authorized officer.
measurement is determined by an appropriate flowmeter • Information on the label must be legible and durable
set up, static or dynamic calibrations can be carried out. under reasonable use and storage conditions.
Calibration Process 275

• When it is impractical to affix a label directly on 7 MEASUREMENT ASSURANCE

an item, the label may be affixed to the instrument PLANNING (MAPS)
• Temperature-resistant seals may be used when neces- Measurement Assurance Planning (MAP) is a group of
sary. activities designed for critical evaluation of a group of mea-
• Functional labels should contain reference standards. surements. The term was generated by the National aero-
nautics and Space Administration (NASA) and National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for describing
As an example, labels on radioactivity-measuring instru-
the calibration of instruments for their Earth Observing Sys-
ments contain information on calibration parameters, appli-
tem (EOS) programs. The concept is applied to calibration
cable dose levels, type of radioactivity detected, source
of EOS satellite, ground-based and airborne instruments
used, and so on, as illustrated in Figure 1.
where it consists of a series of carefully designed activities
Meters with multiple probes have additional labels for
in space explorations and measurements.
each additional probe containing information such as the
However, the idea of MAPs has been adapted by many
other organizations as a guideline for good practices in
measurement and calibration activities under various names
• date last calibrated and call date
such as Volt MAP, Mass MAP, Accelerometer MAP, and
• probe or sensor type
so on.
• information on organization and personnel who con-
NASA applies MAPs to achieve accurate, precise, and
ducted the calibration consistent long-term series of radiometric measurement
• range of measurement and correction factors for each data form multiple instruments and multiple platforms to
range advance scientific understanding of the earth as a system.
• efficiency of the instrument, and so on. It is identified that the success of the project depends
on proper calibration of all instruments against a set of
Calibration labels must be durable and legible. They are recognized physical standards and careful characterization
made from various materials such as metal plates, soft of the instrument performance at the system level.
adhesive aluminum, vinyl overlays, or transparent adhesive Other important points would be adhering to good mea-
tapes. In the case of metal plates and adhesive aluminum, surement practices and established protocols, intercom-
information and markings may be permanently indented paring measurements wherever possible, and establish-
for durability. Calibration labels may have the following ing traceability for all instruments to the common scale
information: of physical quantities maintained at the national stan-
dards laboratories.
• calibrate before use
• not calibrated
• do not use
• does not conform A successful calibration process requires hardware and
• indication only software, special equipment, and manpower, hence the costs
• information only are variable depending intensity of use of these variables.
• out of calibration The cost of calibration depends on what is calibrated and
• reference only who is calibrating by it.
• uncalibrated instrument In simple cases where a one-off instrument is involved,
cost can be lower than one hundred dollars, but complex
• user-calibrated instrument, and so on.
cases can cost thousands of dollars.
Calibration cost depends on whether the calibration is
Cal. Date:__/__/__ Cal. By carried out on the premises of calibrating laboratories or on
Cal. Due:__/__/__ _____________ Probe the factory floor being outsourced to third parties.
type:_____ Certification by ISO 10012-1, ISO 9001, MIL-STD
Range C.F. Isotope Eff. Isotope
45662A, and MIL-HDBK-52B requires calibration for
Eff. measuring equipment. In many situations, such as weighting
X 0. C14 % % systems calibration, it is a statutory requirement.
One of the major factors for cost is the frequency of cal-
Figure 1. A typical calibration label. ibration of an instrument. Most calibration systems issue
276 Units, Standards and Calibration

a validity period during which the instrument can be used made via the adjustment of the parameters of the digital-to-
without concern for major errors and uncertainties. Some analog converters. Corrected calibration constants are kept
organizations use finely worked out methods for deter- within the nonvolatile memory for permanent use.
mining calibration intervals, while others use conservative As an example of this method, the Agilent electronic
calibration intervals barely able to meet the legal demands. calibration modules 8719, 8720, and 8722 microwave net-
The perception exists that calibration cost can be reduced work analyzers provide a broad frequency range of cali-
if the interval can be stretched legitimately. The use brations from 10 MHz to 67 GHz (http://we.home.agilent.
of uncalibrated instruments in an organization can be com/USeng/nav/). Similarly, Fluke offers electronic cal-
costly as it may affect the product quality and quality of ibration facilities for multifunction process, pressure, and
downstream operations. temperature instruments (
Standards such as MIL-STD 45662A suggest good cal.asp).
calibration intervals. As a rule of thumb, 85 to 95% of Remote calibration: A new trend of calibration is emerg-
all instruments returned for calibration meet the calibration ing in the form of Internet calibration. Undoubtedly, the
limits. The calibration limits are determined by probability use of Internet is likely to expand the calibration capabili-
charts of age of instruments and their failure data. ties without the transportation of equipment from one place
Usually, an instrument must be calibrated if the failure to another. Internet calibration technique is supported by
rate increases or functionality deteriorates when compared web-accessible test procedures and appropriate hardware
to other standard instruments. and software.
It is possible that a planned calibration costs, say, $200 As examples of Internet calibration, Fluke , UK, offers
as opposed to an unexpected failure costing thousands of calibration systems for the Fluke 4950 multifunctio-
dollars. In this respect, a number of different mathemati- nal instruments (
cal techniques, such as the Weibull statistics and renewal 2000.html).
equations, can be employed to analyze the costs. There Anritsu is active in investigating the possibilities of
are different software tools (e.g. visualSMITH, Calibration Internet-based calibration using portable OTDR MW9076
Manager, etc.) available for cost analysis and for determin- (
ing calibration intervals. The OTDR is controlled via the Internet with the aid
of appropriate software. The software can be controlled
through a PC via modem, mobile telephone access, or PCI
STUDIES Similar efforts are made by NIST to realize Internet-
based calibrations particularly aimed for radiation process-
With the availability of advancing technology, the classical ing industry – see also the work of NPL in UK, as described
calibration process is changing on at least three fronts, these in Article 47, Internet Calibration, Volume 1.
being the following: In some cases, calibration algorithms and production
automation know-how are available online by combining
1. electronic calibration standard low-cost integrated circuits and Internet access.
2. e-calibration using Internet and communication tech- Online calibration is supported by appropriate software
niques that includes the mathematical models of the interface
3. intelligent and self-calibrating instruments and sensors. electronics and optimizes calibration on the basis of this
These techniques are now explained with some examples. Self-calibrating instruments and sensors: Nowadays,
Electronic calibration: Many modern instruments offer many smart sensors are available in the marketplace, includ-
features for closed-case calibrations so that electronic ing digital programmable calibration features, as shown
calibration can be employed. Electronic calibration is a in Figure 2. Particularly, sensors complying with IEEE
single connection and one- or two-port calibration technique 1451.4 standards provide comprehensive transducer elec-
without disturbing the components inside the case. Once tronic datasheets (TEDs) that contain configuration, scaling,
the calibrating equipment, for example, computer, is linked and calibration information necessary to make measurement
with the device under calibration, appropriate software through mixed mode interface.
generates the necessary calibration information. Errors Many smart sensors – see Article 160, Smart Sensor
due to gains and offsets of the instrument are corrected System Features, Volume 3 – are capable of calibrating
mathematically within the instrument processor to obtain themselves, scaling the incoming data, computing statistics,
the correct measured values. Analog corrections can also be and communicating with other digital systems on the
Calibration Process 277

Standards Council of Canada (SCC), National Institute of

Standards and Technology (NIST), National Association of
Serial Testing Authorities (NATA) of Australia and the British
Calibration Services (BCS), and Australian Standard (AS).
Calibration Some important information on calibration can be found
in ISO, IEC, IEEE, and national standards publications.
User code
Some of these publications are briefly explained below.
ISO 17025 is an international standard for calibration
Figure 2. Main features of self-calibrating smart sensors. and testing laboratories. It requires labs to demonstrate
that they operate a quality system covering processes,
network. Most commercially available software permits documentation, and quality management. The laboratories
calibration of smart sensors and upload the new parameters need to generate technically valid results accounting for
directly to the sensor’s circuitry. the equipment procedures and personnel. Information on
In an application of smart sensors (the Atmos SSP14 ISO 1705 can be found in many books or ISO publications
Sensor Signal Processor family) (http://www.sensorsmag. (
com/isensors/dec00/34/main.shtml), each smart sensor has BS EN ISO 9000:2000 is a family of standards for
a memory that is programmed at the factory with a set of international quality management. These standards are
default zero and span curves defining the relationships with globally accepted and applied by many organizations.
the physical phenomenon. These default curves represent (
average sensor output adjusted for the most accurate The military standards MIL-STD-45662A are standards
response at room temperature. Each time calibration is that describe the requirements for creating and maintaining
done, the appropriate zero or span curve is adjusted in the calibration systems for measurement and testing. They are
vicinity of the calibration. available at


Literature on calibration is available from various sources. BS EN ISO 9000:2000, (2000)
These are: 14000/iso9000/iso9000index.html.
Eren, H. (2004) Electronic Portable Instruments-Design and
1. Manufacturers: They supply comprehensive informa- Applications, CRC Press, LLC, Boca Raton, FL.
tion about calibration requirements of their products. Fluke (1994) calibration, Calibration: Philosophy in Practice,
2. Regulating authorities and standards institutions: Fluke Corporation, Everet, WA,
These supply information on calibration requirements calibrators/cal.asp.
of instruments and devices. Calibration can be ISO/IEC/EN 17025,
statutory, particularly where health and safety is
i-sensor Sensor Interface and Calibration Solutions via the Inter-
important. net,
3. Calibration services: These provide information on 2004.
calibration processes. Microwave calibration kits, Agilent,
4. Organizations: They provide rules and regulations for USeng/nav/, 2004.
their equipments for assurance planning. Noizette, J.L., Robert, M. and Riviera, J.M. (1997) Intelligent
5. Books: These provide information on calibration issues Sensor Calibration. Complexity, Methodology, and Conse-
and processes. Details of some of these books can be quences, IEEE-IMTC Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2, New
found in the bibliography. York (pp. 948–952).
Sydenham, P.H., Hancock, N.H. and Thorn, R. (1989) Introduc-
Many nations and organizations maintain laboratories tion to Measurement Science and Engineering, Wiley, New
with the capability of primary functions of calibrating York.
instruments and field measuring systems that are used in Webster, J.G. (ed.) (1999) The Measurement, Instrumentation, and
everyday operations. Examples of these laboratories are: Sensors Handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

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