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Present: Smt D. Subhadra, M.A., M.A., B,Ed.

Rc.No: 5/DCEB/2022-23 Dt: 09.10.2022

Sub: School Education-SCERT, A.P. - Formative Assessment-1 for the academic year 2022-23
- Certain guidelines - issued.
Ref: 1. Proceedings of the Commissioner of School Education• A.P., Amaravathi, vide
Rc.No: ESE02/591/2022-SCERT Dated: 03 /10/2022
2. Academic Calendar for 2022-23.
3. Procs.Rc.No.ESE02/983/202l-SCERT Dated:01/04/2022
4. MoU with El for SALT project.

* * *

As in the references cited above all the Headmaster's of all managements in the district are
requested to the conduct of 4th tool (Slip test) of Formative Assessment -1 for classes 1 to 10 as per the
schedule given bellow.
S.No Activity Date
Conduct of CBA tests for 1 to 8 classes and FA -l slip test for 9 & 10th
1 classes
02.11.22 to 05.11.22
Submission of Class wise bundles of answered OMRs by the
2 06.11.2022
Govt sector schools to concern MEO
Submission of OMR’s by MEO to DCEB 08.1l.2022.
3 valuation of answer scripts by teachers 03.11.22 to 07.11.22
4 Uploading of marks 08.11.22 to 15.11.22
5 Sending Progress cards to the parents 08.11.22
Preparation of class wise and subject wise lists of under-
6 achievers and drawing up remedial coaching for them for Nov-2022 09.11.2022 onwards

Syllabus: FA 1 as Informed by SCERT-AP Is attached with this proceedings.

Tools of Formative Assessment:
Toot 1: Children participation and reflection - (Languages- Read any book other than text book and write a
report, Mathematics -prepare own problems and solution, Science-prepare lab report on experiment
done by him/her, Social-Express opinions on contemporary Issues) -(10 marks)
Tool 2: Written works·(own expressions in notebooks, field observation data collection and analysis
reports, creative writings etc.) (10 marks)
Tool 3: Project works- (Any other suitable tool may be developed by teacher preparation and presentation
of Projects, Lab Activity, Model making. art, paintings etc,){10 marks}
Note : Above 3 tools must have completed before 09.09.2022 by the class room subject teacher.
Tool 4: Slip test-Common question paper (20 marks) will be prescribed by SCERT for an subjects, all
classes and all managements. The printed question papers will be sent to MRCs before 30.10.2022.
Headmasters shall make arrangements to receive day wise question paper packets from the concern
Mandal Educational Officers on examination dates and conduct the examinations in their
Time table for conduct of CBA for 1 to 8 classes and FA-l for 9,10 classes
CBA Schedule FA- I Schedule
Time Table l-5 Classes 6-8 classes 9-10 Classes
10.00-11.00 2.00-3.00 1.30-2.30 3.00-4.00 9.30-10.15 11.00-11.45
02-11-2022 Telugu Maths Telugu Maths Telugu Maths
03·11·2022 English EVS Hindi G. Science Hindi G. Science
04.11.2022 OSSC English Social English Social
05.11·2022 OSSC-1 OSSC-11 OSSC-1 OSSC-11
Blue Print of CBA Test for 1 to 8 classes

No of No of Difficulty Mode of conduct of exam

Classes MCQs MUA ratio Level (%)
1&2 10 2 to 5 50% - 25% - 25% 48 to 50 Read by the teacher aloud
3 15 2 to 5 Tel, Hin: 40-40-20 48 to 50 4, 5 components are read by teacher aloud
4&5 15 2 to 5 English: 30-40-30 48 to 50 1 component is read by teacher aloud
Groups: 30-40-30
6 to 8 15 2 to 5 48 to 50 Students by themselves

Note: Govt sector school students must write on answers on question paper & also mark OMRs
Blue Print of FA-I Slip test for 9th and 10th classes

Number of questions in
Marks of each
question Telugu Comp Comp Spl
Hindi English Mat PS BS Social
Telugu Sanskrit Tel
0.25 4
0.5 4
1 4 4 2 4 4 2 2 4
2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 1 1 •
4 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
5 1 2
8 1 l 1 1
Total Marks 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Evaluation of answer scripts:
 Immediately after the conduct of slip test teachers should prepare valuation key, valuate the answer
scripts, record marks In central marks registers, distribute progress cards and upload the marks In
web portal as per schedule.
 Remedial teaching shall be planned for Identified slow learners on their performance in FA-2 and shall
ensure their seamless transition to the next level of learning.
 Evaluated answer scripts should be preserved for verification by the authorities
Therefore, all the Deputy Educational Officers and Mandal Educational Officers in the District are
requested to ensure the Formative Assessment is conducted as per the guidelines and timeframe. and make
arrangements for verification of all schools of all managements. Also instructed to ensure the 100% student
marks entry in the CSE portal on or before 15th November, 2022 without fail.

District Educational Officer


District common Exam Board,

Copy to
All the headmasters through whatsapp group.
All the Mandal Educational Officers in the District.
Deputy Educational Officers in the District.
Syllabus for CBA
Class Subject Syllabus
l) Class Readiness LOs
(i) talk about near-far,
(ii) Identify the Biggest - Smallest things,
(iii) talk about the neat and far objects,
(iv)identify the shape 3d around us
Mathematics (v) match with the shapes,
(vi) understand the concept of above and under,
1 (vii) Identify the inside and outside things,
(viii) identify the rolling and sliding objects,
(ix) understand the nature of the objects (Rolling- 2) Numbers 1-5

English I am Special
l) పడవ
2) చంద మ
1) Class Readiness LOs
(i) Separate similar things from group, count them and write the symbol up to99
(ii) identify the equal numbers, before, between and after numbers.
(iii) identify the bigger and smaller numbers.
(iv) do vertically and Horizontally addition up to total 20.
(v) do vertically and Horizontally subtraction up to 9( not regrouping).
(vi) Compare-the objectives heavier, lighter, more and less. estimate
2 length, Wight and volume.
(vii) Identify the Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night,
(viii)Identify the Patterns (Shapes)
(ix) Shall we count (Upto Ascending and Descending order)

English Welcome to School

1) న
2) లక లక
Mathematics Lets Recall
1) Happy Family
EVS 2) Plants around us
1) Tenali Ramakrishna and Thieves
3 English
2) The Recipe Book
1) త
Telugu 2)మ ద ం
Mathematics Lets Recall
1) Family,
EVS 2) Green world
l)Three Butterflies
4 2) Major Dhyan Chand
1) ం మ
Telugu 2)
3) శ ం మన
Mathematics Lets Recall
1) Migration of People, Climate Change
2) Clothes we wear
1) Mallika Goes to School
5 English
2) My Sweet Memories
1) ఏ శ న
Telugu 2) యం
3) ండ
Mathematics Numbers all around us
1)The Food we need
EVS 2) Knowing about the Plants
1) Our Earth in the Solar System
SST 2) Globe Model of Earth
3) Maps
6 1) Clever Tenali Ramakrishna
2) The Snake
Hindi 1) बा रश
1) అమ ఒ
Telugu 2) తృ
3) వ ఈ ల రతనం
Mathematics integers
EVS I) Food for Health
11The Universe and the Earth
SST 2) Forests
3) Learning Through Maps
1) Painted House,
7 English 2) Friendly Chicken and me
3) The Turning Point
Hindi 1) ान हमको द िजये 2) हो शयार कौआ •
1) అ రం
Telugu 2) కంబ
3) ఆ నృత ం ం
Mathematics Rational Numbers
1) Force and Pressure
Phy. Science 2) Friction
Bio science 1) Cell Structure
1) Land, Soil, Water Natural, Vegetation and Wildlife
2) Understanding Secularism,
SST 3) Resources,
4) Indian Constitution
1) Best Christmas Present,
English 2) The Tsunami
l) सु बह (poem)
Hindi 2) तेनाल रामा क चतु राई
3) ीह रकोटा

Telugu 1) తృ 2) ఆం భవం 3) సం దత
1) ం ం
2) స ష

Hindi 1) िजस देश म गंगा बहती है.. 2) गानेवाल च ड़या 3) बदल अपनी सोच

English UNIT 1 (Complete)

Ch. 1 Real Numbers
Mathematics Ch. 2 Polynomials & factorization up to Ex: 2.3
. 1. Motion {చలనం}
Phy. Science 2) Laws of Motion (గమన చలనం)
Bio science Cell it's Structure
1. Our Earth
. 2. Changing cultural Traditions in Europe 1300 - 1800
3. The Natural Realms of the Earth
4. Democratic and Nationalist Revolutions - 17 &18 centuries (Glorious
Revolution & American War of Independence)
1) తృ వన 2) నప
3) ల 4) ధ

1) बरसते बदल 2) ईदगा

3) हम भारतवासी 4) शां त क राह म (उपवाचक)

English UNIT l (complete)

Ch. 1 Real Numbers
Ch. 2 Sets
Mathematics Ch. 3 Polynomials up to Ex: 3.1
Ch. 4 Statistics
. 1.Heat
. 2.Acids, Bases and Salts
10 Phy. Science . 3. Refraction of Light at Plane Surfaces
. 4. Refraction of Light at Curved Surfaces

. 1. Nutrition.. Food supplying system

Bio-Science 2. Respiration The energy producing system.

3. Transportation..The – Circulatory system.

1. Indian - Relief Features

2. The world between Wars (Part - I)
. 3. Ideas of Development
4. The world between wars (Part - II)

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