What Makes A Person Beautiful

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What makes a person beautiful?

"What makes a person beautiful?" This is a question that many individuals have asked during
their lifetime. Though the word "Beauty" is easily misunderstood by our society today.
What is beauty? Well, most of us would think it was having the perfect complexion, as an
example, a pair of bright eyes with a sharp jawline to fit, cute rosy cheeks, pouty plump lips,
the list goes on.Along with the ideal body that we'd all want. How do we achieve it? Most
people would think that you would need to have a strict and unbalanced diet right to the point
you'd faint just so you could be skinny,covering your true complexion with tons of makeup to
look perfect. Is that really what beauty means? Not at all, thats just the twisted perspective of
our current reality.
The word "Beauty" in my own personal outlook is no means about the complexion we see,
but the personality that comes from within the person. If there were to be somebody who is
physically beautiful as we would say, but if they were to have vile intentions, or is just
generally impudent, discourteous or insolent, is that really beauty? I'd think not. A beautiful
person is someone who has a passion. Somebody who treats people as an equal, even while
meeting the worst person of all, they’d still be the better person, talking with professionalism.
Being kind to all that deserves it.

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