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1) The skill need to develop

1.1 skimming

skim through all the main ideas of the text without going into any of the paragraphs.
You do this reading quickly by reading through the title to see the content of the
article, reading the topic sentences and concluding sentences.

1.2 scanning

Read quickly the article with the purpose of finding data, specific information needed
to answer the question. You need to understand the main ideas. Scanning is applied to
post types such as True – False – Not given, multiple choices, complete the

1.3 vocabulary and background knowledge

Most readers relate what they’ve read to what they know. So it’s important to have
background or knowledge about the world when they read. They also need to be able
to “read between the lines” and pull out meaning even when it’s not literally spelled

1.4 sentence construction and cohesion

The connecting ideas within and between sentences, which is called cohesion. But
these skills are important for reading comprehension as well. Knowing how ideas link
up at the sentence level helps kids get meaning from passages and entire texts. 

1.5 working memory and attention

When you read, attention allows them to take in information from the text. Working
memory allows them to hold on to that information and use it to gain meaning and
build knowledge from what they’re reading.

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