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(a) First, calculate the cumulative distribution

Demand Probability Cumulative Distribution

200 7% 7%

400 18% 25%

600 19% 44%

800 23% 67%

1000 13% 80%

1200 12% 92%

1400 8% 100%

Next, calculate the critical ratio

Cu = 7–3 = 4; Co = 3–1 = 2
CR = 4/(4+2) = 66.67%
Check the cumulative distribution, Q = 800 yields the smallest quantity that is greater than 66.67%.
Therefore, Ready-to-Go should order 800 bags.

(b) Store’s overstock E[os] = (800–600)*19% + (800–400)*18% + (800–200)*7% = 152

Store’s expected profit E[profit] = 4*(800–152) – 2*152 = 2288
Manufacturer’s profit = 800*(3–2) = 800
Expected profit of supply chain = 3088

(c) Calculate the new critical ratio

Cu = 7–3 = 4; Co = 3–1.8 =1.2
CR = 4/(4+1.2) = 77%
Check the cumulative distribution, Q = 1000 yields the smallest quantity that is greater than 77%.
Therefore, Ready-to-Go should order 1000 bags.

(d) Store’s overstock E[os] = (1000–800)*23% + (1000–600)*19% + (1000–400)*18% +

(1000–200)*7% = 286
Store’s expected profit E[profit] = 4*(1000–286) – 2*286 = 2284
Manufacturer’s profit = 1000*(3–2) = 1000
New expected profit of supply chain = 3284

(a) Cu = 800–650 = 250; Co = 650
CR = 250/(250+650) = 27.78%
Use the normal distribution table, z(0.2778) = 0.14
So Q = 80 + 0.14*35 = 84.9
Q* = 85 rooms

(b) Cu = 800; Co = 800–650 = 150

CR = 800/(800+150) = 84%

(a) P(not enough tables) = P(no-shows < 20) = 0.0288 + 0.0552 + 0.0961 + 0.1538 + 0.2283 + 0.3171
+ 0.4154 + 0.5170 + 0.6154 + 0.7052 + 0.7825 + 0.8455 = 47.603%

(b) P(full) = P(no-shows <= 15) = 0.0288 + 0.0552 + 0.0961 + 0.1538 + 0.2283 + 0.3171
+ 0.4154 + 0.5170 = 18.117%

(c) Cu = 200; Co = 500

Net loss is 300 if Holiday Inn cannot honor a reservation.
CR = 200/700 = 28.57%
We find P(no-show <= N) is at least 28.57%. From the table, we get P(no-show <= 12) is 22.83%
and P(no-show <= 13) is 31.71%. The optimal overbooking limit is 13 rooms.

(a) i. F24 + (A21 + A22 + A23)/3 = 390.67
ii. 0.1*407 + 0.4*398 + 0.5*367 = 383.4
iii. 408.60281122139 + 0.4*(367−408.60281122139) = 391.9617

(b) Exponential smoothing technique with a smooth constant of a = 0.4 is the most accurate.

(a) min(6.03–5.99/3*0.01, 5.99–5.97/3*0.01) = 0.67
(b) min(6.03–6/3*0.01, 6–5.97/3*0.01) = 1
(c) min(6.03–6/3*0.005, 6–5.97/3*0.005) = 2

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